File: Client.pm
# $Id: Client.pm,v 1.2 2004/05/11 05:33:05 btrott Exp $ package XML::Atom::Client; use strict; use XML::Atom; use base qw( XML::Atom::ErrorHandler ); use LWP::UserAgent; use XML::Atom::Entry; use XML::Atom::Feed; use XML::Atom::Util qw( first textValue ); use Digest::SHA1 qw( sha1 ); use MIME::Base64 qw( encode_base64 ); use DateTime; use constant NS_ATOM => 'http://purl.org/atom/ns#'; use constant NS_SOAP => 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/'; sub new { my $class = shift; my $client = bless { }, $class; $client->init(@_) or return $class->error($client->errstr); $client; } sub init { my $client = shift; my %param = @_; $client->{ua} = LWP::UserAgent::AtomClient->new($client); $client->{ua}->agent('XML::Atom/' . XML::Atom->VERSION); $client; } sub username { my $client = shift; $client->{username} = shift if @_; $client->{username}; } sub password { my $client = shift; $client->{password} = shift if @_; $client->{password}; } sub use_soap { my $client = shift; $client->{use_soap} = shift if @_; $client->{use_soap}; } sub auth_digest { my $client = shift; $client->{auth_digest} = shift if @_; $client->{auth_digest}; } sub getEntry { my $client = shift; my($url) = @_; my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $url); my $res = $client->make_request($req); return $client->error("Error on GET $url: " . $res->status_line) unless $res->code == 200; XML::Atom::Entry->new(Stream => \$res->content); } sub createEntry { my $client = shift; my($uri, $entry) = @_; return $client->error("Must pass a PostURI before posting") unless $uri; my $req = HTTP::Request->new(POST => $uri); $req->content_type('application/x.atom+xml'); my $xml = $entry->as_xml; $req->content_length(length $xml); $req->content($xml); my $res = $client->make_request($req); return $client->error("Error on POST $uri: " . $res->status_line) unless $res->code == 201; $res->header('Location') || 1; } sub updateEntry { my $client = shift; my($url, $entry) = @_; my $req = HTTP::Request->new(PUT => $url); $req->content_type('application/x.atom+xml'); my $xml = $entry->as_xml; $req->content_length(length $xml); $req->content($xml); my $res = $client->make_request($req); return $client->error("Error on PUT $url: " . $res->status_line) unless $res->code == 200; 1; } sub deleteEntry { my $client = shift; my($url) = @_; my $req = HTTP::Request->new(DELETE => $url); my $res = $client->make_request($req); return $client->error("Error on DELETE $url: " . $res->status_line) unless $res->code == 200; 1; } sub getFeed { my $client = shift; my($uri) = @_; return $client->error("Must pass a FeedURI before retrieving feed") unless $uri; my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $uri); my $res = $client->make_request($req); return $client->error("Error on GET $uri: " . $res->status_line) unless $res->code == 200; my $feed = XML::Atom::Feed->new(Stream => \$res->content) or return $client->error(XML::Atom::Feed->errstr); $feed; } sub make_request { my $client = shift; my($req) = @_; $client->munge_request($req); my $res = $client->{ua}->request($req); $client->munge_response($res); $res; } sub munge_request { my $client = shift; my($req) = @_; $req->header( Accept => 'application/x.atom+xml, application/xml, text/xml, */*', ); my $nonce = $client->make_nonce; my $nonce_enc = encode_base64($nonce, ''); my $now = DateTime->now->iso8601 . 'Z'; my $digest = encode_base64(sha1($nonce . $now . ($client->password || '')), ''); if ($client->use_soap) { my $xml = $req->content || ''; $xml =~ s!^(<\?xml.*?\?>)!!; my $method = $req->method; $xml = ($1 || '') . <<SOAP; <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:wsu="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2002/07/utility" xmlns:wsse="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2002/07/secext"> <soap:Header> <wsse:Security> <wsse:UsernameToken> <wsse:Username>@{[ $client->username || '' ]}</wsse:Username> <wsse:Password Type="wsse:PasswordDigest">$digest</wsse:Password> <wsse:Nonce>$nonce_enc</wsse:Nonce> <wsu:Created>$now</wsu:Created> </wsse:UsernameToken> </wsse:Security> </soap:Header> <soap:Body> <$method xmlns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/http/"> $xml </$method> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope> SOAP $req->content($xml); $req->content_length(length $xml); $req->header('SOAPAction', 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/http/' . $method); $req->method('POST'); $req->content_type('text/xml'); } else { $req->header('X-WSSE', sprintf qq(UsernameToken Username="%s", PasswordDigest="%s", Nonce="%s", Created="%s"), $client->username || '', $digest, $nonce_enc, $now); $req->header('Authorization', 'WSSE profile="UsernameToken"'); } } sub munge_response { my $client = shift; my($res) = @_; if ($client->use_soap && (my $xml = $res->content)) { my $doc; if (LIBXML) { my $parser = XML::LibXML->new; $doc = $parser->parse_string($xml); } else { my $xp = XML::XPath->new(xml => $xml); $doc = ($xp->find('/')->get_nodelist)[0]; } my $body = first($doc, NS_SOAP, 'Body'); if (my $fault = first($body, NS_SOAP, 'Fault')) { $res->code(textValue($fault, undef, 'faultcode')); $res->message(textValue($fault, undef, 'faultstring')); $res->content(''); $res->content_length(0); } else { $xml = join '', map $_->toString(LIBXML ? 