File: index.php
<?php /** * This is the main install menu * * IF YOU ARE READING THIS IN YOUR WEB BROWSER, IT MEANS THAT PHP IS NOT PROPERLY INSTALLED * ON YOUR WEB SERVER. IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS, CONTACT YOUR SERVER ADMINISTRATOR * OR YOUR HOSTING COMPANY. * * b2evolution - {@link http://b2evolution.net/} * Released under GNU GPL License - {@link http://b2evolution.net/about/license.html} * @copyright (c)2003-2009 by Francois PLANQUE - {@link http://fplanque.net/} * * @package install */ /** * include config and default functions: */ require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../conf/_config.php'; // Make the includes believe they are being called in the right place... define( 'EVO_MAIN_INIT', true ); /** * Define that we're in the install process. */ define( 'EVO_IS_INSTALLING', true ); $script_start_time = time(); $localtimenow = $script_start_time; // used e.g. for post_datemodified (sample posts) if( ! $config_is_done ) { // Base config is not done yet, try to guess some values needed for correct display: $rsc_url = '../rsc/'; } require_once $inc_path.'_core/_class'.floor(PHP_VERSION).'.funcs.php'; require_once $inc_path.'_core/_misc.funcs.php'; load_class('_core/model/_log.class.php'); $Debuglog = & new Log( 'note' ); $Messages = & new Log('error'); require_once $conf_path.'_upgrade.php'; require_once $inc_path.'_vars.inc.php'; load_class('/_core/model/db/_db.class.php'); load_funcs('collections/model/_blog.funcs.php'); load_funcs('collections/model/_category.funcs.php'); load_class('items/model/_item.class.php'); load_funcs('items/model/_item.funcs.php'); load_funcs('users/model/_user.funcs.php'); load_funcs( '_core/ui/forms/_form.funcs.php' ); load_class('_core/model/_timer.class.php'); load_class('plugins/model/_plugins.class.php'); require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/_functions_install.php'; $Timer = & new Timer('main'); load_funcs('_core/_param.funcs.php'); param( 'action', 'string', 'default' ); // Load all available locale defintions: locales_load_available_defs(); param( 'locale', 'string' ); if( preg_match('/[a-z]{2}-[A-Z]{2}(-.{1,14})?/', $locale) ) { $default_locale = $locale; } else { // detect language $default_locale = locale_from_httpaccept(); // echo 'detected locale: ' . $default_locale. '<br />'; } // Activate default locale: if( ! locale_activate( $default_locale ) ) { // Could not activate locale (non-existent?), fallback to en-US: $default_locale = 'en-US'; locale_activate( 'en-US' ); } init_charsets( $current_charset ); $timestamp = time() - 120; // We start dates 2 minutes ago because their dates increase 1 second at a time and we want everything to be visible when the user watches the blogs right after install :P switch( $action ) { case 'evoupgrade': $title = T_('Upgrade from a previous version'); break; case 'newdb': $title = T_('New Install'); break; case 'cafelogupgrade': $title = T_('Upgrade from Cafelog/b2'); break; case 'deletedb': $title = T_('Delete b2evolution tables'); break; case 'start': $title = T_('Base configuration'); break; default: $title = ''; } header('Content-Type: text/html; charset='.$io_charset); header('Cache-Control: no-cache'); // no request to this page should get cached! ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="<?php locale_lang() ?>" lang="<?php locale_lang() ?>"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/evo_distrib_2.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" --> <head> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" --> <title><?php echo T_('b2evo installer').( $title ? ': '.$title : '' ) ?></title> <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <meta name="viewport" content="width = 750" /> <link href="../rsc/css/evo_distrib_2.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceParam name="lang" type="text" value="<?php locale_lang() ?>" --> </head> <body> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="BodyHead" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <div class="wrapper1"> <div class="wrapper2"> <span class="version_top"><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="Version" --><?php echo T_('Installer for version ').' '. $app_version ?