File: ImportExport.pm
# Copyright 2001, 2002 Benjamin Trott. This code cannot be redistributed without # permission from www.movabletype.org. # # $Id: ImportExport.pm,v 1.6 2004/05/27 18:15:49 mpaschal Exp $ package MT::ImportExport; use strict; use Symbol; use MT::Entry; use MT::Placement; use MT::Category; use MT::ErrorHandler; @MT::ImportExport::ISA = qw( MT::ErrorHandler ); use vars qw( $SEP $SUB_SEP ); $SEP = ('-' x 8); $SUB_SEP = ('-' x 5); sub do_import { my $class = shift; my %param = @_; my $stream = $param{Stream} or return $class->error("No Stream"); my $blog = $param{Blog} or return $class->error("No Blog"); my $cb = $param{Callback} || sub { }; if (ref($stream) eq 'SCALAR') { require IO::String; $stream = IO::String->new($$stream); } elsif (ref $stream) { seek($stream, 0, 0) or return $class->error("Can't rewind"); } else { my $fh = gensym(); open $fh, $stream or return $class->error("Can't open '$stream': $!"); $stream = $fh; } require MT::Permission; $cb->("Importing entries into blog '", $blog->name, "'\n"); ## Determine the author as whom we will import the entries. my($author, $pass); if ($author = $param{ImportAs}) { $cb->("Importing entries as author '", $author->name, "'\n"); } elsif ($author = $param{ParentAuthor}) { $pass = $param{NewAuthorPassword} or return $class->error(MT->translate( "You need to provide a password if you are going to\n" . "create new authors for each author listed in your blog.\n")); $cb->("Creating new authors for each author found in the blog\n"); } else { return $class->error(MT->translate( "Need either ImportAs or ParentAuthor")); } $cb->("\n"); my $def_cat_id = $param{DefaultCategoryID}; my $t_start = $param{TitleStart}; my $t_end = $param{TitleEnd}; my $allow_comments = $blog->allow_comments_default; my $allow_pings = $blog->allow_pings_default ? 1 : 0; my $convert_breaks = $blog->convert_paras; my $def_status = $param{DefaultStatus} || $blog->status_default; my(%authors, %categories); my $blog_id = $blog->id; my $author_id = $author->id; local $/ = $SEP; ENTRY_BLOCK: while (<$stream>) { my($meta, @pieces) = split /^$SUB_SEP$/m; next unless $meta && @pieces; ## Create entry object and assign some defaults. my $entry = MT::Entry->new; $entry->blog_id($blog_id); $entry->status($def_status); $entry->allow_comments($allow_comments); $entry->allow_pings($allow_pings); $entry->convert_breaks($convert_breaks); $entry->author_id($author->id) if $author; ## Some users may want to import just their GM comments, having ## already imported their GM entries. We try to match up the ## entries using the created on timestamp, and the import file ## tells us not to import an entry with the meta-tag "NO ENTRY". my $no_save = 0; ## Handle all meta-data: author, category, title, date. my $i = -1; my($primary_cat_id, @placements); my @lines = split /\r?\n/, $meta; META: for my $line (@lines) { $i++; next unless $line; $line =~ s!^\s*!!; $line =~ s!\s*$!!; my($key, $val) = split /\s*:\s*/, $line, 2; if ($key eq 'AUTHOR' && !