File: atoos.mysql5.bak.sql
-- MySQL dump 10.11 -- -- Host: mysql5 Database: atoos -- ------------------------------------------------------ -- Server version 4.1.22-log /*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT=@@CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT */; /*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS=@@CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS */; /*!40101 SET @OLD_COLLATION_CONNECTION=@@COLLATION_CONNECTION */; /*!40101 SET NAMES utf8 */; /*!40103 SET @OLD_TIME_ZONE=@@TIME_ZONE */; /*!40103 SET TIME_ZONE='+00:00' */; /*!40014 SET @OLD_UNIQUE_CHECKS=@@UNIQUE_CHECKS, UNIQUE_CHECKS=0 */; /*!40014 SET @OLD_FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=@@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS, FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0 */; /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE=@@SQL_MODE, SQL_MODE='NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO' */; /*!40111 SET @OLD_SQL_NOTES=@@SQL_NOTES, SQL_NOTES=0 */; -- -- Table structure for table `atoos_career` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `atoos_career`; SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client; SET character_set_client = utf8; CREATE TABLE `atoos_career` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `title` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `description` text NOT NULL, `hrs` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `pay` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `duration` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `available` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `contact` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=7 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client; -- -- Dumping data for table `atoos_career` -- LOCK TABLES `atoos_career` WRITE; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `atoos_career` DISABLE KEYS */; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `atoos_career` ENABLE KEYS */; UNLOCK TABLES; -- -- Table structure for table `atoos_contacts` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `atoos_contacts`; SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client; SET character_set_client = utf8; CREATE TABLE `atoos_contacts` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `phone_number` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `cell_phone` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `email` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `fax` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `street` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `city` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `zipcode` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `state` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `other` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=16 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client; -- -- Dumping data for table `atoos_contacts` -- LOCK TABLES `atoos_contacts` WRITE; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `atoos_contacts` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `atoos_contacts` VALUES (2,'Johan Edblad','408.725.7111 (Atoos office)','408.876.8757','edblad@gmail.com','','848 Southampton Drive','Palo Alto','94303','CA',''),(3,'Henrik Toss','408.546.4480 (JDSU)','408.876.7760','henrik.toss@gmail.com','','848 Southampton Drive','Palo Alto','94303','CA',''),(4,'Roger Ljungberg','408.846.4350 (home)','408.799.0474','rlj@atoosllc.com','','','Gilroy','','CA',''),(9,'Ako Kitissou','408-546-5295','','Ako.Kitissou@jdsu.com','','','Milpitas','','CA',''),(6,'Jan-Gustav Werthén','408.230.9048','','jan-gustav.werthen@jdsu.com','','','Cupertino','','CA',''),(7,'Marlette','','408.823.0411','','','','','','',''),(10,'John E Carlstrom','773-834-0269','','jc@hyde.uchicago.edu','','','Chicago','','',''),(13,'Mike Zyburra','831.430.4424 (office), 408.439.9633(home)','','','','','','','',''),(14,'Rick Kraft','408.428.1000 ext4806','408.954.6406 (direct number)','','','','San Jose','','CA','EIP, Pulse Counter Repair&calibration'),(15,'Naresh Deo','310-373-9826','310-991-8094','ndeo@earthlink.net','','5323 Manitowac Drive','Rancho Palos Verdes','90275','CA',''); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `atoos_contacts` ENABLE KEYS */; UNLOCK TABLES; -- -- Table structure for table `atoos_noticeboard` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `atoos_noticeboard`; SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client; SET character_set_client = utf8; CREATE TABLE `atoos_noticeboard` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `text` text NOT NULL, `time` varchar(30) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=5 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client; -- -- Dumping data for table `atoos_noticeboard` -- LOCK TABLES `atoos_noticeboard` WRITE; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `atoos_noticeboard` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `atoos_noticeboard` VALUES (2,'Johan','Sweet! Now the webpage is completely running on www.atoosllc.com!\r\n\r\nMySQL and php scripting works fine. Now it is time to really start composing texts to fill the wesite with. ','July 14, 2006, 3:36 pm'),(3,'Johan','Now the webpage is also starting to look ok. Hopefully this message will be shown as posted 3.55 pm too.\r\n','July 14, 2006, 6:55 pm'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `atoos_noticeboard` ENABLE KEYS */; UNLOCK TABLES; -- -- Table structure for table `atoos_staff` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `atoos_staff`; SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client; SET character_set_client = utf8; CREATE TABLE `atoos_staff` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `position` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `email` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `picture` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=11 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client; -- -- Dumping data for table `atoos_staff` -- LOCK TABLES `atoos_staff` WRITE; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `atoos_staff` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `atoos_staff` VALUES (10,'Johan Edblad','Engineer','joe@atoosllc.com','portrait_default.gif'),(1,'Jan-Gustav Werthén','Chairman','jgw@atoosllc.com','portrait_default.gif'),(2,'Roger Ljungberg','General Manager','rlj@atoosllc.com','portrait_default.gif'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `atoos_staff` ENABLE KEYS */; UNLOCK TABLES; /*!40103 SET TIME_ZONE=@OLD_TIME_ZONE */; /*!40101 SET SQL_MODE=@OLD_SQL_MODE */; /*!40014 SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=@OLD_FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS */; /*!40014 SET UNIQUE_CHECKS=@OLD_UNIQUE_CHECKS */; /*!40101 SET CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT=@OLD_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT */; /*!40101 SET CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS=@OLD_CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS */; /*!40101 SET COLLATION_CONNECTION=@OLD_COLLATION_CONNECTION */; /*!40111 SET SQL_NOTES=@OLD_SQL_NOTES */; -- Dump completed on 2010-05-05 9:12:40