File: _item_comment_form.inc.php
<?php /** * This is the template that displays the comment form for a post * * This file is not meant to be called directly. * * b2evolution - {@link http://b2evolution.net/} * Released under GNU GPL License - {@link http://b2evolution.net/about/license.html} * @copyright (c)2003-2008 by Francois PLANQUE - {@link http://fplanque.net/} * * @package evoskins */ if( !defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' ); global $cookie_name, $cookie_email, $cookie_url; global $comment_allowed_tags, $comments_use_autobr; global $comment_cookies, $comment_allow_msgform; // Default params: $params = array_merge( array( 'disp_comment_form' => true, 'form_title_start' => '<h3>', 'form_title_end' => '</h3>', 'policy_text' => '', 'textarea_lines' => 10, 'default_text' => '', 'preview_start' => '<div class="bComment" id="comment_preview">', 'comment_template' => '_item_comment.inc.php', // The template used for displaying individual comments (including preview) 'preview_end' => '</div>', ), $params ); /* * Comment form: */ if( $params['disp_comment_form'] && $Item->can_comment() ) { // We want to display the comments form and the item can be commented on: // INIT/PREVIEW: if( $Comment = $Session->get('core.preview_Comment') ) { // We have a comment to preview if( $Comment->item_ID == $Item->ID ) { // display PREVIEW: // ------------------ PREVIEW COMMENT INCLUDED HERE ------------------ skin_include( $params['comment_template'], array( 'Comment' => & $Comment, 'comment_start' => $params['preview_start'], 'comment_end' => $params['preview_end'], ) ); // Note: You can customize the default item feedback by copying the generic // /skins/_item_comment.inc.php file into the current skin folder. // ---------------------- END OF PREVIEW COMMENT --------------------- // Form fields: $comment_content = $Comment->original_content; // for visitors: $comment_author = $Comment->author; $comment_author_email = $Comment->author_email; $comment_author_url = $Comment->author_url; } // delete any preview comment from session data: $Session->delete( 'core.preview_Comment' ); } else { // New comment: $Comment = & new Comment(); $comment_author = isset($_COOKIE[$cookie_name]) ? trim($_COOKIE[$cookie_name]) : ''; $comment_author_email = isset($_COOKIE[$cookie_email]) ? trim($_COOKIE[$cookie_email]) : ''; $comment_author_url = isset($_COOKIE[$cookie_url]) ? trim($_COOKIE[$cookie_url]) : ''; if( empty($comment_author_url) ) { // Even if we have a blank cookie, let's reset this to remind the bozos what it's for $comment_author_url = 'http://'; } $comment_content = $params['default_text']; } echo $params['form_title_start']; echo T_('Leave a comment'); echo $params['form_title_end']; $Form = & new Form( $htsrv_url.'comment_post.php', 'bComment_form_id_'.$Item->ID, 'post' ); $Form->begin_form( 'bComment', '', array( 'target' => '_self' ) ); // TODO: dh> a plugin hook would be useful here to add something to the top of the Form. // Actually, the best would be, if the $Form object could be changed by a plugin // before display! $Form->hidden( 'comment_post_ID', $Item->ID ); $Form->hidden( 'redirect_to', // Make sure we get back to the right page (on the right domain) // fplanque>> TODO: check if we can use the permalink instead but we must check that application wide, // that is to say: check with the comments in a pop-up etc... url_rel_to_same_host(regenerate_url( '', '', $Blog->get('blogurl'), '&' ), $htsrv_url) ); if( is_logged_in() ) { // User is logged in: $Form->info_field( T_('User'), '<strong>'.$current_User->get_preferred_name().'</strong>' .' '.get_user_profile_link( ' [', ']', T_('Edit profile') ) ); } else { // User is not logged in: // Note: we use funky field names to defeat the most basic guestbook spam bots $Form->text( 'u', $comment_author, 40, T_('Name'), '', 100, 'bComment' ); $Form->text( 'i', $comment_author_email, 40, T_('Email'), '<br />'.T_('Your email address will <strong>not</strong> be revealed on this site.'), 100, 'bComment' ); $Form->text( 'o', $comment_author_url, 40, T_('Website'), '<br />'.T_('Your URL will be displayed.'), 100, 'bComment' ); } if( $Item->can_rate() ) { // Comment rating: echo $Form->begin_field( NULL, T_('Your vote'), true ); $Comment->rating_input(); echo $Form->end_field(); } if( !empty($params['policy_text']) ) { // We have a policy text to display $Form->info_field( '', $params['policy_text'] ); } echo '<div class="comment_toolbars">'; // CALL PLUGINS NOW: $Plugins->trigger_event( 'DisplayCommentToolbar', array() ); echo '</div>'; // Message field: $note = ''; // $note = T_('Allowed XHTML tags').': '.htmlspecialchars(str_replace( '><',', ', $comment_allowed_tags)); $Form->textarea( 'p', $comment_content, $params['textarea_lines'], T_('Comment text'), $note, 40, 'bComment' ); // set b2evoCanvas for plugins echo '<script type="text/javascript">var b2evoCanvas = document.getElementById( "p" );</script>'; $comment_options = array(); if( substr($comments_use_autobr,0,4) == 'opt-') { $comment_options[] = '<label><input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="comment_autobr" tabindex="6"' .( ($comments_use_autobr == 'opt-out') ? ' checked="checked"' : '' ) .' value="1" /> '.T_('Auto-BR').'</label>' .' <span class="note">('.T_('Line breaks become <br />').')</span>'; } if( ! is_logged_in() ) { // User is not logged in: $comment_options[] = '<label><input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="comment_cookies" tabindex="7"' .( $comment_cookies ? ' checked="checked"' : '' ).' value="1" /> '.T_('Remember me').'</label>' .' <span class="note">('.T_('Name, email & website').')</span>'; // TODO: If we got info from cookies, Add a link called "Forget me now!" (without posting a comment). $comment_options[] = '<label><input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="comment_allow_msgform" tabindex="8"' .( $comment_allow_msgform ? ' checked="checked"' : '' ).' value="1" /> '.T_('Allow message form').'</label>' .' <span class="note">('.T_('Allow users to contact you through a message form (your email will <strong>not</strong> be revealed.').')</span>'; // TODO: If we have an email in a cookie, Add links called "Add a contact icon to all my previous comments" and "Remove contact icon from all my previous comments". } if( ! empty($comment_options) ) { echo $Form->begin_field( NULL, T_('Options'), true ); echo implode( '<br />', $comment_options ); echo $Form->end_field(); } $Plugins->trigger_event( 'DisplayCommentFormFieldset', array( 'Form' => & $Form, 'Item' => & $Item ) ); $Form->begin_fieldset(); echo '<div class="input">'; $Form->button_input( array( 'name' => 'submit_comment_post_'.$Item->ID.'[save]', 'class' => 'submit', 'value' => T_('Send comment'), 'tabindex' => 10 ) ); $Form->button_input( array( 'name' => 'submit_comment_post_'.$Item->ID.'[preview]', 'class' => 'preview', 'value' => T_('Preview'), 'tabindex' => 9 ) ); $Plugins->trigger_event( 'DisplayCommentFormButton', array( 'Form' => & $Form, 'Item' => & $Item ) ); echo '</div>'; $Form->end_fieldset(); ?> <div class="clear"></div> <?php $Form->end_form(); } ?>