1 : 0), LIBXML ? $body->childNodes : $body->getChildNodes; $res->content($xml); $res->content_length(1); } } } sub make_nonce { sha1(sha1(time() . {} . rand() . $$)) } package LWP::UserAgent::AtomClient; use strict; use base qw( LWP::UserAgent ); my %ClientOf; sub new { my($class, $client) = @_; my $ua = $class->SUPER::new; $ClientOf{$ua} = $client; $ua; } sub get_basic_credentials { my($ua, $realm, $url, $proxy) = @_; my $client = $ClientOf{$ua} or die "Cannot find $ua"; return $client->username, $client->password; } sub DESTROY { my $self = shift; delete $ClientOf{$self}; } package LWP::Authen::Wsse; use strict; use MIME::Base64; use Digest::SHA1; use DateTime; sub authenticate { my($class, $ua, $proxy, $auth_param, $res, $req, $arg, $size) = @_; my($user, $pass) = $ua->get_basic_credentials($auth_param->{realm}, $req->url, $proxy); return $res unless defined $user && defined $pass; my $nonce = XML::Atom::Client->make_nonce; my $nonce_enc = MIME::Base64::encode_base64($nonce, ''); my $now = DateTime->now->iso8601 . 'Z'; my $digest = MIME::Base64::encode_base64( Digest::SHA1::sha1($nonce . $now . ($pass || '')), '' ); my $auth_header = $proxy ? "Proxy-Authorization" : "Authorization"; my $wsse_value = sprintf qq(UsernameToken Username="%s", PasswordDigest="%s", Nonce="%s", Created="%s"), $user || '', $digest, $nonce_enc, $now; # Need to check this isn't a repeated fail! my $r = $res; while ($r) { my $wsse = $r->request->header('X-WSSE'); if ($wsse && $wsse eq $wsse_value) { # here we know this failed before $res->header("Client-Warning" => "Credentials for '$user' failed before"); return $res; } $r = $r->previous; } my $referral = $req->clone; $referral->header($auth_header, 'WSSE profile="UsernameToken"'); $referral->header('X-WSSE' => $wsse_value); return $ua->request($referral, $arg, $size, $res); } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME XML::Atom::Client - A client for the Atom API =head1 SYNOPSIS use XML::Atom::Client; use XML::Atom::Entry; my $api = XML::Atom::Client->new; $api->username('Melody'); $api->password('Nelson'); my $entry = XML::Atom::Entry->new; $entry->title('New Post'); $entry->content('Content of my post.'); my $EditURI = $api->createEntry($PostURI, $entry); my $feed = $api->getFeed($FeedURI); my @entries = $feed->entries; my $entry = $api->getEntry($EditURI); =head1 DESCRIPTION I<XML::Atom::Client> implements a client for the Atom API described at I<http://bitworking.org/projects/atom/draft-gregorio-09.html>, with the authentication scheme described at I<http://www.intertwingly.net/wiki/pie/DifferentlyAbledClients>. B<NOTE:> the API, and particularly the authentication scheme, are still in flux. =head1 USAGE =head2 XML::Atom::Client->new(%param) =head2 $api->use_soap([ 0 | 1 ]) I<XML::Atom::Client> supports both the REST and SOAP-wrapper versions of the Atom API. By default, the REST version of the API will be used, but you can turn on the SOAP wrapper--for example, if you need to connect to a server that supports only the SOAP wrapper--by calling I<use_soap> with a value of C<1>: $api->use_soap(1); If called without arguments, returns the current value of the flag. =head2 $api->username([ $username ]) If called with an argument, sets the username for login to I<$username>. Returns the current username that will be used when logging in to the Atom server. =head2 $api->password([ $password ]) If called with an argument, sets the password for login to I<$password>. Returns the current password that will be used when logging in to the Atom server. =head2 $api->createEntry($PostURI, $entry) Creates a new entry. I<$entry> must be an I<XML::Atom::Entry> object. =head2 $api->getEntry($EditURI) Retrieves the entry with the given URL I<$EditURI>. Returns an I<XML::Atom::Entry> object. =head2 $api->updateEntry($EditURI, $entry) Updates the entry at URL I<$EditURI> with the entry I<$entry>, which must be an I<XML::Atom::Entry> object. Returns true on success, false otherwise. =head2 $api->deleteEntry($EditURI) Deletes the entry at URL I<$EditURI>. =head2 $api->getFeed($FeedURI) Retrieves the feed at I<$FeedURI>. Returns an I<XML::Atom::Feed> object representing the feed returned from the server. =head2 ERROR HANDLING Methods return C<undef> on error, and the error message can be retrieved using the I<errstr> method. =head1 AUTHOR & COPYRIGHT Please see the I<XML::Atom> manpage for author, copyright, and license information. =cut
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