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src="../images/new/banner2.jpg" width="590" height="50" border="0" usemap="#Map5" /></div></td> <td width="594"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td><table width="95%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td width="71%"><table width="64%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="5"> <tr> <td colspan="3"><span class="style12">Products</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="33%"><a href="trsf.html" onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore()" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('Tropical Rayz Standard Frame','','../images/new/trsfb.jpg',1)"><img src="../images/new/trsfa.jpg" name="Tropical Rayz Standard Frame" width="139" height="139" border="0" id="Tropical Rayz Standard Frame" /></a></td> <td width="33%"><a href="trbf.html" onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore()" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('Tropical Rayz Big Frame','','../images/new/trbfb.jpg',1)"><img src="../images/new/trbfa.jpg" name="Tropical Rayz Big Frame" width="140" height="139" border="0" id="Tropical Rayz Big Frame" /></a></td> <td width="34%"><a href="trwb.html" onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore()" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('Tropical Rayz Wide Body','','../images/new/trwbb.jpg',1)"><img src="../images/new/trwba.jpg" name="Tropical Rayz Wide Body" width="139" height="139" border="0" id="Tropical Rayz Wide Body" /></a></td> </tr> </table> <table width="88%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td><img src="../images/new/largestrbf1.jpg" width="440" height="67" /><br /> <img src="../images/new/largestrbf2.jpg" width="440" height="67" /><br /> <img src="../images/new/largestrbf3.jpg" width="440" height="67" /><br /> <img src="../images/new/largestrbf4.jpg" width="440" height="67" /><br /> <img src="../images/new/largestrbf5.jpg" width="440" height="67" /><br /></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="760"><table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="15" bgcolor="#ABF3FA"> <tr> <td><p class="style9 style23 style27"><span class="style26">Features</span><br /> <br /> This is our BIG frame in the Tropical Rayz design pictured at the left and the <br /> perfectTAN pictured at the right. The bed dimensions are 87" x 35" (10" longer <br /> than the standard frame but the same width).</p> <p class="style9 style23 style27">Keep in mind the perfectTAN models are built exactly the same with the only <br /> exception being the colorful Tropical Rayz splash designs.</p> <p class="style9 style23 style27">This tanning bed is your "second tier" unit or an upgrade from the Standard <br /> Frame design. You can choose up to 32 lamps, 3 facials, and 15 minute session <br /> lamps for this model. In a three-tiered pricing strategy, this would be your second <br /> tier, typically charging between $7-9 per 20 min or 15 min session.</p> <p class="style9 style23 style27">To learn more or speak directly with a tanning bed consultant for a more personal <br /> presentation, please call Rick Houston toll-free at 888-999-7577 or email us, we <br /> would be pleased to answer any questions which may not be covered here.</p> <p class="style9 style23 style27">This Big Frame Features high power and high intensity Real Sun XXXX (8.5 UVB) <br /> tanning lamps for a rich, deep, dark tan, and an upgrade option for 18 minute <br /> Reflector Type Bronzing lamps.</p> <p class="style9 style23 style27">There are four "standard" Tropical Rayz designs you can choose from: <br /> <img src="../images/new/point.gif" width="7" height="7" /> Dark Magenta with a Light Blue Splash<br /> <img src="../images/new/point.gif" width="7" height="7" /> Kawasaki Green with Magenta Splash<br /> <img src="../images/new/point.gif" width="7" height="7" /> Canary Yellow with Red Splash<br /> <img src="../images/new/point.gif" width="7" height="7" /> Canary Yellow with Magenta Splash</p> <p class="style9 style23 style27">The perfectTAN design comes standard with an almond base paint and golden <br /> yellow accents with black writing. Of course, we are custom builders, so you can <br /> "design your tanning bed" if you like!</p> <p class="style9 style23 style27">We've combined the same quality and craftsmanship, plus the best features that <br /> go into our more costly beds, to create a dependable, durable, and affordable <br /> model that just can't be beat!<br /> </p> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td class="style9 style23 style27"><div align="center"><img src="../images/new/tunnel2.jpg" width="200" height="134" /></div></td> </tr> </table> <p class="style9">All metal construction, Real Sun ultra power lamps, and tunnel technology design <br /> for the most efficient tanning, are all present in the BIG Frame Pro model, <br /> ensuring years of profitability for your salon.</p> <p class="style9">All of our tanning beds employ a reflective system so precise that it is only 1% <br /> away from delivering a perfect mirror image, i.e. the tanning lamp's effective <br /> output is almost 100%, and the tan is darker and faster!