File: ioncube-loader-helper.php
<?php //globals used by rtl tester $working = ""; $status = ""; $instructions = ""; $already_loaded = extension_loaded('ionCube Loader'); if (!isset($HTTP_SERVER_VARS)) $HTTP_SERVER_VARS = &$_SERVER; if (!isset($HTTP_GET_VARS)) $HTTP_GET_VARS = &$_GET; //install assistant globals // // Determine PHP flavour // $php_version = phpversion(); $php_flavour = substr($php_version,0,3); // // Get the full name and short name for the OS // $os_name = substr(php_uname(),0,strpos(php_uname(),' ')); $os_code = strtolower(substr($os_name,0,3)); $dll_sfix = (($os_code == 'win') ? '.dll' : '.so'); // // Analyse the PHP build // ob_start(); phpinfo(INFO_GENERAL); $php_info = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $thread_safe = false; $debug_build = false; $php_ini_path = ''; // // Text or HTML output? // $cli = (php_sapi_name() == 'cli'); $nl = ($cli ? "\n" : '<br>'); function check_safe_mode() { $sm = ini_get('safe_mode'); return ($sm=='1'); } function getCSS() { $css = " body, td { font-size:70%; font-family:verdana, helvetica, arial; line-height:200%; } div.main { width:80%; text-align:left; top:20px; position:relative; border:2px solid #F0F0F0; padding:20px; } code { font-family:courier, helvetica, arial; } table.ini_line { border:2px solid #c8e8c8; background-color:white; } table.ini_line tr td { background-color:#c8e8c8; } table.analysis { border:2px solid #e0e0ff; background-color:white; } table.analysis tr td { background-color: #e0e0ff; } "; return $css; } function displayLogo() { $img_encoded="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"; header("Content-type: image/gif"); header("Cache-control: public"); echo base64_decode($img_encoded); } function weblink($url, $display, $new_window=false) { if (use_html()) { $extra = ""; if ($new_window) $extra = 'target="_blank"'; return "<a href=\"$url\" $extra>$display</a>"; } else { return $url; } } // // Where are we? // $here = dirname(__FILE__); //rtl tester specific functions function echo_working($msg) { global $working; $working.=$msg; } function echo_status($msg) { global $status; $status.=$msg; } function echo_instructions($msg) { global $instructions; $instructions.=$msg; } // // Detect some system parameters // function ic_system_info() { $thread_safe = false; $debug_build = false; $cgi_cli = false; $php_ini_path = ''; ob_start(); phpinfo(INFO_GENERAL); $php_info = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); foreach (split("\n",$php_info) as $line) { if (eregi('command',$line)) { continue; } if (preg_match('/thread safety.*(enabled|yes)/Ui',$line)) { $thread_safe = true; } if (preg_match('/debug.*(enabled|yes)/Ui',$line)) { $debug_build = true; } if (eregi("configuration file.*(</B></td><TD ALIGN=\"left\">| => |v\">)([^ <]*)(.*</td.*)?",$line,$match)) { $php_ini_path = $match[2]; // // If we can't access the php.ini file then we probably lost on the match // if (!@file_exists($php_ini_path)) { $php_ini_path = ''; } } $cgi_cli = ((strpos(php_sapi_name(),'cgi') !== false) || (strpos(php_sapi_name(),'cli') !== false)); } return array('THREAD_SAFE' => $thread_safe, 'DEBUG_BUILD' => $debug_build, 'PHP_INI' => $php_ini_path, 'CGI_CLI' => $cgi_cli); } function rtl_tester() { global $cli; global $nl; global $working; global $instructions; global $status; global $already_loaded; $working = ""; $status = ""; $instructions = ""; $ok = true; $already_installed = false; echo_working("\n"); // // Is the loader already installed? // if ($already_loaded) { echo_status("An ionCube Loader is already installed and run-time loading is unnecessary.\n" . "Encoded files should load without problems.$nl"); echo_instructions("If you have problems running encoded files, make sure that you select binary\n" . "mode if using FTP. If unpacking files with WinZIP you must also disable the\n" . "'TAR Smart CR/LF conversion' feature.$nl$nl"); $already_installed = true; } else { // // Intro // echo_working("Testing whether your system supports run-time loading...