File: mtmanual_configuration.html
<html> <head> <title>CONFIGURATION SETTINGS</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="doc-styles.css" type="text/css"> </head> <body> <h3>Movable Type User Manual: CONFIGURATION SETTINGS</h3> <p><a href="mtmanual.html">« Table of Contents</a></p> <a name="__index__"></a> <ul> <li><a href="#configuration settings">CONFIGURATION SETTINGS</a></li> </ul> <hr size="1" color="#CCCCCC"> <p> <h1><a name="configuration settings"></a>CONFIGURATION SETTINGS</h1> <p>Movable Type's configuration file is called <i>mt.cfg</i> and is located in your main Movable Type directory (the directory where the <i>.cgi</i> scripts live). Following is a list of valid configuration options that can be used in <i>mt.cfg</i>, along with a description and the default setting for each option. These descriptions are also present in <i>mt.cfg</i> itself.</p> <ul> <li><strong><a name="item_CGIPath"></a>CGIPath</strong><br> <li><strong><a name="item_AdminCGIPath"></a>AdminCGIPath</strong><br> Movable Type uses the <i>CGIPath</i> and <i>AdminCGIPath</i> settings to construct links back to Movable Type CGI scripts. For example, the MT tag <code><$MTCGIPath$></code> is replaced with the value of the <i>CGIPath</i> setting. <i>AdminCGIPath</i> is used to construct links to <i>mt.cgi</i>, and <i>CGIPath</i> is used to construct links to all other CGI scripts. <p><i>AdminCGIPath</i> is optional. If you do not provide a value for it, it will default to the value of <i>CGIPath</i>. You may wish to use it if you want to place your <i>mt.cgi</i> in a separate directory than the other CGI scripts, or if you wish to use an SSL-enabled URL for your <i>mt.cgi</i> usage.</p> <p>Default value: none</p> <p>Examples:</p> <pre>CGIPath http://www.your-site.com/path/to/mt/ AdminCGIPath https://www.your-site.com/path/to/mt/ </pre><p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_DataSource"></a>DataSource</strong><br> The filesystem path to the <i>db</i> directory, where your MT database files are stored, if you're using the Berkeley DB data storage option. <p>Default value: <i>./db</i></p> <p>Example:</p> <pre>DataSource ./db </pre><p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_StaticWebPath"></a>StaticWebPath</strong><br> If you place all of your MT files in a cgi-bin directory, you will need to situate the static files (<i>docs</i>, <i>images</i>, <i>styles.css</i>, <i>mt.js</i>) elsewhere, so that the webserver will not try to execute them. The <a href="./mtmanual_troubleshooting.html">Troubleshooting</a> section of the manual has more information. <p>Default value: none</p> <p>Example:</p> <pre>StaticWebPath /path/to/static-files/ </pre><p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_TemplatePath"></a>TemplatePath</strong><br> The filesystem path to the <i>tmpl</i> directory, which contains the front-end templates used by the Movable Type application. <p>Default value: <i>./tmpl</i></p> <p>Example:</p> <pre>TemplatePath ./tmpl </pre><p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_MailTransfer"></a>MailTransfer</strong><br> If you would rather use SMTP than sendmail, you should set the MailTransfer config setting to 'smtp' (as below). Possible values for MailTransfer are: <code>smtp</code>, <code>sendmail</code>, and <code>debug</code> (which just writes out mail messages to STDERR, for debugging purposes). <p>Default value: <code>sendmail</code></p> <p>Example:</p> <pre>MailTransfer smtp </pre><p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_SendMailPath"></a>SendMailPath</strong><br> By default, Movable Type looks for sendmail in three locations: <i>/usr/lib/sendmail</i>, <i>/usr/sbin/sendmail</i>, and <i>/usr/ucblib/sendmail</i>. If your sendmail is in a different location, you can adjust the SendMailPath configuration setting. <p>Default value: any of the above</p> <p>Example:</p> <pre>SendMailPath /usr/sbin/sendmail </pre><p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_SMTPServer"></a>SMTPServer</strong><br> The address of your SMTP server, to be used along with <code>MailTransfer smtp</code>. <p>Default value: <code>localhost</code></p> <p>Example:</p> <pre>SMTPServer smtp.your-site.com </pre><p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_NoTempFiles"></a>NoTempFiles</strong><br> By default, when writing to an output file (for example, one of your index or archive pages), Movable Type will first write the data to a temp file, then rename that temp file. In the case that the process writing the data dies unexpectedly, this prevents the pages on your site from being erased. If you do not like this behavior (because it requires you to set directory permissions too liberally, for example), you can use <a href="#item_NoTempFiles"><code>NoTempFiles</code></a> to turn it off. <p>Default value: <code>0</code></p> <p>Example:</p> <pre>NoTempFiles 1 </pre><p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_WeblogsPingURL"></a>WeblogsPingURL</strong><br> The