</p> <p class="style9">Our indoor tanning salon equipment uses only the most dependable wire <br /> connection system on the market, the "Cage Clamp", this practice alone can save <br /> a salon from costly service calls and down time, given the fact that the cause of <br /> most service calls is related to poor connections.</p> <p class="style9">Additional BIG Frame Pro model features include:<br /> <span class="style9 style23 style27"><img src="../images/new/point.gif" width="7" height="7" /> </span>Lifetime warranty on frame, 3 year electrical components, 1 year pro-rated <br /> <img src="../images/new/pointles.jpg" width="7" height="7" /> on shocks and acrylics, 90 day full warranty<br /> <span class="style9 style23 style27"><img src="../images/new/point.gif" width="7" height="7" /> </span>All metal construction inside and out for many years of service<br /> <span class="style9 style23 style27"><img src="../images/new/point.gif" width="7" height="7" /> </span>Hand-welded frame for extra strength and durability (the ONLY welded frame <br /> <img src="../images/new/pointles.jpg" width="7" height="7" /> you can buy)<br /> <span class="style9 style23 style27"><img src="../images/new/point.gif" width="7" height="7" /> </span>UV-resistant baked-on powder coat finish<br /> <span class="style9 style23 style27"><img src="../images/new/point.gif" width="7" height="7" /> </span>Ultra polished reflective system delivers maximum performance (this is the <br /> <img src="../images/new/pointles.jpg" width="7" height="7" /> "mirror" type finish behind the lamps)<br /> <span class="style9 style23 style27"><img src="../images/new/point.gif" width="7" height="7" /> </span>Front skirt panel for greater leg strength<br /> <span class="style9 style23 style27"><img src="../images/new/point.gif" width="7" height="7" /> </span>Extra-wide clamshell design keeps you comfortable<br /> <span class="style9 style23 style27"><img src="../images/new/point.gif" width="7" height="7" /> </span>Features high power Real Sun XX (5.8 UVB) tanning lamps for a rich, deep, <br /> <img src="../images/new/pointles.jpg" width="7" height="7" /> dark tan, and an upgrade option for 15 minute XXX (6.8%) bronzing lamps<br /> <span class="style9 style23 style27"><img src="../images/new/point.gif" width="7" height="7" /> </span>Steel piston mounting system (as opposed to plastic supports which fail in <br /> <img src="../images/new/pointles.jpg" width="7" height="7" /> 3 years)<br /> <span class="style9 style23 style27"><img src="../images/new/point.gif" width="7" height="7" /> </span>5-6 High Power Cooling Fans for longer lamp life<br /> <span class="style9 style23 style27"><img src="../images/new/point.gif" width="7" height="7" /> </span>Metal acrylic support strips (our competitors use plastic here)<br /> <span class="style9 style23 style27"><img src="../images/new/point.gif" width="7" height="7" /> </span>Cool down feature quickly renews lamp temperature<br /> <span class="style9 style23 style27"><img src="../images/new/point.gif" width="7" height="7" /> </span>Computer and remote timer ready<br /> <span class="style9 style23 style27"><img src="../images/new/point.gif" width="7" height="7" /> </span>Optional cooling fan included with purchase<br /> <span class="style9 style23 style27"><img src="../images/new/point.gif" width="7" height="7" /> </span>Cage clamp wire connection system<br /> <span class="style9 style23 style27"><img src="../images/new/point.gif" width="7" height="7" /> </span>Higher re-sale value (this all-steel constructed bed will last years longer than <img src="../images/new/pointles.jpg" width="7" height="7" /> our competitors who use a plastic or polymer canopy)<br /> <span class="style9 style23 style27"><img src="../images/new/point.gif" width="7" height="7" /> </span>Expected life span of 15-20 years (as opposed to 3-5 years for plastic beds <br /> <img src="../images/new/pointles.jpg" width="7" height="7" /> mounted to steel frames)</p> </td> </tr> </table> <br /> <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="15" bgcolor="#ABF3FA"> <tr> <td><span class="style9"><span class="style26">Specifications</span><br /> <br /> To order, please call toll free 888-999-7577 until 10 PM EST<br /> <br /> </span> <table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td colspan="2" bgcolor="#000000"><p align="center" class="style2 style31">Tropical Rayz/Perfect Tan/Custom BIG Frame SPECIFICATIONS </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="140" bgcolor="#7BB5BA"><p class="style2">Frame Style </p></td> <td width="264" bgcolor="#7BB5BA"><p class="style21">Clamshell: total body wrap canopy design </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="140" bgcolor="#7BB5BA"><p class="style21"><strong>Lamps in Canopy</strong> </p></td> <td width="264" bgcolor="#7BB5BA"><p class="style21">100 Watt with choice of 20, 18, or 15 min </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="140" bgcolor="#7BB5BA"><p class="style21"><strong>Lamps in Bench</strong> </p></td> <td width="264" bgcolor="#7BB5BA"><p class="style21">100 Watt with choice of 20, 18, or 15 min </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="140" bgcolor="#7BB5BA"><p class="style21"><strong>Facial Lamps</strong> </p></td> <td width="264" bgcolor="#7BB5BA"><p class="style21">400 Watt High Pressure (up to 3) </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="140" bgcolor="#7BB5BA"><p class="style21"><strong>Facial on/off switch</strong> </p></td> <td width="264" bgcolor="#7BB5BA"><p class="style21"><strong>NEW!