File: ConfigMgr.pm
# Copyright 2001-2004 Six Apart. This code cannot be redistributed without # permission from www.movabletype.org. # # $Id: ConfigMgr.pm,v 1.97 2004/10/06 07:00:32 hirata Exp $ package MT::ConfigMgr; use strict; use MT::ErrorHandler; @MT::ConfigMgr::ISA = qw( MT::ErrorHandler ); use vars qw( $cfg ); sub instance { return $cfg if $cfg; $cfg = __PACKAGE__->new; } sub new { my $mgr = bless { __var => { } }, $_[0]; $mgr->init; $mgr; } sub init { my $mgr = shift; $mgr->define('AtomApp', Type => 'HASH', Default => 'weblog=MT::AtomServer::Weblog'); $mgr->define('DataSource', Default => './db'); $mgr->define('Database'); $mgr->define('DBHost'); $mgr->define('DBSocket'); $mgr->define('DBPort'); $mgr->define('DBUser'); $mgr->define('DBPassword'); $mgr->define('DefaultLanguage', Default => 'en_us'); $mgr->define('TemplatePath'); $mgr->define('AltTemplatePath'); $mgr->define('CSSPath'); $mgr->define('ImportPath'); $mgr->define('PluginPath'); $mgr->define('SearchTemplatePath'); $mgr->define('ObjectDriver', Default => 'DBM'); $mgr->define('Serializer', Default => 'MT'); $mgr->define('SendMailPath', Default => '/usr/lib/sendmail'); $mgr->define('TimeOffset', Default => 0); $mgr->define('StaticWebPath', Default => ''); $mgr->define('CGIPath', Default => '/cgi-bin/'); $mgr->define('AdminCGIPath'); $mgr->define('MailTransfer', Default => 'sendmail'); $mgr->define('SMTPServer', Default => 'localhost'); $mgr->define('DebugEmailAddress'); $mgr->define('WeblogsPingURL', Default => 'http://rpc.weblogs.com/RPC2'); $mgr->define('BlogsPingURL', Default => 'http://ping.blo.gs/'); $mgr->define('MTPingURL', Default => 'http://www.movabletype.org/update/'); $mgr->define('TechnoratiPingURL', Default => 'http://rpc.technorati.com/rpc/ping'); $mgr->define('CGIMaxUpload', Default => 1_000_000); $mgr->define('DBUmask', Default => '0111'); $mgr->define('HTMLUmask', Default => '0111'); $mgr->define('UploadUmask', Default => '0111'); $mgr->define('DirUmask', Default => '0000'); $mgr->define('HTMLPerms', Default => '0666'); $mgr->define('UploadPerms', Default => '0666'); $mgr->define('NoTempFiles', Default => 0); $mgr->define('TempDir', Default => '/tmp'); $mgr->define('EntriesPerRebuild', Default => 40); $mgr->define('UseNFSSafeLocking', Default => 0); $mgr->define('NoLocking', Default => 0); $mgr->define('NoHTMLEntities', Default => 0); $mgr->define('NoCDATA', Default => 0); $mgr->define('NoPlacementCache', Default => 0); $mgr->define('NoPublishMeansDraft', Default => 0); $mgr->define('IgnoreISOTimezones', Default => 0); $mgr->define('PingTimeout', Default => 15); $mgr->define('PingInterface'); $mgr->define('PingProxy'); $mgr->define('PingNoProxy', Default => 'localhost,'); $mgr->define('ImageDriver', Default => 'ImageMagick'); $mgr->define('NetPBMPath'); $mgr->define('AdminScript', Default => 'mt.cgi'); $mgr->define('CommentScript', Default => 'mt-comments.cgi'); $mgr->define('TrackbackScript', Default => 'mt-tb.cgi'); $mgr->define('SearchScript', Default => 'mt-search.cgi'); $mgr->define('XMLRPCScript', Default => 'mt-xmlrpc.cgi'); $mgr->define('ViewScript', Default => 'mt-view.cgi'); $mgr->define('AtomScript', Default => 'mt-atom.cgi'); $mgr->define('PublishCharset'); $mgr->define('SafeMode', Default => 1); $mgr->define('GlobalSanitizeSpec', Default => 'a href,b,i,br/,p,strong,em,ul,ol,li,blockquote,pre'); $mgr->define('GenerateTrackBackRSS', Default => 1); ## Search settings, copied from Jay's mt-search and integrated ## into default config. $mgr->define('NoOverride', Default => ''); $mgr->define('RegexSearch', Default => 0); $mgr->define('CaseSearch', Default => 0); $mgr->define('ResultDisplay', Default => 'descend'); $mgr->define('ExcerptWords', Default => 40); $mgr->define('SearchElement', Default => 'entries'); $mgr->define('ExcludeBlogs'); $mgr->define('IncludeBlogs'); $mgr->define('DefaultTemplate', Default => 'default.tmpl'); $mgr->define('Type', Default => 'straight'); $mgr->define('MaxResults', Default => '9999999'); $mgr->define('SearchCutoff', Default => '9999999'); $mgr->define('CommentSearchCutoff', Default => '30'); $mgr->define('AltTemplate', Type => 'ARRAY'); $mgr->define('SearchSortBy'); $mgr->define('SearchSortOrder', Default => 