File: default_library_puvox.php
<?php // ====================================================================================================================== // // ================================================= Puvox.software =============================================== // // ====================================================================================================================== // // ================================= Default library used by all of our plugins =================================== // // ====================================================================================================================== // // ====================================================================================================================== // /** * Base Library Class for all our plugins. * * @package Puvox.software plugin * @author T.Todua <contact@puvox.software> * @license GPL-3.0+ * @link https://puvox.software * @copyright 2018-2019 Puvox.software * */ if(!trait_exists('default_methods__Puvox_Software')) { trait default_methods__Puvox_Software { public function __construct($arg1=false) { $this->is_development = defined("_puvox_machine_") ; // set in devmachine (in "my_superglobals.php" and in "EnvVariables") if($this->is_development) $this->display_errors(); $this->ip = $this->get_visitor_ip(); $this->isMobile = false; $this->isWP = $wp=defined("ABSPATH"); // #### Because this is a trait, we don't use "__FILE__" & "__DIR__" here, but "Reflection". #### $reflection = (new \ReflectionClass(__CLASS__)); $this->plugin_NAMESPACE = $reflection->getNamespaceName(); // get parent's namespace name $this->prefix = strtolower( preg_replace('![^A-Z]+!', '', $this->plugin_NAMESPACE) );// get prefix from current namespace initials (i.e. xyz) $this->prefix_ = $this->prefix .'_'; $this->plugin_FILE = $reflection->getFileName(); // set plugin's main file path $this->plugin_DIR = dirname($this->plugin_FILE); // set plugin's dir path // if this class is (or not) used as just helper library if ($this->isWP) { $this->plugin_URL = plugin_dir_url($this->plugin_FILE); // get plugin's dir URL $this->wp_URL = network_home_url('/'); // WP installation home $this->wp_FOLDER = network_home_url('/', 'relative'); // WP folder $this->home_URL = home_url('/'); // current sub/site home url $this->home_FOLDER = home_url('/', 'relative'); // current sub/site home folder } else { if (property_exists($this, 'urls')) { $this->urls(); // $this->plugin_URL = ; // $this->wp_URL = ; // $this->wp_FOLDER = ; // $this->home_URL = ; // $this->home_FOLDER = ; } } $this->is_https = ((!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS']!=='off') || $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']==443); $this->httpsCurrent = $this->is_https ? 'https://' : 'http://'; $this->httpsReal = preg_replace('/(http(s|):\/\/)(.*)/i', '$1', $this->home_URL); $this->domainCurrent = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $this->domainReal = $this->getDomain($this->home_URL); $this->domain = $this->httpsReal.$this->domainReal; $this->siteslug = str_ireplace('.','_', $this->domainReal); $this->requestURI = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; $this->urlAfterHome = substr($this->requestURI, strlen($this->home_FOLDER) ); $this->pathAfterHome = parse_url($this->urlAfterHome, PHP_URL_PATH); $this->current_URL = $this->domain . $this->requestURI; $this->currentURL = $this->current_URL; //shortand $this->homeUrlStripped = $this->stripUrlPrefixes($this->home_URL); $this->is_localhost = (stripos($this->home_URL,'://')!==false || stripos($this->home_URL,'://localhost')!==false ); #region ################ IF USED IN WP PLUGIN ################ if ($this->isWP) { $this->is_settings_page = false; $this->wpdb = $GLOBALS['wpdb']; $this->options_tabs = []; if ($this->old_version()){ register_activation_hook( $this->plugin_FILE, function(){ exit( __("Sorry, your PHP version ". phpversion() ." is very old. We suggest changing your hosting's PHP version.") ); } ); return; } // initial variables $this->my_plugin_vars(); $this->network_managed = is_multisite() && $this->getNetworkedState(); $this->opts = $this->refresh_options(); // Setup final variables $this->refresh_options_TimeGone(); $this->logs_table_name = $this->get_prefix_CHOSEN() . $this->plugin_slug_u.'__errors_log'; // error logs table name $this->logs_table_maxnum= 100; // maximum rows in errors logs table $this->check_if_pro_plugin(); $this->__construct_my(); // All other custom construction hooks $pgnm = property_exists($this,'customOptsPageUrl') ? $this->customOptsPageUrl : $this->slug; $this->settingsPHP_page = ( array_key_exists('menu_button_level', $this->static_settings) && $this->static_settings['menu_button_level']=="mainmenu" ) ? 'admin.php' : (is_network_admin() || $this->network_managed ? 'settings.php' : 'options-general.php'); $this->plugin_page_url_current = ( is_network_admin() || $this->network_managed ? network_admin_url($this->settingsPHP_page) : admin_url($this->settingsPHP_page) ) .'?page='.$pgnm; $this->plugin_page_url_main = ( is_multisite() ? network_admin_url($this->settingsPHP_page) : admin_url($this->settingsPHP_page) ) .'?page='.$pgnm; $this->plugin_files = array_merge( (property_exists($this, 'plugin_files') ? $this->plugin_files : [] ), ['index.php'] ); $this->translation_phrases= $this->get_phrases(); $this->is_in_customizer = (stripos($this->currentURL, admin_url('customize.php')) !== false); $this->myplugin_class = 'myplugin postbox version_'. (!$this->static_settings['has_pro_version'] ? "free" : ($this->is_pro_legal ? "pro" : "not_pro") ); $this->addon_namepart = 'puvox.software'; $this->define_option_tabs(); //activation & deactivation (empty hooks by default. all important things migrated into `refresh_options`) register_activation_hook( $this->plugin_FILE, [$this, 'activate'] ); register_deactivation_hook( $this->plugin_FILE, [$this, 'deactivate'] ); //translation hook add_action('init', [$this, 'load_textdomain'] ); //==== my other default hooks ===// $this->setupLinksAndMenus(); //shortcodes $this->shortcodes_initialize(); // if buttons needed $this->tinymce_funcs(); // for backend ajax add_action( 'wp_ajax_'.$this->plugin_slug_u.'_all', [$this, 'ajax_backend_call'] ); add_action( 'admin_head', [$this,'admin_head_func']); add_action( 'current_screen', function(){ $this->admin_scripts(null); } ); //add uninstaller file if(is_admin()) $this->add_default_uninstall(); //add_action( 'shutdown', [$this, 'my_shutdown_for_versioning']); add_action('wp', [$this, 'flush_checkpoint'], 999); // functions for PRO-ADDON upload // add_filter( 'pre_move_uploaded_file', function( $null, $file, $new_file, $type ){ return $path; }, 10, 4); $this->pro_file_part = 'puvox-software'; if($this->static_settings['has_pro_version']) { add_filter( 'upload_mimes', [$this,'upload_mimes_filter'], 1); add_filter( 'wp_handle_upload', [$this,'wp_handle_upload_filter'], 10, 2); } } #endregion ############################################3 } public function setupLinksAndMenus() { // If plugin has options if($this->static_settings['show_opts']) { //add admin menu if (is_multisite()){ add_action('network_admin_menu', [$this, 'register_menus'] ); if (!$this->network_managed) add_action('admin_menu', [$this, 'register_menus'] ); } else { add_action('admin_menu', [$this, 'register_menus'] ); } //redirect to settings page after activation (if not bulk activation) add_action('activated_plugin', function($plugin) { if ($this->is_not_bulk_activation($plugin)) { exit( wp_redirect($this->plugin_page_url_main.'&isactivation') ); } } ); } // add Settings & Donate buttons in plugins list add_filter( (is_network_admin() ? 'network_admin_' : ''). 'plugin_action_links_'.plugin_basename($this->plugin_FILE), function($links){ if(!$this->static_settings['has_pro_version']) { $links[] = '<a href="'.$this->static_settings['donate_url'].'">'.$this->static_settings['menu_text']['donate'].'</a>'; } if($this->static_settings['show_opts']){ $links[] = '<a href="'.$this->plugin_page_url_current.'">'.$this->static_settings['menu_text']['settings'].'</a>'; } if(isset($this->opts['custom_opts_page'])){ $links[] = '<a href="'.$this->opts['custom_opts_page'].'">'.$this->static_settings['menu_text']['settings'].'</a>'; } //if(is_network_admin() && $this->initial_static_options['allowed_on'] =='singlesite'){ unset($links['activate']); $links[] = '<b style="color:red;">'.$this->static_settings['menu_text']['deactivated_only_from'].' SUB-SITES</b>'; } return $links; }); } public function register_menus() { $menu_button_name = (array_key_exists('menu_button_name', $this->static_settings) ? $this->static_settings['menu_button_name'] : $this->opts['name'] ); if( array_key_exists('menu_button_level', $this->static_settings) && $this->static_settings['menu_button_level']=="mainmenu" ) // icons: https://goo.gl/WXAYCi add_menu_page($menu_button_name, $menu_button_name, $this->static_settings['required_role'] , $this->slug, [$this, 'opts_page_output_parent'], $this->static_settings['menu_icon'] ); else add_submenu_page($this->settingsPHP_page, $menu_button_name, $menu_button_name, $this->static_settings['required_role'] , $this->slug, [$this, 'opts_page_output_parent'] ); // if target is custom link (not options page) if(array_key_exists('menu_button_link', $this->opts)){ add_action( 'admin_footer', function (){ ?> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery('a.toplevel_page_<?php echo $this->slug;?>').attr('href','<?php echo $this->opts['menu_button_link'];?>').attr('target','_blank'); </script> <?php } ); } } public function old_version(){ return version_compare(phpversion(), '5.4', '<'); } // ================ dont use activation/deactivation hooks =====================// public function activate($network_wide) { if ( is_multisite() && !$network_wide && !is_network_admin() ) { $text= '<h2><code>'.$this->opts['name'].'</code>: '. $this->static_settings['menu_text']['activated_only_from']. ' <b style="color:red;">NETWORK DASHBOARD</b></h2>'; //$text .= '<script>alert("'.strip_tags($text).'");</script>'; die($text); } //$this->plugin_updated_hook(); if(method_exists($this, 'activation_funcs') ) { $this->activation_funcs(); } } /* public function activate_old($network_wide){ $actKey = $this->slug.'_activat'; $show_die=isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action']=='error_scrape'; //if activation allowed from only on multisite or singlesite or Both? if(!$show_die) { if (get_site_option($actKey)) { $show_die=true; delete_site_option($actKey); } else { $show_die= ! $this->if_correct_activable($network_wide) ; if($show_die) { //update_site_option($actKey,true); } } } if($show_die) { $text= '<h2>('.$this->opts['name'].') '. $this->static_settings['menu_text']['activated_only_from']. ' <b style="color:red;">'.strtoupper($this->opts['allowed_on']).'</b> </h2>'; //$text .= '<script>alert("'.strip_tags($text).'");</script>'; die($text); } //$this->plugin_updated_hook(); if(method_exists($this, 'activation_funcs') ) { $this->activation_funcs(); } } public function if_correct_activable($network_wide=false) { return !is_multisite() ? true : ( $this->initial_static_options['allowed_on'] == 'both' ? true : ( ($this->initial_static_options['allowed_on'] =='network' && is_network_admin() ) || ( $this->initial_static_options['allowed_on'] =='singlesite' && (!$network_wide && !is_network_admin()) ) ) ); } */ public function deactivate($network_wide){ if(method_exists($this, 'deactivation_funcs') ) { $this->deactivation_funcs($network_wide); } } //add my default values public function my_plugin_vars($step=0) { //get default plugin data: https://goo.gl/Z3z8FW include_once(ABSPATH . "wp-admin/includes/plugin.php"); $plugin_vars = $this->pluginvars(); $this->slug = sanitize_key($plugin_vars['TextDomain']); //same as foldername $this->plugin_slug = $this->slug; //same as foldername $this->plugin_slug_u= str_replace('-','_', $this->slug); $domain ='https://puvox.software' ; // $this->is_development && !property_exists($this,'avoid_localhost_development') ? 'https://puvox.software' :// $this->static_settings = $plugin_vars + array( 'menu_text' => array( 'donate' =>__('Donate'), 'settings' =>__('Settings'), 'open_settings' =>__('You can access settings from dashboard of:'), 'activated_only_from' =>__('Plugin activable only from'), 'deactivated_only_from' =>__('Plugin deactivable only from'), ), 'lang' => $this->get_locale__SANITIZED(), 'wp_rate_url' => 'https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/'.