File: Category.pm
# Copyright 2001-2004 Six Apart. This code cannot be redistributed without # permission from www.movabletype.org. # # $Id: Category.pm,v 1.21 2004/08/25 00:40:50 ezra Exp $ package MT::Category; use strict; use MT::Object; @MT::Category::ISA = qw( MT::Object ); __PACKAGE__->install_properties({ columns => [ 'id', 'blog_id', 'label', 'author_id', 'ping_urls', 'description', 'parent', 'allow_pings', ], indexes => { blog_id => 1, label => 1, parent => 1, }, datasource => 'category', primary_key => 'id', }); sub ping_url_list { my $cat = shift; return [] unless $cat->ping_urls && $cat->ping_urls =~ /\S/; [ split /\r?\n/, $cat->ping_urls ]; } sub category_path { my $this = shift; my $cat = $this; my $result = MT::Util::dirify($cat->label); do { $cat = $cat->parent ? __PACKAGE__->load($cat->parent) : undef; $result = join "/", MT::Util::dirify($cat->label), $result if $cat; } while ($cat); return $result; } sub save { my $cat = shift; # check that the parent is legit. if ($cat->parent && $cat->parent ne '0') { my $parent = MT::Category->load ($cat->parent) or return $cat->error (MT::Category->errstr); return $cat->error ("Categories must exist within the same blog") if ($cat->blog_id != $parent->blog_id); return $cat->error ("Category loop detected") if ($cat->is_ancestor ($parent)); } $cat->SUPER::save(@_) or return; ## If pings are allowed on this entry, create or update ## the corresponding Trackback object for this entry. require MT::Trackback; if ($cat->allow_pings) { my $tb; unless ($tb = MT::Trackback->load({ category_id => $cat->id })) { $tb = MT::Trackback->new; $tb->blog_id($cat->blog_id); $tb->category_id($cat->id); $tb->entry_id(0); ## entry_id can't be NULL } if (defined(my $pass = $cat->{__tb_passphrase})) { $tb->passphrase($pass); } $tb->title($cat->label); $tb->description($cat->description); require MT::Blog; my $blog = MT::Blog->load($cat->blog_id); my $url = $blog->archive_url; $url .= '/' unless $url =~ m!/$!; $url .= MT::Util::archive_file_for(undef, $blog, 'Category', $cat); $tb->url($url); $tb->is_disabled(0); $tb->save or return $cat->error($tb->errstr); } else { ## If there is a TrackBack item for this category, but ## pings are now disabled, make sure that we mark the ## object as disabled. if (my $tb = MT::Trackback->load({ category_id => $cat->id })) { $tb->is_disabled(1); $tb->save or return $cat->error($tb->errstr); } } 1; } sub remove { my $cat = shift; require MT::Placement; my @place = MT::Placement->load({ category_id => $cat->id }); for my $place (@place) { $place->remove; } require MT::Trackback; my @tb = MT::Trackback->load({ category_id => $cat->id }); for my $tb (@tb) { $tb->remove; } # orphan my children up to the root level my @children = $cat->children_categories; if (scalar @children) { foreach my $child (@children) { $child->parent (($cat->parent) ? $cat->parent : '0'); $child->save or return $cat->error ($child->save); } } $cat->SUPER::remove; } sub _flattened_category_hierarchy { # Either the class name or a MT::Category object my $cat = shift; my @cats = (); my @flattened_cats = (); if (!ref ($cat)) { # If it is the class name (i.e. called "statically") # Grab the blog_id from the parameters list and get the top level categories my $blog_id = shift or return (); @cats = MT::Category->top_level_categories ($blog_id); } else { # Otherwise, the starting point is the category itself @cats = ($cat); } # Depth-first search time foreach my $c (@cats) { # Push the current category onto the list push @flattened_cats, $c; # If it has any children my @children = $c->children_categories; if (scalar @children) { # Indicate the start of the children push @flattened_cats, "BEGIN_SUBCATS"; # Add all the kids (and their associated subcategories) foreach my $kid (@children) { push @flattened_cats, ($kid->_flattened_category_hierarchy); } # Indicate the end of the children push @flattened_cats, "END_SUBCATS"; } } return @flattened_cats; } sub _buildCatHier { my ($blog_id) = @_; require MT::Request; my %children; my $r = MT::Request->instance; my $all_cats = $r->cache ('sub_cats_cats'); unless ($all_cats) { $r->cache ('sub_cats_cats', $all_cats = {}); } my $cats; if (defined $all_cats->{$blog_id}) { my $children = $all_cats->{$blog_id}{'children'}; return ($children); } # Start by loading all the categories for the given blog # and default to setting all of their parents to '0' my @cats = MT::Category->load ({ blog_id => $blog_id }); foreach my $cat (@cats) { push @{$children{($cat->parent) ? $cat->parent : '0'}}, $cat; } foreach my $i (keys %children) { @{$children{$i}} = sort { $a->label cmp $b->label } @{$children{$i}}; } $all_cats->{$blog_id}{'children'} = \%children; $r->cache ('sub_cats_cats', $all_cats); return (\%children); } sub top_level_categories { my ($class, $blog_id) = @_; return MT::Category->load ({ blog_id => $blog_id, parent => '0' }); } sub copy_cat { my $class = shift; my $cat = $class->new; my $old_cat = shift; $cat->set_values ($old_cat->column_values); $cat; } sub parent_categories { my $cat = shift; return () if (!