File: _main.inc.php
<?php /** * This file initializes everything BUT the blog! * * It is useful when you want to do very customized templates! * It is also called by more complete initializers. * * This file is part of the evoCore framework - {@link http://evocore.net/} * See also {@link http://sourceforge.net/projects/evocms/}. * * @copyright (c)2003-2009 by Francois PLANQUE - {@link http://fplanque.net/} * Parts of this file are copyright (c)2004-2006 by Daniel HAHLER - {@link http://thequod.de/contact}. * Parts of this file are copyright (c)2005-2006 by PROGIDISTRI - {@link http://progidistri.com/}. * * {@internal License choice * - If you have received this file as part of a package, please find the license.txt file in * the same folder or the closest folder above for complete license terms. * - If you have received this file individually (e-g: from http://evocms.cvs.sourceforge.net/) * then you must choose one of the following licenses before using the file: * - GNU General Public License 2 (GPL) - http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php * - Mozilla Public License 1.1 (MPL) - http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mozilla1.1.php * }} * * {@internal Open Source relicensing agreement: * Daniel HAHLER grants Francois PLANQUE the right to license * Daniel HAHLER's contributions to this file and the b2evolution project * under any OSI approved OSS license (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/). * * PROGIDISTRI S.A.S. grants Francois PLANQUE the right to license * PROGIDISTRI S.A.S.'s contributions to this file and the b2evolution project * under any OSI approved OSS license (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/). * * Matt FOLLETT grants Francois PLANQUE the right to license * Matt FOLLETT's contributions to this file and the b2evolution project * under any OSI approved OSS license (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/). * }} * * @package evocore * * {@internal Below is a list of authors who have contributed to design/coding of this file: }} * @author fplanque: Francois PLANQUE * @author blueyed: Daniel HAHLER * @author mfollett: Matt FOLLETT. * @author mbruneau: Marc BRUNEAU / PROGIDISTRI * * @version $Id: _main.inc.php,v 1.110 2009/05/28 23:01:03 blueyed Exp $ */ if( !defined('EVO_CONFIG_LOADED') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' ); if( $maintenance_mode ) { header('HTTP/1.0 503 Service Unavailable'); echo '<h1>503 Service Unavailable</h1>'; die( 'The site is temporarily down for maintenance.' ); } /** * Prevent double loading since require_once won't work in all situations * on windows when some subfolders have caps :( * (Check it out on static page generation) */ if( defined( 'EVO_MAIN_INIT' ) ) { return; } define( 'EVO_MAIN_INIT', true ); /** * Security check for older PHP versions * Contributed by counterpoint / MAMBO team */ // TODO: dh> this makes sense AFAICS. Please review. // fp> yeah I don't know about that. If you ask me, i'm not taking chances. // if( ini_get('register_globals') ) { $protects = array( '_REQUEST', '_GET', '_POST', '_COOKIE', '_FILES', '_SERVER', '_ENV', 'GLOBALS', '_SESSION' ); foreach( $protects as $protect ) { if( in_array( $protect, array_keys($_REQUEST) ) || in_array( $protect, array_keys($_GET) ) || in_array( $protect, array_keys($_POST) ) || in_array( $protect, array_keys($_COOKIE) ) || in_array( $protect, array_keys($_FILES) ) ) { require_once $inc_path.'/_core/_misc.funcs.php'; bad_request_die( 'Unacceptable params.' ); } } } /* * fp> We might want to kill all auto registered globals this way: * TODO: testing * $superglobals = array($_SERVER, $_ENV, $_FILES, $_COOKIE, $_POST, $_GET); if (isset( $_SESSION )) array_unshift ( $superglobals , $_SESSION ); if (ini_get('register_globals') && !$this->mosConfig_register_globals) { foreach ( $superglobals as $superglobal ) { foreach ( $superglobal as $key => $value) { unset( $GLOBALS[$key]); } } } */ /** * Class loader. */ require_once $inc_path.'_core/_class'.floor(PHP_VERSION).'.funcs.php'; /** * Miscellaneous functions */ require_once $inc_path.'