File: mtdb_base.php
<?php # Copyright 2001-2004 Six Apart. This code cannot be redistributed without # permission from www.movabletype.org. # # $Id: mtdb_base.php,v 2004/10/07 17:41:50 bchoate Exp $ class MTDatabaseBase extends ezsql { var $savedqueries = array(); var $_entry_id_cache = array(); var $_author_id_cache = array(); var $_comment_count_cache = array(); var $_ping_count_cache = array(); var $_cat_id_cache = array(); var $_blog_id_cache = array(); var $_entry_link_cache = array(); var $_cat_link_cache = array(); var $_archive_link_cache = array(); var $id; function MTDatabaseBase($dbuser, $dbpassword, $dbname, $dbhost) { $this->id = md5(uniqid('MTDatabaseBase',true)); $this->db($dbuser, $dbpassword, $dbname, $dbhost); } function query($query) { $this->savedqueries[] = $query; parent::query($query); } function &resolve_url($path, $blog_id) { $path = preg_replace('!/$!', '', $path); $path = $this->escape($path); $blog_id = intval($blog_id); # resolve for $path -- one of: # /path/to/file.html # /path/to/index.html # /path/to/default.asp # /path/to/ # /path/to $indexes = array('index', 'default'); $index_list = ''; foreach ($indexes as $index) { if ($index_list) $index_list .= ' or '; $index_list .= "fileinfo_url like '$path/$index%'"; } $sql = " select * from mt_blog, mt_fileinfo, mt_template left outer join mt_templatemap on templatemap_id = fileinfo_templatemap_id where fileinfo_blog_id = $blog_id and ((fileinfo_url = '$path' or fileinfo_url = '$path/') or ($index_list)) and blog_id = fileinfo_blog_id and template_id = fileinfo_template_id order by length(fileinfo_url) asc "; $rows = $this->get_results($sql, ARRAY_A); if (!$rows) return null; $found = false; foreach ($rows as $row) { $fiurl = $row['fileinfo_url']; if ($fiurl == $path) { $found = true; break; } if ($fiurl == "$path/") { $found = true; break; } $ext = $row['blog_file_extension']; if (!empty($ext)) $ext = '.' . $ext; foreach ($indexes as $index) { if ($fiurl == ($path.'/'.$index.$ext)) $found = true; if ($fiurl == ($path.'/$index.html')) $found = true; if ($fiurl == ($path.'/$index.htm')) $found = true; if ($fiurl == ($path.'/$index.php')) $found = true; if ($found) break; } if ($found) break; } if (!$found) return null; $data = array(); foreach ($row as $key => $value) { if (preg_match('/^([a-z]+)/', $key, $matches)) { $data[$matches[1]][$key] = $value; } } $this->_blog_id_cache[$data['blog']['blog_id']] =& $data['blog']; return $data; } function load_index_template(&$ctx, $tmpl) { return $this->load_special_template($ctx, $tmpl, 'index'); } function load_special_template(&$ctx, $tmpl, $type) { $blog_id = $ctx->stash('blog_id'); $sql = "select * from mt_template where template_blog_id=$blog_id ".($tmpl ? "and template_name='".$this->escape($tmpl)."' " : "")."and template_type='".$this->escape($type)."'"; list($row) = $this->get_results($sql, ARRAY_A); if (!$row) return null; return $row; } function category_link($cid, $args) { if (isset($this->_cat_link_cache[$cid])) { $url = $this->_cat_link_cache[$cid]; } else { $sql = "select fileinfo_url, fileinfo_blog_id from mt_fileinfo, mt_templatemap where fileinfo_category_id = $cid and fileinfo_archive_type = 'Category' and templatemap_id = fileinfo_templatemap_id and templatemap_is_preferred = 1"; $rows = $this->get_results($sql, ARRAY_A); if (count($rows)) { $link =& $rows[0]; } else { return null; } $blog =& $this->fetch_blog($link['fileinfo_blog_id']); $blog_url = $blog['blog_site_url']; $blog_url = preg_replace('!(https?://(?:[^/]+))/.*!', '$1', $blog_url); $url = $blog_url . $link['fileinfo_url']; $this->_cat_link_cache[$cid] = $url; } return $url; } function archive_link($ts, $at, $args) { if (isset($this->_archive_link_cache[$ts.';'.