$author) { my $author; unless ($author = $authors{$val}) { $author = MT::User->load({ name => $val }); } unless ($author) { $author = MT::User->new; $author->created_by($author_id); $author->name($val); $author->email(''); $author->set_password($pass); $cb->("Creating new author ('$val')..."); if ($author->save) { $cb->("ok\n"); } else { $cb->("failed\n"); return $class->error(MT->translate( "Saving author failed: [_1]", $author->errstr)); } $authors{$val} = $author; $cb->("Assigning permissions for new author..."); my $perms = MT::Permission->new; $perms->blog_id($blog_id); $perms->author_id($author->id); $perms->can_post(1); if ($perms->save) { $cb->("ok\n"); } else { $cb->("failed\n"); return $class->error(MT->translate( "Saving permission failed: [_1]", $perms->errstr)); } } $entry->author_id($author->id); } elsif ($key eq 'CATEGORY' || $key eq 'PRIMARY CATEGORY') { if ($val) { my $cat; unless ($cat = $categories{$val}) { $cat = MT::Category->load({ label => $val, blog_id => $blog_id }); } unless ($cat) { $cat = MT::Category->new; $cat->blog_id($blog_id); $cat->label($val); $cat->author_id($entry->author_id); $cb->("Creating new category ('$val')..."); if ($cat->save) { $cb->("ok\n"); } else { $cb->("failed\n"); return $class->error(MT->translate( "Saving category failed: [_1]", $cat->errstr)); } $categories{$val} = $cat; } if ($key eq 'CATEGORY') { push @placements, $cat->id; } else { $primary_cat_id = $cat->id; } } } elsif ($key eq 'TITLE') { $entry->title($val); } elsif ($key eq 'DATE') { my $dt = MT::Date->parse_date($val); $entry->created_on($dt->ts_utc); } elsif ($key eq 'STATUS') { my $status = MT::Entry::status_int($val) or return $class->error(MT->translate( "Invalid status value '[_1]'", $val)); $entry->status($status); } elsif ($key eq 'ALLOW COMMENTS') { $val = 0 unless $val; $entry->allow_comments($val); } elsif ($key eq 'CONVERT BREAKS') { $val = 0 unless $val; $entry->convert_breaks($val); } elsif ($key eq 'ALLOW PINGS') { $val = 0 unless $val; return $class->error("Invalid allow pings value '$val'") unless $val eq 0 || $val eq 1; $entry->allow_pings($val); } elsif ($key eq 'NO ENTRY') { $no_save++; } elsif ($key eq 'START BODY') { ## Special case for backwards-compatibility with old ## export files: if we see START BODY: on a line, we ## gather up the rest of the lines in meta and package ## them for handling below in the non-meta area. @pieces = ("BODY:\n" . join "\n", @lines[$i+1..$#lines]); last META; } } ## If we're not saving this entry (but rather just using it to ## import comments, for example), we need to load the relevant ## entry using the timestamp. if ($no_save) { my $ts = $entry->created_on; $entry = MT::Entry->load({ created_on => $ts, blog_id => $blog_id }); if (!$entry) { $cb->("Can't find existing entry with timestamp " . "'$ts'... skipping comments, and moving on to " . "next entry.\n"); next ENTRY_BLOCK; } else { $cb->(sprintf "Importing into existing " . "entry %d ('%s')\n", $entry->id, $entry->title); } } ## Deal with non-meta pieces: entry body, extended entry body, ## comments. We need to hold the list of comments until after ## we have saved the entry, then assign the new entry ID of ## the entry to each comment. my(@comments, @pings); for my $piece (@pieces) { $piece =~ s!^\s*!!; $piece =~ s!\s*$!!; if ($piece =~ s/^BODY:\s*?\r?\n//) { $entry->text($piece); } elsif ($piece =~ s/^EXTENDED BODY:\s*\r?\n//) { $entry->text_more($piece); } elsif ($piece =~ s/^EXCERPT:\s*\r?\n//) { $entry->excerpt($piece) if $piece =~ /\S/; } elsif ($piece =~ s/^KEYWORDS:\s*\r?\n//) { $entry->keywords($piece) if $piece =~ /\S/; } elsif ($piece =~ s/^COMMENT:\s*\r?\n//) { ## Comments are: AUTHOR, EMAIL, URL, IP, DATE (in any order), ## then body my $comment = MT::Comment->new; $comment->blog_id($blog_id); my @lines = split /\r?