/_core/_misc.funcs.php'; /** * Load logging class */ load_class('_core/model/_log.class.php'); /** * Debug message log for debugging only (initialized here). * * @global Log|Log_noop $Debuglog */ if( $debug ) { $Debuglog = & new Log( 'note' ); } else { $Debuglog = & new Log_noop( 'note' ); } /** * Info & error message log for end user (initialized here) * @global Log $Messages */ $Messages = & new Log( 'error' ); /** * Start timer: */ load_class('_core/model/_timer.class.php'); $Timer = & new Timer('total'); $Timer->resume( '_main.inc' ); /** * Sets various arrays and vars, also $app_name! * * Needed before the error messages. */ require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/_vars.inc.php'; if( !$config_is_done ) { // base config is not done! $error_message = 'Base configuration is not done! (see /conf/_basic_config.php)'; } elseif( !isset( $locales[$default_locale] ) ) { $error_message = 'The default locale '.var_export( $default_locale, true ).' does not exist! (see /conf/_locales.php)'; } if( isset( $error_message ) ) { // error & exit require dirname(__FILE__).'/../skins_adm/conf_error.main.php'; } /** * Connect to DB */ require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/_connect_db.inc.php'; /** * Load settings class */ load_class('settings/model/_generalsettings.class.php'); load_class('users/model/_usersettings.class.php'); /** * Interface to general settings * * Keep this below the creation of the {@link $DB DB object}, because it checks for the * correct db_version and catches "table does not exist" errors, providing a link to the * install script. * * @global GeneralSettings $Settings */ $Settings = & new GeneralSettings(); /** * Interface to user settings * * @global UserSettings $UserSettings */ $UserSettings = & new UserSettings(); /** * Absolute Unix timestamp for server * @global int $servertimenow */ $servertimenow = time(); $time_difference = $Settings->get('time_difference'); /** * Corrected Unix timestamp to match server timezone * @global int $localtimenow */ $localtimenow = $servertimenow + $time_difference; /** * The Hit class */ load_class('sessions/model/_hit.class.php'); // fp> The following constructor requires these right now: load_funcs('_core/_param.funcs.php'); load_funcs('_core/_url.funcs.php'); /** * @global Hit The Hit object */ $Hit = & new Hit(); // This may INSERT a basedomain and a useragent but NOT the HIT itself! /** * The Session class. */ load_class('sessions/model/_session.class.php'); /** * The Session object. * It has to be instantiated before the "SessionLoaded" hook. * @global Session * @todo dh> This needs the same "SET NAMES" MySQL-setup as with Session::dbsave() - see the "TODO" with unserialize() in Session::Session() * @todo dh> makes no sense in CLI mode (no cookie); Add isset() checks to calls on the $Session object, e.g. below? * fp> We might want to use a special session for CLI. And for cron jobs through http as well. */ $Session = & new Session(); // IF this can't pull asesion from the DB it will always INSERT a new one! /** * Handle saving the HIT and updating the SESSION at the end of the page */ register_shutdown_function( 'shutdown' ); /** * @global AbstractSettings */ $global_Cache = & new AbstractSettings( 'T_global__cache', array( 'cach_name' ), 'cach_cache', 0 /* load all */ ); /** * Plugins init. * This is done quite early here to give an early hook ("SessionLoaded") to plugins (though it might also be moved just after $DB init when there is reason for a hook there). * The {@link dnsbl_antispam_plugin} is an example that uses this to check the user's IP against a list of DNS blacklists. */ load_class('plugins/model/_plugins.class.php'); /** * @global Plugins The Plugin management object */ $Plugins = & new Plugins(); // NOTE: it might be faster (though more bandwidth intensive) to spit cached pages (CachePageContent event) than to look into blocking the request (SessionLoaded event). $Plugins->trigger_event( 'SessionLoaded' ); // Trigger a page content caching plugin. This would either return the cached content here or start output buffering if( empty($generating_static) ) { if( $Session->get( 'core.no_CachePageContent' ) ) { // The