$at])) { $url = $this->_archive_link_cache[$ts.';'.$at]; } else { $blog_id = $args['blog_id']; $sql = "select fileinfo_url from mt_fileinfo, mt_templatemap where fileinfo_startdate = '$ts' and fileinfo_blog_id = $blog_id and fileinfo_archive_type = '".$this->escape($at)."' and templatemap_id = fileinfo_templatemap_id and templatemap_is_preferred = 1"; $rows = $this->get_results($sql, ARRAY_A); if (count($rows)) { $link =& $rows[0]; } else { return null; } $blog =& $this->fetch_blog($blog_id); $blog_url = $blog['blog_site_url']; $blog_url = preg_replace('!(https?://(?:[^/]+))/.*!', '$1', $blog_url); $url = $blog_url . $link['fileinfo_url']; $this->_archive_link_cache[$ts.';'.$at] = $url; } return $url; } function entry_link($eid, $at, $args) { if (isset($this->_entry_link_cache[$eid.';'.$at])) { $url = $this->_entry_link_cache[$eid.';'.$at]; } else { if ($at == 'Individual') { $sql = "select fileinfo_url, fileinfo_blog_id from mt_fileinfo, mt_templatemap where fileinfo_entry_id=$eid and templatemap_id = fileinfo_templatemap_id and templatemap_archive_type='Individual' and templatemap_is_preferred = 1"; } elseif ($at == 'Category') { $sql = "select fileinfo_url, fileinfo_blog_id from mt_fileinfo, mt_templatemap, mt_placement where placement_entry_id = $eid and fileinfo_category_id = placement_category_id and placement_is_primary = 1 and fileinfo_templatemap_id = templatemap_id and templatemap_archive_type='Category' and templatemap_is_preferred = 1"; } else { $sql = "select fileinfo_url, fileinfo_blog_id from mt_fileinfo, mt_templatemap where fileinfo_templatemap_id = templatemap_id and templatemap_archive_type='".$this->escape($at)."' and templatemap_is_preferred = 1"; } $rows = $this->get_results($sql, ARRAY_A); if (count($rows)) { $link =& $rows[0]; } else { return null; } $blog =& $this->fetch_blog($link['fileinfo_blog_id']); $blog_url = $blog['blog_site_url']; $blog_url = preg_replace('!(https?://(?:[^/]+))/.*!', '$1', $blog_url); $url = $blog_url . $link['fileinfo_url']; $this->_entry_link_cache[$eid.';'.$at] = $url; } if ($at != 'Individual') { if (!isset($args['no_anchor'])) { $url .= '#' . (isset($args['valid_html']) ? 'a' : '') . sprintf("%06d", $eid); } } return $url; } /* recreation of generic load method functionality from MT::Object */ function &load($class, $terms = null, $args = null) { $sql = "select * from mt_$class"; $where = ''; if ($terms) { if (is_array($terms)) { foreach ($terms as $col => $val) { $col = $class.'_'.$col; $where .= " and ($col='".mysql_escape_string($val)."')"; } $where = preg_replace('/^ and/', '', $where); } else { $where = " ($class"."_id='".intval($terms)."')"; } $where = 'where'.$where; } /* if ($args) { if ( } */ return $this->get_results($sql.' '.$where, ARRAY_A); } function get_template_text($ctx, $module) { return $this->get_var(" select template_text from mt_template where template_blog_id=".$ctx->stash('blog_id')." and template_name='".$this->escape($module)."' "); } function &fetch_entries($args) { if (isset($args['blog_id'])) { $blog_filter = 'and entry_blog_id = '.$args['blog_id']; $blog =& $this->fetch_blog($args['blog_id']); } else { $blog_filter = ''; } if (isset($args['lastn'])) { $limit = intval($args['lastn']); } if (isset($args['days'])) { $day_limit = 'and date_add(entry_created_on, interval '.intval($args['days']).' day) >= now()'; } else { if ((!isset($args['current_timestamp']) && !isset($args['current_timestamp_end'])) && ($limit <= 0) && (!isset($args['category'])) && (isset($blog))) { $days = $blog['blog_days_on_index']; $days or $days = 10; $day_limit = 'and date_add(entry_created_on, interval '.$days.' day) >= now()'; } } if (isset($args['recently_commented_on']) && ($rco = $args['recently_commented_on'])) { $comment_join = 'inner join mt_comment on comment_entry_id = entry_id and comment_visible = 1'; if ($blog) { $comment_join .