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00:31:14','',8,'http://kattnergames.com/8-revision-v1',0,'revision','',0),(93,2,'2014-05-18 12:41:49','2014-05-18 18:41:49','I am revealing a unique Tequatl experience I had on Guild Wars 2 when I was fighting a monstrous beast that required so many players it caused the entire server to experience an immense amount of lag. I do not remember the exact location as my primary focus was exploration, increasing levels and completing the map I was currently on. Once I saw the dragon of terror, I was really shocked but also excited at the same time. Such a beast was just something I had never encountered before except for the huge monster I saw in the swamp.\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\nAs I joined in on the event, I just figured it would be one of those things I just take a couple of shots to get credit and let others do most of the work like in the swamp. No, with this baby it requires at least some effort or you will be utterly defeated. If you want credit, you will not only need to fight the beast, but you will also need to defend the batteries when the creature sinks back into the water for brief moments.\r\n\r\nOne of the things that got me was sinking in the whirlpools that it creates. Also keep a look out for the bone fingers that swing back and forth hitting players. The monster also creates shock waves in the water that push you back.\r\n\r\nOh and one of my favorites is when it causes fear. You will know when you are frightened because it will show a black skull above your head and your character will start running in the opposite direction. It is almost like the fear caused by dragons in dungeons and dragons.\r\n\r\nAlso a big tip would be to not give up if you die. Wait for someone to bring you back to life. Do not immediately go to a waypoint and run back. As long as you got in some hits on the creature, you will still get credit even while you lay dead on the ground.\r\n\r\nAt the end of the whole thing even though we lost the event, I still managed to get three chests for defending the batteries. In fact, that was what surprised one of the players is when he saw there were three chests he still managed to get. Of course, if we beat it the dragon itself officially, it might have been possible for us to get the ultimate chest which has the appearance of a monstrously huge check like boy link gets in the Legend of Zelda.\r\n\r\nOn a final note, fighting the dragon of immense proportion will be well worth it. If you have any questions or comments feel free to leave a comment below or send me a message on google plus. Any names on the picture, except for my own of course, have been blurred out to respect privacy.','Fighting Tequatl - Risking Death','','inherit','open','open','','92-revision-v1','','','2014-05-18 12:41:49','2014-05-18 18:41:49','',92,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=93',0,'revision','',0),(7,2,'2013-10-01 18:20:41','2013-10-02 00:20:41','http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/stars-1.0.jpg','stars-1.0.jpg','','inherit','open','open','','stars-1-0-jpg','','','2013-10-01 18:20:41','2013-10-02 00:20:41','',0,'http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/stars-1.0.jpg',0,'attachment','image/jpeg',0),(8,2,'2013-10-01 19:18:36','2013-10-02 01:18:36','<p style=\"text-align: center;\">If you have any issues with this page or have any questions about the privacy policy, send your inquiry to webmaster@kattnergames.com.</p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\">1. Chatting - Games that are playable by children under the age of thirteen will not have chat capability. This is to prevent parents from worrying about their very young ones from divulging private information. Any game that is playable by teanagers from ages 13 to 17, as well as ones for adults, will most likely have chat ability. We leave it up to parents to monitor the discussion held in such chat functions as chatting may or may not be fully monitored by our team(s).</p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\">2. Polls and Information Gathered - Any information we gather via polls or any other method is not used by us to be sold to third parties. We gather information to improve the quality of our games, the quality of our website, for the government (only if required), and for proper employment hiring procedures.</p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\">3. Data Storage - a. We will store user data on our game server(s) that contain first name, last name, user id, achievements, points, high score, and other game content earned (game-related content within the game itself). This data may have been pulled from Facebook or Kattner Games when using one of our games. The data is used for making the game experience more personal and fun as well as for finding your game saves quicker. It is also used for saving/loading the game state in one of the games that you may have been using. We do not sell data stored on our game server(s) to third-parties.</p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\">b. We will store user data on our wiki server, blog server, and website that contains usernames and passwords that have been created via our wiki page, blog page, or website and not through another website. Do not click on any links from other websites that direct you to our username creation/login pages. Instead, go through our site, via your address bar, to get to them.</p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\">4. Accounts - a. Information created and stored on servers that we use are not sold to third-parties. Any user that attempts to access an account or create an account will do so through a secure encryption (https).</p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\">b. We will never ask for your username or password via e-mail.</p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\">c. The only person authorized to create an account manually (meaning the user is not creating the account on his/her own) without doing it by phone are the administrator(s) and the assistant administrator(s). Page managers, editors, customer service, and tech support are only authorized to do such actions by phone only (a phone number that Kattner Games and/or the CEO/President has announced publicly via our website, through advertising, or on an official company page such as \'Kattner Audacious Games LLC\' at linkedin.com) for security reasons.</p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\">d. Any e-mails that you receive from us will end in kattnergames.com, kattnergames.es, kattnergames.mx, or audacious-games.com (with the dash included. If there is no dash in audacious-games.com, it is not from us).</p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\">5. Cookies - We use cookies on our website to recognize users for login purposes only. The cookies stored are not used for tracking users activities outside our website. They also do not contain the username and/or password that the user may have on our website.</p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\">6. Tracking - We do monitor the activity and movement of users on our website itself to improve the quality of our website as well as its pages by determining which page the user visited, the location the user may or may not be from, and the date such user had activities on our website. Again, this is for improving our website as well as the software on our website. Any information gathered via tracking is not sold to third-parties without the user\'s permission.</p>','Privacy Policy','','publish','open','open','','privacy-policy','','','2013-10-01 19:57:21','2013-10-02 01:57:21','',0,'http://kattnergames.com/?page_id=8',0,'page','',0),(10,2,'2013-10-01 18:38:59','2013-10-02 00:38:59','<p style=\"text-align: center;\" align=\""center\">-Terms of Usage-</p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\">1. Game and Screenshot Usage - When viewing and/or playing our games, you agree not to copy or reverse-engineer our games. You also agree not to copy and/or distribute copies of any screenshots provided by us on our website, on Facebook, on our blog, and/or on our wiki pages without our permission. You are permitted to create your own screenshots of our games for personal usage, provided you mention the name of the game it was taken from and you have stated it was from a game created by Kattner Games LLC, and the screenshots are not used for commercial usage. Screenshots of our games are not permitted to be taken during the closed beta stage, in development stage, and pre-development stage without permission from Kattner Games LLC.</p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\">2. Profanity - There is to be no serious profanity on our Facebook Company Page, on our Facebook App Pages, on our wiki pages, on our blog pages/posts and/or on our chat boxes that may or may not be in any of our games.</p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\">3. Terminations, Deletions, and Suspensions - Upon violating our Terms of Usage and/or our Privacy Policy the following actions will occur. Your account(s) will be terminated and/or suspended. Suspension will be no less than 30 days and no more than one year. If the violation relates to a comment and/or post, the comment and/or post may be subject to deletion with or without warning.</p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\">4. Refunds - a. Refunds will be given for game coins purchased that have not been used.</p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\">b. No refunds will be given for game coins that have been used and/or for free coins that are given in our game(s).</p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\">c. A refund will not be given when it is expired, which can range from 14 days to 30 days depending on the value of the refund and what the refund is for.</p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\">5. Limited Liability - We will not be liable for any damages to your computer by choosing to play our games and/or following our technical suggestions whether by phone, frequently asked questions, message board, post, and/or chat. We will not take responsibility for any medical related injuries and/or illnesses (this includes seizures caused by flashing images) that may or may not be caused by our software and/or games. Those prone to seizures caused by flashing images are encouraged to consult a doctor first before playing any of our games.</p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\">6. Terms of Agreement - By reading this Terms of Usage or playing any games that Kattner Games LLC owns the rights and permissions to, you are bound by the terms stated in the Terms of Usage and are subject to Section 3 of our \"Terms of Usage\". For parents of minors, you have agreed to give consent for your children playing our games, have read this agreement, and are bound to the terms stated in this Terms of Usage.</p>','Terms of Use','','publish','open','open','','terms-of-use','','','2013-10-01 19:16:15','2013-10-02 01:16:15','',0,'http://kattnergames.com/?page_id=10',0,'page','',0),(11,2,'2013-10-01 18:31:40','2013-10-02 00:31:40','','Terms of Use','','inherit','open','open','','10-revision-v1','','','2013-10-01 18:31:40','2013-10-02 00:31:40','',10,'http://kattnergames.com/10-revision-v1',0,'revision','',0),(12,2,'2013-10-01 19:48:45','2013-10-02 01:48:45','<h2><span style=\"color: #000000;\">About Kattner Games and Myself<img class=\" wp-image-25 alignright\" title=\"Jakob-Smiling\" alt=\"Jakob Smiling\" src=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Jakob-Suit-Smiling-1-300x168.jpg\" width=\"270\" height=\"151\" /></span></h2>\r\nI know on my old version of my website, I did not take the time to introduce myself but rather focused on my company instead. Even the about us page that was there was very brief.\r\n\r\nI am Jakob A Kattner, also known as Audacious Jack or DMJack in the gaming world, the CEO and President of Kattner Games LLC. The company is progressing whether it has any profits or not. Just posting content and helping those in need is progress in itself.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Our Accomplishments</span></h3>\r\nKattner Games has been around for over two years now and I did manage to create a game called <a title=\"Fighting One Eyed Bears game\" href=\"http://kattnergames.com/FlashGame3.html\">Fighting One Eyed Bears</a>, its the very first game as a matter of fact. It probably was not the most successful to be honest. I love it, but it seemed to be too hard for players and it did not have much in the way of exploration. It was originally designed for Facebook, but it can also be found on my website with a lot more features. Just because something seemed to be a flop at the time, does not mean I will just call it quits like other companies do. They usually just axe a game that seems to be no good. Nope, not me.\r\n\r\nSo what else have I accomplished with the company besides creating a difficult flash game? I starting the Playing Minecraft page and I host my own small tournament on Saturdays. Even though I tend to play it solo most of the time, I still show up anyway. Afterwards, I spend hours editing the recorded video and upload it to youtube (for yet another hour or two). Hey, I do high definition. If it is not top notch quality, then why bother.\r\n\r\nI have also managed to publish and copyright my own music over the years. They were originally meant for Fighting One Eyed Bears, but I also present them in my Youtube videos. I do not if you ever noticed. Feel free to look up Kattner Games on YouTube and you will see for yourself.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Writing Has Become My Life</span></h3>\r\nSo pretty much after all the hard work and nothing in return, I up and joined <a title=\"Check Out Wealthy Affiliate\" href=\"http://www.wealthyaffiliate.com?a_aid=3e93182f\">Wealthy Affiliate</a> (a great group of people by the way). It pretty much gave me all the training I needed to build a better website. Personally, I think the old Kattner Games layout stank. I mean at first I thought it was pretty awesome, but after going through a hard week of training I learned I was wrong. It also showed me what people meant when they told me, \"It is good website, but it could use some improvement.\"\r\n\r\nI much prefer to be a programmer and game tester, but it seems that my life has veered more toward writing articles instead.\r\n\r\nI was even told by a coworker in the warehouse use to work at, \"You should be writing a book. I am serious. You tell all these fascinating stories about your life.\"\r\n\r\nNot my preference to write. It is very ironic that a guy who loves mathematics and science, ends up being a writer instead. Yes, I did get excellent greats for English class in high school and one time in college, but like I said not something I am passionate about.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">I Want To Make Games For You</span></h3>\r\nGames is what I love. Whether it be dungeons and dragons or creating my own computer game, I am really happy with it. Please, let me give you the enjoyment of entertaining yourself with my content. You would be doing me a favor big time.\r\n\r\nIf you have any comments or questions about this page, please let me know in the replies section below.','About Us','','publish','open','open','','about-us','','','2013-10-01 19:55:00','2013-10-02 01:55:00','',0,'http://kattnergames.com/?page_id=12',0,'page','',0),(13,2,'2013-10-01 18:32:15','2013-10-02 00:32:15','','About Us','','inherit','open','open','','12-revision-v1','','','2013-10-01 18:32:15','2013-10-02 00:32:15','',12,'http://kattnergames.com/12-revision-v1',0,'revision','',0),(92,2,'2014-05-18 13:13:13','2014-05-18 19:13:13','<h1><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Facing A Powerful Enemy</span></h1>\r\nI am revealing a unique Tequatl experience I had on Guild Wars 2 when I was fighting a monstrous beast that required so many players it caused the entire server to experience an immense amount of lag. I do not remember the exact location as my primary focus was exploration, increasing levels and completing the map I was currently on. Once I saw the dragon of terror, I was really shocked but also excited at the same time. Such a beast was just something I had never encountered before except for the huge monster I saw in the swamp.\r\n\r\n<a href=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw010.jpg\"><img class=\"aligncenter size-medium wp-image-94\" src=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw010-300x168.jpg\" alt=\"Tequatl\" width=\"300\" height=\"168\" /></a>\r\n\r\nAs I joined in on the event, I just figured it would be one of those things I just take a couple of shots to get credit and let others do most of the work like in the swamp. No, with this baby it requires at least some effort or you will be utterly defeated. If you want credit, you will not only need to fight the beast, but you will also need to defend the batteries when the creature sinks back into the water for brief moments.\r\n\r\n<a href=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw018.jpg\"><img class=\"aligncenter size-medium wp-image-95\" src=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw018-300x168.jpg\" alt=\"defending the batteries\" width=\"300\" height=\"168\" /></a>\r\n\r\nOne of the things that got me was sinking in the whirlpools that it creates. Also keep a look out for the bone fingers that swing back and forth hitting players. The monster also creates shock waves in the water that push you back.\r\n\r\n<a href=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw017.jpg\"><img class=\"aligncenter size-medium wp-image-97\" src=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw017-300x168.jpg\" alt=\"tequatl bone finger\" width=\"300\" height=\"168\" /></a>\r\n<h2><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Face Your Fears And Get Rewarded</span></h2>\r\nOh and one of my favorites is when it causes fear. You will know when you are frightened because it will show a black skull above your head and your character will start running in the opposite direction. It is almost like the fear caused by dragons in dungeons and dragons.\r\n\r\nAlso a big tip would be to not give up if you die. Wait for someone to bring you back to life. Do not immediately go to a waypoint and run back. As long as you got in some hits on the creature, you will still get credit even while you lay dead on the ground.\r\n\r\n<a href=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw012.jpg\"><img class=\"aligncenter size-medium wp-image-96\" src=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw012-300x168.jpg\" alt=\"Fight to Survive\" width=\"300\" height=\"168\" /></a>\r\n\r\nAt the end of the whole thing even though we lost the event, I still managed to get three chests for defending the batteries. In fact, that was what surprised one of the players is when he saw there were three chests he still managed to get. Of course, if we beat the dragon itself officially, it might have been possible for us to get the ultimate chest which has the appearance of a monstrously huge chest like boy link gets in the Legend of Zelda.\r\n\r\n<a href=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw007.jpg\"><img class=\"aligncenter size-medium wp-image-98\" src=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw007-300x168.jpg\" alt=\"Large Chest in Volcanic Region\" width=\"300\" height=\"168\" /></a>\r\n\r\nOn a final note, fighting the dragon of immense proportion will be well worth it. If you have any questions or comments feel free to leave a comment below or send me a message on google plus. You can also find me in the game as Audacious Jack or look for my guild The Adventurer\'s Club also known as TAC. Any names on the pictures, except for my own of course, have been blurred out to respect privacy.\r\n\r\nYour Fellow Adventurer,\r\n\r\nAudacious Jack','Fighting Tequatl - Risking Death','','publish','open','open','','fighting-tequatl-risking-death','','','2014-05-18 13:48:24','2014-05-18 19:48:24','',0,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=92',0,'post','',0),(16,2,'2013-10-02 12:18:17','2013-10-02 18:18:17','<h2><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Game Explanation</span></h2>\r\n<img class=\"size-medium wp-image-36 alignright\" title=\"Jakobs-Family\" src=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/El-Centro-4-300x278.jpg\" alt=\"Jakobs-Family\" width=\"300\" height=\"278\" />\r\nIn this section at the very bottom, you will see a list of all the games we currently have made by us and only us. If you are looking for something else, look at our finding games page. If you do not want to read my stuff here, then feel free to skip to the bottom of the page.\r\n\r\nOne of the games we have developed is Fighting One Eyed Bears in the list below.\r\n<h2><span style=\"color: #000000;\">About Fight One Eyed Bears</span></h2>\r\nThe flash game is about bears fighting each other in a forest to see who is the toughest. It is very short timeframe in order to win it, but it is very difficult to reach the end without having to restart many times as well as use multiple bears to just beat it with one of the bears. There are battles scars that can be earned by completing each phase with each bear. Without battle scars being earned, the game will be near impossible to beat. I say near impossible, because I have beat it a couple of times using the brown bear and especially the purple bear.\r\n\r\nIf you can not win it with the purple bear, then there is something wrong with you. The purple bear flies past phase one and phase two like it is child\'s play. Phase 3 might be a small challenge for him though.\r\n<h2><span style=\"color: #000000;\">About Monsters of the Hydra</span></h2>\r\nI also have created a board game called Monsters of the Hydra which can be purchased at The Game Crafter website. I do own the actual game, but I have not fully tested it yet. It is about a group of heroes who are seeking a hydra that unleashed a myriad of monsters into the world.\r\n\r\nThe game may prove very difficult for new players, so it is recommended to either use the optional rules at the back of the handbook or play with eight players without using the optional rules and have all players stay together to wipe out the tough monsters. It is also recommended to get healing potions as soon as possible and spirit potions for leveling up quicker. I put in double the amount of weak monsters, but the difficult ones will still pop up.\r\n\r\nAlso feel free to combine board games if you manage to buy more than one of them. Just make sure you remember the amount of pieces you have from each game.\r\n<h2 style=\"text-align: center;\"><span style=\"color: #000000;\">List of Games:</span></h2>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"><a title=\"Fighting One Eyed Bears\" href=\"http://kattnergames.com/FlashGame3.html\" target=\"_blank\">Fighting One Eyed Bears</a></p>\r\n\r\n<center>\r\n<form style=\"display: inline;\" action=\"https://www.thegamecrafter.com/checkout/sku/161074EA-40C2-11E4-BDE5-9E8976A71B91\" method=\"POST\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Buy "Monsters of the Hydra"\" /></form> \r\n\r\n</center>','Our Games','','publish','open','open','','our-games','','','2014-10-22 21:34:27','2014-10-23 03:34:27','',0,'http://kattnergames.com/?page_id=16',0,'page','',0),(17,2,'2013-10-01 18:33:01','2013-10-02 00:33:01','','Our Games','','inherit','open','open','','16-revision-v1','','','2013-10-01 18:33:01','2013-10-02 00:33:01','',16,'http://kattnergames.com/16-revision-v1',0,'revision','',0),(18,2,'2013-10-02 11:28:13','2013-10-02 17:28:13','<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Types of Game Creation Software</span></h3>\r\nYes, I did manage to finish creating one game called Fighting One Eyed Bears during January of 2013, but it would be great if I could create software for all people to enjoy the creation of a game. True, I have encountered all sorts of software for game creation. I tried out Open Zelda, OpenRPG (probably not really a game creator, but it is fun for tabletop stuff), rpgmaker, neverwinter nights toolset, minecraft mcedit (yes it does speed up game creation. It may not seem like game creator, but creating a world is creating a game in a way), and Game Maker 8 (although I think I did the older version of it).\r\n\r\nI am pretty sure there were some others out there I have tried, but it has been awhile. This is mostly due to the fact that I was busy creating my own games through action script (language used for flash programming) for about a year. For those wondering, action script for flash uses the Eclipse language.\r\n\r\nI mean sure those items I mentioned can be fun to use, but they do lack certain elements that every gamer needs (except in the case of Neverwinter Nights).\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Overview of Open Zelda</span></h3>\r\nOpen Zelda was originally intended for people to create their own Zelda adventures. It, however, can be used to create legit adventures unrelated to the Legend of Zelda so as to not anger Nintendo. We want to keep Nintendo happy. Right? It has scripting language (done in Genie) which can be tough to master at first. Shoot I am not even that perfect at it, but I do understand it somewhat. It is similar to flash action script, but somewhat different at the same time due to it not being so object oriented. It primarily focuses on functions in include files and the variables are in the zes files themselves (basically no public static variables being used).\r\n\r\nAside from the scripting involved (it does come with some premade scripts to get you started), it also allows you the ability create your own sprite sheets as long as you have a bmp file to pull from. The sheet will require you to split up the animations and characters manually by drawing boxes around them. If the box is not in sync with your mouse cursor, you will just have to use your imagination like I did.\r\n\r\nI know I should have this on my Zelda site. Bare with my, I am almost done going over Open Zelda. Once you have all your scripts done and your sprite sheets complete, you will pretty much being doing point and click. Go to your map, left click, and pick select scene. You will left a character or item to pick up and then place it on the map with yet another left click. That is pretty much it. Then, just test your game out and cross your fingers that there will be no compiler errors (like most programmers tend to encounter when adding new content to a game).\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Overview of Game Maker 8</span></h3>\r\nSo, you get the general idea here. Most game makers are similar, but not the same. I would have to say Game Maker 8 is more simpler and more user friendly than Open Zelda. It is great due to all the drop down menus, but it may require a lot of reading to understand it better. Most game making programs require a lot of studying just to make one or two areas. Plus, it also depends on the point of views. Side views are not done exactly the same as third person views. If you want to get really crazy, attempting to build third person game is where the fun really begins. My advice is to start with the simple stuff first and work your way up to the advance items.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Neverwinter Nights Toolset</span></h3>\r\nNow, remember how I said Neverwinter Nights is the best of all of them. Well, it just is. I do not make campaigns anymore, but I use to. The toolset is very user friendly and easy to master. I learned it in just a couple of days (that is how easy it is). Yes, there is scripting in it for those who like more flexibility, but do you have to script? Absolutely not. Do you have to make your animations and slap a sprite sheet in it? Nope. You can create animations and modified content, but not needed. You can have just as much fun with everything already there in the game. Making maps is a snap. Placing items and people is pretty much drag and drop. Everything is done with the mouse. They have drop down menus for everything. There is no looking for a folder to open from your c drive. You do not have to manually type in colors or open up your Photoshop for pictures. It is all done right there in the toolset.\r\n\r\nSo is Neverwinter Nights 2 any better. I mean the tool set looks better and yes it does have more options, but I would have to say it is not better. I am sorry, but the first game\'s tool set wins hands down.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Overview of Mcedit</span></h3>\r\nSo what about Minecraft Mcedit? You are probably wondering why I mentioned that as well. Because it is flippin\' awesome. It is not a game creator but rather a super cool editor. You can take your minecraft game and change just about anything in it. I especially like the search box in it. Any game or toolkit with a search box is a plus in my book. Most of stuff is done with the mouse. Yes, it is kind of confusing at first - especially know how to use the mouse buttons period. Once you get a feel for the mouse buttons and what everything is on the bottom of the screen, you are pretty much set. It is better than spending all day placing one block at a time in survival or creative mode. Time consuming and sometimes boring. I build my tournament sessions with mcedit and manually place blocks for only small stuff or to place mob spawners.\r\n\r\nSo that pretty much goes over the game creators and editors. Out of all that is mentioned, I would love to create a game creator for you guys someday that contains a search box, less keyboard typing, easy customization, and no coding ability needed.\r\n\r\nI think I also forgot to mention the Lego Indian Jones game had a pretty good level creator as well. Forgot to add that to the above list.\r\n\r\nAnyway, I could go on and on. Feel free to check back with my website to see if I have any new software to share. Make sure to leave a comment below if you need any assistance or have any questions for me.\r\n\r\nYour Fellow Game Creator\r\n\r\nJakob','Create Your Games','','publish','open','open','','create-your-games','','','2013-10-02 11:35:54','2013-10-02 17:35:54','',0,'http://kattnergames.com/?page_id=18',0,'page','',0),(19,2,'2013-10-01 18:33:27','2013-10-02 00:33:27','','Create Your Games','','inherit','open','open','','18-revision-v1','','','2013-10-01 18:33:27','2013-10-02 00:33:27','',18,'http://kattnergames.com/18-revision-v1',0,'revision','',0),(20,2,'2013-10-02 12:38:30','2013-10-02 18:38:30','<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">I Will Search For Games For You</span></h3>\r\nI am going to make this brief and too the point. You tell me whatever game you are looking for and I will go and find your game for you. Just make sure you tell me the name of it, the category it belongs to, and how old it is. After I find it, I will leave a comment in this section as well as create a post about it for anybody else that may be looking for it.\r\n\r\nI will create a link to where the game will be located at (mostly a store you can buy it from) in the post created and not in the comments area.\r\n\r\nPlease, no links in my comments section without my approval first. I do not want any spam here.\r\n\r\nIf you have any further questions about this post, please let me know in the replies section below.','Help Finding Games','','publish','open','open','','help-finding-games','','','2013-10-02 12:38:30','2013-10-02 18:38:30','',0,'http://kattnergames.com/?page_id=20',0,'page','',0),(21,2,'2013-10-01 18:34:38','2013-10-02 00:34:38','','Help Finding Games','','inherit','open','open','','20-revision-v1','','','2013-10-01 18:34:38','2013-10-02 00:34:38','',20,'http://kattnergames.com/20-revision-v1',0,'revision','',0),(22,2,'2013-10-01 18:38:59','2013-10-02 00:38:59','<p style=\"text-align: center;\" align=\""center\">-Terms of Usage-</p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\">1. Game and Screenshot Usage - When viewing and/or playing our games, you agree not to copy or reverse-engineer our games. You also agree not to copy and/or distribute copies of any screenshots provided by us on our website, on Facebook, on our blog, and/or on our wiki pages without our permission. You are permitted to create your own screenshots of our games for personal usage, provided you mention the name of the game it was taken from and you have stated it was from a game created by Kattner Games LLC, and the screenshots are not used for commercial usage. Screenshots of our games are not permitted to be taken during the closed beta stage, in development stage, and pre-development stage without permission from Kattner Games LLC.</p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\">2. Profanity - There is to be no serious profanity on our Facebook Company Page, on our Facebook App Pages, on our wiki pages, on our blog pages/posts and/or on our chat boxes that may or may not be in any of our games.</p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\">3. Terminations, Deletions, and Suspensions - Upon violating our Terms of Usage and/or our Privacy Policy the following actions will occur. Your account(s) will be terminated and/or suspended. Suspension will be no less than 30 days and no more than one year. If the violation relates to a comment and/or post, the comment and/or post may be subject to deletion with or without warning.</p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\">4. Refunds - a. Refunds will be given for game coins purchased that have not been used.</p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\">b. No refunds will be given for game coins that have been used and/or for free coins that are given in our game(s).</p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\">c. A refund will not be given when it is expired, which can range from 14 days to 30 days depending on the value of the refund and what the refund is for.</p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\">5. Limited Liability - We will not be liable for any damages to your computer by choosing to play our games and/or following our technical suggestions whether by phone, frequently asked questions, message board, post, and/or chat. We will not take responsibility for any medical related injuries and/or illnesses (this includes seizures caused by flashing images) that may or may not be caused by our software and/or games. Those prone to seizures caused by flashing images are encouraged to consult a doctor first before playing any of our games.</p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\">6. Terms of Agreement - By reading this Terms of Usage or playing any games that Kattner Games LLC owns the rights and permissions to, you are bound by the terms stated in the Terms of Usage and are subject to Section 3 of our \"Terms of Usage\". For parents of minors, you have agreed to give consent for your children playing our games, have read this agreement, and are bound to the terms stated in this Terms of Usage.</p>','Terms of Use','','inherit','open','open','','10-revision-v1','','','2013-10-01 18:38:59','2013-10-02 00:38:59','',10,'http://kattnergames.com/10-revision-v1',0,'revision','',0),(24,2,'2013-10-01 19:18:36','2013-10-02 01:18:36','<p style=\"text-align: center;\">1. Chatting - Games that are playable by children under the age of thirteen will not have chat capability. This is to prevent parents from worrying about their very young ones from divulging private information. Any game that is playable by teanagers from ages 13 to 17, as well as ones for adults, will most likely have chat ability. We leave it up to parents to monitor the discussion held in such chat functions as chatting may or may not be fully monitored by our team(s).</p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\">2. Polls and Information Gathered - Any information we gather via polls or any other method is not used by us to be sold to third parties. We gather information to improve the quality of our games, the quality of our website, for the government (only if required), and for proper employment hiring procedures.</p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\">3. Data Storage - a. We will store user data on our game server(s) that contain first name, last name, user id, achievements, points, high score, and other game content earned (game-related content within the game itself). This data may have been pulled from Facebook or Kattner Games when using one of our games. The data is used for making the game experience more personal and fun as well as for finding your game saves quicker. It is also used for saving/loading the game state in one of the games that you may have been using. We do not sell data stored on our game server(s) to third-parties.</p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\">b. We will store user data on our wiki server, blog server, and website that contains usernames and passwords that have been created via our wiki page, blog page, or website and not through another website. Do not click on any links from other websites that direct you to our username creation/login pages. Instead, go through our site, via your address bar, to get to them.</p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\">4. Accounts - a. Information created and stored on servers that we use are not sold to third-parties. Any user that attempts to access an account or create an account will do so through a secure encryption (https).