$cat->parent_category); return ($cat->parent_category, $cat->parent_category->parent_categories); } sub parent_category { my $cat = shift; unless ($cat->{__parent_category}) { $cat->{__parent_category} = ($cat->parent) ? MT::Category->load ($cat->parent) : undef; } $cat->{__parent_category}; } sub children_categories { my $cat = shift; unless ($cat->{__children}) { @{$cat->{__children}} = MT::Category->load ({ blog_id => $cat->blog_id, parent => $cat->id }); } @{$cat->{__children}}; } sub is_ancestor { my $cat = shift; my ($possible_child) = @_; # Catch the different blog edge case return 0 if ($cat->blog_id != $possible_child->blog_id); return 1 if ($cat->id == $possible_child->id); # Keep having the child bump up one level in the hierarchy # to see if it ever reaches the current category # (more efficient then descending from the current category # as the children lists do not need to be calculated while (my $id = $possible_child->parent) { $possible_child = MT::Category->load ($id); return 1 if ($cat->id == $possible_child->id); } # Looks like we didn't find it return 0; } sub is_descendant { my $cat = shift; my ($possible_parent) = @_; return $possible_parent->is_ancestor ($cat); } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME MT::Category - Movable Type category record =head1 SYNOPSIS use MT::Category; my $cat = MT::Category->new; $cat->blog_id($blog->id); $cat->label('My Category'); my @children = $cat->children; $cat->save or die $cat->errstr; =head1 DESCRIPTION An I<MT::Category> object represents a category in the Movable Type system. It is essentially a wrapper around the category label; by wrapping the label in an object with a numeric ID, we can use the ID as a "foreign key" when mapping entries into categories. Thus, if the category label changes, the mappings don't break. This object does not contain any information about the category-entry mappings--for those, look at the I<MT::Placement> object. =head1 USAGE As a subclass of I<MT::Object>, I<MT::Category> inherits all of the data-management and -storage methods from that class; thus you should look at the I<MT::Object> documentation for details about creating a new object, loading an existing object, saving an object, etc. =head1 DATA ACCESS METHODS The I<MT::Category> object holds the following pieces of data. These fields can be accessed and set using the standard data access methods described in the I<MT::Object> documentation. =over 4 =item * id The numeric ID of the category. =item * blog_id The numeric ID of the blog to which this category belongs. =item * label The label of the category. =item * author_id The numeric ID of the author you created this category. =item * parent_category Returns a I<MT::Category> object representing the immediate parent category. Returns undef if there is none. =item * parent_categories Returns an array of I<MT::Category> objects representing the path from the category to the top level of categories, with the first member of the array being the immediate parent. Returns an empty array if the category is already at the top level. =item * children_categories Returns an array of I<MT::Category> objects representing all of the immediate children of the category. =item * $subcat->is_descendant ($parent) Returns a true value if the category is a descendant of $parent. =item * $subcat->is_ancestor ($child) Returns a true value if the category is an ancestor of $child. =back =head1 DATA LOOKUP In addition to numeric ID lookup, you can look up or sort records by any combination of the following fields. See the I<load> documentation in I<MT::Object> for more information. =over 4 =item * blog_id =item * label =back =head1 NOTES =over 4 =item * When you remove a category using I<MT::Category::remove>, in addition to removing the category record, all of the entry-category mappings (I<MT::Placement> objects) will be removed. =back =head1 CLASS METHODS =over 4 =item * MT::Category->top_level_categories ($blog_id) Returns an array of I<MT::Category> objects representing the top level of the category hierarchy in the blog identified by $blog_id. =back =head1 AUTHOR & COPYRIGHTS Please see the I<MT> manpage for author, copyright, and license information. =cut