'ascend'); $mgr->define('RegKeyURL', Default => 'http://www.typekey.com/extras/regkeys.txt'); $mgr->define('SignOnURL', Default => 'https://www.typekey.com/t/typekey/login?'); $mgr->define('SignOffURL', Default => 'https://www.typekey.com/t/typekey/logout?'); $mgr->define('IdentityURL', Default => "http://profile.typekey.com/"); $mgr->define('DynamicComments', Default => 0); $mgr->define('SignOnPublicKey', Default => ''); $mgr->define('ThrottleSeconds', Default => 20); $mgr->define('OneHourMaxPings', Default => 10); $mgr->define('OneDayMaxPings', Default => 50); $mgr->define('NewsboxURL', Default => 'http://www.movabletype.org/news/newsbox.html'); $mgr->define('EmailAddressMain'); $mgr->define('EmailVerificationSecret'); $mgr->define('CommentSessionTimeout', Default => 60 * 60 * 1); $mgr->define('LaunchBackgroundTasks', Default => 1); $mgr->define('TypeKeyVersion', Default => 1); $mgr->define('TransparentProxyIPs', Default => 0); } sub define { my $mgr = shift; my($var, %param) = @_; $mgr->{__var}{$var} = undef; $mgr->{__settings}{$var} = keys %param ? \%param : {}; if (exists $param{Default}) { $mgr->set($var, $param{Default}); } } sub get { $_[0]->{__var}{ $_[1] } } sub set { my $mgr = shift; my($var, $val) = @_; if (my $type = $mgr->{__settings}{$var}{Type}) { if ($type eq 'ARRAY') { push @{ $mgr->{__var}{$var} }, $val; } elsif ($type eq 'HASH') { (my($key), $val) = split /=/, $val; $mgr->{__var}{$var}{$key} = $val; } } else { $mgr->{__var}{$var} = $val; } } sub read_config { my $class = shift; my($cfg_file) = @_; my $mgr = $class->instance; local(*FH, $_, $/); $/ = "\n"; open FH, $cfg_file or return $class->error(MT->translate( "Error opening file '[_1]': [_2]", $cfg_file, "$!" )); while (<FH>) { chomp; next if !/\S/ || /^#/; my($var, $val) = $_ =~ /^\s*(\S+)\s+(.+)$/; $val =~ s/\s*$//; next unless $var && defined($val); return $class->error(MT->translate( "[_1]:[_2]: variable '[_3]' not defined", $cfg_file, $., $var )) unless exists $mgr->{__var}->{$var}; $mgr->set($var, $val); } close FH; 1; } sub DESTROY { } use vars qw( $AUTOLOAD ); sub AUTOLOAD { my $mgr = $_[0]; (my $var = $AUTOLOAD) =~ s!.+::!!; return $mgr->error(MT->translate("No such config variable '[_1]'", $var)) unless exists $mgr->{__var}->{$var}; no strict 'refs'; *$AUTOLOAD = sub { my $mgr = shift; @_ ? $mgr->set($var, $_[0]) : $mgr->get($var); }; goto &$AUTOLOAD; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME MT::ConfigMgr - Movable Type configuration manager =head1 SYNOPSIS use MT::ConfigMgr; my $cfg = MT::ConfigMgr->instance; $cfg->read_config('/path/to/mt.cfg') or die $cfg->errstr; =head1 DESCRIPTION I<MT::ConfigMgr> is a singleton class that manages the Movable Type configuration file (F<mt.cfg>), allowing access to the config directives contained therin. =head1 USAGE =head2 MT::ConfigMgr->instance Returns the singleton I<MT::ConfigMgr> object. Note that when you want the object, you should always call I<instance>, never I<new>; I<new> will construct a B<new> I<MT::ConfigMgr> object, and that isn't what you want. You want the object that has already been initialized with the contents of F<mt.cfg>. This initialization is done by I<MT::new>. =head2 $cfg->read_config($file) Reads the config file at the path I<$file> and initializes the I<$cfg> object with the directives in that file. Returns true on success, C<undef> otherwise; if an error occurs you can obtain the error message with C<$cfg-E<gt>errstr>. =head2 $cfg->define($directive [, %arg ]) Defines the directive I<$directive> as a valid configuration directive; you must define new configuration directives B<before> you read the configuration file, or else the read will fail. =head1 CONFIGURATION DIRECTIVES The following configuration directives are allowed in F<mt.cfg>. To get the value of a directive, treat it as a method that you are calling on the I<$cfg> object. For example: $cfg->CGIPath To set the value of a directive, do the same as the above, but pass in a value to the method: $cfg->CGIPath('http://www.foo.com/mt/'); A list of valid configuration directives can be found in the I<CONFIGURATION SETTINGS> section of the manual. =head1 AUTHOR & COPYRIGHT Please see the I<MT> manpage for author, copyright, and license information. =cut