$nl$nl"); } // // Test some system info // $sys_info = ic_system_info(); if (!$already_installed) { if ($sys_info['THREAD_SAFE'] && !$sys_info['CGI_CLI']) { echo_status("Your PHP install appears to have threading support and run-time Loading\n" ."is only possible on threaded web servers if using the CGI, FastCGI or\n" ."CLI interface.$nl"); echo_instructions("To run encoded files please install the Loader in the php.ini file."); $ok = false; } if ($sys_info['DEBUG_BUILD']) { echo_status("Your PHP installation appears to be built with debugging support\n" . "enabled and this is incompatible with ionCube Loaders.$nl${nl}Debugging support in PHP produces slower execution, is\n" . "not recommended for production builds and was probably a mistake.$nl"); echo_instructions("You should rebuild PHP without the --enable-debug option.$nl"); $ok = false; } // // Check safe mode and for a valid extensions directory // if (check_safe_mode()) { echo_status("PHP safe mode is enabled and run time loading will not be possible."); echo_instructions( "To run encoded files please install the Loader in the php.ini file.\n" . "Alternatively contact your hosting provider or system administrator,\n" . "and ask them to disable safe mode for your account."); $ok = false; } /* elseif (!is_dir(realpath(ini_get('extension_dir')))) { echo "The setting of extension_dir in the php.ini file is not a directory or may not exist and run time loading will not be possible. You do not need write permissions on the extension_dir but for run-time loading to work a path from the extensions directory to wherever the Loader is installed must exist.$nl"; $ok = false; } */ // If ok to try and find a Loader if ($ok) { // // Look for a Loader // // Old style naming should be long gone now $test_old_name = false; $_u = php_uname(); $_os = substr($_u,0,strpos($_u,' ')); $_os_key = strtolower(substr($_u,0,3)); $_php_version = phpversion(); $_php_family = substr($_php_version,0,3); $_loader_sfix = (($_os_key == 'win') ? '.dll' : '.so'); $_ln_old="ioncube_loader.$_loader_sfix"; $_ln_old_loc="/ioncube/$_ln_old"; $_ln_new="ioncube_loader_${_os_key}_${_php_family}${_loader_sfix}"; $_ln_new_loc="/ioncube/$_ln_new"; echo_working("${nl}Looking for Loader '$_ln_new'"); if ($test_old_name) { echo_working(" or '$_ln_old'"); } echo_working($nl.$nl); $_extdir = ini_get('extension_dir'); if ($_extdir == './') { $_extdir = '.'; } $_oid = $_id = realpath($_extdir); $_here = dirname(__FILE__); if ((@$_id[1]) == ':') { $_id = str_replace('\\','/',substr($_id,2)); $_here = str_replace('\\','/',substr($_here,2)); } $_rd=str_repeat('/..',substr_count($_id,'/')).$_here.'/'; if ($_oid !== false) { echo_working("Extensions Dir: $_extdir ($_id)$nl"); echo_working("Relative Path: $_rd$nl"); } else { echo_working("Extensions Dir: $_extdir (NOT FOUND)$nl$nl"); echo_status("The directory set for the extension_dir entry in the\n" . "php.ini file may not exist, and run time loading will not be possible.$nl"); echo_instructions( "Please ask your hosting provider or system administrator to create the\n" . "directory$nl$nl" . "$_extdir$nl$nl" . "ensuring that it is accessible by the web server software. They do not\n" . "need to restart the server. Then rerun this script. As an alternative,\n" . "your host could install the Loader in the php.ini file.$nl"); $ok = false; } if ($ok) { $_ln = ''; $_i=strlen($_rd); while($_i--) { if($_rd[$_i]=='/') { if ($test_old_name) { // Try the old style Loader name $_lp=substr($_rd,0,$_i).$_ln_old_loc; $_fqlp=$_oid.$_lp; if(@file_exists($_fqlp)) { echo_working("Found Loader: $_fqlp$nl"); $_ln=$_lp; break; } } // Try the new style Loader name $_lp=substr($_rd,0,$_i).$_ln_new_loc; $_fqlp=$_oid.$_lp; if(@file_exists($_fqlp)) { echo_working("Found Loader: $_fqlp$nl"); $_ln=$_lp; break; } } } // // If Loader not found, try the fallback of in the extensions directory // if (!$_ln) { if ($test_old_name) { if (@file_exists($_id.$_ln_old_loc)) { $_ln = $_ln_old_loc; } } if (@file_exists($_id.$_ln_new_loc)) { $_ln = $_ln_new_loc; } if ($_ln) { echo_working("Found Loader $_ln in extensions directory.