File: Util.pm
# Copyright 2001-2004 Six Apart. This code cannot be redistributed without # permission from www.movabletype.org. # # $Id: Util.pm,v 2005/01/25 02:28:19 ezra Exp $ package MT::Util; use strict; use MT::ConfigMgr; use MT::Request; use Exporter; @MT::Util::ISA = qw( Exporter ); use vars qw( @EXPORT_OK ); @EXPORT_OK = qw( start_end_day start_end_week start_end_month start_end_period week2ymd html_text_transform encode_html decode_html munge_comment iso2ts offset_time offset_time_list first_n_words archive_file_for format_ts dirify remove_html days_in wday_from_ts encode_js get_entry spam_protect is_valid_email encode_php encode_url decode_url encode_xml decode_xml is_valid_url discover_tb convert_high_ascii mark_odd_rows dsa_verify perl_sha1_digest perl_sha1_digest_hex dec2bin bin2dec start_background_task launch_background_tasks); { my @In_Year = ( [ 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365 ], [ 0, 31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335, 366 ], ); sub wday_from_ts { my($y, $m, $d) = @_; my $leap = $y % 4 == 0 && ($y % 100 != 0 || $y % 400 == 0) ? 1 : 0; $y--; ## Copied from Date::Calc. my $days = $y * 365; $days += $y >>= 2; $days -= int($y /= 25); $days += $y >> 2; $days += $In_Year[$leap][$m-1] + $d; $days % 7; } sub yday_from_ts { my($y, $m, $d) = @_; my $leap = $y % 4 == 0 && ($y % 100 != 0 || $y % 400 == 0) ? 1 : 0; $In_Year[$leap][$m-1] + $d; } } sub iso2ts { my($blog, $iso) = @_; return undef unless $iso =~ /^(\d{4})(?:-?(\d{2})(?:-?(\d\d?)(?:T(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})(?:\.\d+)?(Z|[+-]\d{2}:\d{2})?)?)?)?/; my($y, $mo, $d, $h, $m, $s, $offset) = ($1, $2 || 1, $3 || 1, $4 || 0, $5 || 0, $6 || 0, $7); if ($offset && !MT::ConfigMgr->instance->IgnoreISOTimezones) { $mo--; $y -= 1900; my $time = timegm($s, $m, $h, $d, $mo, $y); ## If it's not already in UTC, first convert to UTC. if ($offset ne 'Z') { my($sign, $h, $m) = $offset =~ /([+-])(\d{2}):(\d{2})/; $offset = $h * 3600 + $m * 60; $offset *= -1 if $sign eq '-'; $time -= $offset; } ## Now apply the offset for this weblog. ($s, $m, $h, $d, $mo, $y) = offset_time_list($time, $blog); $mo++; $y += 1900; } sprintf "%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d", $y, $mo, $d, $h, $m, $s; } use Time::Local qw( timegm ); sub ts2iso { my ($blog, $ts) = @_; my ($yr, $mo, $dy, $hr, $mn, $sc) = unpack('A4A2A2A2A2A2A2', $ts); $ts = timegm($sc, $mn, $hr, $dy, $mo-1, $yr); ($sc, $mn, $hr, $dy, $mo, $yr) = offset_time_list($ts, $blog, '-'); $yr += 1900; $mo += 1; sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02dZ", $yr, $mo, $dy, $hr, $mn, $sc); } use vars qw( %Languages ); sub format_ts { my($format, $ts, $blog, $lang) = @_; my %f; unless ($lang) { $lang = $blog && $blog->language ? $blog->language : 'en'; } unless (defined $format) { $format = $Languages{$lang}[3] || "%B %e, %Y %I:%M %p"; } my $cache = MT::Request->instance->cache('formats'); unless ($cache) { MT::Request->instance->cache('formats', $cache = {}); } if (my $f_ref = $cache->{$ts . $lang}) { %f = %$f_ref; } else { my $L = $Languages{$lang}; my @ts = @f{qw( Y m d H M S )} = unpack 'A4A2A2A2A2A2', $ts; $f{w} = wday_from_ts(@ts[0..2]); $f{j} = yday_from_ts(@ts[0..2]); $f{'y'} = substr $f{Y}, 2; $f{b} = substr $L->[1][$f{'m'}-1] || '', 0, 3; $f{B} = $L->[1][$f{'m'}-1]; $f{a} = substr $L->[0][$f{w}] || '', 0, 3; $f{A} = $L->[0][$f{w}]; ($f{e} = $f{d}) =~ s!^0! !; $f{I} = $f{H}; $f{I} = $f{H}; if ($f{I} > 12) { $f{I} -= 12; $f{p} = $L->[2][1]; } elsif ($f{I} == 0) { $f{I} = 12; $f{p} = $L->[2][0]; } elsif ($f{I} == 12) { $f{p} = $L->[2][1]; } else { $f{p} = $L->[2][0]; } $f{I} = sprintf "%02d", $f{I}; ($f{k} = $f{H}) =~ s!^0! !; ($f{l} = $f{I}) =~ s!^0! !; $f{j} = sprintf "%03d", $f{j}; $f{Z} = ''; $cache->{$ts . $lang} = \%f; } my $date_format = $Languages{$lang}->[4] || "%B %d, %Y"; my $time_format = $Languages{$lang}->[5] || "%I:%M %p"; $format =~ s!%x!$date_format!g; $format =~ s!%X!$time_format!g; ## This is a dreadful hack. I can't think of a good format specifier ## for "%B %Y" (which is used for monthly archives, for example) so ## I'll just hardcode this, for Japanese dates. if ($lang eq 'jp') { $format =~ s!%B %Y!$Languages{$lang}->[6]!g; } $format =~ s!%(\w)!$f{$1}!g if defined $format; $format; } { my @Days_In = ( -1, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 ); sub days_in { my($m, $y) = @_; return $Days_In[$m] unless $m == 2; return $y % 4 == 0 && ($y % 100 != 0 || $y % 400 == 0) ? 