File: Mail.pm
# Copyright 2001-2004 Six Apart. This code cannot be redistributed without # permission from www.movabletype.org. # # $Id: Mail.pm,v 2005/01/25 02:28:19 ezra Exp $ package MT::Mail; use strict; use MT; use MT::ConfigMgr; use MT::ErrorHandler; @MT::Mail::ISA = qw( MT::ErrorHandler ); sub send { my $class = shift; my($hdrs, $body) = @_; foreach my $h (keys %$hdrs) { $hdrs->{$h} =~ y/\n\r/ /; } $body .= <<SIG; -- @{[ MT->version_slug ]} SIG my $mgr = MT::ConfigMgr->instance; my $xfer = $mgr->MailTransfer; if ($xfer eq 'sendmail') { return $class->_send_mt_sendmail($hdrs, $body, $mgr); } elsif ($xfer eq 'smtp') { return $class->_send_mt_smtp($hdrs, $body, $mgr); } elsif ($xfer eq 'debug') { return $class->_send_mt_debug($hdrs, $body, $mgr); } else { return $class->error(MT->translate( "Unknown MailTransfer method '[_1]'", $xfer )); } } use MT::Util qw(is_valid_email); sub _send_mt_debug { my $class = shift; my($hdrs, $body, $mgr) = @_; $hdrs->{To} = $mgr->DebugEmailAddress if (is_valid_email($mgr->DebugEmailAddress||'')); for my $key (keys %$hdrs) { my @arr = ref($hdrs->{$key}) eq 'ARRAY' ? @{ $hdrs->{$key} } : ($hdrs->{$key}); print STDERR map "$key: $_\n", @arr; } print STDERR "\n"; print STDERR $body; 1; } sub _send_mt_smtp { my $class = shift; my($hdrs, $body, $mgr) = @_; eval { require Mail::Sendmail; }; return $class->error(MT->translate( "Sending mail via SMTP requires that your server " . "have Mail::Sendmail installed: [_1]", $@ )) if $@; my %hdrs = %$hdrs; $hdrs{Message} = $body; $hdrs{Smtp} = $mgr->SMTPServer; for my $h (qw( Cc Bcc )) { if ($hdrs{$h}) { $hdrs{$h} = join ', ', @{ $hdrs{$h} }; } } my $ret = Mail::Sendmail::sendmail(%hdrs); $ret or return $class->error(MT->translate( "Error sending mail: [_1]", $Mail::Sendmail::error )); 1; } my @Sendmail = qw( /usr/lib/sendmail /usr/sbin/sendmail /usr/ucblib/sendmail ); sub _send_mt_sendmail { my $class = shift; my($hdrs, $body, $mgr) = @_; $hdrs->{To} = $mgr->DebugEmailAddress if (is_valid_email($mgr->DebugEmailAddress||'')); my $sm_loc; for my $loc ($mgr->SendMailPath, @Sendmail) { next unless $loc; $sm_loc = $loc, last if -x $loc && !-d $loc; } return $class->error(MT->translate( "You do not have a valid path to sendmail on your machine. " . "Perhaps you should try using SMTP?" )) unless $sm_loc; local $SIG{PIPE} = { }; my $pid = open MAIL, '|-'; local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { CORE::exit() }; return unless defined $pid; if (!$pid) { exec $sm_loc, "-oi", "-t" or return $class->error(MT->translate( "Exec of sendmail failed: [_1]", "$!" )); } for my $key (keys %$hdrs) { my @arr = ref($hdrs->{$key}) eq 'ARRAY' ? @{ $hdrs->{$key} } : ($hdrs->{$key}); print MAIL map "$key: $_\n", @arr; } print MAIL "\n"; print MAIL $body; close MAIL; 1; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME MT::Mail - Movable Type mail sender =head1 SYNOPSIS use MT::Mail; my %head = ( To => 'foo@bar.com', Subject => 'My Subject' ); my $body = 'This is the body of the message.'; MT::Mail->send(\%head, $body) or die MT::Mail->errstr; =head1 DESCRIPTION I<MT::Mail> is the Movable Type mail-sending interface. It can send mail through I<sendmail> (in several different default locations), through SMTP, or through a debugging interface that writes data to STDERR. You can set the method of sending mail through the F<mt.cfg> file by changing the value for the I<MailTransfer> setting to one of the following values: C<sendmail>, C<smtp>, or C<debug>. If you are using C<sendmail>, I<MT::Mail::send> looks for your I<sendmail> program in any of the following locations: F</usr/lib/sendmail>, F</usr/sbin/sendmail>, and F</usr/ucblib/sendmail>. If your I<sendmail> is at a different location, you can set it using the I<SendMailPath> directive. If you are using C<smtp>, I<MT::Mail::send> will by default use C<localhost> as the SMTP server. You can change this by setting the I<SMTPServer> directive. =head1 USAGE =head2 MT::Mail->send(\%headers, $body) Sends a mail message with the headers I<\%headers> and the message body I<$body>. The keys and values in I<\%headers> are passed directly in to the mail program or server, so you can use any valid mail header names as keys. If you need to supply a list of header values, specify the hash value as a reference to a list of the header values. For example: %headers = ( Bcc => [ 'foo@bar.com', 'baz@quux.com' ] ); If you wish the lines in I<$body> to be wrapped, you should do this yourself; it will not be done by I<send>. On success, I<send> returns true; on failure, it returns C<undef>, and the error message is in C<MT::Mail-E<gt>errstr>. =head1 AUTHOR & COPYRIGHT Please see the I<MT> manpage for author, copyright, and license information. =cut