$nl"); } } echo_working($nl); if ($_ln) { echo_working("Trying to install Loader - this may produce an error...$nl$nl"); dl($_ln); if(extension_loaded('ionCube Loader')) { echo_status( "The Loader was successfully installed and encoded files should be able to\n" . "automatically install the Loader when needed.$nl"); echo_instructions( "No changes to your php.ini file\n" . "are required to use encoded files on this system.${nl}"); } else { echo_status("The Loader was not installed.$nl"); } } else { echo_status( "Run-time loading should be possible on your system but no suitable Loader\n" . "was found.$nl$nl"); echo_instructions( "The $_os Loader for PHP $_php_family releases is required.$nl" . "Loaders can be downloaded from " . weblink("http://www.ioncube.com/loaders.php","www.ioncube.com")); } } } } //$instructions should never be empty. //if it is, then put default: if (empty($instructions)) { $instructions = "Run-time loading is not currently possible.$nl" . "If you require further assistance, please contact ionCube support providing${nl}a link to this script."; } if ($cli) { return "$working$status$instructions\n"; } else { //echo "${nl}Please send the output of this script to $email if you have questions or require further assistance.$nl$nl"; $body = "<center><h2>Run-Time Loading Installation Instructions</h2></center>" . "<h3>Testing Server</h3>" . "$working" . "<h3>Results</h3>" . "$status" . "<h3>Instructions</h3>" . $instructions; return $body; } } //END OF RTL-TESTER FUNCTIONS //BEGIN INSTALL ASSISTANT RELATED FUNCTIONS function query_self($text, $query) { global $HTTP_SERVER_VARS; if (use_html()) { return '<a target=_blank href="'.@$HTTP_SERVER_VARS['PHP_SELF']."?page=install-assistant&q=$query\">$text</a>"; } else { return $text; } } function use_html() { return (php_sapi_name() != 'cli'); } function para($text) { return ($text . (use_html() ? '<p>' : "\n\n")); } function code($text) { return (use_html() ? "<code>$text</code>" : $text); } function table($contents) { if (use_html()) { $res = '<table class="analysis" cellpadding=5 cellspacing=1 border=0>'; foreach ($contents as $row) { $res .= "<tr>\n"; foreach ($row as $cell) { $res .= "<td>$cell</td>\n"; } $res .= "</tr>\n"; } $res .= "</table>\n"; } else { $colwidths = array(); foreach ($contents as $row) { $cv = 0; foreach ($row as $cell) { $l = @$colwidths[$cv]; $cl = strlen($cell); if ($cl > $l) { $colwidths[$cv] = $cl; } $cv++; } } $tw = 0; foreach ($colwidths as $cw) { $tw += ($cw + 2); } $tw2 = $tw + count($colwidths) - 1 + 2; $res = '+' . str_repeat('-',$tw2 - 2) . "+\n"; foreach ($contents as $row) { $cv = 0; foreach ($row as $cell) { $res .= '| ' . str_pad($cell, $colwidths[$cv]) . ' '; $cv++; } $res .= "|\n"; } $res .= '+' . str_repeat('-',$tw2 - 2) . "+\n"; } return $res; } function ilia_header() { if (!use_html()) { return "\n" . "ionCube Loader Install Assistant\n" . "--------------------------------\n" . "\n" . "\n"; } else { return "<center><h2>php.ini Installation Instructions</h2></center>" . "<h3>Analysis</h3>";; } } function heading($text) { if (use_html()) { return para("<font face=\"helvetica,verdana\"><b>$text</b></font>"); } else { return para($text . "\n" . str_repeat('-', strlen($text))); } } function ilia_analysis() { global $php_version, $php_flavour, $os_name, $thread_safe, $php_ini_path, $required_loader,$os_code, $cli; $res = para('Analysis of your system configuration shows:') . table(array(array("PHP Version",$php_version), array("Operating System",$os_name), array("Threaded PHP",($thread_safe ? 'Yes' : 'No')), array("php.ini file", ($php_ini_path ? $php_ini_path : query_self("Check phpinfo() output for\n" .'location','phpinfo'))), array("Required Loader",$required_loader) )) . para(''); if (!$cli) $res .= "<h3>Instructions</h3>"; if ($php_ini_path) { $res .= para('To install the Loader in your '.code('php.ini')." file, edit or create the file\n\n" . code($php_ini_path) . "\n\n" . "and add the following line before any other ".code('zend_extension').' lines:'); } else { $res .