URL used to send the XML-RPC <i>weblogs.com</i> ping. <p>Default value: <code>http://rpc.weblogs.com/RPC2</code></p> <p>Example:</p> <pre>WeblogsPingURL http://some.alternate.weblogs.com.server/path/ </pre><p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_BlogsPingURL"></a>BlogsPingURL</strong><br> The URL used to send the XML-RPC <i>blo.gs</i> ping. <p>Default value: <code>http://ping.blo.gs/</code></p> <p>Example:</p> <pre>BlogsPingURL http://some.alternate.blo.gs.server/path/ </pre><p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_TechnoratiPingURL"></a>TechnoratiPingURL</strong><br> The URL to which the update ping is sent when blog owners have chosen ``Technorati'' as a target for recently updated pings. <p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_MTPingURL"></a>MTPingURL</strong><br> The URL used to send the XML-RPC ping to <i>movabletype.org</i> (if you have a Recently Updated Key). <p>Default value: <code>http://www.movabletype.org/update/</code></p> <p>Example:</p> <pre>MTPingURL http://some.alternate.movabletype.org.server/path/ </pre><p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_CGIMaxUpload"></a>CGIMaxUpload</strong><br> When uploading files through Movable Type's upload mechanism, a ceiling is put on the size of the files that can be uploaded to prevent denial-of-service attacks. <p>Default value: <code>1000000</code> (1MB)</p> <p>Example:</p> <pre>CGIMaxUpload 500000 </pre><p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_DBUmask"></a>DBUmask</strong><br> <li><strong><a name="item_HTMLUmask"></a>HTMLUmask</strong><br> <li><strong><a name="item_UploadUmask"></a>UploadUmask</strong><br> <li><strong><a name="item_DirUmask"></a>DirUmask</strong><br> When creating files and directories, Movable Type uses umask settings to control the permissions set on the files. If you are running under cgiwrap or suexec, you should use a value of <code>0022</code> for all of these settings. <p>Default values: <code>0111</code> (DBUmask, HTMLUmask, UploadUmask), 0000 (DirUmask)</p> <p>Example:</p> <pre>DBUmask 0022 </pre><p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_HTMLPerms"></a>HTMLPerms</strong><br> <li><strong><a name="item_UploadPerms"></a>UploadPerms</strong><br> In addition to controlling permissions via umask settings, you can also use the <i>HTMLPerms</i> and <i>UploadPerms</i> settings to control the default permissions for files created by the system (either as output files or uploaded files). The only real use of this is to turn on the executable bit of files created by the system--for example, if MT is generating PHP files that need to have the executable bit turned on, you could set <i>HTMLPerms</i> to <code>0777</code>. <p>Default value: <code>0666</code></p> <p>Example:</p> <pre>HTMLPerms 0777 </pre><p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_TempDir"></a>TempDir</strong><br> When processing uploaded files, if Movable Type notices that the file you uploaded already exists, it will allow you to overwrite the original file, by first asking for your confirmation. To do this, MT needs to write the uploaded data to a temporary file. That temporary file is stored in the directory specified by the TempDir setting. <p>Default value: <code>/tmp</code></p> <p>Example:</p> <pre>TempDir /tmp/ </pre><p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_EntriesPerRebuild"></a>EntriesPerRebuild</strong><br> When rebuilding individual archives, Movable Type splits up the rebuilding process into segments, where each segment consists of rebuilding N entries. The default value for N is 40, so by default, MT will rebuild 40 entries at a time, then move on to the next 40, etc. You can change that value globally here; for example, if you have a very stable server, you might wish to just get it all done with in one batch. <p>Default value: <code>40</code></p> <p>Example:</p> <pre>EntriesPerRebuild 100 </pre><p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_ImportPath"></a>ImportPath</strong><br> The filesystem path to the <i>import</i> directory, which is used when importing entries and comments into the system--<i>import</i> is the directory where the files to be imported are placed. <p>Default value: <i>./import</i></p> <p>Example:</p> <pre>ImportPath ./import </pre><p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_UseNFSSafeLocking"></a>UseNFSSafeLocking</strong><br> By default Movable Type uses Perl's <i>flock()</i> function to lock your databases while reading and writing. On systems using NFS-mounted directories, however, Perl's <i>flock()</i> may fail, unless the <i>perl</i> executable has been built to use <i>fnctl(2)</i> instead of <i>flock(2)</i>; and even then, it is not certain that the locking will truly work. <p>Thus, if you have problems running Movable Type on systems using NFS, you can use the <i>UseNFSSafeLocking</i> directive to use simpler file locking that will work over NFS.