$this->slug.'/reviews/#new-post', 'public_assets_url' => 'https://ps.w.org/internal-functions-for-protectpages-com-users/trunk/', 'question_mark_icon'=> 'https://ps.w.org/internal-functions-for-protectpages-com-users/trunk/assets/question-mark-2.png', 'donate_url' => 'https://paypal.me/Puvox', // business: http://paypal.me/Puvox || personal : http://paypal.me/tazotodua 'mail_errors' => 'wp_plugin_errors@puvox.software', 'licenser_domain' => $domain, 'musthave_plugins' => $domain.'/blog/must-have-wordpress-plugins/', 'purchase_url' => $domain.'/?purchase_wp_plugin='.$this->slug, 'purchase_check' => $domain.'/?purchase_wp_act=', 'wp_tt_freelancers' => 'https://goo.gl/wZKANN', 'wp_fl_freelancers' => 'https://goo.gl/JSVy37', 'wp_pph_freelancers'=> 'https://goo.gl/vhrqiM' ); //enrich from main class $this->declare_settings(); $this->static_settings = $this->static_settings + $this->initial_static_options; } //load translation public function load_textdomain(){ load_plugin_textdomain( $this->slug, false, basename($this->plugin_DIR). '/languages/' ); } public function is_not_bulk_activation($plugin) { return ( $plugin == plugin_basename( $this->plugin_FILE ) && !((new WP_Plugins_List_Table())->current_action()=='activate-selected')); } public function pluginvars(){ /* [Name] => My Plugin Name [PluginURI] => https://example.com [Version] => 1.23 [Description] => Plugin Description. By [Author]. [Author] => myAuthorTitle [AuthorURI] => https://example.com/xyz [TextDomain] => my-plugin-name [DomainPath] => /languages [Network] => [Title] => My Plugin Name [AuthorName] => Author Name */ return get_plugin_data( $this->plugin_FILE, $markup = true, $translate = false); //dont $translate, otherwise you will get error of: https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/43869 } //get latest options (in case there were updated,refresh them) public function refresh_options(){ $this->opts = $this->get_option_CHOSEN($this->slug, []); if(!is_array($this->opts)) $this->opts = $this->initial_user_options; foreach($this->initial_user_options as $name=>$value){ if (!array_key_exists($name, $this->opts)) { $this->opts[$name]=$value; $should_update=true; } } $this->opts = array_merge($this->opts, $this->initial_static_options); $this->opts['name'] =$this->static_settings['Name']; $this->opts['title'] =$this->static_settings['Title']; $this->opts['version'] =$this->static_settings['Version']; if(isset($should_update)) { $this->update_opts(); } return $this->opts; } public function refresh_options_TimeGone(){ //if never updated if(empty($this->opts['last_update_time'])) { $this->opts['last_update_time'] = time(); $should_update=true; } if(empty($this->opts['last_updates'])) { $this->opts['last_updates'] = []; $should_update=true; } if(empty($this->opts['fist_install_date'])) { $this->opts['fist_install_date'] = time(); $should_update=true; } //if plugin updated through hook or manually... to avoid complete break.. if( empty($this->opts['last_version']) || $this->opts['last_version'] != $this->opts['version'] ){ $this->opts['last_version'] = $this->opts['version']; $should_update=true; $reload_needed=true; } if(isset($should_update)) { $this->update_opts(); } if(isset($reload_needed)) { $this->plugin_updated_hook(true); } } public function reset_plugin_to_defaults() { $this->update_opts([]) ; $this->update_phrases([]) ; if(property_exists($this, 'plugin_reset_callback')) $this->plugin_reset_callback(); } //update library file on activation/update public function plugin_updated_hook($redirect=false) { return; } // quick method to update this plugin's opts public function optName($optname, $prefix=false){ if( substr($optname, 0, 1) == '`' ) { $prefix=true; $optname= substr($optname,1); } return ( !$prefix || stripos($optname, $this->slug) !== false ) ? $optname : $this->slug . '_' . $optname; } public function update_opts($opts=false){ return $this->update_option_CHOSEN($this->slug, ( $opts!==false ? $opts : $this->opts) ); } public function get_option_CHOSEN($optname, $default=false , $prefix=false){ return call_user_func("get_". ( $this->network_managed ? "site_" : "" ). "option", $this->optName($optname, $prefix), $default ); } public function update_option_CHOSEN($optname, $optvalue, $autoload=null , $prefix=false){ return call_user_func("update_". ( $this->network_managed ? "site_" : "" ). "option", $this->optName($optname, $prefix), $optvalue, $autoload ); } public function delete_option_CHOSEN($optname , $prefix=false){ return call_user_func("delete_". ( $this->network_managed ? "site_" : "" ). "option", $this->optName($optname, $prefix) ); } public function get_transient_CHOSEN($optname, $default=false , $prefix=false){ return call_user_func("get_". ( $this->network_managed ? "site_" : "" ). "transient", $this->optName($optname, $prefix), $default ); } public function update_transient_CHOSEN($optname, $optvalue, $autoload=null , $prefix=false){ return call_user_func("set_". ( $this->network_managed ? "site_" : "" ). "transient", $this->optName($optname, $prefix), $optvalue, $autoload ); } public function delete_transient_CHOSEN($optname , $prefix=false){ return call_user_func("delete_". ( $this->network_managed ? "site_" : "" ). "transient", $this->optName($optname, $prefix) ); } public function delete_transients_by_prefix_CHOSEN($myPrefix , $prefix=false){ global $wpdb; $myPrefix = sanitize_key($myPrefix); $table_name = $this->network_managed ? $wpdb->base_prefix.'sitemeta' : $wpdb->prefix .'options' ; $column_name = $this->network_managed ? 'meta_key' : 'option_name'; $sql = "delete from $table_name where $column_name like '%_transient_$myPrefix%' or $column_name like '%_transient_timeout_$myPrefix%'"; return $wpdb->query($sql); } public function get_prefix_CHOSEN(){ return ($this->network_managed ? $GLOBALS['wpdb']->base_prefix : $GLOBALS['wpdb']->prefix); } public function getNetworkedState(){ return get_site_option( $this->slug . '_network_managed', $this->initial_static_options['default_managed']=='network' ); } public function updateNetworkedState($value){ return update_site_option( $this->slug . '_network_managed', $value ); } //when is_admin or when page is unknown (for example, custom page or "wp-login.php" or etc... ) public function Is_Backend(){ $includes=get_included_files(); $path = str_replace( ['\\','/'], DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, ABSPATH); return (is_admin() || in_array($path.'wp-login.php', $includes) || in_array($path.'wp-register.php', $includes) ); //return (!!array_intersect([$ABSPATH_MY.'wp-login.php',$ABSPATH_MY.'wp-register.php'] , get_included_files())) ; } public function is_gutenberg($active=true){ return ( function_exists( 'is_gutenberg_page' ) && (!$active || is_gutenberg_page() ) ); } public function is_gutenberg_page($active=true){ if (is_admin()) { global $current_screen; if (!isset($current_screen)) {$current_screen = get_current_screen();} if ( method_exists($current_screen, 'is_block_editor') && $current_screen->is_block_editor() || $this->is_gutenberg(true) ) { return true; } } return false; } //Get Blog slug, i.e. "subdir" from "http://example.com/subdir/" public function get_blog_name(){ if(is_multisite()){ global $blog_id; $current_blog_details = !function_exists('get_blog_details') ? get_site($blog_id) : get_blog_details( ['blog_id' => $blog_id] ); $b_slug = basename($current_blog_details->path); return $b_slug; } return false; } //CHECK IF USER IS ADMIN public function is_administrator() { if (function_exists('current_user_can') || require_once(ABSPATH.'wp-includes/pluggable.php')) return (current_user_can('install_plugins')); return false; } public function is_editor() { if (function_exists('current_user_can') || require_once(ABSPATH.'wp-includes/pluggable.php')) return (current_user_can('edit_others_posts')); return false; } public function phrase($key, $is_variable=false) { if($is_variable){ if (!isset($this->translation_phrases[$key])){ $this->translation_phrases[sanitize_title($key)] = sanitize_title($key); $this->update_phrases(); } } return ( isset($this->translation_phrases[$key]) ? $this->translation_phrases[$key] : $key ); } public function string_to_truefalse($string) { return ( $string ==='true' ? true : ($string ==='false' ? false : $string)); } public function truefalse_to_string($string) { return ( $string === true ? 'true' : ($string ===false ? 'false' : $string)); } public function string_to_array($string){ return array_map('trim', array_filter( explode(',', $string) ) ); } public function array_to_string($array) { return implode(",", array_map('trim',array_filter($array)) ); } //convert unsorted array (i.e. [ 'first'=>["a","b","c"], 'second'=>[1,2,3] , ] ) to associative [ "a"=>1, "b"=2 ] public function array_to_associative($array) { } public function add_prefix_to_array_keys($array, $prefix){ $new_array =[]; foreach ($array as $k => $v) { $new_array[$prefix.$k] = $v; } return $new_array; } public function get_visitor_ip() { $proxy_headers = array("CLIENT_IP", "FORWARDED", "FORWARDED_FOR", "FORWARDED_FOR_IP", "HTTP_CLIENT_IP", "HTTP_FORWARDED", "HTTP_FORWARDED_FOR", "HTTP_FORWARDED_FOR_IP", "HTTP_PC_REMOTE_ADDR", "HTTP_PROXY_CONNECTION", "HTTP_VIA", "HTTP_X_FORWARDED", "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR", "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR_IP", "HTTP_X_IMFORWARDS", "HTTP_XROXY_CONNECTION", "VIA", "X_FORWARDED", "X_FORWARDED_FOR"); foreach($proxy_headers as $proxy_header) { if (isset($_SERVER[$proxy_header])) { if(preg_match("/^([1-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(\.([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])){3}$/", $_SERVER[$proxy_header])) { return $_SERVER[$proxy_header]; } else if (stristr(",", $_SERVER[$proxy_header]) !== FALSE) { $proxy_header_temp = trim(array_shift(explode(",", $_SERVER[$proxy_header]))); if (($pos_temp = stripos($proxy_header_temp, ":")) !== FALSE) {$proxy_header_temp = substr($proxy_header_temp, 0, $pos_temp); } if (preg_match("/^([1-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(\.([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])){3}$/", $proxy_header_temp)) { return $proxy_header_temp; } } } } return $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; } public function arrayToObject($array) { return json_decode(json_encode($array)); } public function objectToArray($object){ return json_decode(json_encode($object), true); } public function mail_scrambler($email) { return str_replace('@', '@', $email);} /* public function shortcode_handler($atts, $content=false){ $d=debug_backtrace()[0]; if(!empty($d['args'])) { if(!empty($d['args'][2])) { $name = $d['args'][2]; $args = $this->shortcode_atts($name, $atts); return call_user_func( [$this, $name], $args, $content); } } } */ public function sqlResultsToArray($tableName, $first_key, $second_key=false, $data_key=false) { $array=$this->objectToArray($GLOBALS['wpdb']->get_results("SELECT * FROM ". $tableName)); $new_array=[]; foreach($array as $id=>$block) { if(array_key_exists($first_key, $block)) { if ($second_key) { if(array_key_exists($second_key, $block)) { $new_array[$block[$first_key]][$block[$second_key]] = $data_key ? json_decode($block[$data_key]) : $block; } } else { $new_array[$block[$first_key]] = $data_key ? json_decode($block[$data_key]) : $block; } } } return $new_array; } public function convert_urls_in_text($text) { return preg_replace('@([^\"\']https?://([-\w\.]+)+(:\d+)?(/([\w/_\.%-=#][^<]*(\?\S+)?)?)?)@', '<a href="$1">$1</a>', $text); } public function randomString($length = 11) { return substr(str_shuffle(str_repeat($x='0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ', ceil($length/strlen($x)) )),1, $length); } public function PlainString(&$text1=false,&$text2=false,&$text3=false,&$text4=false,&$text5=false,&$text6=false,&$text7=false,&$text8=false){ for($i=1; $i<=8; $i++){ if(${'text'.$i}) {${'text'.$i} = preg_replace('/\W/si','',${'text'.$i});} } return $text1; } public function getDomain($url){ return preg_replace('/http(s|):\/\/(www.|)(.*?)(\/.*|$)/i', '$3', $url); } public function adjustedUrlPrefixes($url){ if(strpos($url, '://') !== false){ return preg_replace('/^(http(s|)|):\/\/(www.