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<html> <head> <title>Tanning Bed Lamps</title> <meta name="description" content="We offer complete line of indoor tanning bed bulbs, tanning bed replacement lamps in various lengths and ratings. We also carry tanning bed facial lamps and bulbs. We offer tanning beds including the Perfect Tan tanning bed and the Tropical Rayz tanning bed. We offer a complete line of indoor tanning lotions and tanning accessories."> <meta name="keywords" content="tanning lamps,tanning bed lamps,indoor tanning lamps, indoor tanning bulbs,tanning bed bulbs, tanning beds,indoor tanning supplies,tanning bed parts,tanning bed replacement lamps, tanning bed facial lamps"> <meta name="generator" content="ShopSite Pro 4.2"> </head> <body background="http://www.tanningonline.com/media/themesmedia/leftyblue.gif" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" link="#6666FF" vlink="#FF0000" alink="#FFFFFF" > <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td valign="top"> <img src="media/themesmedia/pixelclr.gif" width="180" height=1 border=0 alt=""> <div align="center"><img src="http://www.tanningonline.com/media/tanningbedlogo.gif" alt="tanningbedlogo.gif"></div> <br> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td valign="top" align="left" width="100%"><font face="verdana, helvetica, arial" color="#FFFFFF" size="-1"> <BR> <a href="http://www.tanningonline.com/hometanningbeds.html"><img src="http://www.tanningonline.com/media/troprayzgreen70.gif" width=70 height=31 alt="troprayzgreen70.gif" hspace=3 vspace=3 border=0 align=left> <b>Tropical Rayz Tanning Beds for the Home</b></a> <br> Click here to view the Tropical Rayz residential tanning beds! 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<br clear=all> </font></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" align="left" width="100%"><font face="verdana, helvetica, arial" color="#FFFFFF" size="-1"> <BR> <a href="http://www.tanningonline.com/vhrtanningbeds.html"><img src="http://www.tanningonline.com/media/perfecttanwb70.gif" width=70 height=56 alt="perfecttanwb70.gif" hspace=3 vspace=3 border=0 align=left> <b>WIDE BODY VHR Commercial Tanning Beds</b></a> <br> Click here to view the WIDE BODY VHR 10 minute beds! <br clear=all> </font></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" align="left" width="100%"><font face="verdana, helvetica, arial" color="#FFFFFF" size="-1"> <BR> <a href="http://www.tanningonline.com/shopsite_lotions.html"> <b>shopsite_lotions</b></a> <br clear=all> </font></td> </tr> </table> </td> <td><img src="media/themesmedia/pixelclr.gif" width="35" height="1" border="0" alt=""></td> <td valign="top" width="100%"> <A> <FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="-1"><CENTER>| <A HREF="http://www.tanningonline.com">Home</A> | <A HREF="http://www.tanningonline.com/commercialtanningbeds.html">Commercial Tanning Beds</A> | <A HREF="http://www.tanningonline.com/hometanningbeds.html">Home Tanning Beds</A> | <A HREF="http://www.tanningonline.com/vhrtanningbeds.html">VHR (10 Min) Tanning Beds</A> | <A HREF="http://www.tanningonline.com/tanninglamps.html">Lamps</A> | <A <!--START CODE--> <A HREF="http://lb.bcentral.com/ex/manage/subscriberprefs?customerid=6167">Join our Mailing List</A> <!--END CODE--> | <!--START CODE--> <A HREF="http://lb.bcentral.com/ex/manage/subscriberprefs?customerid=6167">Request a Catalog</A> <!--END CODE--> | <A HREF="http://www.tanningonline.com/tanningbedfinancing.html">Financing</A> | <A HREF="mailto:info@tanningonline.com">Email Us</A> | <A HREF="http://www.tanningonline.com/aboutus.html">About Us</A> | </CENTER> <p> <div align="center"><font face="verdana, helvetica, arial" size="+3" color="#000000"><b>Tanning Bed Lamps</b></font></div> <p> <center> <table width="100% " > <tr valign=top> <td valign=top> <b>We offer replacement tanning bed lamps for nearly all tanning beds on the market today. <p> After extensive testing, we found one particular brand of lamp which is very durable and cost effective for the money, therefore, we offer the Real Sun tanning bed lamps! These are the exact same lamp we place in all our new tanning beds. We also carry tanning bed lamps made by Light Sources and Cosmedico. <p>The three details you need to know when ordering tanning bed lamps is the length, wattage, and the type of "base" or end connector. One end connector is the "BP" type which consists of two pins while the other is "RDC" which is a single oval shape connector. <p>If