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<html> <head> <title>VHR High Intensity Tanning Beds</title> <meta name="description" content="We offer commercial tanning beds for salons including the colorful Tropical Rayz tanning bed and the Perfect Tan tanning beds. We sell VHR high intensity tanning beds wiht up to 46 VHR tanning lamps. We also carry a complete line of tanning salon supplies including tanning lamps, tanning bed acrylics, tanning bed shocks, indoor tanning lotions, and tanning accessories. Including everything a tanning salon owner may need to operate a tanning salon."> <meta name="keywords" content="tanning beds,high intensity tanning beds,VHR tanning beds,commercial tanning beds,indoor tanning beds,used tanning beds,Tropical Rayz tanning beds,Perfect Tan tanning beds, tanning salons,Sunal tanning beds,indoor tanning lotions,tanning bed acrylics,tanning bed lamps,tanning bed shocks"> <meta name="generator" content="ShopSite Pro 4.2"> </head> <body background="http://www.tanningonline.com/media/themesmedia/leftyblue.gif" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" link="#6666FF" vlink="#FF0000" alink="#FFFFFF" > <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td valign="top"> <img src="media/themesmedia/pixelclr.gif" width="180" height=1 border=0 alt=""> <div align="center"><img src="http://www.tanningonline.com/media/tanningbedlogo.gif" alt="tanningbedlogo.gif"></div> <br> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td valign="top" align="left" width="100%"><font face="verdana, helvetica, arial" color="#FFFFFF" size="-1"> <BR> <a href="http://www.tanningonline.com/commercialtanningbedspt.html"><img src="http://www.tanningonline.com/media/perfecttanbigframe70.gif" width=70 height=55 alt="perfecttanbigframe70.gif" hspace=3 vspace=3 border=0 align=left> <b>Pefect Tan Tanning Beds for Salons</b></a> <br> Click here to view the Perfect Tan commercial tanning beds! <br clear=all> </font></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" align="left" width="100%"><font face="verdana, helvetica, arial" color="#FFFFFF" size="-1"> <BR> <a href="http://www.tanningonline.com/hometanningbedspt.html"><img src="http://www.tanningonline.com/media/perfecttanstand70.gif" width=70 height=55 alt="perfecttanstand70.gif" hspace=3 vspace=3 border=0 align=left> <b>Perfect Tan Tanning Beds for the Home</b></a> <br> Click here to view the Perfect Tan residential tanning beds! <br clear=all> </font></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" align="left" width="100%"><font face="verdana, helvetica, arial" color="#FFFFFF" size="-1"> <BR> <a href="http://www.tanningonline.com/commercialtanningbeds.html"><img src="http://www.tanningonline.com/media/troprayzyellow70.gif" width=70 height=34 alt="troprayzyellow70.gif" hspace=3 vspace=3 border=0 align=left> <b>Tropical Rayz Tanning Beds for Salons</b></a> <br> Click here to view the Tropical Rayz commercial tanning beds! <br clear=all> </font></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" align="left" width="100%"><font face="verdana, helvetica, arial" color="#FFFFFF" size="-1"> <BR> <a href="http://www.tanningonline.com/hometanningbeds.html"><img src="http://www.tanningonline.com/media/troprayzgreen70.gif" width=70 height=31 alt="troprayzgreen70.gif" hspace=3 vspace=3 border=0 align=left> <b>Tropical Rayz Tanning Beds for the Home</b></a> <br> Click here to view the Tropical Rayz residential tanning beds! <br clear=all> </font></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" align="left" width="100%"><font face="verdana, helvetica, arial" color="#FFFFFF" size="-1"> <BR> <a href="http://www.tanningonline.com/tanningbedfinancing.html"> <b>Financing</b></a> <br> Click here to get more info on how to finance your purchase! <br clear=all> </font></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" align="left" width="100%"><font face="verdana, helvetica, arial" color="#FFFFFF" size="-1"> <BR> <a