</strong> Standard Feature </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="140" bgcolor="#7BB5BA"><p class="style21"><strong>Maximum Exposure</strong> </p></td> <td width="264" bgcolor="#7BB5BA"><p class="style21">20, 18, or 15 Mins (depending on bulbs) </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="140" bgcolor="#7BB5BA"><p class="style21"><strong>Hour Meter</strong> </p></td> <td width="264" bgcolor="#7BB5BA"><p class="style21"><strong>NEW!</strong> Standard Feature </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="140" bgcolor="#7BB5BA"><p class="style21"><strong>Ballasts</strong> </p></td> <td width="264" bgcolor="#7BB5BA"><p class="style21">Choke type </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="140" bgcolor="#7BB5BA"><p class="style21"><strong>Timer</strong> </p></td> <td width="264" bgcolor="#7BB5BA"><p class="style21"><strong>NEW! </strong> Built-in Digital (CAT5 Interface) </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="140" bgcolor="#7BB5BA"><p class="style21"><strong>Body Fan</strong> </p></td> <td width="264" bgcolor="#7BB5BA"><p class="style21">External Honeywell Body Fan Included </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="140" bgcolor="#7BB5BA"><p class="style21"><strong>After Cooling Fan</strong> </p></td> <td width="264" bgcolor="#7BB5BA"><p class="style21">3 minute post session cool down </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="140" bgcolor="#7BB5BA"><p class="style21"><strong>Acrylic Surface</strong> </p></td> <td width="264" bgcolor="#7BB5BA"><p class="style21">Body contoured molded acrylic </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="140" bgcolor="#7BB5BA"><p class="style21"><strong>Frame Composition</strong> </p></td> <td width="264" bgcolor="#7BB5BA"><p class="style21">Solid Steel with Powdered Coated Finish </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="140" bgcolor="#7BB5BA"><p class="style21"><strong>Body Panels</strong> </p></td> <td width="264" bgcolor="#7BB5BA"><p class="style21">Solid Steel with Powdered Coated Finish </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="140" bgcolor="#7BB5BA"><p class="style21"><strong>Acrylic Support Strips</strong> </p></td> <td width="264" bgcolor="#7BB5BA"><p class="style21">Solid Steel with Powdered Coated Finish </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="140" bgcolor="#7BB5BA"><p class="style21"><strong>Piston Mounting System</strong> </p></td> <td width="264" bgcolor="#7BB5BA"><p class="style21">Solid Steel with Powdered Coated Finish </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="140" bgcolor="#7BB5BA"><p class="style21"><strong>Warranty</strong> </p></td> <td width="264" bgcolor="#7BB5BA"><p class="style21">Lifetime Frame/Three year electrical </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="140" bgcolor="#7BB5BA"><p class="style21"><strong>Electrical</strong> </p></td> <td width="264" bgcolor="#7BB5BA"><p class="style21">220-240 volts AC, single phase, 60 HZ </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="140" bgcolor="#7BB5BA"><p class="style21"><strong>Breaker Size</strong> </p></td> <td width="264" bgcolor="#7BB5BA"><p class="style21">30 amp (26-32 lamps, up to 2 facial models) </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="140" bgcolor="#7BB5BA"><p><span class="style24"><span class="style23"></span></span></p></td> <td width="264" bgcolor="#7BB5BA"><p class="style21">40 amp (32 lamp with 3 facial model) </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="140" bgcolor="#7BB5BA"><p class="style21"><strong>Receptacle Type</strong> </p></td> <td width="264" bgcolor="#7BB5BA"><p class="style21">L630R (26-32 lamps, up to 2 facial models) </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="140" bgcolor="#7BB5BA"><p><span class="style24"><span class="style23"></span></span></p></td> <td width="264" bgcolor="#7BB5BA"><p class="style21">Hard-wired (32 lamp with 3 facials) </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="140" bgcolor="#7BB5BA"><p class="style21"><strong>Bed Dimensions</strong> </p></td> <td width="264" bgcolor="#7BB5BA"><p class="style21">87.25"L x 35"W x 52"H </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="140" bgcolor="#7BB5BA"><p class="style21"><strong>Weight</strong> </p></td> <td width="264" bgcolor="#7BB5BA"><p class="style21">450 lbs </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="140" bgcolor="#7BB5BA"><p class="style21"><strong>Minimum Room Size</strong> </p></td> <td width="264" bgcolor="#7BB5BA"><p class="style21">8' x 6' </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="140" bgcolor="#7BB5BA"><p class="style21"><strong>Ideal Room Size</strong> </p></td> <td width="264" bgcolor="#7BB5BA"><p class="style21">9' x 7' </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="140" bgcolor="#7BB5BA"><p class="style21"><strong>Special Features</strong> </p></td> <td width="264" bgcolor="#7BB5BA"><p class="style21">Easy to assemble, ETL Approved, Custom colors available</p></td> </tr> </table> <span class="style9"><br /> </span></td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </td> <td