File: ErrorHandler.pm
# Copyright 2001-2004 Six Apart. This code cannot be redistributed without # permission from www.movabletype.org. # # $Id: ErrorHandler.pm,v 1.9 2004/04/29 02:42:57 ezra Exp $ package MT::ErrorHandler; use strict; use vars qw( $ERROR ); sub new { bless {}, shift } sub error { my $msg = $_[1] || ''; $msg .= "\n" unless $msg =~ /\n$/; if (ref($_[0])) { $_[0]->{_errstr} = $msg; } else { $ERROR = $msg; } return; } sub errstr { ref($_[0]) ? $_[0]->{_errstr} : $ERROR } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME MT::ErrorHandler - MT error handling =head1 SYNOPSIS package Foo; use MT::ErrorHandler; @Foo::ISA = qw( MT::ErrorHandler ); sub class_method { my $class = shift; ... return $class->error("Help!") unless $continue; } sub object_method { my $obj = shift; ... return $obj->error("I am no more") unless $continue; } package main; use Foo; Foo->class_method or die Foo->errstr; my $foo = Foo->new; $foo->object_method or die $foo->errstr; =head1 DESCRIPTION I<MT::ErrorHandler> provides an error-handling mechanism for all <MT> modules/classes. It is meant to be used as a base class for classes that wish to use its error-handling methods: derived classes use its two methods, I<error> and I<errstr>, to communicate error messages back to the calling program. On failure (for whatever reason), a subclass should call I<error> and return to the caller; I<error> itself sets the error message internally, then returns C<undef>. This has the effect of the method internally, then returns C<undef>. This has the effect of the method that failed returning C<undef> to the caller. The caller should check for errors by checking for a return value of C<undef>, and in this case should call I<errstr> to get the value of the error message. Note that calling I<errstr> when an error has not occurred is undefined behavior and will I<rarely> do what you want. As demonstrated in the I<SYNOPSIS> (above), I<error> and I<errstr> work both as class methods and as object methods. =head1 USAGE =head2 Class->error($message) =head2 $object->error($message) Sets the error message for either the class I<Class> or the object I<$object> to the message I<$message>. Returns C<undef>. =head2 Class->errstr =head2 $object->errstr Accesses the last error message set in the class I<Class> or the object I<$object>, respectively, and returns that error message. =head1 AUTHOR & COPYRIGHTS Please see the I<MT> manpage for author, copyright, and license information. =cut