href="http://www.tanningonline.com/tanning_lamps.html"><img src="http://www.tanningonline.com/media/tanningbedlamps_tn.jpg" width=70 height=70 alt="tanningbedlamps_tn.jpg" hspace=3 vspace=3 border=0 align=left> <b>Tanning Lamps</b></a> <br> Click here to buy tanning bed lamps! <br clear=all> </font></td> </tr> </table> </td> <td><img src="media/themesmedia/pixelclr.gif" width="35" height="1" border="0" alt=""></td> <td valign="top" width="100%"> <A> <FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="-1"><CENTER>| <A HREF="http://www.tanningonline.com">Home</A> | <A HREF="http://www.tanningonline.com/commercialtanningbeds.html">Commercial Tanning Beds</A> | <A HREF="http://www.tanningonline.com/hometanningbeds.html">Home Tanning Beds</A> | <A HREF="http://www.tanningonline.com/vhrtanningbeds.html">VHR (10 Min) Tanning Beds</A> | <A HREF="http://www.tanningonline.com/tanninglamps.html">Lamps</A> | <A <!--START CODE--> <A HREF="http://lb.bcentral.com/ex/manage/subscriberprefs?customerid=6167">Join our Mailing List</A> <!--END CODE--> | <!--START CODE--> <A HREF="http://lb.bcentral.com/ex/manage/subscriberprefs?customerid=6167">Request a Catalog</A> <!--END CODE--> | <A HREF="http://www.tanningonline.com/tanningbedfinancing.html">Financing</A> | <A HREF="mailto:info@tanningonline.com">Email Us</A> | <A HREF="http://www.tanningonline.com/aboutus.html">About Us</A> | </CENTER> <p> <div align="center"><font face="verdana, helvetica, arial" size="+3" color="#000000"><b>VHR High Intensity Tanning Beds</b></font></div> <p> <center> <table width="100% " > <tr valign=top> <td valign=top> <b> For the serous tanners we offer a high intensity <font color="red">VHR</font color> bed in our </b><font face="Cooper Black" color="#336600">WIDE BODY</font face></font color><b> 85" long, 44" wide frame. <p>This bed can accomodate from 35 to 46 Cosmedico 160 Watt VHR (Very High Reflective) Lamps which makes this tanning bed the fastest tanning bed on the market today with average sessions 8 to 10 minutes.<p> We strongly believe the </b><font face="Cooper Black" font color="black">perfect<font color="#988149">TAN</font face></font color> <font face="Cooper Black" color="#336600">WIDE BODY</font color><font color="red"> VHR</font face></font color></font style></font size><b> produces the darkest tan possible today! <p> </td> </tr> </table> <table width="100% " > <tr valign=top> <td valign=top align=left width="100%" > <BR> <a name="7"></a> <a href="http://www.tanningonline.com/wbtanningbedinfo2.html"><img src="http://www.tanningonline.com/media/perfecttanwb300.gif" width=300 height=238 alt="perfecttanwb300.gif" hspace=3 vspace=3 border=0 align=left ></a> <a href="http://www.tanningonline.com/wbtanningbedinfo2.html"><b>Perfect Tan WIDE BODY VHR</b></a> <br> <b>$6,200.00</b><br> <b><p>This is our WIDE BODY frame in the classic Perfect Tan design with VHR 160 watt lamps which makes this a 10 minute "high-intensity" tanning bed. <p>Quite simply, the Perfect Tan WIDE BODY VHR produces the darkest tan possible today. Utilizing the exciting, patented, VHR technology lamp system, a special UVA-UVB mix showers the body for faster, darker tanning! <p>The WIDE BODY VHR melds beauty with function and comfort. All metal-construction guarantees unmatched durability. It's innovative Octagonal Tunnel Technology provides unsurpassed spaciousness with no "gray areas". And an integrated system of body coolers creates a tanning environment your customers will love! <p>You can choose 35, 38 or 46 (160 watt) Cosmedico Cosmolux tanning lamps. And up to four (4) 400 watt facial tanning lamps can be installed on this 85" inch long, 44" wide frame. <p>For salon owners this is your "premium" 10 minute bed. In a three-tiered pricing strategy, this would be your top tier, typically charging between $10-15 per 10 min session. <p>Here are the prices for the various Perfect Tan WIDE BODY VHR models: <center> <li>35 bulb VHR WIDE BODY with 0 facials $6200 <li>35 bulb VHR WIDE BODY with 3 facials $6800 <li>38 bulb VHR WIDE BODY with 0 facials $6990 <li>38 bulb VHR WIDE BODY with 3 facials $7580 <li>46 bulb VHR WIDE BODY with 0 facials $8720 <li>46 bulb VHR WIDE BODY with 4 facials $8780 <p> <a href="http://www.tanningonline.com/wbtanningbedinfo2.html">Please click here to view more details!