</p> <p>Default value: <code>0</code> (don't use NFS-safe locking)</p> <p>Example:</p> <pre>UseNFSSafeLocking 1 </pre><p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_NoLocking"></a>NoLocking</strong><br> On some Windows systems, neither <i>flock()</i> nor <i>link()</i> are available, so you can't use the default <i>flock()</i> locking, nor can you use the NFS-safe locking. In such cases, you can turn on the <i>NoLocking</i> option. Note that you should <strong>ONLY</strong> do this if your system supports nothing else--it is a last resort, because it increases the likelihood of database corruption. However, if you are the only person using the system (for example, if this is your personal server), this should not be as much of an issue. <p>Default value: <code>0</code> (use locking)</p> <p>Example:</p> <pre>NoLocking 1 </pre><p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_NoHTMLEntities"></a>NoHTMLEntities</strong><br> By default Movable Type uses the Perl module <i>HTML::Entities</i> to encode characters into HTML entities, provided that you have this Perl module. However, in some circumstances, even if you have this module, you may not wish to use it for encoding; for example, if you are using a language that uses a different character encoding (Polish, Russian, etc). In that case, you should set the value of <i>NoHTMLEntities</i> to <code>1</code>. <p>Default value: <code>0</code> (use <i>HTML::Entities</i>, if it's available)</p> <p>Example:</p> <pre>NoHTMLEntities 1 </pre><p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_NoCDATA"></a>NoCDATA</strong><br> By default, when encoding data for XML Movable Type checks whether your data looks like it contains any HTML tags or other unsafe-for-XML data, and if so, it encloses your data in CDATA tags. Some news aggregators have trouble with combinations of CDATA with other data, though, so if this is causing a problem for you, you can use <i>NoCDATA</i> to encode any special characters into entities. <p>Default value: <code>0</code> (use CDATA)</p> <p>Example:</p> <pre>NoCDATA 1 </pre><p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_PingTimeout"></a>PingTimeout</strong><br> When sending pings--either TrackBack pings or update pings--Movable Type sets a timeout on the ping, so that it doesn't take too long and appear to freeze up the system. You can override the default setting of <code>15</code> seconds by setting a different value with the <i>PingTimeout</i> directive. The value is assumed to be in seconds. <p>Default value: <code>15</code></p> <p>Example:</p> <pre>PingTimeout 5 </pre><p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_PingInterface"></a>PingInterface</strong><br> By default, outgoing Trackback and update pings are sent to the internet using the default network interface card (NIC) on the server running Movable Type. In some rare cases, it may be necessary or desirable to have the outbound ping traffic sent over a different network interface card or network connection. In these situations, enter the IP address of the network interface card that should be used to send the outgoing ping notifications. <p>You may specifiy only the IP address (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx), or and IP address and port number (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:#). If no port number is specified, the outgoing ping will be sent from the specified IP address using the next available port number. If a port is specified, the outgoing ping will be sent from the specified IP address AND port number. This is useful when you need a consistent source IP:port address for firewall filtering of outbound connections.</p> <p><strong>Note:</strong> Don't specify a port unless it's absolutely necessary. If the port specified is already in use, the outgoing ping will fail without error.</p> <p>Default value: none</p> <p>Example:</p> <pre>PingInterface PingInterface </pre><p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_PingProxy"></a>PingProxy</strong><br> In some cases, a proxy server must be used to gain access to the internet if the computer Movable Type is running on is behind a firewall or on an internal private network. By setting <i>PingProxy</i> to the full URL address of your proxy server, Movable Type will route all Trackback and update pings through the proxy server specified. <p>Default value: none</p> <p>Example:</p> <pre>PingProxy </pre><p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_PingNoProxy"></a>PingNoProxy</strong><br> If <i>PingProxy</i> above is set, Movable Type will route Trackback and update pings through the specified proxy EXCEPT for pings destined for the domains listed in <i>PingNoProxy</i>. <p>Default value: localhost,</p> <p>Example:</p> <pre>PingNoProxy internal.lan, example.tld </pre><p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_ImageDriver"></a>ImageDriver</strong><br> Specifies the