you now have Wolff, Voltarc, Cosmedico, Sunbronze, Lightsources, or Sunal lamps and need to know which of our lamps are equivalent <a href="http://www.tanningonline.com/tanningbedlamp_equivalents.html">click here</a> <p>Please note that a "Tanning Bed Lamp Equivalency Chart" will be mailed with each lamp order as may be required by your state law. Please keep this document on file for reference. <p>If you know the length, wattage, and type of base of the lamps you wish to order please proceed here: <p> </td> </tr> </table> <table width="100% " > <tr valign=top> <td valign=top align=left width="100%" > <BR> <a name="8"></a> <a href="http://www.tanningonline.com/product8.html"><b>Real Sun 59" Tanning Bed Lamps</b></a> <br> <b>$9.75</b><br> <b><p>These are the Real Sun 59" replacement lamps rated for 800 hours. We offer 59" lamps in a XX (80W), XXX (80W), XXXX (80W), VHO (140W), and VHO-RV (140W Reflector). Basically, the lamps get hotter as you read from left to right. <p>Prices are based on a case of up to 24 lamps. Volume discounts will be considered and can be as low as $8.25 per lamp for orders of 4 cases (96) or more. <p>Prices are $11.25 (XX), $12.25 (XXX), $13.25 (XXXX), $12.95 (VHO), and $15.00 for the VHO-RV Reflector Lamps. <p>To see which Real Sun lamp replaces your exisiting lamps <a href="http://www.tanningonline.com/tanningbedlamp_equivalents.html">click here</a><p></b> <br> <a href="http://www.tanningonline.com/cgi-bin/sc/order.cgi?storeid=tanningonline&dbname=products&itemnum=8&function=add"><img src="http://www.tanningonline.com/media/add_to_cart.gif"></a> <a href="http://www.tanningonline.com/cgi-bin/sc/order.cgi?storeid=tanningonline&function=show"><img src="http://www.tanningonline.com/media/view_cart.gif"></a> <br clear=all> </td> </tr> <tr valign=top> <td valign=top align=left width="100%" > <BR> <a name="9"></a> <a href="http://www.tanningonline.com/tanningbedlamp_equivalents71.html"><img src="http://www.tanningonline.com/media/tanningbedlamps_noglow.jpg" width=166 height=116 alt="tanningbedlamps_noglow.jpg" hspace=3 vspace=3 border=0 align=left ></a> <a href="http://www.tanningonline.com/tanningbedlamp_equivalents71.html"><b>Real Sun 71" Tanning Bed Lamps</b></a> <br> <b>$11.25</b><br> <b><p>These are the Real Sun 71" replacement lamps rated at 800 hours. We offer 71" lamps in a XX, XXX, XXXX, VHO, and VHO-RV (Reflector). Basically, the lamps get hotter as you read from left to right. <p>Prices are based on a case of up to 24 lamps. Volume discounts will be considered and can be as low as $8.25 per lamp for orders of 4 cases (96) or more. <p>Prices are $11.25 (XX), $12.25 (XXX), $13.25 (XXXX), $12.95 (VHO), and $15.00 for the VHO-RV Reflector Lamps. <p>To see which Real Sun lamp replaces your exisiting lamps <a href="http://www.tanningonline.com/tanningbedlamp_equivalents71.html">click here</a><p></b> <br> <a href="http://www.tanningonline.com/cgi-bin/sc/order.cgi?storeid=tanningonline&dbname=products&itemnum=9&function=add"><img src="http://www.tanningonline.com/media/add_to_cart.gif"></a> <a href="http://www.tanningonline.com/cgi-bin/sc/order.cgi?storeid=tanningonline&function=show"><img src="http://www.tanningonline.com/media/view_cart.gif"></a> <br clear=all> </td> </tr> <tr valign=top> <td valign=top align=left width="100%" > <BR> <a name="10"></a> <a href="http://www.tanningonline.com/tanningbedlamp_equivalents72.html"><img src="http://www.tanningonline.com/media/tanningbedlamps_noglow.jpg" width=166 height=116 alt="tanningbedlamps_noglow.jpg" hspace=3 vspace=3 border=0 align=left ></a> <a href="http://www.tanningonline.com/tanningbedlamp_equivalents72.html"><b>Real Sun 72" Tanning Bed Lamps</b></a> <br> <b>$12.25</b><br> <b><p>These are the Real Sun 72" replacement lamps rated at 800 hours. We offer 72" lamps in a XXX & VHO/XXX. <p>Prices are based on a case of up to 24 lamps. Volume discounts will be considered and can be as low as $8.25 per lamp for orders of 4 cases (96) or more. <p>Prices are $12.25 (XXX) & $12.95 (VHO). <p>To see which Real Sun lamp replaces your exisiting lamps <a href="http://www.tanningonline.com/tanningbedlamp_equivalents72.html">click here</a><p></b> <br> <a href="http://www.tanningonline.com/cgi-bin/sc/order.cgi?storeid=tanningonline&dbname=products&itemnum=10&function=add"><img src="http://www.tanningonline.com/media/add_to_cart.gif"></a> <a href="http://www.tanningonline.com/cgi-bin/sc/order.cgi?storeid=tanningonline&function=show"><img