</p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\">b. We will never ask for your username or password via e-mail.</p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\">c. The only person authorized to create an account manually (meaning the user is not creating the account on his/her own) without doing it by phone are the administrator(s) and the assistant administrator(s). Page managers, editors, customer service, and tech support are only authorized to do such actions by phone only (a phone number that Kattner Games and/or the CEO/President has announced publicly via our website, through advertising, or on an official company page such as \'Kattner Audacious Games LLC\' at linkedin.com) for security reasons.</p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\">d. Any e-mails that you receive from us will end in kattnergames.com, kattnergames.es, kattnergames.mx, or audacious-games.com (with the dash included. If there is no dash in audacious-games.com, it is not from us).</p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\">5. Cookies - We use cookies on our website to recognize users for login purposes only. The cookies stored are not used for tracking users activities outside our website. They also do not contain the username and/or password that the user may have on our website.</p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\">6. Tracking - We do monitor the activity and movement of users on our website itself to improve the quality of our website as well as its pages by determining which page the user visited, the location the user may or may not be from, and the date such user had activities on our website. Again, this is for improving our website as well as the software on our website. Any information gathered via tracking is not sold to third-parties without the user\'s permission.</p>','Privacy Policy','','inherit','open','open','','8-revision-v1','','','2013-10-01 19:18:36','2013-10-02 01:18:36','',8,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=24',0,'revision','',0),(25,2,'2013-10-01 19:44:00','2013-10-02 01:44:00','','Jakob-Smiling','','inherit','open','open','','jakob-suit-smiling-1','','','2013-10-01 19:44:00','2013-10-02 01:44:00','',12,'http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Jakob-Suit-Smiling-1.jpg',0,'attachment','image/jpeg',0),(26,2,'2013-10-01 19:48:45','2013-10-02 01:48:45','<h2><span style=\"color: #000000;\">About Kattner Games and Myself<img class=\" wp-image-25 alignright\" title=\"Jakob-Smiling\" alt=\"Jakob Smiling\" src=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Jakob-Suit-Smiling-1-300x168.jpg\" width=\"270\" height=\"151\" /></span></h2>\r\nI know on my old version of my website, I did not take the time to introduce myself but rather focused on my company instead. Even that about us page was very brief.\r\n\r\nI am Jakob A Kattner, also known as Audacious Jack or DMJack in the gaming world, the CEO and President of Kattner Games LLC. The company is progressing whether it has any profits or not. Just posting content and helping those in need is progress in itself.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Our Accomplishments</span></h3>\r\nKattner Games has been around for over two years now and I did manage to create a game called Fighting One Eyed Bears, its very first game as a matter of fact. It probably was not the most successful to be honest. I love it, but it seemed to be too hard for players and it did not have much in the way of exploration. It was originally designed for Facebook, but it can also be found on my website with a lot more features. Just because something seemed to be a flop at the time, does not mean I will just call it quits like other companies do. They usually just axe a game that seems to be no good. Nope, not me.\r\n\r\nSo what else have I accomplished with the company besides creating a difficult flash game? I starting the Playing Minecraft page and I host my own small tournament on Saturdays. Even though I tend to play it solo most of the time, I still show up anyway. Afterwards, I spend hours editing the recorded video and upload it to youtube (for yet another hour or two). Hey, I do high definition. If it is not top notch quality, then why bother.\r\n\r\nI have also managed to publish and copyright my own music over the years. They were originally meant for Fighting One Eyed Bears, but I also present them in my Youtube videos. I do not if you ever noticed. Feel free to look up Kattner Games on YouTube and you will see for yourself.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Writing Has Become My Life</span></h3>\r\nSo pretty much after all the hard work and nothing in return, I up and joined Wealthy Affiliate (a great group of people by the way). It pretty much gave me all the training I needed to build a better website. Personally, I think the old Kattner Games layout stank. I mean at first I thought it was pretty awesome, but after going through a hard week of training I learned I was wrong. It also showed me what people meant why they told me, \"It is good website, but it could use some improvement.\"\r\n\r\nI much prefer to be a programmer and game tester, but it seems that my life has veered more toward writing articles instead.\r\n\r\nI was even told by a coworker in the warehouse use to work at, \"You should be writing a book. I am serious. You tell all these fascinating stories about your life.\"\r\n\r\nNot my preference to write. It is very ironic that a guy who loves mathematics and science, ends up being a writer instead. Yes, I did get excellent greats for English class in high school and one time in college, but like I said not something I am passionate about.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">I Want To Make Games For You</span></h3>\r\nGames is what I love. Whether it be dungeons and dragons or creating my own computer game, I am really happy with it. Please, let me give you the enjoyment of entertaining yourself with my content. You would be doing me a favor big time.\r\n\r\nIf you have any comments or questions about this page, please let me know in the replies section below.','About Us','','inherit','open','open','','12-revision-v1','','','2013-10-01 19:48:45','2013-10-02 01:48:45','',12,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=26',0,'revision','',0),(27,2,'2013-10-01 19:53:46','2013-10-02 01:53:46','<h2><span style=\"color: #000000;\">About Kattner Games and Myself<img class=\" wp-image-25 alignright\" title=\"Jakob-Smiling\" alt=\"Jakob Smiling\" src=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Jakob-Suit-Smiling-1-300x168.jpg\" width=\"270\" height=\"151\" /></span></h2>\nI know on my old version of my website, I did not take the time to introduce myself but rather focused on my company instead. Even th about us page was very brief.\n\nI am Jakob A Kattner, also known as Audacious Jack or DMJack in the gaming world, the CEO and President of Kattner Games LLC. The company is progressing whether it has any profits or not. Just posting content and helping those in need is progress in itself.\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Our Accomplishments</span></h3>\nKattner Games has been around for over two years now and I did manage to create a game called <a title=\"Fighting One Eyed Bears game\" href=\"http://kattnergames.com/FlashGame3.html\">Fighting One Eyed Bears</a>, its very first game as a matter of fact. It probably was not the most successful to be honest. I love it, but it seemed to be too hard for players and it did not have much in the way of exploration. It was originally designed for Facebook, but it can also be found on my website with a lot more features. Just because something seemed to be a flop at the time, does not mean I will just call it quits like other companies do. They usually just axe a game that seems to be no good. Nope, not me.\n\nSo what else have I accomplished with the company besides creating a difficult flash game? I starting the Playing Minecraft page and I host my own small tournament on Saturdays. Even though I tend to play it solo most of the time, I still show up anyway. Afterwards, I spend hours editing the recorded video and upload it to youtube (for yet another hour or two). Hey, I do high definition. If it is not top notch quality, then why bother.\n\nI have also managed to publish and copyright my own music over the years. They were originally meant for Fighting One Eyed Bears, but I also present them in my Youtube videos. I do not if you ever noticed. Feel free to look up Kattner Games on YouTube and you will see for yourself.\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Writing Has Become My Life</span></h3>\nSo pretty much after all the hard work and nothing in return, I up and joined <a title=\"Check Out Wealthy Affiliate\" href=\"http://www.wealthyaffiliate.com?a_aid=3e93182f\">Wealthy Affiliate</a> (a great group of people by the way). It pretty much gave me all the training I needed to build a better website. Personally, I think the old Kattner Games layout stank. I mean at first I thought it was pretty awesome, but after going through a hard week of training I learned I was wrong. It also showed me what people meant when they told me, \"It is good website, but it could use some improvement.\"\n\nI much prefer to be a programmer and game tester, but it seems that my life has veered more toward writing articles instead.\n\nI was even told by a coworker in the warehouse use to work at, \"You should be writing a book. I am serious. You tell all these fascinating stories about your life.\"\n\nNot my preference to write. It is very ironic that a guy who loves mathematics and science, ends up being a writer instead. Yes, I did get excellent greats for English class in high school and one time in college, but like I said not something I am passionate about.\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">I Want To Make Games For You</span></h3>\nGames is what I love. Whether it be dungeons and dragons or creating my own computer game, I am really happy with it. Please, let me give you the enjoyment of entertaining yourself with my content. You would be doing me a favor big time.\n\nIf you have any comments or questions about this page, please let me know in the replies section below.','About Us','','inherit','open','open','','12-autosave-v1','','','2013-10-01 19:53:46','2013-10-02 01:53:46','',12,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=27',0,'revision','',0),(28,2,'2013-10-01 19:51:14','2013-10-02 01:51:14','<h2><span style=\"color: #000000;\">About Kattner Games and Myself<img class=\" wp-image-25 alignright\" title=\"Jakob-Smiling\" alt=\"Jakob Smiling\" src=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Jakob-Suit-Smiling-1-300x168.jpg\" width=\"270\" height=\"151\" /></span></h2>\r\nI know on my old version of my website, I did not take the time to introduce myself but rather focused on my company instead. Even that about us page was very brief.\r\n\r\nI am Jakob A Kattner, also known as Audacious Jack or DMJack in the gaming world, the CEO and President of Kattner Games LLC. The company is progressing whether it has any profits or not. Just posting content and helping those in need is progress in itself.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Our Accomplishments</span></h3>\r\nKattner Games has been around for over two years now and I did manage to create a game called <a title=\"Fighting One Eyed Bears game\" href=\"http://kattnergames.com/FlashGame3.html\">Fighting One Eyed Bears</a>, its very first game as a matter of fact. It probably was not the most successful to be honest. I love it, but it seemed to be too hard for players and it did not have much in the way of exploration. It was originally designed for Facebook, but it can also be found on my website with a lot more features. Just because something seemed to be a flop at the time, does not mean I will just call it quits like other companies do. They usually just axe a game that seems to be no good. Nope, not me.\r\n\r\nSo what else have I accomplished with the company besides creating a difficult flash game? I starting the Playing Minecraft page and I host my own small tournament on Saturdays. Even though I tend to play it solo most of the time, I still show up anyway. Afterwards, I spend hours editing the recorded video and upload it to youtube (for yet another hour or two). Hey, I do high definition. If it is not top notch quality, then why bother.\r\n\r\nI have also managed to publish and copyright my own music over the years. They were originally meant for Fighting One Eyed Bears, but I also present them in my Youtube videos. I do not if you ever noticed. Feel free to look up Kattner Games on YouTube and you will see for yourself.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Writing Has Become My Life</span></h3>\r\nSo pretty much after all the hard work and nothing in return, I up and joined <a title=\"Check Out Wealthy Affiliate\" href=\"http://www.wealthyaffiliate.com?a_aid=3e93182f\">Wealthy Affiliate</a> (a great group of people by the way). It pretty much gave me all the training I needed to build a better website. Personally, I think the old Kattner Games layout stank. I mean at first I thought it was pretty awesome, but after going through a hard week of training I learned I was wrong. It also showed me what people meant why they told me, \"It is good website, but it could use some improvement.\"\r\n\r\nI much prefer to be a programmer and game tester, but it seems that my life has veered more toward writing articles instead.\r\n\r\nI was even told by a coworker in the warehouse use to work at, \"You should be writing a book. I am serious. You tell all these fascinating stories about your life.\"\r\n\r\nNot my preference to write. It is very ironic that a guy who loves mathematics and science, ends up being a writer instead. Yes, I did get excellent greats for English class in high school and one time in college, but like I said not something I am passionate about.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">I Want To Make Games For You</span></h3>\r\nGames is what I love. Whether it be dungeons and dragons or creating my own computer game, I am really happy with it. Please, let me give you the enjoyment of entertaining yourself with my content. You would be doing me a favor big time.\r\n\r\nIf you have any comments or questions about this page, please let me know in the replies section below.','About Us','','inherit','open','open','','12-revision-v1','','','2013-10-01 19:51:14','2013-10-02 01:51:14','',12,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=28',0,'revision','',0),(29,2,'2013-10-01 19:51:44','2013-10-02 01:51:44','<h2><span style=\"color: #000000;\">About Kattner Games and Myself<img class=\" wp-image-25 alignright\" title=\"Jakob-Smiling\" alt=\"Jakob Smiling\" src=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Jakob-Suit-Smiling-1-300x168.jpg\" width=\"270\" height=\"151\" /></span></h2>\r\nI know on my old version of my website, I did not take the time to introduce myself but rather focused on my company instead. Even that about us page was very brief.\r\n\r\nI am Jakob A Kattner, also known as Audacious Jack or DMJack in the gaming world, the CEO and President of Kattner Games LLC. The company is progressing whether it has any profits or not. Just posting content and helping those in need is progress in itself.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Our Accomplishments</span></h3>\r\nKattner Games has been around for over two years now and I did manage to create a game called <a title=\"Fighting One Eyed Bears game\" href=\"http://kattnergames.com/FlashGame3.html\">Fighting One Eyed Bears</a>, its very first game as a matter of fact. It probably was not the most successful to be honest. I love it, but it seemed to be too hard for players and it did not have much in the way of exploration. It was originally designed for Facebook, but it can also be found on my website with a lot more features. Just because something seemed to be a flop at the time, does not mean I will just call it quits like other companies do. They usually just axe a game that seems to be no good. Nope, not me.\r\n\r\nSo what else have I accomplished with the company besides creating a difficult flash game? I starting the Playing Minecraft page and I host my own small tournament on Saturdays. Even though I tend to play it solo most of the time, I still show up anyway. Afterwards, I spend hours editing the recorded video and upload it to youtube (for yet another hour or two). Hey, I do high definition. If it is not top notch quality, then why bother.\r\n\r\nI have also managed to publish and copyright my own music over the years. They were originally meant for Fighting One Eyed Bears, but I also present them in my Youtube videos. I do not if you ever noticed. Feel free to look up Kattner Games on YouTube and you will see for yourself.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Writing Has Become My Life</span></h3>\r\nSo pretty much after all the hard work and nothing in return, I up and joined <a title=\"Check Out Wealthy Affiliate\" href=\"http://www.wealthyaffiliate.com?a_aid=3e93182f\">Wealthy Affiliate</a> (a great group of people by the way). It pretty much gave me all the training I needed to build a better website. Personally, I think the old Kattner Games layout stank. I mean at first I thought it was pretty awesome, but after going through a hard week of training I learned I was wrong. It also showed me what people meant when they told me, \"It is good website, but it could use some improvement.\"\r\n\r\nI much prefer to be a programmer and game tester, but it seems that my life has veered more toward writing articles instead.\r\n\r\nI was even told by a coworker in the warehouse use to work at, \"You should be writing a book. I am serious. You tell all these fascinating stories about your life.\"\r\n\r\nNot my preference to write. It is very ironic that a guy who loves mathematics and science, ends up being a writer instead. Yes, I did get excellent greats for English class in high school and one time in college, but like I said not something I am passionate about.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">I Want To Make Games For You</span></h3>\r\nGames is what I love. Whether it be dungeons and dragons or creating my own computer game, I am really happy with it. Please, let me give you the enjoyment of entertaining yourself with my content. You would be doing me a favor big time.\r\n\r\nIf you have any comments or questions about this page, please let me know in the replies section below.','About Us','','inherit','open','open','','12-revision-v1','','','2013-10-01 19:51:44','2013-10-02 01:51:44','',12,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=29',0,'revision','',0),(30,2,'2013-10-01 19:54:05','2013-10-02 01:54:05','<h2><span style=\"color: #000000;\">About Kattner Games and Myself<img class=\" wp-image-25 alignright\" title=\"Jakob-Smiling\" alt=\"Jakob Smiling\" src=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Jakob-Suit-Smiling-1-300x168.jpg\" width=\"270\" height=\"151\" /></span></h2>\r\nI know on my old version of my website, I did not take the time to introduce myself but rather focused on my company instead. Even the about us page that was there was very brief.\r\n\r\nI am Jakob A Kattner, also known as Audacious Jack or DMJack in the gaming world, the CEO and President of Kattner Games LLC. The company is progressing whether it has any profits or not. Just posting content and helping those in need is progress in itself.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Our Accomplishments</span></h3>\r\nKattner Games has been around for over two years now and I did manage to create a game called <a title=\"Fighting One Eyed Bears game\" href=\"http://kattnergames.com/FlashGame3.html\">Fighting One Eyed Bears</a>, its very first game as a matter of fact. It probably was not the most successful to be honest. I love it, but it seemed to be too hard for players and it did not have much in the way of exploration. It was originally designed for Facebook, but it can also be found on my website with a lot more features. Just because something seemed to be a flop at the time, does not mean I will just call it quits like other companies do. They usually just axe a game that seems to be no good. Nope, not me.\r\n\r\nSo what else have I accomplished with the company besides creating a difficult flash game? I starting the Playing Minecraft page and I host my own small tournament on Saturdays. Even though I tend to play it solo most of the time, I still show up anyway. Afterwards, I spend hours editing the recorded video and upload it to youtube (for yet another hour or two). Hey, I do high definition. If it is not top notch quality, then why bother.\r\n\r\nI have also managed to publish and copyright my own music over the years. They were originally meant for Fighting One Eyed Bears, but I also present them in my Youtube videos. I do not if you ever noticed. Feel free to look up Kattner Games on YouTube and you will see for yourself.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Writing Has Become My Life</span></h3>\r\nSo pretty much after all the hard work and nothing in return, I up and joined <a title=\"Check Out Wealthy Affiliate\" href=\"http://www.wealthyaffiliate.com?a_aid=3e93182f\">Wealthy Affiliate</a> (a great group of people by the way). It pretty much gave me all the training I needed to build a better website. Personally, I think the old Kattner Games layout stank. I mean at first I thought it was pretty awesome, but after going through a hard week of training I learned I was wrong. It also showed me what people meant when they told me, \"It is good website, but it could use some improvement.\"\r\n\r\nI much prefer to be a programmer and game tester, but it seems that my life has veered more toward writing articles instead.\r\n\r\nI was even told by a coworker in the warehouse use to work at, \"You should be writing a book. I am serious. You tell all these fascinating stories about your life.\"\r\n\r\nNot my preference to write. It is very ironic that a guy who loves mathematics and science, ends up being a writer instead. Yes, I did get excellent greats for English class in high school and one time in college, but like I said not something I am passionate about.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">I Want To Make Games For You</span></h3>\r\nGames is what I love. Whether it be dungeons and dragons or creating my own computer game, I am really happy with it. Please, let me give you the enjoyment of entertaining yourself with my content. You would be doing me a favor big time.\r\n\r\nIf you have any comments or questions about this page, please let me know in the replies section below.','About Us','','inherit','open','open','','12-revision-v1','','','2013-10-01 19:54:05','2013-10-02 01:54:05','',12,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=30',0,'revision','',0),(31,2,'2013-10-01 19:55:00','2013-10-02 01:55:00','<h2><span style=\"color: #000000;\">About Kattner Games and Myself<img class=\" wp-image-25 alignright\" title=\"Jakob-Smiling\" alt=\"Jakob Smiling\" src=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Jakob-Suit-Smiling-1-300x168.jpg\" width=\"270\" height=\"151\" /></span></h2>\r\nI know on my old version of my website, I did not take the time to introduce myself but rather focused on my company instead. Even the about us page that was there was very brief.\r\n\r\nI am Jakob A Kattner, also known as Audacious Jack or DMJack in the gaming world, the CEO and President of Kattner Games LLC. The company is progressing whether it has any profits or not. Just posting content and helping those in need is progress in itself.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Our Accomplishments</span></h3>\r\nKattner Games has been around for over two years now and I did manage to create a game called <a title=\"Fighting One Eyed Bears game\" href=\"http://kattnergames.com/FlashGame3.html\">Fighting One Eyed Bears</a>, its the very first game as a matter of fact. It probably was not the most successful to be honest. I love it, but it seemed to be too hard for players and it did not have much in the way of exploration. It was originally designed for Facebook, but it can also be found on my website with a lot more features. Just because something seemed to be a flop at the time, does not mean I will just call it quits like other companies do. They usually just axe a game that seems to be no good. Nope, not me.\r\n\r\nSo what else have I accomplished with the company besides creating a difficult flash game? I starting the Playing Minecraft page and I host my own small tournament on Saturdays. Even though I tend to play it solo most of the time, I still show up anyway. Afterwards, I spend hours editing the recorded video and upload it to youtube (for yet another hour or two). Hey, I do high definition. If it is not top notch quality, then why bother.\r\n\r\nI have also managed to publish and copyright my own music over the years. They were originally meant for Fighting One Eyed Bears, but I also present them in my Youtube videos. I do not if you ever noticed. Feel free to look up Kattner Games on YouTube and you will see for yourself.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Writing Has Become My Life</span></h3>\r\nSo pretty much after all the hard work and nothing in return, I up and joined <a title=\"Check Out Wealthy Affiliate\" href=\"http://www.wealthyaffiliate.com?a_aid=3e93182f\">Wealthy Affiliate</a> (a great group of people by the way). It pretty much gave me all the training I needed to build a better website. Personally, I think the old Kattner Games layout stank. I mean at first I thought it was pretty awesome, but after going through a hard week of training I learned I was wrong. It also showed me what people meant when they told me, \"It is good website, but it could use some improvement.\"\r\n\r\nI much prefer to be a programmer and game tester, but it seems that my life has veered more toward writing articles instead.\r\n\r\nI was even told by a coworker in the warehouse use to work at, \"You should be writing a book. I am serious. You tell all these fascinating stories about your life.\"\r\n\r\nNot my preference to write. It is very ironic that a guy who loves mathematics and science, ends up being a writer instead. Yes, I did get excellent greats for English class in high school and one time in college, but like I said not something I am passionate about.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">I Want To Make Games For You</span></h3>\r\nGames is what I love. Whether it be dungeons and dragons or creating my own computer game, I am really happy with it. Please, let me give you the enjoyment of entertaining yourself with my content. You would be doing me a favor big time.\r\n\r\nIf you have any comments or questions about this page, please let me know in the replies section below.','About Us','','inherit','open','open','','12-revision-v1','','','2013-10-01 19:55:00','2013-10-02 01:55:00','',12,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=31',0,'revision','',0),(32,2,'2013-10-01 19:57:21','2013-10-02 01:57:21','<p style=\"text-align: center;\">If you have any issues with this page or have any questions about the privacy policy, send your inquiry to webmaster@kattnergames.com.</p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\">1. Chatting - Games that are playable by children under the age of thirteen will not have chat capability. This is to prevent parents from worrying about their very young ones from divulging private information. Any game that is playable by teanagers from ages 13 to 17, as well as ones for adults, will most likely have chat ability. We leave it up to parents to monitor the discussion held in such chat functions as chatting may or may not be fully monitored by our team(s).</p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\">2. Polls and Information Gathered - Any information we gather via polls or any other method is not used by us to be sold to third parties. We gather information to improve the quality of our games, the quality of our website, for the government (only if required), and for proper employment hiring procedures.</p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\">3. Data Storage - a. We will store user data on our game server(s) that contain first name, last name, user id, achievements, points, high score, and other game content earned (game-related content within the game itself). This data may have been pulled from Facebook or Kattner Games when using one of our games. The data is used for making the game experience more personal and fun as well as for finding your game saves quicker. It is also used for saving/loading the game state in one of the games that you may have been using. We do not sell data stored on our game server(s) to third-parties.</p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\">b. We will store user data on our wiki server, blog server, and website that contains usernames and passwords that have been created via our wiki page, blog page, or website and not through another website. Do not click on any links from other websites that direct you to our username creation/login pages. Instead, go through our site, via your address bar, to get to them.</p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\">4. Accounts - a. Information created and stored on servers that we use are not sold to third-parties. Any user that attempts to access an account or create an account will do so through a secure encryption (https).</p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\">b. We will never ask for your username or password via e-mail.</p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\">c. The only person authorized to create an account manually (meaning the user is not creating the account on his/her own) without doing it by phone are the administrator(s) and the assistant administrator(s). Page managers, editors, customer service, and tech support are only authorized to do such actions by phone only (a phone number that Kattner Games and/or the CEO/President has announced publicly via our website, through advertising, or on an official company page such as \'Kattner Audacious Games LLC\' at linkedin.com) for security reasons.</p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\">d. Any e-mails that you receive from us will end in kattnergames.com, kattnergames.es, kattnergames.mx, or audacious-games.com (with the dash included. If there is no dash in audacious-games.com, it is not from us).</p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\">5. Cookies - We use cookies on our website to recognize users for login purposes only. The cookies stored are not used for tracking users activities outside our website. They also do not contain the username and/or password that the user may have on our website.</p>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\">6. Tracking - We do monitor the activity and movement of users on our website itself to improve the quality of our website as well as its pages by determining which page the user visited, the location the user may or may not be from, and the date such user had activities on our website. Again, this is for improving our website as well as the software on our website. Any information gathered via tracking is not sold to third-parties without the user\'s permission.</p>','Privacy Policy','','inherit','open','open','','8-revision-v1','','','2013-10-01 19:57:21','2013-10-02 01:57:21','',8,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=32',0,'revision','',0),(33,2,'2013-10-02 11:28:13','2013-10-02 17:28:13','Yes, I did manage to finish creating one game called Fighting One Eyed Bears during January of 2013, but it would be great if I could create software for all people to enjoy the creation of a game. True, I have encountered all sorts of software for game creation. I tried out Open Zelda, OpenRPG (probably not really a game creator, but it is fun for tabletop stuff), rpgmaker, neverwinter nights toolset, minecraft mcedit (yes it does speed up game creation. It may not seem like game creator, but creating a world is creating a game in a way), and Game Maker 8 (although I think I did the older version of it).\r\n\r\nI am pretty sure there were some others out there I have tried, but it has been awhile. This is mostly due to the fact that I was busy creating my own games through action script (language used for flash programming) for about a year. For those wondering, action script for flash uses the Eclipse language.\r\n\r\nI mean sure those items I mentioned can be fun to use, but they do lack certain elements that every gamer needs (except in the case of Neverwinter Nights).\r\n\r\nOpen Zelda was originally intended for people to create their own Zelda adventures. It, however, can be used to create legit adventures unrelated to the Legend of Zelda so as to not anger Nintendo. We want to keep Nintendo happy. Right? It has scripting language (done in Genie) which can be tough to master at first. Shoot I am not even that perfect at it, but I do understand it somewhat. It is similar to flash action script, but somewhat different at the same time due to it not being so object oriented. It primarily focuses on functions in include files and the variables are in the zes files themselves (basically no public static variables being used).\r\n\r\nAside from the scripting involved (it does come with some premade scripts to get you started), it also allows you the ability create your own sprite sheets as long as you have a bmp file to pull from. The sheet will require you to split up the animations and characters manually by drawing boxes around them. If the box is not in sync with your mouse cursor, you will just have to use your imagination like I did.\r\n\r\nI know I should have this on my Zelda site. Bare with my, I am almost done going over Open Zelda. Once you have all your scripts done and your sprite sheets complete, you will pretty much being doing point and click. Go to your map, left click, and pick select scene. You will left a character or item to pick up and then place it on the map with yet another left click. That is pretty much it. Then, just test your game out and cross your fingers that there will be no compiler errors (like most programmers tend to encounter when adding new content to a game).\r\n\r\nSo, you get the general idea here. Most game makers are similar, but not the same. I would have to say Game Maker 8 is more simpler and more user friendly than Open Zelda. It is great due to all the drop down menus, but it may require a lot of reading to understand it better. Most game making programs require a lot of studying just to make one or two areas. Plus, it also depends on the point of views. Side views are not done exactly the same as third person views. If you want to get really crazy, attempting to build third person game is where the fun really begins. My advice is to start with the simple stuff first and work your way up to the advance items.\r\n\r\nNow, remember how I said Neverwinter Nights is the best of all of them. Well, it just is. I do not make campaigns anymore, but I use to. The toolset is very user friendly and easy to master. I learned it in just a couple of days (that is how easy it is). Yes, there is scripting in it for those who like more flexibility, but do you have to script? Absolutely not. Do you have to make your animations and slap a sprite sheet in it? Nope. You can create animations and modified content, but not needed. You can have just as much fun with everything already there in the game. Making maps is a snap. Placing items and people is pretty much drag and drop. Everything is done with the mouse. They have drop down menus for everything. There is no looking for a folder to open from your c drive. You do not have to manually type in colors or open up your Photoshop for pictures. It is all done right there in the toolset.\r\n\r\nSo is Neverwinter Nights 2 any better. I mean the tool set looks better and yes it does have more options, but I would have to say it is not better. I am sorry, but the first game\'s tool set wins hands down.\r\n\r\nSo what about Minecraft Mcedit? You are probably wondering why I mentioned that as well. Because it is flippin\' awesome. It is not a game creator but rather a super cool editor. You can take your minecraft game and change just about anything in it. I especially like the search box in it. Any game or toolkit with a search box is a plus in my book. Most of stuff is done with the mouse. Yes, it is kind of confusing at first - especially know how to use the mouse buttons period. Once you get a feel for the mouse buttons and what everything is on the bottom of the screen, you are pretty much set. It is better than spending all day placing one block at a time in survival or creative mode. Time consuming and sometimes boring. I build my tournament sessions with mcedit and manually place blocks for only small stuff or to place mob spawners.\r\n\r\nSo that pretty much goes over the game creators and editors. Out of all that is mentioned, I would love to create a game creator for you guys someday that contains a search box, less keyboard typing, easy customization, and no coding ability needed.\r\n\r\nI think I also forgot to mention the Lego Indian Jones game had a pretty good level creator as well. Forgot to add that to the above list.