File: mtmanual_programmatic.html
<html> <head> <title>PROGRAMMATIC INTERFACES</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="doc-styles.css" type="text/css"> </head> <body> <h3>Movable Type User Manual: PROGRAMMATIC INTERFACES</h3> <p><a href="mtmanual.html">« Table of Contents</a></p> <a name="__index__"></a> <ul> <li><a href="#programmatic interfaces">PROGRAMMATIC INTERFACES</a></li> <ul> <li><a href="#xmlrpc api">XML-RPC API</a></li> <li><a href="#perl api">Perl API</a></li> <li><a href="#plugins">Plugins</a></li> </ul> </ul> <hr size="1" color="#CCCCCC"> <p> <h1><a name="programmatic interfaces"></a>PROGRAMMATIC INTERFACES</h1> <p> <h2><a name="xmlrpc api"></a>XML-RPC API</h2> <p>Movable Type features a full implementation of the Blogger XML-RPC API (where applicable). The only two methods that are not supported by Movable Type are <code>getTemplate</code> and <code>setTemplate</code>, due to the differences between Blogger's template system and Movable Type's template system.</p> <p>Movable Type also supports the metaWeblog XML-RPC API (also where applicable).</p> <p>Finally, Movable Type also adds a couple of other methods of its own for manipulating the categories assigned to your entries.</p> <p>Usage of any of these XML-RPC APIs requires that your webserver have both <code>LWP::UserAgent</code> and <code>SOAP::Lite</code> installed; if yours does not, the Installation Instructions can tell you how to install them.</p> <p>Following are the XML-RPC methods supported by Movable Type:</p> <ul> <li><strong><a name="item_blogger%2EnewPost"></a>blogger.newPost</strong><br> <strong>Description:</strong> Creates a new post, and optionally publishes it. <p><strong>Parameters:</strong> String <i>appkey</i>, String <i>blogid</i>, String <i>username</i>, String <i>password</i>, String <i>content</i>, boolean <i>publish</i></p> <p><strong>Return value:</strong> on success, String <i>postid</i> of new post; on failure, fault</p> <p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_blogger%2EeditPost"></a>blogger.editPost</strong><br> <strong>Description:</strong> Updates the information about an existing post. <p><strong>Parameters:</strong> String <i>appkey</i>, String <i>postid</i>, String <i>username</i>, String <i>password</i>, String <i>content</i>, boolean <i>publish</i></p> <p><strong>Return value:</strong> on success, boolean true value; on failure, fault</p> <p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_blogger%2EdeletePost"></a>blogger.deletePost</strong><br> <strong>Description:</strong> Deletes a post. <p><strong>Parameters:</strong> String <i>appkey</i>, String <i>postid</i>, String <i>username</i>, String <i>password</i>, boolean <i>publish</i></p> <p><strong>Return value:</strong> on success, boolean true value; on failure, fault</p> <p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_blogger%2EgetRecentPosts"></a>blogger.getRecentPosts</strong><br> <strong>Description:</strong> Returns a list of the most recent posts in the system. <p><strong>Parameters:</strong> String <i>appkey</i>, String <i>blogid</i>, String <i>username</i>, String <i>password</i>, int <i>numberOfPosts</i></p> <p><strong>Return value:</strong> on success, array of structs containing ISO.8601 <i>dateCreated</i>, String <i>userid</i>, String <i>postid</i>, String <i>content</i>; on failure, fault</p> <p><strong>Notes:</strong> <i>dateCreated</i> is in the timezone of the weblog <i>blogid</i></p> <p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_blogger%2EgetUsersBlogs"></a>blogger.getUsersBlogs</strong><br> <strong>Description:</strong> Returns a list of weblogs to which an author has posting privileges. <p><strong>Parameters:</strong> String <i>appkey</i>, String <i>username</i>, String <i>password</i></p> <p><strong>Return value:</strong> on success, array of structs containing String <i>url</i>, String <i>blogid</i>, String <i>blogName</i>; on failure, fault</p> <p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_blogger%2EgetUserInfo"></a>blogger.getUserInfo</strong><br> <strong>Description:</strong> Returns information about an author in the system. <p><strong>Parameters:</strong> String <i>appkey</i>, String <i>username</i>, String <i>password</i></p> <p><strong>Return value:</strong> on success, struct containing String <i>userid</i>, String <i>firstname</i>, String <i>lastname</i>, String <i>nickname</i>, String <i>email</i>, String <i>url</i>; on failure, fault</p> <p><strong>Notes:</strong> <i>firstname</i> is the Movable Type username up to the first space character, and <i>lastname</i> is the username after the first space character.