|)/i', 'https://www.', $url); } else{ return 'https://www.'.$url; } } public function remove_www($url) { return str_replace( ['://www.'], '://', $url ); } public function remove_https_www($url){ return str_replace( ['https://www.','http://www.','http://','https://'], '', $url ); } public function normalize_with_slashes($url, $add_trailing_slash=true){ return rtrim( $this->OneSlash($url), '/') . ($add_trailing_slash ? '/' : '') ; } public function OneSlash($url){ $prefix=''; if(substr($url,0,2)=='//'){ $prefix = '//'; $url=substr($url,2); } return $prefix.preg_replace( '/([^:])\/\//', '$1/', $url); } public function stripUrlPrefixes($url){ return preg_replace('/http(s|):\/\/(www.|)/i', '', $url); } public function stripDomain($url){ return str_replace( $this->adjustedUrlPrefixes($this->domainReal), '', $this->adjustedUrlPrefixes($url) ); } public function safemode_basedir_set(){ return ( ini_get('open_basedir') || ini_get('safe_mode') ) ; } public function try_increase_exec_time($seconds){ if( ! $this-> safemode_basedir_set() ) { @set_time_limit($seconds); @ini_set('max_execution_time', $seconds); $this->try_increase_memory(512); return true; } return false; } public function try_increase_memory($limit=512){ if( ! $this-> safemode_basedir_set() ) { $limitBytes = $limit * 1048576; $currentLimit = (int) trim(ini_get('memory_limit')); $lastChar = strtolower($currentLimit[strlen($currentLimit)-1]); switch($lastChar) { case 'g': $currentLimit *= 1024; case 'm': $currentLimit *= 1024; case 'k': $currentLimit *= 1024; } if ($currentLimit < $limitBytes) return ini_set('memory_limit', $limit . 'M'); } return false; } public function get_locale__SANITIZED(){ return ( get_locale() ? "en" : preg_replace('/_(.*)/','',get_locale()) ); //i.e. 'en' //$x=$GLOBALS['wpdb']->get_var("SELECT lng FROM ".$this->options." WHERE `lang` = '".$lang."'"); return !empty($x); // preg_replace('/[^\w\d_\-]/', '', filter_var($input, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING) ); } public function is_this_settings_page(){ return ( is_admin() && ( ( (stripos(get_current_screen()->base, $this->slug) !== false) && (isset($_GET['page']) && $_GET['page']==$this->slug) ) || ( property_exists($this,'customOptsPageUrl') && stripos($this->currentURL, $this->customOptsPageUrl) !==false ) ) ); } public function blog_prefix() { $blog_prefix = ''; if ( is_multisite() && ! is_subdomain_install() && is_main_site() && 0 === strpos( get_option( 'permalink_structure' ), '/blog/' ) ) { $blog_prefix = '/blog'; } $this->blog_prefix = $blog_prefix; return $blog_prefix; } public function path_after_blog() { $prf = $this->blog_prefix(); $path = $this->pathAfterHome; return ( ($prf=="/blog") ? str_replace('/blog/', '', '/'.$path) : $path ); } public function readUrl( $url){ return wp_remote_retrieve_body( wp_remote_get( $url ) ); } public function checkMyselfAgainstModification() { //if ($this->is_development) return; $name = '_puvox_default_lib_last_revision'; $opt= $this->get_option_CHOSEN($name, 0 ); $days=7; if( time() - $opt > $days* 86400 ) { //$wp_url =readUrl //https://plugins.trac.wordpress.org/browser/simple-post-views-count/trunk/default_library_puvox.php update_option_CHOSEN($name, time() ); } if(time() - $opt < 0 ){ update_option_CHOSEN($name, 0 ); } } public function set_cookie($name, $val, $time_length = 86400, $path=false, $domain=false, $httponly=true){ $site_urls = parse_url( (function_exists('home_url') ? home_url() : $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) ); $real_domain = $site_urls["host"]; $path = $path ? $path : ( (!empty($this) && property_exists($this,'home_FOLDER') ) ? $this->home_FOLDER : '/'); $domain = $domain ? $domain : (substr($real_domain, 0, 4) == "www.") ? substr($real_domain, 4) : $real_domain; setcookie ( $name , $val , time()+$time_length, $path = $path, $domain = $domain, $only_on_secure_https = FALSE, $httponly ); } public function microtime_float() { list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime()); return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec); } public function MessageAgainstMaliciousAttempt(){ return 'Not allowed. Try again.';//'Well... I know that these words won\'t change you, but I\'ll do it again: Developers try to create a balance & harmony in internet, and some people like you try to steal things from other people. Even if you can it, please don\'t do that.'; } public function FullIframeScript(){ ?> <script> function MakeIframeFullHeight_tt(iframeElement, cycling, overwrite_margin){ cycling= cycling || false; overwrite_margin= overwrite_margin || false; iframeElement.style.width = "100%"; var ifrD = iframeElement.contentDocument || iframeElement.contentWindow.document; var mHeight = parseInt( window.getComputedStyle( ifrD.documentElement).height ); // Math.max( ifrD.body.scrollHeight, .. offsetHeight, ....clientHeight, var margins = ifrD.body.style.margin + ifrD.body.style.padding + ifrD.documentElement.style.margin + ifrD.documentElement.style.padding; if(margins=="") { margins=0; if(overwrite_margin) { ifrD.body.style.margin="0px"; } } (function(){ var interval = setInterval(function(){ if(ifrD.readyState == 'complete' ){ setTimeout( function(){ if(!cycling) { setTimeout( function(){ clearInterval(interval);}, 500); } iframeElement.style.height = (parseInt(window.getComputedStyle( ifrD.documentElement).height) + parseInt(margins)+1) +"px"; }, 200 ); } },200) })(); //var funcname= arguments.callee.name; //window.setTimeout( function(){ console.log(funcname); console.log(cycling); window[funcname](iframeElement, cycling); }, 500 ); } </script> <?php } // ======== manual stripslashes_deep ======== public function array_map_recursive(callable $func, array $array) { return filter_var($array, \FILTER_CALLBACK, ['options' => $func]); } public function array_map_deep( $value, $callback ) { if ( is_array( $value ) ) { foreach ( $value as $index => $item ) { $value[ $index ] = $this->array_map_deep( $item, $callback ); } } elseif ( is_object( $value ) ) { $object_vars = get_object_vars( $value ); foreach ( $object_vars as $property_name => $property_value ) { $value->$property_name = $this->array_map_deep( $property_value, $callback ); } } else { $value = call_user_func( $callback, $value ); } return $value; } public function stripslashes_from_strings_only( $value ) { return is_string( $value ) ? stripslashes( $value ) : $value; } public function stripslashes_deep($value){ return $this->array_map_deep($value, [$this,'stripslashes_from_strings_only'] ); } // ================================================ public function cookieFuncs(){ ?> <script> // ================= create, read,delete cookies ================= function Is_Cookie_Set_tt(cookiename) { return document.cookie.indexOf('; '+cookiename+'=');} function createCookie_tt(name,value,days) { var expires = ""; if (days) { var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime() + (days*24*60*60*1000)); expires = "; expires=" + date.toUTCString(); } document.cookie = name + "=" + (value || "") + expires + "; path=/"; } function readCookie_tt(name) { var nameEQ = name + "="; var ca = document.cookie.split(';'); for(var i=0;i < ca.length;i++) { var c = ca[i]; while (c.charAt(0)==' ') c = c.substring(1,c.length); if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0) return c.substring(nameEQ.length,c.length); } return null; } function eraseCookie_tt(name) { document.cookie = name+'=; Max-Age=-99999999;'; } function setCookie(name,value,days) { createCookie(name,value,days); } function getCookie(name) { return readCookie(name); } function setCookieOnce(name) { createCookie(name, "okk" , 1000); } // =========================================================================================== </script> <?php } //only open and close the same-origin creator of session (argument can be TRUE/FALSE or STRING too public function session_state ($arg) { if($arg===true) { if(session_status() == PHP_SESSION_NONE) { $GLOBALS['my_session_pp']='sess'.rand(1,99999999); session_start(); return $GLOBALS['my_session_pp']; } } else { if(session_status() == PHP_SESSION_ACTIVE) { if(!$arg || $arg==$GLOBALS['my_session_pp']) session_write_close(); } } } public function set_session_var ($name,$value) { $id= $this->session_state(true); $_SESSION[$name] = $value; $this->session_state($id); } public function startSessionIfNotStarted(){ if(session_status() == PHP_SESSION_NONE) { $this->session_being_opened = true; session_start(); } } public function endSessionIfWasStarted( $method=2){ if(session_status() != PHP_SESSION_NONE && property_exists($this,"session_being_opened") ) { if($method==1) session_destroy(); elseif($method==2) session_write_close(); elseif($method==3) session_abort(); } } public function array_value($array, $key){ return (array_key_exists($key, $array) ? $array[$key] : ''); } public function nextKeyInArray($target_keyname, $array){ $keys = array_keys($array); $index_of_target_keyname = array_search($target_keyname, $keys , true); return (count($array) > $index_of_target_keyname+1 ) ? $keys[$index_of_target_keyname+1] : $keys[0]; } public function nextValueInArray($target_value, $array, $by_key=false){ $keys = array_keys($array); $target_keyname = $by_key ? $target_value : array_search($target_value, $array, true ); $index_of_target_keyname = array_search($target_keyname, $keys, true ); return (count($array) > $index_of_target_keyname+1 ) ? $array[ $keys[$index_of_target_keyname+1] ] : $array[ $keys[0] ]; } public function getIndexOfKey($array, $key){ return array_search($key, array_keys($array) ); } public function getIndexOfValue($array, $key){ return array_search($key, $array ); } public function getMemberByIndex($array, $idx){ $keys= array_keys($array); return (!empty($keys) && !empty($array[$keys[$idx]])) ? $array[$keys[$idx]] : null ; } public function resortArrayByKey($array, $key, $remove_current= false){ $remaining = array_splice ($array, $this->getIndexOfKey($array, $key) ); if($remove_current){ $array[$key]= $remaining[$key]; unset($remaining[$key] ); } return array_merge($remaining, $array); } public function insertValueAtPosition($arr, $insertedArray, $position) { $i = 0; $new_array=[]; foreach ($arr as $key => $value) { if ($i == $position) { foreach ($insertedArray as $ikey => $ivalue) { $new_array[$ikey] = $ivalue; } } $new_array[$key] = $value; $i++; } return $new_array; } //i.e. 123424235.325434645 public function decimal_outputer($input, $length=4, $only_dot=false){ $timeParts = explode('.', $input); return ($only_dot ? '' : $timeParts[0] . '.') . substr($timeParts[1], 0, $length); //sprintf('%.4F',$input); } public function arrayPhpToJs($array){ return '["'. implode('","', $array) .'"]'; } public function ListAllInDir($path, $only_files = false) { $all_list = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator( new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path, \FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS), ( $only_files ? \RecursiveIteratorIterator::LEAVES_ONLY : \RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST ) ); $files = []; foreach ($all_list as $file) $files[] = $file->getPathname(); return $files; } public function replace_occurences_in_dir($dir_base, $from, $to, $exts=array('php','shtml') ){ $dirIterator = $this->ListAllInDir($dir_base, true); foreach($dirIterator as $idx => $value) { $filext = pathinfo($value, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); if( in_array($filext, $exts ) ){ $cont = file_get_contents($value); if(stripos($cont, $from) !== false){ $new_cont = str_replace($from, $to, file_get_contents($value) ); file_put_contents($value, $new_cont); } } } } public function replace_in_file($file, $from_pattern, $to){ if(file_exists($file)) { $cont= file_get_contents($file); $new_cont= preg_replace($from_pattern, $to, $cont); file_put_contents($file, $new_cont); } } public function update_or_insert($tablename, $NewArray, $WhereArray=[]){ global $wpdb; $arrayNames= array_keys($WhereArray); //convert array to STRING $o=''; $i=1; foreach ($WhereArray as $key=>$value){ $o .= $key . ' = \''. $value .'\''; if ($i != count($WhereArray)) { $o .=' AND '; $i++;} } //check if already exist if(!empty($o)){ $CheckIfExists = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT ".$arrayNames[0]." FROM ".$tablename." WHERE ".