\r\n\r\nAnyway, I could go on and on. Feel free to check back with my website to see if I have any new software to share. Make sure to leave a comment below if you need any assistance or have any questions for me.','Create Your Games','','inherit','open','open','','18-revision-v1','','','2013-10-02 11:28:13','2013-10-02 17:28:13','',18,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=33',0,'revision','',0),(34,2,'2013-10-02 11:35:15','2013-10-02 17:35:15','<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Types of Game Creation Software</span></h3>\nYes, I did manage to finish creating one game called Fighting One Eyed Bears during January of 2013, but it would be great if I could create software for all people to enjoy the creation of a game. True, I have encountered all sorts of software for game creation. I tried out Open Zelda, OpenRPG (probably not really a game creator, but it is fun for tabletop stuff), rpgmaker, neverwinter nights toolset, minecraft mcedit (yes it does speed up game creation. It may not seem like game creator, but creating a world is creating a game in a way), and Game Maker 8 (although I think I did the older version of it).\n\nI am pretty sure there were some others out there I have tried, but it has been awhile. This is mostly due to the fact that I was busy creating my own games through action script (language used for flash programming) for about a year. For those wondering, action script for flash uses the Eclipse language.\n\nI mean sure those items I mentioned can be fun to use, but they do lack certain elements that every gamer needs (except in the case of Neverwinter Nights).\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Overview of Open Zelda</span></h3>\nOpen Zelda was originally intended for people to create their own Zelda adventures. It, however, can be used to create legit adventures unrelated to the Legend of Zelda so as to not anger Nintendo. We want to keep Nintendo happy. Right? It has scripting language (done in Genie) which can be tough to master at first. Shoot I am not even that perfect at it, but I do understand it somewhat. It is similar to flash action script, but somewhat different at the same time due to it not being so object oriented. It primarily focuses on functions in include files and the variables are in the zes files themselves (basically no public static variables being used).\n\nAside from the scripting involved (it does come with some premade scripts to get you started), it also allows you the ability create your own sprite sheets as long as you have a bmp file to pull from. The sheet will require you to split up the animations and characters manually by drawing boxes around them. If the box is not in sync with your mouse cursor, you will just have to use your imagination like I did.\n\nI know I should have this on my Zelda site. Bare with my, I am almost done going over Open Zelda. Once you have all your scripts done and your sprite sheets complete, you will pretty much being doing point and click. Go to your map, left click, and pick select scene. You will left a character or item to pick up and then place it on the map with yet another left click. That is pretty much it. Then, just test your game out and cross your fingers that there will be no compiler errors (like most programmers tend to encounter when adding new content to a game).\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Overview of Game Maker 8</span></h3>\nSo, you get the general idea here. Most game makers are similar, but not the same. I would have to say Game Maker 8 is more simpler and more user friendly than Open Zelda. It is great due to all the drop down menus, but it may require a lot of reading to understand it better. Most game making programs require a lot of studying just to make one or two areas. Plus, it also depends on the point of views. Side views are not done exactly the same as third person views. If you want to get really crazy, attempting to build third person game is where the fun really begins. My advice is to start with the simple stuff first and work your way up to the advance items.\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Neverwinter Nights Toolset</span></h3>\nNow, remember how I said Neverwinter Nights is the best of all of them. Well, it just is. I do not make campaigns anymore, but I use to. The toolset is very user friendly and easy to master. I learned it in just a couple of days (that is how easy it is). Yes, there is scripting in it for those who like more flexibility, but do you have to script? Absolutely not. Do you have to make your animations and slap a sprite sheet in it? Nope. You can create animations and modified content, but not needed. You can have just as much fun with everything already there in the game. Making maps is a snap. Placing items and people is pretty much drag and drop. Everything is done with the mouse. They have drop down menus for everything. There is no looking for a folder to open from your c drive. You do not have to manually type in colors or open up your Photoshop for pictures. It is all done right there in the toolset.\n\nSo is Neverwinter Nights 2 any better. I mean the tool set looks better and yes it does have more options, but I would have to say it is not better. I am sorry, but the first game\'s tool set wins hands down.\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Overview of Mcedit</span></h3>\nSo what about Minecraft Mcedit? You are probably wondering why I mentioned that as well. Because it is flippin\' awesome. It is not a game creator but rather a super cool editor. You can take your minecraft game and change just about anything in it. I especially like the search box in it. Any game or toolkit with a search box is a plus in my book. Most of stuff is done with the mouse. Yes, it is kind of confusing at first - especially know how to use the mouse buttons period. Once you get a feel for the mouse buttons and what everything is on the bottom of the screen, you are pretty much set. It is better than spending all day placing one block at a time in survival or creative mode. Time consuming and sometimes boring. I build my tournament sessions with mcedit and manually place blocks for only small stuff or to place mob spawners.\n\nSo that pretty much goes over the game creators and editors. Out of all that is mentioned, I would love to create a game creator for you guys someday that contains a search box, less keyboard typing, easy customization, and no coding ability needed.\n\nI think I also forgot to mention the Lego Indian Jones game had a pretty good level creator as well. Forgot to add that to the above list.\n\nAnyway, I could go on and on. Feel free to check back with my website to see if I have any new software to share. Make sure to leave a comment below if you need any assistance or have any questions for me.\n\nGame Creator\n\nAudacious Jack','Create Your Games','','inherit','open','open','','18-autosave-v1','','','2013-10-02 11:35:15','2013-10-02 17:35:15','',18,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=34',0,'revision','',0),(35,2,'2013-10-02 11:35:54','2013-10-02 17:35:54','<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Types of Game Creation Software</span></h3>\r\nYes, I did manage to finish creating one game called Fighting One Eyed Bears during January of 2013, but it would be great if I could create software for all people to enjoy the creation of a game. True, I have encountered all sorts of software for game creation. I tried out Open Zelda, OpenRPG (probably not really a game creator, but it is fun for tabletop stuff), rpgmaker, neverwinter nights toolset, minecraft mcedit (yes it does speed up game creation. It may not seem like game creator, but creating a world is creating a game in a way), and Game Maker 8 (although I think I did the older version of it).\r\n\r\nI am pretty sure there were some others out there I have tried, but it has been awhile. This is mostly due to the fact that I was busy creating my own games through action script (language used for flash programming) for about a year. For those wondering, action script for flash uses the Eclipse language.\r\n\r\nI mean sure those items I mentioned can be fun to use, but they do lack certain elements that every gamer needs (except in the case of Neverwinter Nights).\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Overview of Open Zelda</span></h3>\r\nOpen Zelda was originally intended for people to create their own Zelda adventures. It, however, can be used to create legit adventures unrelated to the Legend of Zelda so as to not anger Nintendo. We want to keep Nintendo happy. Right? It has scripting language (done in Genie) which can be tough to master at first. Shoot I am not even that perfect at it, but I do understand it somewhat. It is similar to flash action script, but somewhat different at the same time due to it not being so object oriented. It primarily focuses on functions in include files and the variables are in the zes files themselves (basically no public static variables being used).\r\n\r\nAside from the scripting involved (it does come with some premade scripts to get you started), it also allows you the ability create your own sprite sheets as long as you have a bmp file to pull from. The sheet will require you to split up the animations and characters manually by drawing boxes around them. If the box is not in sync with your mouse cursor, you will just have to use your imagination like I did.\r\n\r\nI know I should have this on my Zelda site. Bare with my, I am almost done going over Open Zelda. Once you have all your scripts done and your sprite sheets complete, you will pretty much being doing point and click. Go to your map, left click, and pick select scene. You will left a character or item to pick up and then place it on the map with yet another left click. That is pretty much it. Then, just test your game out and cross your fingers that there will be no compiler errors (like most programmers tend to encounter when adding new content to a game).\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Overview of Game Maker 8</span></h3>\r\nSo, you get the general idea here. Most game makers are similar, but not the same. I would have to say Game Maker 8 is more simpler and more user friendly than Open Zelda. It is great due to all the drop down menus, but it may require a lot of reading to understand it better. Most game making programs require a lot of studying just to make one or two areas. Plus, it also depends on the point of views. Side views are not done exactly the same as third person views. If you want to get really crazy, attempting to build third person game is where the fun really begins. My advice is to start with the simple stuff first and work your way up to the advance items.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Neverwinter Nights Toolset</span></h3>\r\nNow, remember how I said Neverwinter Nights is the best of all of them. Well, it just is. I do not make campaigns anymore, but I use to. The toolset is very user friendly and easy to master. I learned it in just a couple of days (that is how easy it is). Yes, there is scripting in it for those who like more flexibility, but do you have to script? Absolutely not. Do you have to make your animations and slap a sprite sheet in it? Nope. You can create animations and modified content, but not needed. You can have just as much fun with everything already there in the game. Making maps is a snap. Placing items and people is pretty much drag and drop. Everything is done with the mouse. They have drop down menus for everything. There is no looking for a folder to open from your c drive. You do not have to manually type in colors or open up your Photoshop for pictures. It is all done right there in the toolset.\r\n\r\nSo is Neverwinter Nights 2 any better. I mean the tool set looks better and yes it does have more options, but I would have to say it is not better. I am sorry, but the first game\'s tool set wins hands down.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Overview of Mcedit</span></h3>\r\nSo what about Minecraft Mcedit? You are probably wondering why I mentioned that as well. Because it is flippin\' awesome. It is not a game creator but rather a super cool editor. You can take your minecraft game and change just about anything in it. I especially like the search box in it. Any game or toolkit with a search box is a plus in my book. Most of stuff is done with the mouse. Yes, it is kind of confusing at first - especially know how to use the mouse buttons period. Once you get a feel for the mouse buttons and what everything is on the bottom of the screen, you are pretty much set. It is better than spending all day placing one block at a time in survival or creative mode. Time consuming and sometimes boring. I build my tournament sessions with mcedit and manually place blocks for only small stuff or to place mob spawners.\r\n\r\nSo that pretty much goes over the game creators and editors. Out of all that is mentioned, I would love to create a game creator for you guys someday that contains a search box, less keyboard typing, easy customization, and no coding ability needed.\r\n\r\nI think I also forgot to mention the Lego Indian Jones game had a pretty good level creator as well. Forgot to add that to the above list.\r\n\r\nAnyway, I could go on and on. Feel free to check back with my website to see if I have any new software to share. Make sure to leave a comment below if you need any assistance or have any questions for me.\r\n\r\nYour Fellow Game Creator\r\n\r\nJakob','Create Your Games','','inherit','open','open','','18-revision-v1','','','2013-10-02 11:35:54','2013-10-02 17:35:54','',18,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=35',0,'revision','',0),(36,2,'2013-10-02 12:15:35','2013-10-02 18:15:35','','Jakobs Family','','inherit','open','open','','el-centro-4','','','2013-10-02 12:15:35','2013-10-02 18:15:35','',16,'http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/El-Centro-4.jpg',0,'attachment','image/jpeg',0),(37,2,'2013-10-02 12:18:17','2013-10-02 18:18:17','<h2><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Game Explanation</span></h2>\r\n<img class=\"size-medium wp-image-36 alignright\" title=\"Jakobs-Family\" alt=\"Jakobs-Family\" src=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/El-Centro-4-300x278.jpg\" width=\"300\" height=\"278\" />\r\nIn this section, you will see a list of all the games we currently have made by us and only us. If you are looking for something else, look at our finding games page.\r\n\r\nOne of the games we have developed is Fighting One Eyed Bears in the list below.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Don\'t Judge Me</span></h3>\r\nNow, before you go judging me or my company, please understand where I am coming from. I have worked many years in a warehouse, I was in the Navy, I worked in a callcenter, and I use to work as production in Pizza Hut. Now, I have nothing except Kattner Games. I have a wife and two kids that will be starving eventually and I live in Mexico although I am citizen of the United States.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Some Places Are Poor In Mexico</span></h3>\r\nMy only alternative will be to get a job in Mexico for cash only. Mexico does not pay by the hour. They pay by the day. You could work for 10 or 12 hours and still get paid the same for an eight hour day. I completely understand why there are a lot of struggling families in Mexico. I have visited them too and some of them have just one or two rooms for a house. Some house just have a dirt floor. Now, don\'t get me wrong. There is technology here. It is not the stone age. The problem is people are struggling financially.\r\n<h2><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Paypal Is Not Always A Scam</span></h2>\r\nI know people think (and I know have been told not to say this on a website) all website with a paypal button is a scam. That is a false presumption. Ya, some sites are but some are legit. For all you know, you just killed a family member by not giving that person money.\r\n\r\nThat is the root of the paranoia. People do not know what or who is on the other end of Paypal. I can completely relate you on that one.\r\n\r\nNow, I know I may seem to be off-topic here, but in reality this does have to do with my games. I am going to lay it on the line for you. Honestly, I have tried using Paypal to fund Fighting One Eyed Bears, but people did not take it serious. Now, if I take the paypal button off will that fix anything. Nope. Of course, having the button does not help either since I get no money out of it anyway and I cry every night because I get nothing for supporting my family on that given day or week.\r\n\r\nNo, seriously. I literally cry in my pillow or somewhere in private. Nobody is less of a man for crying for the lives of their family members.\r\n\r\nI have even tried using Google ad\'s instead and affiliate links, but all I get now and then are impressions and a few clicks. It all boils to the one thing that will not only feed myself as well as my family, but also increase the chances of games being made - what the viewers do on my websites.\r\n\r\nI spend more time writing articles than doing my true calling in life, programming, game development and administration.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Training in the Navy Was Wasted</span></h3>\r\nDid you know that I was a Yeoman in the Navy. A Yeoman is like an administrative assistant. Don\'t you think it is awesome that thousands of tax dollars went to waste to train me to do administrative work and the skill not be used at all. That tax money applies to all United States citizens.\r\n\r\nMy training was for absolutely nothing. I spent three years in the Navy and filed and stamped a few records and fulfilled some vacation requests. I even past the E-4 test with flying colors. Now, it is all worth nothing.\r\n\r\nMy reward is preparing to starve and (if I survive) live in Mexico for the rest of my days without even money for a plane ticket back to the United States of America.\r\n<h2><span style=\"color: #000000;\">No More Paypal Button</span></h2>\r\nSo, I tell you what. I will play the game of the viewers. I will take down my paypal buttons and we will see how it all turns out in the end.\r\n\r\nInstead of me wishing you the best, it will be more like you wish me luck. Your life is not in my hands, but it is rather the other way around. My life is in the hands of all viewers as well as the governments that I may reside under.\r\n\r\nIf you have any questions or feedback (either positive or negative), please leave a comment in the replies section below. I am not really doing much else with my time except writing articles all day so I will definitely be getting back with you.\r\n\r\nOh ya. Almost forgot my game list.\r\n\r\nList of Games:\r\n\r\n<a title=\"Fighting One Eyed Bears\" href=\"http://kattnergames.com/FlashGame3.html\" target=\"_blank\">Fighting One Eyed Bears</a>','Our Games','','inherit','open','open','','16-revision-v1','','','2013-10-02 12:18:17','2013-10-02 18:18:17','',16,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=37',0,'revision','',0),(38,2,'2013-10-02 12:18:48','2013-10-02 18:18:48','<h2><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Game Explanation</span></h2>\r\n<img class=\"size-medium wp-image-36 alignright\" title=\"Jakobs-Family\" alt=\"Jakobs-Family\" src=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/El-Centro-4-300x278.jpg\" width=\"300\" height=\"278\" />\r\nIn this section, you will see a list of all the games we currently have made by us and only us. If you are looking for something else, look at our finding games page.\r\n\r\nOne of the games we have developed is Fighting One Eyed Bears in the list below.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Don\'t Judge Me</span></h3>\r\nNow, before you go judging me or my company, please understand where I am coming from. I have worked many years in a warehouse, I was in the Navy, I worked in a callcenter, and I use to work as production in Pizza Hut. Now, I have nothing except Kattner Games. I have a wife and two kids that will be starving eventually and I live in Mexico although I am citizen of the United States.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Some Places Are Poor In Mexico</span></h3>\r\nMy only alternative will be to get a job in Mexico for cash only. Mexico does not pay by the hour. They pay by the day. You could work for 10 or 12 hours and still get paid the same for an eight hour day. I completely understand why there are a lot of struggling families in Mexico. I have visited them too and some of them have just one or two rooms for a house. Some house just have a dirt floor. Now, don\'t get me wrong. There is technology here. It is not the stone age. The problem is people are struggling financially.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Paypal Is Not Always A Scam</span></h3>\r\nI know people think (and I know have been told not to say this on a website) all website with a paypal button is a scam. That is a false presumption. Ya, some sites are but some are legit. For all you know, you just killed a family member by not giving that person money.\r\n\r\nThat is the root of the paranoia. People do not know what or who is on the other end of Paypal. I can completely relate you on that one.\r\n\r\nNow, I know I may seem to be off-topic here, but in reality this does have to do with my games. I am going to lay it on the line for you. Honestly, I have tried using Paypal to fund Fighting One Eyed Bears, but people did not take it serious. Now, if I take the paypal button off will that fix anything. Nope. Of course, having the button does not help either since I get no money out of it anyway and I cry every night because I get nothing for supporting my family on that given day or week.\r\n\r\nNo, seriously. I literally cry in my pillow or somewhere in private. Nobody is less of a man for crying for the lives of their family members.\r\n\r\nI have even tried using Google ad\'s instead and affiliate links, but all I get now and then are impressions and a few clicks. It all boils to the one thing that will not only feed myself as well as my family, but also increase the chances of games being made - what the viewers do on my websites.\r\n\r\nI spend more time writing articles than doing my true calling in life, programming, game development and administration.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Training in the Navy Was Wasted</span></h3>\r\nDid you know that I was a Yeoman in the Navy. A Yeoman is like an administrative assistant. Don\'t you think it is awesome that thousands of tax dollars went to waste to train me to do administrative work and the skill not be used at all. That tax money applies to all United States citizens.\r\n\r\nMy training was for absolutely nothing. I spent three years in the Navy and filed and stamped a few records and fulfilled some vacation requests. I even past the E-4 test with flying colors. Now, it is all worth nothing.\r\n\r\nMy reward is preparing to starve and (if I survive) live in Mexico for the rest of my days without even money for a plane ticket back to the United States of America.\r\n<h2><span style=\"color: #000000;\">No More Paypal Button</span></h2>\r\nSo, I tell you what. I will play the game of the viewers. I will take down my paypal buttons and we will see how it all turns out in the end.\r\n\r\nInstead of me wishing you the best, it will be more like you wish me luck. Your life is not in my hands, but it is rather the other way around. My life is in the hands of all viewers as well as the governments that I may reside under.\r\n\r\nIf you have any questions or feedback (either positive or negative), please leave a comment in the replies section below. I am not really doing much else with my time except writing articles all day so I will definitely be getting back with you.\r\n\r\nOh ya. Almost forgot my game list.\r\n\r\nList of Games:\r\n\r\n<a title=\"Fighting One Eyed Bears\" href=\"http://kattnergames.com/FlashGame3.html\" target=\"_blank\">Fighting One Eyed Bears</a>','Our Games','','inherit','open','open','','16-revision-v1','','','2013-10-02 12:18:48','2013-10-02 18:18:48','',16,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=38',0,'revision','',0),(39,2,'2014-10-22 21:33:46','2014-10-23 03:33:46','<h2><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Game Explanation</span></h2>\n<img class=\"size-medium wp-image-36 alignright\" title=\"Jakobs-Family\" src=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/El-Centro-4-300x278.jpg\" alt=\"Jakobs-Family\" width=\"300\" height=\"278\" />\nIn this section at the very bottom, you will see a list of all the games we currently have made by us and only us. If you are looking for something else, look at our finding games page. If you do not want to read my stuff here, then feel free to skip to the bottom of the page.\n\nOne of the games we have developed is Fighting One Eyed Bears in the list below.\n<h2><span style=\"color: #000000;\">About Fight One Eyed Bears</span></h2>\nThe flash game is about bears fighting each other in a forest to see who is the toughest. It is very short timeframe in order to win it, but it is very difficult to reach the end without having to restart many times as well as use multiple bears to just beat it with one of the bears. There are battles scars that can be earned by completing each phase with each bear. Without battle scars being earned, the game will be near impossible to beat. I say near impossible, because I have beat it a couple of times using the brown bear and especially the purple bear.\n\nIf you can not win it with the purple bear, then there is something wrong with you. The purple bear flies past phase one and phase two like it is child\'s play. Phase 3 might be a small challenge for him though.\n<h2><span style=\"color: #000000;\">About Monsters of the Hydra</span></h2>\nI also have created a board game called Monsters of the Hydra which can be purchased at The Game Crafter website. I do own the actual game, but I have not fully tested it yet. It is about a group of heroes who are seeking a hydra that unleashed a myriad of monsters into the world.\n\nThe game may prove very difficult for new players, so it is recommended to either use the optional rules at the back of the handbook or play with eight players without using the optional rules and have all players stay together to wipe out the tough monsters. It is also recommended to get healing potions as soon as possible and spirit potions for leveling up quicker. I put in double the amount of weak monsters, but the difficult ones will still pop up.\n\nAlso feel free to combine board games if you manage to buy more than one of them. Just make sure you remember the amount of pieces you have from each game.\n<h2 style=\"text-align: center;\"><span style=\"color: #000000;\">List of Games:</span></h2>\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"><a title=\"Fighting One Eyed Bears\" href=\"http://kattnergames.com/FlashGame3.html\" target=\"_blank\">Fighting One Eyed Bears</a></p>\n\n<center>\n<form style=\"display: inline;\" action=\"https://www.thegamecrafter.com/checkout/sku/161074EA-40C2-11E4-BDE5-9E8976A71B91\" method=\"POST\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Buy "Monsters of the Hydra"\" /></form> \n\n</center>','Our Games','','inherit','open','open','','16-autosave-v1','','','2014-10-22 21:33:46','2014-10-23 03:33:46','',16,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=39',0,'revision','',0),(40,2,'2013-10-02 12:21:56','2013-10-02 18:21:56','<h2><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Game Explanation</span></h2>\r\n<img class=\"size-medium wp-image-36 alignright\" title=\"Jakobs-Family\" alt=\"Jakobs-Family\" src=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/El-Centro-4-300x278.jpg\" width=\"300\" height=\"278\" />\r\nIn this section at the very bottom, you will see a list of all the games we currently have made by us and only us. If you are looking for something else, look at our finding games page. If you do not want to read my stuff here, then feel free to skip to the bottom of the page. I was pretty much expressing my personal opinions and feelings in this page.\r\n\r\nOne of the games we have developed is Fighting One Eyed Bears in the list below.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Don\'t Judge Me</span></h3>\r\nNow, before you go judging me or my company, please understand where I am coming from. I have worked many years in a warehouse, I was in the Navy, I worked in a callcenter, and I use to work as production in Pizza Hut. Now, I have nothing except Kattner Games. I have a wife and two kids that will be starving eventually and I live in Mexico although I am citizen of the United States.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Some Places Are Poor In Mexico</span></h3>\r\nMy only alternative will be to get a job in Mexico for cash only. Mexico does not pay by the hour. They pay by the day. You could work for 10 or 12 hours and still get paid the same for an eight hour day. I completely understand why there are a lot of struggling families in Mexico. I have visited them too and some of them have just one or two rooms for a house. Some house just have a dirt floor. Now, don\'t get me wrong. There is technology here. It is not the stone age. The problem is people are struggling financially.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Paypal Is Not Always A Scam</span></h3>\r\nI know people think (and I know have been told not to say this on a website) all website with a paypal button is a scam. That is a false presumption. Ya, some sites are but some are legit. For all you know, you just killed a family member by not giving that person money.\r\n\r\nThat is the root of the paranoia. People do not know what or who is on the other end of Paypal. I can completely relate you on that one.\r\n\r\nNow, I know I may seem to be off-topic here, but in reality this does have to do with my games. I am going to lay it on the line for you. Honestly, I have tried using Paypal to fund Fighting One Eyed Bears, but people did not take it serious. Now, if I take the paypal button off will that fix anything. Nope. Of course, having the button does not help either since I get no money out of it anyway and I cry every night because I get nothing for supporting my family on that given day or week.\r\n\r\nNo, seriously. I literally cry in my pillow or somewhere in private. Nobody is less of a man for crying for the lives of their family members.\r\n\r\nI have even tried using Google ad\'s instead and affiliate links, but all I get now and then are impressions and a few clicks. It all boils to the one thing that will not only feed myself as well as my family, but also increase the chances of games being made - what the viewers do on my websites.\r\n\r\nI spend more time writing articles than doing my true calling in life, programming, game development and administration.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Training in the Navy Was Wasted</span></h3>\r\nDid you know that I was a Yeoman in the Navy. A Yeoman is like an administrative assistant. Don\'t you think it is awesome that thousands of tax dollars went to waste to train me to do administrative work and the skill not be used at all. That tax money applies to all United States citizens.\r\n\r\nMy training was for absolutely nothing. I spent three years in the Navy and filed and stamped a few records and fulfilled some vacation requests. I even past the E-4 test with flying colors. Now, it is all worth nothing.\r\n\r\nMy reward is preparing to starve and (if I survive) live in Mexico for the rest of my days without even money for a plane ticket back to the United States of America.\r\n<h2><span style=\"color: #000000;\">No More Paypal Button</span></h2>\r\nSo, I tell you what. I will play the game of the viewers. I will take down my paypal buttons and we will see how it all turns out in the end.\r\n\r\nInstead of me wishing you the best, it will be more like you wish me luck. Your life is not in my hands, but it is rather the other way around. My life is in the hands of all viewers as well as the governments that I may reside under.\r\n\r\nIf you have any questions or feedback (either positive or negative), please leave a comment in the replies section below. I am not really doing much else with my time except writing articles all day so I will definitely be getting back with you.\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\">Oh ya. Almost forgot my game list.</p>\r\n\r\n<h2 style=\"text-align: center;\"><span style=\"color: #000000;\">List of Games:</span></h2>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"><a title=\"Fighting One Eyed Bears\" href=\"http://kattnergames.com/FlashGame3.html\" target=\"_blank\">Fighting One Eyed Bears</a></p>','Our Games','','inherit','open','open','','16-revision-v1','','','2013-10-02 12:21:56','2013-10-02 18:21:56','',16,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=40',0,'revision','',0),(41,2,'2013-10-02 12:23:29','2013-10-02 18:23:29','<h2><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Game Explanation</span></h2>\r\n<img class=\"size-medium wp-image-36 alignright\" title=\"Jakobs-Family\" alt=\"Jakobs-Family\" src=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/El-Centro-4-300x278.jpg\" width=\"300\" height=\"278\" />\r\nIn this section at the very bottom, you will see a list of all the games we currently have made by us and only us. If you are looking for something else, look at our finding games page. If you do not want to read my stuff here, then feel free to skip to the bottom of the page. I was pretty much expressing my personal opinions and feelings in this page.\r\n\r\nOne of the games we have developed is Fighting One Eyed Bears in the list below.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Don\'t Judge Me</span></h3>\r\nNow, before you go judging me or my company, please understand where I am coming from. I have worked many years in a warehouse, I was in the Navy, I worked in a callcenter, and I use to work as production in Pizza Hut. Now, I have nothing except Kattner Games. I have a wife and two kids that will be starving eventually and I live in Mexico although I am citizen of the United States.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Some Places Are Poor In Mexico</span></h3>\r\nMy only alternative will be to get a job in Mexico for cash only. Mexico does not pay by the hour. They pay by the day. You could work for 10 or 12 hours and still get paid the same for an eight hour day. I completely understand why there are a lot of struggling families in Mexico. I have visited them too and some of them have just one or two rooms for a house. Some house just have a dirt floor. Now, don\'t get me wrong. There is technology here. It is not the stone age. The problem is people are struggling financially.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Paypal Is Not Always A Scam</span></h3>\r\nI know people think (and I know I have been told not to say this on a website) all website with a paypal button is a scam. That is a false presumption. Ya, some sites are but some are legit. For all you know, you just killed a family member by not giving that person money.\r\n\r\nThat is the root of the paranoia. People do not know what or who is on the other end of Paypal. I can completely relate you on that one.\r\n\r\nNow, I know I may seem to be off-topic here, but in reality this does have to do with my games. I am going to lay it on the line for you. Honestly, I have tried using Paypal to fund Fighting One Eyed Bears, but people did not take it serious. Now, if I take the paypal button off will that fix anything. Nope. Of course, having the button does not help either since I get no money out of it anyway and I cry every night because I get nothing for supporting my family on that given day or week.\r\n\r\nNo, seriously. I literally cry in my pillow or somewhere in private. Nobody is less of a man for crying for the lives of their family members.\r\n\r\nI have even tried using Google ad\'s instead and affiliate links, but all I get now and then are impressions and a few clicks. It all boils to the one thing that will not only feed myself as well as my family, but also increase the chances of games being made - what the viewers do on my websites.\r\n\r\nI spend more time writing articles than doing my true calling in life, programming, game development and administration.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Training in the Navy Was Wasted</span></h3>\r\nDid you know that I was a Yeoman in the Navy. A Yeoman is like an administrative assistant. Don\'t you think it is awesome that thousands of tax dollars went to waste to train me to do administrative work and the skill not be used at all. That tax money applies to all United States citizens.\r\n\r\nMy training was for absolutely nothing. I spent three years in the Navy and filed and stamped a few records and fulfilled some vacation requests. I even past the E-4 test with flying colors. Now, it is all worth nothing.\r\n\r\nMy reward is preparing to starve and (if I survive) live in Mexico for the rest of my days without even money for a plane ticket back to the United States of America.\r\n<h2><span style=\"color: #000000;\">No More Paypal Button</span></h2>\r\nSo, I tell you what. I will play the game of the viewers. I will take down my paypal buttons and we will see how it all turns out in the end.