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<html> <!-- Creation date: 9/18/2002 --> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <title>Perfect Tan Standard Frame Model Tanning Bed Features</title> <meta name="description" content=""> <meta name="keywords" content=""> <meta name="author" content="Rick Houston"> <meta name="generator" content="AceHTML 5 Pro"> </head> <body> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000"> <table width="380" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td width="380" height="620" valign="top"> <img src="http://www.tanningonline.com/images/standardframe300.jpg" alt="Perfect Tan Tanning Beds" hspace=3 vspace=3 border=0 align=left> <font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"> <p> <b><font face="Cooper Black" font color="black"><b>perfect<font color="#988149">TAN</b></font face></font color> Standard Frame Model Tanning Bed</font></b></font> <font color="#333333"> <p>This is our standard frame in the contemporary <font face="Cooper Black" font color="black"><b>perfect<font color="#988149">TAN</b></font face></font color> design. The bed dimensions are 77" x 35" which will tan customers up to 6'2" tall. <p>Pictured above is our "Professional" model. Our "Residential" model is the EXACT same bed with two exceptions, the residential tanning bed model does NOT have the front skirt between the two legs and a remote timer interface on the back of the bed. Both models are equipped with a 20 minute dial timer on the front of the tanning bed. As pictured below: <p><img src="http://www.tanningonline.com/images/home_tanning_bed_200.jpg" alt="Perfect Tan Tanning Bed" hspace=3 vspace=3 border=0 align=left> <P>Commercial grade is our only grade and we do not cut corners on our residential tanning bed models. Our residential models include standard equipment many home tanning bed manufacturers do not supply. Our beds are shipped with upgraded Real Sun lamps, acrylic on the canopy (not wire mesh), and a tanning starter kit which includes a pillow, lotions, goggles, bed sanitizer, and an external body cooling fan for maximum comfort! <p>Each model comes with your choice of either Wolff Tanning System Lamps or our custom upgraded Real Sun lamps made by Light Sources. It is important to point out this bed and the <font face="Cooper Black" font color="black"><b>perfect<font color="#988149">TAN</b></font face></font color> models are built exactly the same with the only exception being the colorful <font face="Cooper Black" font color="black"><b>Tropical<font color="#800000"> Rayz</b></font face></font color> splash designs.<p> <p>To learn more or speak directly with a tanning bed consultant for a more personal presentation, please call Rick Houston toll-free at <font color="#0000ff">888-999-7577</font> or <A href="mailto:rick@tanningonline.com">email us</a>, we would be pleased to answer any questions which may not be covered here. <p>The <font face="Cooper Black" font color="black"><b>perfect<font color="#988149">TAN</b></font face></font color> design offers a contemporary design at an affordable price. We've combined the same quality and craftsmanship, plus the best features that go into our more costly beds, to create a dependable, durable, and affordable model that just can't be beat! <p>All metal construction, Real Sun ultra power lamps, and tunnel technology design for the most efficient tanning, are all present in the <font face="Cooper Black" font color="black"><b>perfect<font color="#988149">TAN</b></font face></font color> Standard Frame Pro model, ensuring years of profitability for your salon. <p>All <font face="Cooper Black" font color="black"><b>perfect<font color="#988149">TAN</b></font face></font color> tanning beds employ a reflective system so precise that it is only 1% away from delivering a perfect mirror image, i.e. the tanning lamp's effective output is almost 100%, and the tan is darker and faster! <p> <font face="Cooper Black" font color="black"><b>perfect<font color="#988149">TAN</b></font face></font color> uses only the most dependable wire connection system on the market, the "Cage Clamp", this practice alone can save a salon from costly service calls and down time, given the fact that the cause of most service calls is related to poor connections. <p> Additional <font face="Cooper Black" font color="black"><b>perfect<font color="#988149">TAN</b></font face></font color> Standard Frame model features include: <li>Lifetime warranty on frame, 3 year electrical components, 1 year pro-rated on shocks and acrylics, 90 day full warranty <li>All metal construction inside and out for many years of service <li>Hand-welded frame for extra strength and durability (the ONLY welded frame you can buy) <li>UV-resistant baked-on powder coat finish <li>Ultra polished reflective system delivers maximum performance (this is the "mirror" type finish behind the lamps) <li>Front skirt panel for greater leg strength (Professional Model only) <li>Extra-wide clamshell design keeps you comfortable <li>Features high power Real Sun tanning lamps for a rich, deep, dark tan <li>Steel piston mounting system (as opposed to plastic supports which fail in 3 years) <li>4-5 High Power Cooling Fans for longer lamp life <li>Metal acrylic support strips (our competitors use plastic here) <li>Cool down feature quickly renews lamp temperature <li>Computer and remote timer ready (Professional Model only) <li>Optional cooling fan included with purchase <li>Cage clamp wire connection system <li>Higher re-sale value (this all-steel constructed bed will last years longer than our competitors who use a plastic or polymer canopy) <li>Expected life span of 15-20 years (as opposed to 3-5 years for plastic beds mounted to steel frames) <hr> <p><center><form method="post"><input type="button" value="Close Window" onclick="window.close()"></form></center> </td> </tr> </table> </body> </html>