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The global anti-aging market is booming. In fact, many consider it to be recession proof. Light therapy anti-aging skincare with UV-free collagen fluorescent lamps are the new affordable and rejuvenating alternative to invasive techniques, such as plastic surgery or laser treatments.</p> <p align="left"><span class="style4">Red Light Theraphy: </span><br /> Increase your salon's traffic with a proven anti-aging technology in the 633nm region. No adverse side effect!<br /> <img src="images/point.jpg" width="5" height="7" /> Naturally promotes collagen production.<br /> <img src="images/point.jpg" width="5" height="7" /> Smooths and reduces wrinkles and fine lines with a UV-free lighting technology.<br /> <img src="images/point.jpg" width="5" height="7" /> Firms aged and tired skin.<br /> <img src="images/point.jpg" width="5" height="7" /> Keeps skin renewed and fresh.<br /> <img src="images/point.jpg" width="5" height="7" /> Activates blood flow for increased circulation.<br /> <img src="images/point.jpg" width="5" height="7" /> Beneficial anti-infammatory properties of red light enhances the wound repair process. <br /> <img src="images/point.jpg" width="5" height="7" /> Increases oxygenation and restoration by promoting the skin's natural cellular activity.</p> <p align="left">Research studies, many experts and dermatologists indicate that red light therapy (or phototherapy) tightens skin and improves skin's elasticity by using visible light in the 633nm region, which also stimulates our body's photobiostimulation. This process has a great impact on our connective tissue, the network of our body, which consists primarily of collagen, water and non-collagen proteins. The wavelength activates and speeds up the production of collagen and elastin - two vital skin ingredients responsible for achieving an anti-wrinkle effect. <br /> The advantages of anti-aging light therapy with collagen lamps are simple:<br /> <img src="images/point.jpg" width="5" height="7" /> No harmful side effects<br /> <img src="images/point.jpg" width="5" height="7" /> Free of discomfort<br /> <img src="images/point.jpg" width="5" height="7" /> No damage to the skin<br /> <img src="images/point.jpg" width="5" height="7" /> No pain<br /> <img src="images/point.jpg" width="5" height="7" /> No downtime<br /> And while skin firming products, lasers, and surgery enhance mostly facial skin or other targeted areas, collagen lamps make it easy to give your entire body's ageing skin a youthful look.</p> <p align="left"><span class="style4">Natural Anti-Aging Treatments Prevail</span><br /> The benefits of Renew-U anti-aging technology become increasingly decisive when we consider the recent change in consumer's mindsets. Today, people seek to age, and fight aging, naturally. In the pursuit of youthful skin and attractive appearance, they move away from invasive or painful treatments such as ablative lasers, dermal fillers, chemical peels or face lifts. Not only the costs, but also the risks of these methods are high: lengthy downtimes, pain or other side effects such as erythema, bruising, swelling or transient headaches. The fact that collagen light therapies have no downtime, are safe and effective with consistent results is significant for users.</p> <p align="left"><span class="style4">Target Market & Perfect Response</span><br /> Natural anti-aging therapies are especially important to female and male baby boomers - a vast market with enormous spending power. However, feeling young and attractive is a universal desire in many cultures around the globe. It even goes beyond demographic categories; consumers in their 20s and 30s want to circumvent the aging process and the early visible signs of fine lines and wrinkles. The use of gentle and UV-free collagen fluorescent technology is the perfect response to these emerging market requirements. </p> <p align="left"><span class="style4">What's the big difference?</span><br /> <span class="style6">Collagen red light therapy vs. LED</span></p> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td width="28%"><strong>Fluorescent red light therapies: </strong><br /> <img src="images/point.jpg" width="5" height="7" /> offer a full body treatment <br /> <img src="images/point.jpg" width="5" height="7" /> fit into your time schedule <br /> <img src="images/point.jpg" width="5" height="7" /> simply give 'more bang for your buck'</td> <td width="72%"><strong>LED anti-aging therapies:</strong><br /> <img src="images/point.jpg" width="5" height="7" /> only treat facial area<br /> <img src="images/point.jpg" width="5" height="7" /> can take up to 1 hour of your time<br /> <img src="images/point.jpg" width="5" height="7" /> cost up