$o); if ( $wpdb->update($tablename, $NewArray, $WhereArray ) ) return true; } if ( $wpdb->insert($tablename, array_merge($NewArray, $WhereArray) ) ) return true; return false; } public function startsWith($haystack, $needle) { return $needle === "" || strrpos($haystack, $needle, -strlen($haystack)) !== false; } public function endsWith($haystack, $needle) { $length = strlen($needle); return $length === 0 || (substr($haystack, -$length) === $needle); } public function contains($content, $needle, $case_sens= true){ return ($case_sens ? strpos($content, $needle) : stripos($content, $needle)) !== false; } // ================ flash rules ================= // // unique func to flush rewrite rules when needed. if not hooked into wp_footer, hangs plugin options resaving public function flush_rules_if_needed($temp_key=false){ // lets check if refresh needed $key="b".get_current_blog_id()."_". md5( (empty($temp_key) ? "sample" : ( stripos($temp_key, basename($this->plugin_DIR)) !== false ? md5(filemtime($temp_key)) : $temp_key )) ); if( !array_key_exists($key, $this->opts['last_updates']) || $this->opts['last_updates'][$key] < $this->opts['last_update_time']){ $this->opts['last_updates'][$key] = $this->opts['last_update_time']; $this->update_opts(); add_action('wp_footer', function(){ $this->flush_rules("js"); } ); } } public function is_JSON_string($string){ return (is_string($string) && is_array(json_decode($string, true))); } public function arrayed_json($answer){ $result = []; if(!$this->is_JSON_string($answer)){ $result['error'] = $answer; } else{ $result = json_decode($answer, true); } return $result; } public function arrayed_answer($answer){ $result = []; if(!$this->is_JSON_string($answer)){ $result['error'] = $answer; } else{ $result = json_decode($answer, true); } return $result; } public function flush_rules($redirect=false){ flush_rewrite_rules(); if($redirect) { if ($redirect=="js"){ $this->js_redirect(); } else { $this->php_redirect(); } } } public function flush_rules_checkmark($redirect=false){ flush_rewrite_rules(); $this->opts['needs_flushing'] = true; $this->update_opts(); if($redirect) { if ($redirect=="js"){ $this->js_redirect(); } else { $this->php_redirect(); } } } public function flush_checkpoint(){ if(isset($this->opts['needs_flushing'])) { unset($this->opts['needs_flushing']); $this->update_opts(); $this->flush_rules(true); } } // TODO - handle $_POST public function disable_cache($hard=false, $file=false){ header("Expires: Mon, 4 Jan 1999 12:00:00 GMT"); // Expired already header("Last-Modified: ".gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s")." GMT"); header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); // good for HTTP/1.1 header("Pragma: no-cache"); if($hard){ if(!isset($_GET['rand'])) $this->php_redirect( $this->AddStringToUrl($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'rand='.rand(1,9999999) ) ); } ini_set("opcache.enable", 0); if($file){ opcache_invalidate($file); } } public function AddStringToUrl($url, $string){ return $url .( stripos($url,'?')===false ? '?'.$string : '&'.$string); } public function js_redirect($url=false, $echo=true){ $str = '<script>document.body.style.opacity=0; window.location = "'. ( $url ?: $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) .'";</script>'; if($echo) { exit($str); } else { return $str; } } public function php_redirect($url=false, $code=302){ header("location: ". ( $url ?: $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ), true, $code); exit; } public function js_redirect_message($message, $url=false){ echo '<script>alert(\''.$message.'\');</script>'; $this->js_redirect($url); } public function mkdir_recursive($dest, $permissions=0755, $create=true){ if(!is_dir($dest)){ //at first, recursively create directory if doesn't exist if(!is_dir(dirname($dest))){ $this->mkdir_recursive(dirname($dest), $permissions, $create); } mkdir($dest, $permissions, $create); } else{return true;} } public function mkdir($dest, $permissions=0755, $create=true){ return $this->mkdir_recursive($dest, $permissions, $create); } public function rmdir_recursive($path){ if(!empty($path) && is_dir($path) ){ $dir = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path, RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS); //upper dirs not included,otherwise DISASTER HAPPENS :) $files = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($dir, RecursiveIteratorIterator::CHILD_FIRST); foreach ($files as $f) {if (is_file($f)) {unlink($f);} else {$empty_dirs[] = $f;} } if (!empty($empty_dirs)) {foreach ($empty_dirs as $eachDir) {rmdir($eachDir);}} rmdir($path); return true; } return true; //include_once(ABSPATH.'/wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-base.php'); //\WP_Filesystem_Base::rmdir($fullPath, true); } public function file_put_contents($file, $content) { if(!empty($file)) { $this->mkdir(dirname($file)); file_put_contents($file,$content); } } public function fileUrl($file){ return $this->plugin_URL."/$file?vers_=".$this->filedate($this->plugin_DIR. "/$file"); } public function filedate($file){ return date("Y-M-D--H-i-s", filemtime($file) ); } // ================ flash rules ================= // public function add_prefix_to_object_keys($object, $prefix){ $new_object = new stdClass(); foreach ($object as $k => $v) { $new_object->{$prefix . $k} = $v; } return $new_object; } public function dieMessage($txt){ echo '<div style="padding: 50px; margin:100px auto; width:50%; text-align:center; line-height: 1.4; display:flex; justify-content:center; flex-direction:column; font-family: cursive; font-size: 1.7em; box-shadow:0px 0px 10px gray; border-radius: 10px;">'. '<div><h3>'.$txt.'</h3></div>'. '</div>'; exit; } public function create_log_table() { return $GLOBALS['wpdb']->query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `". $this->logs_table_name ."` ( `id` int(50) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `gmdate` datetime, `function_args` longtext NOT NULL, `message` longtext NOT NULL, `backtrace` longtext NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY `id` (`id`) ) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci AUTO_INCREMENT=1" // ) " . $wpdb->get_charset_collate() || DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci AUTO_INCREMENT=1 ); // or die("error_2345_". $wpdb->print_error()) //CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 } public function clear_errorslog(){ return $GLOBALS['wpdb']->query("TRUNCATE TABLE ".$this->logs_table_name ); } public function get_errorslog() { return $GLOBALS['wpdb']->get_results("SELECT * from ".$this->logs_table_name.""); } //i.e. $this->log("couldnt get results", '<code>'.print_r($response, true).'</code>' ); public function log( $message ="", $exception="", $retrying=false) { global $wpdb; $this->trim_errorslog(); $trace=debug_backtrace(); array_shift($trace); $last_func = $trace[0];//$trace=array_splice($trace, 0, 6); //get only first 6 functions $chain=""; foreach($trace as $e) {$chain=$e['function']."->".$chain;} $res = $wpdb->insert( $this->logs_table_name, $arr=[ 'gmdate'=> gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s"), 'function_args'=> $chain ." :: ". print_r($last_func['args'],true), 'message'=>print_r($message, true). "\r\n".print_r($exception, true)] ); if(!$res && !$retrying){ $this->create_log_table(); $this->log( $message, $exception, true); } return $res; } // Removes oldest rows if rows count exceeds the limit public function trim_errorslog() { $rows_amount = $GLOBALS['wpdb']->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".$this->logs_table_name ." GROUP BY `id`"); if( $rows_amount > $this->logs_table_maxnum ) { $amount_to_delete=$rows_amount - $this->logs_table_maxnum; return $GLOBALS['wpdb']->query("DELETE FROM ". $this->logs_table_name. " WHERE 1=1 LIMIT " . $amount_to_delete ); } return null; } public function send_error_mail($error){ return wp_mail($this->static_settings['mail_errors'], 'wp plugin error at '. home_url(), (is_array($error) ? print_r($error, true) : $error) ); } public function sanitizer($text) { return preg_replace('/\W/si','',$text); } public function remove_double_slashes($input){$x=$input; $x=str_replace('//','/', $x); $x=str_replace('\\\\','\\', $x); return str_replace(':/','://',$x);} public function question_mark($text, $dialog=0) { $mouseover=''; $content = ''; if($dialog==0){ $content = $text; } else if($dialog==1){ $content = ''; $mouseover = ' onmouseover="jQuery(\'#\'+this.parentNode.id).tooltip({ items:this, content:\''.$text.'\', show: { effect: \'blind\', duration: 800 } }).tooltip(\'open\');"'; } else if($dialog==2){ $content = ''; $mouseover = ' onmouseover="jQuery(\'<div>'.$text.'</div>\').dialog({ modal:true, width:600 });"'; } return '<span id="xx"><img src="'. $this->static_settings['question_mark_icon'] .'" class="question_mark" style="cursor:none; width:20px;" alt="'.$content.'" title="'.$content.'" '.$mouseover.' /></span>'; } public function serialize_argv($argvs) { if(empty($argvs) || !is_array($argvs)) return $argvs; $new_ar=[]; foreach($argvs as $key=>$value) { if(stripos($value,'=')===false) { $new_ar[$key] = $value; } else{ parse_str($argvs[$key], $params); $key1=array_keys($params)[0]; if(!empty($argvs) && is_array($params)) $new_ar[$key1] = $params[$key1]; } } return $new_ar; } // get_remote_data :: removed per WP Reviewer request ( code available at: https://github.com/tazotodua/useful-php-scripts/blob/master/get-remote-url-content-data.php ) // ====================== tinymce buttons ==================== // public function tinymce_funcs() { // Add button in TinyMCE if( !empty($this->tinymce_buttons) ) { add_action( 'admin_init', function(){ add_filter( 'mce_external_plugins', [$this, 'tinymce_js'] ); add_filter( 'mce_buttons_2', [$this, 'register_buttons'] ); //add_filter( 'tiny_mce_version', function ( $ver ) { return $ver + 3;} ); } ); //tinymce buttons if needed $this->tinymce_buttons_body(); foreach($this->tinymce_buttons as $each_button){ if( !empty($each_button["shortcode"]) ){ add_shortcode($each_button["shortcode"], [$this, $each_button["shortcode"]] ); } } } } public function array_fields($array, $parent="plugin_slug[sample][sub]", $pairs=false) { echo '<div class="inpHolder">'; if( empty($array) ){ $array = []; } echo '<div class="inputsBlock">'; if (is_array($array)) { if (!$pairs) { foreach ($array as $fieldKey=>$value) { echo $this->field_out_helper1($parent, $fieldKey, $value, $pairs) ; } } else { foreach ($array as $fieldKey=>$value) { echo $this->field_out_helper1($parent, $fieldKey, $value, $pairs) ; } } } $fieldKey= "abc_".rand(1,999999)*rand(1,999999); $sample_field = $this->field_out_helper1($parent, $fieldKey, "", $pairs, true); //echo $sample_field; echo '</div>'; ?> <?php $unique = $this->sanitizer($parent); ?> <a class="button" href="#" onclick="return <?php echo $unique;?>_addNewArrayField_k(this);" class="addNewArrayInput"><?php _e('Add New');?></a> <script> function <?php echo $unique;?>_addNewArrayField_k(el) { var rand= Math.random().toString(36).substring(7); value="abc_52153157945" var newEl = '<?php echo $sample_field;?>'.replace(/value="<?php echo $fieldKey;?>"/g, 'value=""').replace(/<?php echo $fieldKey;?>/g, "abc_" +rand); el.parentNode.getElementsByClassName("inputsBlock")[0].insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", newEl); return false; } </script> <?php echo '</div>'; } public function field_out_helper1($parent, $key, $value, $pairs, $sample=false) { $output='<div class="eachInputBlock">'; if (!$pairs) { $output .= '<input name="'.$parent.'['.$key.']" class="eachInput each_'.$key.' regular-text" type="text" value="'.$value.'" placeholder="" />'; } else { $output .= '<input name="'.$parent.'['.$key.'][name]" class="eachInput each_'.$key.' medium-text _key" type="text" value="'. ($sample ? '' : $key).'" placeholder="name" />'; $output .= '<input name="'.$parent.'['.$key.'][value]" class="eachInput each_'.$key.' medium-text _value" type="text" value="'.$value.'" placeholder="value" />'; } $output .='</div>'; return $output; } public function createHtaccessDirDisableBrowsing($dir) { $htaccess = $dir .'/.htaccess'; $myCont = '# Disable Browsing for this directory '."\r\n". '<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>'."\r\n". 'Options -Indexes'."\r\n". '</IfModule>'; //'RewriteEngine on'."\r\n". //'RewriteRule !^'.$this->pma_name_randomed.'