\n/, $piece; my($i, $body_idx) = (0) x 2; COMMENT: for my $line (@lines) { $line =~ s!^\s*!!; my($key, $val) = split /\s*:\s*/, $line, 2; if ($key eq 'AUTHOR') { $comment->author($val); } elsif ($key eq 'EMAIL') { $comment->email($val); } elsif ($key eq 'URL') { $comment->url($val); } elsif ($key eq 'IP') { $comment->ip($val); } elsif ($key eq 'DATE') { my $dt = MT::Date->parse_date($val); $comment->created_on($dt->ts_utc); } else { ## Now we have reached the body of the comment; ## everything from here until the end of the ## array is body. $body_idx = $i; last COMMENT; } $i++; } $comment->text( join "\n", @lines[$body_idx..$#lines] ); push @comments, $comment; } elsif ($piece =~ s/^PING:\s*\r?\n//) { ## Pings are: TITLE, URL, IP, DATE, BLOG NAME, ## then excerpt require MT::TBPing; my $ping = MT::TBPing->new; $ping->blog_id($blog_id); my @lines = split /\r?\n/, $piece; my($i, $body_idx) = (0) x 2; PING: for my $line (@lines) { $line =~ s!^\s*!!; my($key, $val) = split /\s*:\s*/, $line, 2; if ($key eq 'TITLE') { $ping->title($val); } elsif ($key eq 'URL') { $ping->source_url($val); } elsif ($key eq 'IP') { $ping->ip($val); } elsif ($key eq 'DATE') { my $dt = MT::Date->parse_date($val); $ping->created_on($dt->ts_utc); } elsif ($key eq 'BLOG NAME') { $ping->blog_name($val); } else { ## Now we have reached the ping excerpt; ## everything from here until the end of the ## array is body. $body_idx = $i; last PING; } $i++; } $ping->excerpt( join "\n", @lines[$body_idx..$#lines] ); push @pings, $ping; } } ## Assign a title if one is not already assigned. unless ($entry->title) { my $body = $entry->text; if ($t_start && $t_end && $body =~ s!\Q$t_start\E(.*?)\Q$t_end\E\s*!!s) { (my $title = $1) =~ s/[\r\n]/ /g; $entry->title($title); $entry->text($body); } else { $entry->title( MT::Util::first_n_words($body, 5) ); } } ## If an entry has comments listed along with it, set ## allow_comments to 1 no matter what the default is. if (@comments && !$entry->allow_comments) { $entry->allow_comments(1); } ## If an entry has TrackBack pings listed along with it, ## set allow_pings to 1 no matter what the default is. if (@pings) { $entry->allow_pings(1); ## If the entry has TrackBack pings, we need to make sure ## that an MT::Trackback object is created. To do that, we ## need to make sure that $entry->save is called. $no_save = 0; } ## Save entry. unless ($no_save) { $cb->("Saving entry ('", $entry->title, "')... "); if ($entry->save) { $cb->("ok (ID ", $entry->id, ")\n"); } else { $cb->("failed\n"); return $class->error(MT->translate( "Saving entry failed: [_1]", $entry->errstr)); } } ## Save placement. ## If we have no primary category ID (from a PRIMARY CATEGORY ## key), we first look to see if we have any placements from ## CATEGORY tags. If so, we grab the first one and use it as the ## primary placement. If not, we try to use the default category ## ID specified. if (!$primary_cat_id) { if (@placements) { $primary_cat_id = shift @placements; } elsif ($def_cat_id) { $primary_cat_id = $def_cat_id; } } else { ## If a PRIMARY CATEGORY is also specified as a CATEGORY, we ## don't want to add it twice; so we filter it out. @placements = grep { $_ != $primary_cat_id } @placements; } ## So if we have a primary placement from any of the means ## specified above, we add the placement. if ($primary_cat_id) { my $place = MT::Placement->new; $place->is_primary(1); $place->entry_id($entry->id); $place->blog_id($blog_id); $place->category_id($primary_cat_id); $place->save