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Toning tables are designed to<span class="style81"> increase your range of motion and promote circulation</span>, thereby improving your quality of life.<br><br>This website will provide <span class="style81">used toning tables for sale which have been refurbished</span> by an original equipment manufacturer (OEM) called American Quality<span class="style81"><a href="images/used-toning-tables.jpg"><img alt="used toning tables for sale" class="style90" height="244" src="images/used-toning-tables.jpg" style="float: left" width="200"></a></span> Manufacturing. We will install a set of refurbished tables in your home or salon for <span class="style81">only $9,500</span> in most parts of the USA, including Florida, Georgia, Texas, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York. We will ship to California, Colorado, Oklahoma, Washington and Nevada for about $900 and provide a 90 day warranty. See our <a href="usedtables.html">best deals here.</a><br> <br> <a href="what-are-toning-tables.html"> What are toning tables?</a> Toning tables, or toning beds, will <span class="style81">NOT make you strong</span> or break down your muscles after a session. They <span class="style81">WILL increase your muscle and joint flexibility</span>, increase range of motion and improve your circulation. Keep in mind, all cancers have one thing in common: lack of oxygen to the cells. <br><br> <span class="style81"> Lack of oxygen to your cells is caused by poor circulation,</span> so it goes to reason that anything that can increase your circulation can have significant health benefits. The physical challenge with many aging seniors is they can no longer jog or even walk far so treadmills and multi-gyms appear out of the question.<br><br>There are many <a href="manufacturers.html"> toning table manufacturers</a> and franchises such as Curves for Women and Inches-Aweigh who utilize similar equipment in their business models aimed at an older demographic of customers who provide <span class="style81">a softer approach to health and fitness</span>. <br><br> Toning tables are perfect for a 1 or 2 person <a href="http://www.salonservices.net/automated-spa-wellness-center.html"> automated spas</a> who provides a host of "self-contained" services which <span class="style81">do not require a technician</span>. These self-automated day spa services may include sunless spray tanning with a <a href="http://www.spraytanbooth.net/versa-spa.html"> Magic Tan VersaSpa</a>, personal saunas like the <a href="http://www.personalsaunas.com/hydration-station.html"> Hydration Station</a>, or water massage with the <a href="http://www.portablesaunas.us/hydro-massage.html"> HydroMassage Bed</a>. Click <a href="what-are-toning-tables.html">here to learn more about toning tables</a>, click and <a href="usedtables.html"> here for our best deals</a>.<br><br></p> <br> </td></tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td class="footer" style="padding-top:10px; "> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" style="height: auto; width: 100%;"> <tr><td style="padding:5px 5px 5px 5px;" class="style47"> <table cellpadding="5" cellspacing="5" style="width: 100%; height: auto;"> <tr> <td style="width: 200; height: 30px ;" class="style36"> <h5 class="style49">Site Index</h5> </td> <td style="width: 200px" class="style35"> <h5 class="style49"> Toning Table Index</h5> </td> <td style="width: 200px" class="style35"> <h5 class="style49"> Salon Equipment </h5> </td> <td style="width: 200px" class="style35"> <h5 class="style49"> More Salon Stuff</h5> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 200; height: 30 ;" class="style41"> <a href="index.html">Home Page</a></td> <td style="width: 200; height: 30px ;" class="style42"> <a href="all_in_one_table.html"> All-In-One Table</a></td> <td style="width: 200px; 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