event is disabled for this request: $Session->delete('core.no_CachePageContent'); $Debuglog->add( 'Skipping CachePageContent event, because of core.no_CachePageContent setting.', 'plugins' ); } elseif( ( $get_return = $Plugins->trigger_event_first_true( 'CachePageContent' ) ) // Plugin responded to the event && ( isset($get_return['data']) ) ) // cached content returned { echo $get_return['data']; // Note: we should not use debug_info() here, because the plugin has probably sent a Content-Length header. exit(0); } } // TODO: we need an event hook here for the transport_optimizer_plugin, which must get called, AFTER another plugin might have started an output buffer for caching already. // Plugin priority is no option, because CachePageContent is a trigger_event_first_true event, for obvious reasons. // Name? // This must not be exactly here, but before any output. /** * Includes: */ $Timer->resume('_main.inc:requires'); load_class('_core/model/dataobjects/_dataobjectcache.class.php'); load_class('generic/model/_genericelement.class.php'); load_class('generic/model/_genericcache.class.php'); load_class('collections/model/_blog.class.php'); load_funcs('collections/model/_blog.funcs.php'); load_funcs('collections/model/_category.funcs.php'); load_funcs('items/model/_item.funcs.php'); load_funcs('users/model/_user.funcs.php'); load_funcs('_core/_template.funcs.php'); load_class('files/model/_file.class.php'); load_class('files/model/_filetype.class.php'); load_class('files/model/_filetypecache.class.php'); load_class('items/model/_itemtype.class.php'); load_class('items/model/_link.class.php'); load_funcs('comments/model/_comment.funcs.php'); load_funcs('items/model/_item.funcs.php'); load_class('comments/model/_commentlist.class.php'); load_funcs('_core/ui/forms/_form.funcs.php'); load_class('_core/ui/forms/_form.class.php'); load_class('items/model/_itemquery.class.php'); $Timer->pause( '_main.inc:requires' ); /** * Locale selection: */ $Debuglog->add( 'default_locale from conf: '.$default_locale, 'locale' ); locale_overwritefromDB(); $Debuglog->add( 'default_locale from DB: '.$default_locale, 'locale' ); $default_locale = locale_from_httpaccept(); // set default locale by autodetect $Debuglog->add( 'default_locale from HTTP_ACCEPT: '.$default_locale, 'locale' ); if( ($locale_from_get = param( 'locale', 'string', NULL, true )) ) { if( $locale_from_get != $default_locale ) { if( isset( $locales[$locale_from_get] ) ) { $default_locale = $locale_from_get; $Debuglog->add('Overriding locale from REQUEST: '.$default_locale, 'locale'); } else { $Debuglog->add('$locale_from_get ('.$locale_from_get.') is not set. Available locales: '.implode(', ', array_keys($locales)), 'locale'); } } else { $Debuglog->add('$locale_from_get == $default_locale ('.$locale_from_get.').', 'locale'); } } /** * Activate default locale: */ locale_activate( $default_locale ); /* * Login procedure: {{{ * TODO: dh> the meat of this login procedure should be moved to an extra file, * so that if a "logged in"-session exists (in most cases) it does not * trigger parsing the meat of this code. * fp> ming you, most hits will be on the font end and will not be loggedin sessions * However, I agree that the login stuff should only be included when the user is actually attempting to log in. */ if( !isset($login_required) ) { $login_required = false; } $login = NULL; $pass = NULL; $pass_md5 = NULL; if( isset($_POST['login'] ) && isset($_POST['pwd'] ) ) { // Trying to log in with a POST $login = $_POST['login']; $pass = $_POST['pwd']; unset($_POST['pwd']); // password will be hashed below } elseif( isset($_GET['login'] ) ) { // Trying to log in with a GET; we might only provide a user here. $login = $_GET['login']; $pass = isset($_GET['pwd']) ? $_GET['pwd'] : ''; unset($_GET['pwd']); // password will be hashed below } $Debuglog->add( 'login: '.var_export($login, true), 'login' ); $Debuglog->add( 'pass: '.