\r\n\r\nInstead of me wishing you the best, it will be more like you wish me luck. Your life is not in my hands, but it is rather the other way around. My life is in the hands of all viewers as well as the governments that I may reside under.\r\n\r\nIf you have any questions or feedback (either positive or negative), please leave a comment in the replies section below. I am not really doing much else with my time except writing articles all day so I will definitely be getting back with you.\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\">Oh ya. Almost forgot my game list.</p>\r\n\r\n<h2 style=\"text-align: center;\"><span style=\"color: #000000;\">List of Games:</span></h2>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"><a title=\"Fighting One Eyed Bears\" href=\"http://kattnergames.com/FlashGame3.html\" target=\"_blank\">Fighting One Eyed Bears</a></p>','Our Games','','inherit','open','open','','16-revision-v1','','','2013-10-02 12:23:29','2013-10-02 18:23:29','',16,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=41',0,'revision','',0),(42,2,'2013-10-02 12:24:45','2013-10-02 18:24:45','<h2><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Game Explanation</span></h2>\r\n<img class=\"size-medium wp-image-36 alignright\" title=\"Jakobs-Family\" alt=\"Jakobs-Family\" src=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/El-Centro-4-300x278.jpg\" width=\"300\" height=\"278\" />\r\nIn this section at the very bottom, you will see a list of all the games we currently have made by us and only us. If you are looking for something else, look at our finding games page. If you do not want to read my stuff here, then feel free to skip to the bottom of the page. I was pretty much expressing my personal opinions and feelings in this page.\r\n\r\nOne of the games we have developed is Fighting One Eyed Bears in the list below.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Don\'t Judge Me</span></h3>\r\nNow, before you go judging me or my company, please understand where I am coming from. I have worked many years in a warehouse, I was in the Navy, I worked in a callcenter, and I use to work as production in Pizza Hut. Now, I have nothing except Kattner Games. I have a wife and two kids that will be starving eventually and I live in Mexico although I am citizen of the United States.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Some Places Are Poor In Mexico</span></h3>\r\nMy only alternative will be to get a job in Mexico for cash only. Mexico does not pay by the hour. They pay by the day. You could work for 10 or 12 hours and still get paid the same for an eight hour day. I completely understand why there are a lot of struggling families in Mexico. I have visited them too and some of them have just one or two rooms for a house. Some house just have a dirt floor. Now, don\'t get me wrong. There is technology here. It is not the stone age. The problem is people are struggling financially.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Paypal Is Not Always A Scam</span></h3>\r\nI know people think (and I know I have been told not to say this on a website) all website with a paypal button is a scam. That is a false presumption. Ya, some sites are but some are legit. For all you know, you just killed a family member by not giving that person money.\r\n\r\nThat is the root of the paranoia. People do not know what or who is on the other end of Paypal. I can completely relate you on that one.\r\n\r\nNow, I know I may seem to be off-topic here, but in reality this does have to do with my games. I am going to lay it on the line for you. Honestly, I have tried using Paypal to fund Fighting One Eyed Bears, but people did not take it serious. Now, if I take the paypal button off will that fix anything. Nope. Of course, having the button does not help either since I get no money out of it anyway and I cry every night because I get nothing for supporting my family on that given day or week.\r\n\r\nNo, seriously. I literally cry in my pillow or somewhere in private. Nobody is less of a man for crying for the lives of their family members.\r\n\r\nI have even tried using Google ad\'s instead and affiliate links, but all I get now and then are impressions and a few clicks. It all boils to the one thing that will not only feed myself as well as my family, but also increase the chances of games being made - what the viewers do on my websites.\r\n\r\nI spend more time writing articles than doing my true calling in life, programming, game development and administration.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Training in the Navy Was Wasted</span></h3>\r\nDid you know that I was a Yeoman in the Navy. A Yeoman is like an administrative assistant. Don\'t you think it is awesome that thousands of tax dollars went to waste to train me to do administrative work and the skill not be used at all. That tax money applies to all United States citizens.\r\n\r\nMy training was for absolutely nothing. I spent three years in the Navy and filed and stamped a few records and fulfilled some vacation requests. I even past the E-4 test with flying colors. Now, it is all worth nothing.\r\n\r\nMy reward is preparing to starve and (if I survive) live in Mexico for the rest of my days without even money for a plane ticket back to the United States of America.\r\n<h2><span style=\"color: #000000;\">No More Paypal Button</span></h2>\r\nSo, I tell you what. I will play the game of the viewers. I will take down my paypal buttons and we will see how it all turns out in the end.\r\n\r\nInstead of me wishing you the best, it will be more like you wish me luck. Your life is not in my hands, but it is rather the other way around. My life is in the hands of all viewers as well as the governments that I may reside under.\r\n\r\nIf you have any questions or feedback (either positive or negative), please leave a comment in the replies section below. I am not really doing much else with my time except writing articles all day so I will definitely be getting back with you.\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\">Oh ya. Almost forgot my game list. The below link(s) are still in the old website version and there may be no return back to this page. Back button may be needed to be used.</p>\r\n\r\n<h2 style=\"text-align: center;\"><span style=\"color: #000000;\">List of Games:</span></h2>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"><a title=\"Fighting One Eyed Bears\" href=\"http://kattnergames.com/FlashGame3.html\" target=\"_blank\">Fighting One Eyed Bears</a></p>','Our Games','','inherit','open','open','','16-revision-v1','','','2013-10-02 12:24:45','2013-10-02 18:24:45','',16,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=42',0,'revision','',0),(43,2,'2013-10-02 12:26:58','2013-10-02 18:26:58','<h2><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Game Explanation</span></h2>\r\n<img class=\"size-medium wp-image-36 alignright\" title=\"Jakobs-Family\" alt=\"Jakobs-Family\" src=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/El-Centro-4-300x278.jpg\" width=\"300\" height=\"278\" />\r\nIn this section at the very bottom, you will see a list of all the games we currently have made by us and only us. If you are looking for something else, look at our finding games page. If you do not want to read my stuff here, then feel free to skip to the bottom of the page. I was pretty much expressing my personal opinions and feelings in this page.\r\n\r\nOne of the games we have developed is Fighting One Eyed Bears in the list below.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Don\'t Judge Me</span></h3>\r\nNow, before you go judging me or my company, please understand where I am coming from. I have worked many years in a warehouse, I was in the Navy, I worked in a callcenter, and I use to work as production in Pizza Hut. Now, I have nothing except Kattner Games. I have a wife and two kids that will be starving eventually and I live in Mexico although I am citizen of the United States.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Some Places Are Poor In Mexico</span></h3>\r\nMy only alternative will be to get a job in Mexico for cash only. Mexico does not pay by the hour. They pay by the day. You could work for 10 or 12 hours and still get paid the same for an eight hour day. I completely understand why there are a lot of struggling families in Mexico. I have visited them too and some of them have just one or two rooms for a house. Some house just have a dirt floor. Now, don\'t get me wrong. There is technology here. It is not the stone age. The problem is people are struggling financially.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Paypal Is Not Always A Scam</span></h3>\r\nI know people think (and I know I have been told not to say this on a website) all website with a paypal button is a scam. That is a false presumption. Ya, some sites are but some are legit. For all you know, you just killed a family member by not giving that person money.\r\n\r\nThat is the root of the paranoia. People do not know what or who is on the other end of Paypal. I can completely relate you on that one.\r\n\r\nNow, I know I may seem to be off-topic here, but in reality this does have to do with my games. I am going to lay it on the line for you. Honestly, I have tried using Paypal to fund Fighting One Eyed Bears, but people did not take it serious. Now, if I take the paypal button off will that fix anything. Nope. Of course, having the button does not help either since I get no money out of it anyway and I cry every night because I get nothing for supporting my family on that given day or week.\r\n\r\nNo, seriously. I literally cry in my pillow or somewhere in private. Nobody is less of a man for crying for the lives of their family members.\r\n\r\nI have even tried using Google ad\'s instead and affiliate links, but all I get now and then are impressions and a few clicks. It all boils to the one thing that will not only feed myself as well as my family, but also increase the chances of games being made - what the viewers do on my websites.\r\n\r\nI spend more time writing articles than doing my true calling in life, programming, game development and administration.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Training in the Navy Was Wasted</span></h3>\r\nDid you know that I was a Yeoman in the Navy? A Yeoman is like an administrative assistant. Don\'t you think it is awesome that thousands of tax dollars went to waste to train me to do administrative work and the skill not be used at all. That tax money applies to all United States citizens.\r\n\r\nMy training was for absolutely nothing. I spent three years in the Navy and filed and stamped a few records and fulfilled some vacation requests. I even past the E-4 test with flying colors. Now, it is all worth nothing.\r\n\r\nMy reward is preparing to starve and (if I survive) live in Mexico for the rest of my days without even money for a plane ticket back to the United States of America.\r\n<h2><span style=\"color: #000000;\">No More Paypal Button</span></h2>\r\nSo, I tell you what. I will play the game of the viewers. I will take down my paypal buttons and we will see how it all turns out in the end.\r\n\r\nInstead of me wishing you the best, it will be more like you wish me luck. Your life is not in my hands, but it is rather the other way around. My life is in the hands of all viewers as well as the governments that I may reside under.\r\n\r\nIf you have any questions or feedback (either positive or negative), please leave a comment in the replies section below. I am not really doing much else with my time except writing articles all day so I will definitely be getting back with you.\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\">Oh ya. Almost forgot my game list. The below link(s) are still in the old website version and there may be no return back to this page. Back button may be needed to be used.</p>\r\n\r\n<h2 style=\"text-align: center;\"><span style=\"color: #000000;\">List of Games:</span></h2>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"><a title=\"Fighting One Eyed Bears\" href=\"http://kattnergames.com/FlashGame3.html\" target=\"_blank\">Fighting One Eyed Bears</a></p>','Our Games','','inherit','open','open','','16-revision-v1','','','2013-10-02 12:26:58','2013-10-02 18:26:58','',16,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=43',0,'revision','',0),(120,2,'2014-10-22 21:34:27','2014-10-23 03:34:27','<h2><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Game Explanation</span></h2>\r\n<img class=\"size-medium wp-image-36 alignright\" title=\"Jakobs-Family\" src=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/El-Centro-4-300x278.jpg\" alt=\"Jakobs-Family\" width=\"300\" height=\"278\" />\r\nIn this section at the very bottom, you will see a list of all the games we currently have made by us and only us. If you are looking for something else, look at our finding games page. If you do not want to read my stuff here, then feel free to skip to the bottom of the page.\r\n\r\nOne of the games we have developed is Fighting One Eyed Bears in the list below.\r\n<h2><span style=\"color: #000000;\">About Fight One Eyed Bears</span></h2>\r\nThe flash game is about bears fighting each other in a forest to see who is the toughest. It is very short timeframe in order to win it, but it is very difficult to reach the end without having to restart many times as well as use multiple bears to just beat it with one of the bears. There are battles scars that can be earned by completing each phase with each bear. Without battle scars being earned, the game will be near impossible to beat. I say near impossible, because I have beat it a couple of times using the brown bear and especially the purple bear.\r\n\r\nIf you can not win it with the purple bear, then there is something wrong with you. The purple bear flies past phase one and phase two like it is child\'s play. Phase 3 might be a small challenge for him though.\r\n<h2><span style=\"color: #000000;\">About Monsters of the Hydra</span></h2>\r\nI also have created a board game called Monsters of the Hydra which can be purchased at The Game Crafter website. I do own the actual game, but I have not fully tested it yet. It is about a group of heroes who are seeking a hydra that unleashed a myriad of monsters into the world.\r\n\r\nThe game may prove very difficult for new players, so it is recommended to either use the optional rules at the back of the handbook or play with eight players without using the optional rules and have all players stay together to wipe out the tough monsters. It is also recommended to get healing potions as soon as possible and spirit potions for leveling up quicker. I put in double the amount of weak monsters, but the difficult ones will still pop up.\r\n\r\nAlso feel free to combine board games if you manage to buy more than one of them. Just make sure you remember the amount of pieces you have from each game.\r\n<h2 style=\"text-align: center;\"><span style=\"color: #000000;\">List of Games:</span></h2>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"><a title=\"Fighting One Eyed Bears\" href=\"http://kattnergames.com/FlashGame3.html\" target=\"_blank\">Fighting One Eyed Bears</a></p>\r\n\r\n<center>\r\n<form style=\"display: inline;\" action=\"https://www.thegamecrafter.com/checkout/sku/161074EA-40C2-11E4-BDE5-9E8976A71B91\" method=\"POST\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Buy "Monsters of the Hydra"\" /></form> \r\n\r\n</center>','Our Games','','inherit','open','open','','16-revision-v1','','','2014-10-22 21:34:27','2014-10-23 03:34:27','',16,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=120',0,'revision','',0),(44,2,'2013-10-02 12:28:13','2013-10-02 18:28:13','<h2><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Game Explanation</span></h2>\r\n<img class=\"size-medium wp-image-36 alignright\" title=\"Jakobs-Family\" alt=\"Jakobs-Family\" src=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/El-Centro-4-300x278.jpg\" width=\"300\" height=\"278\" />\r\nIn this section at the very bottom, you will see a list of all the games we currently have made by us and only us. If you are looking for something else, look at our finding games page. If you do not want to read my stuff here, then feel free to skip to the bottom of the page. I was pretty much expressing my personal opinions and feelings (drama) in this page.\r\n\r\nOne of the games we have developed is Fighting One Eyed Bears in the list below.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Don\'t Judge Me</span></h3>\r\nNow, before you go judging me or my company, please understand where I am coming from. I have worked many years in a warehouse, I was in the Navy, I worked in a callcenter, and I use to work as production in Pizza Hut. Now, I have nothing except Kattner Games. I have a wife and two kids that will be starving eventually and I live in Mexico although I am citizen of the United States.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Some Places Are Poor In Mexico</span></h3>\r\nMy only alternative will be to get a job in Mexico for cash only. Mexico does not pay by the hour. They pay by the day. You could work for 10 or 12 hours and still get paid the same for an eight hour day. I completely understand why there are a lot of struggling families in Mexico. I have visited them too and some of them have just one or two rooms for a house. Some house just have a dirt floor. Now, don\'t get me wrong. There is technology here. It is not the stone age. The problem is people are struggling financially.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Paypal Is Not Always A Scam</span></h3>\r\nI know people think (and I know I have been told not to say this on a website) all website with a paypal button is a scam. That is a false presumption. Ya, some sites are but some are legit. For all you know, you just killed a family member by not giving that person money.\r\n\r\nThat is the root of the paranoia. People do not know what or who is on the other end of Paypal. I can completely relate you on that one.\r\n\r\nNow, I know I may seem to be off-topic here, but in reality this does have to do with my games. I am going to lay it on the line for you. Honestly, I have tried using Paypal to fund Fighting One Eyed Bears, but people did not take it serious. Now, if I take the paypal button off will that fix anything. Nope. Of course, having the button does not help either since I get no money out of it anyway and I cry every night because I get nothing for supporting my family on that given day or week.\r\n\r\nNo, seriously. I literally cry in my pillow or somewhere in private. Nobody is less of a man for crying for the lives of their family members.\r\n\r\nI have even tried using Google ad\'s instead and affiliate links, but all I get now and then are impressions and a few clicks. It all boils to the one thing that will not only feed myself as well as my family, but also increase the chances of games being made - what the viewers do on my websites.\r\n\r\nI spend more time writing articles than doing my true calling in life, programming, game development and administration.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Training in the Navy Was Wasted</span></h3>\r\nDid you know that I was a Yeoman in the Navy? A Yeoman is like an administrative assistant. Don\'t you think it is awesome that thousands of tax dollars went to waste to train me to do administrative work and the skill not be used at all. That tax money applies to all United States citizens.\r\n\r\nMy training was for absolutely nothing. I spent three years in the Navy and filed and stamped a few records and fulfilled some vacation requests. I even past the E-4 test with flying colors. Now, it is all worth nothing.\r\n\r\nMy reward is preparing to starve and (if I survive) live in Mexico for the rest of my days without even money for a plane ticket back to the United States of America.\r\n<h2><span style=\"color: #000000;\">No More Paypal Button</span></h2>\r\nSo, I tell you what. I will play the game of the viewers. I will take down my paypal buttons and we will see how it all turns out in the end.\r\n\r\nInstead of me wishing you the best, it will be more like you wish me luck. Your life is not in my hands, but it is rather the other way around. My life is in the hands of all viewers as well as the governments that I may reside under.\r\n\r\nIf you have any questions or feedback (either positive or negative), please leave a comment in the replies section below. I am not really doing much else with my time except writing articles all day so I will definitely be getting back with you.\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\">Oh ya. Almost forgot my game list. The below link(s) are still in the old website version and there may be no return back to this page. Back button may be needed to be used.</p>\r\n\r\n<h2 style=\"text-align: center;\"><span style=\"color: #000000;\">List of Games:</span></h2>\r\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"><a title=\"Fighting One Eyed Bears\" href=\"http://kattnergames.com/FlashGame3.html\" target=\"_blank\">Fighting One Eyed Bears</a></p>','Our Games','','inherit','open','open','','16-revision-v1','','','2013-10-02 12:28:13','2013-10-02 18:28:13','',16,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=44',0,'revision','',0),(45,2,'2013-10-02 12:38:30','2013-10-02 18:38:30','<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">I Will Search For Games For You</span></h3>\r\nI am going to make this brief and too the point. You tell me whatever game you are looking for and I will go and find your game for you. Just make sure you tell me the name of it, the category it belongs to, and how old it is. After I find it, I will leave a comment in this section as well as create a post about it for anybody else that may be looking for it.\r\n\r\nI will create a link to where the game will be located at (mostly a store you can buy it from) in the post created and not in the comments area.\r\n\r\nPlease, no links in my comments section without my approval first. I do not want any spam here.\r\n\r\nIf you have any further questions about this post, please let me know in the replies section below.','Help Finding Games','','inherit','open','open','','20-revision-v1','','','2013-10-02 12:38:30','2013-10-02 18:38:30','',20,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=45',0,'revision','',0),(46,2,'2013-10-02 12:41:05','2013-10-02 18:41:05','','Home','','publish','open','open','','home','','','2013-10-02 12:41:05','2013-10-02 18:41:05','',0,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=46',1,'nav_menu_item','',0),(47,2,'2013-10-02 12:41:05','2013-10-02 18:41:05',' ','','','publish','open','open','','47','','','2013-10-02 12:41:05','2013-10-02 18:41:05','',0,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=47',4,'nav_menu_item','',0),(48,2,'2013-10-02 12:41:05','2013-10-02 18:41:05',' ','','','publish','open','open','','48','','','2013-10-02 12:41:05','2013-10-02 18:41:05','',0,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=48',2,'nav_menu_item','',0),(49,2,'2013-10-02 12:41:05','2013-10-02 18:41:05',' ','','','publish','open','open','','49','','','2013-10-02 12:41:05','2013-10-02 18:41:05','',0,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=49',3,'nav_menu_item','',0),(50,2,'2013-10-02 12:41:05','2013-10-02 18:41:05',' ','','','publish','open','open','','50','','','2013-10-02 12:41:05','2013-10-02 18:41:05','',0,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=50',5,'nav_menu_item','',0),(51,2,'2013-10-02 12:41:05','2013-10-02 18:41:05',' ','','','publish','open','open','','51','','','2013-10-02 12:41:05','2013-10-02 18:41:05','',0,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=51',6,'nav_menu_item','',0),(52,2,'2013-10-02 12:41:05','2013-10-02 18:41:05',' ','','','publish','open','open','','52','','','2013-10-02 12:41:05','2013-10-02 18:41:05','',0,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=52',7,'nav_menu_item','',0),(53,2,'2013-10-03 16:29:00','2013-10-03 22:29:00','<h2><img class=\"aligncenter size-full wp-image-54\" title=\"Kattner-Games-Playing-Minecraft\" alt=\"Kattner Games Playing Minecraft\" src=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/KattnerGamesPlayingMinecraft2.gif\" width=\"800\" height=\"70\" /></h2>\r\n<h2><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Fan That Loves Minecraft</span></h2>\r\nWe all know I have another page on my website called Playing Minecraft that I keep announcing on my minecraft youtube tournament video. For those that wish to keep visiting it, that is fine. I will keep it up for now, so as to not confuse YouTube viewers. I also have a Minecraft Tournaments page as well that I will continue to keep up. Those will get out of date eventually because I plan to replace within this part of my site.\r\n\r\nYes, I am a big Minecraft fan as well. I hold tournaments every Saturday even if I am pretty much playing solo. It would be nice to have other players to play with, but I don\'t mind playing alone. You are probably wondering what is so special about my tournaments. Maybe to some people they may not be the coolest, but I love them and that is all that counts.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Building My Tournaments</span></h3>\r\nSo to pretty much build my tournaments, as I stated before, I use McEdit as well as manually modify it. I do pay for my server to be hosted. Yes, more money out of my pocket. I pay for the server and this website. What fun and joy. Personally, I love the game itself, but not having to pay to show other people my hard work. Guess creativity comes with a sacrifice.\r\n<p align=\"center\"><iframe src=\"//www.youtube.com/embed/hBQtlgf24Fw\" height=\"360\" width=\"480\" allowfullscreen=\"\" frameborder=\"0\"></iframe></p>\r\nOn my other page, I did post a banner on it and I will be more than glad to post the same banner right here on this post as well for those wishing to participate on my server. Just let me know if you wish to come, so I can have everything ready on time. Usually when I know it will end up being solo session, I take my time preparing everything and I wait until Saturday. I apologize for being such a slacker. That is just me.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">A lot of Multitasking</span></h3>\r\nPlus, I also run other websites and not just this one, so that kind of causes me to push it off to the last minute as well. Being in charge of four websites is no easy task, but I have to do it.\r\n\r\nTo top things off, I have a friend constantly requesting for me to have a website dedicated to Guild Wars. There is one thing with ArenaNet though is they are kind of strict on for-profit organizations (whether it makes money or not).\r\n\r\nMojang on the other hand is a little nicer about it. They know that if people get interested in there stuff somewhere else, it will make their profits even bigger. The makers of Minecraft are really bright and not so underhandedly sneaky like some other companies that exist out there.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Minecraft Has Great Features</span></h3>\r\nLook I have a Minecraft account and if you do not already have one, I want you to get one. Minecraft is not just some boring game with block people that build uninteresting shapes all day. It is much more than that. Why sure, I thought that at first. After you play it for awhile, you will realize you can create masterpieces, fight off enemies - even a dragon, form small parties, and even create an adventure setting.\r\n\r\nYes, you heard me right. It has an adventure mode where you are forced to use tools and do things the hard way. No more digging with your bare hands on everything you see. It also keeps players from ruining your town without having to first hunt down the materials to ruin your town. That is assuming you allow the materials to be there.\r\n\r\nI could talk to you all day about all the aspects of Minecraft, but sometimes it is just best to check it out for yourself.\r\n<p align=\"center\"><iframe style=\"width: 120px; height: 240px;\" src=\"http://rcm-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/cm?t=dunganddragga-20&o=1&p=8&l=as1&asins=B00BU3ZLJQ&ref=tf_til&fc1=000000&IS2=1&lt1=_blank&m=amazon&lc1=0000FF&bc1=000000&bg1=FFFFFF&f=ifr\" height=\"240\" width=\"320\" frameborder=\"0\" marginwidth=\"0\" marginheight=\"0\" scrolling=\"no\"></iframe></p>\r\nIf you need any assistance or have any questions, please let me know in the comments section below or visit my <a title=\"Kattner Games Facebook Page\" href=\"https://www.facebook.com/KattnerGames\" target=\"_blank\">Kattner Games facebook page</a> and leave a comment on one of my posts there. I can also be reached on Google plus and Twitter.\r\n\r\nYour Fellow Minecraft Player\r\n\r\nJakob','Minecraft Game Review - Great Game To Play','','publish','open','open','','minecraft-game-review-great-game-to-play','','','2013-10-07 15:10:14','2013-10-07 21:10:14','',0,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=53',0,'post','',0),(54,2,'2013-10-03 16:15:21','2013-10-03 22:15:21','','Kattner Games Playing Minecraft2','','inherit','open','open','','kattnergamesplayingminecraft2','','','2013-10-03 16:15:21','2013-10-03 22:15:21','',53,'http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/KattnerGamesPlayingMinecraft2.gif',0,'attachment','image/gif',0),(55,2,'2013-10-03 16:17:55','2013-10-03 22:17:55','<h2><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Fan That Loves Minecraft</span></h2>\r\nWe all know I have another page on my website called Playing Minecraft that I keep announcing on my YouTube video. For those that wish to keep visiting it, that is fine. I will keep it up for now, so as to not confuse YouTube viewers. I also have a Minecraft Tournaments page as well that I will continue to keep up. Those will get out of date eventually because I plan to replace within this part of my site.\r\n\r\nYes, I am a big Minecraft fan as well. I hold tournaments every Saturdays even if I am pretty much playing solo. It would be nice to have other players to play with, but I don\'t mind playing alone. You are probably wondering what is so special about my tournaments. Maybe to some people they may not be the coolest, but I love them and that is all that counts.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Building My Tournaments</span></h3>\r\nSo to pretty much build my tournaments, as I stated before, I use McEdit as well as manually modify it. I do pay for my server to be hosted. Yes, more money out of my pocket. I pay for the server and this website. What fun and joy. Personally, I love the game itself but not having to pay to show other people my hard work. Guess creativity comes with a sacrifice.\r\n\r\nOn my other page, I did post a banner on it and I will be more than glad to post the same banner right here on this post as well for those wishing to participate on my server. Just let me know if you wish to come, so I can have everything ready on time. Usually when I know it will end up being solo, I take my time preparing everything and I wait until Saturday. I apologize for being such a slacker. That is just me.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">A lot of Multitasking</span></h3>\r\nPlus, I also run other websites and not just this one, so that kind of cause me to push it off to the last minute as well. Being in charge of four websites is no easy task, but I have to do it.\r\n\r\nTo top things off, I have a friend constantly requesting for me to have a website dedicated to Guild Wars. There is one thing with ArenaNet though is they are kind of strict on for-profit organization (whether it makes money or not).\r\n\r\nMojang on the other hand is little nicer about it. They know that if people get interested in there stuff somewhere else, it will make their profits even bigger. The makers of Minecraft are really bright and not so underhandedly sneaky like some other companies that exist out there.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Minecraft Has Great Features</span></h3>\r\nLook I have a Minecraft account and if you do not already have one, I want you to get one. Minecraft is not just some boring game with block people that build uninteresting shapes all day. It is much more than that. Why sure, I thought that at first. After you play it for awhile, you will realize you can create masterpieces, fight off enemies - even a dragon, form small parties, and even create an adventure setting.\r\n\r\nYes, you heard me right. It has an adventure mode where you are forced to use tools and do things the hard way. No more digging with your bare hands on everything you see. It also keeps players from ruining your town without having to first hunt down the materials to ruin your town. That is assuming you allow the materials to be there.\r\n\r\nI could talk to you all day about all the aspects of Minecraft, but sometimes it is just best to check it out for yourself.\r\n<p align=\"center\"><iframe style=\"width: 120px; height: 240px;\" src=\"http://rcm-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/cm?t=dunganddragga-20&o=1&p=8&l=as1&asins=B00BU3ZLJQ&ref=tf_til&fc1=000000&IS2=1&lt1=_blank&m=amazon&lc1=0000FF&bc1=000000&bg1=FFFFFF&f=ifr\" height=\"240\" width=\"320\" frameborder=\"0\" marginwidth=\"0\" marginheight=\"0\" scrolling=\"no\"></iframe></p>\r\nIf you need any assistance or have any questions, please let me know in the comments section below or visit my <a title=\"Kattner Games Facebook Page\" href=\"https://www.facebook.com/KattnerGames\" target=\"_blank\">Kattner Games facebook page</a> and leave a comment on one of my posts there. I can also be reached on Google plus and Twitter.\r\n\r\nYour Fellow Minecraft Player\r\n\r\nJakob','Minecraft Game Review - Great Game To Play','','inherit','open','open','','53-revision-v1','','','2013-10-03 16:17:55','2013-10-03 22:17:55','',53,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=55',0,'revision','',0),(56,2,'2013-10-03 16:29:00','2013-10-03 22:29:00','<h2><img class=\"aligncenter size-full wp-image-54\" alt=\"Kattner Games Playing Minecraft\" src=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/KattnerGamesPlayingMinecraft2.gif\" width=\"800\" height=\"70\" /></h2>\r\n<h2><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Fan That Loves Minecraft</span></h2>\r\nWe all know I have another page on my website called Playing Minecraft that I keep announcing on my minecraft youtube tournament video. For those that wish to keep visiting it, that is fine. I will keep it up for now, so as to not confuse YouTube viewers. I also have a Minecraft Tournaments page as well that I will continue to keep up. Those will get out of date eventually because I plan to replace within this part of my site.\r\n\r\nYes, I am a big Minecraft fan as well. I hold tournaments every Saturday even if I am pretty much playing solo. It would be nice to have other players to play with, but I don\'t mind playing alone. You are probably wondering what is so special about my tournaments. Maybe to some people they may not be the coolest, but I love them and that is all that counts.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Building My Tournaments</span></h3>\r\nSo to pretty much build my tournaments, as I stated before, I use McEdit as well as manually modify it. I do pay for my server to be hosted. Yes, more money out of my pocket. I pay for the server and this website. What fun and joy. Personally, I love the game itself, but not having to pay to show other people my hard work. Guess creativity comes with a sacrifice.\r\n<p align=\"center\"><iframe src=\"//www.youtube.com/embed/hBQtlgf24Fw\" height=\"360\" width=\"480\" allowfullscreen=\"\" frameborder=\"0\"></iframe></p>\r\nOn my other page, I did post a banner on it and I will be more than glad to post the same banner right here on this post as well for those wishing to participate on my server. Just let me know if you wish to come, so I can have everything ready on time. Usually when I know it will end up being solo session, I take my time preparing everything and I wait until Saturday. I apologize for being such a slacker. That is just me.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">A lot of Multitasking</span></h3>\r\nPlus, I also run other websites and not just this one, so that kind of causes me to push it off to the last minute as well. Being in charge of four websites is no easy task, but I have to do it.\r\n\r\nTo top things off, I have a friend constantly requesting for me to have a website dedicated to Guild Wars. There is one thing with ArenaNet though is they are kind of strict on for-profit organizations (whether it makes money or not).\r\n\r\nMojang on the other hand is a little nicer about it. They know that if people get interested in there stuff somewhere else, it will make their profits even bigger. The makers of Minecraft are really bright and not so underhandedly sneaky like some other companies that exist out there.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Minecraft Has Great Features</span></h3>\r\nLook I have a Minecraft account and if you do not already have one, I want you to get one. Minecraft is not just some boring game with block people that build uninteresting shapes all day. It is much more than that. Why sure, I thought that at first. After you play it for awhile, you will realize you can create masterpieces, fight off enemies - even a dragon, form small parties, and even create an adventure setting.