File: picoread.cgi
#!/usr/bin/perl # ############################################################################ # EZ Form Mailer Version 1.5 # with Required Fields Add-on # # Copyright 1997-2004 3rd Coast Technologies, LLC # # http://www.3rdcoast.com # support@3rdcoast.com # # This CGI script takes the data entered in an HTML form # and sends it via e-mail to the specified location. # # 1.5 Changed Back link on Error Page # # 1.4 Added tests to prevent script from being used by spammers. # - email must be valid # - Name must be under 80 characters # - To email limited to 5 address and must be valid emails # - Subject must be under 100 characters # Added options to turn on and off the email header and the # environment information at the bottom of the email. # Improved look of error messages # # 1.3 Corrected problem ith email address test # # 1.2 Validate email address # # 1.1 Added Referer to Mail Heading # # # Selling or distributing this program without prior written approval # is forbidden. # ############################################################################ # Configuration Variables # # The following variables are used to define how your form data # will be processed. The data values can be defined here in the # script or optionally they can be sent from the form by hidden fields. # See the readme.txt file for information on using hidden fields. # # When changing any of these values, be sure to include the single # quote marks around the values and the semi colon at the end of # each statement. # ############################################################################# # $RegistrationNumber Enter the registration number that you were given when # you purchased the script. ############################################################################# $RegistrationNumber = '200627773'; ############################################################################# # $SENDMAIL identifies the location of the send mail program on # your server. Verify this with your webmaster or isp. # ****************************************************** # *** This variable MUST be specified here and *** # *** cannot be sent using hidden fields. *** # ****************************************************** ############################################################################# $SENDMAIL = '/usr/sbin/sendmail'; ############################################################################# # @AUTHURLS identifies the URL's that are authorized to use this # CGI Script. Be sure to include all possible variations. # ****************************************************** # *** This variable MUST be specified here and *** # *** cannot be sent using hidden fields. *** # ****************************************************** ############################################################################# @AUTHURLS = ('www.evansvillescholasticchess.org','evansvillescholasticchess.org'); ############################################################################# # $TO the email address where the form data will be sent. ############################################################################# $TO = 'EVSC@evansvillechess.org'; ############################################################################# # $SUBJECT the text that will be used for the subject of the email. ############################################################################# $SUBJECT = '12EVSC Tournament Entry'; ############################################################################# # $REDIRECT identifies the page to be displayed to the user # after they submit the form. ############################################################################# $REDIRECT = 'http://evansvillescholasticchess.org/12EVSCtournament/thankyou.htm'; ############################################################################# # $SORT_TYPE defines the sort type for the form output. # Options are 'alphabetic', 'field', or 'none'. ############################################################################# $SORT_TYPE = 'none'; ############################################################################# # @SORT_FIELDS If the $SORT_TYPE is 'field', enter the field names # in the desired print sequence. ############################################################################# @SORT_FIELDS = ('Field1','Field2','Field3','Field4','Field5'); ############################################################################# # @REQUIRED_FIELDS Enter the field names of any fields that are required # and must be entered in the form. ############################################################################# @REQUIRED_FIELDS = ('email','Name'); ############################################################################# # $INCLUDE_HEADER If you want the email to include the header that identifies # who submitted the form, from what address, and at what time, # set this varibale to "Yes". If not, set it to "No". ############################################################################# $INCLUDE_HEADER = "Yes"; ############################################################################# # $INCLUDE_ENV_INFO If you want the email to include Environment Information # about the person that submitted the form (IP Address and # browser type), set this varible to "Yes". ############################################################################# $INCLUDE_ENV_INFO = "Yes"; ############################################################################# # # # There is not anything below here that you need to change. # # # ############################################################################# # Check to make sure this script was called by an authorized URL(s) &check_url; # Format Local Date/Time for Email Message Date &get_date; # Reformat Form Contents &reformat_form_data; # Check for Required Fields &check_for_required; # Send the form data to the recipient via e-mail &send_email; # Redirect user to confirmation page print "Location: $REDIRECT\n\n"; exit(); sub check_url { if (($RegistrationNumber == '') || (length($RegistrationNumber) != 9)) { $errorHeading = "Invalid Registration Number - Access Denied"; $errorMessage = "The script that this form is trying to use is not registered."; &print_error; exit; } if ($ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'}) { foreach $AUTHURL (@AUTHURLS) { if ($ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'} =~ /$AUTHURL/i) { $check_url = '1'; last; } } } else { $check_url = '1'; } if ($check_url != 1) { $errorHeading = "Unauthorized URL Referrer - Access Denied"; $errorMessage = "The form that is trying to use this script resides at: $ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'}, which is not allowed to access this cgi script."; &print_error; exit; } } sub get_date { @days = ('Sunday','Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday'); @months = ('January','February','March','April','May','June','July', 'August','September','October','November','December'); ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time); if ($hour < 10) { $hour = "0$hour"; } if ($min < 10) { $min = "0$min"; } if ($sec < 10) { $sec = "0$sec"; } if ($year >= 100) { $year = $year - 100; } if ($year < 10) { $year = "0$year"; } if ($year < 90) { $cent = "20"; } else { $cent = "19"; } $date = "$days[$wday], $months[$mon] $mday, $cent$year at $hour\:$min\:$sec"; $mon = $mon + 1; if ($mon < 10) { $mon = "0$mon"; } if ($mday < 10) { $mday = "0$mday"; } $dateShort = "$cent$year\-$mon\-$mday"; $timeShort = "$hour\:$min\:$sec"; } sub reformat_form_data { if ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq 'POST') { # Get the input read(STDIN, $buffer, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'}); # Split the name-value pairs @pairs = split(/&/, $buffer); } else { $errorHeading = "Error: Invalid Request Method"; $errorMessage = "The Request Method of the Form you submitted was not POST. Please check the form, and make sure the method= statement is in upper case and is set to POST."; &print_error; exit; } foreach $pair (@pairs) { ($name, $value) = split(/=/, $pair); $name =~ tr/+/ /; $name =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg; $value =~ tr/+/ /; $value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg; $value =~ s/<!--(.|\n)*-->//g; if ($name eq 'email' && ($value)) { ## Test for valid email if ($value !~ /^[\w\.-]+@[\w\.-]+$/) { $errorHeading = "Error: Invalid Email Address"; $errorMessage = "The email address you entered is not valid."; &print_error; exit; } $CONFIG{$name} = $value; } if ($name eq 'name' || $name eq 'Name' && ($value)) { ## Name should be under 80 Characters if (length($value) > 80) { $errorHeading = "Error: Invalid Name"; $errorMessage = "The Name you entered is not valid."; &print_error; exit; } $CONFIG{Name} = $value; } if ($name eq 'to_email' && ($value)) { ## Test for valid email - allow up to 5 @TO_EMAILS = split(/,/, $value); $numberOfEmails = @TO_EMAILS; if ($numberOfEmails > 5) { $errorHeading = "Error: Invalid Send To Email"; $errorMessage = "You have specified too many Send To Email Addresses."; &print_error; exit; } foreach $TO_EMAIL (@TO_EMAILS) { if ($TO_EMAIL !~ /^[\w\.-]+@[\w\.-]+$/) { $errorHeading = "Error: Invalid Send To Email"; $errorMessage = "The the Send To email address you entered is not valid."; &print_error; exit; } } $TO = $value; } elsif ($name eq 'subject' && ($value)) { ## Subject should be under 100 Characters if (length($value) > 100) { $errorHeading = "Error: Invalid Subject"; $errorMessage = "The the Subject you entered is not valid."; &print_error; exit; } $SUBJECT = $value; } elsif ($name eq 'redirect' && ($value)) { $REDIRECT = $value; } elsif ($name eq 'sort_type' && ($value)) { $SORT_TYPE = $value; } elsif ($name eq 'sort_fields' && ($value)) { @SORT_FIELDS = split(/,/, $value); } elsif ($name eq 'req_fields' && ($value)) { @REQUIRED_FIELDS = split(/,/, $value); } elsif ($FORM{$name} && ($value)) { $FORM{$name} = "$FORM{$name}, $value"; } elsif ($value) { $FORM{$name} = $value; } } } sub check_for_required { $Missing_Fields = ""; $Missing_Connector = ""; foreach $REQUIRED_FIELD (@REQUIRED_FIELDS) { if (!($FORM{$REQUIRED_FIELD}) || $FORM{$REQUIRED_FIELD} eq ' ') { $Missing_Fields = $Missing_Fields . $Missing_Connector . $REQUIRED_FIELD; $Missing_Connector = ", "; } } if ($Missing_Fields ne '') { $errorHeading = "Error: Missing Information"; $errorMessage = "One or more pieces of required information is missing:<br>"; $errorMessage = $errorMessage . $Missing_Fields . "<br> <br>"; &print_error; exit; } } sub send_email { # Build the 'from' address of the form: "name <email address>" $from_name=($CONFIG{'Name'} . " <" . $CONFIG{'email'} . "> "); open(MAIL,"|$SENDMAIL -t") || die "Can't open $mailprog!\n"; # Output the mail header print MAIL "To: $TO\r\n"; print MAIL "From: $from_name\r\n"; print MAIL "Reply-To: $from_name\r\n"; print MAIL "Subject: $SUBJECT\r\n\n"; # Output the mail message header with the Local Date/Time if ($INCLUDE_HEADER eq "Yes") { print MAIL "---------------------------------------------------------------\n"; print MAIL " The following information was submitted by: \n"; print MAIL " $CONFIG{'Name'} on $date\n"; print MAIL " From: $ENV{HTTP_REFERER}\n"; print MAIL "---------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"; } # Output the mail body # Optionally Sort and Print the name and value pairs in FORM array if ($SORT_TYPE eq 'alphabetic') { foreach $key (sort keys %FORM) { print MAIL "$key: $FORM{$key}\n\n"; } } elsif ($SORT_TYPE eq 'field') { foreach $SORT_FIELD (@SORT_FIELDS) { if ($FORM{$SORT_FIELD}) { print MAIL "$SORT_FIELD: $FORM{$SORT_FIELD}\n\n"; } } } else { foreach $key (keys %FORM) { print MAIL "$key: $FORM{$key}\n\n"; } } # Output the mail footer if ($INCLUDE_ENV_INFO eq "Yes") { print MAIL "<REMOTE HOST> $ENV{'REMOTE_HOST'}\n"; print MAIL "<REMOTE ADDRESS> $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}\n"; print MAIL "<USER AGENT> $ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'}\r\n"; } # Close the pipe and send the mail close(MAIL); } sub print_error { print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print "<html>\n"; print "<head>\n"; print "<title>EZ Form Mailer - Form Entry Error</title>\n"; print "</head>\n"; print "<body bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\" text=\"#000000\" alink=\"#FF0000\" vlink=\"#FF00FF\" link=\"#0000FF\">\n"; print "<center><table width=\"400\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\">\n"; print "<tr><td><center><h2>$errorHeading</h2></center></td></tr>\n"; print "<tr><td><p>$errorMessage</p></td></tr>\n"; print "<tr><td><p> <br>If you believe that you received this message in error, please contact the webmaster for this site.</p></td></tr>\n"; print "<tr><td><p align=\"center\"> <br><a href=\"Javascript:window.history.back()\">Back to the Submission Form</a></p></td></tr>\n"; print "</table></center>\n"; print "</body>\n"; print "</html>\n"; }