( empty($pass) ? '' : 'not' ).' empty', 'login' ); // either 'login' (normal) or 'redirect_to_backoffice' may be set here. This also helps to display the login form again, if either login or pass were empty. $login_action = param_arrayindex( 'login_action' ); $UserCache = & get_Cache( 'UserCache' ); if( ! empty($login_action) || (! empty($login) && ! empty($pass)) ) { // User is trying to login right now $Debuglog->add( 'User is trying to log in.', 'login' ); header_nocache(); // Note: login and password cannot include '<' ! $login = strtolower(strip_tags(remove_magic_quotes($login))); $pass = strip_tags(remove_magic_quotes($pass)); $pass_md5 = md5( $pass ); /* * Handle javascript-hashed password: * If possible, the login form will hash the entered password with a salt that changes everytime. */ param('pwd_salt', 'string', ''); // just for comparison with the one from Session $pwd_salt_sess = $Session->get('core.pwd_salt'); // $Debuglog->add( 'salt: '.var_export($pwd_salt, true).', session salt: '.var_export($pwd_salt_sess, true) ); $transmit_hashed_password = (bool)$Settings->get('js_passwd_hashing') && !(bool)$Plugins->trigger_event_first_true('LoginAttemptNeedsRawPassword'); if( $transmit_hashed_password ) { param( 'pwd_hashed', 'string', '' ); } else { // at least one plugin requests the password un-hashed: $pwd_hashed = ''; } // $Debuglog->add( 'pwd_hashed: '.var_export($pwd_hashed, true).', pass: '.var_export($pass, true) ); $pass_ok = false; // Trigger Plugin event, which could create the user, according to another database: if( $Plugins->trigger_event( 'LoginAttempt', array( 'login' => & $login, 'pass' => & $pass, 'pass_md5' => & $pass_md5, 'pass_salt' => & $pwd_salt_sess, 'pass_hashed' => & $pwd_hashed, 'pass_ok' => & $pass_ok ) ) ) { // clear the UserCache, if a plugin has been called - it may have changed user(s) $UserCache->clear(); } if( $Messages->count('login_error') ) { // A plugin has thrown a login error.. // Do nothing, the error will get displayed in the login form.. // TODO: dh> make sure that the user gets logged out?! (a Plugin might have logged him in and another one thrown an error) } else { // Check login and password // Make sure that we can load the user: $User = & $UserCache->get_by_login($login); if( $User && ! $pass_ok ) { // check the password, if no plugin has said "it's ok": if( ! empty($pwd_hashed) ) { // password hashed by JavaScript: $Debuglog->add( 'Hashed password available.', 'login' ); if( empty($pwd_salt_sess) ) { // no salt stored in session: either cookie problem or the user had already tried logging in (from another window for example) $Debuglog->add( 'Empty salt_sess!', 'login' ); if( ($pos = strpos( $pass, '_hashed_' ) ) && substr($pass, $pos+8) == $Session->ID ) { // session ID matches, no cookie problem $Messages->add( T_('The login window has expired. Please try again.'), 'login_error' ); $Debuglog->add( 'Session ID matches.', 'login' ); } else { // more general error: $Messages->add( T_('Either you have not enabled cookies or this login window has expired.'), 'login_error' ); $Debuglog->add( 'Session ID does not match.', 'login' ); } } elseif( $pwd_salt != $pwd_salt_sess ) { // submitted salt differs from the one stored in the session $Messages->add( T_('The login window has expired. Please try again.'), 'login_error' ); $Debuglog->add( 'Submitted salt and salt from Session do not match.', 'login' ); } else { // compare the password, using the salt stored in the Session: #pre_dump( sha1($User->pass.$pwd_salt), $pwd_hashed ); $pass_ok = sha1($User->pass.$pwd_salt) == $pwd_hashed; $Session->delete('core.pwd_salt'); $Debuglog->add( 'Compared hashed passwords. Result: '.(int)$pass_ok, 'login' ); } } else { $pass_ok = ( $User->pass == $pass_md5 ); $Debuglog->add( 'Compared raw passwords. Result: '.