\r\n\r\nYes, you heard me right. It has an adventure mode where you are forced to use tools and do things the hard way. No more digging with your bare hands on everything you see. It also keeps players from ruining your town without having to first hunt down the materials to ruin your town. That is assuming you allow the materials to be there.\r\n\r\nI could talk to you all day about all the aspects of Minecraft, but sometimes it is just best to check it out for yourself.\r\n<p align=\"center\"><iframe style=\"width: 120px; height: 240px;\" src=\"http://rcm-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/cm?t=dunganddragga-20&o=1&p=8&l=as1&asins=B00BU3ZLJQ&ref=tf_til&fc1=000000&IS2=1&lt1=_blank&m=amazon&lc1=0000FF&bc1=000000&bg1=FFFFFF&f=ifr\" height=\"240\" width=\"320\" frameborder=\"0\" marginwidth=\"0\" marginheight=\"0\" scrolling=\"no\"></iframe></p>\r\nIf you need any assistance or have any questions, please let me know in the comments section below or visit my <a title=\"Kattner Games Facebook Page\" href=\"https://www.facebook.com/KattnerGames\" target=\"_blank\">Kattner Games facebook page</a> and leave a comment on one of my posts there. I can also be reached on Google plus and Twitter.\r\n\r\nYour Fellow Minecraft Player\r\n\r\nJakob','Minecraft Game Review - Great Game To Play','','inherit','open','open','','53-revision-v1','','','2013-10-03 16:29:00','2013-10-03 22:29:00','',53,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=56',0,'revision','',0),(57,2,'2014-05-18 19:09:35','2014-05-19 01:09:35','<h2><img class=\"aligncenter size-full wp-image-54\" title=\"Kattner-Games-Playing-Minecraft\" src=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/KattnerGamesPlayingMinecraft2.gif\" alt=\"Kattner Games Playing Minecraft\" width=\"800\" height=\"70\" /></h2>\n<h2><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Fan That Loves Minecraft</span></h2>\nWe all know I have another page on my website called Playing Minecraft that I keep announcing on my minecraft youtube tournament video. For those that wish to keep visiting it, that is fine. I will keep it up for now, so as to not confuse YouTube viewers. I also have a Minecraft Tournaments page as well that I will continue to keep up. Those will get out of date eventually because I plan to replace within this part of my site.\n\nYes, I am a big Minecraft fan as well. I hold tournaments every Saturday even if I am pretty much playing solo. It would be nice to have other players to play with, but I don\'t mind playing alone. You are probably wondering what is so special about my tournaments. Maybe to some people they may not be the coolest, but I love them and that is all that counts.\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Building My Tournaments</span></h3>\nSo to pretty much build my tournaments, as I stated before, I use McEdit as well as manually modify it. I do pay for my server to be hosted. Yes, more money out of my pocket. I pay for the server and this website. What fun and joy. Personally, I love the game itself, but not having to pay to show other people my hard work. Guess creativity comes with a sacrifice.\n<p align=\"center\"><iframe src=\"//www.youtube.com/embed/hBQtlgf24Fw\" width=\"480\" height=\"360\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen=\"allowfullscreen\"></iframe></p>\nOn my other page, I did post a banner on it and I will be more than glad to post the same banner right here on this post as well for those wishing to participate on my server. Just let me know if you wish to come, so I can have everything ready on time. Usually when I know it will end up being solo session, I take my time preparing everything and I wait until Saturday. I apologize for being such a slacker. That is just me.\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">A lot of Multitasking</span></h3>\nPlus, I also run other websites and not just this one, so that kind of causes me to push it off to the last minute as well. Being in charge of four websites is no easy task, but I have to do it.\n\nTo top things off, I have a friend constantly requesting for me to have a website dedicated to Guild Wars. There is one thing with ArenaNet though is they are kind of strict on for-profit organizations (whether it makes money or not).\n\nMojang on the other hand is a little nicer about it. They know that if people get interested in there stuff somewhere else, it will make their profits even bigger. The makers of Minecraft are really bright and not so underhandedly sneaky like some other companies that exist out there.\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Minecraft Has Great Features</span></h3>\nLook I have a Minecraft account and if you do not already have one, I want you to get one. Minecraft is not just some boring game with block people that build uninteresting shapes all day. It is much more than that. Why sure, I thought that at first. After you play it for awhile, you will realize you can create masterpieces, fight off enemies - even a dragon, form small parties, and even create an adventure setting.\n\nYes, you heard me right. It has an adventure mode where you are forced to use tools and do things the hard way. No more digging with your bare hands on everything you see. It also keeps players from ruining your town without having to first hunt down the materials to ruin your town. That is assuming you allow the materials to be there.\n\nI could talk to you all day about all the aspects of Minecraft, but sometimes it is just best to check it out for yourself.\n<p align=\"center\"><iframe style=\"width: 120px; height: 240px;\" src=\"http://rcm-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/cm?t=dunganddragga-20&o=1&p=8&l=as1&asins=B00BU3ZLJQ&ref=tf_til&fc1=000000&IS2=1&lt1=_blank&m=amazon&lc1=0000FF&bc1=000000&bg1=FFFFFF&f=ifr\" width=\"320\" height=\"240\" frameborder=\"0\" marginwidth=\"0\" marginheight=\"0\" scrolling=\"no\"></iframe></p>\nIf you need any assistance or have any questions, please let me know in the comments section below or visit my <a title=\"Kattner Games Facebook Page\" href=\"https://www.facebook.com/KattnerGames\" target=\"_blank\">Kattner Games facebook page</a> and leave a comment on one of my posts there. I can also be reached on Google plus and Twitter.\n\nYour Fellow Minecraft Player\n\nJakob','Minecraft Comentarios sobre el juego - Gran juego para jugar','','inherit','open','open','','53-autosave-v1','','','2014-05-18 19:09:35','2014-05-19 01:09:35','',53,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=57',0,'revision','',0),(58,2,'2013-10-03 16:36:04','2013-10-03 22:36:04','<h2><img class=\"aligncenter size-full wp-image-54\" title=\"Kattner-Games-Playing-Minecraft\" alt=\"Kattner Games Playing Minecraft\" src=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/KattnerGamesPlayingMinecraft2.gif\" width=\"800\" height=\"70\" /></h2>\r\n<h2><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Fan That Loves Minecraft</span></h2>\r\nWe all know I have another page on my website called Playing Minecraft that I keep announcing on my minecraft youtube tournament video. For those that wish to keep visiting it, that is fine. I will keep it up for now, so as to not confuse YouTube viewers. I also have a Minecraft Tournaments page as well that I will continue to keep up. Those will get out of date eventually because I plan to replace within this part of my site.\r\n\r\nYes, I am a big Minecraft fan as well. I hold tournaments every Saturday even if I am pretty much playing solo. It would be nice to have other players to play with, but I don\'t mind playing alone. You are probably wondering what is so special about my tournaments. Maybe to some people they may not be the coolest, but I love them and that is all that counts.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Building My Tournaments</span></h3>\r\nSo to pretty much build my tournaments, as I stated before, I use McEdit as well as manually modify it. I do pay for my server to be hosted. Yes, more money out of my pocket. I pay for the server and this website. What fun and joy. Personally, I love the game itself, but not having to pay to show other people my hard work. Guess creativity comes with a sacrifice.\r\n<p align=\"center\"><iframe src=\"//www.youtube.com/embed/hBQtlgf24Fw\" height=\"360\" width=\"480\" allowfullscreen=\"\" frameborder=\"0\"></iframe></p>\r\nOn my other page, I did post a banner on it and I will be more than glad to post the same banner right here on this post as well for those wishing to participate on my server. Just let me know if you wish to come, so I can have everything ready on time. Usually when I know it will end up being solo session, I take my time preparing everything and I wait until Saturday. I apologize for being such a slacker. That is just me.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">A lot of Multitasking</span></h3>\r\nPlus, I also run other websites and not just this one, so that kind of causes me to push it off to the last minute as well. Being in charge of four websites is no easy task, but I have to do it.\r\n\r\nTo top things off, I have a friend constantly requesting for me to have a website dedicated to Guild Wars. There is one thing with ArenaNet though is they are kind of strict on for-profit organizations (whether it makes money or not).\r\n\r\nMojang on the other hand is a little nicer about it. They know that if people get interested in there stuff somewhere else, it will make their profits even bigger. The makers of Minecraft are really bright and not so underhandedly sneaky like some other companies that exist out there.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Minecraft Has Great Features</span></h3>\r\nLook I have a Minecraft account and if you do not already have one, I want you to get one. Minecraft is not just some boring game with block people that build uninteresting shapes all day. It is much more than that. Why sure, I thought that at first. After you play it for awhile, you will realize you can create masterpieces, fight off enemies - even a dragon, form small parties, and even create an adventure setting.\r\n\r\nYes, you heard me right. It has an adventure mode where you are forced to use tools and do things the hard way. No more digging with your bare hands on everything you see. It also keeps players from ruining your town without having to first hunt down the materials to ruin your town. That is assuming you allow the materials to be there.\r\n\r\nI could talk to you all day about all the aspects of Minecraft, but sometimes it is just best to check it out for yourself.\r\n<p align=\"center\"><iframe style=\"width: 120px; height: 240px;\" src=\"http://rcm-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/cm?t=dunganddragga-20&o=1&p=8&l=as1&asins=B00BU3ZLJQ&ref=tf_til&fc1=000000&IS2=1&lt1=_blank&m=amazon&lc1=0000FF&bc1=000000&bg1=FFFFFF&f=ifr\" height=\"240\" width=\"320\" frameborder=\"0\" marginwidth=\"0\" marginheight=\"0\" scrolling=\"no\"></iframe></p>\r\nIf you need any assistance or have any questions, please let me know in the comments section below or visit my <a title=\"Kattner Games Facebook Page\" href=\"https://www.facebook.com/KattnerGames\" target=\"_blank\">Kattner Games facebook page</a> and leave a comment on one of my posts there. I can also be reached on Google plus and Twitter.\r\n\r\nYour Fellow Minecraft Player\r\n\r\nJakob','Minecraft Game Review - Great Game To Play','','inherit','open','open','','53-revision-v1','','','2013-10-03 16:36:04','2013-10-03 22:36:04','',53,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=58',0,'revision','',0),(59,2,'2013-10-05 15:05:58','2013-10-05 21:05:58','<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">No More Public Minecraft</span></h3>\r\nI do not know if anybody will be reading this, but I had to cancel my Minecraft server. I can not afford to pay for it anymore. Instead, I will just host my own local server and record videos from there. Nobody will be able to connect to it though because of my internet service provider.\r\n\r\nIf you want to be entertained by videos, you can check out my YouTube videos, come to this site or see them on Google plus. I already informed people that they would see stuff gradually disappearing over time, but everybody is not taking me serious. Next thing, you may be seeing me disappear a couple of months down the road.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Struggling Financially</span></h3>\r\nI already mentioned a multitude of times I am stranded in Mexico and have no job. I have no way back to America. Yes, people are tired of hearing this because they think I am throwing made up stuff at them or something. We will see how made up it is when you no longer see me anymore on the internet. I am trying to help people out as best as I can. No, I am not perfect, but I would like to at least try to be a part of the community.\r\n\r\nIf you can not grasp my words, then <a title=\"Depressed Life Story\" href=\"http://screwedandnowayout.com/depressed-life-story-very-little-hope\">read my article</a> at my other site. Maybe that will shed some light for you of what I am dealing with in my life. I even threw in pictures. If you want snapshots of my poverty as well in the present, I can provide that too.\r\n\r\nSure, I am fine for now because I have enough money in my bank to survive here for a couple of more months and then I don\'t really know what will be happening next. I guess everybody is so obsessed with scams and money, that they forget about the families that are suffering in the world. That it is real.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Oath To Serve</span></h3>\r\nI will tell you one thing that if I ever survive this ordeal (which I highly doubt) and I manage to get money somehow and I somehow out of a miracle got rich (which I doubt), I will put all my money in to helping those suffering and dying. If I can\'t do that, then I will at least visit them myself face to face and physically take care of them. That is my solemn promise. When I make a promise, I keep it.\r\n\r\nYour Hoping to Keep On Trucking Friend\r\n\r\nJakob','Minecraft Server Cancelled - I Am Broke','','publish','open','open','','minecraft-server-cancelled','','\nhttp://screwedandnowayout.com/depressed-life-story-very-little-hope','2013-10-05 15:15:56','2013-10-05 21:15:56','',0,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=59',0,'post','',0),(60,2,'2013-10-05 15:05:58','2013-10-05 21:05:58','I do not know if anybody will be reading this, but I had to cancel my Minecraft server. I can not afford to pay for it anymore. Instead, I will just host my own local server and record videos from there. Nobody will be able to connect to it though because of my internet service provider.\r\n\r\nIf you want to be entertained by videos, you can check out my YouTube videos, come to this site or see them on Google plus. I already informed people that they would see stuff gradually disappearing over time, but everybody is not taking me serious. Next thing, you may be seeing me disappear a couple of months down the road.\r\n\r\nI already mentioned a multitude of times I am stranded in Mexico and have no job. I have no way back to America. Yes, people are tired of hearing this because think I am throwing made up stuff at them or something. We will see how made up it is when you no longer see me anymore on the internet. I am trying to help people out as best as I can. No, I am not perfect, but I would like to at least try to be a part of the community.\r\n\r\nIf you can not grasp my words, then <a title=\"Depressed Life Story\" href=\"http://screwedandnowayout.com/depressed-life-story-very-little-hope\">read my article</a> at my other site. Maybe that will shed some light for you of what I am dealing with in my life. I even through in pictures. If you want snapshots of my poverty as well in the present, I can provide that too.\r\n\r\nSure, I am fine for now because I have enough money in my bank to survive here for a couple of more months and then I don\'t really know what will be happening next. I guess everybody is so obsessed with scams and money, that they forget about the family\'s that are suffering in the world. That it is real.\r\n\r\nI will tell you one thing that if I ever survive this ordeal (which I highly doubt) and I manage to get money somehow and I somehow out of a miracle got rich (which I doubt), I will put all my money in to helping those suffering and dying. If I can\'t do that, then I will at least visit them myself face to face and physically take care of them. That is my solemn promise. When I make a promise, I keep it.\r\n\r\nYour Hoping to Keep On Trucking Friend\r\n\r\nJakob','Minecraft Server Cancelled','','inherit','open','open','','59-revision-v1','','','2013-10-05 15:05:58','2013-10-05 21:05:58','',59,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=60',0,'revision','',0),(61,2,'2013-10-05 15:07:02','2013-10-05 21:07:02','No More Public Minecraft\n\nI do not know if anybody will be reading this, but I had to cancel my Minecraft server. I can not afford to pay for it anymore. Instead, I will just host my own local server and record videos from there. Nobody will be able to connect to it though because of my internet service provider.\n\nIf you want to be entertained by videos, you can check out my YouTube videos, come to this site or see them on Google plus. I already informed people that they would see stuff gradually disappearing over time, but everybody is not taking me serious. Next thing, you may be seeing me disappear a couple of months down the road.\n\nStruggling Financially\n\nI already mentioned a multitude of times I am stranded in Mexico and have no job. I have no way back to America. Yes, people are tired of hearing this because think I am throwing made up stuff at them or something. We will see how made up it is when you no longer see me anymore on the internet. I am trying to help people out as best as I can. No, I am not perfect, but I would like to at least try to be a part of the community.\n\nIf you can not grasp my words, then <a title=\"Depressed Life Story\" href=\"http://screwedandnowayout.com/depressed-life-story-very-little-hope\">read my article</a> at my other site. Maybe that will shed some light for you of what I am dealing with in my life. I even through in pictures. If you want snapshots of my poverty as well in the present, I can provide that too.\n\nSure, I am fine for now because I have enough money in my bank to survive here for a couple of more months and then I don\'t really know what will be happening next. I guess everybody is so obsessed with scams and money, that they forget about the family\'s that are suffering in the world. That it is real.\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Oath To Serve</span></h3>\nI will tell you one thing that if I ever survive this ordeal (which I highly doubt) and I manage to get money somehow and I somehow out of a miracle got rich (which I doubt), I will put all my money in to helping those suffering and dying. If I can\'t do that, then I will at least visit them myself face to face and physically take care of them. That is my solemn promise. When I make a promise, I keep it.\n\nYour Hoping to Keep On Trucking Friend\n\nJakob','Minecraft Server Cancelled','','inherit','open','open','','59-autosave-v1','','','2013-10-05 15:07:02','2013-10-05 21:07:02','',59,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=61',0,'revision','',0),(62,2,'2013-10-05 15:07:49','2013-10-05 21:07:49','<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">No More Public Minecraft</span></h3>\r\nI do not know if anybody will be reading this, but I had to cancel my Minecraft server. I can not afford to pay for it anymore. Instead, I will just host my own local server and record videos from there. Nobody will be able to connect to it though because of my internet service provider.\r\n\r\nIf you want to be entertained by videos, you can check out my YouTube videos, come to this site or see them on Google plus. I already informed people that they would see stuff gradually disappearing over time, but everybody is not taking me serious. Next thing, you may be seeing me disappear a couple of months down the road.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Struggling Financially</span></h3>\r\nI already mentioned a multitude of times I am stranded in Mexico and have no job. I have no way back to America. Yes, people are tired of hearing this because think I am throwing made up stuff at them or something. We will see how made up it is when you no longer see me anymore on the internet. I am trying to help people out as best as I can. No, I am not perfect, but I would like to at least try to be a part of the community.\r\n\r\nIf you can not grasp my words, then <a title=\"Depressed Life Story\" href=\"http://screwedandnowayout.com/depressed-life-story-very-little-hope\">read my article</a> at my other site. Maybe that will shed some light for you of what I am dealing with in my life. I even through in pictures. If you want snapshots of my poverty as well in the present, I can provide that too.\r\n\r\nSure, I am fine for now because I have enough money in my bank to survive here for a couple of more months and then I don\'t really know what will be happening next. I guess everybody is so obsessed with scams and money, that they forget about the family\'s that are suffering in the world. That it is real.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Oath To Serve</span></h3>\r\nI will tell you one thing that if I ever survive this ordeal (which I highly doubt) and I manage to get money somehow and I somehow out of a miracle got rich (which I doubt), I will put all my money in to helping those suffering and dying. If I can\'t do that, then I will at least visit them myself face to face and physically take care of them. That is my solemn promise. When I make a promise, I keep it.\r\n\r\nYour Hoping to Keep On Trucking Friend\r\n\r\nJakob','Minecraft Server Cancelled - I Am Broke','','inherit','open','open','','59-revision-v1','','','2013-10-05 15:07:49','2013-10-05 21:07:49','',59,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=62',0,'revision','',0),(63,2,'2013-10-05 15:13:46','2013-10-05 21:13:46','<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">No More Public Minecraft</span></h3>\r\nI do not know if anybody will be reading this, but I had to cancel my Minecraft server. I can not afford to pay for it anymore. Instead, I will just host my own local server and record videos from there. Nobody will be able to connect to it though because of my internet service provider.\r\n\r\nIf you want to be entertained by videos, you can check out my YouTube videos, come to this site or see them on Google plus. I already informed people that they would see stuff gradually disappearing over time, but everybody is not taking me serious. Next thing, you may be seeing me disappear a couple of months down the road.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Struggling Financially</span></h3>\r\nI already mentioned a multitude of times I am stranded in Mexico and have no job. I have no way back to America. Yes, people are tired of hearing this because they think I am throwing made up stuff at them or something. We will see how made up it is when you no longer see me anymore on the internet. I am trying to help people out as best as I can. No, I am not perfect, but I would like to at least try to be a part of the community.\r\n\r\nIf you can not grasp my words, then <a title=\"Depressed Life Story\" href=\"http://screwedandnowayout.com/depressed-life-story-very-little-hope\">read my article</a> at my other site. Maybe that will shed some light for you of what I am dealing with in my life. I even through in pictures. If you want snapshots of my poverty as well in the present, I can provide that too.\r\n\r\nSure, I am fine for now because I have enough money in my bank to survive here for a couple of more months and then I don\'t really know what will be happening next. I guess everybody is so obsessed with scams and money, that they forget about the family\'s that are suffering in the world. That it is real.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Oath To Serve</span></h3>\r\nI will tell you one thing that if I ever survive this ordeal (which I highly doubt) and I manage to get money somehow and I somehow out of a miracle got rich (which I doubt), I will put all my money in to helping those suffering and dying. If I can\'t do that, then I will at least visit them myself face to face and physically take care of them. That is my solemn promise. When I make a promise, I keep it.\r\n\r\nYour Hoping to Keep On Trucking Friend\r\n\r\nJakob','Minecraft Server Cancelled - I Am Broke','','inherit','open','open','','59-revision-v1','','','2013-10-05 15:13:46','2013-10-05 21:13:46','',59,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=63',0,'revision','',0),(64,2,'2013-10-05 15:14:26','2013-10-05 21:14:26','<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">No More Public Minecraft</span></h3>\r\nI do not know if anybody will be reading this, but I had to cancel my Minecraft server. I can not afford to pay for it anymore. Instead, I will just host my own local server and record videos from there. Nobody will be able to connect to it though because of my internet service provider.\r\n\r\nIf you want to be entertained by videos, you can check out my YouTube videos, come to this site or see them on Google plus. I already informed people that they would see stuff gradually disappearing over time, but everybody is not taking me serious. Next thing, you may be seeing me disappear a couple of months down the road.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Struggling Financially</span></h3>\r\nI already mentioned a multitude of times I am stranded in Mexico and have no job. I have no way back to America. Yes, people are tired of hearing this because they think I am throwing made up stuff at them or something. We will see how made up it is when you no longer see me anymore on the internet. I am trying to help people out as best as I can. No, I am not perfect, but I would like to at least try to be a part of the community.\r\n\r\nIf you can not grasp my words, then <a title=\"Depressed Life Story\" href=\"http://screwedandnowayout.com/depressed-life-story-very-little-hope\">read my article</a> at my other site. Maybe that will shed some light for you of what I am dealing with in my life. I even threw in pictures. If you want snapshots of my poverty as well in the present, I can provide that too.\r\n\r\nSure, I am fine for now because I have enough money in my bank to survive here for a couple of more months and then I don\'t really know what will be happening next. I guess everybody is so obsessed with scams and money, that they forget about the family\'s that are suffering in the world. That it is real.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Oath To Serve</span></h3>\r\nI will tell you one thing that if I ever survive this ordeal (which I highly doubt) and I manage to get money somehow and I somehow out of a miracle got rich (which I doubt), I will put all my money in to helping those suffering and dying. If I can\'t do that, then I will at least visit them myself face to face and physically take care of them. That is my solemn promise. When I make a promise, I keep it.\r\n\r\nYour Hoping to Keep On Trucking Friend\r\n\r\nJakob','Minecraft Server Cancelled - I Am Broke','','inherit','open','open','','59-revision-v1','','','2013-10-05 15:14:26','2013-10-05 21:14:26','',59,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=64',0,'revision','',0),(65,2,'2013-10-05 15:14:54','2013-10-05 21:14:54','<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">No More Public Minecraft</span></h3>\r\nI do not know if anybody will be reading this, but I had to cancel my Minecraft server. I can not afford to pay for it anymore. Instead, I will just host my own local server and record videos from there. Nobody will be able to connect to it though because of my internet service provider.\r\n\r\nIf you want to be entertained by videos, you can check out my YouTube videos, come to this site or see them on Google plus. I already informed people that they would see stuff gradually disappearing over time, but everybody is not taking me serious. Next thing, you may be seeing me disappear a couple of months down the road.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Struggling Financially</span></h3>\r\nI already mentioned a multitude of times I am stranded in Mexico and have no job. I have no way back to America. Yes, people are tired of hearing this because they think I am throwing made up stuff at them or something. We will see how made up it is when you no longer see me anymore on the internet. I am trying to help people out as best as I can. No, I am not perfect, but I would like to at least try to be a part of the community.\r\n\r\nIf you can not grasp my words, then <a title=\"Depressed Life Story\" href=\"http://screwedandnowayout.com/depressed-life-story-very-little-hope\">read my article</a> at my other site. Maybe that will shed some light for you of what I am dealing with in my life. I even threw in pictures. If you want snapshots of my poverty as well in the present, I can provide that too.\r\n\r\nSure, I am fine for now because I have enough money in my bank to survive here for a couple of more months and then I don\'t really know what will be happening next. I guess everybody is so obsessed with scams and money, that they forget about the families that are suffering in the world. That it is real.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Oath To Serve</span></h3>\r\nI will tell you one thing that if I ever survive this ordeal (which I highly doubt) and I manage to get money somehow and I somehow out of a miracle got rich (which I doubt), I will put all my money in to helping those suffering and dying. If I can\'t do that, then I will at least visit them myself face to face and physically take care of them. That is my solemn promise. When I make a promise, I keep it.\r\n\r\nYour Hoping to Keep On Trucking Friend\r\n\r\nJakob','Minecraft Server Cancelled - I Am Broke','','inherit','open','open','','59-revision-v1','','','2013-10-05 15:14:54','2013-10-05 21:14:54','',59,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=65',0,'revision','',0),(66,2,'2013-10-07 15:09:00','2013-10-07 21:09:00','<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">No Stopping Kattner Games</span></h3>\r\nDespite that fact that I am having issues money-wise, I am still making tournament episodes of Minecraft for Kattner Games. I am just hoping I can continue creating them up through December.\r\n\r\nMy recent minecraft episode covered the challenges of an ocean biome. Yes, I know it is probably not the most exciting biome out there, but I took on the task anyway. Although I did win this round, it still had a few difficulties.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Being In An Ocean Biome</span></h3>\r\nAs you may or may not know, ocean biomes can still have monster spawns which are good for looting. In an ocean, it is really hard to find supplies and needed blocks. In other words, if you run out of stuff, time to go after the mobs.\r\n<p align=\"center\"><iframe src=\"//www.youtube.com/embed/0zWA_I0dc0I\" height=\"360\" width=\"480\" allowfullscreen=\"\" frameborder=\"0\"></iframe></p>\r\nI was lucky though because I tend to put free chests in my biomes. Of course, I only allow certain contents in the chests to maintain the difficulties of the current setting I was in. In other words, I put only a limited supply of wood in them. Just enough to be able to exit the course itself. I only needed to dig a little bit with a shovel so that if I fell downward off my ladder it would not be in the water itself.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Onward To Adventure</span></h3>\r\nYes, as usual, I did all of this in adventure mode. I just think, in my opinion, that having it in survival is too easy and takes all the fun out of the game. The beauty of running a server (whether it be local or public) is that there is no need to use a cheats turned on to have an adventure setting.\r\n\r\nSo be sure to check out Episode 3 and let me know what you think of it in my comments section below or via my google plus page. I am also open to any suggestions for creating better challenge scenarios.\r\n\r\nYour Fellow Minecraft Fan\r\n\r\nJakob','Minecraft Ocean Biome - The Tournaments Continue','','publish','open','open','','minecraft-ocean-biome-the-tournaments-continue','','','2013-10-07 15:09:17','2013-10-07 21:09:17','',0,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=66',0,'post','',0),(67,2,'2013-10-07 15:09:00','2013-10-07 21:09:00','<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">No Stopping Kattner Games</span></h3>\r\nDespite that fact that I am having issues money-wise, I am still making tournament episodes of Minecraft for Kattner Games. I am just hoping I can continue creating them up through December.\r\n\r\nMy recent minecraft episode covered the challenges of an ocean biome. Yes, I know it is probably not the most exciting biome out there, but I took on the task anyway. Although I did win this round, it still had a few difficulties.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Being In An Ocean Biome</span></h3>\r\nAs you may or may not know, ocean biomes can still have monster spawns which are good for looting. In an ocean, it is really hard to find supplies and needed blocks. In other words, if you run out of stuff, time to go after the mobs.\r\n<p align=\"center\"><iframe src=\"//www.youtube.com/embed/0zWA_I0dc0I\" height=\"360\" width=\"480\" allowfullscreen=\"\" frameborder=\"0\"></iframe></p>\r\nI was lucky though because I tend to put free chests in my biomes. Of course, I only allow certain contents in the chests to maintain the difficulties of the current setting I was in. In other words, I put only a limited supply of wood in them. Just enough to be able to exit the course itself. I only needed to dig a little bit with a shovel so that if I fell downward off my ladder it would not be in the water itself.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Onward To Adventure</span></h3>\r\nYes, as usual, I did all of this in adventure mode. I just think, in my opinion, that having it in survival is too easy and takes all the fun out of the game. The beauty of running a server (whether it be local or public) is that there is no need to use a cheats turned on to have an adventure setting.\r\n\r\nSo be sure to check out Episode 3 and let me know what you think of it in my comments section below or via my google plus page. I am also open to any suggestions for creating better challenge scenarios.\r\n\r\nYour Fellow Minecraft Fan\r\n\r\nJakob','Minecraft Ocean Biome - The Tournaments Continue','','inherit','open','open','','66-revision-v1','','','2013-10-07 15:09:00','2013-10-07 21:09:00','',66,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=67',0,'revision','',0),(68,2,'2013-10-08 10:15:59','2013-10-08 16:15:59','<h2><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Guild Wars Vs Guild Wars 2</span></h2>\r\nI remember back when I first started the first one. Boy! A lot has changed since Guild Wars 1 all the way up through Guild Wars 2.\r\n\r\nThe game went from a 2d world (even though it did grant a pretty good illusion of 3d) to a 3d world that granted a big enhancement to the game world. The first guild wars game was still pretty good. In fact, it caught my eye many years ago when I first started playing because of the glow feature. I especially loved it when healers were glowing.\r\n\r\nYes, I have owned it for that long. Unfortunately, I was only an occasional player so other players would call me a newbie because my characters were so low of level for a multitude of years.\r\n\r\nWhen the expansions for Guild Wars came a long, it gave more skill variety for the characters - especially elite skills which can be hard to find without a wiki or friends pointing you in the right direction. The third expansion was especially useful because it granted the usage of heroes that could be added to the game. For a time, only three heroes maximum were allowed which gave encouragement to other players to join forces to complete missions.\r\n\r\nPersonally, I think granting too much power to a player can reduce the need for forming a party which is a necessity for the development of social interaction and game growth.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Early Stages of Guild Wars 2</span></h3>\r\nOnce Guild Wars 2 came a long, a lot of players got really excited and paid for the game early. When the gates opened for the open beta version, floods of players went in the game to play. I was one of them as a matter of fact. I will tell you that the beta version was more fun than the non-beta, but it had a lot of faults. There was a ton of crashes and there was too much lag - unlike the present day Guild Wars 2.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Advantages of Guild Wars 1</span></h3>\r\nNow, does Guild Wars 2 have the advantage over Guild Wars 1? Some things yes and some things no. Some players do prefer the original over the sequel. The first game allows players to create a guild hall (a form of housing) and it is great for those who love to play solo without much social interaction. If you love cookie-cutters, it works perfect for you. I especially love the storyline setup myself. Very fun cinematics.