= para( 'To install the loader in your '.code('php.ini')." file, first check the location of the\n" . "php.ini file from phpinfo output. Then edit or create the file, and add the\n" . "following line before any other ".code('zend_extension').' lines:'); } if ($os_code == 'win') { if (use_html()) { $path = '<drive>:\\<path>\\'; } else { $path = '<drive>:\\<path>\\'; } $ini = "zend_extension_ts = $path$required_loader"; } else { if (use_html()) { $path = '/<path>/'; } else { $path = '/<path>/'; } if ($thread_safe) { $ini = "zend_extension_ts = $path$required_loader"; } else { $ini = "zend_extension = $path$required_loader"; } } if (use_html()) { $res .= "<table class=\"ini_line\" cellpadding=4 cellspacing=1 border=0><tr><td><code>$ini</code></td></tr></table><p>"; } else { $res .= para(" $ini"); } if ($os_code == 'win') { $res .= para('where '.code($path).' is where you\'ve installed the loader.'); } else { $res .= para('where '.code($path).' is where you\'ve installed the loader, e.g. '.code('/usr/local/ioncube/')); } $res .= para("If there are no zend_extension lines already, you can put the line at any point in the file."); $res .= para("Finally, stop and restart your web server software for the changes to\n" . "take effect."); if (!check_safe_mode() && ($os_code != 'win')) { $res .= heading('Installing the Loader for run-time loading'); $res .= para( "To install for runtime loading, create a directory called ".code('ioncube') . "\n" . "at or above the top level of your encoded files, and ensure that the directory\n" . "contains the ".code($required_loader) . " loader. If run-time install of\n" . "the Loader is possible on your system then encoded files should automatically\n" . "install the loader when needed."); } return $res; } function ilia_debug_builds_unsupported() { return para( "IMPORTANT NOTE: Your PHP installation may be incorrect\n" . "------------------------------------------------------\n" . "\n" . "Your PHP installation appears to be built with debugging\n" . "support enabled, and extensions cannot be installed in this case.") .para( "Debugging support in PHP produces slower execution, is not recommended for\n" . "production builds, and was probably a mistake.") .para( "Debugging support may sometimes be incorrectly detected, and so please\n" . "continue to follow the installation instructions and try the Loader.\n" . "However do contact the ionCube helpdesk if the Loader fails to\n" . "install, and include a web link to either this script or a page that\n" . "calls phpinfo() so that we can help."); } function install_assistant() { global $php_version, $php_flavour, $os_name, $thread_safe, $php_ini_path, $required_loader,$os_code, $php_info,$dll_sfix,$HTTP_GET_VARS; if ($q = @$HTTP_GET_VARS['q']) { if ($q == 'phpinfo') { phpinfo(INFO_GENERAL); } exit(0); } foreach (split("\n",$php_info) as $line) { if (eregi('command',$line)) { continue; } if (preg_match('/thread safety.*(enabled|yes)/Ui',$line)) { $thread_safe = true; } if (preg_match('/debug.*(enabled|yes)/Ui',$line)) { $debug_build = true; } if (eregi("configuration file.*(</B></td><TD ALIGN=\"left\">| => |v\">)([^ <]*)(.*</td.*)?",$line,$match)) { $php_ini_path = $match[2]; // // If we can't access the php.ini file then we probably lost on the match // if (@!file_exists($php_ini_path)) { $php_ini_path = ''; } } } // // We now know enough to give guidance // $ts = ((($os_code != 'win') && $thread_safe) ? '_ts' : ''); $required_loader = "ioncube_loader_${os_code}_${php_flavour}${ts}${dll_sfix}"; // // Create the output // $out = ""; $out.=ilia_header(); $out.=ilia_analysis(); if ($debug_build) { $out.=ilia_debug_builds_unsupported(); } return $out; } function getInstructions() { global $nl; global $cli; if ($cli) { return "\nAn ionCube Loader file is required by PHP to read files encoded with the\n" . "ionCube Encoder. This page will determine how you can install Loaders\n" . "on this particular server.