image toolkit used to create thumbnails from uploaded images. By default, the ImageMagick library and Image::Magick Perl module are used; if your system does not have these, you can use the NetPBM tools instead (assuming that your system has these tools installed). Possible values for this setting are <i>ImageMagick</i> or <i>NetPBM</i>. <p>Default value: <code>ImageMagick</code></p> <p>Example:</p> <pre>ImageDriver NetPBM </pre><p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_NetPBMPath"></a>NetPBMPath</strong><br> By default, Movable Type looks for the NetPBM tools in three locations: <i>/usr/local/netpbm/bin</i>, <i>/usr/local/bin</i>, and <i>/usr/bin</i>. If your NetPBM tools are installed in a different location, you can adjust the NetPBMPath configuration setting. Note that this path should be the path to the directory containing the NetPBM binaries; for example, if your <i>pnmscale</i> binary is at <i>/home/foo/netpbm/bin/pnmscale</i>, you should set the value of NetPBMPath to <i>/home/foo/netpbm/bin</i>. <p>Default value: any of the above three locations</p> <p>Example:</p> <pre>NetPBMPath /home/foo/netpbm/bin </pre><p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_CommentScript"></a>CommentScript</strong><br> <li><strong><a name="item_TrackbackScript"></a>TrackbackScript</strong><br> <li><strong><a name="item_SearchScript"></a>SearchScript</strong><br> <li><strong><a name="item_XMLRPCScript"></a>XMLRPCScript</strong><br> <li><strong><a name="item_ViewScript"></a>ViewScript</strong><br> By default, the script that Movable Type uses for comments is called <i>mt-comments.cgi</i>, the TrackBack script is called <i>mt-tb.cgi</i>, the search engine script is called <i>mt-search.cgi</i>, the XML-RPC server script is called <i>mt-xmlrpc.cgi</i>, and the dynamic weblog view script is called <i>mt-view.cgi</i>. In some situations--for example, if you are running MT under mod_perl, or if your server requires that your Perl scripts have the extension <i>.pl</i>--you may need different names for these scripts. You can set the names that will be used throughout the default templates and Movable Type code by changing these values. <p>Default value: for CommentScript, <i>mt-comments.cgi</i>; for TrackbackScript, <i>mt-tb.cgi</i>; for SearchScript, <i>mt-search.cgi</i>; for XMLRPCScript, <i>mt-xmlrpc.cgi</i>; for ViewScript, <i>mt-view.cgi</i></p> <p>Example:</p> <pre>CommentScript comments TrackbackScript trackback SearchScript search XMLRPCScript xmlrpc ViewScript weblog </pre><p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_PublishCharset"></a>PublishCharset</strong><br> By default, the character encoding sent in the HTTP headers when you are using the system corresponds to the language you have chosen as your ``Preferred Language'' in your user profile. If you would like to override that you can set PublishCharset to the character encoding to be used. Be aware, though, that this will override the setting for every user and every weblog in this MT installation. An example encoding might be <code>Shift_JIS</code>. <p>Default value: encoding corresponding to Preferred Language</p> <p>Example:</p> <pre>PublishCharset Shift_JIS </pre><p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_SafeMode"></a>SafeMode</strong><br> ``Safe mode'' enables certain warnings about security and other issues, and turns off some small features and capabilities (for example, linking templates to files with .cgi and other extensions). Safe mode is on by default; you can turn it off by setting SafeMode to 0. <p>Default value: <code>1</code></p> <p>Example:</p> <pre>SafeMode 0 </pre><p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_GlobalSanitizeSpec"></a>GlobalSanitizeSpec</strong><br> By default, Movable Type cleans up (``sanitizes'') any data submitted by visitors to your site. This is done to remove any code (HTML or otherwise) that could compromise the security of your site. The sanitization code works by only allowing certain HTML tags--any other tags, and all processing instructions (PHP, for example) are stripped. The GlobalSanitizeSpec setting, then, specifies the tags and attributes that are allowed. <p>Default value: <code>a href,b,br/,p,strong,em,ul,li,blockquote</code></p> <p>Example:</p> <pre>GlobalSanitizeSpec blockquote,div </pre><p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_GenerateTrackBackRSS"></a>GenerateTrackBackRSS</strong><br> By default, for each TrackBack item in your Movable Type system--either entry or category TrackBack items--an individual RSS feed will be automatically created and managed, listing the TrackBack pings for that item. These pings are stored in your Local Archive Path. If you want to turn off this feature, you can set <i>GenerateTrackBackRSS</i> to <code>0</code>. The default setting is <code>1</code>, to generate RSS files for each TrackBack item. <p>Default value: <code>1</code></p> <p>Example:</p> <pre>GenerateTrackBackRSS 