</p> <p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_metaWeblog%2EnewPost"></a>metaWeblog.newPost</strong><br> <strong>Description:</strong> Creates a new post, and optionally publishes it. <p><strong>Parameters:</strong> String <i>blogid</i>, String <i>username</i>, String <i>password</i>, struct <i>content</i>, boolean <i>publish</i></p> <p><strong>Return value:</strong> on success, String <i>postid</i> of new post; on failure, fault</p> <p><strong>Notes:</strong> the struct <i>content</i> can contain the following standard keys: <i>title</i>, for the title of the entry; <i>description</i>, for the body of the entry; and <i>dateCreated</i>, to set the created-on date of the entry. In addition, Movable Type's implementation allows you to pass in values for five other keys: int <i>mt_allow_comments</i>, the value for the <i>allow_comments</i> field; int <i>mt_allow_pings</i>, the value for the <i>allow_pings</i> field; String <i>mt_convert_breaks</i>, the value for the <i>convert_breaks</i> field; String <i>mt_text_more</i>, the value for the additional entry text; String <i>mt_excerpt</i>, the value for the excerpt field; String <i>mt_keywords</i>, the value for the keywords field; and array <i>mt_tb_ping_urls</i>, the list of TrackBack ping URLs for this entry. If specified, <i>dateCreated</i> should be in ISO.8601 format.</p> <p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_metaWeblog%2EeditPost"></a>metaWeblog.editPost</strong><br> <strong>Description:</strong> Updates information about an existing post. <p><strong>Parameters:</strong> String <i>postid</i>, String <i>username</i>, String <i>password</i>, struct <i>content</i>, boolean <i>publish</i></p> <p><strong>Return value:</strong> on success, boolean true value; on failure, fault</p> <p><strong>Notes:</strong> the struct <i>content</i> can contain the following standard keys: <i>title</i>, for the title of the entry; <i>description</i>, for the body of the entry; and <i>dateCreated</i>, to set the created-on date of the entry. In addition, Movable Type's implementation allows you to pass in values for five other keys: int <i>mt_allow_comments</i>, the value for the <i>allow_comments</i> field; int <i>mt_allow_pings</i>, the value for the <i>allow_pings</i> field; String <i>mt_convert_breaks</i>, the value for the <i>convert_breaks</i> field; String <i>mt_text_more</i>, the value for the additional entry text; String <i>mt_excerpt</i>, the value for the excerpt field; String <i>mt_keywords</i>, the value for the keywords field; and array <i>mt_tb_ping_urls</i>, the list of TrackBack ping URLs for this entry. If specified, <i>dateCreated</i> should be in ISO.8601 format.</p> <p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_metaWeblog%2EgetPost"></a>metaWeblog.getPost</strong><br> <strong>Description:</strong> Returns information about a specific post. <p><strong>Parameters:</strong> String <i>postid</i>, String <i>username</i>, String <i>password</i></p> <p><strong>Return value:</strong> on success, struct containing String <i>userid</i>, ISO.8601 <i>dateCreated</i>, String <i>postid</i>, String <i>description</i>, String <i>title</i>, String <i>link</i>, String <i>permaLink</i>, String <i>mt_excerpt</i>, String <i>mt_text_more</i>, int <i>mt_allow_comments</i>, int <i>mt_allow_pings</i>, String <i>mt_convert_breaks</i>, String <i>mt_keywords</i>; on failure, fault</p> <p><strong>Notes:</strong> <i>link</i> and <i>permaLink</i> are both the URL pointing to the archived post. The fields prefixed with <i>mt_</i> are Movable Type extensions to the <i>metaWeblog.getPost</i> API.