($|/) http://example.com/good_bye [L,R=301]'."\r\n". $cont = $myCont . (!file_exists($htaccess) ? "" : "\r\n\r\n". file_get_contents($htaccess) ); file_put_contents($htaccess, $cont ); if (!file_exists($x=$dir .'/index.html')) file_put_contents($x, " "); } public function arrayFieldsResort($ar) { $new=[]; foreach($ar as $key=>$val) { $new[ sanitize_text_field($val["name"]) ] = sanitize_text_field($val["value"]); } return $new; } public function get_fb_name_regex($fb_url){ preg_match('/'.preg_quote('^(?:https?://)?(?:www.|m.|touch.)?(?:facebook.com|fb(?:.me|.com))/(?!$)(?:(?:\w)#!/)?(?:pages/)?(?:[\w-]/)?(?:/)?(?:profile.php?id=)?([^/?\s])(?:/|&|?)?.*$/'), $fb_url, $n); return $n[1]; } // public function NonceCheck($value, $action_name){if ( !isset($value) || !wp_verify_nonce($value, $action_name) ) { die("error_5151, Refresh the page");}} public function shortcode_alternative_message($name, $params_name=false) { ?> <div class="alertnative_to_shortcodes"> <h2><?php _e('(Alternatives to shortcode)'); ?></h2> <?php _e('Note, you can always use programatical approach using:'); ?> <br/> <code><?php echo do_shortcode('[.....]'); ?></code> <br/> or <br/> <code><?php if (function_exists('<?php echo $name;?>')) { echo <?php echo $name;?>(["arg1"=>"value1", ...]); } ?></code> </div> <?php } public function define_translations_exist(){ //check if translations exist $last_vers = get_site_option($this->slug . '_transl_lastvers'); if( ! $last_vers || $last_vers != $this->static_settings["Version"] ){ update_site_option('transl_lastvers', $this->static_settings["Version"]); $res = !empty($this->phrases_array()); update_site_option($this->slug . '_transl_exists', $res); return $res; } return get_site_option($this->slug . '_transl_exists'); } // settings page public function define_option_tabs(){ if(!is_admin()) return; $this->show_tabs = $this->static_settings['display_tabs']; $this->options_tabs = array_merge( ["Options"], $this->options_tabs, property_exists($this,'shortcodes') ? ['Shortcodes'] : [], ( $this->define_translations_exist() ? ["Translations & Phrases"] : [] ), ["Errors-Log & Reset"] //( ! property_exists($this, 'errors_tab') || $this->errors_tab ? ['Errors log'] : [] ) ); } public function options_tab($tabs_array =false){ if(!$tabs_array) $tabs_array = $this->options_tabs; $this->active_tab = $tabs_array[0]; foreach($tabs_array as $each_tab){ if (isset($_GET['tab']) && sanitize_key($each_tab)==$_GET['tab']) $this->active_tab=$each_tab; } echo '<div class="nav-tab-wrapper customNav '. (!$this->show_tabs ? "displaynone" : "") .'">'; foreach($tabs_array as $each_tab){ $tab_TITLE = $each_tab=="Shortcodes" ? "Shortcodes & Api" : $each_tab; echo '<a href="'.add_query_arg('tab', sanitize_key($each_tab) ).'" class="nav-tab '. sanitize_key($each_tab).' '. ($this->active_tab == $each_tab ? 'nav-tab-active whiteback' : ''). '">'. __( $tab_TITLE).'</a>'; } echo '</div>'; } public function opts_page_output_parent($args=false) { #region - Selector for SETTINGS PAGE if(is_network_admin()) { if( !empty( $_POST["mng_nonce"] ) && check_admin_referer( "nonce_mng_" . $this->slug, "mng_nonce" ) ) { if(isset( $_POST[$this->slug]['managed_from_changer'] ) ){ $val = in_array($_POST[$this->slug]['managed_from_site'], ['Network-Wide','network']) ; $this->network_managed = $val; $this->updateNetworkedState($val); $this->js_redirect(); } } ?> <style> .networked_switcher_itsf_parent {position:relative;} .networked_switcher_itsf { box-shadow: 0px 0px 15px #329c1e; z-index: 3; min-width:210px; background:#ffa637; border-radius: 0 10px 0 190px; border: 2px solid #80808094; padding:2px 10px 4px 30px; position: fixed; top: 32px; right: 0px; line-height:1.2em; text-align: center; z-index: 77; } .networked_switcher_itsf .modeChooser1 { display: flex; flex-direction: row; justify-content: center; align-items: center; } @media all and (max-width: 850px) { .networked_switcher_itsf .modeChooser1 { flex-wrap:wrap;} } .networked_switcher_itsf label { padding-right: 20px!important; border-radius: 0px!important; margin: 2px !important;} .networked_switcher_itsf label.networkwide { border-radius: 100px 0px 0px 100px!important;} .networked_switcher_itsf label.subsite { border-radius: 0px 100px 100px 0!important;} .networked_switcher_itsf input[type="radio"] { margin:2px 0 0 -20px ;} </style> <div class="networked_switcher_itsf_parent"> <div class="networked_switcher_itsf"> <form method="post" action="" name="networked_switcher_form"> <?php _e("You can change from where you'd like to manage this plugin's settings page"); ?></b> <div class="modeChooser1"> <label for="networkwide" class="networkwide button<?php echo $this->network_managed ? "-primary":"";?> "><?php _e("Network dashboard (controls all subsites)");?></label> <input id="networkwide" onchange="managed_from_onchanger(this)" type="radio" name="<?php echo $this->slug;?>[managed_from_site]" value="network" <?php checked($this->network_managed);?> /> <label for="subsite" class="subsite button<?php echo !$this->network_managed ? "-primary":"";?>"><?php _e("Each Sub-Site with own settings page");?></label> <input id="subsite" onchange="managed_from_onchanger(this)" type="radio" name="<?php echo $this->slug;?>[managed_from_site]" value="singlesite" <?php checked(!$this->network_managed);?> /> <!-- <input type="submit" name="<?php echo $this->slug;?>[managed_from_site]" value="<?php _e("Network-Wide");?>" class="button<?php echo $this->network_managed ? "-primary":"";?>" /> <input type="submit" name="<?php echo $this->slug;?>[managed_from_site]" value="<?php _e("Per sub-site, individually");?>" class="button<?php echo !$this->network_managed? "-primary":"";?>" /> --> <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo $this->slug;?>[managed_from_changer]" value="ok" /> <?php wp_nonce_field( "nonce_mng_".$this->slug, "mng_nonce" ); ?> </div> </form> <script> //jQuery(".modeChooser1").controlgroup(); function managed_from_onchanger(e) { document.forms["networked_switcher_form"].submit(); document.getElementById("wpbody").style.opacity = 0.1; } </script> </div> </div> <?php } #endregion if ( (is_network_admin() && $this->network_managed) || (!is_network_admin() && !$this->network_managed) ){ $this->opts_page_output(); } else{ echo '<div style="display: flex; background: white; flex-direction: column; max-width: 600px; margin: 100px auto; border-radius: 10px; padding: 30px;"><h1>'.__('Plugin is set to be managed per: <span class="perChosen">'. ($this->network_managed ? "Network": "Sub-sites") ).'</span></h1></div>'; } } public function settings_page_part($type) { $this->is_settings_page = true; if($type=="start") { if( !empty( $_POST["_wpnonce"] ) && check_admin_referer( "nonce_" . $this->slug, "_wpnonce" ) ) { if(!empty($_POST[$this->slug]) ) { $this->opts['last_update_time'] = time(); $this->update_opts(); } if(isset( $_POST[$this->slug]['clear_error_logs'] ) ){ $this->clear_errorslog(); } if(isset( $_POST[$this->slug]['reset_plugin_defaults'] ) ){ $this->reset_plugin_to_defaults(); $this->js_redirect(); } if(isset( $_POST[$this->slug]['update_transl_phrases'] ) ){ $this->translation_phrases = array_map('sanitize_text_field', $_POST[$this->slug]['translation_phrases']); $this->update_phrases( $this->translation_phrases ) ; } } if( !empty( $_GET["_wpnonce"] ) && check_admin_referer( "nonce_" . $this->slug, "_wpnonce" ) ) { if(isset($_GET[$this->slug.'-remove-pro']) ) { delete_site_option($this->license_keyname()); $this->js_redirect(remove_query_arg($this->slug.'-remove-pro')); } } ?> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="<?php echo $this->myplugin_class;?>"> <h1 class="plugin-title"><?php echo $this->opts['name'];?></h1> <?php $this->options_tab(); ?> <!-- <h2 class="settingsTitle"><?php _e('Plugin Settings Page!');?></h2> --> <div class="optwindow"> <?php if ($this->active_tab == "Shortcodes") { echo '<h1 class="shortcodes_maintitle">'. __('Shortcodes Usage').'</h1>'; foreach($this->shortcodes as $key=>$value) { $this->shortcodes_table($key, $value); $this->shortcode_alternative_message($key); } echo '<div class="hooks_examples">'; echo '<h1 class="shortcodes_maintitle">'. __('Available hooks (to modify from external functions)') .'</h1>'; if ( property_exists($this, "hooks_examples") ) { foreach ($this->hooks_examples as $key=>$block){ echo '<div class="hook_example_block '.$key.'">'; if ($block['type']=='filter'){ echo '<div class="description">'. __($block['description']) .':</div>'; echo '<code>add_filter("'.$key.'", "yourFunc", 10, '. count($block['parameters'] ) .' ); function yourFunc($'. implode(', $', $block['parameters'] ).') { ... return $'.$block['parameters'][0].';} </code>'; } echo '</div>'; } } echo '</div>'; } if ($this->active_tab == "Translations & Phrases") { ?> <div class="translations_page"> <form method="post" action=""> <?php _e("Here will show up all phrases that are outputed on your site fron-end by this plugin, so you can translate/customize them."); ?> <table class="translations_table"> <tbody> <?php $phrases_arr = $this->phrases_array(); $phrases = $this->translation_phrases; if(is_array($phrases_arr)){ foreach ($phrases_arr as $key=>$value){ $value = array_key_exists($key, $phrases) ? $phrases[$key] : $key; echo '<tr>'; echo '<td>'. $key.'</td><td><input type="text" name="'.$this->slug.'[translation_phrases]['.$key.']" value="'. $value .'" /></td>'; echo '</tr>'; } } ?> </tbody> </table> <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo $this->slug;?>[update_transl_phrases]" value="ok" /> <?php wp_nonce_field( "nonce_".$this->slug); submit_button( __( 'Save' ), 'button-secondary', '', true ); ?> </form> </div> <?php } if ($this->active_tab == "Errors-Log & Reset") { ?> <div class="errors_page"> <div class="errors_table_container"> <table class="errors_log"> <style> .myplugin .errors_page .errors_table_container { max-height: 400px; overflow-y: scroll; border: 1px solid #b5b5b5;} .myplugin .errors_page table {border-collapse: collapse;} .myplugin .errors_page table tr > * { border: 1px solid #c7c7c7; padding: 3px 5px; } .myplugin .errors_page .errors_log tr{transition:0.2s all;} .myplugin .errors_page .errors_log tr.headerRow{color:orange;} .myplugin .errors_page .errors_log tr:hover{background:#fdf7f7;} .myplugin .errors_page .errors_log td{min-width: 10px;} .myplugin .errors_page .errors_log td:nth-child(1){max-width:80px;} .myplugin .errors_page .errors_log td:nth-child(2){min-width:80px; max-width:120px;} .myplugin .errors_page .errors_log td:nth-child(3){max-width:150px;} .myplugin .errors_page .errors_log td pre { white-space: pre-wrap; word-wrap: break-word; } </style> <tbody> <?php $this->log("asdddd", ""); $this->trim_errorslog(); $errors = $this->get_errorslog(); if(!empty($errors)) { rsort($errors); //reverse order, last added to top $column_count = count( $keys = array_keys( ((array)$errors[0]) )); echo '<tr class="headerRow">'; for($i=0; $i<$column_count; $i++) echo "<td>$keys[$i]</td>";echo '</tr>'; foreach ($errors as $each_err ) { $each_err= (array) $each_err; echo '<tr>'; for($i=0; $i<$column_count; $i++){ $out=''; $current = $each_err[ array_keys($each_err)[$i]]; if (!empty($current) ) { $out = $current; } echo '<td><pre>'. htmlentities($out).'</pre></td>'; } echo '</tr>'; } } ?> </tbody> </table> </div> <div class="clear-errors-log"> <form method="post" action=""> <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo $this->slug;?>[clear_error_logs]" value="ok" /> <?php wp_nonce_field( "nonce_".$this->slug); submit_button( __( 'Clear Errors Log' ), 'button-secondary red-button', '', true ); ?> </form> </div> <div class="plugin-reset-defaults"> <form method="post" action=""> <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo $this->slug;?>[reset_plugin_defaults]" value="ok" /> <?php wp_nonce_field( "nonce_".$this->slug); submit_button( __( 'Reset plugin options to defaults' ), 'button-secondary red-button', '', true ); ?> </form> </div> </div> <?php } } elseif ($type=="end") { ?> </div><!-- optwindow --> <?php $this->endStyles();?> </div><!-- myplugin --> <?php } } public function endStyles($external=false) { ?> <?php if ($external===false) { // } elseif ($external===true) { echo '<div class="'.$this->myplugin_class.'">'; } ?