0 </pre><p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_ThrottleSeconds"></a>ThrottleSeconds</strong><br> Movable Type uses IP-based comment throttling to provide some protection against comment flooding. <i>ThrottleSeconds</i> sets the number of seconds after which a visitor has posted a comment that he/she will not be allowed to post another comment. For example, if Alice posts a comment at 30 seconds after the minute, she will not be allowed to post another comment from the same IP address for the number of seconds set in this setting. You can increase this setting if you don't get too many people commenting often on your weblog. <p>This setting will also affect the rate at which TrackBack pings are accepted; see OneDayMaxPings.</p> <p>Default value: <code>20</code></p> <p>Example:</p> <pre>ThrottleSeconds 60 </pre><p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_SearchTemplatePath"></a>SearchTemplatePath</strong><br> The filesystem path to the <i>search_templates</i> directory, which is where your search templates should be located. This setting defaults to <i>./search_templates</i>, which means that the <i>search_templates</i> directory is in the same directory as the <i>mt.cgi</i> file; you probably don't need to change this setting, unless you have moved your <i>search_templates</i> directory. <p>Default value: ./search_templates/</p> <p>Example:</p> <pre>SearchTemplatePath /home/foo/my/search_templates/ </pre><p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_DefaultTemplate"></a>DefaultTemplate</strong><br> The filename of the default search template, located inside of your <i>search_templates</i> directory (see the SearchTemplatePath directive). If you define and use alternate templates (see below), you don't need to use the default template. <p>Default value: <i>default.tmpl</i>.</p> <p>Example:</p> <pre>DefaultTemplate my-template.tmpl </pre><p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_AltTemplate"></a>AltTemplate</strong><br> If you have multiple weblogs, or if you provide several different versions of your site, you may wish to use alternate templates to provide different versions of your search results, as well. See <a href="./mtmanual_public.html#alternate templates">Alternate Templates</a> in the manual for more details. You can define as many alternate templates as you want. <p>By default, the following alternate template is set up:</p> <pre>AltTemplate comments comments.tmpl </pre><p>This sets up the alternate template for the ``new comment search''.</p> <p>Example:</p> <pre>AltTemplate work work.tmpl </pre><p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_ExcludeBlogs"></a>ExcludeBlogs</strong><br> <li><strong><a name="item_IncludeBlogs"></a>IncludeBlogs</strong><br> To restrict the weblogs included in a search on your site, you can use the IncludeBlogs and ExcludeBlogs settings. IncludeBlogs lists the weblogs that will be included in the search, and ExcludeBlogs lists weblogs that will be excluded from the search. Do not try to use both--IncludeBlogs will override ExcludeBlogs. The default is to search all weblogs. Separate weblog IDs with commas. <p>Default value: none</p> <p>Examples:</p> <pre>ExcludeBlogs 1,3,4 IncludeBlogs 2 </pre><p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_RegexSearch"></a>RegexSearch</strong><br> <li><strong><a name="item_CaseSearch"></a>CaseSearch</strong><br> The following settings specify the defaults for searches on your site; they can be overridden either through hidden form inputs, or in form inputs set by your users. You should probably leave these settings at the defaults and allow your users to override them. RegexSearch is a regular-expression search, and CaseSearch is a case-sensitive search. <p>Default value: <code>0</code> for each setting</p> <p>Examples:</p> <pre>RegexSearch 1 CaseSearch 1 </pre><p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_SearchCutoff"></a>SearchCutoff</strong><br> <li><strong><a name="item_CommentSearchCutoff"></a>CommentSearchCutoff</strong><br> The default number of days to search on a regular search (SearchCutoff) or on a new comment search (CommentSearchCutoff). <p>The default for SearchCutoff is to search from the beginning of your weblog (all of your entries), and the default for CommentSearchCutoff is the last month of comments.