File: comment_post.php
<?php /** * This file posts a comment! * * This file is part of the evoCore framework - {@link http://evocore.net/} * See also {@link http://sourceforge.net/projects/evocms/}. * * @copyright (c)2003-2010 by Francois PLANQUE - {@link http://fplanque.net/} * * {@internal License choice * - If you have received this file as part of a package, please find the license.txt file in * the same folder or the closest folder above for complete license terms. * - If you have received this file individually (e-g: from http://evocms.cvs.sourceforge.net/) * then you must choose one of the following licenses before using the file: * - GNU General Public License 2 (GPL) - http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php * - Mozilla Public License 1.1 (MPL) - http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mozilla1.1.php * }} * * {@internal Open Source relicensing agreement: * }} * * @package htsrv */ /** * Initialize everything: */ require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../conf/_config.php'; require_once $inc_path.'_main.inc.php'; header( 'Content-Type: text/html; charset='.$io_charset ); // Getting GET or POST parameters: param( 'comment_post_ID', 'integer', true ); // required param( 'redirect_to', 'string', '' ); $action = param_arrayindex( 'submit_comment_post_'.$comment_post_ID, 'save' ); $ItemCache = & get_ItemCache(); $commented_Item = & $ItemCache->get_by_ID( $comment_post_ID ); if( ! $commented_Item->can_comment( NULL ) ) { $Messages->add( T_('You cannot leave comments on this post!'), 'error' ); } // Note: we use funky field names to defeat the most basic guestbook spam bots and/or their most basic authors $comment = param( 'p', 'html' ); param( 'comment_autobr', 'integer', ($comments_use_autobr == 'always') ? 1 : 0 ); if( is_logged_in() ) { /** * @var User */ $User = & $current_User; $author = null; $email = null; $url = null; $comment_cookies = null; $comment_allow_msgform = null; } else { // User is not logged in (registered users), we need some id info from him: $User = NULL; // Note: we use funky field names to defeat the most basic guestbook spam bots and/or their most basic authors $author = param( 'u', 'string' ); $email = param( 'i', 'string' ); $url = param( 'o', 'string' ); param( 'comment_cookies', 'integer', 0 ); param( 'comment_allow_msgform', 'integer', 0 ); // checkbox } param( 'comment_rating', 'integer', NULL ); // Manually fetch crumb_comment here, to pass it to/through CommentFormSent param( 'crumb_comment', 'string', NULL ); $now = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $localtimenow ); // VALIDATION: $original_comment = $comment; // Trigger event: a Plugin could add a $category="error" message here.. // This must get triggered before any internal validation and must pass all relevant params. // The OpenID plugin will validate a given OpenID here (via redirect and coming back here). $Plugins->trigger_event( 'CommentFormSent', array( 'comment_post_ID' => $comment_post_ID, 'comment' => & $comment, 'original_comment' => & $original_comment, 'comment_autobr' => & $comment_autobr, 'action' => & $action, 'anon_name' => & $author, 'anon_email' => & $email, 'anon_url' => & $url, 'rating' => & $comment_rating, 'anon_allow_msgform' => & $comment_allow_msgform, 'anon_cookies' => & $comment_cookies, 'User' => & $User, 'redirect_to' => & $redirect_to, 'crumb_comment' => & $crumb_comment, ) ); // Check that this action request is not a CSRF hacked request: $Session->assert_received_crumb( 'comment' ); $commented_Item->get_Blog(); // Make sure Blog is loaded (will be needed wether logged in or not) if( $User ) { // User is logged in (or provided, e.g. via OpenID plugin) // Does user have permission to edit? $perm_comment_edit = $User->check_perm( 'blog_published_comments', 'edit', false, $commented_Item->Blog->ID ); } else { // User is still not logged in // NO permission to edit! $perm_comment_edit = false; // we need some id info from the anonymous user: if ($require_name_email) { // We want Name and EMail with comments if( empty($author) ) { $Messages->add( T_('Please fill in your name.'), 'error' ); } if( empty($email) ) { $Messages->add( T_('Please fill in your email.'), 'error' ); } } if( !empty($author) && antispam_check( $author ) ) { $Messages->add( T_('Supplied name is invalid.'), 'error' ); } if( !empty($email) && ( !is_email($email)|| antispam_check( $email ) ) ) { $Messages->add( T_('Supplied email address is invalid.'), 'error' ); } if( !stristr($url, '://') && !stristr($url, '@') ) { // add 'http://' if no protocol defined for URL; but not if the user seems to be entering an email address alone $url = 'http://'.