><!-- InstanceEndEditable --></span> <a href="http://b2evolution.net/" target="_blank"><img src="../rsc/img/distrib/b2evolution-logo.gif" alt="b2evolution" width="237" height="92" /></a> <div class="menu_top"><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="MenuTop" --> <span class="floatright"><?php echo T_('After install') ?>: <a href="../index.php"><?php echo T_('Blogs') ?></a> · <a href="../<?php echo $dispatcher ?>"><?php echo T_('Admin') ?></a> </span> <?php echo T_('Current installation') ?>: <a href="index.php?locale=<?php echo $default_locale ?>"><?php echo T_('Install menu') ?></a> · <a href="phpinfo.php"><?php echo T_('PHP info') ?></a> <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="Main" --> <?php block_open(); // echo $action; if( $config_is_done || (($action != 'start') && ($action != 'default') && ($action != 'conf')) ) { // Connect to DB: $tmp_evoconf_db = $db_config; // We want a friendly message if we can't connect: $tmp_evoconf_db['halt_on_error'] = false; $tmp_evoconf_db['show_errors'] = false; // Make sure we use the proper charset: $tmp_evoconf_db['connection_charset'] = $evo_charset; // CONNECT TO DB: $DB = new DB( $tmp_evoconf_db ); unset($tmp_evoconf_db); if( $DB->error ) { // restart conf echo '<div class="error"><p class="error">'.T_('Check your database config settings below and update them if necessary...').'</p></div>'; display_base_config_recap(); $action = 'start'; } else { $DB->halt_on_error = true; // From now on, halt on errors. $DB->show_errors = true; // From now on, show errors (they're helpful in case of errors!). // Check MySQL version $mysql_version = $DB->get_var( 'SELECT VERSION()' ); list( $mysl_version_main, $mysl_version_minor ) = explode( '.', $mysql_version ); if( ($mysl_version_main * 100 + $mysl_version_minor) < 401 ) { die( '<div class="error"><p class="error"><strong>'.sprintf(T_('The minimum requirement for this version of b2evolution is %s version %s but you are trying to use version %s!'), 'MySQL', '4.1', $mysql_version ).'</strong></p></div>'); } } } // Check PHP version list( $version_main, $version_minor ) = explode( '.', phpversion() ); if( ($version_main * 100 + $version_minor) < 401 ) { die( '<div class="error"><p class="error"><strong>'.sprintf(T_('The minimum requirement for this version of b2evolution is %s version %s but you are trying to use version %s!'), 'PHP', '4.1.0', phpversion() ).'</strong></p></div>'); } // Check other dependencies: // TODO: Non-install/upgrade-actions should be allowed (e.g. "deletedb") if( $req_errors = install_validate_requirements() ) { echo '<div class="error">'; echo '<p class="error"><strong>'.T_('b2evolution cannot be installed, because of the following errors:').'</strong></p>'; echo '<ul class="error"><li>'.implode( '</li><li>', $req_errors ).'</li></ul>'; echo '</div>'; die; } switch( $action ) { case 'conf': /* * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Write conf file: * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ display_locale_selector(); block_open(); param( 'conf_db_user', 'string', true ); param( 'conf_db_password', 'string', true ); param( 'conf_db_name', 'string', true ); param( 'conf_db_host', 'string', true ); param( 'conf_db_tableprefix', 'string', $tableprefix ); param( 'conf_baseurl', 'string', true ); $conf_baseurl = preg_replace( '#(/)?$#', '', $conf_baseurl ).'/'; // force trailing slash param( 'conf_admin_email', 'string', true ); // Connect to DB: $DB = new DB( array( 'user' => $conf_db_user, 'password' => $conf_db_password, 'name' => $conf_db_name, 'host' => $conf_db_host, 'aliases' => $db_config['aliases'], 'use_transactions' => $db_config['use_transactions'], 'table_options' => $db_config['table_options'], 'connection_charset' => $db_config['connection_charset'], 'halt_on_error' => false ) ); if( $DB->error ) { // restart conf echo '<p class="error">'.T_('It seems that the database config settings you entered don\'t work. Please check them carefully and try again...').'