File: comment_review.php
<?php /** * This is file implements the comments quick edit operations after email notification. * * This file is part of the evoCore framework - {@link http://evocore.net/} * See also {@link http://sourceforge.net/projects/evocms/}. * * @copyright (c)2003-2011 by Francois Planque - {@link http://fplanque.com/} * * @package htsrv * * @version $Id: comment_review.php 81 2011-10-26 16:42:25Z sam2kb $ */ /** * Initialize everything: */ require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../conf/_config.php'; require_once $inc_path.'/_main.inc.php'; param('cmt_ID', 'integer', '' ); param('secret', 'string', '' ); param_action(); $to_dashboard = $admin_url.'?ctrl=dashboard'; $to_comment_edit = $admin_url.'?ctrl=comments&action=edit&comment_ID='.$cmt_ID; if( $cmt_ID != null ) { $posted_Comment = & Comment_get_by_ID( $cmt_ID ); } else { $Messages->add( 'Requested comment does not exist!' ); header_redirect( $to_dashboard ); } // Check the secret parameter (This doubles as a CRUMB) if( $secret != $posted_Comment->get('secret') ) { // Invalid secret, no moderation allowed here, go to regular form with regular login requirements: $Messages->add( T_('Invalid secret key. Quick moderation not available.') ); // fp> TODO: this does not display on login form... :/ (but works if already logged in) header_redirect( $to_comment_edit ); } $antispam_url = $admin_url.'?ctrl=antispam&action=ban&keyword='.rawurlencode(get_ban_domain($posted_Comment->author_url)).'&'.url_crumb( 'antispam' ); // perform action if action is not null switch( $action ) { case 'publish': $posted_Comment->set('status', 'published' ); // Comment moderation is done, don't keep "secret" moderation access $posted_Comment->set( 'secret', NULL ); $posted_Comment->dbupdate(); // Commit update to the DB $posted_Comment->handle_notifications(); $Messages->add( T_('Comment has been published.'), 'success' ); header_redirect( $to_dashboard ); /* exited */ break; case 'deprecate': $posted_Comment->set('status', 'deprecated' ); // Comment moderation is done, don't keep "secret" moderation access $posted_Comment->set( 'secret', NULL ); $posted_Comment->dbupdate(); // Commit update to the DB $Messages->add( T_('Comment has been deprecated.'), 'success' ); header_redirect( $to_dashboard ); /* exited */ break; case 'delete': // Delete from DB: $posted_Comment->dbdelete(); $Messages->add( T_('Comment has been deleted.'), 'success' ); header_redirect( $to_dashboard ); break; case 'deleteurl': // Delete author url: $posted_Comment->set( 'author_url', null ); $posted_Comment->dbupdate(); // Commit update to the DB $Messages->add( T_('Comment url has been deleted.'), 'success' ); // redirect to this page, without action param!!! header_redirect( regenerate_url( 'action', array ( 'cmt_ID='.$cmt_ID, 'secret='.$secret ), '', '&' ) ); break; case 'antispamtool': // Redirect to the Antispam ban screen header_redirect( $antispam_url ); /* exited */ break; } // No action => display the form headers_content_mightcache( 'text/html', 0 ); // Do NOT cache! ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xml:lang="<?php locale_lang() ?>" lang="<?php locale_lang() ?>"> <head> <title><?php echo ' '.T_('Comment review').' '; ?></title> </head> <body> <form method="post" name="review"> <?php if ($secret == $posted_Comment->get('secret') && ($secret != NULL) ) { // delete button echo '<input type="submit" name="actionArray[delete]"'; echo ' value="'.T_('Delete').'" title="'.T_('Delete this comment').'"/>'; echo "\n"; // deprecate button if( $posted_Comment->status != 'deprecated') { echo '<input type="submit" name="actionArray[deprecate]"'; echo ' value="'.T_('Deprecate').'" title="'.T_('Deprecate this comment').'"/>'; echo "\n"; } // publish button if( $posted_Comment->status != 'published' ) { echo '<input type="submit" name="actionArray[publish]"'; echo ' value="'.T_('Publish').'" title="'.T_('Publish this comment').'"/>'; echo "\n"; } if( $posted_Comment->author_url != null ) { // delete url button echo '<input type="submit" name="actionArray[deleteurl]"'; echo ' value="'.T_('Delete URL').'" title="'.T_('Delete comment URL').'" />'; echo "\n"; // antispam tool button echo '<input type="submit" name="actionArray[antispamtool]"'; echo ' value="'.T_('Antispam tool').'" title="'.T_('Antispam tool').'" />'; echo "\n"; } echo '<input type="hidden" name="secret" value="'.$secret.'" />'; echo "\n"; echo '<input type="hidden" name="cmt_ID" value="'.$cmt_ID.'" />'; echo "\n"; } else { die( T_('Invalid link!') ); } ?> <fieldset> <legend><?php echo T_('Posted comment')?></legend> <div class=bComment> <div class="bSmallHead"> <span class="bDate"><?php $posted_Comment->date(); ?></span> @ <span class="bTime"><?php $posted_Comment->time( 'H:i' ); ?></span> <?php $posted_Comment->author_url( '', ' · Url: <span class="bUrl">', '</span>' ); if( $posted_Comment->author_url != null ) { echo ' '.action_icon( T_('Delete comment URL'), 'delete', regenerate_url( '', array( 'action=deleteurl', 'cmt_ID='.$cmt_ID, 'secret='.$secret ) ) ).' '; echo ' '.action_icon( T_('Antispam tool'), 'ban', $antispam_url ); } $posted_Comment->author_email( '', ' · Email: <span class="bEmail">', '</span>' ); $posted_Comment->author_ip( ' · IP: <span class="bIP">', '</span>' ); echo ' · <span class="bKarma">'; $posted_Comment->spam_karma( T_('Spam Karma').': %s%', T_('No Spam Karma') ); echo '</span>'; ?> </div> <div class="bTitle"> <?php echo $posted_Comment->get_title(); ?> </div> <?php $posted_Comment->rating(); ?> <?php $posted_Comment->avatar(); ?> <fieldset class="bCommentText"> <legend><?php echo T_('Content')?></legend> <?php $posted_Comment->content() ?> </fieldset> </div> </fieldset> </form> </body> </html> <?php /* * $Log: comment_review.php,v $ */ ?>