</p> <p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_metaWeblog%2EgetRecentPosts"></a>metaWeblog.getRecentPosts</strong><br> <strong>Description:</strong> Returns a list of the most recent posts in the system. <p><strong>Parameters:</strong> String <i>blogid</i>, String <i>username</i>, String <i>password</i>, int <i>numberOfPosts</i></p> <p><strong>Return value:</strong> on success, array of structs containing ISO.8601 <i>dateCreated</i>, String <i>userid</i>, String <i>postid</i>, String <i>description</i>, String <i>title</i>, String <i>link</i>, String <i>permaLink</i>, String <i>mt_excerpt</i>, String <i>mt_text_more</i>, int <i>mt_allow_comments</i>, int <i>mt_allow_pings</i>, String <i>mt_convert_breaks</i>, String <i>mt_keywords</i>; on failure, fault</p> <p><strong>Notes:</strong> <i>dateCreated</i> is in the timezone of the weblog <i>blogid</i>; <i>link</i> and <i>permaLink</i> are the URL pointing to the archived post</p> <p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_metaWeblog%2EnewMediaObject"></a>metaWeblog.newMediaObject</strong><br> <strong>Description:</strong> Uploads a file to your webserver. <p><strong>Parameters:</strong> String <i>blogid</i>, String <i>username</i>, String <i>password</i>, struct <i>file</i></p> <p><strong>Return value:</strong> URL to the uploaded file.</p> <p><strong>Notes:</strong> the struct <i>file</i> should contain two keys: base64 <i>bits</i> (the base64-encoded contents of the file) and String <i>name</i> (the name of the file). The <i>type</i> key (media type of the file) is currently ignored.</p> <p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_mt%2EgetRecentPostTitles"></a>mt.getRecentPostTitles</strong><br> <strong>Description:</strong> Returns a bandwidth-friendly list of the most recent posts in the system. <p><strong>Parameters:</strong> String <i>blogid</i>, String <i>username</i>, String <i>password</i>, int <i>numberOfPosts</i></p> <p><strong>Return value:</strong> on success, array of structs containing ISO.8601 <i>dateCreated</i>, String <i>userid</i>, String <i>postid</i>, String <i>title</i>; on failure, fault</p> <p><strong>Notes:</strong> <i>dateCreated</i> is in the timezone of the weblog <i>blogid</i></p> <p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_mt%2EgetCategoryList"></a>mt.getCategoryList</strong><br> <strong>Description:</strong> Returns a list of all categories defined in the weblog. <p><strong>Parameters:</strong> String <i>blogid</i>, String <i>username</i>, String <i>password</i></p> <p><strong>Return value:</strong> on success, an array of structs containing String <i>categoryId</i> and String <i>categoryName</i>; on failure, fault.</p> <p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_mt%2EgetPostCategories"></a>mt.getPostCategories</strong><br> <strong>Description:</strong> Returns a list of all categories to which the post is assigned. <p><strong>Parameters:</strong> String <i>postid</i>, String <i>username</i>, String <i>password</i></p> <p><strong>Return value:</strong> on success, an array of structs containing String <i>categoryName</i>, String <i>categoryId</i>, and boolean <i>isPrimary</i>; on failure, fault.</p> <p><strong>Notes:</strong> <i>isPrimary</i> denotes whether a category is the post's primary category.</p> <p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_mt%2EsetPostCategories"></a>mt.setPostCategories</strong><br> <strong>Description:</strong> Sets the categories for a post. <p><strong>Parameters:</strong> String <i>postid</i>, String <i>username</i>, String <i>password</i>, array <i>categories</i></p> <p><strong>Return value:</strong> on success, boolean true value; on failure, fault</p> <p><strong>Notes:</strong> the array <i>categories</i> is an array of structs containing String <i>categoryId</i> and boolean <i>isPrimary</i>. Using <i>isPrimary</i> to set the primary category is optional--in the absence of this flag, the first struct in the array will be assigned the primary category for the post.</p> <p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_mt%2EsupportedMethods"></a>mt.supportedMethods</strong><br> <strong>Description:</strong> Retrieve information about the XML-RPC methods supported by the server. <p><strong>Parameters:</strong> none</p> <p><strong>Return value:</strong> an array of method names supported by the server.