= ' and comment_blog_id = '.$blog['blog_id']; } $sort_field = 'comment_created_on'; $order = 'desc'; $limit = $rco; $day_limit = ''; $distinct = 'distinct'; } if (isset($args['offset'])) { $offset = 'offset '.intval($args['offset']); } if (isset($args['sort_order']) && ($args['sort_order'] == 'ascend')) { $order = 'asc'; } else { $order = 'desc'; } $sort_field or $sort_field = 'entry_created_on'; if (isset($args['sort_by'])) { if ($args['sort_by'] == 'title') { $sort_field = 'entry_title'; } elseif ($args['sort_by'] == 'status') { $sort_field = 'entry_status'; } elseif ($args['sort_by'] == 'modified_on') { $sort_field = 'entry_modified_on'; } elseif ($args['sort_by'] == 'author_id') { $sort_field = 'entry_author_id'; } elseif ($args['sort_by'] == 'excerpt') { $sort_field = 'entry_excerpt'; } } if (isset($args['author'])) { $author_filter = 'and author_name = ' . "'" . $this->escape($args['author']) . "'"; } else { $author_filter = ''; } $start = isset($args['current_timestamp']) ? $args['current_timestamp'] : null; $end = isset($args['current_timestamp_end']) ? $args['current_timestamp_end'] : null; if (isset($args['entry_id'])) { $entry_filter = 'and entry_id = '.$args['entry_id']; $start = ''; $end = ''; $limit = 1; $blog_filter = ''; $day_limit = ''; } else { $entry_filter = ''; } if (isset($args['not_entry_id'])) { $entry_filter .= 'and entry_id != '.$args['not_entry_id']; } if ($start and $end) { $daterange = "and entry_created_on between '$start' and '$end'"; } elseif ($start) { $daterange = "and entry_created_on >= '$start'"; } elseif ($end) { $daterange = "and entry_created_on <= '$end'"; } else { $daterange = ''; } if ($limit > 0) { $limit = "limit $limit"; } else { $limit = ''; } if ($cat_name = isset($args['category']) ? $args['category'] : null) { $cats = preg_split('/\s+(AND|OR)\s+/', $cat_name); $is_and = preg_match('/\sAND\s/', $args['category']); $name_list = ''; foreach ($cats as $cat) { if ($name_list != '') $name_list .= ','; $name_list .= "'".$this->escape($cat)."'"; } $sql = " select $distinct mt_entry.*, mt_category.*, mt_placement.*, mt_trackback.*, mt_author.* from mt_placement, mt_category, mt_entry left outer join mt_trackback on trackback_entry_id = entry_id, mt_author $comment_join where category_id = placement_category_id $blog_filter $entry_filter and entry_id = placement_entry_id and entry_status = 2 and entry_author_id = author_id $author_filter and category_label in ($name_list) $daterange $day_limit order by $sort_field $order $limit $offset "; } else { $sql = " select $distinct mt_entry.*, mt_placement.*, mt_trackback.*, mt_author.* from mt_entry left outer join mt_placement on placement_entry_id = entry_id and placement_is_primary = 1 left outer join mt_trackback on trackback_entry_id = entry_id, mt_author $comment_join where entry_status = 2 $blog_filter $entry_filter and entry_author_id = author_id $author_filter $daterange $day_limit order by $sort_field $order $limit $offset "; } $entries = $this->get_results($sql, ARRAY_A); $id_list = array(); $last_date = ''; $seen = array(); if (is_array($entries)) { foreach ($entries as $key => $entry) { if (isset($seen[$entry['entry_id']])) continue; $id_list[] = $entry['entry_id']; $entries[$key]['entry_created_on'] = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $entries[$key]['entry_created_on']); $entries[$key]['EntriesHeader'] = $key == 0; $entries[$key]['EntriesFooter'] = $key == count($entries)-1; $entry_date = substr($entry['entry_created_on'],0,10); $entries[$key]['DateHeader'] = 0; $entries[$key]['DateFooter'] = 0; $entries[$key]['EntryBreak'] = 0; if ($last_date != $entry_date) { $entries[$key]['DateHeader'] = 1; $entries[$key]['DateFooter'] = $key > 0; $last_date = $entry_date; } if ($key == count($entries)-1) { $entries[$key]['DateFooter'] = 1; } else { $entries[$key]['DateFooter'] = $last_date != substr($entries[$key+1]['entry_created_on'],0,10); } if (!