or return $class->error(MT->translate( "Saving placement failed: [_1]", $place->errstr)); } ## Save placements. for my $cat_id (@placements) { my $place = MT::Placement->new; $place->is_primary(0); $place->entry_id($entry->id); $place->blog_id($blog_id); $place->category_id($cat_id); $place->save or return $class->error(MT->translate( "Saving placement failed: [_1]", $place->errstr)); } ## Save comments. for my $comment (@comments) { $comment->entry_id($entry->id); $cb->("Creating new comment ('", $comment->author, "')... "); if ($comment->save) { $cb->("ok (ID ", $comment->id, ")\n"); } else { $cb->("failed\n"); return $class->error(MT->translate( "Saving comment failed: [_1]", $comment->errstr)); } } ## Save pings. if (@pings) { my $tb = MT::Trackback->load({ entry_id => $entry->id }) or return $class->error(MT->translate( "Entry has no MT::Trackback object!")); for my $ping (@pings) { $ping->tb_id($tb->id); $cb->("Creating new ping ('", $ping->title, "')... "); if ($ping->save) { $cb->("ok (ID ", $ping->id, ")\n"); } else { $cb->("failed\n"); return $class->error(MT->translate( "Saving ping failed: [_1]", $ping->errstr)); } } } } 1; } sub export { my $class = shift; my($blog, $cb) = @_; $cb ||= sub { }; ## Make sure dates are in English. $blog->language('en'); ## Create template for exporting a single entry require MT::Template; require MT::Template::Context; my $tmpl = MT::Template->new; $tmpl->name('Export Template'); $tmpl->text(<<'TEXT'); AUTHOR: <$MTEntryAuthor strip_linefeeds="1"$> TITLE: <$MTEntryTitle strip_linefeeds="1"$> STATUS: <$MTEntryStatus strip_linefeeds="1"$> ALLOW COMMENTS: <$MTEntryFlag flag="allow_comments"$> CONVERT BREAKS: <$MTEntryFlag flag="convert_breaks"$> ALLOW PINGS: <$MTEntryFlag flag="allow_pings"$> <MTIfNonEmpty tag="MTEntryCategory">PRIMARY CATEGORY: <$MTEntryCategory$> </MTIfNonEmpty><MTEntryCategories> CATEGORY: <$MTCategoryLabel$> </MTEntryCategories> DATE: <$MTEntryDate format="%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p"$> ----- BODY: <$MTEntryBody convert_breaks="0"$> ----- EXTENDED BODY: <$MTEntryMore convert_breaks="0"$> ----- EXCERPT: <$MTEntryExcerpt no_generate="1" convert_breaks="0"$> ----- KEYWORDS: <$MTEntryKeywords$> ----- <MTComments> COMMENT: AUTHOR: <$MTCommentAuthor strip_linefeeds="1"$> EMAIL: <$MTCommentEmail strip_linefeeds="1"$> IP: <$MTCommentIP strip_linefeeds="1"$> URL: <$MTCommentURL strip_linefeeds="1"$> DATE: <$MTCommentDate format="%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p"$> <$MTCommentBody convert_breaks="0"$> ----- </MTComments> <MTPings> PING: TITLE: <$MTPingTitle strip_linefeeds="1"$> URL: <$MTPingURL strip_linefeeds="1"$> IP: <$MTPingIP strip_linefeeds="1"$> BLOG NAME: <$MTPingBlogName strip_linefeeds="1"$> DATE: <$MTPingDate format="%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p"$> <$MTPingExcerpt$> ----- </MTPings> -------- TEXT my $iter = MT::Entry->load_iter({ blog_id => $blog->id }, { 'sort' => 'created_on', direction => 'ascend' }); while (my $entry = $iter->()) { my $ctx = MT::Template::Context->new; $ctx->stash('entry', $entry); $ctx->stash('blog', $blog); $ctx->stash('blog_id', $blog->id); $tmpl->blog_id($blog->id); $ctx->{current_timestamp} = $entry->created_on; my $res = $tmpl->build($ctx) or return $class->error(MT->translate( "Export failed on entry '[_1]': [_2]", $entry->title, $tmpl->errstr)); $cb->($res); } 1; } 1;