> <style> .myplugin { margin: 20px 20px 0 0; line-height:1.2; max-width:100%; display:flex; flex-wrap:rap; justify-content:center; flex-direction:column; padding: 20px; border-radius: 100px; } .myplugin * { position:relative;} .myplugin code {font-weight:bold; padding: 3px 5px; display: inline-block;} .myplugin >h2 {text-align:center;} .myplugin h1, .myplugin h2, .myplugin h3 {text-align:center; margin: 0.5em 1em 1em;} .myplugin table tr { border-bottom: 1px solid #cacaca; } .myplugin table td {min-width:50px;} .myplugin .form-table { border: 1px solid #cacaca; padding:2px; } .myplugin .form-table td { padding: 15px 5px; } .myplugin .form-table th { padding: 20px 10px 20px 10px; } .myplugin p.submit {text-align: center;} .myplugin .optwindow { border: 1px solid #b5b5b56e; padding: 10px; border-width: 0px 1px 1px 1px; border-radius: 0px 0px 30px 30px; } zz.myplugin input[type="text"]{width:100%;} .myplugin .additionals{ display:flex; font-family: initial; font-size: 1.5em; text-align:center; margin: 25px 5px 5px; padding: 5px; background: #efeab7; padding: 5px 0 0 20px; border-radius: 0% 20px 140px 90%; } z.myplugin .additionals:before { content: ""; position: absolute; top: 5%; left: 5%; height: 90%; width: 90%; background: #a222ff61; border-radius: 60% 60% 770% 110px;opacity: 0.6; transform: rotatez(-2deg); } .myplugin .additionals:after { content: ""; position: absolute; top: 5%; left: 5%; width: 90%; background: #6bd5ff45; border-radius: 10% 40% 20% 110px; opacity: 0.6; transform: rotatez(3deg); z-index: 0; height: 100px; } .myplugin .additionals a{font-weight:bold;font-size:1.1em; color:blue;} .myplugin .in_additional { z-index:3; width: 700px; background: #ffffff00; box-shadow: 0px 0px 20px #7d7474; border-radius: 30px; padding: 11px; margin: 0 auto; margin: 20px auto; } z.myplugin .additionals li { list-style-type: circle; list-style-type: circle; float: left; margin: 5px 0 5px 40px;} .myplugin .whiteback { background:white; border-bottom:1px solid white; } .myplugin.version_pro .donations_block, .myplugin.version_not_pro .donations_block { display:none; } .myplugin .donation_li a{ color: #d47b09; } .myplugin .customNav {margin: 0 0 0 0;} .myplugin .customNav .errors-logreset{ color: #903e4c; font-size: 0.7em; font-style: italic; opacity: 0.6; float:right;} .myplugin .customNav .nav-tab{ border-radius: 60% 30% 5% 0px; } .myplugin .customNav .nav-tab-active{ color: #43ceb5; pointer-events: none; } .myplugin .freelancers {font-style: italic; font-family: arial; font-size: 0.9em; margin: 15px; padding: 10px; border-radius: 5px; opacity: 0.7; } .myplugin .freelancers a{} .myplugin .button { top: -4px; } .myplugin .red-button { background: #ec5d5d; zbackground: #ffdfdf;} .myplugin .pink-button { background: pink; } .myplugin .green-button { background: #44d090; } .myplugin .float-left { float:left; } .myplugin .float-right { float:right; } .myplugin .displaynone { display:none; } .myplugin .clearboth { clear:both; height: 20px; } .myplugin .noinput { border: none!important; box-shadow:none!important; width:auto!important; display:inline-block!important; font-weight:bold; } .myplugin .translations_table { margin: 20px 0 0 30px; border-collapse: collapse;} .ui-widget-overlay { z-index: 9991; background: #000000; opacity: 0.8; filter: Alpha(Opacity=80); } .myplugin .alertnative_to_shortcodes {margin:50px 10px; box-shadow: 0px 0px 20px grey; padding: 40px; } .myplugin .hook_example_block { margin: 10px 0; line-height: 1.4em; } .myplugin a,.myplugin a.button { display: inline; } .ui-dialog {z-index: 9222!important; } .myplugin .disabled { pointer-events: none; } .myplugin .nonclickable { pointer-events: none; } .myplugin .review_block{ float:right; } .myplugin .review_block a{ float:right; font-size:20px; font-weight:bold; } .myplugin .review_block .stars{ height:30px; } .myplugin .review_block span.leaverating {position:absolute; z-index:4; margin:0 auto; text-align:center; width:auto; white-space:nowrap; top:15px; color:#000000de; font-size:0.8em; left:20px; text-shadow:0px 0px 25px black;} .myplugin .review_block img.stars{ height:30px; vertical-align:middle; } .myplugin .shortcode_atts{ color:#b900f3; } .myplugin .shortcodes_maintitle { font-style:italic; } .myplugin table .shortcode_tr_descr { font-weight:bold; color:black; } .myplugin .site_author_block{ text-align:center; font-size:0.8em; } .myplugin .site_author_block a{ text-decoration:none; color:black;} .myplugin .shortcodes_block { box-shadow: 0px 0px 15px #00000066; padding: 10px 0 0 0; margin: 20px 0;} .myplugin .shortcodes_block z.h3{ color:#f34500; text-align:center; } .myplugin .datachange-save-button{ display:none; } .myplugin ._save_button{ display:none; } .myplugin .numeric_input{ width:50px; font-weight:bold;} .myplugin .form-table td { vertical-align: top; } /* ---- jquery ui ( https://github.com/jquery/jquery-ui/tree/master/themes/base )----- */ .ui-widget.ui-widget-content { border: 1px solid #c5c5c5; } .ui-corner-all { border-radius: 3px; } .ui-widget-header { border: 1px solid #dddddd; background: #e9e9e9; color: #333333; font-weight: bold; } .ui-dialog { padding: .2em; } .ui-tooltip { padding: 8px; position: absolute; z-index: 9999; max-width: 300px;} body .ui-tooltip { border-width: 2px; border:1px solid #e7e7e7; box-shadow:0px 0px 3px gray; } </style> <div class="newBlock additionals"> <div class="in_additional"> <h4></h4> <h3><?php _e('More Actions');?></h3> <ul class="donations_block"> <li class="donation_li"> <?php _e('If you found this plugin useful, any donation is welcomed');?> : $<input id="donate_pt" type="number" class="numeric_input" value="3" /> <button onclick="tt_donate_trigger();"/><?php _e('Donate');?></button> <script> function tt_donate_trigger() { var url= '<?php echo $this->static_settings['donate_url'];?>'; window.open(url + '/'+ document.getElementById('donate_pt').value,'_blank'); } </script> <!-- <a href="%s" class="button" target="_blank">donation</a> --> </li> </ul> <ul> <li> <?php //printf(__('You can check other useful plugins at: <a href="%s">Must have free plugins for everyone</a>'), $this->static_settings['musthave_plugins'] ).'.'; ?> </li> </ul> <ul class="freelancers"> <li> <?php //printf(__('To hire a qualified WordPress specialist, you can use:<br/><a target="_blank" href="%s">TopTal.com</a>, <a target="_blank" href="%s">FreeLancer.com</a> or <a target="_blank" href="%s">PeoplePerHour.com</a> '), $this->static_settings['wp_tt_freelancers'], $this->static_settings['wp_fl_freelancers'], $this->static_settings['wp_pph_freelancers'] ); ?> </li> </ul> </div> <?php if($this->static_settings['show_rating_message']) { ?> <div class="review_block"> <a class="review_leave" href="<?php echo $this->static_settings['wp_rate_url'];?>" target="_blank"> <span class="leaverating"><?php _e('Rate plugin');?></span> <img class="stars" src="<?php echo $this->static_settings['public_assets_url'];?>/assets/rating-transparent-shaded.png" /> </a> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if(property_exists($this, 'show_author_block') && $this->show_author_block) { ?> <div class="site_author_block"> <a class="autor_url" href="<?php echo $this->static_settings['AuthorURI'];?>" target="_blank"> <?php echo parse_url($this->static_settings['AuthorURI'])["host"];?> </a> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <script> tt_ajax_action = '<?php echo $this->plugin_slug_u;?>_all';</script> <script> function pro_field(targetEl){ var is_pro = <?php echo $this->unregistered_pro() ? "true" : "false";?>; if(is_pro) { targetEl.attr("data-pro-overlay","pro_overlay"); } } </script> <?php $this->purchase_pro_block(); ?> <!-- Show "SAVE" button after input change, type="text" id="manual_pma_login_url" data-onchange-save="true" data-onchange-hide=".type_manual" name=" --> <div class="datachange-save-button"> <?php submit_button( false, 'button-primary _save_button', '', true, $attrib= ['id' => '_save_button'] ); ?> <script> (function($){ // save button show/hide var save_button=$('.myplugin #_save_button'); $('.myplugin [data-onchange-save]').on("change, input", function(e){ save_button.insertAfter( $(this) ); save_button.show(); save_button.css( { 'margin-left': "-"+(save_button.css("width")), 'position':'relative', 'top':'0px', 'left':save_button.css("width") }); var target=$(this).attr("data-onchange-hide"); if(target && target.length) { $( target ).css("visibility","hidden"); } }); //noinput types if($(".noinput").length) $(".noinput").attr('size', $(".noinput").val().length); })(jQuery); </script> </div> <?php if ($external===true) echo '</div>'; ?> <?php } public function tinymce_js( $plugin_array ) { $plugin_array[ "button_handle_" . $this->slug ] = $this->home_URL . '?tinymce_buttons_'.$this->slug; return $plugin_array; } public function register_buttons( $buttons ) { $button_names = array_map( function($ar){ return $ar['button_name']; }, $this->tinymce_buttons ); return array_merge( $buttons, $button_names ); } public function replace_slashes($path){ return str_replace( ['/','\\',DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR], '/', $path); } public function remove_extra_slashes($path){ return str_replace( '//', '/', $path); } public function tinymce_buttons_body( ) { if( ! isset($_GET['tinymce_buttons_'. $this->slug] ) ) return; session_cache_limiter('none'); // http://stackoverflow.com/a/1385982/2377343 //Caching with "CACHE CONTROL" header('Cache-control: max-age='. ($year=60*60*24*365) .', public'); //Caching with "EXPIRES" (no need of EXPIRES when CACHE-CONTROL enabled) //header('Expires: '.gmdate(DATE_RFC1123,time()+$year)); //To get best cacheability, send Last-Modified header and ... header('Last-Modified: '.gmdate(DATE_RFC1123,filemtime(__file__))); //i.e. 1467220550 [it's 30 june,2016] //reply using: status 304 (with empty body) if browser sends If-Modified-Since header.... This is cheating a bit (doesn't verify the date), but remove if you dont want to be cached forever: // if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'])) { header('HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified'); die(); } header("Content-type: application/javascript; charset=utf-8"); ?> // ************ these useful scripts got from: https://github.com/tazotodua/useful-javascript/ ********** // "<script>" dont remove this line,,, because, now JAVSCRIPT highlighting started in text-editor <?php $random_name = "button_".rand(1,999999999).rand(1,999999999); ?> "use strict"; (function () { // Name the plugin anything we want tinymce.create( 'tinymce.plugins.<?php echo $random_name;?>', { init: function (ed, url) { <?php foreach ($this->tinymce_buttons as $each_button ) { ?> // The button name should be the same as used in PHP function of WP ed.addButton( '<?php echo $each_button["button_name"];?>', { // Title of button title: '<?php echo $each_button["shortcode"];?>', // icon url of button image: '<?php echo $each_button["icon"];?>', //url + // Onclick action onto button onclick: function () { // Create shortcode string, with default values var val = '<?php echo $this->shortcode_example($each_button["shortcode"], $each_button["default_atts"]);?>'; // Insert shortcode in text-editor ed.execCommand( 'mceInsertContent', false, val ); } }); <?php } ?> }, createControl: function (n, cm) { return null; } }); // first parameter - the same name as defined in PHP function of WP // second parameter - the module name (as defined a bit above) tinymce.PluginManager.add( '<?php echo "button_handle_" . $this->slug;?>', tinymce.plugins.<?php echo $random_name;?> ); })(); //</script> <?php exit; } // ========================================== // public function shortcode_example_string($array, $strip_tags=false, $htmlentities=false, $ended=false){ $out = '<code>'; $out .= '['. $array['name'].'<span class="shortcode_atts">'; foreach($array['atts'] as $key=>$value){ $out .= " ".$value[0].'="'. $this->truefalse_to_string($value[1]).'"';} $out .='</span>]'; $out = ( $strip_tags ? strip_tags($out) : $out); $out = ( $htmlentities ? htmlentities($out) : $out); if( $ended ) $out .= "...[/".$array['name']."]"; $out .= '</code>'; return $out; } public function shortcode_example($shortcode, $array, $ended=false){ $out="[$shortcode "; foreach($array as $key=>$value){ $out .= $key.'="'.$this->valueToString($value) .'" '; } $out = trim($out). "]"; if( $ended ) $out .= "...