File: _stats.php
<?php /** * This is b2evolution's stats config file. * * @deprecated TODO: It holds now just things that should be move around due to hitlog refactoring. * * This file sets how b2evolution will log hits and stats * Last significant changes to this file: version 1.6 * * @package conf */ if( !defined('EVO_CONFIG_LOADED') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' ); /** * Self referers that should not be considered as "real" referers in stats. * This should typically include this site and maybe other subdomains of this site. * * The following substrings will be looked up in the referer http header * in order to identify referers to hide in the logs. * * The string must start within the 12 FIRST CHARS of the referer or it will be ignored. * note: http://abc.com is already 14 chars. 12 for safety. * * WARNING: you should *NOT* use a slash at the end of simple domain names, as * older Netscape browsers will not send these. For example you should list * http://www.example.com instead of http://www.example.com/ . * * @todo move to admin interface (T_basedomains list editor), but use for upgrading * @todo handle multiple blog roots. * @todo If $basehost already begins with "www.", the pure domain will not * be counted as a self referrer. Possible solution: Strip the "www." * from $basehost - for "www.example.com" this would give "://example.com" * and "://www.example.com", which would be correct (currently it * gives "://www.example.com" and "://www.www.example.com"). * * @global array */ $self_referer_list = array( '://'.$basehost, // This line will match all pages from the host of your $baseurl '://www.'.$basehost, // This line will also match www.you_base_host in case you have no www. on your basehost 'http://localhost', '', ); /** * Blacklist: referrers that should not be considered as "real" referers in stats. * This should typically include stat services, online email services, online aggregators, etc. * * The following substrings will be looked up in the referer http header * in order to identify referers to hide in the logs * * THIS IS NOT FOR SPAM! Use the Antispam features in the admin section to control spam! * * The string must start within the 12 FIRST CHARS of the referer or it will be ignored. * note: http://abc.com is already 14 chars. 12 for safety. * * WARNING: you should *NOT* use a slash at the end of simple domain names, as * older Netscape browsers will not send these. For example you should list * http://www.example.com instead of http://www.example.com/ . * * @todo move to admin interface (T_basedomains list editor), but use for upgrading * * @global array */ $blackList = array( // webmails '.mail.yahoo.com/', '//mail.google.com/', '//webmail.aol.com/', // stat services 'sitemeter.com/', // aggregators 'bloglines.com/', // caches '/search?q=cache:', // Google cache // redirectors 'googlealert.com/', // site status services 'host-tracker.com', // add your own... ); /** * UserAgent identifiers for logging/statistics * * The following substrings will be looked up in the user_agent http header * * 'type' aggregator currently gets only used to "translate" user agent strings. * An aggregator hit gets detected by accessing the feed. * * @global array $user_agents */ $user_agents = array( // Robots: array('robot', 'Googlebot', 'Google (Googlebot)' ), // removed slash in order to also match "Googlebot-Image", "Googlebot-Mobile", "Googlebot-Sitemaps" array('robot', 'Slurp/', 'Inktomi (Slurp)' ), array('robot', 'Yahoo! Slurp', 'Yahoo (Slurp)' ), // removed ; to also match "Yahoo! Slurp China" array('robot', 'msnbot', 'MSN Search (msnbot)' ), // removed slash in order to also match "msnbot-media" array('robot', 'Frontier/', 'Userland (Frontier)' ), array('robot', 'ping.blo.gs/', 'blo.gs' ), array('robot', 'organica/', 'Organica' ), array('robot', 'Blogosphere/', 'Blogosphere' ), array('robot', 'blogging ecosystem crawler', 'Blogging ecosystem'), array('robot', 'FAST-WebCrawler/', 'Fast' ), // http://fast.no/support/crawler.asp array('robot', 'timboBot/', 'Breaking Blogs (timboBot)' ), array('robot', 'NITLE Blog Spider/', 'NITLE' ), array('robot', 'The World as a Blog ', 'The World as a Blog' ), array('robot', 'daypopbot/ ', 'DayPop' ), array('robot', 'Bitacle bot/', 'Bitacle' ), array('robot', 'Sphere Scout', 'Sphere Scout' ), array('robot', 'Gigabot/', 'Gigablast (Gigabot)' ), array('robot', 'Yandex', 'Yandex' ), array('robot', 'Mail.Ru', 'Mail.Ru' ), array('robot', 'Baiduspider', 'Baidu spider' ), array('robot', 'infometrics-bot', 'Infometrics Bot' ), array('robot', 'DotBot/', 'DotBot' ), array('robot', 'Twiceler-', 'Cuil (Twiceler)' ), array('robot', 'discobot/', 'Discovery Engine' ), array('robot', 'Speedy Spider', 'Entireweb (Speedy Spider)' ), array('robot', 'monit/', 'Monit'), array('robot', 'Sogou web spider', 'Sogou'), array('robot', 'Tagoobot/', 'Tagoobot'), array('robot', 'MJ12bot/', 'Majestic-12'), array('robot', 'ia_archiver', 'Alexa crawler'), array('robot', 'KaloogaBot', 'Kalooga'), array('robot', 'Flexum/', 'Flexum'), array('robot', 'OOZBOT/', 'OOZBOT'), array('robot', 'ApptusBot', 'Apptus'), array('robot', 'Purebot', 'Pure Search'), array('robot', 'Sosospider', 'Sosospider'), array('robot', 'TopBlogsInfo', 'TopBlogsInfo'), array('robot', 'spbot/', 'SEOprofiler'), array('robot', 'StackRambler', 'Rambler' ), array('robot', 'AportWorm', 'Aport.ru' ), array('robot', 'ScoutJet', 'ScoutJet' ), array('robot', 'bingbot/', 'Bing' ), array('robot', 'Nigma.ru/', 'Nigma.ru' ), array('robot', 'ichiro/', 'Ichiro' ), array('robot', 'YoudaoBot/', 'Youdao' ), array('robot', 'Sogou web spider/', 'Sogou web spider' ), array('robot', 'findfiles.net', 'findfiles.net' ), array('robot', 'SiteBot/', 'SiteBot' ), array('robot', 'Nutch-', 'Apache Nutch' ), array('robot', 'DoCoMo/', 'DoCoMo' ), array('robot', 'findlinks/', 'FindLinks' ), array('robot', 'MLBot', 'MLBot' ), array('robot', 'facebookexternalhit', 'Facebook' ), array('robot', ' oBot/', 'IBM Bot' ), array('robot', 'GarlikCrawler/', 'Garlik' ), array('robot', 'Yeti/', 'Naver' ), array('robot', 'TurnitinBot/', 'Turnitin' ), array('robot', 'NerdByNature.Bot', 'NerdByNature' ), array('robot', 'SeznamBot/', 'SeznamBot' ), array('robot', 'Nymesis/', 'Nymesis' ), array('robot', 'YodaoBot/', 'YodaoBot' ), array('robot', 'Exabot/', 'Exabot' ), // Unknown robots: array('robot', 'psycheclone', 'Psycheclone' ), // Aggregators: array('aggregator', 'AppleSyndication/', 'Safari RSS (AppleSyndication)' ), array('aggregator', 'Feedreader', 'Feedreader' ), array('aggregator', 'Syndirella/', 'Syndirella' ), array('aggregator', 'rssSearch Harvester/', 'rssSearch Harvester' ), array('aggregator', 'Newz Crawler', 'Newz Crawler' ), array('aggregator', 'MagpieRSS/', 'Magpie RSS' ), array('aggregator', 'CoologFeedSpider', 'CoologFeedSpider' ), array('aggregator', 'Pompos/', 'Pompos' ), array('aggregator', 'SharpReader/', 'SharpReader'), array('aggregator', 'Straw ', 'Straw'), array('aggregator', 'YandexBlog', 'YandexBlog'), array('aggregator', ' Planet/', 'Planet Feed Reader'), array('aggregator', 'UniversalFeedParser/', 'Universal Feed Parser'), ); ?>