29 : 28; } } sub start_end_period { my $at = shift; if ($at eq 'Individual') { return $_[0]; } elsif ($at eq 'Daily') { return start_end_day(@_); } elsif ($at eq 'Weekly') { return start_end_week(@_); } elsif ($at eq 'Monthly') { return start_end_month(@_); } } sub start_end_day { my $day = substr $_[0], 0, 8; return $day . '000000' unless wantarray; ($day . "000000", $day . "235959"); } sub start_end_week { my($ts) = @_; my($y, $mo, $d, $h, $m, $s) = unpack 'A4A2A2A2A2A2', $ts; my $wday = wday_from_ts($y, $mo, $d); my($sd, $sm, $sy) = ($d - $wday, $mo, $y); if ($sd < 1) { $sm--; $sm = 12, $sy-- if $sm < 1; $sd += days_in($sm, $sy); } my $start = sprintf "%04d%02d%02d%s", $sy, $sm, $sd, "000000"; return $start unless wantarray; my($ed, $em, $ey) = ($d + 6 - $wday, $mo, $y); if ($ed > days_in($em, $ey)) { $ed -= days_in($em, $ey); $em++; $em = 1, $ey++ if $em > 12; } my $end = sprintf "%04d%02d%02d%s", $ey, $em, $ed, "235959"; ($start, $end); } sub is_leap_year { ($_[0] % 4 && !$_[0] % 100) || $_[0] % 400; } my @prev_month_doy = (0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334); my @prev_month_doly = (0, 31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335); sub week2ymd { my($y, $week) = @_; require DateTime; my $jan_one_dow_m1 = (DateTime->_ymd2rd($y, 1, 1) + 6) % 7; $week-- if $jan_one_dow_m1 < 4; my $day_of_year = $week * 7 - $jan_one_dow_m1 + 1; if ($day_of_year < 1) { $y--; $day_of_year = (is_leap_year($y) ? 366 : 365) + $day_of_year; } my $ref = is_leap_year($y) ? \@prev_month_doly : \@prev_month_doy; my $m; my $i = @$ref; for my $days (reverse @$ref) { if ($day_of_year > $days) { $m = $i; last; } $i--; } ($y, $m, $day_of_year - $ref->[$m-1]); } sub start_end_month { my($ts) = @_; my($y, $mo) = unpack 'A4A2', $ts; my $start = sprintf "%04d%02d01000000", $y, $mo; return $start unless wantarray; my $end = sprintf "%04d%02d%02d235959", $y, $mo, days_in($mo, $y); ($start, $end); } sub offset_time_list { gmtime offset_time(@_) } sub offset_time { my($ts, $blog, $dir) = @_; my $offset; if (defined $blog) { if (!ref($blog)) { require MT::Blog; $blog = MT::Blog->load($blog); } $offset = $blog && $blog->server_offset ? $blog->server_offset : 0; } else { $offset = MT::ConfigMgr->instance->TimeOffset; } $offset += 1 if (localtime $ts)[8]; $offset *= -1 if $dir && $dir eq '-'; $ts += $offset * 3600; $ts; } sub html_text_transform { my $str = shift; $str ||= ''; my @paras = split /\r?\n\r?\n/, $str; for my $p (@paras) { if ($p !~ m@^</?(?:h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|table|ol|dl|ul|menu|dir|p|pre|center|form|fieldset|select|blockquote|address|div|hr)@) { $p =~ s!\r?\n!<br />\n!g; $p = "<p>$p</p>"; } } join "\n\n", @paras; } { my %Map = (':' => ':', '@' => '@', '.' => '.'); sub spam_protect { my($str) = @_; my $look = join '', keys %Map; $str =~ s!([$look])!$Map{$1}!g; $str; } } sub encode_js { my($str) = @_; return '' unless defined $str; $str =~ s!(['"])!\\$1!g; $str =~ s!\n!\\n!g; $str =~ s!\f!\\f!g; $str =~ s!\r!\\r!g; $str =~ s!\t!\\t!g; $str; } sub encode_php { my($str, $meth) = @_; return '' unless defined $str; if ($meth eq 'qq') { $str = encode_phphere($str); $str =~ s!"!\\"!g; ## Replace " with \" } elsif (substr($meth, 0, 4) eq 'here') { $str = encode_phphere($str); } else { $str =~ s!\\!\\\\!g; ## Replace \ with \\ $str =~ s!'!\\'!g; ## Replace ' with \' } $str; } sub encode_phphere { my($str) = @_; $str =~ s!\\!\\\\!g; ## Replace \ with \\ $str =~ s!\$!\\\$!g; ## Replace $ with \$ $str =~ s!\n!\\n!g; ## Replace character \n with string \n $str =~ s!\r!\\r!g; ## Replace character \r with string \r $str =~ s!\t!\\t!g; ## Replace character \t with string \t $str; } sub encode_url { my($str) = @_; $str =~ s!([^a-zA-Z0-9_.-])!uc sprintf "%%%02x", ord($1)!eg; $str; } sub decode_url { my($str) = @_; $str =~ s!%([0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F])!pack("H*",$1)!eg; $str; } { my $Have_Entities = eval 'use HTML::Entities; 1' ? 1 : 0; sub encode_html { my($html, $can_double_encode) = @_; return '' unless defined $html; $html =~ tr!\cM!!d; if ($Have_Entities && !MT::ConfigMgr->instance->NoHTMLEntities) { $html = HTML::Entities::encode_entities($html); } else { if ($can_double_encode) { $html =~ s!&!&!g; } else { ## Encode any & not followed by something that looks like ## an entity, numeric or otherwise. $html =~ s/&(?!#?[xX]?(?:[0-9a-fA-F]+|\w{1,8});)/&/g; } $html =~ s!"!"!g; #" $html =~ s!<!<!g; $html =~ s!>!>!g; } $html; } sub decode_html { my($html) = @_; return '' unless defined $html; $html =~ tr!\cM!!d; if ($Have_Entities && !MT::ConfigMgr->instance->NoHTMLEntities) { $html = HTML::Entities::decode_entities($html); } else { $html =~ s!"!"!g; #" $html =~ s!<!<!g; $html =~ s!>!>!g; $html =~ s!&!&!g; } $html; } } { my %Map = ('&' => '&', '"' => '"', '<' => '<', '>' => '>', '\'' => '''); my %Map_Decode = reverse %Map; my $RE = join '|', keys %Map; my $RE_D = join '|', keys %Map_Decode; sub encode_xml { my($str, $nocdata) = @_; $nocdata ||= MT::ConfigMgr->instance->NoCDATA; if (!