$entries[$key]['DateFooter']) { if (!$entries[$key]['EntriesFooter']) { $entries[$key]['EntryBreak'] = 1; } } $seen[$entries[$key]['entry_id']] = 1; } } # pre-cache comment counts and categories for these entries $this->cache_comment_counts($id_list); $this->cache_ping_counts($id_list); $this->cache_categories($id_list); $this->cache_permalinks($id_list); return $entries; } /* function now_ts($blog) { $tsa = offset_time_list(time(), $blog); $now = sprintf("%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d", $tsa[5] + 1900, $tsa[4] + 1, $tsa[3], $tsa[2], $tsa[1], $tsa[0]); return $now; } */ function &fetch_categories($args) { # load categories if (isset($args['blog_id'])) { $blog_filter = 'and category_blog_id = '.intval($args['blog_id']); } if (isset($args['category_id'])) { if (isset($args['children'])) { if (isset($this->_cat_id_cache['c'.$args['category_id']])) { $cat = $this->_cat_id_cache['c'.$args['category_id']]; $children = &$cat['_children']; if ($children === false) { return null; } else { return $children; } } $cat_filter = 'and category_parent = '.intval($args['category_id']); } else { $cat_filter = 'and category_id = '.intval($args['category_id']); $limit = 1; } } elseif (isset($args['label'])) { $cat_filter = 'and category_label = \''.$this->escape($args['label']).'\''; $limit = 1; } else { $limit = $args['lastn']; if (isset($args['sort_order'])) { if ($args['sort_order'] == 'ascend') { $sort_order = 'asc'; } elseif ($args['sort_order'] == 'descend') { $sort_order = 'desc'; } } else { $sort_order = ''; } } if (isset($args['entry_id'])) { $entry_filter = 'and placement_entry_id = '.intval($args['entry_id']); } if ($args['show_empty']) { $join_clause = 'left outer join mt_placement on placement_category_id = category_id'; } else { $join_clause = ', mt_placement'; $cat_filter .= ' and placement_category_id = category_id'; } if ($limit > 0) { $limit = "limit $limit"; } else { $limit = ''; } $sql = " select mt_category.*, mt_trackback.*, count(mt_placement.placement_id) as category_count from mt_category $join_clause left outer join mt_trackback on trackback_category_id = category_id where 1 = 1 $cat_filter $entry_filter $blog_filter group by category_id order by category_label $sort_order $limit "; if (empty($cat_filter) && empty($entry_filter)) { $args['top_level_categories'] = 1; } $categories = $this->get_results($sql, ARRAY_A); if (!$categories) { return null; } if (isset($args['children']) && isset($parent_cat)) { $parent_cat['_children'] =& $categories; } else { $id_list = array(); foreach ($categories as $cid => $cat) { $cat_id = $cat['category_id']; if (isset($args['top_level_categories']) || !isset($this->_cat_id_cache['c'.$cat_id])) { $id_list[] = $cat_id; $this->_cat_id_cache['c'.$cat_id] = &$categories[$cid]; } if (isset($args['top_level_categories'])) { $this->_cat_id_cache['c'.$cid]['_children'] = false; } } $top_cats = array(); foreach ($categories as $cid => $cat) { if ($cat['category_parent'] > 0) { if (!isset($categories[$cid]['category_parent'])) { $parent_id = $cat['category_parent']; if (isset($this->_cat_id_cache['c'.$parent_id])) { if (isset($args['top_level_categories'])) { $parent =& $this->fetch_category($categories[$cid]['category_parent']); if (!isset($parent['_children']) || ($parent['_children'] === false)) { $parent['_children'] = array(&$categories[$cid]); } else { $parent['_children'][] = &$categories[$cid]; } } } } else { if (isset($args['top_level_categories'])) { $parent = &$this->fetch_category($categories[$cid]['category_parent']); $parent['_children'][] = &$categories[$cid]; } } } if ((!