$nl$nl"; } else { return "Please read the ".weblink("http://www.ioncube.com/loader_installation.php", "online documentation", true).", or review the file readme.txt enclosed with the Loader bundle, for more help with Loader installation.$nl$nl"; } } //main page function index() { global $HTTP_SERVER_VARS; global $nl; global $already_loaded; $self = @$HTTP_SERVER_VARS['PHP_SELF']; $host = @$HTTP_SERVER_VARS['HTTP_HOST']; ob_start(); $success = include dirname(__FILE__).'/ioncube-encoded-file.php'; $php_info = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $body = ""; $body.="An ionCube Loader file is required by PHP to read files encoded with the ionCube Encoder. This page will determine how you can install Loaders on this particular server.$nl$nl"; $dir = dirname($self); $rtl = "<a href=\"$self?page=rtl-tester\">run-time loading installation instructions</a>"; $sys = "<a href=\"$self?page=sysinfo\">Server System Information</a>"; $ass = "<a href=\"$self?page=install-assistant\">php.ini installation instructions</a>"; if ($success) { $body.= "An ionCube encoded file has been loaded <b><font color=green>successfully</font></b>.<br>" . "Encoded files should now function correctly.<br><br>"; if (!$already_loaded) { $body.="If you have permission to edit the php.ini configuration file for this server you can increase performance by following the $ass.<br><br>"; } $body.="If you have a problem with your PHP application, please contact the application provider."; } else { $body.= "The loading of ionCube encoded files is not currently working correctly on this server.<br><br>\n"; $body.= "If you have permission to edit the php.ini configuration file for this server, please follow the " . "$ass.<br><br>"; $body.= "If you do not access to the php.ini file, please follow the " . "$rtl.<br><br>"; $body.=getInstructions(); } return $body; } function read($fp) { $input = rtrim(fgets($fp, 1024)); return $input; } function doMenu($fp) { echo("\n>> Please choose an option followed by Return, or 0 to exit this script.\n\n"); echo("0. Exit this script\n"); echo("1. php.ini installation instructions\n"); echo("2. Run-time loading installation instructions\n"); echo("\n"); echo(">> "); do { $command = read($fp); } while(strlen($command)==0); return $command; } if ($cli) { $fp=fopen('php://stdin', 'r'); echo(getInstructions()); $success = include dirname(__FILE__).'/ioncube-encoded-file.php'; if ($success) { echo "An ionCube encoded file has been loaded successfully.\n" . "Encoded files should now function correctly.\n\n"; if (!$already_loaded) { echo "If you have permission to edit the php.ini configuration file for this server you can increase performance by choosing option 1 below.\n\n"; } echo "If you have a problem with your PHP application, please contact the application provider."; } else { echo "The loading of ionCube encoded files is not currently working correctly\n" . "on this server.\n\n"; echo "If you have permission to edit the php.ini configuration file for this server,\n" . "please choose option 1 below.\n\n"; echo "If you do not access to the php.ini file, please choose option 2 below.\n\n"; $body.=getInstructions(); } while(true) { $command = doMenu($fp); if ($command==0) exit(0); elseif ($command==2) echo(rtl_tester()); elseif ($command==10) phpinfo(); elseif ($command==1) echo(install_assistant()); } fclose($fp); } else { global $HTTP_SERVER_VARS,$HTTP_GET_VARS; $us = @$HTTP_SERVER_VARS['PHP_SELF']; $page = @$HTTP_GET_VARS['page']; $css = getCSS(); $out = "<html>\n" . "<head>\n" . "<style>$css</style>\n" . "<title>ionCube Loader Installation Tool</title>" . "</head>\n" . "<body>\n" ; $body = ""; $body.="<div align=center><div class=\"main\">\n"; $body.="<img src=\"$us?page=logo\"><br><br>\n"; if ($page=="rtl-tester") $body.= rtl_tester(); else if($page=="sysinfo") return phpinfo(); else if($page=="install-assistant") { $body.= install_assistant(); } else if($page=="logo") { displayLogo(); exit(1); } else $body.= index(); $body.="</div></div>\n"; $out.=$body; $out.= "</body></html>\n"; echo($out); } ?>