$nocdata && $str =~ m/ <[^>]+> ## HTML markup | ## or &(?:(?!(\#([0-9]+)|\#x([0-9a-fA-F]+))).*?); ## something that looks like an HTML entity. /x) { ## If ]]> exists in the string, encode the > to >. $str =~ s/]]>/]]>/g; $str = '<![CDATA[' . $str . ']]>'; } else { $str =~ s!($RE)!$Map{$1}!g; } $str; } sub decode_xml { my($str) = @_; if ($str =~ s/<!\[CDATA\[(.*?)]]>/$1/g) { ## Decode encoded ]]> $str =~ s/]]&(gt|#62);/]]>/g; } else { $str =~ s!($RE_D)!$Map_Decode{$1}!g; } $str; } } sub remove_html { my($text) = @_; return $text if !defined $text; # suppress warnings $text =~ s!<[^>]+>!!gs; $text =~ s!<!<!gs; $text; } sub dirify { my $s = $_[0]; $s = convert_high_ascii($s); ## convert high-ASCII chars to 7bit. $s = lc $s; ## lower-case. $s = remove_html($s); ## remove HTML tags. $s =~ s!&[^;\s]+;!!g; ## remove HTML entities. $s =~ s![^\w\s]!!g; ## remove non-word/space chars. $s =~ tr! !_!s; ## change space chars to underscores. $s; } my %HighASCII = ( "\xc0" => 'A', # A` "\xe0" => 'a', # a` "\xc1" => 'A', # A' "\xe1" => 'a', # a' "\xc2" => 'A', # A^ "\xe2" => 'a', # a^ "\xc4" => 'Ae', # A: "\xe4" => 'ae', # a: "\xc3" => 'A', # A~ "\xe3" => 'a', # a~ "\xc8" => 'E', # E` "\xe8" => 'e', # e` "\xc9" => 'E', # E' "\xe9" => 'e', # e' "\xca" => 'E', # E^ "\xea" => 'e', # e^ "\xcb" => 'Ee', # E: "\xeb" => 'ee', # e: "\xcc" => 'I', # I` "\xec" => 'i', # i` "\xcd" => 'I', # I' "\xed" => 'i', # i' "\xce" => 'I', # I^ "\xee" => 'i', # i^ "\xcf" => 'Ie', # I: "\xef" => 'ie', # i: "\xd2" => 'O', # O` "\xf2" => 'o', # o` "\xd3" => 'O', # O' "\xf3" => 'o', # o' "\xd4" => 'O', # O^ "\xf4" => 'o', # o^ "\xd6" => 'Oe', # O: "\xf6" => 'oe', # o: "\xd5" => 'O', # O~ "\xf5" => 'o', # o~ "\xd8" => 'Oe', # O/ "\xf8" => 'oe', # o/ "\xd9" => 'U', # U` "\xf9" => 'u', # u` "\xda" => 'U', # U' "\xfa" => 'u', # u' "\xdb" => 'U', # U^ "\xfb" => 'u', # u^ "\xdc" => 'Ue', # U: "\xfc" => 'ue', # u: "\xc7" => 'C', # ,C "\xe7" => 'c', # ,c "\xd1" => 'N', # N~ "\xf1" => 'n', # n~ "\xdf" => 'ss', ); my $HighASCIIRE = join '|', keys %HighASCII; sub convert_high_ascii { my($s) = @_; $s =~ s/($HighASCIIRE)/$HighASCII{$1}/g; $s; } sub first_n_words { my($text, $n) = @_; $text = remove_html($text); my @words = split /\s+/, $text; my $max = @words > $n ? $n : @words; return join ' ', @words[0..$max-1]; } sub munge_comment { my($text, $blog) = @_; unless ($blog->allow_comment_html) { $text = remove_html($text); if ($blog->autolink_urls) { $text =~ s!(http://\S+)!<a href="$1">$1</a>!g; } } $text; } my %DynamicURIs = ( 'Individual' => 'entry/<$MTEntryID$>', 'Weekly' => 'archives/week/<$MTArchiveDate format="%Y/%m/%d"$>', 'Monthly' => 'archives/<$MTArchiveDate format="%Y/%m"$>', 'Daily' => 'archives/<$MTArchiveDate format="%Y/%m/%d"$>', 'Category' => 'section/<$MTCategoryID$>', ); # basename must be unique across the entire blog it starts as dirified # title and, if that already exists, an appended ctr is incremented # until we get a non-existent basename sub make_unique_basename { my ($entry) = @_; my $blog = $entry->blog; my $title = $entry->title; unless ($title) { if (my $text = $entry->text) { $title = MT::Util::first_n_words($text, 5); } $title = 'Post' unless $title; } my $base = substr(MT::Util::dirify($title), 0, 15); $base =~ s/_+$//; $base = 'post' if $base eq ''; my $i = 1; my $base_copy = $base; while (MT::Entry->count({ blog_id => $blog->id, basename => $base })) { $base = $base_copy . '_' . $i++; } $base; } ## ## archive_file_for takes an entry to determine the timestamps, ## but if the entry is not available it uses the time_start ## and time_end values ## sub archive_file_for { my($entry, $blog, $at, $cat, $map, $timestamp) = @_; return if $at eq 'None'; my $file; if ($blog->is_dynamic) { require MT::TemplateMap; $map = MT::TemplateMap->new; $map->file_template($DynamicURIs{$at}); } unless ($map) { my $cache = MT::Request->instance->cache('maps'); unless ($cache) { MT::Request->instance->cache('maps', $cache = {}); } unless ($map = $cache->{$blog->id . $at}) { require MT::TemplateMap; $map = MT::TemplateMap->load({ blog_id => $blog->id, archive_type => $at, is_preferred => 1 }); $cache->{$blog->id . $at} = $map if $map; } } my $file_tmpl = $map ? $map->file_template : ''; my($ctx); if ($file_tmpl) { require MT::Template::Context; $ctx = MT::Template::Context->new; $ctx->stash('blog', $blog); } local $ctx->{__stash}{category}; $timestamp = $entry->created_on() if $entry; if ($at eq 'Individual') { Carp::croak "archive_file_for Individual archive needs an entry" unless $entry; if ($file_tmpl) { $ctx->stash('entry', $entry); $ctx->{current_timestamp} = $entry->created_on; } else { if ($blog->old_style_archive_links) { $file = sprintf("%06d", $entry->id); } else { my $basename = $entry->basename(); $basename ||= dirify($entry->title()); $file = sprintf("%04d/%02d/%s", unpack('A4A2', $entry->created_on), $basename); } } } elsif ($at eq 'Daily') { if ($file_tmpl) { ($ctx->{current_timestamp}, $ctx->{current_timestamp_end}) = start_end_day($timestamp); } else { my $start = start_end_day($timestamp); my($year, $mon, $mday) = unpack 'A4A2A2', $start; if ($blog->old_style_archive_links) { $file = sprintf("%04d_%02d_%02d", $year, $mon, $mday); } else { $file = sprintf("%04d/%02d/%02d/index", $year, $mon, $mday); } } } elsif ($at eq 'Weekly') { if ($file_tmpl) { ($ctx->{current_timestamp}, $ctx->{current_timestamp_end}) = start_end_week($timestamp); } else { my $start = start_end_week($timestamp); my($year, $mon, $mday) = unpack 'A4A2A2', $start; if ($blog->old_style_archive_links) { $file = sprintf("week_%04d_%02d_%02d", $year, $mon, $mday); } else { $file = sprintf("%04d/%02d/%02d-week/index", $year, $mon, $mday); } } } elsif ($at eq 'Monthly') { if ($file_tmpl) { ($ctx->{current_timestamp}, $ctx->{current_timestamp_end}) = start_end_month($timestamp); } else { my $start = start_end_month($timestamp); my($year, $mon) = unpack 'A4A2', $start; if ($blog->old_style_archive_links) { $file = sprintf("%04d_%02d", $year, $mon); } else { $file = sprintf("%04d/%02d/index", $year, $mon); } } } elsif ($at eq 'Category') { my $this_cat = $cat ? $cat : $entry->category; if ($file_tmpl) { $ctx->stash('archive_category', $this_cat); $ctx->{inside_mt_categories} = 1; $ctx->{__stash}{category} = $this_cat; } else { if (!$this_cat) { return ""; } my $label = ''; $label = dirify($this_cat->label); if ($label !~ /\w/) { $label = $this_cat ? "cat" . $this_cat->id : ""; } if ($blog->old_style_archive_links) { $file = sprintf("cat_%s", $label); } else { $file = sprintf("%s/index", $this_cat->category_path); } } } else { return $entry->error(MT->translate( "Invalid Archive Type setting '[_1]'", $at )); } if ($file_tmpl) { require MT::Builder; my $build = MT::Builder->new; my $tokens = $build->compile($ctx, $file_tmpl) or return $blog->error($build->errstr()); defined($file = $build->build($ctx, $tokens)) or return $blog->error($build->errstr()); } else { my $ext = $blog->file_extension || 'html'; $file .= '.' . $ext; } $file; } { my %Helpers = ( Monthly => \&start_end_month, Weekly => \&start_end_week, Daily => \&start_end_day, ); sub get_entry { my($ts, $blog_id, $at, $order) = @_; my($start, $end) = $Helpers{$at}->($ts); if ($order eq 'previous') { $order = 'descend'; $ts = $start; } else { $order = 'ascend'; $ts = $end; } my $entry = MT::Entry->load( { blog_id => $blog_id, status => MT::Entry::RELEASE() }, { limit => 1, 'sort' => 'created_on', direction => $order, start_val => $ts }); $entry; } } sub is_valid_email { my($addr) = @_; return 0 if $addr =~ /[\n\r]/; if($addr =~ /\s*([^\" \t\n\r]+@[^ <>\t\n\r]+\.[^ <>\t\n\r][^ <>\t\n\r]+)\s*/) { return $1; } else { return 0; } } sub is_valid_url { my($url, $stringent) = @_; $url ||= ""; # strip spaces $url =~ s/^\s*//; $url =~ s/\s*$//; return '' if ($url =~ /[ \"]/); # help fat-finger typists. $url =~ s,http;//,http://,; $url =~ s,http//,http://,; $url = "http://$url" unless ($url =~ m,http://,); my ($scheme, $host, $path, $query, $fragment) = $url =~ m,(?:([^:/?#]+):)?(?://([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(?:\?([^#]*))?(?:#(.*))?,; if ($scheme && $host) { # Note: no stringent checks; localhost is a legit hostname, for example. return $url; } else { return ''; } } sub discover_tb { my($url, $find_all, $contents) = @_; my $c; if ($contents) { $c = $$contents; } else { my $ua = MT->new_ua; ## Wrap this in an eval in case some versions don't support it. eval { $ua->parse_head(0) }; my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $url); my $res = $ua->request($req); return unless $res->is_success; $c = $res->content; } (my $url_no_anchor = $url) =~ s/#.*$//; my(@items); while ($c =~ m!(<rdf:RDF.*?</rdf:RDF>)!sg) { my $rdf = $1; my($perm_url) = $rdf =~ m!dc:identifier="([^"]+)"!; #" next unless $find_all || $perm_url eq $url || $perm_url eq $url_no_anchor; (my $inner = $rdf) =~ s!^.*?<rdf:Description!!s; my $item = { permalink => $perm_url }; while ($inner =~ /([\w:]+)="([^"]*)"/gs) { #" $item->{$1} = $2; } $item->{ping_url} = $item->{'trackback:ping'}; next unless $item->{ping_url}; $item->{title} = decode_xml($item->{'dc:title'}); if (!