width="29%"><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="10" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td><img src="../images/new/tabroyala.gif" width="136" height="97" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src="../images/new/tabperfecta.gif" width="136" height="97" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src="../images/new/tabtropicala.gif" width="136" height="97" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src="../images/new/tabsoutha.gif" width="136" height="97" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src="../images/new/tabpimpa.gif" width="136" height="97" /></td> </tr> </table> <p><br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p><br /> <br /> <br /> </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><br /> <table width="101%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="15" bgcolor="#ABF3FA"> <tr> <td><p class="style9 style23 style27"><span class="style26">Prices</span><br /> <br /> 2009 Price List for Big (35"x87") Frame with Various Bulb Configurations<br /> </p> <table width="100%" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td width="60" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24"><strong>Model </strong></p></td> <td width="30" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24"><strong>Max Time </strong></p></td> <td width="30" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center"><span class="style24"></span> </p></td> <td width="72" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24"><strong>Lamps </strong></p></td> <td width="65" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24"><strong>Timer </strong></p></td> <td width="51" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24"><strong> Facials </strong></p></td> <td width="44" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24"><strong> Lamps </strong></p></td> <td width="45" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24"><strong> Amps </strong></p></td> <td width="35" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24"><strong>Watts </strong></p></td> <td width="70" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24"><strong> Receptacle </strong></p></td> <td width="40" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24"><strong> Ballast Tray </strong></p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="60" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24">28 Lamps with 0 Facial </p></td> <td width="30" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24">20 </p></td> <td width="30" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24"><strong>$4135</strong></p></td> <td width="72" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24">RS100W <br /> 5.0%UVB </p></td> <td width="65" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24">Built-in Digital </p></td> <td width="51" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24">0 </p></td> <td width="44" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24">28 </p></td> <td width="45" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24">30A </p></td> <td width="35" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24">2800 </p></td> <td width="70" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24">L630R </p></td> <td width="40" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center"><span class="style24"></span></p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="60" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24">28 Lamps with 1 Facial </p></td> <td width="30" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24">20 </p></td> <td width="30" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24"><strong>$4395</strong></p></td> <td width="72" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24">RS100W/80W <br /> 5.0%UVB </p></td> <td width="65" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24">Built-in Digital </p></td> <td width="51" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24">1 </p></td> <td width="44" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24">28 </p></td> <td width="45" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24">30A </p></td> <td width="35" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24">3080 </p></td> <td width="70" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24">L630R </p></td> <td width="40" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center"><span class="style24"></span></p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="60" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24">28 Lamps with 2 Facials</p></td> <td width="30" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24">20 </p></td> <td width="30" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24"><strong>$4665</strong></p></td> <td width="72" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24">RS100W <br /> 5.0%UVB </p></td> <td width="65" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24">Built-in Digital </p></td> <td width="51" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24">2 </p></td> <td width="44" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24">28 </p></td> <td width="45" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24">30A </p></td> <td width="35" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24">3600 </p></td> <td width="70" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24">L630R </p></td> <td width="40" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center"><span class="style24"></span></p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="60" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24">32 Lamps with 0 Facial </p></td> <td width="30" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24">15 </p></td> <td width="30" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24"><strong>$4680</strong></p></td> <td width="72" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24">RS100W <br /> 8.5%UVB </p></td> <td width="65" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24">Built-in Digital </p></td> <td width="51" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24">0 </p></td> <td width="44" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24">32 </p></td> <td width="45" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24">30A </p></td> <td width="35" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24">3200 </p></td> <td width="70" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24">L630R </p></td> <td width="40" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center"><span class="style24"></span></p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="60" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24">32 Lamps with 1 Facial </p></td> <td width="30" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24">15 </p></td> <td width="30" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24"><strong>$5005</strong></p></td> <td width="72" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24">RS100W/80W <br /> 8.5%UVB </p></td> <td width="65" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24">Built-in Digital </p></td> <td width="51" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24">1 </p></td> <td width="44" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24">32 </p></td> <td width="45" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24">30A </p></td> <td width="35" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24">3480 </p></td> <td width="70" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24">L630R </p></td> <td width="40" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center"><span class="style24"></span></p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="60" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24">32 Lamps with 2 Facials </p></td> <td width="30" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24">15 </p></td> <td width="30" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24"><strong>$5210</strong></p></td> <td width="72" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24">RS100W <br /> 8.5%UVB </p></td> <td width="65" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24">Built-in Digital </p></td> <td width="51" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24">2 </p></td> <td width="44" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24">32 </p></td> <td width="45" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24">30A </p></td> <td width="35" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24">4000 </p></td> <td width="70" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24">L630R </p></td> <td width="40" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center"><span class="style24"></span></p></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="60" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24">32 Lamps with 3 Facials </p></td> <td width="30" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24">15 </p></td> <td width="30" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24"><strong>$5475</strong></p></td> <td width="72" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24">RS100W <br /> 8.5%UVB </p></td> <td width="65" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24">Built-in Digital </p></td> <td width="51" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24">3 </p></td> <td width="44" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24">32 </p></td> <td width="45" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24">40A </p></td> <td width="35" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24">4400 </p></td> <td width="70" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24">Hard Wire </p></td> <td width="40" bgcolor="#7BB5BA" class="style9"><p align="center" class="style24">Yes </p></td> </tr> </table> <span class="style9"><br /> </span> <p class="style32">Special Shipping & Ordering Notes: </p> <p class="style9">1. To place an order, please call toll free 888-999-7577, 8 AM to 10 PM EST, or email us with questions. You <br /> <img src="../images/new/pointles.jpg" width="7" height="7" /> may want to review our Most Frequently Asked Questions. We prefer a 20% deposit with the balance due <br /> <img src="../images/new/pointles.jpg" width="7" height="7" /> prior to or upon delivery. Most orders can be delivered within 2 weeks, larger orders of 8 or more beds may <br /> <img src="../images/new/pointles.jpg" width="7" height="7" /> require 3 weeks.</p> <p class="style9">2. You get to choose your color scheme with the Tropical Rayz models, the Kawasaki Green with Magenta <br /> <img src="../images/new/pointles.jpg" width="7" height="7" /> Splash and Canary Yellow with Red Splash is pictured above for illustration purposes only.