src="http://www.tanningonline.com/media/view_cart.gif"></a> <br clear=all> </td> </tr> <tr valign=top> <td valign=top align=left width="100%" > <BR> <a name="11"></a> <a href="http://www.tanningonline.com/tanningbedlamp_equivalents73.html"><img src="http://www.tanningonline.com/media/tanningbedlamps_noglow.jpg" width=166 height=116 alt="tanningbedlamps_noglow.jpg" hspace=3 vspace=3 border=0 align=left ></a> <a href="http://www.tanningonline.com/tanningbedlamp_equivalents73.html"><b>Real Sun 73" Tanning Bed Lamps</b></a> <br> <b>$9.75</b><br> <b><p>These are the Real Sun 73" replacement lamps rated at 800 hours. We offer 73" lamps in a XX, XXX & VHO/XXX. <p>Prices are based on a case of up to 24 lamps. Volume discounts will be considered and can be as low as $8.25 per lamp for orders of 4 cases (96) or more. <p>Prices are $11.25 (XX), $12.25 (XXX) & $12.95 (VHO?XXX). <p>To see which Real Sun lamp replaces your exisiting lamps <a href="http://www.tanningonline.com/tanningbedlamp_equivalents73.html">click here</a><p></b> <br> <a href="http://www.tanningonline.com/cgi-bin/sc/order.cgi?storeid=tanningonline&dbname=products&itemnum=11&function=add"><img src="http://www.tanningonline.com/media/add_to_cart.gif"></a> <a href="http://www.tanningonline.com/cgi-bin/sc/order.cgi?storeid=tanningonline&function=show"><img src="http://www.tanningonline.com/media/view_cart.gif"></a> <br clear=all> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p><b>We now have online ordering capability! Please select "Add To Cart" to purchase online using a credit card. You will be contacted by a representative within 24 hours to confirm your order and schedule a delivery time of your tanning beds. Or, if you order tanning lotions, tanning bed lamps, parts or accessories, you will be notified by email with a shipment tracking number within 24 hours. If you have any questions, please call toll-free today! <p><center><B><FONT SIZE="+1" font color="red">1-888-999-7577</FONT size></font color></center><p>We have consultants available from 7 AM EST to 9 PM PST to answer your questions. You may also e-mail us at <A HREF="mailto:info@tanningonline.com">info@tanningonline.com</A></P></B></FONT> <A> <FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="-1"><CENTER>| <A HREF="http://www.tanningonline.com">Home</A> | <A HREF="http://www.tanningonline.com/commercialtanningbeds.html">Commercial Tanning Beds</A> | <A HREF="http://www.tanningonline.com/hometanningbeds.html">Home Tanning Beds</A> | <A HREF="http://www.tanningonline.com/vhrtanningbeds.html">VHR (10 Min) Tanning Beds</A> | <A HREF="http://www.tanningonline.com/tanninglamps.html">Lamps</A> | <A <!--START CODE--> <A HREF="http://lb.bcentral.com/ex/manage/subscriberprefs?customerid=6167">Join our Mailing List</A> <!--END CODE--> | <!--START CODE--> <A HREF="http://lb.bcentral.com/ex/manage/subscriberprefs?customerid=6167">Request a Catalog</A> <!--END CODE--> | <A HREF="http://www.tanningonline.com/tanningbedfinancing.html">Financing</A> | <A HREF="mailto:info@tanningonline.com">Email Us</A> | <A HREF="http://www.tanningonline.com/aboutus.html">About Us</A> | </CENTER> <p> <P><!-- START CODE --> <FORM ACTION="http://lb.bcentral.com/ex/manage/subscriberprefs" METHOD="POST"> <STRONG>To request a catalog, the Tanning Salon Owner's Complete Price List, or to join our mailing list to receive special email updates, enter your email address here.</STRONG></FONT><BR><center> <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME="email"><INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="customerid" value="6167"> <INPUT TYPE=IMAGE SRC="http://lb.bcentral.com/images/alist/signupbutton.gif" WIDTH="70" HEIGHT="24" ALIGN=ABSMIDDLE BORDER="0"> <BR><font size="-3">[enter your email address above and click on "sign up"]</center> </FORM> <!-- END CODE --> <br><!-- BEGIN LINKEXCHANGE CODE --> <center><iframe src="http://leader.linkexchange.com/4/X1532268/showiframe?" width=468 height=60 marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 hspace=0 vspace=0 frameborder=0 scrolling=no> <a href="http://leader.linkexchange.com/4/X1532268/clickle" target="_top"><img width=468 height=60 border=0 ismap alt="" src="http://leader.linkexchange.com/4/X1532268/showle?"></a></iframe><br><a href="http://leader.linkexchange.com/4/X1532268/clicklogo" target="_top"><img src="http://leader.linkexchange.com/4/X1532268/showlogo?" width=468 height=16 border=0 ismap alt=""></a><br></center> <!-- END LINKEXCHANGE CODE --></td> </tr> </table> </body> </html>