</a></center><p></b> <br> <a href="http://www.tanningonline.com/cgi-bin/sc/order.cgi?storeid=tanningonline&dbname=products&itemnum=7&function=add"><img src="http://www.tanningonline.com/media/add_to_cart.gif"></a> <a href="http://www.tanningonline.com/cgi-bin/sc/order.cgi?storeid=tanningonline&function=show"><img src="http://www.tanningonline.com/media/view_cart.gif"></a> <br clear=all> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p><b>We now have online ordering capability! Please select "Add To Cart" to purchase online using a credit card. You will be contacted by a representative within 24 hours to confirm your order and schedule a delivery time of your tanning beds. Or, if you order tanning lotions, tanning bed lamps, parts or accessories, you will be notified by email with a shipment tracking number within 24 hours. If you have any questions, please call toll-free today! <p><center><B><FONT SIZE="+1" font color="red">1-888-999-7577</FONT size></font color></center><p>We have consultants available from 7 AM EST to 9 PM PST to answer your questions. You may also e-mail us at <A HREF="mailto:info@tanningonline.com">info@tanningonline.com</A></P></B></FONT> <A> <FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="-1"><CENTER>| <A HREF="http://www.tanningonline.com">Home</A> | <A HREF="http://www.tanningonline.com/commercialtanningbeds.html">Commercial Tanning Beds</A> | <A HREF="http://www.tanningonline.com/hometanningbeds.html">Home Tanning Beds</A> | <A HREF="http://www.tanningonline.com/vhrtanningbeds.html">VHR (10 Min) Tanning Beds</A> | <A HREF="http://www.tanningonline.com/tanninglamps.html">Lamps</A> | <A <!--START CODE--> <A HREF="http://lb.bcentral.com/ex/manage/subscriberprefs?customerid=6167">Join our Mailing List</A> <!--END CODE--> | <!--START CODE--> <A HREF="http://lb.bcentral.com/ex/manage/subscriberprefs?customerid=6167">Request a Catalog</A> <!--END CODE--> | <A HREF="http://www.tanningonline.com/tanningbedfinancing.html">Financing</A> | <A HREF="mailto:info@tanningonline.com">Email Us</A> | <A HREF="http://www.tanningonline.com/aboutus.html">About Us</A> | </CENTER> <p> <P><!-- START CODE --> <FORM ACTION="http://lb.bcentral.com/ex/manage/subscriberprefs" METHOD="POST"> <STRONG>To request a catalog, the Tanning Salon Owner's Complete Price List, or to join our mailing list to receive special email updates, enter your email address here.</STRONG></FONT><BR><center> <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME="email"><INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="customerid" value="6167"> <INPUT TYPE=IMAGE SRC="http://lb.bcentral.com/images/alist/signupbutton.gif" WIDTH="70" HEIGHT="24" ALIGN=ABSMIDDLE BORDER="0"> <BR><font size="-3">[enter your email address above and click on "sign up"]</center> </FORM> <!-- END CODE --> <br><p><!-- BEGIN LINKEXCHANGE CODE --> <center><iframe src="http://leader.linkexchange.com/9/X1532268/showiframe?" width=468 height=60 marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 hspace=0 vspace=0 frameborder=0 scrolling=no> <a href="http://leader.linkexchange.com/9/X1532268/clickle" target="_top"><img width=468 height=60 border=0 ismap alt="" src="http://leader.linkexchange.com/9/X1532268/showle?"></a></iframe><br><a href="http://leader.linkexchange.com/9/X1532268/clicklogo" target="_top"><img src="http://leader.linkexchange.com/9/X1532268/showlogo?" width=468 height=16 border=0 ismap alt=""></a><br></center> <!-- END LINKEXCHANGE CODE --></td> </tr> </table> </body> </html>