$item->{title} && $rdf =~ m!dc:description="([^"]+)"!) { #" $item->{title} = MT::Util::first_n_words($1, 5) . '...'; } push @items, $item; last unless $find_all; } return unless @items; $find_all ? \@items : $items[0]; } { my %Data = ( 'by' => { name => 'Attribution', requires => [ qw( Attribution Notice ) ], permits => [ qw( Reproduction Distribution DerivativeWorks ) ], }, 'by-nd' => { name => 'Attribution-NoDerivs', requires => [ qw( Attribution Notice ) ], permits => [ qw( Reproduction Distribution ) ], }, 'by-nd-nc' => { name => 'Attribution-NoDerivs-NonCommercial', requires => [ qw( Attribution Notice ) ], permits => [ qw( Reproduction Distribution ) ], prohibits => [ qw( CommercialUse) ], }, 'by-nc' => { name => 'Attribution-NonCommercial', requires => [ qw( Attribution Notice ) ], permits => [ qw( Reproduction Distribution DerivativeWorks ) ], prohibits => [ qw( CommercialUse ) ], }, 'by-nc-sa' => { name => 'Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike', requires => [ qw( Attribution Notice ShareAlike ) ], permits => [ qw( Reproduction Distribution DerivativeWorks ) ], prohibits => [ qw( CommercialUse ) ], }, 'by-sa' => { name => 'Attribution-ShareAlike', requires => [ qw( Attribution Notice ShareAlike ) ], permits => [ qw( Reproduction Distribution DerivativeWorks ) ], }, 'nd' => { name => 'NonDerivative', requires => [ qw( Notice ) ], permits => [ qw( Reproduction Distribution ) ], }, 'nd-nc' => { name => 'NonDerivative-NonCommercial', requires => [ qw( Notice ) ], permits => [ qw( Reproduction Distribution ) ], prohibits => [ qw( CommercialUse ) ], }, 'nc' => { name => 'NonCommercial', requires => [ qw( Notice ) ], permits => [ qw( Reproduction Distribution DerivativeWorks ) ], prohibits => [ qw( CommercialUse ) ], }, 'nc-sa' => { name => 'NonCommercial-ShareAlike', requires => [ qw( Notice ShareAlike ) ], permits => [ qw( Reproduction Distribution DerivativeWorks ) ], prohibits => [ qw( CommercialUse ) ], }, 'sa' => { name => 'ShareAlike', requires => [ qw( Notice ShareAlike ) ], permits => [ qw( Reproduction Distribution DerivativeWorks ) ], }, 'pd' => { name => 'PublicDomain', permits => [ qw( Reproduction Distribution DerivativeWorks ) ], }, ); sub cc_url { my($code) = @_; $code eq 'pd' ? "http://web.resource.org/cc/PublicDomain" : "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/$code/1.0/"; } sub cc_rdf { my($code) = @_; my $url = cc_url($code); my $rdf = <<RDF; <License rdf:about="$url"> RDF for my $type (qw( requires permits prohibits )) { for my $item (@{ $Data{$code}{$type} }) { $rdf .= <<RDF; <$type rdf:resource="http://web.resource.org/cc/$item" /> RDF } } $rdf . "</License>\n"; } sub cc_name { $Data{$_[0]}{name}; } } sub mark_odd_rows { my($list) = @_; my $i = 1; for my $row (@$list) { $row->{is_odd} = $i++ % 2 == 1; } } %Languages = ( 'en' => [ [ qw( Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday ) ], [ qw( January February March April May June July August September October November December ) ], [ qw( AM PM ) ], ], 'en_us' => [ [ qw( Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday ) ], [ qw( January February March April May June July August September October November December ) ], [ qw( AM PM ) ], ], 'fr' => [ [ qw( dimanche lundi mardi mercredi jeudi vendredi samedi ) ], [ ('janvier', "février", 'mars', 'avril', 'mai', 'juin', 'juillet', "août", 'septembre', 'octobre', 'novembre', "décembre") ], [ qw( AM PM ) ], ], 'es' => [ [ ('Domingo', 'Lunes', 'Martes', "Miércoles", 'Jueves', 'Viernes', "Sábado") ], [ qw( Enero Febrero Marzo Abril Mayo Junio Julio Agosto Septiembre Octubre Noviembre Diciembre ) ], [ qw( AM PM ) ], ], 'pt' => [ [ ('domingo', 'segunda-feira', "terça-feira", 'quarta-feira', 'quinta-feira', 'sexta-feira', "sábado") ], [ ('janeiro', 'fevereiro', "março", 'abril', 'maio', 'junho', 'julho', 'agosto', 'setembro', 'outubro', 'novembro', 'dezembro' ) ], [ qw( AM PM ) ], ], 'nl' => [ [ qw( zondag maandag dinsdag woensdag donderdag vrijdag zaterdag ) ], [ qw( januari februari maart april mei juni juli augustus september oktober november december ) ], [ qw( am pm ) ], "%d %B %Y %H:%M", "%d %B %Y" ], 'dk' => [ [ ("søndag", 'mandag', 'tirsdag', 'onsdag', 'torsdag', 'fredag', "lørdag") ], [ qw( januar februar marts april maj juni juli august september oktober november december ) ], [ qw( am pm ) ], "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M", "%d.%m.%Y", "%H:%M", ], 'se' => [ [ ("söndag", "måndag", 'tisdag', 'onsdag', 'torsdag', 'fredag', "lördag") ], [ qw( januari februari mars april maj juni juli augusti september oktober november december ) ], [ qw( FM EM ) ], ], 'no' => [ [ ("Søndag", "Mandag", 'Tirsdag', 'Onsdag', 'Torsdag', 'Fredag', "Lørdag") ], [ qw( Januar Februar Mars April Mai Juni Juli August September Oktober November Desember ) ], [ qw( FM EM ) ], ], 'de' => [ [ qw( Sonntag Montag Dienstag Mittwoch Donnerstag Freitag Samstag ) ], [ ('Januar', 'Februar', "März", 'April', 'Mai', 'Juni', 'Juli', 'August', 'September', 'Oktober', 'November', 'Dezember') ], [ qw( FM EM ) ], "%d.