$url; } if( strlen($url) <= 8 ) { // ex: https:// is 8 chars $url = ''; } // Note: as part of the validation we require the url to be absolute; otherwise we cannot detect bozos typing in // a title for their comment or whatever... if( $error = validate_url( $url, 'commenting' ) ) { $Messages->add( T_('Supplied website address is invalid: ').$error, 'error' ); } } // CHECK and FORMAT content // TODO: AutoBR should really be a "comment renderer" (like with Items) // OLD stub: $comment = format_to_post( $comment, $comment_autobr, 1 ); // includes antispam $saved_comment = $comment; // Following call says "WARNING: this does *NOT* (necessarilly) make the HTML code safe.": $comment = check_html_sanity( $comment, $perm_comment_edit ? 'posting' : 'commenting', $comment_autobr, $User ); if( $comment === false ) { // ERROR! Restore original comment for further editing: $comment = $saved_comment; } if( empty($comment) ) { // comment should not be empty! $Messages->add( T_('Please do not send empty comments.'), 'error' ); } // Flood protection was here and SHOULD NOT have moved down! /** * Create comment object. Gets validated, before recording it into DB: */ $Comment = new Comment(); $Comment->set( 'type', 'comment' ); $Comment->set_Item( $commented_Item ); if( $User ) { // User is logged in, we'll use his ID $Comment->set_author_User( $User ); } else { // User is not logged in: $Comment->set( 'author', $author ); $Comment->set( 'author_email', $email ); $Comment->set( 'author_url', $url ); $Comment->set( 'allow_msgform', $comment_allow_msgform ); } if( $commented_Item->can_rate() ) { // Comment rating: $Comment->set( 'rating', $comment_rating ); } $Comment->set( 'author_IP', $Hit->IP ); $Comment->set( 'date', $now ); $Comment->set( 'content', $comment ); if( $perm_comment_edit ) { // User has perm to moderate comments, publish automatically: $Comment->set( 'status', 'published' ); } else { // Assign default status for new comments: $Comment->set( 'status', $commented_Item->Blog->get_setting('new_feedback_status') ); } if( $action != 'preview' ) { /* * Flood-protection * NOTE: devs can override the flood protection delay in /conf/_overrides_TEST.php * TODO: Put time check into query? * TODO: move that as far !!UP!! as possible! We want to waste minimum resources on Floods * TODO: have several thresholds. For example: * 1 comment max every 30 sec + 5 comments max every 10 minutes + 15 comments max every 24 hours * TODO: factorize with trackback */ $query = 'SELECT MAX(comment_date) FROM T_comments WHERE comment_author_IP = '.$DB->quote($Hit->IP).' OR comment_author_email = '.$DB->quote($Comment->get_author_email()); $ok = 1; if( $then = $DB->get_var( $query ) ) { $time_lastcomment = mysql2date("U",$then); $time_newcomment = mysql2date("U",$now); if( ($time_newcomment - $time_lastcomment) < $minimum_comment_interval ) $ok = 0; } if( !$ok ) { $Messages->add( sprintf( T_('You can only post a new comment every %d seconds.'), $minimum_comment_interval ), 'error' ); } /* end flood-protection */ } // Trigger event: a Plugin could add a $category="error" message here.. $Plugins->trigger_event('BeforeCommentFormInsert', array( 'Comment' => & $Comment, 'original_comment' => $original_comment, 'is_preview' => ($action == 'preview'), 'action' => & $action ) ); /* * Display error messages: */ if( $Messages->count('error') ) { if( ! isset($page_title) ) { $page_title = T_('Errors while processing your comment'); } // TODO: dh> HEAD part should be some global front end include file.. // fp> actually, I'd like the error messages to de displayed in a skinnable file. Something that looks like the _main skin file but with minimum extra gadgets (in order to save on DB requests at each "spam denied" error) // fp> So please don't waste time on implementing a half baked solution. // fp> We may want to rethink skins more deeply beofre implementing this. ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="<?php locale_lang() ?>" lang="<?php locale_lang() ?