[/$shortcode]"; return $out; } public function shortcode_atts($shortcode, $atts){ $new_arr=[]; foreach($this->shortcodes[$shortcode]['atts'] as $x){ $new_arr[ $x[0] ] = $this->stringToValue($x[1]) ; } if (!empty($atts)) { $filtered_atts=[]; foreach($atts as $key=>$value){ $filtered_atts[$key] = $this->stringToValue($value) ; } $new_arr = array_merge($new_arr, $filtered_atts); } if (array_key_exists("...", $new_arr)) unset($new_arr["..."]); if (array_key_exists("___", $new_arr)) unset($new_arr["___"]); if (array_key_exists(0, $new_arr)) unset($new_arr[0]); $new_atts = shortcode_atts($new_arr, [] ); return $new_atts; } public function valueToString( $value ){ return is_bool($value) ? ($value ? 'true' : 'false' ) : strip_tags( $value ) ; } public function stringToValue( $value ){ return is_bool($value) ? $value : ( !is_string($value) ? $value : ( $value =='true' ? true : ( $value =='false' ? false : $value) ) ); } public function shortcodes_initialize(){ if(property_exists($this,'shortcodes')) { //enable shortcodes (if it's disabled) add_filter( 'widget_text', 'do_shortcode' ); foreach($this->shortcodes as $name=>$val) { //add "name" manually as name $this->shortcodes[$name]['name']=$name; add_shortcode($name, [$this, $name]); } } } public function get_phrases() { return $this->get_option_CHOSEN('`translated_phrases', []); } public function update_phrases($array=null) { if(!isset($array)) $array=$this->translation_phrases; return $this->update_option_CHOSEN('`translated_phrases', $array); } public function phrases_array() { $cont=''; foreach( $this->plugin_files as $each) { $cont .= file_get_contents($this->plugin_DIR.'/'.$each); } preg_match_all( '/\$this\-\>phrase\((.*?)\)/si', $cont, $matches ); $phrases_array = $this->get_phrases(); foreach($matches[1] as $value) { $value=trim($value); //if not variable if(substr($value, 0, 1) != '$') { $sanitized_value = preg_replace("/[\"\']/", "", $value); $phrases_array[$sanitized_value] = $sanitized_value; } } return $phrases_array; } public function shortcodes_table($name, $array) { /*======= example ======== $this->shortcodes_table( "breadcrumbs", [ [ 'id', '', __('Post ID (you can ignore that parameter if you want to get for current post)', 'breadcrumbs-shortcode') ], [ 'delimiter', 'hello', __('Your desired delimiter', 'breadcrumbs-shortcode') ], ]); */ ?> <div class="shortcodes_block"> <h3><?php echo $array['description'];?></h3> <table class="form-table shortcodes"> <tr> <td><?php _e('Example:');?></td> <td> <?php echo $this->shortcode_example_string($array, false,false, array_key_exists('ended', $array) );?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><?php _e('Parameters:');?></td> <td> <table> <tr class="shortcode_tr_descr"> <td><?php _e('name');?></td><td><?php _e('default value');?></td><td><?php _e('description');?></td> <tr> <?php foreach($array['atts'] as $key=>$value) { ?> <tr> <td><code><?php echo $value[0];?></code></td><td><code><?php echo htmlentities($this->truefalse_to_string($value[1]));?></code></td><td><?php echo $value[2];?></td> </tr> <?php } ?> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <?php } public function display_errors() { ini_set('display_errors', 1); ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1); error_reporting(E_ALL); } public function admin_head_func() { if( defined("ttLibrary_scripts_loaded") ) return; define("ttLibrary_scripts_loaded", true); ?> <script> //window.onload REPLACEMENT // window.addEventListener ? window.addEventListener("load",yourFunction,false) : window.attachEvent && window.attachEvent("onload",yourFunction); ttLibrary = { // check for Ajax calls from front-end backend_call : function (data, callback) { data["action"] = tt_ajax_action; data["_wpnonce"] = '<?php echo wp_create_nonce( "ttBackendCall_JS");?>'; ttLibrary.spinner(true); jQuery.post ( ajaxurl, data, function(response){ ttLibrary.spinner(false); callback(response); } ); }, reload_this_page : function(){ window.location = window.location.href; }, //show Spinner (loader-waiter) spinner: function(action) { var spinner_id = "tt_spinner"; if(action) { var div= '<div id="'+spinner_id+'" style="background:black; position:fixed; height:100%; width:100%; opacity:0.9; z-index:33333; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center;">'+ '<div style="">Please Wait...</div>'+ '</div>'; document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("afterbegin", div); } else { var el = document.getElementById(spinner_id); if (el) { el.parentNode.removeChild(el); } } }, //shorthand for jQuery dialog dialog: function(message) { jQuery('<div class="ttDialog">'+message+'</div>').dialog({ modal: true, width: 500, close: function (event, ui) { jQuery(this).remove(); // Remove it completely on close } }); }, //shortand for the same, to remember easily message: function(message) { return ttLibrary.dialog(message); }, // make an element field to blink/animate blink_field : function (fieldObj) { fieldObj.animate({backgroundColor: '#00bb00'}, 'slow').animate({backgroundColor: '#FFFFFF'}, 'slow'); }, // hide content if chosen radio box not chosen radiobox_onchange_hider : function (selector,desiredvalue, target_hidding_selector, SHOW_or_hide) { SHOW_or_hide = SHOW_or_hide || false; if( typeof dropdown_objs == 'undefined') { dropdown_objs = {}; } if( typeof dropdown_objs[selector] == 'undefined' ){ dropdown_objs[selector] = true ; var funcname= arguments.callee.name; //jQuery(selector).change(function() { window[funcname](selector,desiredvalue, target_hidding_selector, SHOW_or_hide); }); jQuery(selector).change(function() { ttLibrary.radiobox_onchange_hider(selector,desiredvalue, target_hidding_selector, SHOW_or_hide); }); } var x = jQuery(target_hidding_selector); if( jQuery(selector+':checked').val() == desiredvalue) { if(SHOW_or_hide) x.show(); else x.hide(); } else { if(SHOW_or_hide) x.hide(); else x.show(); } }, // hide content if chosen radio box not chosen checkbox_onchange_hider : function (selector, when_checked, destination_hidding_selector) { var x=function(target, destination){ if( (when_checked && jQuery(target).is(':checked')) || (!when_checked && jQuery(target).not(':checked')) ) { jQuery(destination).show(); } else { jQuery(destination).hide(); } }; x(selector, destination_hidding_selector); jQuery(selector).click( function(e){ x(e.target, destination_hidding_selector); } ); } }; </script> <?php } // Adding .zip extension public function upload_mimes_filter( $mime_types ) { if (!array_key_exists('zip', $mime_types)) $mime_types['zip'] = 'application/zip'; if (!array_key_exists('gz|gzip|zip', $mime_types)) $mime_types['gz|gzip|zip'] = 'application/x-zip'; // ['gz|gzip'] => application/x-gzip // [rar] => application/rar // [7z] => application/x-7z-compressed return $mime_types; } //move uploaded addon to it's folder public function wp_handle_upload_filter( $array=['file' => 'path/to/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/example.ext', 'url' => 'https://.....example.ext', 'type' => 'application/zip'], $action= 'sideload|upload' ) { $file = $array['file']; if($array['type']=="application/zip" || $array['type']=="application/x-zip") { $filename = basename($file); $found = false; $found_files=[]; if (function_exists('zip_open')) { $zip = zip_open($file); if (is_resource($zip)) { while ($zip_entry = zip_read($zip)) { $found_files[]=zip_entry_name($zip_entry); //if (zip_entry_open($zip, $zip_entry)) //{ //echo zip_entry_read($zip_entry); //zip_entry_close($zip_entry); //} } zip_close($zip); } } elseif (class_exists('\ZipArchive')) { $za = new ZipArchive(); $za->open($file); for( $i = 0; $i < $za->numFiles; $i++ ){ $stat = $za->statIndex( $i ); $found_files[] = basename( $stat['name'] ) ; } } //elseif( stripos($filename, $this->pro_file_part) !== false) //{ // $found = true; //} //if contains if(!empty($found_files)) { foreach(array_filter($found_files) as $each) { if( stripos($each, $this->addon_namepart.'/'.$this->slug)!==false) { $found = true; } } } if($found) { $this->unzip($file, $this->addons_dir); $this->move_folder_contents($this->addons_dir.'/'. $this->addon_namepart, $this->addons_dir); $this->rmdir_recursive($this->addons_dir.'/'. $this->addon_namepart); $need_space = stripos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'upload.php') !== false ? ' ' : ''; return ['error'=> $need_space."Thank You ⭐ Addon has been installed, you can activate it with the key !"]; } } return $array; } public function move_folder_contents($from, $to) { foreach( glob($from ."/*") as $each) { $target=$to."/".basename($each); if(is_dir($target)) { //$this->rmdir_recursive($target); } elseif(is_file($target)) { @unlink($target); //rename($each, $target); } } } public function ajax_backend_call() { if(isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action']==$this->plugin_slug_u .'_all') { if( empty( $_POST["_wpnonce"] ) || !wp_verify_nonce( $_POST["_wpnonce"], "ttBackendCall_JS") ) { exit( __('Incorrect nonce. Refresh page and try again.') ); } if(isset($_POST['PRO_check_key'])){ echo $this->license_status($_POST['PRO_check_key'], "activate"); } elseif(isset($_POST['PRO_save_results'])){ } elseif(method_exists($this, 'backend_call')){ $this->backend_call( sanitize_key($_POST['act']) ); } wp_die(); } exit( __('Unknown-action') ); } public function insert_code_in_file($filepath, $replace_what, $replace_with) { if(is_admin()) { if(file_exists($filepath)) { $content= file_get_contents($filepath); if(stripos($content, $replace_with) === false) //if it doesnt contain { file_put_contents( $filepath, str_replace($replace_what, $replace_with, $content) ); } } } } public function admin_scripts($hook) //i.e. edit.php { if($this->is_this_settings_page()){ $this->admin_scripts_out($hook); } } // https://github.com/WordPress/WordPress/blob/master/wp-includes/script-loader.php public function admin_scripts_out($hook) //i.e. edit.php { $where='admin'; $this->register_stylescript($where, 'script', 'jquery'); //jquery ui core //$this->register_stylescript($where, 'script', 'jquery-ui-core'); //jquery ui EFFECTS $this->register_stylescript($where, 'script', 'jquery-effects-core'); //jquery ui DIALOG $this->register_stylescript($where, 'script', 'jquery-ui-dialog'); $this->register_stylescript($where, 'style', 'wp-jquery-ui-dialog'); // 'ui-css', 'https://code.jquery.com/ui/1.12.1/themes/base/jquery-ui.css', false, '1.1'); $this->register_stylescript($where, 'script', 'jquery-ui-tooltip'); // spin.js //$this->register_stylescript($where, 'script', 'spin', 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/spin.js/2.3.2/spin.min.js', ['jquery'], '2.3.2', true); // touch-punch.js //$this->register_stylescript($where, 'script', 'touch-punch', 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui-touch-punch/0.2.3/jquery.ui.touch-punch.min.js', ['jquery'], '0.2.3', true ); //add_action('admin_footer', function() { <script></script> } ); } public function register_stylescript($admin_or_wp, $type, $handle=false, $url=false, $dependant=null, $version=false, $target=false) { add_action( $admin_or_wp.'_enqueue_scripts', function() use($type, $handle, $url, $dependant, $version, $target) { $this->enqueue($type, $handle, $url, $dependant, $version, $target); }); } public function enqueue($type, $handle=false, $url=false, $dependant=null, $version=false, $target=false) { //lets allow shorthanded start $localstart = 'assets'; if( substr($url,0, strlen($localstart) ) == $localstart ) $url = $this->plugin_URL. $url; if ( ! call_user_func("wp_".$type."_is", $handle, "registered" ) ){ call_user_func("wp_register_".$type, $handle, $url, $dependant, $version, $target ); //,'jquery-migrate' } if ( ! call_user_func("wp_".$type."_is", $handle, "enqueued" ) ){ call_user_func("wp_enqueue_".$type, $handle); } } public function add_localscript($handle, $string){ $is_js = stripos($string,'<script>')!==false; $js_or_css = $is_js ? 'script' : 'style'; //$url = $this->plugin_URL . '? //register_stylescript($js_or_css, $handle, $url) } public function unzip_url($url, $where) { $zipLoc = $where.'/'.(basename($url)).'.zip'; wp_remote_get ( $this->cat_thumbs_download_url, [ 'timeout' => 300, 'stream' => true, 'filename' => $zipLoc ] ); $this->unzip($zipLoc, $where); @unlink($zipLoc); } public function unzip($path, $where) { require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/file.php'); \WP_Filesystem(); $this->mkdir($where); \unzip_file($path, $where); usleep(300000); } public function unzip_in_dir($dir, $rewrite=true) { foreach( array_filter(glob($dir.'