</p>'; $action = 'start'; } else { $conf_template_filepath = $conf_path.'_basic_config.template.php'; $conf_filepath = $conf_path.'_basic_config.php'; // Read original: $file_loaded = @file( $conf_template_filepath ); if( empty( $file_loaded ) ) { // This should actually never happen, just in case... echo '<div class="error"><p class="error">'.sprintf( T_('Could not load original conf file [%s]. Is it missing?'), $conf_filepath ).'</p></div>'; break; } // File loaded... $conf = implode( '', $file_loaded ); // Update conf: $conf = preg_replace( array( '#\$db_config\s*=\s*array\( \s*[\'"]user[\'"]\s*=>\s*[\'"].*?[\'"], ([^\n\r]*\r?\n) \s*[\'"]password[\'"]\s*=>\s*[\'"].*?[\'"], ([^\n\r]*\r?\n) \s*[\'"]name[\'"]\s*=>\s*[\'"].*?[\'"], ([^\n\r]*\r?\n) \s*[\'"]host[\'"]\s*=>\s*[\'"].*?[\'"], ([^\n\r]*\r?\n) #ixs', "#tableprefix\s*=\s*'.*?';#", "#baseurl\s*=\s*'.*?';#", "#admin_email\s*=\s*'.*?';#", "#config_is_done\s*=.*?;#", ), array( "\$db_config = array(\n" ."\t'user' => '$conf_db_user',\$1" ."\t'password' => '$conf_db_password',\$2" ."\t'name' => '$conf_db_name',\$3" ."\t'host' => '$conf_db_host',\$4", "tableprefix = '$conf_db_tableprefix';", "baseurl = '$conf_baseurl';", "admin_email = '$conf_admin_email';", 'config_is_done = 1;', ), $conf ); $f = @fopen( $conf_filepath , 'w' ); if( $f == false ) { ?> <h1><?php echo T_('Config file update') ?></h1> <p><strong><?php printf( T_('We cannot automatically create or update your config file [%s]!'), $conf_filepath ); ?></strong></p> <p><?php echo T_('There are two ways to deal with this:') ?></p> <ul> <li><strong><?php echo T_('You can allow the installer to create the config file by changing permissions for the /conf directory:') ?></strong> <ol> <li><?php printf( T_('Make sure there is no existing and potentially locked configuration file named <code>%s</code>. If so, please delete it.'), $conf_filepath ); ?></li> <li><?php printf( T_('<code>chmod 666 %s</code>. If needed, see the <a %s>online manual about permissions</a>.'), $conf_path, 'href="http://manual.b2evolution.net/Directory_and_file_permissions" target="_blank"' ); ?></li> <li><?php echo T_('Come back to this page and refresh/reload.') ?></li> </ol> <br /> </li> <li><strong><?php echo T_('Alternatively, you can update the config file manually:') ?></strong> <ol> <li><?php echo T_('Create a new text file with a text editor.') ?></li> <li><?php echo T_('Copy the contents from the box below.') ?></li> <li><?php echo T_('Paste them into your local text editor. <strong>ATTENTION: make sure there is ABSOLUTELY NO WHITESPACE after the final <code>?></code> in the file.</strong> Any space, tab, newline or blank line at the end of the conf file may prevent cookies from being set when you try to log in later.') ?></li> <li><?php echo T_('Save the file locally under the name <code>_basic_config.php</code>') ?></li> <li><?php echo T_('Upload the file to your server, into the <code>/_conf</code> folder.') ?></li> <li><?php printf( T_('<a %s>Call the installer from scratch</a>.'), 'href="index.php?locale='.$default_locale.'"') ?></li> </ol> </li> </ul> <p><?php echo T_('This is how your _basic_config.php should look like:') ?></p> <blockquote> <pre><?php echo htmlspecialchars( $conf ); ?></pre> </blockquote> <?php break; } else { // Write new contents: fwrite( $f, $conf ); fclose($f); printf( '<p>'.T_('Your configuration file [%s] has been successfully created.').'</p>', $conf_filepath ); $tableprefix = $conf_db_tableprefix; $baseurl = $conf_baseurl; $admin_email = $conf_admin_email; $config_is_done = 1; $action = 'menu'; } } // ATTENTION: we continue here... case 'start': case 'default': /* * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Start of install procedure: * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( $action == 'start' || !$config_is_done ) { display_locale_selector(); block_open(); echo '<h1>'.T_('Base configuration').'</h1>'; if( $config_is_done && $allow_evodb_reset != 1 ) { echo '<p><strong>'.T_('Resetting the base configuration is currently disabled for security reasons.').'