%m.%y %H:%M", "%d.%m.%y", "%H:%M", ], 'it' => [ [ ('Domenica', "Lunedì", "Martedì", "Mercoledì", "Giovedì", "Venerdì", 'Sabato') ], [ qw( Gennaio Febbraio Marzo Aprile Maggio Giugno Luglio Agosto Settembre Ottobre Novembre Dicembre ) ], [ qw( AM PM ) ], "%d.%m.%y %H:%M", "%d.%m.%y", "%H:%M", ], 'pl' => [ [ ('niedziela', "poniedziałek", 'wtorek', "środa", 'czwartek', "piątek", 'sobota') ], [ ('stycznia', 'lutego', 'marca', 'kwietnia', 'maja', 'czerwca', 'lipca', 'sierpnia', "września", "października", 'listopada', 'grudnia') ], [ qw( AM PM ) ], "%e %B %Y %k:%M", "%e %B %Y", "%k:%M", ], 'fi' => [ [ qw( sunnuntai maanantai tiistai keskiviikko torstai perjantai lauantai ) ], [ ('tammikuu', 'helmikuu', 'maaliskuu', 'huhtikuu', 'toukokuu', "kesäkuu", "heinäkuu", 'elokuu', 'syyskuu', 'lokakuu', 'marraskuu', 'joulukuu') ], [ qw( AM PM ) ], "%d.%m.%y %H:%M", ], 'is' => [ [ ('Sunnudagur', "Mánudagur", "Þriðjudagur", "Miðvikudagur", 'Fimmtudagur', "Föstudagur", 'Laugardagur') ], [ ("janúar", "febrúar", 'mars', "apríl", "maí", "júní", "júlí", "ágúst", 'september', "október", "nóvember", 'desember') ], [ qw( FH EH ) ], "%d.%m.%y %H:%M", ], 'si' => [ [ ('nedelja', 'ponedeljek', 'torek', 'sreda', "ãetrtek", 'petek', 'sobota',) ], [ qw( januar februar marec april maj junij julij avgust september oktober november december ) ], [ qw( AM PM ) ], "%d.%m.%y %H:%M", ], 'cz' => [ [ ('Neděle', 'Pondělí', 'Úterý', 'Středa', 'Čtvrtek', 'Pátek', 'Sobota') ], [ ('Leden', 'Únor', 'Březen', 'Duben', 'Květen', 'Červen', 'Červenec', 'Srpen', 'Září', 'Øíjen', 'Listopad', 'Prosinec') ], [ qw( AM PM ) ], "%e. %B %Y %k:%M", "%e. %B %Y", "%k:%M", ], 'sk' => [ [ ('nedeľa', 'pondelok', 'utorok', 'streda', 'štvrtok', 'piatok', 'sobota') ], [ ('január', 'február', 'marec', 'apríl', 'máj', 'jún', 'júl', 'august', 'september', 'október', 'november', 'december') ], [ qw( AM PM ) ], "%e. %B %Y %k:%M", "%e. %B %Y", "%k:%M", ], 'jp' => [ [ '日曜日', '月曜日', '火曜日', '水曜日', '木曜日', '金曜日', '土曜日'], [ qw( 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ) ], [ qw( AM PM ) ], "%Y年%m月%d日 %H:%M", "%Y年%m月%d日", "%H:%M", "%Y年%m月", ], 'et' => [ [ qw( pühapäev esmaspäev teisipäev kolmapäev neljapäev reede laupäev ) ], [ ('jaanuar', 'veebruar', 'märts', 'aprill', 'mai', 'juuni', 'juuli', 'august', 'september', 'oktoober', 'november', 'detsember') ], [ qw( AM PM ) ], "%m.%d.%y %H:%M", "%e. %B %Y", "%H:%M", ], ); sub launch_background_tasks { require MT::ConfigMgr; my $cfg = MT::ConfigMgr->instance(); return !($ENV{MOD_PERL} || !$cfg->LaunchBackgroundTasks); } sub start_background_task { my ($func) = @_; if (!launch_background_tasks()) { $func->() } else { $| = 1; # Flush open filehandles my $pid = fork(); if (!$pid) { # child close STDIN; open STDIN, "</dev/null"; close STDOUT; open STDOUT, ">/dev/null"; MT::Object->driver->init(); $func->(); CORE::exit(0) if defined($pid) && !$pid; } else { MT::Object->driver->init(); } } } { eval { require bytes; 1; }; sub addbin { #local $ENV{LANG} = undef; my ($a, $b) = @_; my $length = (length $a > length $b ? length $a : length $b); $a = "\0" x ($length - (length $a)) . $a; $b = "\0" x ($length - (length $b)) . $b; my $carry = 0; my $result = ''; for (my $i=1; $i <= $length; $i++) { my $adigit = ord(substr($a, -$i, 1)); my $bdigit = ord(substr($b, -$i, 1)); my $rdigit = $adigit + $bdigit + $carry; $carry = $rdigit / 256; $result = chr($rdigit % 256) . $result; } if ($carry) { return $result = chr($carry) . $result; } else { return $result; } } sub multbindec { my ($a, $b) = @_; # $b is decimal-ascii, $b < 256 my @result; $result[(length $a)] = 0; for (my $i=1; $i <= length $a; $i++) { my $adigit = substr($a, -$i, 1); $result[-$i] = ord($adigit) * $b; } for (my $i=2; $i <= scalar @result; $i++) { $result[-$i] += int($result[-$i+1] / 256); $result[-$i+1] = $result[-$i+1] % 256; } shift @result while (@result && ($result[0] == 0)); pack('C*', @result); } sub divbindec { # local $ENV{LANG} = undef; my ($a, $b) = @_; # $b is decimal-ascii, $b < 256 my $acc = ord(substr($a, 0, 1)); my $quot; while (length $a) { $a = substr($a, 1); $quot .