</p> <p>Examples:</p> <pre>SearchCutoff 7 CommentSearchCutoff 7 </pre><p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_MaxResults"></a>MaxResults</strong><br> The maximum number of results to return in a search. If this is a straight search, the number of results is per-weblog--if you set MaxResults to <code>5</code>, for example, that would mean a maximum of <code>5</code> results for each weblog in your system. In a new comment search, this is the maximum number of entries with new comments. <p>Default value: no maximum (that is, return as many results as possible)</p> <p>Example:</p> <pre>MaxResults 5 </pre><p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_ResultDisplay"></a>ResultDisplay</strong><br> The sort order for the search results. Using <code>ascend</code> will list the entries in chronological order (oldest entry at the top); using <code>descend</code> will list the entries in reverse chronological order (newest entry at the top). <p>Default value: <code>descend</code></p> <p>Example:</p> <pre>ResultDisplay ascend </pre><p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_SearchSortBy"></a>SearchSortBy</strong><br> The sort column for the search results. Using <code>created_on</code> will sort the entries by the authored on date; using <code>title</code> will sort the entries by title. This can be used with <i>ResultDisplay</i> to sort in either ascending or descending order. <p>Default value: <code>created_on</code></p> <p>Example:</p> <pre>SearchSortBy title </pre><p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_ExcerptWords"></a>ExcerptWords</strong><br> The number of words in the excerpt displayed when you use the <code><$MTEntryExcerpt$></code> tag inside of your search results. This setting is distinct from the ``Number of words in excerpt'' setting in your weblog configuration, because this setting is just used for excerpts in your search results. <p>Default value: <code>40</code></p> <p>Example:</p> <pre>ExcerptWords 100 </pre><p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_SearchElement"></a>SearchElement</strong><br> By default, a search will search only through the entries in your weblog, not through the comments. A comment search is slower than an entry search, because there is more text to search through. You should probably leave this set to <code>entries</code>, and let your visitors override that setting if they wish to. Possible values are <code>entries</code>, <code>comments</code>, or <code>both</code>. <p>Default value: <code>entries</code></p> <p>Example:</p> <pre>SearchElement both </pre><p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_NoOverride"></a>NoOverride</strong><br> By default, the search engine allows most of the above configuration directives to be overridden by search templates. This has the side effect that users could also override those settings by changing values in the query string. In particular, this could be dangerous if you have some private weblogs--even if you use IncludeBlogs or ExcludeBlogs to allow/deny certain weblogs to be searched, users could override that setting to search your private weblog. You can use NoOverride to provide a comma-separated list of configuration directives that cannot be overriden by either search templates or users. This means that only the settings made in mt.cfg will be used. <p>Default value: none</p> <p>Example:</p> <pre>NoOverride IncludeBlogs,ExcludeBlogs </pre><p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_EmailAddressMain"></a>EmailAddressMain</strong><br> When MT sends out an email, for example when a new comment is posted, it needs an address which will appear as the ``From:'' address of the email. By setting <a href="#item_EmailAddressMain"><code>EmailAddressMain</code></a>, you can control this address. If you leave it unset, MT will default to using the author of the relevant post: but often times, this is also the addressee of the email, which can cause problems with spam filters. <p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_LaunchBackgroundTasks"></a>LaunchBackgroundTasks</strong><br> Certain tasks are by default run in the background. This frees up the user or other software to continue using the application while MT does important tasks, for example rebuilding. However, this feature does not work in some hosting environments. If you find that some features are not taking effect, try setting LaunchBackgroundTasks to 0. <p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_RegKeyURL"></a>RegKeyURL</strong><br> This is a URL from which Movable Type will fetch the public key used to verify authentication requests. The public key itself can be overridden locally using <i>SignOnPublicKey</i>. <p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_SignOnPublicKey"></a>SignOnPublicKey</strong><br> A DSA public key, used to verify authentication information for comment registration. <p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_CommentSessionTimeout"></a>CommentSessionTimeout</strong><br> The number of seconds until a registered commenter's session will expire. Defaults to 1 hour. <p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_EmailVerificationSecret"></a>EmailVerificationSecret</strong><br> If you are exposing the mt-add-notify.cgi interface to users, allowing them to sign up for site update notifications, you should set this value to something that outsiders would not be able to guess. This allows Movable Type to secure the notification signup process so that visitors have to verify