</strong></p>'; echo '<p>'.sprintf( T_('To enable it, please go to the %s file and change: %s to %s'), '/conf/_basic_config.php', '<pre>$allow_evodb_reset = 0;</pre>', '<pre>$allow_evodb_reset = 1;</pre>' ).'</p>'; echo '<p>'.T_('Then reload this page and a reset option will appear.').'</p>'; block_close(); break; } else { // Set default params if not provided otherwise: param( 'conf_db_user', 'string', $db_config['user'] ); param( 'conf_db_password', 'string', $db_config['password'] ); param( 'conf_db_name', 'string', $db_config['name'] ); param( 'conf_db_host', 'string', $db_config['host'] ); param( 'conf_db_tableprefix', 'string', $tableprefix ); // Guess baseurl: // TODO: dh> IMHO HTTP_HOST would be a better default, because it's what the user accesses for install. // fp, please change it, if it's ok. SERVER_NAME might get used if HTTP_HOST is not given, but that shouldn't be the case normally. // fp> ok for change and test after first 3.x-stable release $baseurl = 'http://'.( isset( $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] ) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] : 'yourserver.com' ); if( isset( $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] ) && ( $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != '80' ) ) $baseurl .= ':'.$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']; $baseurl .= preg_replace( '#/install(/(index.php)?)?$#', '', $ReqPath ).'/'; param( 'conf_baseurl', 'string', $baseurl ); param( 'conf_admin_email', 'string', $admin_email ); ?> <p><?php echo T_('The basic configuration file (<code>/conf/_basic_config.php</code>) has not been created yet. You can do automatically generate it by filling out the form below.') ?></p> <p><?php echo T_('This is the minimum info we need to set up b2evolution on this server:') ?></p> <form class="fform" name="form" action="index.php" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="conf" /> <input type="hidden" name="locale" value="<?php echo $default_locale; ?>" /> <fieldset> <legend><?php echo T_('Database you want to install into') ?></legend> <p class="note"><?php echo T_('b2evolution stores blog posts, comments, user permissions, etc. in a MySQL database. You must create this database prior to installing b2evolution and provide the access parameters to this database below. If you are not familiar with this, you can ask your hosting provider to create the database for you.') ?></p> <?php form_text( 'conf_db_host', $conf_db_host, 16, T_('MySQL Host/Server'), sprintf( T_('Typically looks like "localhost" or "sql-6" or "sql-8.yourhost.net"...' ) ), 120 ); form_text( 'conf_db_name', $conf_db_name, 16, T_('MySQL Database'), sprintf( T_('Name of the MySQL database you have created on the server' ) ), 100); form_text( 'conf_db_user', $conf_db_user, 16, T_('MySQL Username'), sprintf( T_('Used by b2evolution to access the MySQL database' ) ), 100 ); form_text( 'conf_db_password', $conf_db_password, 16, T_('MySQL Password'), sprintf( T_('Used by b2evolution to access the MySQL database' ) ), 100 ); // no need to hyde this. nobody installs b2evolution from a public place // Too confusing for (most) newbies. form_text( 'conf_db_tableprefix', $conf_db_tableprefix, 16, T_('MySQL tables prefix'), sprintf( T_('All DB tables will be prefixed with this. You need to change this only if you want to have multiple b2evo installations in the same DB.' ) ), 30 ); ?> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend><?php echo T_('Additional settings') ?></legend> <?php form_text( 'conf_baseurl', $conf_baseurl, 50, T_('Base URL'), sprintf( T_('This is where b2evo and your blogs reside by default. CHECK THIS CAREFULLY or not much will work. If you want to test b2evolution on your local machine, in order for login cookies to work, you MUST use http://<strong>localhost</strong>/path... Do NOT use your machine\'s name!' ) ), 120 ); form_text( 'conf_admin_email', $conf_admin_email, 50, T_('Your email'), sprintf( T_('This is used to create your admin account. You will receive notifications for comments on your blog, etc.' ) ), 80 ); ?