$cat['category_parent']) && (isset($args['top_level_categories']))) { $top_cats[] = &$categories[$cid]; } } $this->cache_category_links($id_list); if (isset($args['top_level_categories'])) { return $top_cats; } } return $categories; } function &fetch_entry($entry_id) { if (isset($this->_entry_id_cache['entry_id'])) { return $this->_entry_id_cache[$entry_id]; } list($entry) = $this->fetch_entries(array('entry_id' => $entry_id)); $this->_entry_id_cache[$entry_id] = &$entry; return $entry; } function &fetch_author($author_id) { if (isset($this->_author_id_cache[$author_id])) { return $this->_author_id_cache[$author_id]; } $author = $this->get_row(" select * from mt_author where author_id=$author_id ", ARRAY_A); $this->_author_id_cache[$author_id] = &$author; return $author; } function cache_permalinks(&$entry_list) { $id_list = ''; foreach ($entry_list as $entry_id) { if (!isset($this->_entry_link_cache[$entry_id.';Individual'])) { $id_list .= ','.$entry_id; $this->_entry_link_cache[$entry_id.';Individual'] = ''; } } if (empty($id_list)) return; $id_list = substr($id_list, 1); $query = " select fileinfo_entry_id, fileinfo_url, blog_site_url from mt_fileinfo, mt_templatemap, mt_blog where fileinfo_entry_id in ($id_list) and fileinfo_archive_type = 'Individual' and blog_id = fileinfo_blog_id and templatemap_id = fileinfo_templatemap_id and templatemap_is_preferred = 1 "; $results = $this->get_results($query, ARRAY_N); if ($results) { foreach ($results as $row) { $blog_url = $row[2]; $blog_url = preg_replace('!(https?://(?:[^/]+))/.*!', '$1', $blog_url); $url = $blog_url . $row[1]; $this->_entry_link_cache[$row[0].';Individual'] = $url; } } } function cache_category_links(&$cat_list) { $id_list = ''; foreach ($cat_list as $cat_id) { if (!isset($this->_cat_link_cache[$cat_id])) { $id_list .= ','.$cat_id; $this->_cat_link_cache[$cat_id] = ''; } } if (empty($id_list)) return; $id_list = substr($id_list, 1); $query = " select fileinfo_category_id, fileinfo_url, blog_site_url from mt_fileinfo, mt_templatemap, mt_blog where fileinfo_category_id in ($id_list) and fileinfo_archive_type = 'Category' and blog_id = fileinfo_blog_id and templatemap_id = fileinfo_templatemap_id and templatemap_is_preferred = 1 "; $results = $this->get_results($query, ARRAY_N); if ($results) { foreach ($results as $row) { $blog_url = $row[2]; $blog_url = preg_replace('!(https?://(?:[^/]+))/.*!', '$1', $blog_url); $url = $blog_url . $row[1]; $this->_cat_link_cache[$row[0]] = $url; } } } function cache_comment_counts(&$entry_list) { $id_list = ''; foreach ($entry_list as $entry_id) { if (!isset($this->_comment_count_cache[$entry_id])) { $id_list .= ','.$entry_id; } } if (empty($id_list)) return; $id_list = substr($id_list, 1); $query = " select comment_entry_id, count(*) from mt_comment where comment_entry_id in ($id_list) and comment_visible = 1 group by comment_entry_id "; $results = $this->get_results($query, ARRAY_N); foreach ($entry_list as $entry_id) { $this->_comment_count_cache[$entry_id] = 0; } if ($results) { foreach ($results as $row) { $this->_comment_count_cache[$row[0]] = $row[1]; } } } function blog_entry_count($blog_id) { $count = $this->get_var(" select count(*) from mt_entry where entry_blog_id = $blog_id and entry_status = 2"); return $count; } function blog_comment_count($blog_id) { $count = $this->get_var(" select count(*) from mt_entry, mt_comment where entry_blog_id = $blog_id and entry_status = 2 and comment_visible = 1 and comment_entry_id = entry_id"); return $count; } function entry_comment_count($entry_id) { if (isset($this->_comment_count_cache[$entry_id])) { return $this->_comment_count_cache[$entry_id]; } $count = $this->get_var(" select count(*) from mt_comment and comment_visible = 1 where comment_entry_id = $entry_id "); $this->_comment_count_cache[$entry_id] = $count; return $count; } function &fetch_comments($args) { $entry_id = $args['entry_id']; # load comments $limit = isset($args['lastn']) ? $args['lastn'] : null; if ($limit > 0) { $limit = "limit $limit"; } else { $limit = ''; } $order = ''; if (isset($args['sort_order'])) { if ($args['sort_order'] == 'ascend') { $order = 'asc'; } elseif ($args['sort_order'] == 'descend') { $order = 'desc'; } } $comments = $this->get_results(" select * from mt_comment where comment_entry_id = $entry_id and comment_visible = 1 order by comment_created_on $order $limit", ARRAY_A); if (!is_array($comments)) return array(); return $comments; } function cache_ping_counts(&$entry_list) { $id_list = ''; foreach ($entry_list as $entry_id) { if (!isset($this->_ping_count_cache[$entry_id])) { $id_list .= ','.$entry_id; } } $id_list = substr($id_list, 1); if (empty($id_list)) return; $query = " select trackback_entry_id, count(*) from mt_trackback, mt_tbping where trackback_entry_id in ($id_list) and tbping_tb_id = trackback_id group by trackback_entry_id "; $results = $this->get_results($query, ARRAY_N); foreach ($entry_list as $entry_id) { $this->_ping_count_cache[$entry_id] = 0; } if ($results) { foreach ($results as $row) { $this->_ping_count_cache[$row[0]] = $row[1]; } } } function entry_ping_count($entry_id) { if (isset($this->_ping_count_cache[$entry_id])) { return $this->_ping_count_cache[$entry_id]; } $count = $this->get_var(" select count(*) from mt_trackback, mt_tbping where trackback_entry_id = $entry_id and tbping_tb_id = trackback_id "); $_ping_count_cache[$entry_id] = $count; return $count; } function &fetch_pings($args) { $entry_id = $args['entry_id']; # load pings $limit = $args['lastn']; if ($limit > 0) { $limit = "limit $limit"; } else { $limit = ''; } $order = 'asc'; if (isset($args['sort_order'])) { if ($args['sort_order'] == 'descend') { $order = 'desc'; } } $pings = $this->get_results(" select * from mt_trackback, mt_tbping where trackback_entry_id = '$entry_id' and tbping_tb_id = trackback_id order by tbping_created_on $order $limit", ARRAY_A); return $pings; } function cache_categories(&$entry_list) { $id_list = ''; foreach ($entry_list as $entry_id) { if (!isset($this->_cat_id_cache['e'.$entry_id])) { $id_list .= ','.$entry_id; } } $id_list = substr($id_list, 1); if (!$id_list) return; $query = " select * from mt_category, mt_placement where placement_entry_id in ($id_list) and placement_category_id = category_id and placement_is_primary = 1 "; $results = $this->get_results($query, ARRAY_A); foreach ($entry_list as $entry_id) { $this->_cat_id_cache['e'.$entry_id] = null; } if (is_array($results)) { foreach ($results as $row) { $entry_id = $row['placement_entry_id']; $this->_cat_id_cache['e'.$entry_id] = &$row; $cat_id = $row['category_id']; $this->_cat_id_cache['c'.$cat_id] = &$row; } } } function &fetch_category($cat_id) { if (isset($this->_cat_id_cache['c'.$cat_id])) { return $this->_cat_id_cache['c'.$cat_id]; } $cats =& $this->fetch_categories(array('category_id' => $cat_id)); if ($cats && (count($cats) > 0)) { $this->_cat_id_cache['c'.