File: Plugin.pm
# Copyright 2001-2004 Six Apart. This code cannot be redistributed without # permission from www.movabletype.org. # # $Id: Plugin.pm,v 1.9 2004/06/15 20:18:59 ezra Exp $ package MT::Plugin; use strict; use MT::ErrorHandler; @MT::Plugin::ISA = qw( MT::ErrorHandler ); sub new { my $class = shift; my ($this) = ref$_[0] ? @_ : {@_}; require Data::Dumper; bless $this, $class; } sub name { my $this = shift; my ($new_name) = @_; $this->{name} = $new_name if ($new_name); return $this->{name}; } sub config_link { my $this = shift; my ($new_config_link) = @_; $this->{config_link} = $new_config_link if ($new_config_link); return $this->{config_link}; } sub doc_link { my $this = shift; my ($new_doc_link) = @_; $this->{doc_link} = $new_doc_link if ($new_doc_link); return $this->{doc_link}; } sub description { my $this = shift; my ($new_desc) = @_; $this->{description} = $new_desc if ($new_desc); return $this->{description}; } sub envelope { my $this = shift; my ($new_envelope) = @_; $this->{envelope} = $new_envelope if ($new_envelope); return $this->{envelope}; } sub set_config_value { my $this = shift; my ($variable, $value) = @_; use MT::PluginData; my $pdata_obj = MT::PluginData->load({plugin => $this->name(), key => 'configuration'}); if (!$pdata_obj) { $pdata_obj = MT::PluginData->new(); $pdata_obj->plugin($this->name()); $pdata_obj->key('configuration'); } my $configuration = $pdata_obj->data(); $configuration->{$variable} = $value; $pdata_obj->data($configuration); $pdata_obj->save(); } sub get_config_hash { my $this = shift; require MT::PluginData; my $pdata_obj = MT::PluginData->load({plugin => $this->name(), key => 'configuration'}); return $pdata_obj && $pdata_obj->data() ? $pdata_obj->data() : undef; } sub get_config_value { my $this = shift; my $config = $this->get_config_hash(); return $config ? $config->{$_[0]} : undef; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME MT::Plugin - Movable Type class holding information that describes a plugin =head1 SYNOPSIS $plugin = new MT::Plugin({name => "Example Plugin, v1.12", description => "Frobnazticates all Diffyhorns", config_link => <configuration URL>, doc_link => <documentation URL>}); =head1 DESCRIPTION An I<MT::Plugin> object holds data about a plugin which is used to help users understand what the plugin does and let them configure the plugin. Normally, a plugin will construct an I<MT::Plugin> object and pass it to the C<add_plugin> method of the I<MT> class: MT->add_plugin($plugin); This will insert a slug for that plugin on the main MT page; the slug gives the name and description and provides links to the documentation and configuration pages, if any. When adding callbacks, you will use the plugin object as well; this object is used to help the user identify errors that arise in executing the callback. For example, to add a callback which is executed before the I<MT::Foo> object is saved to the database, you might make a call like this: MT::Foo->add_callback("pre_save", 10, $plugin, \&callback_function); This call will tell I<MT::Foo> to call the function C<callback_function> just before executing any C<save> operation. The number '10' is signalling the priority, which controls the order in which various plugins are called. Lower number callbacks are called first. =head1 ARGUMENTS =over 4 =item * name A human-readable string identifying the plugin, including its version number. This will be displayed in the plugin's slug on the MT front page. =item * description (optional) A longer string giving a brief description of what the plugin does. =item * doc_link (optional) A URL pointing to some documentation for the plugin. This can be a relative path, in which case it identifies documentation within the plugin's distribution, or it can be an absolute URL, pointing at off-site documentation. =item * config_link (optional) The relative path of a CGI script or some other configuration interface for the plugin. [TBD: relative to what? Need to figure out how cgi-bin directories are treated?] =head1 Methods Each of the above arguments to the constructor is also a 'getter' method that returns the corresponding value. C<MT::Plugin> also offers the following methods: =item * envelope Returns the path to the plugin, relative to the MT directory. This is determined automatically when the plugin is loaded. =item * set_config_value TBD =item * get_config_value TBD =head1 AUTHOR & COPYRIGHTS Please see the I<MT> manpage for author, copyright, and license information. =cut