(int)$pass_ok, 'login' ); } } } if( $pass_ok ) { // Login succeeded, set cookies $Debuglog->add( 'User successfully logged in with username and password...', 'login'); // set the user from the login that succeeded $current_User = & $UserCache->get_by_login($login); // save the user for later hits $Session->set_User( $current_User ); } elseif( ! $Messages->count('login_error') ) { // if there's no login_error message yet, add the default one: // This will cause the login screen to "popup" (again) $Messages->add( T_('Wrong login/password.'), 'login_error' ); } } elseif( $Session->has_User() /* logged in */ && /* No login param given or the same as current user: */ ( empty($login) || ( ( $tmp_User = & $UserCache->get_by_ID($Session->user_ID) ) && $login == $tmp_User->login ) ) ) { /* if the session has a user assigned to it: * User was not trying to log in, but he was already logged in: */ // get the user ID from the session and set up the user again $current_User = & $UserCache->get_by_ID( $Session->user_ID ); $Debuglog->add( 'Was already logged in... ['.$current_User->get('login').']', 'login' ); } else { // The Session has no user or $login is given (and differs from current user), allow alternate authentication through Plugin: if( ($event_return = $Plugins->trigger_event_first_true( 'AlternateAuthentication' )) && $Session->has_User() # the plugin should have attached the user to $Session ) { $Debuglog->add( 'User has been authenticated through plugin #'.$event_return['plugin_ID'].' (AlternateAuthentication)', 'login' ); $current_User = & $UserCache->get_by_ID( $Session->user_ID ); } elseif( $login_required ) { /* * --------------------------------------------------------- * User was not logged in at all, but login is required * --------------------------------------------------------- */ // echo ' NOT logged in...'; $Debuglog->add( 'NOT logged in... (did not try)', 'login' ); $Messages->add( T_('You must log in!'), 'login_error' ); } } unset($pass); // Check if the user needs to be validated, but is not yet: // TODO: dh> this block prevents registration, if you are logged in already, but not validated! // (e.g. when registered as "foo", you cannot register as "bar" until you logout (but there's no link in sight) // or validate the "foo" account) if( ! empty($current_User) && ! $current_User->validated && $Settings->get('newusers_mustvalidate') // same check as in login.php && param('action', 'string', '') != 'logout' ) // fp> TODO: non validated users should be automatically logged out { if( $action != 'req_validatemail' && $action != 'validatemail' ) { // we're not in that action already: $action = 'req_validatemail'; // for login.php $Messages->add( T_('You must validate your email address before you can log in.'), 'login_error' ); } } else { // Trigger plugin event that allows the plugins to re-act on the login event: if( empty($current_User) ) { $Plugins->trigger_event( 'AfterLoginAnonymousUser', array() ); } else { $Plugins->trigger_event( 'AfterLoginRegisteredUser', array() ); if( ! empty($login_action) ) { // We're coming from the Login form and need to redirect to the requested page: if( $login_action == 'redirect_to_backoffice' ) { // user pressed the "Log into backoffice!" button $redirect_to = $admin_url; } else { param( 'redirect_to', 'string', $baseurl ); } header_redirect( $redirect_to ); exit(0); } } } // If there are "login_error" messages, they trigger the login form at the end of this file. /* Login procedure }}} */ /** * User locale selection: */ if( is_logged_in() && $current_User->get('locale') != $current_locale && !$locale_from_get ) { // change locale to users preference /* * User locale selection: * TODO: this should get done before instantiating $current_User, because we already use T_() there... */ locale_activate( $current_User->get('locale') ); if( $current_locale == $current_User->get('locale') ) { $default_locale = $current_locale; $Debuglog->add( 'default_locale from user profile: '.$default_locale, 'locale' ); } else { $Debuglog->add( 'locale from user profile could not be activated: '.$current_User->get('locale'), 'locale' ); } } // Init charset handling: // TODO: dh> anything translated before this call might have encoding issues (e.g. the login form!) init_charsets( $current_charset ); // Display login errors (and form). This uses $io_charset, so it's at the end. if( $Messages->count( 'login_error' ) ) { require $htsrv_path.'login.php'; exit(0); } $Timer->pause( '_main.inc'); /** * Load hacks file if it exists */ if( file_exists($conf_path.'hacks.php') ) { $Timer->resume( 'hacks.php' ); include_once $conf_path.'hacks.php'; $Timer->pause( 'hacks.php' ); } ?>