>"> <head> <title><?php echo $app_shortname.' › '.$page_title ?></title> <meta name="ROBOTS" content="NOINDEX" /> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=<?php echo $io_charset ?>" /> </head> <body> <?php $Messages->display( T_('Cannot post comment, please correct these errors:'), '[<a href="javascript:history.go(-1)">'.T_('Back to comment editing').'</a>]' ); ?> </body> </html> <?php exit(0); } if( $action == 'preview' ) { // set the Comment into user's session and redirect. $Comment->set( 'original_content', $original_comment ); // used in the textarea input field again $Session->set( 'core.preview_Comment', $Comment ); $Session->set( 'core.no_CachePageContent', 1 ); $Session->dbsave(); // This message serves the purpose that the next page will not even try to retrieve preview from cache... (and won't collect data to be cached) // This is session based, so it's not 100% safe to prevent caching. We are also using explicit caching prevention whenever personal data is displayed $Messages->add( T_('This is a preview only! Do not forget to send your comment!'), 'error' ); // Passthrough comment_cookies & comment_allow_msgform params: // fp> moved this down here in order to keep return URLs clean whenever this is not needed. $redirect_to = url_add_param($redirect_to, 'redir=no&comment_cookies='.$comment_cookies .'&comment_allow_msgform='.$comment_allow_msgform, '&'); $redirect_to .= '#comment_preview'; header_redirect(); exit(0); } else { // delete any preview comment from session data: $Session->delete( 'core.preview_Comment' ); } // RECORD comment: $Comment->dbinsert(); /* * --------------- * Handle cookies: * --------------- */ if( !is_logged_in() ) { if( $comment_cookies ) { // Set cookies: if ($email == '') $email = ' '; // this to make sure a cookie is set for 'no email' if ($url == '') $url = ' '; // this to make sure a cookie is set for 'no url' // fplanque: made cookies available for whole site setcookie( $cookie_name, $author, $cookie_expires, $cookie_path, $cookie_domain); setcookie( $cookie_email, $email, $cookie_expires, $cookie_path, $cookie_domain); setcookie( $cookie_url, $url, $cookie_expires, $cookie_path, $cookie_domain); } else { // Erase cookies: if( !empty($_COOKIE[$cookie_name]) ) { setcookie( $cookie_name, '', $cookie_expired, $cookie_path, $cookie_domain); } if( !empty($_COOKIE[$cookie_email]) ) { setcookie( $cookie_email, '', $cookie_expired, $cookie_path, $cookie_domain); } if( !empty($_COOKIE[$cookie_url]) ) { setcookie( $cookie_url, '', $cookie_expired, $cookie_path, $cookie_domain); } } } // Note: we don't give any clue that we have automatically deleted a comment. It would only give spammers the perfect tool to find out how to pass the filter. if( $Comment->ID ) { // comment has not been deleted // Trigger event: a Plugin should cleanup any temporary data here.. $Plugins->trigger_event( 'AfterCommentFormInsert', array( 'Comment' => & $Comment, 'original_comment' => $original_comment ) ); /* * -------------------------- * New comment notifications: * -------------------------- */ // TODO: dh> this should only send published feedback probably and should also use "outbound_notifications_mode" // fp> yes for general users, but comment moderators need to receive notifications for new unpublished comments $Comment->send_email_notifications(); // Add a message, according to the comment's status: if( $Comment->status == 'published' ) { $Messages->add( T_('Your comment has been submitted.'), 'success' ); // Append anchor to the redirect_to param, so the user sees his comment: $redirect_to .= '#'.$Comment->get_anchor(); } else { $Messages->add( T_('Your comment has been submitted. It will appear once it has been approved.'), 'success' ); } if( !is_logged_in() ) { // Not logged in user. We want him to see his comment has not vanished if he checks back on the Item page // before the cache has expired. Invalidate cache for that page: // Note: this is approximative and may not cover all URLs where the user expects to see the comment... // TODO: fp> solution: touch dates? load_class( '_core/model/_pagecache.class.php', 'PageCache' ); $PageCache = new PageCache( $Comment->Item->Blog ); $PageCache->invalidate( $Comment->Item->get_single_url() ); } } header_redirect(); // Will save $Messages into Session /* * $Log: comment_post.php,v $ */ ?>