> </fieldset> <fieldset> <fieldset> <div class="input"> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="<?php echo T_('Update config file') ?>" class="search" /> <input type="reset" value="<?php echo T_('Reset') ?>" class="search" /> </div> </fieldset> </fieldset> </form> <?php break; } } // if config was already done, move on to main menu: case 'menu': /* * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Menu * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ display_locale_selector(); block_open(); ?> <h1><?php echo T_('How would you like your b2evolution installed?') ?></h1> <?php $old_db_version = get_db_version(); ?> <form action="index.php" method="get"> <input type="hidden" name="locale" value="<?php echo $default_locale ?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="confirmed" value="0" /> <input type="hidden" name="installer_version" value="10" /> <p><?php echo T_('The installation can be done in different ways. Choose one:')?></p> <p><input type="radio" name="action" id="newdb" value="newdb" <?php // fp> change the above to 'newdbsettings' for an additional settings screen. if( is_null($old_db_version) ) { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> /> <label for="newdb"><?php echo T_('<strong>New Install</strong>: Install b2evolution database tables.')?></label></p> <p style="margin-left: 2em;"> <input type="checkbox" name="create_sample_contents" id="create_sample_contents" value="1" checked="checked" /> <label for="create_sample_contents"><?php echo T_('Also install sample blogs & sample contents. The sample posts explain several features of b2evolution. This is highly recommended for new users.')?></label> </p> <p><input type="radio" name="action" id="evoupgrade" value="evoupgrade" <?php if( !is_null($old_db_version) && $old_db_version < $new_db_version ) { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> /> <label for="evoupgrade"><?php echo T_('<strong>Upgrade from a previous version of b2evolution</strong>: Upgrade your b2evolution database tables in order to make them compatible with the current version. <strong>WARNING:</strong> If you have modified your database, this operation may fail. Make sure you have a backup.') ?></label></p> <?php if( $allow_evodb_reset == 1 ) { ?> <p><input type="radio" name="action" id="deletedb" value="deletedb" /> <label for="deletedb"><strong><?php echo T_('Delete b2evolution tables')?></strong>: <?php echo T_('If you have installed b2evolution tables before and wish to start anew, you must delete the b2evolution tables before you can start a new installation. <strong>WARNING: All your b2evolution tables and data will be lost!!!</strong> Any non-b2evolution tables will remain untouched though.')?></label></p> <p><input type="radio" name="action" id="start" value="start" /> <label for="start"><?php echo T_('<strong>Change your base configuration</strong> (see recap below): You only want to do this in rare occasions where you may have moved your b2evolution files or database to a different location...')?></label></p> <?php } if( $allow_evodb_reset != 1 ) { echo '<div class="floatright"><a href="index.php?action=deletedb&locale='.$default_locale.'">'.T_('Need to start anew?').' »</a></div>'; } ?> <p> <input type="submit" value=" <?php echo T_('GO!')?> " onclick="var dc = document.getElementById( 'deletedb' ); if( dc && dc.checked ) { if ( confirm( '<?php printf( /* TRANS: %s gets replaced by app name, usually "b2evolution" */ TS_( 'Are you sure you want to delete your existing %s tables?\nDo you have a backup?' ), $app_name ); ?>' ) ) { this.form.confirmed.value = 1; return true; } else return false; }" /> </p> </form> <?php block_close(); display_base_config_recap(); break; case 'localeinfo': // Info about getting additional locales. display_locale_selector(); block_open(); // Note: Do NOT make these strings translatable. We are not in the desired language anyways! ?> <h2>What if your language is not in the list above?