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Advantage of Guild Wars 2</span></h3>\r\nI would have to say the only advantage of Guild Wars 2 is it is perfect for those who have trouble getting a team together as well as for forming a guild with little or no price. No matter where you go, chances are there may be someone nearby to jump in and help you in a fight. No, I am not saying all players will do this. Believe me. I have a met a few jerks on there, but there are not that many of them.\r\n<p align=\"center\"><iframe src=\"//www.youtube.com/embed/8zDSHjXgKQY\" height=\"360\" width=\"640\" allowfullscreen=\"\" frameborder=\"0\"></iframe></p>\r\nUsually, a player will stop by and heal you when you have died. I just so happen to be one of those nice guys. In fact, I heal both players and non-player characters.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Trick To Leveling Up Quicker</span></h3>\r\nI would also like to forewarn that if you see someone run in the fields in his underwear in a high-level zone, chances are that is probably me. I tend to take bold risks by taking a super low-level character into a high-level zone. That is the secret to my leveling quicker - exploration and not fighting. If you want to go for a jog with me sometime, let me know.\r\n\r\nIs it possible to reach a level 80 area as a level 5 or 8. Yes, absolutely. My friend told me that was impossible, but I proved her wrong and did it. The trick is to have a good runner. A running skill or ability is a must. As long as you can either find a way to increase your speed or do a lot of dodging, it is indeed possible.\r\n\r\nAlso, keep a look out for holes in areas. When I say holes, I mean spots where a monster just so happens to not be in. Sometimes jumping may be required to bypass monsters as well. Swimming tends to help in a few spots, but not all. Also, keep a look out for wyrms or spellcasters as they tend to do instant hits on runners. I have manage to bypass a few archers while running thankfully.\r\n\r\nI know it may seem like the coward\'s way of getting experience, but the system works. And remember to hit all the points in the cities as well. Explore, explore, explore!\r\n\r\nYes, this same technique can be used in Guild Wars 1, but it is not as effective as in the second game.\r\n\r\nIf you would like to buy Guild Wars 1, go ahead and buy it below. Guild Wars 2 is after the below link.\r\n<p align=\"center\"><iframe style=\"width: 120px; height: 240px;\" src=\"http://rcm-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/cm?t=dunganddragga-20&o=1&p=8&l=as1&asins=B001DI6O6C&ref=qf_sp_asin_til&fc1=000000&IS2=1&lt1=_blank&m=amazon&lc1=0000FF&bc1=000000&bg1=FFFFFF&f=ifr\" height=\"240\" width=\"320\" frameborder=\"0\" marginwidth=\"0\" marginheight=\"0\" scrolling=\"no\"></iframe></p>\r\nIf you would like to the newest edition Guild Wars 2, go ahead and buy it below.\r\n<p align=\"center\"><iframe style=\"width: 120px; height: 240px;\" src=\"http://rcm-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/cm?t=dunganddragga-20&o=1&p=8&l=as1&asins=B001TOQ8X4&ref=qf_sp_asin_til&fc1=000000&IS2=1&lt1=_blank&m=amazon&lc1=0000FF&bc1=000000&bg1=FFFFFF&f=ifr\" height=\"240\" width=\"320\" frameborder=\"0\" marginwidth=\"0\" marginheight=\"0\" scrolling=\"no\"></iframe></p>\r\nBy the way, the game was created by ArenaNet and the name and logos for it are owned by ArenaNet for those that are wondering.\r\n\r\nIf you have any questions or comments about this post, please provide it in the comments section below, notify me on facebook, or contact me on google plus. I am more than willing to assist you without whatever problems you may be encountering.\r\n\r\nYou Fellow Gamer\r\n\r\nJakob','Which Guild Wars Is Better - First or Second','','publish','open','open','','which-guild-wars-is-better-first-or-second','','','2013-10-16 14:28:37','2013-10-16 20:28:37','',0,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=68',0,'post','',0),(69,2,'2013-10-08 10:15:59','2013-10-08 16:15:59','<h2><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Guild Wars Vs Guild Wars 2</span></h2>\r\nI remember back when I first started the first one. Boy! A lot has changed since Guild Wars 1 all the way up through Guild Wars 2.\r\n\r\nThe game went from a 2d world (even though it did grant a pretty good illusion of 3d) to a 3d world that granted a big enhancement to the game world. The first guild wars game was still pretty good. In fact, it caught my eye many years ago when I first started playing because of the glow feature. I especially loved it when healers were glowing.\r\n\r\nYes, I have owned it for that long. Unfortunately, I was only an occasional player so other players would call me a newbie because my characters were so low of level for a multitude of years.\r\n\r\nWhen the expansions for Guild Wars came a long, it gave more skill variety for the characters - especially elite skills which can be hard to find without a wiki or friends pointing you in the right direction. The third expansion was especially useful because it granted the usage of heroes that could be added to the game. For a time, only three heroes maximum were allowed which gave encouragement to other players to join forces to complete missions.\r\n\r\nPersonally, I think granting too much power to a player can reduce the need for forming a party which is a necessity for the development of social interaction and game growth.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Early Stages of Guild Wars 2</span></h3>\r\nOnce Guild Wars 2 came a long, a lot of players got really excited and paid for the game early. When the gates opened for the open beta version, floods of players went in the game to play. I was one of them as a matter of fact. I will tell you that the beta version was more fun than the non-beta, but it had a lot of faults. There was a ton of crashes and there was too much lag - unlike the present day Guild Wars 2.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Advantages of Guild Wars 1</span></h3>\r\nNow, does Guild Wars 2 have the advantage over Guild Wars 1? Some things yes and some things no. Some players do prefer the original over the sequel. The first game allows players to create a guild hall (a form of housing) and it is great for those who love to play solo without much social interaction. If you love cookie-cutters, it works perfect for you. I especially love the storyline setup myself. Very fun cinematics.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Advantage of Guild Wars 2</span></h3>\r\nI would have to say the only advantage of Guild Wars 2 is it is perfect for those who have trouble getting a team together as well as for forming a guild with little or no price. No matter where you go, chances are there may be someone nearby to jump in and help you in a fight. Not I am not saying all players will do this. Believe me. I have a met a few jerks on there, but there are not that many of them.\r\n\r\nUsually, a player will stop by and heal you when you have died. I just so happen to be one of those nice guys. In fact, I heal both players and non-player characters.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Trick To Leveling Up Quicker</span></h3>\r\nI would also like to forewarn that if you see someone run in the fields in his underwear in a high-level zone, chances are that is probably me. I tend to take bold risks by taking a super low-level character into a high-level zone. That is the secret to my leveling quicker - exploration and not fighting. If you want to go for a jog with me sometime, let me know.\r\n\r\nIs it possible to reach a level 80 area as a level 5 or 8. Yes, absolutely. My friend told me that was impossible, but I proved her wrong and did it. The trick is to have a good runner. A running skill or ability is a must. As long as you can either find a way to increase your speed or do a lot of dodging, it is indeed possible.\r\n\r\nAlso, keep a look out for holes in areas. When I say holes, I mean spots where a monster just so happens to not be in. Sometimes jumping may be required to bypass monsters as well. Swimming tends to help in a few spots, but not all. Also, keep a look out for wyrms or spellcasters as they tend to do instant hits on runners. I have manage to bypass a few archers while running thankfully.\r\n\r\nI know it may seem like the coward\'s way of getting experience, but the system works. And remember to hit all the points in the cities as well. Explore, explore, explore!\r\n\r\nYes, this same technique can be used in Guild Wars 1, but it is not as effective as in the second game.\r\n\r\nIf you would like to buy Guild Wars 1, go ahead and buy it below. Guild Wars 2 is after the below link.\r\n<p align=\"center\"><iframe style=\"width: 120px; height: 240px;\" src=\"http://rcm-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/cm?t=dunganddragga-20&o=1&p=8&l=as1&asins=B001DI6O6C&ref=qf_sp_asin_til&fc1=000000&IS2=1&lt1=_blank&m=amazon&lc1=0000FF&bc1=000000&bg1=FFFFFF&f=ifr\" height=\"240\" width=\"320\" frameborder=\"0\" marginwidth=\"0\" marginheight=\"0\" scrolling=\"no\"></iframe></p>\r\nIf you would like to the newest edition Guild Wars 2, go ahead and buy it below.\r\n<p align=\"center\"><iframe style=\"width: 120px; height: 240px;\" src=\"http://rcm-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/cm?t=dunganddragga-20&o=1&p=8&l=as1&asins=B001TOQ8X4&ref=qf_sp_asin_til&fc1=000000&IS2=1&lt1=_blank&m=amazon&lc1=0000FF&bc1=000000&bg1=FFFFFF&f=ifr\" height=\"240\" width=\"320\" frameborder=\"0\" marginwidth=\"0\" marginheight=\"0\" scrolling=\"no\"></iframe></p>\r\nBy the way, the game was created by ArenaNet and the name and logos for it are owned by ArenaNet for those that are wondering.\r\n\r\nIf you have any questions or comments about this post, please provide it in the comments section below, notify me on facebook, or contact me on google plus. I am more than willing to assist you without whatever problems you may be encountering.\r\n\r\nYou Fellow Gamer\r\n\r\nJakob','Which Guild Wars Is Better - First or Second','','inherit','open','open','','68-revision-v1','','','2013-10-08 10:15:59','2013-10-08 16:15:59','',68,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=69',0,'revision','',0),(70,2,'2013-10-08 10:19:39','2013-10-08 16:19:39','<h2><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Guild Wars Vs Guild Wars 2</span></h2>\r\nI remember back when I first started the first one. Boy! A lot has changed since Guild Wars 1 all the way up through Guild Wars 2.\r\n\r\nThe game went from a 2d world (even though it did grant a pretty good illusion of 3d) to a 3d world that granted a big enhancement to the game world. The first guild wars game was still pretty good. In fact, it caught my eye many years ago when I first started playing because of the glow feature. I especially loved it when healers were glowing.\r\n\r\nYes, I have owned it for that long. Unfortunately, I was only an occasional player so other players would call me a newbie because my characters were so low of level for a multitude of years.\r\n\r\nWhen the expansions for Guild Wars came a long, it gave more skill variety for the characters - especially elite skills which can be hard to find without a wiki or friends pointing you in the right direction. The third expansion was especially useful because it granted the usage of heroes that could be added to the game. For a time, only three heroes maximum were allowed which gave encouragement to other players to join forces to complete missions.\r\n\r\nPersonally, I think granting too much power to a player can reduce the need for forming a party which is a necessity for the development of social interaction and game growth.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Early Stages of Guild Wars 2</span></h3>\r\nOnce Guild Wars 2 came a long, a lot of players got really excited and paid for the game early. When the gates opened for the open beta version, floods of players went in the game to play. I was one of them as a matter of fact. I will tell you that the beta version was more fun than the non-beta, but it had a lot of faults. There was a ton of crashes and there was too much lag - unlike the present day Guild Wars 2.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Advantages of Guild Wars 1</span></h3>\r\nNow, does Guild Wars 2 have the advantage over Guild Wars 1? Some things yes and some things no. Some players do prefer the original over the sequel. The first game allows players to create a guild hall (a form of housing) and it is great for those who love to play solo without much social interaction. If you love cookie-cutters, it works perfect for you. I especially love the storyline setup myself. Very fun cinematics.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Advantage of Guild Wars 2</span></h3>\r\nI would have to say the only advantage of Guild Wars 2 is it is perfect for those who have trouble getting a team together as well as for forming a guild with little or no price. No matter where you go, chances are there may be someone nearby to jump in and help you in a fight. Not I am not saying all players will do this. Believe me. I have a met a few jerks on there, but there are not that many of them.\r\n\r\n<p align=\"center\"><iframe width=\"640\" height=\"360\" src=\"//www.youtube.com/embed/8zDSHjXgKQY?list=UU1RVCMX5VEzUvh_d3OtKX_Q\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen></iframe></p>\r\n\r\nUsually, a player will stop by and heal you when you have died. I just so happen to be one of those nice guys. In fact, I heal both players and non-player characters.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Trick To Leveling Up Quicker</span></h3>\r\nI would also like to forewarn that if you see someone run in the fields in his underwear in a high-level zone, chances are that is probably me. I tend to take bold risks by taking a super low-level character into a high-level zone. That is the secret to my leveling quicker - exploration and not fighting. If you want to go for a jog with me sometime, let me know.\r\n\r\nIs it possible to reach a level 80 area as a level 5 or 8. Yes, absolutely. My friend told me that was impossible, but I proved her wrong and did it. The trick is to have a good runner. A running skill or ability is a must. As long as you can either find a way to increase your speed or do a lot of dodging, it is indeed possible.\r\n\r\nAlso, keep a look out for holes in areas. When I say holes, I mean spots where a monster just so happens to not be in. Sometimes jumping may be required to bypass monsters as well. Swimming tends to help in a few spots, but not all. Also, keep a look out for wyrms or spellcasters as they tend to do instant hits on runners. I have manage to bypass a few archers while running thankfully.\r\n\r\nI know it may seem like the coward\'s way of getting experience, but the system works. And remember to hit all the points in the cities as well. Explore, explore, explore!\r\n\r\nYes, this same technique can be used in Guild Wars 1, but it is not as effective as in the second game.\r\n\r\nIf you would like to buy Guild Wars 1, go ahead and buy it below. Guild Wars 2 is after the below link.\r\n<p align=\"center\"><iframe style=\"width: 120px; height: 240px;\" src=\"http://rcm-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/cm?t=dunganddragga-20&o=1&p=8&l=as1&asins=B001DI6O6C&ref=qf_sp_asin_til&fc1=000000&IS2=1&lt1=_blank&m=amazon&lc1=0000FF&bc1=000000&bg1=FFFFFF&f=ifr\" height=\"240\" width=\"320\" frameborder=\"0\" marginwidth=\"0\" marginheight=\"0\" scrolling=\"no\"></iframe></p>\r\nIf you would like to the newest edition Guild Wars 2, go ahead and buy it below.\r\n<p align=\"center\"><iframe style=\"width: 120px; height: 240px;\" src=\"http://rcm-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/cm?t=dunganddragga-20&o=1&p=8&l=as1&asins=B001TOQ8X4&ref=qf_sp_asin_til&fc1=000000&IS2=1&lt1=_blank&m=amazon&lc1=0000FF&bc1=000000&bg1=FFFFFF&f=ifr\" height=\"240\" width=\"320\" frameborder=\"0\" marginwidth=\"0\" marginheight=\"0\" scrolling=\"no\"></iframe></p>\r\nBy the way, the game was created by ArenaNet and the name and logos for it are owned by ArenaNet for those that are wondering.\r\n\r\nIf you have any questions or comments about this post, please provide it in the comments section below, notify me on facebook, or contact me on google plus. I am more than willing to assist you without whatever problems you may be encountering.\r\n\r\nYou Fellow Gamer\r\n\r\nJakob','Which Guild Wars Is Better - First or Second','','inherit','open','open','','68-revision-v1','','','2013-10-08 10:19:39','2013-10-08 16:19:39','',68,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=70',0,'revision','',0),(71,2,'2013-10-08 10:20:03','2013-10-08 16:20:03','<h2><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Guild Wars Vs Guild Wars 2</span></h2>\r\nI remember back when I first started the first one. Boy! A lot has changed since Guild Wars 1 all the way up through Guild Wars 2.\r\n\r\nThe game went from a 2d world (even though it did grant a pretty good illusion of 3d) to a 3d world that granted a big enhancement to the game world. The first guild wars game was still pretty good. In fact, it caught my eye many years ago when I first started playing because of the glow feature. I especially loved it when healers were glowing.\r\n\r\nYes, I have owned it for that long. Unfortunately, I was only an occasional player so other players would call me a newbie because my characters were so low of level for a multitude of years.\r\n\r\nWhen the expansions for Guild Wars came a long, it gave more skill variety for the characters - especially elite skills which can be hard to find without a wiki or friends pointing you in the right direction. The third expansion was especially useful because it granted the usage of heroes that could be added to the game. For a time, only three heroes maximum were allowed which gave encouragement to other players to join forces to complete missions.\r\n\r\nPersonally, I think granting too much power to a player can reduce the need for forming a party which is a necessity for the development of social interaction and game growth.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Early Stages of Guild Wars 2</span></h3>\r\nOnce Guild Wars 2 came a long, a lot of players got really excited and paid for the game early. When the gates opened for the open beta version, floods of players went in the game to play. I was one of them as a matter of fact. I will tell you that the beta version was more fun than the non-beta, but it had a lot of faults. There was a ton of crashes and there was too much lag - unlike the present day Guild Wars 2.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Advantages of Guild Wars 1</span></h3>\r\nNow, does Guild Wars 2 have the advantage over Guild Wars 1? Some things yes and some things no. Some players do prefer the original over the sequel. The first game allows players to create a guild hall (a form of housing) and it is great for those who love to play solo without much social interaction. If you love cookie-cutters, it works perfect for you. I especially love the storyline setup myself. Very fun cinematics.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Advantage of Guild Wars 2</span></h3>\r\nI would have to say the only advantage of Guild Wars 2 is it is perfect for those who have trouble getting a team together as well as for forming a guild with little or no price. No matter where you go, chances are there may be someone nearby to jump in and help you in a fight. Not I am not saying all players will do this. Believe me. I have a met a few jerks on there, but there are not that many of them.\r\n<p align=\"center\"><iframe src=\"//www.youtube.com/embed/8zDSHjXgKQY?list=UU1RVCMX5VEzUvh_d3OtKX_Q\" height=\"360\" width=\"640\" allowfullscreen=\"\" frameborder=\"0\"></iframe></p>\r\nUsually, a player will stop by and heal you when you have died. I just so happen to be one of those nice guys. In fact, I heal both players and non-player characters.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Trick To Leveling Up Quicker</span></h3>\r\nI would also like to forewarn that if you see someone run in the fields in his underwear in a high-level zone, chances are that is probably me. I tend to take bold risks by taking a super low-level character into a high-level zone. That is the secret to my leveling quicker - exploration and not fighting. If you want to go for a jog with me sometime, let me know.\r\n\r\nIs it possible to reach a level 80 area as a level 5 or 8. Yes, absolutely. My friend told me that was impossible, but I proved her wrong and did it. The trick is to have a good runner. A running skill or ability is a must. As long as you can either find a way to increase your speed or do a lot of dodging, it is indeed possible.\r\n\r\nAlso, keep a look out for holes in areas. When I say holes, I mean spots where a monster just so happens to not be in. Sometimes jumping may be required to bypass monsters as well. Swimming tends to help in a few spots, but not all. Also, keep a look out for wyrms or spellcasters as they tend to do instant hits on runners. I have manage to bypass a few archers while running thankfully.\r\n\r\nI know it may seem like the coward\'s way of getting experience, but the system works. And remember to hit all the points in the cities as well. Explore, explore, explore!\r\n\r\nYes, this same technique can be used in Guild Wars 1, but it is not as effective as in the second game.\r\n\r\nIf you would like to buy Guild Wars 1, go ahead and buy it below. Guild Wars 2 is after the below link.\r\n<p align=\"center\"><iframe style=\"width: 120px; height: 240px;\" src=\"http://rcm-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/cm?t=dunganddragga-20&o=1&p=8&l=as1&asins=B001DI6O6C&ref=qf_sp_asin_til&fc1=000000&IS2=1&lt1=_blank&m=amazon&lc1=0000FF&bc1=000000&bg1=FFFFFF&f=ifr\" height=\"240\" width=\"320\" frameborder=\"0\" marginwidth=\"0\" marginheight=\"0\" scrolling=\"no\"></iframe></p>\r\nIf you would like to the newest edition Guild Wars 2, go ahead and buy it below.\r\n<p align=\"center\"><iframe style=\"width: 120px; height: 240px;\" src=\"http://rcm-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/cm?t=dunganddragga-20&o=1&p=8&l=as1&asins=B001TOQ8X4&ref=qf_sp_asin_til&fc1=000000&IS2=1&lt1=_blank&m=amazon&lc1=0000FF&bc1=000000&bg1=FFFFFF&f=ifr\" height=\"240\" width=\"320\" frameborder=\"0\" marginwidth=\"0\" marginheight=\"0\" scrolling=\"no\"></iframe></p>\r\nBy the way, the game was created by ArenaNet and the name and logos for it are owned by ArenaNet for those that are wondering.\r\n\r\nIf you have any questions or comments about this post, please provide it in the comments section below, notify me on facebook, or contact me on google plus. I am more than willing to assist you without whatever problems you may be encountering.\r\n\r\nYou Fellow Gamer\r\n\r\nJakob','Which Guild Wars Is Better - First or Second','','inherit','open','open','','68-revision-v1','','','2013-10-08 10:20:03','2013-10-08 16:20:03','',68,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=71',0,'revision','',0),(72,2,'2013-10-08 10:22:06','2013-10-08 16:22:06','<h2><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Guild Wars Vs Guild Wars 2</span></h2>\nI remember back when I first started the first one. Boy! A lot has changed since Guild Wars 1 all the way up through Guild Wars 2.\n\nThe game went from a 2d world (even though it did grant a pretty good illusion of 3d) to a 3d world that granted a big enhancement to the game world. The first guild wars game was still pretty good. In fact, it caught my eye many years ago when I first started playing because of the glow feature. I especially loved it when healers were glowing.\n\nYes, I have owned it for that long. Unfortunately, I was only an occasional player so other players would call me a newbie because my characters were so low of level for a multitude of years.\n\nWhen the expansions for Guild Wars came a long, it gave more skill variety for the characters - especially elite skills which can be hard to find without a wiki or friends pointing you in the right direction. The third expansion was especially useful because it granted the usage of heroes that could be added to the game. For a time, only three heroes maximum were allowed which gave encouragement to other players to join forces to complete missions.\n\nPersonally, I think granting too much power to a player can reduce the need for forming a party which is a necessity for the development of social interaction and game growth.\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Early Stages of Guild Wars 2</span></h3>\nOnce Guild Wars 2 came a long, a lot of players got really excited and paid for the game early. When the gates opened for the open beta version, floods of players went in the game to play. I was one of them as a matter of fact. I will tell you that the beta version was more fun than the non-beta, but it had a lot of faults. There was a ton of crashes and there was too much lag - unlike the present day Guild Wars 2.\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Advantages of Guild Wars 1</span></h3>\nNow, does Guild Wars 2 have the advantage over Guild Wars 1? Some things yes and some things no. Some players do prefer the original over the sequel. The first game allows players to create a guild hall (a form of housing) and it is great for those who love to play solo without much social interaction. If you love cookie-cutters, it works perfect for you. I especially love the storyline setup myself. Very fun cinematics.\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Advantage of Guild Wars 2</span></h3>\nI would have to say the only advantage of Guild Wars 2 is it is perfect for those who have trouble getting a team together as well as for forming a guild with little or no price. No matter where you go, chances are there may be someone nearby to jump in and help you in a fight. Not I am not saying all players will do this. Believe me. I have a met a few jerks on there, but there are not that many of them.\n<p align=\"center\"><iframe src=\"//www.youtube.com/embed/8zDSHjXgKQY\" height=\"360\" width=\"640\" allowfullscreen=\"\" frameborder=\"0\"></iframe></p>\nUsually, a player will stop by and heal you when you have died. I just so happen to be one of those nice guys. In fact, I heal both players and non-player characters.\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Trick To Leveling Up Quicker</span></h3>\nI would also like to forewarn that if you see someone run in the fields in his underwear in a high-level zone, chances are that is probably me. I tend to take bold risks by taking a super low-level character into a high-level zone. That is the secret to my leveling quicker - exploration and not fighting. If you want to go for a jog with me sometime, let me know.\n\nIs it possible to reach a level 80 area as a level 5 or 8. Yes, absolutely. My friend told me that was impossible, but I proved her wrong and did it. The trick is to have a good runner. A running skill or ability is a must. As long as you can either find a way to increase your speed or do a lot of dodging, it is indeed possible.\n\nAlso, keep a look out for holes in areas. When I say holes, I mean spots where a monster just so happens to not be in. Sometimes jumping may be required to bypass monsters as well. Swimming tends to help in a few spots, but not all. Also, keep a look out for wyrms or spellcasters as they tend to do instant hits on runners. I have manage to bypass a few archers while running thankfully.\n\nI know it may seem like the coward\'s way of getting experience, but the system works. And remember to hit all the points in the cities as well. Explore, explore, explore!\n\nYes, this same technique can be used in Guild Wars 1, but it is not as effective as in the second game.\n\nIf you would like to buy Guild Wars 1, go ahead and buy it below. Guild Wars 2 is after the below link.\n<p align=\"center\"><iframe style=\"width: 120px; height: 240px;\" src=\"http://rcm-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/cm?t=dunganddragga-20&o=1&p=8&l=as1&asins=B001DI6O6C&ref=qf_sp_asin_til&fc1=000000&IS2=1&lt1=_blank&m=amazon&lc1=0000FF&bc1=000000&bg1=FFFFFF&f=ifr\" height=\"240\" width=\"320\" frameborder=\"0\" marginwidth=\"0\" marginheight=\"0\" scrolling=\"no\"></iframe></p>\nIf you would like to the newest edition Guild Wars 2, go ahead and buy it below.\n<p align=\"center\"><iframe style=\"width: 120px; height: 240px;\" src=\"http://rcm-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/cm?t=dunganddragga-20&o=1&p=8&l=as1&asins=B001TOQ8X4&ref=qf_sp_asin_til&fc1=000000&IS2=1&lt1=_blank&m=amazon&lc1=0000FF&bc1=000000&bg1=FFFFFF&f=ifr\" height=\"240\" width=\"320\" frameborder=\"0\" marginwidth=\"0\" marginheight=\"0\" scrolling=\"no\"></iframe></p>\nBy the way, the game was created by ArenaNet and the name and logos for it are owned by ArenaNet for those that are wondering.\n\nIf you have any questions or comments about this post, please provide it in the comments section below, notify me on facebook, or contact me on google plus. I am more than willing to assist you without whatever problems you may be encountering.\n\nYou Fellow Gamer\n\nJakob','Which Guild Wars Is Better - First or Second','','inherit','open','open','','68-autosave-v1','','','2013-10-08 10:22:06','2013-10-08 16:22:06','',68,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=72',0,'revision','',0),(73,2,'2013-10-08 10:22:08','2013-10-08 16:22:08','<h2><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Guild Wars Vs Guild Wars 2</span></h2>\r\nI remember back when I first started the first one. Boy! A lot has changed since Guild Wars 1 all the way up through Guild Wars 2.\r\n\r\nThe game went from a 2d world (even though it did grant a pretty good illusion of 3d) to a 3d world that granted a big enhancement to the game world. The first guild wars game was still pretty good. In fact, it caught my eye many years ago when I first started playing because of the glow feature. I especially loved it when healers were glowing.\r\n\r\nYes, I have owned it for that long. Unfortunately, I was only an occasional player so other players would call me a newbie because my characters were so low of level for a multitude of years.\r\n\r\nWhen the expansions for Guild Wars came a long, it gave more skill variety for the characters - especially elite skills which can be hard to find without a wiki or friends pointing you in the right direction. The third expansion was especially useful because it granted the usage of heroes that could be added to the game. For a time, only three heroes maximum were allowed which gave encouragement to other players to join forces to complete missions.\r\n\r\nPersonally, I think granting too much power to a player can reduce the need for forming a party which is a necessity for the development of social interaction and game growth.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Early Stages of Guild Wars 2</span></h3>\r\nOnce Guild Wars 2 came a long, a lot of players got really excited and paid for the game early. When the gates opened for the open beta version, floods of players went in the game to play. I was one of them as a matter of fact. I will tell you that the beta version was more fun than the non-beta, but it had a lot of faults. There was a ton of crashes and there was too much lag - unlike the present day Guild Wars 2.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Advantages of Guild Wars 1</span></h3>\r\nNow, does Guild Wars 2 have the advantage over Guild Wars 1? Some things yes and some things no. Some players do prefer the original over the sequel. The first game allows players to create a guild hall (a form of housing) and it is great for those who love to play solo without much social interaction. If you love cookie-cutters, it works perfect for you. I especially love the storyline setup myself. Very fun cinematics.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Advantage of Guild Wars 2</span></h3>\r\nI would have to say the only advantage of Guild Wars 2 is it is perfect for those who have trouble getting a team together as well as for forming a guild with little or no price. No matter where you go, chances are there may be someone nearby to jump in and help you in a fight. Not I am not saying all players will do this. Believe me. I have a met a few jerks on there, but there are not that many of them.\r\n<p align=\"center\"><iframe src=\"//www.youtube.com/embed/8zDSHjXgKQY\" height=\"360\" width=\"640\" allowfullscreen=\"\" frameborder=\"0\"></iframe></p>\r\nUsually, a player will stop by and heal you when you have died. I just so happen to be one of those nice guys. In fact, I heal both players and non-player characters.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Trick To Leveling Up Quicker</span></h3>\r\nI would also like to forewarn that if you see someone run in the fields in his underwear in a high-level zone, chances are that is probably me. I tend to take bold risks by taking a super low-level character into a high-level zone. That is the secret to my leveling quicker - exploration and not fighting. If you want to go for a jog with me sometime, let me know.\r\n\r\nIs it possible to reach a level 80 area as a level 5 or 8. Yes, absolutely. My friend told me that was impossible, but I proved her wrong and did it. The trick is to have a good runner. A running skill or ability is a must. As long as you can either find a way to increase your speed or do a lot of dodging, it is indeed possible.\r\n\r\nAlso, keep a look out for holes in areas. When I say holes, I mean spots where a monster just so happens to not be in. Sometimes jumping may be required to bypass monsters as well. Swimming tends to help in a few spots, but not all. Also, keep a look out for wyrms or spellcasters as they tend to do instant hits on runners. I have manage to bypass a few archers while running thankfully.\r\n\r\nI know it may seem like the coward\'s way of getting experience, but the system works. And remember to hit all the points in the cities as well. Explore, explore, explore!\r\n\r\nYes, this same technique can be used in Guild Wars 1, but it is not as effective as in the second game.\r\n\r\nIf you would like to buy Guild Wars 1, go ahead and buy it below. Guild Wars 2 is after the below link.\r\n<p align=\"center\"><iframe style=\"width: 120px; height: 240px;\" src=\"http://rcm-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/cm?t=dunganddragga-20&o=1&p=8&l=as1&asins=B001DI6O6C&ref=qf_sp_asin_til&fc1=000000&IS2=1&lt1=_blank&m=amazon&lc1=0000FF&bc1=000000&bg1=FFFFFF&f=ifr\" height=\"240\" width=\"320\" frameborder=\"0\" marginwidth=\"0\" marginheight=\"0\" scrolling=\"no\"></iframe></p>\r\nIf you would like to the newest edition Guild Wars 2, go ahead and buy it below.\r\n<p align=\"center\"><iframe style=\"width: 120px; height: 240px;\" src=\"http://rcm-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/cm?t=dunganddragga-20&o=1&p=8&l=as1&asins=B001TOQ8X4&ref=qf_sp_asin_til&fc1=000000&IS2=1&lt1=_blank&m=amazon&lc1=0000FF&bc1=000000&bg1=FFFFFF&f=ifr\" height=\"240\" width=\"320\" frameborder=\"0\" marginwidth=\"0\" marginheight=\"0\" scrolling=\"no\"></iframe></p>\r\nBy the way, the game was created by ArenaNet and the name and logos for it are owned by ArenaNet for those that are wondering.\r\n\r\nIf you have any questions or comments about this post, please provide it in the comments section below, notify me on facebook, or contact me on google plus. I am more than willing to assist you without whatever problems you may be encountering.\r\n\r\nYou Fellow Gamer\r\n\r\nJakob','Which Guild Wars Is Better - First or Second','','inherit','open','open','','68-revision-v1','','','2013-10-08 10:22:08','2013-10-08 16:22:08','',68,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=73',0,'revision','',0),(74,2,'2013-10-08 11:03:31','2013-10-08 17:03:31','<h2><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Guild Wars Vs Guild Wars 2</span></h2>\r\nI remember back when I first started the first one. Boy! A lot has changed since Guild Wars 1 all the way up through Guild Wars 2.\r\n\r\nThe game went from a 2d world (even though it did grant a pretty good illusion of 3d) to a 3d world that granted a big enhancement to the game world. The first guild wars game was still pretty good. In fact, it caught my eye many years ago when I first started playing because of the glow feature. I especially loved it when healers were glowing.\r\n\r\nYes, I have owned it for that long. Unfortunately, I was only an occasional player so other players would call me a newbie because my characters were so low of level for a multitude of years.\r\n\r\nWhen the expansions for Guild Wars came a long, it gave more skill variety for the characters - especially elite skills which can be hard to find without a wiki or friends pointing you in the right direction. The third expansion was especially useful because it granted the usage of heroes that could be added to the game. For a time, only three heroes maximum were allowed which gave encouragement to other players to join forces to complete missions.\r\n\r\nPersonally, I think granting too much power to a player can reduce the need for forming a party which is a necessity for the development of social interaction and game growth.