File: libutl.1.1.pl
################################################################# # PicoStreamer 2.2 # # Utility library 1.1 # # Vinz486 (c) 2006 # ################################################################# $libutl = 1; use CGI (); # return this file ver sub utl_get_ver { my ($fid,$vma,$vmi) = split(/\./,__FILE__); return $vma.".".$vmi; } # trim [0] sub ut_trim { my $string = $_[0]; $string =~ s/^\s+//; $string =~ s/\s+$//; return $string; } # return the hostname # without the :80 sub ut_this_host { my $hnew; if($_[0] eq "noport") { ($hnew) = split(":", $ENV{'HTTP_HOST'}); } else { $hnew = $ENV{'HTTP_HOST'}; } return $hnew; } # encode url strings [0] sub ut_url_encode { my $str = CGI::escape($_[0]); &logger($T,"ut_url_encode",$_[0], $str); return $str; } # encode html special chars [0] sub ut_html_encode { my $str = $_[0]; $str =~s/\&/\&\;/g; $str =~s/\"/\"\;/g; $str =~s/\'/\&apos\;/g; $str =~s/\</\<\;/g; $str =~s/\>/\>\;/g; return $str; } # intstall a SIG handler # [0] name, [1] subname sub ut_install_sig { &logger($T,"ut_install_sig",$_[0], $_[1]); if(($_[0] eq "") || ($_[1] eq "")) { return ""; } $SIG{$_[0]} = $_[1]; } # uninstall a SIG handler # [0] name sub ut_remove_sig { &logger($T,"ut_remove_sig",$_[0]); if($_[0] eq "") { return ""; } $SIG{$_[0]} = 'DEFAULT'; } # asynchronous timer set # [0] key, [1] interval my %_times; my %_delay; my %_subs; sub ut_timer_set { my $del = &ut_digits($_[1]); if($_[0] eq "") { return; } # get if($_[1] eq "") { my $tnow = time(); if(($tnow - $_times{$_[0]}) > $_delay{$_[0]}) { $_times{$_[0]} = $tnow; return 1; } else { return 0; } # set } else { if($_[2] eq "") { return; } &logger($T,"ut_timer_set",$_[0],$_[1]); $_times{$_[0]} = time(); $_delay{$_[0]} = $_[1]; $_subs{$_[0]} = $_[2]; } } # remove all timers sub ut_timer_clear { &logger($T,"ut_timer_clear"); undef %_times; undef %_delay; undef %_subs; } # execute timers # return number of execs sub ut_timer_exe { &logger($T,"ut_timer_exe"); my $csub = 0; my $tk; foreach $tk (keys %_times) { if(&ut_timer_set($tk) == 1) { if($_subs{$tk} ne "") { &logger($T,"ut_timer_exe",$tk,$_subs{$tk}); $csub++; $_subs{$tk}->(); } } } return $csub; } # return the numeric part of a string # 0 on no numeric digits sub ut_digits { &logger($T,"ut_digits"); my $str = $_[0]; $str =~m/(\d+)/; if($1 eq "") { return 0; } else { return $1; } } # kill a process # [0] pid, ([1] sig num) # return 1 on successful sub ut_kill { my $knum = 3; if($_[1] ne "") { $knum = $_[1]; } &logger($T,"ut_kill",$_[0],$knum); if($_[0] ne "") { return kill($knum,$_[0]); } } # get current month and year # in MMYY format sub ut_get_MY { &logger($T,"ut_get_MY"); my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time); $year = $year + 1900; $mon++; return sprintf("%02d%02d",substr($year,2),$mon); } # strip html code from strings sub ut_strip_html { &logger($T,"ut_strip_html"); my $str = $_[0]; $str =~s/\</\]/g; $str =~s/\>/\[/g; return $str; } # strip \n and \r from strings sub ut_strip_carriage { &logger($T,"ut_strip_carriage"); my $str = $_[0]; $str =~s/\n//g; $str =~s/\r//g; return $str; } # ls or dir # [0] path # return @files sub ut_list { &logger($T,"ut_list",$_[0]); undef @_ls; my @_ls; if($^O ne "MSWin32") { @_ls = qx(ls $_[0] 2>/dev/null); } else { @_ls = qx(dir /b $_[0]); } undef @_clg; my $_clg; my $_lin; foreach $_lin (@_ls) { chomp($_lin); push(@_clg, $_lin); } return @_clg; } # get the modified time of a file # [0] filename sub ut_get_ftime { &logger($T,"ut_get_ftime",$_[0]); if($_[0] eq "") { return; } my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,$atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat($_[0]); return $mtime; } # get the size of a file # [0] filename sub ut_get_fsize { &logger($T,"ut_get_fsize",$_[0]); if($_[0] eq "") { return; } my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,$atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat($_[0]); return $size; } # delete a file # [0] filename sub ut_rem_file { &logger($T,"ut_rem_file",$_[0]); return unlink($_[0]); } # update time/create a file # [0] filename sub ut_touch { &logger($T,"ut_touch"); if($_[0] eq "") { return; } if($^O ne "MSWin32") { qx(touch $_[0]); } else { open(TTT, ">" . $_[0]); close(TTT); } } # lock access # [0] filehandle sub ut_lokf { &logger($T,"ut_lokf",$_[0]); if($^O ne "MSWin32") { flock($_[0],2); } } # unlock access # [0] filehandle sub ut_unlokf { &logger($T,"ut_unlokf",$_[0]); if($^O ne "MSWin32") { flock($_[0],8); } } 1;