</p> <p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_mt%2EsupportedTextFilters"></a>mt.supportedTextFilters</strong><br> <strong>Description:</strong> Retrieve information about the text formatting plugins supported by the server. <p><strong>Parameters:</strong> none</p> <p><strong>Return value:</strong> an array of structs containing String <i>key</i> and String <i>label</i>. <i>key</i> is the unique string identifying a text formatting plugin, and <i>label</i> is the readable description to be displayed to a user. <i>key</i> is the value that should be passed in the <i>mt_convert_breaks</i> parameter to <i>newPost</i> and <i>editPost</i>.</p> <p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_mt%2EgetTrackbackPings"></a>mt.getTrackbackPings</strong><br> <strong>Description:</strong> Retrieve the list of TrackBack pings posted to a particular entry. This could be used to programmatically retrieve the list of pings for a particular entry, then iterate through each of those pings doing the same, until one has built up a graph of the web of entries referencing one another on a particular topic. <p><strong>Parameters:</strong> String <i>postid</i></p> <p><strong>Return value:</strong> an array of structs containing String <i>pingTitle</i> (the title of the entry sent in the ping), String <i>pingURL</i> (the URL of the entry), and String <i>pingIP</i> (the IP address of the host that sent the ping).</p> <p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_mt%2EpublishPost"></a>mt.publishPost</strong><br> <strong>Description:</strong> Publish (rebuild) all of the static files related to an entry from your weblog. Equivalent to saving an entry in the system (but without the ping). <p><strong>Parameters:</strong> String <i>postid</i>, String <i>username</i>, String <i>password</i></p> <p><strong>Return value:</strong> on success, boolean true value; on failure, fault</p> <p></p></ul> <p><strong>NOTE:</strong> the value of <code>appkey</code> is ignored by Movable Type in all of the Blogger XML-RPC methods.</p> <p>You can use Movable Type's XML-RPC implementation with existing tools like w.bloggar, BlogApp, BlogLet, BlogBuddy, Jericho, etc. For example, to set up BlogBuddy to post to your Movable Type weblog, follow these instructions:</p> <ol> <li> Download BlogBuddy from <a href="http://blogbuddy.sourceforge.net/.">http://blogbuddy.sourceforge.net/.</a> Unpack the archive, and install the application. <p></p> <li> Open the BlogBuddy application. <p></p> <li> Select <i>General Settings</i> from the <i>Settings</i> menu. On the <i>General</i> tab, enter your Movable Type username in <i>UserName</i>, and your password in <i>Password</i>. <p></p> <li> In the <i>Remote Host</i> tab, enter the name of the host where your version of Movable Type is installed into <i>Host name</i>, and the path to <i>mt-xmlrpc.cgi</i> into <i>Endpoint</i>. For example, if <i>mt-xmlrpc.cgi</i> is located at <i><a href="http://www.foo.com/bar/mt-xmlrpc.cgi">http://www.foo.com/bar/mt-xmlrpc.cgi</a></i>, you should enter <i>www.foo.com</i> into <i>Host name</i>, and <i>/bar/mt-xmlrpc.cgi</i> into <i>Endpoint</i>. If your webserver runs on a port other than 80, you should also change the port setting. <p></p> <li> In the <i>Blogs</i> tab, click the <i>Update blogs</i> button; BlogBuddy will contact Movable Type on your webserver, and ask it for a list of weblogs which you have access to (using <i>getUsersBlogs</i>, above). <p></p> <li> You can now post to your Movable Type <code>weblog(s)</code> using BlogBuddy's posting interface. <p></p></ol> <p> <h2><a name="perl api"></a>Perl API</h2> <p>The Movable Type code is written in an object-oriented style and contains a well-documented Perl API that you can use in your own Perl programs. The documentation itself is in POD format and is contained within the <i>.pm</i> files. You can read this documentation from the shell using the <i>perldoc</i> command. For example:</p> <pre>% cd <movable type directory>/lib % perldoc MT </pre><p> <h2><a name="plugins"></a>Plugins</h2> <p>Movable Type's plugin framework makes it easy to add new tags to the system. In the future, more callback functionality will be added.</p> <p>Plugin files are Perl scripts placed in a special directory; when Movable Type is initalized, it loads all of the plugins, which can modify the Movable Type code and system at runtime. Only files with <i>.pl</i> extensions are considered plugins and loaded automatically.</p> <p>Your <i>plugins</i> directory should be placed in the same directory as <i>mt.cgi</i>.