</p> <p class="style9">3. You also may choose to upgrade these standard frame beds to 15 min lamps and timers for FREE! However, <br /> <img src="../images/new/pointles.jpg" width="7" height="7" /> you may want to invest $500 more for the 7 foot big frame bed which gives you a more impressive look for <br /> <img src="../images/new/pointles.jpg" width="7" height="7" /> a small amount.</p> <p class="style9">4. In an effort to separate ourselves from the competition, you may choose to "design your own bed" and pick <br /> <img src="../images/new/pointles.jpg" width="7" height="7" /> your own colors from our chart here, at NO additional fee. Please call 888-999-7577 for details or for some <br /> <img src="../images/new/pointles.jpg" width="7" height="7" /> creative ideas. This is normally a $200 upgrade fee.</p> <p class="style9">5. For questions regarding tanning bed financing or leasing, please click here to complete our online application<br /> <img src="../images/new/pointles.jpg" width="7" height="7" /> or visit our tanning bed leasing page here for more information.</p> <p class="style9">6. Prices above included shipping to almost anywhere in the USA, please call to verify your shipping cost from <br /> <img src="../images/new/pointles.jpg" width="7" height="7" /> Central Florida.</p> <p class="style9">7. Our tanning beds are shipped with the lamps installed! The lamps are the MOST important thing your <br /> <img src="../images/new/pointles.jpg" width="7" height="7" /> customers care about and we put a lot of time into putting the right lamps with the right bed. The % of UVB <br /> <img src="../images/new/pointles.jpg" width="7" height="7" /> light in a tanning bed bulb determines it's tanning characteristics. For instance, the higher the UVB, the <br /> <img src="../images/new/pointles.jpg" width="7" height="7" /> more hot or "intense" the bed is, like our 7.5% UVB High Intensity models. </p> <p class="style9">8. Multiple bed discounts will be considered and given! You may want to view our turn-key tanning salon <br /> <img src="../images/new/pointles.jpg" width="7" height="7" /> equipment packages for new salon startup layouts. Just call for a quote on 2 or more units. We ship <br /> <img src="../images/new/pointles.jpg" width="7" height="7" /> anywhere in the world!<span class="style9"><br /> </span></p> </td> </tr> </table> <br /></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="15" bgcolor="#00C5E0"> <tr> <td><span class="style9"><span class="style19">Click Here To Get Printable Summary</span></span><span class="style9"><br /> </span></td> </tr> </table></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"> </td> </tr> </table></td> <td> </td> </tr> </table> <br /> <br /> <br /></td> </tr> <tr> <td><div align="center"> <p><img src="../images/old/bodywrap120x240.gif" width="120" height="240" /><br /> </p> </div></td> </tr> <tr> <td><div align="center"> <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="5" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <tr> <td><table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="8" bgcolor="#D2D2D2"> <tr> <td><div align="center"><span class="style2">Helpful Internal Links</span></div></td> </tr> <tr> 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Bed Info</a> <br /> <a href="../tanning-salon-liability-waiver-form.html">Tanning Salon Liability <br /> Waiver Form</a> <br /> <br /> <a href="../standard-tanning-bed-summary.html">Standard Frame <br /> Summary</a> <br /> <a href="../big-tanning-beds-summary.html">Big Frame Summary </a><br /> <a href="../wide-tanning-bed-summary.html">Wide Body Frame <br /> Summary </a><br /> <a href="../stand-up-tanning-booth-summary.html">Stand Up Tanning Booth <br /> Summary </a><br /> <br /> <a href="http://www.howtostartatanningsalon.com/">Starting a New Tanning Salon?</a><br /> <a href="../salonpackages.html">New Tanning Salon <br /> Packages</a><br /> <a href="../tanning-salon-walls.html">Tanning Salon Walls</a><br /> <a href="../tropical-rayz-business-opportunity.html">Business Opportunities</a><br /> <a href="../tanning-salon-walls.html">Tanning Salon <br /> Franchises</a><br /> <br /> <a href="../fastest-growing-fitness-franchises.html">Fitness Club Franchises</a><br /> <a href="http://www.bodywraps.com/">Body Wraps</a><br /> <a href="http://www.toningtables.com/">Toning Tables</a><br /> <a href="https://app.streamsend.com/public/CgUT/RDf/subscribe">Join our Mailing List</a></span></td> </tr> </table></td> </tr> </table> <p class="style1"> </p> <p class="style1"> </p> <p class="style1"><br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> </p> <p class="style1"> </p> <p class="style1"> </p> <p class="style1"> </p> <p class="style1"> </p> <p class="style1"> </p> <p class="style1"> </p> <p class="style1"> </p> <p class="style1"> </p> <p class="style1"> </p> <p class="style1"> </p> <p class="style1"> </p> <p class="style1"> </p> <p class="style1"> </p> <p class="style1"> </p> <p class="style1"> </p> <p class="style1"> </p> <p class="style1"> </p> <p class="style1"> </p> <p class="style1"> </p> <p class="style1"> </p> <p class="style1"> </p> <p class="style1"> </p> <p class="style1"> </p> <p class="style1"> </p> <p class="style1"> </p> <p class="style1"> </p> <p 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