their email addresses. <p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_AltTemplatePath"></a>AltTemplatePath</strong><br> <li><strong><a name="item_CSSPath"></a>CSSPath</strong><br> This value supplies the path to your CSS file, if it's in a different place from your other static files. <p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_DBPort"></a>DBPort</strong><br> Normally, database servers communicate with MT over a standard TCP/IP port, but if you want to use a non-standard port, give the port number as the value of this configuration variable. If you're not managing your own server, and your hosting company didn't give you a database port to use, then you don't neeed to worry about this. <p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_DBSocket"></a>DBSocket</strong><br> <li><strong><a name="item_DebugEmailAddress"></a>DebugEmailAddress</strong><br> When this value is set to an email address, MT will send all outgoing mail to this address instead of the usual recipient. <p>If you're developing applications that use MT's mailer (<a href="MT/Mail.html">the MT::Mail manpage</a>) then you might find this option a useful alternative to the <code>MailTransfer Debug</code> option while debugging.</p> <p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_DefaultLanguage"></a>DefaultLanguage</strong><br> Determines the language which will apply to the Movable Type interface when no user is logged in. <p>The value should be the name of a ``localization module'' installed on your server. Localization modules should be placed in the directory lib/MT/L10N/ within the Movable Type directory. For more information on how to get a localization module for your language, see FIXMEFIXMEFIXME.</p> <p>When a user is logged in to Movable Type, the interface will be presented in the language specified by the user's profile settings.</p> <p>Default value: <code>en_us</code></p> <p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_NewsboxURL"></a>NewsboxURL</strong><br> The newsbox in the upper-right-hand corner of Movable Type's main menu is pulled over the web from the URL in this value. <p>You can set this box to display a custom ``local'' news feed (for example, your organization's internal news), by changing the NewsboxURL value. The content returned at that URL should be a small amount of balanced HTML which will fit within a document object of a varying width.</p> <p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_OneHourMaxPings_%3Ditem_%2A_OneDayMaxPings"></a>OneHourMaxPings =item * OneDayMaxPings</strong><br> These settings allow you to limit the maximum number of TrackBack pings that you will accept in the period of one our or one day, respectively. In fact, the latter limit applies to the period which is 4000 times as long as the ThrottleSeconds value, which defaults to 20. Thus, by adjusting the ThrottleSeconds value, you can change the amount of time during which the OneDayMaxPings setting applies. <p>A higher-than-usual rate of incoming TrackBack pings can be indicative of malicious behavior. These settings give you a measure of protection against such behavior.</p> <p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_PluginPath"></a>PluginPath</strong><br> The path, relative to the Movable Type directory, where plugins are found. Defaults to 'plugins'. <p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_IdentityURL_%3Ditem_%2A_SignOffURL_%3Ditem_%2A_Sig"></a>IdentityURL =item * SignOffURL =item * SignOnURL</strong><br> Use these options to replace the TypeKey remote authentication system with an alternate, compatible system. More information can be found in <a href="./mtauth.html">the mtauth manpage</a>. <p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_TimeOffset"></a>TimeOffset</strong><br> Specifies the default timezone (in hours from UTC). This is used when logging actions that do not pertain to a specific weblog, since each weblog has its own timezone setting. <p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_TransparentProxyIPs"></a>TransparentProxyIPs</strong><br> If your webserver is behind an HTTP proxy, it will look like all comments and trackback pings are coming from the same IP address, making it difficult (nay, impossible) to ban any particular sender's IP address. If TransparentProxyIPs is 1, Movable Type will ignore the first IP address it sees and try to determine the external IPs from which a comment or trackback ping was received. Note that, because there could be other HTTP proxies in the chain, this is <i>still</i> not necessarily the IP address of the machine that sent the comment or trackback ping. Only use this option if you know that your webserver is always accessed through a proxy, since otherwise the IP address information of the remote host will be lost. <p></p></ul> <hr size="1" color="#CCCCCC"> <span class="copyright">Copyright © 2001-2004 Six Apart. All Rights Reserved.</span> </body> </html>