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Early Stages of Guild Wars 2</span></h3>\r\nOnce Guild Wars 2 came a long, a lot of players got really excited and paid for the game early. When the gates opened for the open beta version, floods of players went in the game to play. I was one of them as a matter of fact. I will tell you that the beta version was more fun than the non-beta, but it had a lot of faults. There was a ton of crashes and there was too much lag - unlike the present day Guild Wars 2.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Advantages of Guild Wars 1</span></h3>\r\nNow, does Guild Wars 2 have the advantage over Guild Wars 1? Some things yes and some things no. Some players do prefer the original over the sequel. The first game allows players to create a guild hall (a form of housing) and it is great for those who love to play solo without much social interaction. If you love cookie-cutters, it works perfect for you. I especially love the storyline setup myself. Very fun cinematics.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Advantage of Guild Wars 2</span></h3>\r\nI would have to say the only advantage of Guild Wars 2 is it is perfect for those who have trouble getting a team together as well as for forming a guild with little or no price. No matter where you go, chances are there may be someone nearby to jump in and help you in a fight. No, I am not saying all players will do this. Believe me. I have a met a few jerks on there, but there are not that many of them.\r\n<p align=\"center\"><iframe src=\"//www.youtube.com/embed/8zDSHjXgKQY\" height=\"360\" width=\"640\" allowfullscreen=\"\" frameborder=\"0\"></iframe></p>\r\nUsually, a player will stop by and heal you when you have died. I just so happen to be one of those nice guys. In fact, I heal both players and non-player characters.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Trick To Leveling Up Quicker</span></h3>\r\nI would also like to forewarn that if you see someone run in the fields in his underwear in a high-level zone, chances are that is probably me. I tend to take bold risks by taking a super low-level character into a high-level zone. That is the secret to my leveling quicker - exploration and not fighting. If you want to go for a jog with me sometime, let me know.\r\n\r\nIs it possible to reach a level 80 area as a level 5 or 8. Yes, absolutely. My friend told me that was impossible, but I proved her wrong and did it. The trick is to have a good runner. A running skill or ability is a must. As long as you can either find a way to increase your speed or do a lot of dodging, it is indeed possible.\r\n\r\nAlso, keep a look out for holes in areas. When I say holes, I mean spots where a monster just so happens to not be in. Sometimes jumping may be required to bypass monsters as well. Swimming tends to help in a few spots, but not all. Also, keep a look out for wyrms or spellcasters as they tend to do instant hits on runners. I have manage to bypass a few archers while running thankfully.\r\n\r\nI know it may seem like the coward\'s way of getting experience, but the system works. And remember to hit all the points in the cities as well. Explore, explore, explore!\r\n\r\nYes, this same technique can be used in Guild Wars 1, but it is not as effective as in the second game.\r\n\r\nIf you would like to buy Guild Wars 1, go ahead and buy it below. Guild Wars 2 is after the below link.\r\n<p align=\"center\"><iframe style=\"width: 120px; height: 240px;\" src=\"http://rcm-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/cm?t=dunganddragga-20&o=1&p=8&l=as1&asins=B001DI6O6C&ref=qf_sp_asin_til&fc1=000000&IS2=1&lt1=_blank&m=amazon&lc1=0000FF&bc1=000000&bg1=FFFFFF&f=ifr\" height=\"240\" width=\"320\" frameborder=\"0\" marginwidth=\"0\" marginheight=\"0\" scrolling=\"no\"></iframe></p>\r\nIf you would like to the newest edition Guild Wars 2, go ahead and buy it below.\r\n<p align=\"center\"><iframe style=\"width: 120px; height: 240px;\" src=\"http://rcm-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/cm?t=dunganddragga-20&o=1&p=8&l=as1&asins=B001TOQ8X4&ref=qf_sp_asin_til&fc1=000000&IS2=1&lt1=_blank&m=amazon&lc1=0000FF&bc1=000000&bg1=FFFFFF&f=ifr\" height=\"240\" width=\"320\" frameborder=\"0\" marginwidth=\"0\" marginheight=\"0\" scrolling=\"no\"></iframe></p>\r\nBy the way, the game was created by ArenaNet and the name and logos for it are owned by ArenaNet for those that are wondering.\r\n\r\nIf you have any questions or comments about this post, please provide it in the comments section below, notify me on facebook, or contact me on google plus. I am more than willing to assist you without whatever problems you may be encountering.\r\n\r\nYou Fellow Gamer\r\n\r\nJakob','Which Guild Wars Is Better - First or Second','','inherit','open','open','','68-revision-v1','','','2013-10-08 11:03:31','2013-10-08 17:03:31','',68,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=74',0,'revision','',0),(76,2,'2013-10-10 17:57:47','2013-10-10 23:57:47','<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Leveling In Just Underwear</span></h3>\r\nYou heard me right. I actually had my character level up in Guild Wars 2 in just her underwear. This proves that leveling is so simple that you could do leveling in Guild Wars 2 with no armor. I plan to continue to prove my theory over time. Continue watching my videos and reading my posts to keep up with my progress thus far.\r\n\r\nSo the main key to this is hitting all the way points and points of interests. You will also need to go for gaining more skill points as well. This will seem kind of lame at first until around level 6 and level 11. After which, playing in your underwear will get a heck of a lot easier.\r\n\r\nNow, do you require weapons for this challenge? Absolutely not. You can if wish, but it is not really needed.\r\n\r\nThe only draw back of having no weapon is you will be lack certain skills for attacking enemies. Instead you would be required at later point to gain the needed offensive abilities (most likely received after level 11). This is also dependent on the profession you use.\r\n\r\nNow you can pull this off with any profession, but the most recommended one would be the ranger due his speed boost that he will eventually obtain.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">This Challenge Is Not For Everyone</span></h3>\r\nOne thing you have to remember is most people prefer not to pull off such a stunt. This is probably recommended for risk takers or those who like to do things the hard way. It is also not for those who crave to do battles a lot as this kind of starts out passive up until about level 11 or so.\r\n\r\nYou may also get your butt kicked a lot in the beginning as well. But this will not prevent you from gaining experience as a big chunk will be gained from exploration. This will also get you the rewards for exploring as well.\r\n\r\nPlease check out the video below to see me in action.\r\n<p align=\"center\"><iframe src=\"//www.youtube.com/embed/kodGxBNmrJo\" height=\"360\" width=\"480\" allowfullscreen=\"\" frameborder=\"0\"></iframe></p>\r\nIf you like what you see and you don\'t already own the game, feel free to get it below.\r\n<p align=\"center\"><iframe style=\"width: 120px; height: 240px;\" src=\"http://rcm-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/cm?t=dunganddragga-20&o=1&p=8&l=as1&asins=B00EPOTBUC&ref=qf_sp_asin_til&fc1=000000&IS2=1&lt1=_blank&m=amazon&lc1=0000FF&bc1=000000&bg1=FFFFFF&f=ifr\" height=\"240\" width=\"320\" frameborder=\"0\" marginwidth=\"0\" marginheight=\"0\" scrolling=\"no\"></iframe></p>\r\nIf you have any comments or questions, please leave them below in my comments section or send me a message on google plus.\r\n\r\nYour Fellow Gamer\r\n\r\nJakob','Guild Wars 2 Character Fighting In Underwear','','publish','open','open','','guild-wars-2-character-fighting-in-underwear','','','2013-10-16 14:26:58','2013-10-16 20:26:58','',0,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=76',0,'post','',0),(77,2,'2013-10-10 17:57:47','2013-10-10 23:57:47','<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Leveling In Just Underwear</span></h3>\r\nYou heard me right. I actually had my character level up in Guild Wars 2 in just her underwear. This proves that leveling is so simple that you could do leveling in Guild Wars 2 with no armor. I plan to continue to prove my theory over time. Continue watching my videos and reading my posts to keep up with my progress thus far.\r\n\r\nSo the main key to this is hitting all the way points and points of interests. You will also need to go for gaining more skill points as well. This will seem kind of lame at first until around level 6 and level 11. After which, playing in your underwear will get a heck of a lot easier.\r\n\r\nNow, do you require weapons for this challenge? Absolutely not. You can if wish, but it is not really needed.\r\n\r\nThe only draw back of having no weapon is you will be lack certain skills for attacking enemies. Instead you would be required at later point to gain the needed offensive abilities (most likely received after level 11). This is also dependent on the profession you use.\r\n\r\nNow you can pull this off with any profession, but the most recommended one would be the ranger due his speed boost that he will eventually obtain.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">This Challenge Is Not For Everyone</span></h3>\r\nOne thing you have to remember is most people prefer not to pull off such a stunt. This is probably recommended for risk takers or those who like to do things the hard way. It is also not for those who crave to do battles a lot as this kind of starts out passive up until about level 11 or so.\r\n\r\nYou may also get your butt kicked a lot in the beginning as well. But this will not prevent you from gaining experience as a big chunk will be gained from exploration. This will also get you the rewards for exploring as well.\r\n\r\nPlease check out the video below to see me in action.\r\n<p align=\"center\"><iframe src=\"//www.youtube.com/embed/kodGxBNmrJo\" height=\"360\" width=\"480\" allowfullscreen=\"\" frameborder=\"0\"></iframe></p>\r\nIf you have any comments or questions, please leave them below in my comments section or send me a message on google plus.\r\n\r\nYour Fellow Gamer\r\n\r\nJakob','Guild Wars 2 Character Fighting In Underwear','','inherit','open','open','','76-revision-v1','','','2013-10-10 17:57:47','2013-10-10 23:57:47','',76,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=77',0,'revision','',0),(78,2,'2013-10-10 18:02:54','2013-10-11 00:02:54','<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Leveling In Just Underwear</span></h3>\nYou heard me right. I actually had my character level up in Guild Wars 2 in just her underwear. This proves that leveling is so simple that you could do leveling in Guild Wars 2 with no armor. I plan to continue to prove my theory over time. Continue watching my videos and reading my posts to keep up with my progress thus far.\n\nSo the main key to this is hitting all the way points and points of interests. You will also need to go for gaining more skill points as well. This will seem kind of lame at first until around level 6 and level 11. After which, playing in your underwear will get a heck of a lot easier.\n\nNow, do you require weapons for this challenge? Absolutely not. You can if wish, but it is not really needed.\n\nThe only draw back of having no weapon is you will be lack certain skills for attacking enemies. Instead you would be required at later point to gain the needed offensive abilities (most likely received after level 11). This is also dependent on the profession you use.\n\nNow you can pull this off with any profession, but the most recommended one would be the ranger due his speed boost that he will eventually obtain.\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">This Challenge Is Not For Everyone</span></h3>\nOne thing you have to remember is most people prefer not to pull off such a stunt. This is probably recommended for risk takers or those who like to do things the hard way. It is also not for those who crave to do battles a lot as this kind of starts out passive up until about level 11 or so.\n\nYou may also get your butt kicked a lot in the beginning as well. But this will not prevent you from gaining experience as a big chunk will be gained from exploration. This will also get you the rewards for exploring as well.\n\nPlease check out the video below to see me in action.\n<p align=\"center\"><iframe src=\"//www.youtube.com/embed/kodGxBNmrJo\" height=\"360\" width=\"480\" allowfullscreen=\"\" frameborder=\"0\"></iframe></p>\nIf you like what you see and you don\'t already own the game, feel free to get it below.\n\n<p align=\"cente<iframe src=\"http://rcm-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/cm?t=dunganddragga-20&o=1&p=8&l=as1&asins=B00EPOTBUC&ref=qf_sp_asin_til&fc1=000000&IS2=1<1=_blank&m=amazon&lc1=0000FF&bc1=000000&bg1=FFFFFF&f=ifr\" style=\"width:120px;height:240px;\" scrolling=\"no\" marginwidth=\"0\" marginheight=\"0\" frameborder=\"0\"></iframe>\n\nIf you have any comments or questions, please leave them below in my comments section or send me a message on google plus.\n\nYour Fellow Gamer\n\nJakob','Guild Wars 2 Character Fighting In Underwear','','inherit','open','open','','76-autosave-v1','','','2013-10-10 18:02:54','2013-10-11 00:02:54','',76,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=78',0,'revision','',0),(79,2,'2013-10-10 18:03:14','2013-10-11 00:03:14','<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Leveling In Just Underwear</span></h3>\r\nYou heard me right. I actually had my character level up in Guild Wars 2 in just her underwear. This proves that leveling is so simple that you could do leveling in Guild Wars 2 with no armor. I plan to continue to prove my theory over time. Continue watching my videos and reading my posts to keep up with my progress thus far.\r\n\r\nSo the main key to this is hitting all the way points and points of interests. You will also need to go for gaining more skill points as well. This will seem kind of lame at first until around level 6 and level 11. After which, playing in your underwear will get a heck of a lot easier.\r\n\r\nNow, do you require weapons for this challenge? Absolutely not. You can if wish, but it is not really needed.\r\n\r\nThe only draw back of having no weapon is you will be lack certain skills for attacking enemies. Instead you would be required at later point to gain the needed offensive abilities (most likely received after level 11). This is also dependent on the profession you use.\r\n\r\nNow you can pull this off with any profession, but the most recommended one would be the ranger due his speed boost that he will eventually obtain.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">This Challenge Is Not For Everyone</span></h3>\r\nOne thing you have to remember is most people prefer not to pull off such a stunt. This is probably recommended for risk takers or those who like to do things the hard way. It is also not for those who crave to do battles a lot as this kind of starts out passive up until about level 11 or so.\r\n\r\nYou may also get your butt kicked a lot in the beginning as well. But this will not prevent you from gaining experience as a big chunk will be gained from exploration. This will also get you the rewards for exploring as well.\r\n\r\nPlease check out the video below to see me in action.\r\n<p align=\"center\"><iframe src=\"//www.youtube.com/embed/kodGxBNmrJo\" height=\"360\" width=\"480\" allowfullscreen=\"\" frameborder=\"0\"></iframe></p>\r\nIf you like what you see and you don\'t already own the game, feel free to get it below.\r\n<p align=\"center\"><iframe style=\"width: 120px; height: 240px;\" src=\"http://rcm-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/cm?t=dunganddragga-20&o=1&p=8&l=as1&asins=B00EPOTBUC&ref=qf_sp_asin_til&fc1=000000&IS2=1&lt1=_blank&m=amazon&lc1=0000FF&bc1=000000&bg1=FFFFFF&f=ifr\" height=\"240\" width=\"320\" frameborder=\"0\" marginwidth=\"0\" marginheight=\"0\" scrolling=\"no\"></iframe></p>\r\nIf you have any comments or questions, please leave them below in my comments section or send me a message on google plus.\r\n\r\nYour Fellow Gamer\r\n\r\nJakob','Guild Wars 2 Character Fighting In Underwear','','inherit','open','open','','76-revision-v1','','','2013-10-10 18:03:14','2013-10-11 00:03:14','',76,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=79',0,'revision','',0),(80,2,'2013-10-16 14:17:00','2013-10-16 20:17:00','<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Reduce Fighting While Exploring</span></h3>\r\nI find that using the ranger proves to be the most efficient when it comes to running around the world in Guild Wars 2, but the Elementalist can be just as good at gw2 running while avoiding combat. I am not saying always avoid fighting enemies, but it can slow down your exploration goal.\r\n\r\nJust think about it. Each time you stop to fight, minutes pass by or longer. Sometimes a battle can last 10 minutes or greater when there are a ton of foes surrounding you. Yes, I have been there and done that. Sure you can pull off a multi-attack procedure, but that is kind of worthless if you are too low of a level in a higher level region.\r\n\r\nSo here comes the next part you are wondering. \"Why can\'t I just work my way up in leveling over time? Then, the enemies will no longer be a higher level than me.\"\r\n\r\nYes, that is a very true concept. Getting gear is a plus to your endeavors as well. I think it all depends on what your objective truly is at this point. If you want to be a Mr. Buffpants and spend an eternity trying to get to that point, I do not see anything wrong with that. In fact, you may wish to go the guild route of which does decrease the time it takes to improve skills and leveling.\r\n\r\nI am just saying that it is indeed possible to get through areas a lot quicker by avoiding combat. It may or may not level you up quicker using this method, but I think that all depends on your strategy involved and thinking before you act.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Fighting When Cornered</span></h3>\r\nThe elementalist can run really fast if you use an air atunement with a glyph of elemental harmony. I know the speed does not last very long, but it is just long enough to bypass some foes and reach a waypoint where you will get your experience at. Do you have to take the coward\'s approach all the time? Absolutely not. Now and then, you may be at a point where you have no option but to defend yourself. It will, however, prove futile to fight back in a high level area though (where the good experience is located at for low-levels).\r\n\r\nI have found that if pushed into defending yourself at level 5 or level 6 and you are disarmed or not carrying a weapon, it is highly recommended to use the skill Conjure Flame Axe. Now you can choose to use a different skill, but that is entirely up to you. I believe skill usage for the offensive is entirely preferential and depends on the player\'s fighting style.\r\n\r\nI just so happen to make the greatest usage out of Conjure Flame Axe in conjunction with Glyph of Elemental Harmony (using fire atunement or water atunement) is all.\r\n\r\n<iframe src=\"//www.youtube.com/embed/QC2jV-e-z3E\" height=\"360\" width=\"640\" allowfullscreen=\"\" frameborder=\"0\"></iframe>\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Benefits of No Equipment</span></h3>\r\nSo the key to success if exploring without regards to fighting is running a lot with great speed. Make sure to hit key points such as way points so if you are to die by chance, your map making will not be in vain. Starting over in exploration tends to be very time consuming and gets old fast.\r\n\r\nAnd I know I mentioned this on a previous post, but exploring all day with nothing on you is not meant for just anybody. It can be beneficial in saving costs on repairs and provide more room in your bank or backpack, but some people just prefer to risk those costs due to their preference in what is a thrill for them. If you like exploring and have no issue about not using fancy equipment, please by all means follow me a long in my adventures and learn from the master of fighting or running like a dungeons and dragons monk in guild wars 2 (only with a few minor powers).\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Downside of No Equipment</span></h3>\r\nI also want to point out one more thing that a fellow guild member mentioned to me the other day and she is right to a certain point. In higher level areas, it can prove simpler with armor due to the bonuses (especially with health). I mean in low level areas, a player does not really need armor and can get by pretty easy. In other words, you will not receive much in the way of boosting health or damage due to lack of weapons or armor, so this may be almost the equivalent of playing the game in a type of hard mode or super hard mode.\r\n\r\nIs the process impossible? Well, that is why I am making my videos. I want to prove that all of this stuff can be done despite how difficult it may seem. My other recommendation, if you are to do it my way, is to wear an offhand. But do not use a weapon with it. Offhand items can have skill improvement without weapons and you will see that in my video as well.\r\n\r\nIf you have any questions or comment, please place it in my reply section below or shoot me a message in google plus.\r\n\r\nYour Fellow Gamer\r\n\r\nJakob','Guild Wars 2 Elementalist Running','','publish','open','open','','guild-wars-2-elementalist-running','','','2013-10-16 14:17:00','2013-10-16 20:17:00','',0,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=80',0,'post','',0),(81,2,'2013-10-16 13:38:41','2013-10-16 19:38:41','I find that using the ranger proves to be the most efficient when it comes to running around the world in Guild Wars 2, but the Elementalist can be just as good at running while avoiding combat. I am not saying always avoid fighting enemies, but it can slow down your exploration goal.\r\n\r\nJust think about it. Each time you stop to fight, minutes pass by or longer. Sometimes a battle can last 10 minutes or greater when there are a ton of foes surrounding you. Yes, I have been there and done that. Sure you can pull off a multi-attack procedure, but that is kind of worthless if you are too low of a level in a higher level region.\r\n\r\nSo here comes the next part you are wondering. \"Why can\'t I just work my way up in leveling over time? Then, the enemies will no longer be a higher level than me.\"\r\n\r\nYes, that is a very true concept. Getting gear is a plus to your endeavors as well. I think it all depends on what your objective truly is at this point. If you want to be a Mr. Buffpants and spend an eternity trying to get to that point. I do not see anything wrong with that. In fact, you may if wish to go the guild route of which does decrease the time it take to improve skills and leveling.\r\n\r\nI am just saying that it is indeed possible to get through areas a lot quicker by avoiding combat. It may or may not level you up quicker using this method, but I think that all depends on your strategy involved and thinking before you act.\r\n\r\nThe elementalist can run really fast if you use an air atunement with a glyph of elemental harmony. I know the speed does not last very long, but it is just long enough to bypass some foes and reach a waypoint where you will get your experience at. Do you have to take the coward\'s approach all the time? Absolutely not. Now and then, you may be at a point where you have no option but to defend yourself. It will, however, prove futile to fight back in a high level area though (where the good experience is located at for low-levels).\r\n\r\nI have found that if pushed into defending yourself at level 5 or level 6 and you are disarmed or not carrying a weapon, it is highly recommended to use the skill Conjure Flame Axe. Now you can choose to use a different skill, but that is entirely up to you. I believe skill usage for the offensive is entirely preferencial','Guild Wars 2 Elementalist Running','','inherit','open','open','','80-revision-v1','','','2013-10-16 13:38:41','2013-10-16 19:38:41','',80,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=81',0,'revision','',0),(82,2,'2013-10-16 14:12:49','2013-10-16 20:12:49','<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Reduce Fighting While Exploring</span></h3>\r\nI find that using the ranger proves to be the most efficient when it comes to running around the world in Guild Wars 2, but the Elementalist can be just as good at running while avoiding combat. I am not saying always avoid fighting enemies, but it can slow down your exploration goal.\r\n\r\nJust think about it. Each time you stop to fight, minutes pass by or longer. Sometimes a battle can last 10 minutes or greater when there are a ton of foes surrounding you. Yes, I have been there and done that. Sure you can pull off a multi-attack procedure, but that is kind of worthless if you are too low of a level in a higher level region.\r\n\r\nSo here comes the next part you are wondering. \"Why can\'t I just work my way up in leveling over time? Then, the enemies will no longer be a higher level than me.\"\r\n\r\nYes, that is a very true concept. Getting gear is a plus to your endeavors as well. I think it all depends on what your objective truly is at this point. If you want to be a Mr. Buffpants and spend an eternity trying to get to that point, I do not see anything wrong with that. In fact, you may wish to go the guild route of which does decrease the time it takes to improve skills and leveling.\r\n\r\nI am just saying that it is indeed possible to get through areas a lot quicker by avoiding combat. It may or may not level you up quicker using this method, but I think that all depends on your strategy involved and thinking before you act.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Fighting When Cornered</span></h3>\r\nThe elementalist can run really fast if you use an air atunement with a glyph of elemental harmony. I know the speed does not last very long, but it is just long enough to bypass some foes and reach a waypoint where you will get your experience at. Do you have to take the coward\'s approach all the time? Absolutely not. Now and then, you may be at a point where you have no option but to defend yourself. It will, however, prove futile to fight back in a high level area though (where the good experience is located at for low-levels).\r\n\r\nI have found that if pushed into defending yourself at level 5 or level 6 and you are disarmed or not carrying a weapon, it is highly recommended to use the skill Conjure Flame Axe. Now you can choose to use a different skill, but that is entirely up to you. I believe skill usage for the offensive is entirely preferential and depends on the player\'s fighting style.\r\n\r\nI just so happen to make the greatest usage out of Conjure Flame Axe in conjunction with Glyph of Elemental Harmony (using fire atunement or water atunement) is all.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Benefits of No Equipment</span></h3>\r\nSo the key to success if exploring without regards to fighting is running a lot with great speed. Make sure to hit key points such as way points so if you are to die by chance, your map making will not be in vain. Starting over in exploration tends to be very time consuming and gets old fast.\r\n\r\nAnd I know I mentioned this on a previous post, but exploring all day with nothing on you is not meant for just anybody. It can be beneficial in saving costs on repairs and provide more room in your bank or backpack, but some people just prefer to risk those costs due to their preference in what is a thrill for them. If you like exploring and have no issue about not using fancy equipment, please by all means follow me a long in my adventures and learn from the master of fighting or running like a dungeons and dragons monk in guild wars 2 (only with a few minor powers).\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Downside of No Equipment</span></h3>\r\nI also want to point out one more thing that a fellow guild member mentioned to me the other day and she is right to a certain point. In higher level areas, it can prove simpler with armor due to the bonuses (especially with health). I mean in low level areas, a player does not really need armor and can get by pretty easy. In other words, you will not receive much in the way of boosting health or damage due to lack of weapons or armor, so this may be almost the equivalent of playing the game in a type of hard mode or super hard mode.\r\n\r\nIs the process impossible? Well, that is why I am making my videos. I want to prove that all of this stuff can be done despite how difficult it may seem. My other recommendation, if you are to do it my way, is to wear an offhand. But do not use a weapon with it. Offhand items can have skill improvement without weapons and you will see that in my video as well.\r\n\r\nIf you have any questions or comment, please place it in my reply section below or shoot me a message in google plus.\r\n\r\nYour Fellow Gamer\r\n\r\nJakob','Guild Wars 2 Elementalist Running','','inherit','open','open','','80-revision-v1','','','2013-10-16 14:12:49','2013-10-16 20:12:49','',80,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=82',0,'revision','',0),(83,2,'2013-10-16 14:17:00','2013-10-16 20:17:00','<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Reduce Fighting While Exploring</span></h3>\r\nI find that using the ranger proves to be the most efficient when it comes to running around the world in Guild Wars 2, but the Elementalist can be just as good at gw2 running while avoiding combat. I am not saying always avoid fighting enemies, but it can slow down your exploration goal.\r\n\r\nJust think about it. Each time you stop to fight, minutes pass by or longer. Sometimes a battle can last 10 minutes or greater when there are a ton of foes surrounding you. Yes, I have been there and done that. Sure you can pull off a multi-attack procedure, but that is kind of worthless if you are too low of a level in a higher level region.\r\n\r\nSo here comes the next part you are wondering. \"Why can\'t I just work my way up in leveling over time? Then, the enemies will no longer be a higher level than me.\"\r\n\r\nYes, that is a very true concept. Getting gear is a plus to your endeavors as well. I think it all depends on what your objective truly is at this point. If you want to be a Mr. Buffpants and spend an eternity trying to get to that point, I do not see anything wrong with that. In fact, you may wish to go the guild route of which does decrease the time it takes to improve skills and leveling.\r\n\r\nI am just saying that it is indeed possible to get through areas a lot quicker by avoiding combat. It may or may not level you up quicker using this method, but I think that all depends on your strategy involved and thinking before you act.\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Fighting When Cornered</span></h3>\r\nThe elementalist can run really fast if you use an air atunement with a glyph of elemental harmony. I know the speed does not last very long, but it is just long enough to bypass some foes and reach a waypoint where you will get your experience at. Do you have to take the coward\'s approach all the time? Absolutely not. Now and then, you may be at a point where you have no option but to defend yourself. It will, however, prove futile to fight back in a high level area though (where the good experience is located at for low-levels).\r\n\r\nI have found that if pushed into defending yourself at level 5 or level 6 and you are disarmed or not carrying a weapon, it is highly recommended to use the skill Conjure Flame Axe. Now you can choose to use a different skill, but that is entirely up to you. I believe skill usage for the offensive is entirely preferential and depends on the player\'s fighting style.\r\n\r\nI just so happen to make the greatest usage out of Conjure Flame Axe in conjunction with Glyph of Elemental Harmony (using fire atunement or water atunement) is all.\r\n\r\n<iframe src=\"//www.youtube.com/embed/QC2jV-e-z3E\" height=\"360\" width=\"640\" allowfullscreen=\"\" frameborder=\"0\"></iframe>\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Benefits of No Equipment</span></h3>\r\nSo the key to success if exploring without regards to fighting is running a lot with great speed. Make sure to hit key points such as way points so if you are to die by chance, your map making will not be in vain. Starting over in exploration tends to be very time consuming and gets old fast.\r\n\r\nAnd I know I mentioned this on a previous post, but exploring all day with nothing on you is not meant for just anybody. It can be beneficial in saving costs on repairs and provide more room in your bank or backpack, but some people just prefer to risk those costs due to their preference in what is a thrill for them. If you like exploring and have no issue about not using fancy equipment, please by all means follow me a long in my adventures and learn from the master of fighting or running like a dungeons and dragons monk in guild wars 2 (only with a few minor powers).\r\n<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Downside of No Equipment</span></h3>\r\nI also want to point out one more thing that a fellow guild member mentioned to me the other day and she is right to a certain point. In higher level areas, it can prove simpler with armor due to the bonuses (especially with health). I mean in low level areas, a player does not really need armor and can get by pretty easy. In other words, you will not receive much in the way of boosting health or damage due to lack of weapons or armor, so this may be almost the equivalent of playing the game in a type of hard mode or super hard mode.\r\n\r\nIs the process impossible? Well, that is why I am making my videos. I want to prove that all of this stuff can be done despite how difficult it may seem. My other recommendation, if you are to do it my way, is to wear an offhand. But do not use a weapon with it. Offhand items can have skill improvement without weapons and you will see that in my video as well.\r\n\r\nIf you have any questions or comment, please place it in my reply section below or shoot me a message in google plus.\r\n\r\nYour Fellow Gamer\r\n\r\nJakob','Guild Wars 2 Elementalist Running','','inherit','open','open','','80-revision-v1','','','2013-10-16 14:17:00','2013-10-16 20:17:00','',80,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=83',0,'revision','',0),(94,2,'2014-05-18 12:46:25','2014-05-18 18:46:25','','Tequatl the Sunless','','inherit','open','open','','gw010','','','2014-05-18 12:46:25','2014-05-18 18:46:25','',92,'http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw010.jpg',0,'attachment','image/jpeg',0),(95,2,'2014-05-18 12:53:55','2014-05-18 18:53:55','','Defending the Batteries','','inherit','open','open','','gw018','','','2014-05-18 12:53:55','2014-05-18 18:53:55','',92,'http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw018.jpg',0,'attachment','image/jpeg',0),(96,2,'2014-05-18 13:01:02','2014-05-18 19:01:02','','Fight To Survive','','inherit','open','open','','gw012','','','2014-05-18 13:01:02','2014-05-18 19:01:02','',92,'http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw012.jpg',0,'attachment','image/jpeg',0),(97,2,'2014-05-18 13:05:27','2014-05-18 19:05:27','','Tequatl Bone Finger','','inherit','open','open','','gw017','','','2014-05-18 13:05:27','2014-05-18 19:05:27','',92,'http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw017.jpg',0,'attachment','image/jpeg',0),(98,2,'2014-05-18 13:09:49','2014-05-18 19:09:49','I found this chest after defeating a boss in a volcanic region in Guild Wars 2.','Large Chest in Volcanic Region','','inherit','open','open','','gw007','','','2014-05-18 13:09:49','2014-05-18 19:09:49','',92,'http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw007.jpg',0,'attachment','image/jpeg',0),(99,2,'2014-05-18 13:13:13','2014-05-18 19:13:13','I am revealing a unique Tequatl experience I had on Guild Wars 2 when I was fighting a monstrous beast that required so many players it caused the entire server to experience an immense amount of lag. I do not remember the exact location as my primary focus was exploration, increasing levels and completing the map I was currently on. Once I saw the dragon of terror, I was really shocked but also excited at the same time. Such a beast was just something I had never encountered before except for the huge monster I saw in the swamp.\r\n\r\n<a href=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw010.jpg\"><img class=\"aligncenter size-medium wp-image-94\" alt=\"Tequatl\" src=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw010-300x168.jpg\" width=\"300\" height=\"168\" /></a>\r\n\r\nAs I joined in on the event, I just figured it would be one of those things I just take a couple of shots to get credit and let others do most of the work like in the swamp. No, with this baby it requires at least some effort or you will be utterly defeated. If you want credit, you will not only need to fight the beast, but you will also need to defend the batteries when the creature sinks back into the water for brief moments.\r\n\r\n<a href=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw018.jpg\"><img class=\"aligncenter size-medium wp-image-95\" alt=\"defending the batteries\" src=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw018-300x168.jpg\" width=\"300\" height=\"168\" /></a>\r\n\r\nOne of the things that got me was sinking in the whirlpools that it creates. Also keep a look out for the bone fingers that swing back and forth hitting players. The monster also creates shock waves in the water that push you back.