to $150 per treatment</td> </tr> </table> <p align="left">When talking about anti-aging light therapy, it's important to know that the currently available technologies utilize very different light sources, such as fluorescent lamps, LEDs, infrareds or lasers. There is no therapeutic difference between these light sources. All biological systems have a unique absorption spectrum that determines which radiation wavelengths will be absorbed to produce, for instance, an anti-wrinkle effect. Unlike our non-ablative skin rejuvenation technique, other techniques are extremely expensive and painful. Ablative lasers such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and erbium YAG (yttrium aluminum garnet) lasers may also improve skin surface texture, but the wavelength of such equipments reaches into the far infrared spectral range (up to 1,500nm and higher). The risks of skin damage and pain are high and most patients confirmed to have suffered from erythema (reddening) for several days.</p> <p align="left"><span class="style4">Red Light Therapy</span><br /> </p> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td width="28%"><img src="images/how_1.jpg" width="446" height="172" /></td> <td width="72%"><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="10" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td>Stand-Alone and/or Combi Treatments Red light therapy treatments <br /> with collagen lamps do not require specific medical licensing; it can be <br /> used and is effective in several different ways:<br /> <img src="images/point.jpg" width="5" height="7" /> as a stand-alone light therapy device in beauty salons & wellness <br /> spas, dermatology practices, beauty resorts or as a value-add offer in <br /> indoor tanning salons<br /> <img src="images/point.jpg" width="5" height="7" /> as a home use full or partial body device (i.e. facial skin or full body <br /> rejuvenation)<br /> <img src="images/point.jpg" width="5" height="7" /> as a combination treatment with other rejuvenating skin procedures <br /> used by dermatologists to reduce downtime</td> </tr> </table></td> </tr> </table> <p align="left"> Studies have shown that using red light appliances in the visible spectrum after invasive anti-aging techniques, such as erbium laser treatments, results in more effective clinical results. It leads to a faster resolution of erythema and reduces swelling. This is due to the beneficial anti-inflammatory properties of red light. Therefore, dermatologists and laser resurfacing specialists may also use collagen light therapy to lessen harmful side effects and to further reduce healing time or downtime.</p> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td width="28%"><img src="images/how_2.jpg" width="333" height="289" /></td> <td width="72%"><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="10" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td><p align="left">Research studies have shown that visible red light penetrates the epidermal layer of the skin and begins to heat the dermis. With the rise in temperature, new collagen and elastin is naturally produced by our body, which also helps to reduce acne. The wound repair process is enhanced and our blood circulation activated.The red light effect firms the skin, giving it a more youthful appearance.</p> <p align="left"> Why commitment is key?<br /> Overtime the collagen as well as elastin fibres (produced by light therapy) will weaken. This leads to the formation of new wrinkles and fine lines.Commitment and the importance of maintaining regular sessions of red light therapy is key! <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> </p></td> </tr> </table></td> </tr> </table> <div align="left"><br /> </div> </div></td> </tr> </table> </div></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="8"><div align="center"><span class="style1"><br /> <span class="style7">American Quality Mfg., Inc., 310A Shearer Blvd., Cocoa, Florida 32922 USA<br /> PHONE: 321-636-3434 and FAX: 321-636-3445<br /> FOR EXPORT ONLY<br /> Email : <a href="mailto:sales@collagenbeds.com">sales@collagenbeds.com</a></span><br /> <br /> CollagenBeds.com <img src="images/created.png" width="9" height="10" /> Copyright 2011 All rights reserved</span></div></td> </tr> </table> </div> <map name="Map" id="Map"><area shape="rect" coords="11,59,158,116" href="contact.html" /> </map> <script type="text/javascript"> var _gaq = _gaq || []; _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-23420526-1']); _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); (function() { var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true; ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 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