</h2> <ol> <li>Go to the <a href="http://b2evolution.net/downloads/language-packs.html" target="_blank">language packs section on b2evolution.net</a>.</li> <li>Select the version of b2evolution you're trying to install. If it's not available select the closest match (in most cases this should work).</li> <li>Find your language and click the "Download" link.</li> <li>Unzip the contents of the downloaded ZIP file.</li> <li>Upload the new folder (for example es_ES) into the /locales folder on your server. (The /locales folder already contains a few locales such as de_DE, ru_RU, etc.)</li> <li>Reload this page. The new locale should now appear in the list at the top of this screen. If it doesn't, it means the language pack you installed is not compatible with this version of b2evolution.</li> </ol> <h3>What if there is no language pack to download?</h3> <p>Nobody has contributed a language pack in your language yet. You could help by providing a translation for your language.</p> <p>For now, you will have to install b2evolution with a supported language.</p> <p>Once you get familiar with b2evolution you will be able to <a href="http://manual.b2evolution.net/Localization" target="_blank">create your own language pack</a> fairly easily.</p> <p><a href="index.php?locale=<?php echo $default_locale ?>">« <?php echo T_('Back to install menu') ?></a></p> <?php break; case 'newdbsettings': /* * fp> TODO: Add a screen for additionnal settings: * - create_sample_contents : to be moved away from main screen * - admin_email: to be moved out of conf file * - storage_charset: offer option to FORCE storing data in UTF-8 even if current locale doesn't require it (must be supported by MySQL) -- recommended for multilingual blogs * - evo_charset: offer option to FORCE handling data internally in UTF-8 even if current locale doesn't require it (requires mbstring) -- not recommended in most situations */ case 'newdb': /* * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * NEW DB: install a new b2evolution database. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Note: auto installers should kick in directly at this step and provide all required params. */ // fp> TODO: this test should probably be made more generic and applied to upgrade too. $expected_connection_charset = $DB->php_to_mysql_charmap($evo_charset); if( $DB->connection_charset != $expected_connection_charset ) { echo '<div class="error"><p class="error">'.sprintf( T_('In order to install b2evolution with the %s locale, your MySQL needs to support the %s connection charset.').' (SET NAMES %s)', $current_locale, $evo_charset, $expected_connection_charset ).'</p></div>'; // sam2kb> TODO: If something is not supported we can display a message saying "do this and that, enable extension X etc. etc... or switch to a better hosting". break; } install_newdb(); break; case 'evoupgrade': /* * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * EVO UPGRADE: Upgrade data from existing b2evolution database * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ require_once( dirname(__FILE__). '/_functions_evoupgrade.php' ); echo '<h2>'.T_('Upgrading data in existing b2evolution database...').'</h2>'; flush(); if( upgrade_b2evo_tables() ) { ?> <p><?php echo T_('Upgrade completed successfully!')?></p> <p><?php printf( T_('Now you can <a %s>log in</a> with your usual %s username and password.'), 'href="'.$admin_url.'"', 'b2evolution')?></p> <?php } break; case 'deletedb': /* * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * DELETE DB: Delete the db structure!!! (Everything will be lost) * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ require_once( dirname(__FILE__). '/_functions_delete.php' ); echo '<h2>'.T_('Deleting b2evolution tables from the datatase...').'</h2>'; flush(); if( $allow_evodb_reset != 1 ) { echo T_('If you have installed b2evolution tables before and wish to start anew, you must delete the b2evolution tables before you can start a new installation. b2evolution can delete its own tables for you, but for obvious security reasons, this feature is disabled by default.'); echo '<p>'.sprintf( T_('To enable it, please go to the %s file and change: %s to %s'), '/conf/_basic_config.php', '<pre>$allow_evodb_reset = 0;</pre>', '<pre>$allow_evodb_reset = 1;</pre>' ).'