$cat_id] = &$cats[0]; return $cats[0]; } else { return null; } } function &fetch_blog($blog_id) { if (isset($this->_blog_id_cache[$blog_id])) { return $this->_blog_id_cache[$blog_id]; } list($blog) = $this->load('blog', $blog_id); $this->_blog_id_cache[$blog_id] = &$blog; return $blog; } function &get_archive_list($args) { $blog_id = $args['blog_id']; if (($n = $args['lastn']) && ($n > 0)) { $limit = "limit $n"; } else { $limit = ''; } $at = $args['archive_type']; if ($at == 'Daily') { $group_sql = " select count(*), extract(year from entry_created_on), extract(month from entry_created_on), extract(day from entry_created_on) from mt_entry where entry_blog_id = $blog_id and entry_status = 2 group by extract(year from entry_created_on), extract(month from entry_created_on), extract(day from entry_created_on) order by extract(year from entry_created_on) desc, extract(month from entry_created_on) desc, extract(day from entry_created_on) desc $limit"; } elseif ($at == 'Weekly') { $group_sql = " select count(*), extract(year from entry_created_on), date_format(entry_created_on,'%U')+1 from mt_entry where entry_blog_id = $blog_id and entry_status = 2 group by extract(year from entry_created_on), date_format(entry_created_on,'%U') order by extract(year from entry_created_on)+1 desc, date_format(entry_created_on,'%U')+1 desc $limit"; } elseif ($at == 'Monthly') { $group_sql = " select count(*), extract(year from entry_created_on), extract(month from entry_created_on) from mt_entry where entry_blog_id = $blog_id and entry_status = 2 group by extract(year from entry_created_on), extract(month from entry_created_on) order by extract(year from entry_created_on) desc, extract(month from entry_created_on) desc $limit"; } elseif ($at == 'Yearly') { $group_sql = " select count(*), extract(year from entry_created_on) from mt_entry where entry_blog_id = $blog_id and entry_status = 2 group by extract(year from entry_created_on) order by extract(year from entry_created_on) desc $limit"; } elseif ($at == 'Individual') { $group_sql = " select entry_id, entry_created_on from mt_entry where entry_blog_id = $blog_id and entry_status = 2 order by entry_created_on desc $limit"; } $results = $this->get_results($group_sql, ARRAY_N); if (is_array($results)) { if ($at == 'Daily') { $hi = sprintf("%04d%02d%02d", $results[0][1], $results[0][2], $results[0][3]); $low = sprintf("%04d%02d%02d", $results[count($results)-1][1], $results[count($results)-1][2], $results[count($results)-1][3]); } elseif ($at == 'Weekly') { require_once("MTUtil.php"); list($y,$m,$d) = week2ymd($results[0][1], $results[0][2]); $hi = sprintf("%04d%02d%02d", $y, $m, $d); list($y,$m,$d) = week2ymd($results[count($results)-1][1], $results[count($results)-1][2]); $low = sprintf("%04d%02d%02d", $y, $m, $d); } elseif ($at == 'Monthly') { $hi = sprintf("%04d%02d00", $results[0][1], $results[0][2]); $low = sprintf("%04d%02d00", $results[count($results)-1][1], $results[count($results)-1][2]); } elseif ($at == 'Yearly') { $hi = sprintf("%04d0000", $results[0][1]); $low = sprintf("%04d0000", $results[count($results)-1][1]); } elseif ($at == 'Individual') { $hi = $results[0][1]; $low = $results[count($results)-1][1]; } $range = "'$low' and '$hi'"; $link_cache_sql = " select fileinfo_startdate, fileinfo_url, blog_site_url from mt_fileinfo, mt_templatemap, mt_blog where fileinfo_startdate between $range and fileinfo_archive_type = '$at' and blog_id = $blog_id and fileinfo_blog_id = blog_id and templatemap_id = fileinfo_templatemap_id and templatemap_is_preferred = 1 "; $cache_results = $this->get_results($link_cache_sql, ARRAY_N); if (is_array($cache_results)) { foreach ($cache_results as $row) { $date = $row[0]; $blog_url = $row[2]; $blog_url = preg_replace('!(https?://(?:[^/]+))/.*!', '$1', $blog_url); $url = $blog_url . $row[1]; $this->_archive_link_cache[$date.';'.$at] = $url; } } } return $results; } function get_author_token($blog_id) { $auth_token = $this->get_var(" select author_remote_auth_token from mt_author, mt_permission where permission_blog_id = $blog_id and author_remote_auth_token is not null limit 1"); return $auth_token; } } ?>