\r\n\r\n<a href=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw017.jpg\"><img class=\"aligncenter size-medium wp-image-97\" alt=\"tequatl bone finger\" src=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw017-300x168.jpg\" width=\"300\" height=\"168\" /></a>\r\n\r\nOh and one of my favorites is when it causes fear. You will know when you are frightened because it will show a black skull above your head and your character will start running in the opposite direction. It is almost like the fear caused by dragons in dungeons and dragons.\r\n\r\nAlso a big tip would be to not give up if you die. Wait for someone to bring you back to life. Do not immediately go to a waypoint and run back. As long as you got in some hits on the creature, you will still get credit even while you lay dead on the ground.\r\n\r\n<a href=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw012.jpg\"><img class=\"aligncenter size-medium wp-image-96\" alt=\"Fight to Survive\" src=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw012-300x168.jpg\" width=\"300\" height=\"168\" /></a>\r\n\r\nAt the end of the whole thing even though we lost the event, I still managed to get three chests for defending the batteries. In fact, that was what surprised one of the players is when he saw there were three chests he still managed to get. Of course, if we beat it the dragon itself officially, it might have been possible for us to get the ultimate chest which has the appearance of a monstrously huge check like boy link gets in the Legend of Zelda.\r\n\r\n<a href=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw007.jpg\"><img class=\"aligncenter size-medium wp-image-98\" alt=\"Large Chest in Volcanic Region\" src=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw007-300x168.jpg\" width=\"300\" height=\"168\" /></a>\r\n\r\nOn a final note, fighting the dragon of immense proportion will be well worth it. If you have any questions or comments feel free to leave a comment below or send me a message on google plus. You can also find me in the game as Audacious Jack or look for my guild The Adventurer\'s Club also known as TAC. Any names on the pictures, except for my own of course, have been blurred out to respect privacy.\r\n\r\nYour Fellow Adventurer,\r\n\r\nAudacious Jack','Fighting Tequatl - Risking Death','','inherit','open','open','','92-revision-v1','','','2014-05-18 13:13:13','2014-05-18 19:13:13','',92,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=99',0,'revision','',0),(100,2,'2014-05-18 13:15:18','2014-05-18 19:15:18','<h1><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Facing A Powerful Enemy</span></h1>\nI am revealing a unique Tequatl experience I had on Guild Wars 2 when I was fighting a monstrous beast that required so many players it caused the entire server to experience an immense amount of lag. I do not remember the exact location as my primary focus was exploration, increasing levels and completing the map I was currently on. Once I saw the dragon of terror, I was really shocked but also excited at the same time. Such a beast was just something I had never encountered before except for the huge monster I saw in the swamp.\n\n<a href=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw010.jpg\"><img class=\"aligncenter size-medium wp-image-94\" alt=\"Tequatl\" src=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw010-300x168.jpg\" width=\"300\" height=\"168\" /></a>\n\nAs I joined in on the event, I just figured it would be one of those things I just take a couple of shots to get credit and let others do most of the work like in the swamp. No, with this baby it requires at least some effort or you will be utterly defeated. If you want credit, you will not only need to fight the beast, but you will also need to defend the batteries when the creature sinks back into the water for brief moments.\n\n<a href=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw018.jpg\"><img class=\"aligncenter size-medium wp-image-95\" alt=\"defending the batteries\" src=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw018-300x168.jpg\" width=\"300\" height=\"168\" /></a>\n\nOne of the things that got me was sinking in the whirlpools that it creates. Also keep a look out for the bone fingers that swing back and forth hitting players. The monster also creates shock waves in the water that push you back.\n\n<a href=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw017.jpg\"><img class=\"aligncenter size-medium wp-image-97\" alt=\"tequatl bone finger\" src=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw017-300x168.jpg\" width=\"300\" height=\"168\" /></a>\n<h2><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Face Your Fears And Get Rewarded</span></h2>\nOh and one of my favorites is when it causes fear. You will know when you are frightened because it will show a black skull above your head and your character will start running in the opposite direction. It is almost like the fear caused by dragons in dungeons and dragons.\n\nAlso a big tip would be to not give up if you die. Wait for someone to bring you back to life. Do not immediately go to a waypoint and run back. As long as you got in some hits on the creature, you will still get credit even while you lay dead on the ground.\n\n<a href=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw012.jpg\"><img class=\"aligncenter size-medium wp-image-96\" alt=\"Fight to Survive\" src=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw012-300x168.jpg\" width=\"300\" height=\"168\" /></a>\n\nAt the end of the whole thing even though we lost the event, I still managed to get three chests for defending the batteries. In fact, that was what surprised one of the players is when he saw there were three chests he still managed to get. Of course, if we beat it the dragon itself officially, it might have been possible for us to get the ultimate chest which has the appearance of a monstrously huge check like boy link gets in the Legend of Zelda.\n\n<a href=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw007.jpg\"><img class=\"aligncenter size-medium wp-image-98\" alt=\"Large Chest in Volcanic Region\" src=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw007-300x168.jpg\" width=\"300\" height=\"168\" /></a>\n\nOn a final note, fighting the dragon of immense proportion will be well worth it. If you have any questions or comments feel free to leave a comment below or send me a message on google plus. You can also find me in the game as Audacious Jack or look for my guild The Adventurer\'s Club also known as TAC. Any names on the pictures, except for my own of course, have been blurred out to respect privacy.\n\nYour Fellow Adventurer,\n\nAudacious Jack','Fighting Tequatl - Risking Death','','inherit','open','open','','92-autosave-v1','','','2014-05-18 13:15:18','2014-05-18 19:15:18','',92,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=100',0,'revision','',0),(101,2,'2014-05-18 13:15:22','2014-05-18 19:15:22','<h1><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Facing A Powerful Enemy</span></h1>\r\nI am revealing a unique Tequatl experience I had on Guild Wars 2 when I was fighting a monstrous beast that required so many players it caused the entire server to experience an immense amount of lag. I do not remember the exact location as my primary focus was exploration, increasing levels and completing the map I was currently on. Once I saw the dragon of terror, I was really shocked but also excited at the same time. Such a beast was just something I had never encountered before except for the huge monster I saw in the swamp.\r\n\r\n<a href=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw010.jpg\"><img class=\"aligncenter size-medium wp-image-94\" alt=\"Tequatl\" src=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw010-300x168.jpg\" width=\"300\" height=\"168\" /></a>\r\n\r\nAs I joined in on the event, I just figured it would be one of those things I just take a couple of shots to get credit and let others do most of the work like in the swamp. No, with this baby it requires at least some effort or you will be utterly defeated. If you want credit, you will not only need to fight the beast, but you will also need to defend the batteries when the creature sinks back into the water for brief moments.\r\n\r\n<a href=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw018.jpg\"><img class=\"aligncenter size-medium wp-image-95\" alt=\"defending the batteries\" src=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw018-300x168.jpg\" width=\"300\" height=\"168\" /></a>\r\n\r\nOne of the things that got me was sinking in the whirlpools that it creates. Also keep a look out for the bone fingers that swing back and forth hitting players. The monster also creates shock waves in the water that push you back.\r\n\r\n<a href=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw017.jpg\"><img class=\"aligncenter size-medium wp-image-97\" alt=\"tequatl bone finger\" src=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw017-300x168.jpg\" width=\"300\" height=\"168\" /></a>\r\n<h2><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Face Your Fears And Get Rewarded</span></h2>\r\nOh and one of my favorites is when it causes fear. You will know when you are frightened because it will show a black skull above your head and your character will start running in the opposite direction. It is almost like the fear caused by dragons in dungeons and dragons.\r\n\r\nAlso a big tip would be to not give up if you die. Wait for someone to bring you back to life. Do not immediately go to a waypoint and run back. As long as you got in some hits on the creature, you will still get credit even while you lay dead on the ground.\r\n\r\n<a href=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw012.jpg\"><img class=\"aligncenter size-medium wp-image-96\" alt=\"Fight to Survive\" src=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw012-300x168.jpg\" width=\"300\" height=\"168\" /></a>\r\n\r\nAt the end of the whole thing even though we lost the event, I still managed to get three chests for defending the batteries. In fact, that was what surprised one of the players is when he saw there were three chests he still managed to get. Of course, if we beat it the dragon itself officially, it might have been possible for us to get the ultimate chest which has the appearance of a monstrously huge check like boy link gets in the Legend of Zelda.\r\n\r\n<a href=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw007.jpg\"><img class=\"aligncenter size-medium wp-image-98\" alt=\"Large Chest in Volcanic Region\" src=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw007-300x168.jpg\" width=\"300\" height=\"168\" /></a>\r\n\r\nOn a final note, fighting the dragon of immense proportion will be well worth it. If you have any questions or comments feel free to leave a comment below or send me a message on google plus. You can also find me in the game as Audacious Jack or look for my guild The Adventurer\'s Club also known as TAC. Any names on the pictures, except for my own of course, have been blurred out to respect privacy.\r\n\r\nYour Fellow Adventurer,\r\n\r\nAudacious Jack','Fighting Tequatl - Risking Death','','inherit','open','open','','92-revision-v1','','','2014-05-18 13:15:22','2014-05-18 19:15:22','',92,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=101',0,'revision','',0),(102,2,'2014-05-18 13:32:08','2014-05-18 19:32:08','<h1><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Facing A Powerful Enemy</span></h1>\r\nI am revealing a unique Tequatl experience I had on Guild Wars 2 when I was fighting a monstrous beast that required so many players it caused the entire server to experience an immense amount of lag. I do not remember the exact location as my primary focus was exploration, increasing levels and completing the map I was currently on. Once I saw the dragon of terror, I was really shocked but also excited at the same time. Such a beast was just something I had never encountered before except for the huge monster I saw in the swamp.\r\n\r\n<a href=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw010.jpg\"><img class=\"aligncenter size-medium wp-image-94\" alt=\"Tequatl\" src=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw010-300x168.jpg\" width=\"300\" height=\"168\" /></a>\r\n\r\nAs I joined in on the event, I just figured it would be one of those things I just take a couple of shots to get credit and let others do most of the work like in the swamp. No, with this baby it requires at least some effort or you will be utterly defeated. If you want credit, you will not only need to fight the beast, but you will also need to defend the batteries when the creature sinks back into the water for brief moments.\r\n\r\n<a href=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw018.jpg\"><img class=\"aligncenter size-medium wp-image-95\" alt=\"defending the batteries\" src=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw018-300x168.jpg\" width=\"300\" height=\"168\" /></a>\r\n\r\nOne of the things that got me was sinking in the whirlpools that it creates. Also keep a look out for the bone fingers that swing back and forth hitting players. The monster also creates shock waves in the water that push you back.\r\n\r\n<a href=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw017.jpg\"><img class=\"aligncenter size-medium wp-image-97\" alt=\"tequatl bone finger\" src=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw017-300x168.jpg\" width=\"300\" height=\"168\" /></a>\r\n<h2><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Face Your Fears And Get Rewarded</span></h2>\r\nOh and one of my favorites is when it causes fear. You will know when you are frightened because it will show a black skull above your head and your character will start running in the opposite direction. It is almost like the fear caused by dragons in dungeons and dragons.\r\n\r\nAlso a big tip would be to not give up if you die. Wait for someone to bring you back to life. Do not immediately go to a waypoint and run back. As long as you got in some hits on the creature, you will still get credit even while you lay dead on the ground.\r\n\r\n<a href=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw012.jpg\"><img class=\"aligncenter size-medium wp-image-96\" alt=\"Fight to Survive\" src=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw012-300x168.jpg\" width=\"300\" height=\"168\" /></a>\r\n\r\nAt the end of the whole thing even though we lost the event, I still managed to get three chests for defending the batteries. In fact, that was what surprised one of the players is when he saw there were three chests he still managed to get. Of course, if we beat the dragon itself officially, it might have been possible for us to get the ultimate chest which has the appearance of a monstrously huge chest like boy link gets in the Legend of Zelda.\r\n\r\n<a href=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw007.jpg\"><img class=\"aligncenter size-medium wp-image-98\" alt=\"Large Chest in Volcanic Region\" src=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw007-300x168.jpg\" width=\"300\" height=\"168\" /></a>\r\n\r\nOn a final note, fighting the dragon of immense proportion will be well worth it. If you have any questions or comments feel free to leave a comment below or send me a message on google plus. You can also find me in the game as Audacious Jack or look for my guild The Adventurer\'s Club also known as TAC. Any names on the pictures, except for my own of course, have been blurred out to respect privacy.\r\n\r\nYour Fellow Adventurer,\r\n\r\nAudacious Jack','Fighting Tequatl - Risking Death','','inherit','open','open','','92-revision-v1','','','2014-05-18 13:32:08','2014-05-18 19:32:08','',92,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=102',0,'revision','',0),(103,2,'2014-05-18 13:48:24','2014-05-18 19:48:24','<h1><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Facing A Powerful Enemy</span></h1>\r\nI am revealing a unique Tequatl experience I had on Guild Wars 2 when I was fighting a monstrous beast that required so many players it caused the entire server to experience an immense amount of lag. I do not remember the exact location as my primary focus was exploration, increasing levels and completing the map I was currently on. Once I saw the dragon of terror, I was really shocked but also excited at the same time. Such a beast was just something I had never encountered before except for the huge monster I saw in the swamp.\r\n\r\n<a href=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw010.jpg\"><img class=\"aligncenter size-medium wp-image-94\" src=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw010-300x168.jpg\" alt=\"Tequatl\" width=\"300\" height=\"168\" /></a>\r\n\r\nAs I joined in on the event, I just figured it would be one of those things I just take a couple of shots to get credit and let others do most of the work like in the swamp. No, with this baby it requires at least some effort or you will be utterly defeated. If you want credit, you will not only need to fight the beast, but you will also need to defend the batteries when the creature sinks back into the water for brief moments.\r\n\r\n<a href=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw018.jpg\"><img class=\"aligncenter size-medium wp-image-95\" src=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw018-300x168.jpg\" alt=\"defending the batteries\" width=\"300\" height=\"168\" /></a>\r\n\r\nOne of the things that got me was sinking in the whirlpools that it creates. Also keep a look out for the bone fingers that swing back and forth hitting players. The monster also creates shock waves in the water that push you back.\r\n\r\n<a href=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw017.jpg\"><img class=\"aligncenter size-medium wp-image-97\" src=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw017-300x168.jpg\" alt=\"tequatl bone finger\" width=\"300\" height=\"168\" /></a>\r\n<h2><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Face Your Fears And Get Rewarded</span></h2>\r\nOh and one of my favorites is when it causes fear. You will know when you are frightened because it will show a black skull above your head and your character will start running in the opposite direction. It is almost like the fear caused by dragons in dungeons and dragons.\r\n\r\nAlso a big tip would be to not give up if you die. Wait for someone to bring you back to life. Do not immediately go to a waypoint and run back. As long as you got in some hits on the creature, you will still get credit even while you lay dead on the ground.\r\n\r\n<a href=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw012.jpg\"><img class=\"aligncenter size-medium wp-image-96\" src=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw012-300x168.jpg\" alt=\"Fight to Survive\" width=\"300\" height=\"168\" /></a>\r\n\r\nAt the end of the whole thing even though we lost the event, I still managed to get three chests for defending the batteries. In fact, that was what surprised one of the players is when he saw there were three chests he still managed to get. Of course, if we beat the dragon itself officially, it might have been possible for us to get the ultimate chest which has the appearance of a monstrously huge chest like boy link gets in the Legend of Zelda.\r\n\r\n<a href=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw007.jpg\"><img class=\"aligncenter size-medium wp-image-98\" src=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw007-300x168.jpg\" alt=\"Large Chest in Volcanic Region\" width=\"300\" height=\"168\" /></a>\r\n\r\nOn a final note, fighting the dragon of immense proportion will be well worth it. If you have any questions or comments feel free to leave a comment below or send me a message on google plus. You can also find me in the game as Audacious Jack or look for my guild The Adventurer\'s Club also known as TAC. Any names on the pictures, except for my own of course, have been blurred out to respect privacy.\r\n\r\nYour Fellow Adventurer,\r\n\r\nAudacious Jack','Fighting Tequatl - Risking Death','','inherit','open','open','','92-revision-v1','','','2014-05-18 13:48:24','2014-05-18 19:48:24','',92,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=103',0,'revision','',0),(104,2,'2014-05-18 19:29:03','2014-05-19 01:29:03','<h3><span style=\"color: #000000;\">I Will Buscador de juegos para usted</span></h3>\nI am going to make this brief and too the point. You tell me whatever game you are looking for and I will go and find your game for you. Just make sure you tell me the name of it, the category it belongs to, and how old it is. After I find it, I will leave a comment in this section as well as create a post about it for anybody else that may be looking for it.\n\nI will create a link to where the game will be located at (mostly a store you can buy it from) in the post created and not in the comments area.\n\nPlease, no links in my comments section without my approval first. I do not want any spam here.\n\nIf you have any further questions about this post, please let me know in the replies section below.','Help Finding Games','','inherit','open','open','','20-autosave-v1','','','2014-05-18 19:29:03','2014-05-19 01:29:03','',20,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=104',0,'revision','',0),(106,2,'2014-05-26 13:11:18','2014-05-26 19:11:18','<a href=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw031.jpg\"><img class=\"aligncenter size-large wp-image-108\" src=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw031-1024x576.jpg\" alt=\"claw of jormag\" width=\"700\" height=\"393\" /></a>\r\n\r\nBattling the Claw of Jormag was a pretty tough battle. It was not as difficult as fighting Tequatl though. And luckily there were no bone fingers involved with this either.\r\n\r\n<a href=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw027.jpg\"><img class=\"aligncenter size-medium wp-image-111\" src=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw027-300x168.jpg\" alt=\"corrupted ice shield\" width=\"300\" height=\"168\" /></a>\r\n\r\nWhen I first fought the creature, I was not really sure what I was shooting at or its name. Kind of ridiculous. I know that for sure. After a little while, I discovered that the corrupted ice shield was not the dragon. Pretty funny stuff if you tell me. It is just some barrier in front of the dragon that needs to be taken down. If not taken down, last I remember it freezes approaching characters.\r\n\r\nNow to take down the dragon, other than having a myriad of players at your side, you can attack old school with your own weapon or you can use some cannon like weapons. Almost forgot about this. You can also use experimental weapons that look like missile launchers or large guns.\r\n\r\n<a href=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw024.jpg\"><img class=\"aligncenter size-medium wp-image-112\" src=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw024-300x168.jpg\" alt=\"fear of jormag\" width=\"300\" height=\"168\" /></a>\r\n\r\nAnd yes, this dragon can cause fear just like the other dragon I talked about on another post.\r\n\r\n<a href=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw033.jpg\"><img class=\"aligncenter size-medium wp-image-113\" src=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw033-300x168.jpg\" alt=\"the chest of jormag\" width=\"300\" height=\"168\" /></a>\r\n\r\nBy the way, we did beat the beast this time around and we got a huge chest afterwards. I stood inside the chest itself just for fun. I love how characters can walk through some objects and can stand halfway or all the way inside of them.\r\n\r\nAnd to answer your question, I did reach level 76 ranger at this point in the game. Later on, I made it to level 80 of course.\r\n\r\nIf you have any questions or comments about this post, feel free to leave a comment below or send me a message on google plus.\r\n\r\nOr if you wish, you can harass me in the game itself at night time or in the early afternoon. Look for Audacious Jack or The Adventurer\'s Club. My backpack symbol is on the pictures, so it is a dead give away when you see me running by. Yes, I am the guy in the green outfit with a backpack that has a symbol of a sword and a key.\r\n\r\nYour Fellow Gamer,\r\n\r\nAudacious Jack','Attacking Claw of Jormag - Do Not Get Frozen','','publish','open','open','','attacking-claw-of-jormag-do-not-get-frozen','','','2014-05-26 13:19:11','2014-05-26 19:19:11','',0,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=106',0,'post','',0),(107,2,'2014-05-26 12:41:45','2014-05-26 18:41:45','Battling the Claw of Jormag was a pretty tough battle. It was not as difficult as fighting Tequatl though. And luckily there were no bone fingers involved with this either.\r\n\r\nWhen I first fought the creature, I was not really sure what I was shooting at or its name. Kind of ridiculous. I know that for sure. After a little while, I discovered that the corrupted ice shield was not the dragon. Pretty funny stuff if you tell me. It is just some barrier in front of the dragon that needs to be taken down. If not taken down, last I remember it freezes approaching characters.\r\n\r\nNow to take down the dragon, other than having a myriad of players at your side, you can attack old school with your own weapon or you can use some cannon like weapons. Almost forgot about this. You can also use experimental weapons that look like missile launchers or large guns.\r\n\r\nAnd yes, this dragon can cause fear just like the other dragon I talked about on another post.\r\n\r\nBy the way, we did beat the beast this time around and we got a huge chest afterwards. I stood inside the chest itself just for fun. I love how characters can walk through some objects and can still halfway or all the way inside of them.\r\n\r\nAnd to answer your question, I did reach level 76 ranger at this point in the game. Later on, I made it to level 80 of course.\r\n\r\nIf you have any questions or comments about this post, feel free to leave a comment below or send me a message on google plus. Or if you wish, you can harrass me in the game itself at night time or in the early afternoon. Look for Audacious Jack or The Adventurer\'s Club. My backpack symbol is on the pictures, so it is a dead give away when you see me running by. Yes, I am the guy in the green outfit with a backpack that has a symbol of a sword and a key.','Attacking Claw of Jormag - Do Not Get Frozen','','inherit','open','open','','106-revision-v1','','','2014-05-26 12:41:45','2014-05-26 18:41:45','',106,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=107',0,'revision','',0),(108,2,'2014-05-26 12:46:08','2014-05-26 18:46:08','','claw of jormag','','inherit','open','open','','gw031','','','2014-05-26 12:46:08','2014-05-26 18:46:08','',106,'http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw031.jpg',0,'attachment','image/jpeg',0),(111,2,'2014-05-26 13:02:26','2014-05-26 19:02:26','','corrupted ice shield','','inherit','open','open','','gw027','','','2014-05-26 13:02:26','2014-05-26 19:02:26','',106,'http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw027.jpg',0,'attachment','image/jpeg',0),(110,2,'2014-05-26 12:57:50','2014-05-26 18:57:50','<a href=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw031.jpg\"><img class=\"aligncenter size-large wp-image-108\" src=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw031-1024x576.jpg\" alt=\"claw of jormag\" width=\"700\" height=\"393\" /></a>\r\n\r\nBattling the Claw of Jormag was a pretty tough battle. It was not as difficult as fighting Tequatl though. And luckily there were no bone fingers involved with this either.\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\nWhen I first fought the creature, I was not really sure what I was shooting at or its name. Kind of ridiculous. I know that for sure. After a little while, I discovered that the corrupted ice shield was not the dragon. Pretty funny stuff if you tell me. It is just some barrier in front of the dragon that needs to be taken down. If not taken down, last I remember it freezes approaching characters.\r\n\r\nNow to take down the dragon, other than having a myriad of players at your side, you can attack old school with your own weapon or you can use some cannon like weapons. Almost forgot about this. You can also use experimental weapons that look like missile launchers or large guns.\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\nAnd yes, this dragon can cause fear just like the other dragon I talked about on another post.\r\n\r\nBy the way, we did beat the beast this time around and we got a huge chest afterwards. I stood inside the chest itself just for fun. I love how characters can walk through some objects and can still halfway or all the way inside of them.\r\n\r\nAnd to answer your question, I did reach level 76 ranger at this point in the game. Later on, I made it to level 80 of course.\r\n\r\nIf you have any questions or comments about this post, feel free to leave a comment below or send me a message on google plus. Or if you wish, you can harrass me in the game itself at night time or in the early afternoon. Look for Audacious Jack or The Adventurer\'s Club. My backpack symbol is on the pictures, so it is a dead give away when you see me running by. Yes, I am the guy in the green outfit with a backpack that has a symbol of a sword and a key.','Attacking Claw of Jormag - Do Not Get Frozen','','inherit','open','open','','106-revision-v1','','','2014-05-26 12:57:50','2014-05-26 18:57:50','',106,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=110',0,'revision','',0),(112,2,'2014-05-26 13:03:40','2014-05-26 19:03:40','','fear of jormag','','inherit','open','open','','gw024','','','2014-05-26 13:03:40','2014-05-26 19:03:40','',106,'http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw024.jpg',0,'attachment','image/jpeg',0),(113,2,'2014-05-26 13:09:33','2014-05-26 19:09:33','','the chest of jormag','','inherit','open','open','','gw033','','','2014-05-26 13:09:33','2014-05-26 19:09:33','',106,'http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw033.jpg',0,'attachment','image/jpeg',0),(114,2,'2014-05-26 13:11:18','2014-05-26 19:11:18','<a href=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw031.jpg\"><img class=\"aligncenter size-large wp-image-108\" src=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw031-1024x576.jpg\" alt=\"claw of jormag\" width=\"700\" height=\"393\" /></a>\r\n\r\nBattling the Claw of Jormag was a pretty tough battle. It was not as difficult as fighting Tequatl though. And luckily there were no bone fingers involved with this either.\r\n\r\n<a href=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw027.jpg\"><img class=\"aligncenter size-medium wp-image-111\" src=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw027-300x168.jpg\" alt=\"corrupted ice shield\" width=\"300\" height=\"168\" /></a>\r\n\r\nWhen I first fought the creature, I was not really sure what I was shooting at or its name. Kind of ridiculous. I know that for sure. After a little while, I discovered that the corrupted ice shield was not the dragon. Pretty funny stuff if you tell me. It is just some barrier in front of the dragon that needs to be taken down. If not taken down, last I remember it freezes approaching characters.\r\n\r\nNow to take down the dragon, other than having a myriad of players at your side, you can attack old school with your own weapon or you can use some cannon like weapons. Almost forgot about this. You can also use experimental weapons that look like missile launchers or large guns.\r\n\r\n<a href=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw024.jpg\"><img class=\"aligncenter size-medium wp-image-112\" src=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw024-300x168.jpg\" alt=\"fear of jormag\" width=\"300\" height=\"168\" /></a>\r\n\r\nAnd yes, this dragon can cause fear just like the other dragon I talked about on another post.\r\n\r\n<a href=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw033.jpg\"><img class=\"aligncenter size-medium wp-image-113\" src=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw033-300x168.jpg\" alt=\"the chest of jormag\" width=\"300\" height=\"168\" /></a>\r\n\r\nBy the way, we did beat the beast this time around and we got a huge chest afterwards. I stood inside the chest itself just for fun. I love how characters can walk through some objects and can still halfway or all the way inside of them.\r\n\r\nAnd to answer your question, I did reach level 76 ranger at this point in the game. Later on, I made it to level 80 of course.\r\n\r\nIf you have any questions or comments about this post, feel free to leave a comment below or send me a message on google plus.\r\n\r\nOr if you wish, you can harass me in the game itself at night time or in the early afternoon. Look for Audacious Jack or The Adventurer\'s Club. My backpack symbol is on the pictures, so it is a dead give away when you see me running by. Yes, I am the guy in the green outfit with a backpack that has a symbol of a sword and a key.\r\n\r\nYour Fellow Gamer,\r\n\r\nAudacious Jack','Attacking Claw of Jormag - Do Not Get Frozen','','inherit','open','open','','106-revision-v1','','','2014-05-26 13:11:18','2014-05-26 19:11:18','',106,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=114',0,'revision','',0),(115,2,'2014-05-26 13:18:20','2014-05-26 19:18:20','<a href=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw031.jpg\"><img class=\"aligncenter size-large wp-image-108\" src=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw031-1024x576.jpg\" alt=\"claw of jormag\" width=\"700\" height=\"393\" /></a>\r\n\r\nBattling the Claw of Jormag was a pretty tough battle. It was not as difficult as fighting Tequatl though. And luckily there were no bone fingers involved with this either.\r\n\r\n<a href=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw027.jpg\"><img class=\"aligncenter size-medium wp-image-111\" src=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw027-300x168.jpg\" alt=\"corrupted ice shield\" width=\"300\" height=\"168\" /></a>\r\n\r\nWhen I first fought the creature, I was not really sure what I was shooting at or its name. Kind of ridiculous. I know that for sure. After a little while, I discovered that the corrupted ice shield was not the dragon. Pretty funny stuff if you tell me. It is just some barrier in front of the dragon that needs to be taken down. If not taken down, last I remember it freezes approaching characters.\r\n\r\nNow to take down the dragon, other than having a myriad of players at your side, you can attack old school with your own weapon or you can use some cannon like weapons. Almost forgot about this. You can also use experimental weapons that look like missile launchers or large guns.\r\n\r\n<a href=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw024.jpg\"><img class=\"aligncenter size-medium wp-image-112\" src=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw024-300x168.jpg\" alt=\"fear of jormag\" width=\"300\" height=\"168\" /></a>\r\n\r\nAnd yes, this dragon can cause fear just like the other dragon I talked about on another post.\r\n\r\n<a href=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw033.jpg\"><img class=\"aligncenter size-medium wp-image-113\" src=\"http://kattnergames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gw033-300x168.jpg\" alt=\"the chest of jormag\" width=\"300\" height=\"168\" /></a>\r\n\r\nBy the way, we did beat the beast this time around and we got a huge chest afterwards. I stood inside the chest itself just for fun. I love how characters can walk through some objects and can stand halfway or all the way inside of them.\r\n\r\nAnd to answer your question, I did reach level 76 ranger at this point in the game. Later on, I made it to level 80 of course.\r\n\r\nIf you have any questions or comments about this post, feel free to leave a comment below or send me a message on google plus.\r\n\r\nOr if you wish, you can harass me in the game itself at night time or in the early afternoon. Look for Audacious Jack or The Adventurer\'s Club. My backpack symbol is on the pictures, so it is a dead give away when you see me running by. Yes, I am the guy in the green outfit with a backpack that has a symbol of a sword and a key.\r\n\r\nYour Fellow Gamer,\r\n\r\nAudacious Jack','Attacking Claw of Jormag - Do Not Get Frozen','','inherit','open','open','','106-revision-v1','','','2014-05-26 13:18:20','2014-05-26 19:18:20','',106,'http://kattnergames.com/?p=115',0,'revision','',0); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `wp_posts` ENABLE KEYS */; UNLOCK TABLES; -- -- Table structure for table `wp_term_relationships` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `wp_term_relationships`; SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client; SET character_set_client = utf8; CREATE TABLE `wp_term_relationships` ( `object_id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `term_taxonomy_id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `term_order` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`object_id`,`term_taxonomy_id`), KEY `term_taxonomy_id` (`term_taxonomy_id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client; -- -- Dumping data for table `wp_term_relationships` -- LOCK TABLES `wp_term_relationships` WRITE; 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