= chr($acc / $b); $acc = $acc % $b; if (length $a) { $acc = $acc * 256 + ord(substr($a, 0, 1)); } } return ($quot, $acc); } sub dec2bin { my ($decimal) = @_; my @digits = split //, $decimal; my $result = ""; foreach my $d (@digits) { $result = multbindec($result, 10); $result = addbin(pack('c', $d), $result); } while (substr($result, 0, 1) eq "\0") { $result = substr($result, 1); } $result; } sub bin2dec { my $bin = $_[0]; my $result = ''; my $rem = 0; while ((length $bin) && ($bin ne "\0")) { ($bin, $rem) = divbindec($bin, 10); $result = $rem . $result; $bin = substr($bin, 1) if (substr($bin, 0, 1) eq "\0"); } $result; } sub perl_sha1_digest { # thanks to Adam Back for the starting point of this my ($message) = @_; my $init_string = 'D9T4C`>_-JXF8NMS^$#)4=L/2X?!:@GF9;MGKH8\;O-S*8L\'6'; # 67452301 efcdab89 98badcfe 10325476 c3d2e1f0 my @A = unpack"N*",unpack 'u',$init_string; my @K=splice@A,5,4; sub M{my ($x, $m); ($x=pop)-($m=1+~0)*int$x/$m}; # modulo 0x100000000 sub L{my ($n, $x); $n=pop;(($x=pop)<<$n|2**$n-1&$x>>32-$n) & (0xffffffff)} # left-rotate bit vector # magic SHA1 functions my @F = (sub { my ($a, $b, $c, $d) = @_; $b&($c^$d)^$d }, sub { my ($a, $b, $c, $d) = @_; $b^$c ^$d}, sub { my ($a, $b, $c, $d) = @_; ($b|$c)&$d|$b&$c}, sub { my ($a, $b, $c, $d) = @_; $b^$c ^$d}); my $F = sub { my $which = shift; my ($a, $b, $c, $d) = @_; if ($which == 0) { $b&($c^$d)^$d } elsif ($which == 1) { $b^$c ^$d } elsif ($which == 2) { ($b|$c)&$d|$b&$c } elsif ($which == 3) { $b^$c ^$d } }; my ($l, $r, $p); my $t; my $S; my @W; do { $_ = substr($message, 0, 64); $message = length$message >= 64 ? substr($message, 64) : ""; $l += $r = length $_; $r++, $_ .= "\x80" if $r < 64 && !$p++; @W = unpack 'N16', $_."\0"x(64-length($_)); $W[15] = $l*8 if $r < 57; for (16..79) { push @W, L($W[$_-3]^$W[$_-8]^$W[$_-14]^$W[$_-16], 1); } my ($a,$b,$c,$d,$e)=@A; for(0..79) { $t=M(($F->(int($_/ 20), $a, $b, $c, $d))+$e+$W[$_]+$K[$_/20]+L$a,5); $e=$d; $d=$c; $c=L$b,30; $b=$a; $a=$t; } my $v='a'; $A[0] = M$A[0]+$a; $A[1] = M$A[1]+$b; $A[2] = M$A[2]+$c; $A[3] = M$A[3]+$d; $A[4] = M$A[4]+$e; } while $r > 56; pack('N*', @A[0..4]); } } sub perl_sha1_digest_hex { sprintf("%.8x"x5, unpack('N*', &perl_sha1_digest(@_))); } sub dsa_verify { my %param = @_; eval { require Crypt::DSA; }; my $has_crypt_dsa = $@ ? 0 : 1; $has_crypt_dsa = 0 if $param{ForcePerl}; if ($has_crypt_dsa) { $param{Key} = bless $param{Key}, 'Crypt::DSA::Key'; $param{Signature} = bless $param{Signature}, 'Crypt::DSA::Signature'; Crypt::DSA->new->verify(%param); } else { require Math::BigInt; my($key, $dgst, $sig); Carp::croak __PACKAGE__ . "dsa_verify: Need a Key" unless $key = $param{Key}; unless ($dgst = $param{Digest}) { Carp::croak "dsa_verify: Need either Message or Digest" unless $param{Message}; $dgst = perl_sha1_digest($param{Message}); } Carp::croak "dsa_verify: Need a Signature" unless $sig = $param{Signature}; my $r = new Math::BigInt($sig->{r}); my $s = new Math::BigInt($sig->{s}); my $p = new Math::BigInt($key->{p}); my $q = new Math::BigInt($key->{q}); my $g = new Math::BigInt($key->{g}); my $pub_key = new Math::BigInt($key->{pub_key}); my $u2 = $s->bmodinv($q); my $u1 = new Math::BigInt("0x" . unpack("H*", $dgst)); $u1 = $u1->bmul($u2)->bmod($q); $u2 = $r->bmul($u2)->bmod($q); my $t1 = $g->bmodpow($u1, $p); my $t2 = $pub_key->bmodpow($u2, $p); $u1 = $t1->bmul($t2)->bmod($key->{p}); $u1 = $u1->bmod($key->{q}); my $result = $u1->bcmp($sig->{r}); return defined($result) ? $result == 0 : 0; } } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME MT::Util - Movable Type utility functions =head1 SYNOPSIS use MT::Util qw( functions ); =head1 DESCRIPTION I<MT::Util> provides a variety of utility functions used by the Movable Type libraries. =head1 USAGE =head2 start_end_day($ts) Given I<$ts>, a timestamp in form C<YYYYMMDDHHMMSS>, calculates the timestamp corresponding to the start of the same day, and, if called in list context, the end of the day. If called in scalar context, returns one timestamp corresponding to the start of the day; if called in list context, returns two timestamps, for the start and end of the day. For example, given C<20020410160406>, returns C<20020410000000> in scalar context, and C<20020410000000> and C<20020410235959> in list context. =head2 start_end_week($ts) Given I<$ts>, a timestamp in form C<YYYYMMDDHHMMSS>, calculates the timestamp corresponding to the start of the week, and, if called in list context, the end of the week. If called in scalar context, returns one timestamp corresponding to the start of the week; if called in list context, returns two timestamps, for the start and end of the week. A week is defined as starting on Sunday. For example, given C<20020410160406>, returns C<20020407000000> in scalar context, and C<20020407000000> and C<20020413235959> in list context. =head2 start_end_month($ts) Given I<$ts>, a timestamp in form C<YYYYMMDDHHMMSS>, calculates the timestamp corresponding to the start of the month, and, if called in list context, the end of the month. If called in scalar context, returns one timestamp corresponding to the start of the month; if called in list context, returns two timestamps, for the start and end of the month. For example, given C<20020410160406>, returns C<20020401000000> in scalar context, and C<20020401000000> and C<20020430235959> in