</p>'; echo '<p>'.T_('Then reload this page and a reset option will appear.').'</p>'; echo '<p><a href="index.php?locale='.$default_locale.'">« '.T_('Back to install menu').'</a></p>'; break; } if( ! param('confirmed', 'integer', 1) ) { ?> <p> <?php echo nl2br( htmlspecialchars( sprintf( /* TRANS: %s gets replaced by app name, usually "b2evolution" */ T_( "Are you sure you want to delete your existing %s tables?\nDo you have a backup?" ), $app_name ) ) ); ?> </p> <p> <form class="inline" name="form" action="index.php" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="deletedb" /> <input type="hidden" name="confirmed" value="1" /> <input type="hidden" name="locale" value="<?php echo $default_locale; ?>" /> <input type="submit" value=" <?php echo T_('I am sure!')?> " /> </form> <form class="inline" name="form" action="index.php" method="get"> <input type="hidden" name="locale" value="<?php echo $default_locale; ?>" /> <input type="submit" value=" <?php echo T_('CANCEL')?> " /> </form> </p> <?php break; } // Uninstall Plugins // TODO: fp>> I don't trust the plugins to uninstall themselves correctly. There will be tons of lousy poorly written plugins. All I trust them to do is to crash the uninstall procedure. We want a hardcore brute force uninsall! and most users "may NOT want" to even think about "ma-nu-al-ly" removing something from their DB. /* $DB->show_errors = $DB->halt_on_error = false; $Plugins = new Plugins(); $DB->show_errors = $DB->halt_on_error = true; $at_least_one_failed = false; foreach( $Plugins->get_list_by_event( 'Uninstall' ) as $l_Plugin ) { $success = $Plugins->call_method( $l_Plugin->ID, 'Uninstall', $params = array( 'unattended' => true ) ); if( $success === false ) { echo "Failed un-installing plugin $l_Plugin->classname (ID $l_Plugin->ID)...<br />\n"; $at_least_one_failed = false; } else { echo "Uninstalled plugin $l_Plugin->classname (ID $l_Plugin->ID)...<br />\n"; } } if( $at_least_one_failed ) { echo "You may want to manually remove left files or DB tables from the failed plugin(s).<br />\n"; } $DB->show_errors = $DB->halt_on_error = true; */ db_delete(); ?> <p><?php echo T_('Reset done!')?></p> <p><a href="index.php?locale=<?php echo $default_locale ?>">« <?php echo T_('Back to install menu') ?></a></p> <?php break; } block_close(); ?> <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> </div> <div class="body_fade_out"> <div class="menu_bottom"><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="MenuBottom" --> <?php echo T_('Online resources') ?>: <a href="http://b2evolution.net/" target="_blank"><?php echo T_('Official website') ?></a> • <a href="http://b2evolution.net/about/recommended-hosting-lamp-best-choices.php" target="_blank"><?php echo T_('Find a host') ?></a> • <a href="http://manual.b2evolution.net/" target="_blank"><?php echo T_('Manual') ?></a> • <a href="http://forums.b2evolution.net/" target="_blank"><?php echo T_('Forums') ?></a> <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div> <div class="copyright"><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="CopyrightTail" -->Copyright © 2003-2009 by François Planque & others · <a href="http://b2evolution.net/about/license.html" target="_blank">GNU GPL license</a> · <a href="http://b2evolution.net/contact/" target="_blank">Contact</a> <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div> </div> </div> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="BodyFoot" --> <?php // We need to manually call debug_info since there is no shutdown function registered during the install process. // debug_info( true ); // force output of debug info // the following comment gets checked in the automatic install script of demo.b2evolution.net: ?> <!-- b2evo-install-end --> <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> </body> <!-- InstanceEnd --></html> <?php ?>