File: Spec.pm
package File::Spec; use strict; use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION); $VERSION = 0.82 ; my %module = (MacOS => 'Mac', MSWin32 => 'Win32', os2 => 'OS2', VMS => 'VMS'); my $module = $module{$^O} || 'Unix'; require "File/Spec/$module.pm"; @ISA = ("File::Spec::$module"); 1; __END__ =head1 NAME File::Spec - portably perform operations on file names =head1 SYNOPSIS use File::Spec; $x=File::Spec->catfile('a', 'b', 'c'); which returns 'a/b/c' under Unix. Or: use File::Spec::Functions; $x = catfile('a', 'b', 'c'); =head1 DESCRIPTION This module is designed to support operations commonly performed on file specifications (usually called "file names", but not to be confused with the contents of a file, or Perl's file handles), such as concatenating several directory and file names into a single path, or determining whether a path is rooted. It is based on code directly taken from MakeMaker 5.17, code written by Andreas KE<ouml>nig, Andy Dougherty, Charles Bailey, Ilya Zakharevich, Paul Schinder, and others. Since these functions are different for most operating systems, each set of OS specific routines is available in a separate module, including: File::Spec::Unix File::Spec::Mac File::Spec::OS2 File::Spec::Win32 File::Spec::VMS The module appropriate for the current OS is automatically loaded by File::Spec. Since some modules (like VMS) make use of facilities available only under that OS, it may not be possible to load all modules under all operating systems. Since File::Spec is object oriented, subroutines should not called directly, as in: File::Spec::catfile('a','b'); but rather as class methods: File::Spec->catfile('a','b'); For simple uses, L<File::Spec::Functions> provides convenient functional forms of these methods. For a list of available methods, please consult L<File::Spec::Unix>, which contains the entire set, and which is inherited by the modules for other platforms. For further information, please see L<File::Spec::Mac>, L<File::Spec::OS2>, L<File::Spec::Win32>, or L<File::Spec::VMS>. =head1 SEE ALSO File::Spec::Unix, File::Spec::Mac, File::Spec::OS2, File::Spec::Win32, File::Spec::VMS, File::Spec::Functions, ExtUtils::MakeMaker =head1 AUTHORS Kenneth Albanowski <F<kjahds@kjahds.com>>, Andy Dougherty <F<doughera@lafcol.lafayette.edu>>, Andreas KE<ouml>nig <F<A.Koenig@franz.ww.TU-Berlin.DE>>, Tim Bunce <F<Tim.Bunce@ig.co.uk>>. VMS support by Charles Bailey <F<bailey@newman.upenn.edu>>. OS/2 support by Ilya Zakharevich <F<ilya@math.ohio-state.edu>>. Mac support by Paul Schinder <F<schinder@pobox.com>>. abs2rel() and rel2abs() written by Shigio Yamaguchi <F<shigio@tamacom.com>>, modified by Barrie Slaymaker <F<barries@slaysys.com>>. splitpath(), splitdir(), catpath() and catdir() by Barrie Slaymaker.