File: subs_update.php
<?php /** * This file updates the current user's subscriptions! * * This file is part of the evoCore framework - {@link http://evocore.net/} * See also {@link http://sourceforge.net/projects/evocms/}. * * @copyright (c)2003-2009 by Francois PLANQUE - {@link http://fplanque.net/} * * {@internal License choice * - If you have received this file as part of a package, please find the license.txt file in * the same folder or the closest folder above for complete license terms. * - If you have received this file individually (e-g: from http://evocms.cvs.sourceforge.net/) * then you must choose one of the following licenses before using the file: * - GNU General Public License 2 (GPL) - http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php * - Mozilla Public License 1.1 (MPL) - http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mozilla1.1.php * }} * * {@internal Open Source relicensing agreement: * }} * * @package htsrv * * {@internal Below is a list of authors who have contributed to design/coding of this file: }} * @author fplanque: Francois PLANQUE * * @todo integrate it into the skins to avoid ugly die() on error and confusing redirect on success. * * @version $Id: subs_update.php,v 1.26 2009/03/08 23:57:37 fplanque Exp $ */ /** * Initialize everything: */ require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../conf/_config.php'; require_once $inc_path.'_main.inc.php'; // Getting GET or POST parameters: param( 'checkuser_id', 'integer', true ); param( 'newuser_email', 'string', true ); param( 'newuser_notify', 'integer', 0 ); param( 'subs_blog_IDs', 'string', true ); /** * Basic security checks: */ if( ! is_logged_in() ) { // must be logged in! bad_request_die( T_('You are not logged in.') ); } if( $checkuser_id != $current_User->ID ) { // Can only edit your own profile bad_request_die( 'You are not logged in under the same account you are trying to modify.' ); } if( $demo_mode && ($current_User->ID == 1 || $current_User->login == 'demouser') ) { bad_request_die( 'Demo mode: you can\'t edit the admin/demouser profile!<br />[<a href="javascript:history.go(-1)">' . T_('Back to profile') . '</a>]' ); } /** * Additional checks: */ profile_check_params( array( 'email' => array($newuser_email, 'newuser_email') ) ); if( $Messages->count( 'error' ) ) { // TODO: dh> display errors with the form itself header_content_type( 'text/html' ); $Messages->display( T_('Cannot update profile. Please correct the following errors:'), '[<a href="javascript:history.go(-1)">' . T_('Back to profile') . '</a>]' ); exit(0); } // Do the profile update: $current_User->set_email( $newuser_email ); $current_User->set( 'notify', $newuser_notify ); $current_User->dbupdate(); // Work the blogs: $subscription_values = array(); $unsubscribed = array(); $subs_blog_IDs = explode( ',', $subs_blog_IDs ); foreach( $subs_blog_IDs as $loop_blog_ID ) { // Make sure no dirty hack is coming in here: $loop_blog_ID = intval( $loop_blog_ID ); // Get checkbox values: $sub_items = param( 'sub_items_'.$loop_blog_ID, 'integer', 0 ); $sub_comments = param( 'sub_comments_'.$loop_blog_ID, 'integer', 0 ); if( $sub_items || $sub_comments ) { // We have a subscription for this blog $subscription_values[] = "( $loop_blog_ID, $current_User->ID, $sub_items, $sub_comments )"; } else { // No subscription here: $unsubscribed[] = $loop_blog_ID; } } // Note: we do not check if subscriptions are allowed here, but we check at the time we're about to send something if( count($subscription_values) ) { // We need to record values: $DB->query( 'REPLACE INTO T_subscriptions( sub_coll_ID, sub_user_ID, sub_items, sub_comments ) VALUES '.implode( ', ', $subscription_values ) ); } if( count($unsubscribed) ) { // We need to make sure some values are cleared: $DB->query( 'DELETE FROM T_subscriptions WHERE sub_user_ID = '.$current_User->ID.' AND sub_coll_ID IN ('.implode( ', ', $unsubscribed ).')' ); } $Messages->add( T_('Your profile & subscriptions have been updated.'), 'success' ); header_nocache(); // redirect Will save $Messages into Session: header_redirect(); ?>