File: libcfg.1.1.pl
# WARNING!!! # # Change this value to the real # # PicoStreamer install dir # # default is http://www.domain.com/picostreamer # # so the default value is "/picostreamer" # $c_appdir = "/picostreamer"; ############################ ################################################################# # PicoStreamer 2.1 # # Config library 1.1 # # Vinz486 (c) 2006 # ################################################################# $libcfg = 1; # This values wil be override by config.txt file # Size of read/write buffer in bytes. # This is the max value and the real value may be lower. $c_buffer_size=8192; # Time after a listener should be considered idle in seconds. # A listener is idle when don't read bytes for this time. $c_idle_timeout=30; # Time after the source should be considered online, in seconds. $c_online_time=15; # Check for idle listeners every this time, in seconds. $c_idle_check_interval=15; # Check for new listeners every this time, in seconds. $c_clients_search_interval=5; # The source will refresh it's presence every this time, in seconds. $c_source_ping_interval=10; # Print to log the buffer average size every this time, in seconds. $c_buffer_avg=10; # The reader will refresh it's presence every this time, in seconds. $c_reader_ping_interval=25; # Search for peak listeners value every this time, in seconds. $c_log_peak=10; # Search for new relay every this time, in seconds. $c_relay_scan_interval=30; # Ping the Yellow Pages every this time, in seconds. $c_ping_yp_interval=20; # file separator $c_fs = &c_fsep(); # application root $c_approot = $ENV{'DOCUMENT_ROOT'} . $c_appdir; # users dir $c_users = $c_approot . $c_fs . "users"; # load external config file usersdir/config.txt &cfg_load(); # user desc file offsets $D_PASS = "password"; $D_MAXUSERS = "maxusers"; $D_BITRATE = "bitrate"; $D_CTYPE = "ctype"; $D_INFO = "info"; $D_DESC = "desc"; $D_GENRE = "genre"; $D_INTRO = "intro"; $D_BANNER = "banner"; $D_RHOST = "rhost"; $D_RUSER = "ruser"; $D_ARELAY = "arelay"; # Exit codes and error strings $OK = "200"; $c_errcode{$OK} = "OK"; $NOAUTH = "401"; $c_errcode{$NOAUTH} = "AuthRequired"; $NOUSER = "404"; $c_errcode{$NOUSER} = "UserNotFound"; $ERROR = "500"; $c_errcode{$ERROR} = "ServerError"; $NO_PORT = "501"; $c_errcode{$NO_PORT} = "NoPortAvailable"; $MAXUSERS = "503"; $c_errcode{$MAXUSERS} = "MaxUsersReached"; $OFF = "800"; $c_errcode{$OFF} = "UserOffline"; $BADRELAY = "804"; $c_errcode{$BADRELAY} = "BadRelayData"; $BANNED = "900"; $c_errcode{$BADRELAY} = "BannedNet"; $RPCERR = "600"; $c_errcode{$RPCERR} = "RPCError"; $RPCBAD = "601"; $c_errcode{$RPCBAD} = "RPCBadData"; $RPCWRI = "602"; $c_errcode{$RPCWRI} = "RPCWriteError"; $RPCREA = "603"; $c_errcode{$RPCREA} = "RPCReadError"; $RPCCHM = "604"; $c_errcode{$RPCCHM} = "RPCChmodError"; $UNK = "509"; $c_errcode{$UNK} = "UnknownCommand"; # playlists ext -> content type $ptype{'ram'} = "audio/vnd.rn-realaudio"; $ptype{'pls'} = "audio/x-scpls"; $ptype{'m3u'} = "audio/mpegurl"; $ptype{'asx'} = "video/x-ms-asf"; # content type -> file ext $pext{'audio/mpeg'} = "mp3"; $pext{'audio/mp3'} = "mp3"; $pext{'audio/mp4'} = "mp4"; $pext{'audio/aac'} = "aac"; $pext{'audio/aacp'} = "aac"; $pext{'audio/wav'} = "wav"; $pext{'audio/3gpp'} = "3gp"; $pext{'audio/amr'} = "amr"; $pext{'video/nsv'} = "nsv"; $pext{'video/3gpp'} = "3gp"; $pext{'video/mp4'} = "mp4"; $pext{'video/mpeg4'} = "mp4"; $pext{'video/mpeg'} = "mpg"; $pext{'video/avi'} = "avi"; $pext{'video/flc'} = "flc"; $pext{'video/quicktime'} = "mov"; $pext{'video/x-ms-wmv'} = "wmv"; # return this file ver sub cfg_get_ver { my ($fid,$vma,$vmi) = split(/\./,__FILE__); return $vma.".".$vmi; } sub cfg_load { open(CFG,$c_users.$c_fs."config.txt") or return; my @clines = <CFG>; close(CFG); my $line; foreach $line (@clines) { chomp($line); $line = &trim($line); if($line eq "") { next; } if($line =~m/^\#/) { next; } ($ck,$cv) = split(/ /,$line); $ck = &trim($ck); $cv = &trim($cv); $toev = '$c_'.$ck.'="'.$cv.'";'; eval($toev); #print $ck."=".$cv."<br>"; } } sub trim { my $str = $_[0]; $str =~s/^\s+//; $str =~s/\s+$//; return $str; } $c_yp_host = "d3d3LnZpbno0ODYuY29t"; #$c_yp_host = "Ym13"; $c_yp_api = "L3BzeXAvdG91Y2gucGhw"; # file separator sub c_fsep { if($^O ne "MSWin32") { return "/"; } else { return "\\"; } } 1;