/*.zip'), 'is_file') as $each_zip) { $uniqueTag = md5($each_zip); $each_dir = substr($each_zip, 0, -4); //trim .zip if (empty($each_dir)) return; // ! must have, to avoid empty directory threat // remove if previous unpack was partial. if( is_dir($each_dir) && $rewrite ) { if( empty($this->opts['folderOk_'.$uniqueTag]) ) { $this->rmdir_recursive($each_dir); usleep(400000); //$this->mkdir_recursive($pathh); } } if( !is_dir($each_dir) ) { $this->opts['folderOk_'.$uniqueTag] = false; $this->update_opts(); $this->unzip($each_zip, dirname($each_zip)); $this->opts['folderOk_'.$uniqueTag] = true; $this->update_opts(); } } } // common funcs public function str_replace_first($from, $to, $content, $type="plain"){ if($type=="plain"){ $pos = strpos($content, $from); if ($pos !== false) { $content = substr_replace($content, $to, $pos, strlen($from)); } return $content; } elseif($type=="regex"){ $from = '/'.preg_quote($from, '/').'/'; return preg_replace($from, $to, $content, 1); } } public function is_activation(){ return (isset($_GET['isactivation'])); } public function reload_without_query($params=array(), $js_redir=true){ $url = remove_query_arg( array_merge($params, ['isactivation'] ) ); if ($js_redir=="js"){ $this->js_redirect($url); } else { $this->php_redirect($url); } } public function if_activation_reload_with_message($message){ if($this->is_activation()){ echo '<script>alert(\''.$message.'\');</script>'; $this->reload_without_query(); } } public function add_default_uninstall(){ if( is_admin() && !$this->is_development) { $wp_uninstall_file = $this->plugin_DIR.'/uninstall.php'; if( !file_exists($wp_uninstall_file) ) { $content= '<'.'?php // If uninstall not called from WordPress, then exit if ( ! defined( "WP_UNINSTALL_PLUGIN" ) ) { exit; } $lib = dirname(__DIR__)."/'.basename(__FILE__).'"; if(file_exists($lib)){ //@unlink($lib); }'; file_put_contents($wp_uninstall_file, $content); } } } // ========= my functions for PRO plugins ========== // public function addon_path() { return WP_PLUGIN_DIR .'/_addons/'.$this->slug .'-addon/addon.php'; } public function addon_exists() { return (file_exists($this->addon_path())); } public function load_pro() { if ($this->is_pro) { if ($this->is_pro_legal) { $puvox_last_class = $this; if($this->addon_exists()) include_once($this->addon_path()); } } } public function check_if_pro_plugin() { $this->is_pro = null; $this->is_pro_legal = null; if( $this->static_settings['has_pro_version'] ){ //$this->has_pro_version = true; // it is price of plugin $ar= $this->get_license(); $this->is_pro = $ar['status']; $this->is_pro_legal = $ar['legal']; } if(is_admin()) { if ($this->is_pro) { if (!$this->is_pro_legal) { add_action('network_admin_notices', [$this, 'admin_error_notice_pro'] ); add_action('admin_notices', [$this, 'admin_error_notice_pro'] ); } else{ $this->pro_check_once_in_a_while(); } } } $this->addons_dir = WP_PLUGIN_DIR.'/_addons'; //wp_plugins_dir(); } public function license_keyname(){ return $this->plugin_slug_u ."_l_key"; } public function get_license($key=false){ $def_array = [ 'status' => false, 'legal' => false, 'key' => '', 'last_error'=>'' ]; $license_arr = get_site_option($this->license_keyname(), $def_array ); return ($key ? $license_arr[$key] : $license_arr); } public function update_license($val, $val1=false){ if(is_array($val)){ $array = $val; } else{ $array= $this->get_license(); $array[$val]=$val1; } update_site_option( $this->license_keyname(), $array ); } public function license_answer($key, $type="check/or/activate") { $this->info_arr = ['key' => $key] + ['siteurl'=>home_url(), 'plugin_slug'=>$this->slug ] + $this->pluginvars() + $this->opts; $answer = wp_remote_retrieve_body( wp_remote_post($this->static_settings['purchase_check'].$type, [ 'method' => 'POST', 'timeout' => 25, 'redirection' => 5, 'httpversion' => '1.0', 'blocking' => true, 'headers' => [], 'body' => $this->info_arr, 'cookies' => [] ] ) ); return $answer; } public function license_status($license, $type="check/or/activate") { $key = sanitize_text_field($license); $answer = $this->license_answer($key, $type); if(!$this->is_JSON_string($answer)){ $result = []; $result['error'] = $answer; } else{ $result = json_decode($answer, true); } // if(isset($result['valid'])){ if($result['valid']){ $ar['status']= true; $ar['legal']= true; $ar['key']= $key; $ar['last_error']= ''; $this->update_license($ar); } else { // $this->update_license( 'legal', false ); $this->update_license( 'last_error', json_encode($result['response']) ); $result['error'] = json_encode($result['response']); } } else{ $result['error'] = $answer; $this->log('Error while calling to vendor', $result['error']); } return json_encode($result); } public function pro_check_once_in_a_while( $time_length = 864000 ) { $name= '`_last_license_check'; $value= $this->get_transient_CHOSEN($name); if( !$value || time() - $value > $time_length ) { $lic = $this->get_license(); $res= $this->license_status($lic['key'], 'activate'); $this->update_transient_CHOSEN($name, time() ); } } public function unregistered_pro() { return $this->static_settings['has_pro_version'] && !$this->is_pro_legal; } public function admin_error_notice_pro(){ ?> <div class="notice notice-error is-dismissible"> <p><?php _e( sprintf('Notice: License for plugin <code><b>%s</b></code> is invalidated, so it\'s <b style="color:red;">PRO</b> functionality has been disabled.', $this->static_settings['Name']) );?> <a href="<?php echo $this->plugin_page_url_current;?>" target="_blank"><?php _e("Re-validate the key");?></a></p> </div> <?php } public function pro_field($echo=true){ if($this->unregistered_pro()){ $res= 'data-pro-overlay="pro_overlay"'; if($echo) echo $res; else return $res; //echo '<span class="pro_overlay overlay_lines"></span> '; } } public function purchase_pro_block(){ if ( !$this->static_settings['has_pro_version']) return; if ( $this->is_pro_legal ) return; ?> <div class="pro_block"> <style> .get_pro_version { line-height: 1.2; z-index: 123; background: #ff1818; text-align: center; border-radius: 100% 100% 0 0; display: inline-block; position: fixed; bottom: 0px; right: 0; left: 0; padding: 10px 10px; max-width: 750px; margin: 0 auto; text-shadow: 0px 0px 6px white; box-shadow: 0px 0px 52px black; } .get_pro_version .centered_div > span { font-size: 1.5em; } .get_pro_version .centered_div .or_enter_key_phrase{ font-style: italic; font-size:1em; } .get_pro_version .centered_div > span a { font-size: 1em; color: #7dff83;} .init_hidden{ display:none; } z#check_results{ display:inline; flex-direction:row; font-style:italic; } #check_results .correct{ background: #a8fba8; } #check_results .incorrect{ background: pink; } #check_results span{ padding:3px 5px; } .myplugin .dialog_enter_key{ display:none; } .dialog_enter_key_content { display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: center; } .dialog_enter_key_content > *{ margin: 10px ; } .myplugin .illegal_missing {font-size:12px; word-wrap:pre-wrap; } [data-pro-overlay=pro_overlay]{ pointer-events: none; cursor: default; position:relative; min-height: 2em; padding:5px; } [data-pro-overlay=pro_overlay]::before{ content:""; width: 100%; height: 100%; position: absolute; background: black; opacity: 0.3; z-index: 1; top: 0; left: 0; background: url("https://ps.w.org/internal-functions-for-protectpages-com-users/trunk/assets/overlay-1.png"); } [data-pro-overlay=pro_overlay]::after{ white-space: pre; content: "<?php $str=__('Only available in FULL VERSION'); echo str_repeat($str.'\a\a\a\a\a\a\a\a\a\a\a\a\a\a\a\a\a\a\a', 4).$str;?>"; text-shadow: 0px 0px 5px black; padding: 5px; opacity:1; text-align: center; animation-name: blinking; zzanimation-name: moving; animation-duration: 6s; animation-iteration-count: infinite; overflow:hidden; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; bottom: 0; right: 0; z-index: 3; overflow: hidden; font-size: 2em; color: red; } @keyframes blinking { 0% {opacity: 0;} 50% {opacity: 1;} 100% {opacity: 0;} } @keyframes moving { 0% {left: 30%;} 40% {left: 100%;} 100% {left: 0%;} } </style> <div class="dialog_enter_key"> <div class="dialog_enter_key_content" title="Enter the purchased license key"> <input id="key_this" class="regular-text" type="text" value="<?php echo $this->get_license('key');?>" /> <button id="check_key" ><?php _e( 'Check key' );?></button> <span id="check_results"> <span class="correct init_hidden"><?php _e( 'correct' );?></span> <span class="incorrect init_hidden"><?php _e( 'incorrect' );?></span> </span> </div> </div> <div class="get_pro_version"> <div class="centered_div"> <?php $need_to_enter_key = false; if ( $this->is_pro ) { if ( !$this->addon_exists() ) { ?> <span class="addon_missing"> ( <?php _e('Seems you have bought a PRO version, but the addon is not installed.');?> ) </span> <?php } elseif( !$this->is_pro_legal) { $need_to_enter_key=true; ?> <span class="illegal_missing"> ( <?php _e('Seems you don\'t have a legal key');?>. <span class="last_err_msg" style="white-space: pre-wrap;">( <?php _e( sprintf('Last error message: <code>%s</code> ', $this->get_license('last_error') ) ); ?> )</span> ) </span> <?php } } else { if (!$this->addon_exists()) { ?> <span class="purchase_phrase"> <a id="purchase_key" href="<?php echo esc_url($this->static_settings['purchase_url']);?>" target="_blank"><?php _e('GET FULL VERSION');?></a> <span class="price_amnt"><?php _e('only');?> <?php echo $this->static_settings['has_pro_version'];?>$</span> </span> <?php } $need_to_enter_key=true; } ?> <?php if ($need_to_enter_key) { ?> <span class="or_enter_key_phrase"> ( <?php _e('After purchase');?> <a id="enter_key" href=""><?php _e('Enter License Key');?></a> ) </span> <?php } ?> </div> </div> </div> <?php $this->plugin_scripts(); } public function plugin_scripts(){ ?> <script> function main_tt() { var this_action_name = '<?php echo $this->plugin_slug_u;?>'; (function ( $ ) { $(function () { //$("#purchase").on("click", function(e){ this_name_tt.open_license_dialog(); } ); $("#enter_key").on("click", function(e){ return this_name_tt.enter_key_popup(); } ); $("#check_key").off().on("click", function(e){ return this_name_tt.check_key(); } ); }); })( jQuery ); // Create our namespace this_name_tt = { /* * Method to check (using AJAX, which calls WP back-end) if inputed username is available */ enter_key_popup: function(e) { // Show jQuery dialog jQuery('.dialog_enter_key_content').dialog({ modal: true, width: 500, close: function (event, ui) { //jQuery(this).remove(); // Remove it completely on close } }); return false; }, IsJsonString: function(str) { try { JSON.parse(str); } catch (e) { return false; } return true; }, check_key : function(e) { var this1 = this; var inp_value = jQuery("#key_this").val(); if (inp_value == ""){ return; } ttLibrary.backend_call( { 'PRO_check_key': inp_value }, // Function when request complete function (answer) { if(typeof window.ttdebug != "undefined"){ console.log(answer); } if(this1.IsJsonString(answer)){ var new_res= JSON.parse(answer); if(new_res.hasOwnProperty('valid')){ if(new_res.valid){ this1.show_green(); } else{ var reponse1 = JSON.parse(new_res.response); this1.show_red(reponse1.message); } } else { this1.show_red(new_res); } } else{ this1.show_red(answer); } } ); }, show_green : function(){ jQuery("#check_results .correct").show(); jQuery("#check_results .incorrect").hide(); alert("<?php _e("Thanks! License is activated for this domain."); echo '\n\n\n\n'; _e("NOTE: Sharing or unauthorized use of the license will be ended with the suspension of the license code.") ;?>"); ttLibrary.reload_this_page(); //this.save_results(); }, show_red : function(e){ jQuery("#check_results .correct").hide(); jQuery("#check_results .incorrect").show(); jQuery("#check_results .incorrect").html(e); /* var message = 'Your inputed username "' + tw_usr + '" is incorrect! \nPlease, change it.'; // Show jQuery dialog jQuery('<div>' + message + '</div>').dialog({ modal: true, width: 500, close: function (event, ui) { jQuery(this).remove(); // Remove it completely on close } }); */ } }; } main_tt(); </script> <?php } // ================================================ ##end of default block## ============================================= // // ========================================================================================================================== // } } //EOT ?>