list context. =head2 offset_time_list($unix_ts, $blog [, $direction ]) Given I<$unix_ts>, a timestamp in Unix epoch format (seconds since 1970), applies the timezone offset specified in the blog I<$blog> (either an I<MT::Blog> object or a numeric blog ID). If daylight saving time is in effect in the local time zone (determined using the return value from I<localtime()>), the offset is automatically adjusted. Returns the return value of I<gmtime()> given the adjusted Unix timestamp. =head2 format_ts($format, $ts, $blog) Given a timestamp I<$ts> in form C<YYYYMMDDHHMMSS>, applies the format specified in I<$format> and returns the formatted string. If specified, I<$blog> should be an I<MT::Blog> object, from which the date/time formatting language preference is taken (e.g. English, French, etc.). If unspecified, English formatting is used. If I<$format> is C<undef>, and I<$blog> is specified, I<format_ts> will use a language-specific default format; if a language-specific format is not defined, or if I<$blog> is unspecified, the default format used is C<%B %e, %Y %I:%M %p>. =head2 days_in($month, $year) Returns the number of days in the month I<$month> in the year I<$year>. I<$month> should be numeric, starting at C<1> for C<January>. I<$year> should be a 4-digit year. The number of days is automatically adjusted in a leap year. =head2 wday_from_ts($year, $month, $day) Returns the numeric day of the week, in the range C<0>-C<6>, where C<0> is C<Sunday>, for the date specified in I<$year>, I<$month>, and I<$day>. I<$year> should be a 4-digit year; I<$month> a numeric value in the range C<1>-C<12>; and I<$day> the numeric day of the month. =head2 first_n_words($str, $n) Given a string I<$str>, returns the first I<$n> words in the string, after removing any HTML tags. =head2 dirify($str) Munges a string I<$str> so that it is suitable for use as a file/directory name. HTML is removed; HTML-entities are removed; non-word/space characters are removed; spaces are changed to underscores; the entire string is converted to lower-case. For example, the string C<Foo E<lt>bE<gt>BarE<lt>/bE<gt> E<amp>quot;BazE<amp>quot;> would be transformed into C<foo_bar_baz>. =head2 encode_html($str) Encodes any special characters in I<$str> into HTML entities and returns the transformed string. If I<HTML::Entities> is available, and if the configuration setting I<NoHTMLEntities> is not set, uses I<HTML::Entities> for entity-encoding. Otherwise, very simple encoding is done to catch the most common characters that need encoding. =head2 decode_html($str) Decodes any HTML entities in I<$str> into the corresponding characters and returns the transformed string. If I<HTML::Entities> is available, and if the configuration setting I<NoHTMLEntities> is not set, uses I<HTML::Entities> for entity-decoding. Otherwise, very simple decoding is done to catch the most common entities that need decoding. =head2 remove_html($str) Removes any HTML tags from I<$str> and returns the result. =head2 encode_js($str) Escapes/encodes any special characters in I<$str> so that the string can be used safely as the value in Javascript; returns the transformed string. =head2 encode_php($str [, $type ]) Escapes/encodes any special characters in I<$str> so that the string can be used safely as the value in PHP code; returns the transformed string. I<$type> can be either C<qq> (double-quote interpolation), C<here> (heredoc interpolation), or C<q> (single-quote interpolation). C<q> is the default. =head2 spam_protect($email_address) Given an email address I<$email_address>, encodes any characters that will identify it as an email address (C<:>, C<@>, and C<.>) into HTML entities, so that spam harvesters will not see the email address as easily. Returns the transformed address. =head2 is_valid_email($email_address) Checks the email address I<$email_address> for syntax validity; if the address--or part of it--is valid, I<is_valid_email> returns the valid (part of) the email address. Otherwise, it returns C<0>. =head2 perl_sha1_digest($msg) Returns a SHA1 digest of $msg. The result is the usual packed binary representation. Use perl_sha1_digest_hex to get a printable string. =head2 perl_sha1_digest_hex($msg) Returns a SHA1 digest of $msg. The result is an ASCII string of hex digits. Use perl_sha1_digest to get a binary representation. =head2 dsa_verify(Key => $key, Signature => $sig, [ Message => $msg | $Digest => $dgst ]) Verifies that sig is a DSA signature of $msg (or $dgst) produced using the private half of the public key given in $key. Requires Math::BigInt but doesn't call for any non-perl libraries. =head1 AUTHOR & COPYRIGHTS Please see the I<MT> manpage for author, copyright, and license information. =cut