</p> <p>To create that directory, connect to your FTP server, and open the directory where you installed Movable Type. Create a new directory called <i>plugins</i>.</p> <ul> <li><strong><a name="item_Variable_Tags"></a>Variable Tags</strong><br> Here is a sample plugin that you can use to test whether your <i>plugins</i> directory is set up properly. <ol> <li> Save the following in a file called <i>load.pl</i>: <pre>use MT::Template::Context; MT::Template::Context->add_tag(ServerUptime => sub { `uptime` }); 1; </pre><p></p> <li> Upload <i>load.pl</i> into your <i>plugins</i> directory. <p></p> <li> In one of your Movable Type templates, add the following: <pre>Uptime: <$MTServerUptime$> </pre><p></p> <li> Rebuild that template, then look at it on your browser. It should include the output from your system's <i>uptime</i> command. <p></p></ol> <p>This is just a very simple example of a new tag that you can add. The plugin framework is not limited to adding tags that call system commands.</p> <li><strong><a name="item_Container_Tags"></a>Container Tags</strong><br> Here's an example of a plugin that creates a container tag: <pre>MT::Template::Context->add_container_tag(Loop => sub { my $ctx = shift; my $res = ''; my $builder = $ctx->stash('builder'); my $tokens = $ctx->stash('tokens'); for my $i (1..5) { $ctx->stash('i_value', $i); defined(my $out = $builder->build($ctx, $tokens)) or return $ctx->error($ctx->errstr); $res .= $out; } $res; }); MT::Template::Context->add_tag(LoopIValue => sub { my $ctx = shift; $ctx->stash('i_value'); }); </pre><p>It can be used like this in a template:</p> <pre><MTLoop> The value of I is: <$MTLoopIValue$> </MTLoop> </pre><p>And it will display:</p> <pre>The value of I is: 1 The value of I is: 2 The value of I is: 3 The value of I is: 4 The value of I is: 5 </pre><p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_Conditional_Tags"></a>Conditional Tags</strong><br> Conditional tags are technically just container tags, but in order to make it very easy to write conditional tags, you can use the <i>add_conditional_tag</i> method. This method takes two arguments: the name of the tag, and a reference to a subroutine which should return true if the condition is true, and false otherwise. <p>For example, the following will add 3 tags: <code><MTIfYes></code>, which always displays its contents; <code><MTIfNo></code>, which never displays its contents; and <code><MTEntryIfTitle></code>, which must be used in entry context, and which only displays its contents if the entry has a title.</p> <pre>use MT::Template::Context; MT::Template::Context->add_conditional_tag(IfYes => sub { 1 }); MT::Template::Context->add_conditional_tag(IfNo => sub { 0 }); MT::Template::Context->add_conditional_tag(EntryIfTitle => sub { my $e = $_[0]->stash('entry') or return; defined($e->title) && $e->title ne ''; }); </pre><p>These tags can be used like this:</p> <pre><MTIfYes>Yes, this appears.</MTIfYes> <MTIfNo>No, this doesn't appear.</MTIfNo> <MTEntries> <MTEntryIfTitle> This entry has a title: <$MTEntryTitle$> </MTEntryIfTitle> </MTEntries> </pre><p></p> <li><strong><a name="item_Global_Filters"></a>Global Filters</strong><br> You can use the <i>add_global_filter</i> method to add a <a href="./mtmanual_tags.html#global tag attributes">global tag attribute</a>. For example: <pre>MT::Template::Context->add_global_filter(rot13 => sub { (my $s = shift) =~ tr/a-zA-Z/n-za-mN-ZA-M/; $s; }); </pre><p>Which can be used like this:</p> <pre><$MTEntryTitle rot13="1"$> </pre><p>The anonymous subroutine is passed three arguments: the scalar value of the tag to be filtered, the value of the argument supplied to the attribute, and the <i>MT::Template::Context</i> object. As an example of the second argument, if we invented a filter called <code>foo</code>, and called it like this:</p> <pre><$MTCommentAuthor foo="5"$> </pre><p>the second argument to the callback routine would be <code>5</code>.</p> <p></p></ul> <p>Plugin tags could be written to display RSS feeds, display server status information, implement a hit counter, etc. You can download plugins from <i><a href="http://www.movabletype.org/resources.shtml">http://www.movabletype.org/resources.shtml</a></i>.</p> <hr size="1" color="#CCCCCC"> <span class="copyright">Copyright © 2001-2004 Six Apart. All Rights Reserved.</span> </body> </html>