File: CreateConfigFileStep.class
<?php /* * Gallery - a web based photo album viewer and editor * Copyright (C) 2000-2007 Bharat Mediratta * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ /** * Create config.php * @package Install */ class CreateConfigFileStep extends InstallStep { var $_firstTime; function CreateConfigFileStep() { $this->_firstTime = true; } function stepName() { return _('Create Config File'); } function loadTemplateData(&$templateData) { global $galleryStub; $configDir = $_SESSION['configPath']; $configFilePath = $configDir . '/config.php'; $templateData['OS'] = strncasecmp(PHP_OS, 'win', 3) ? 'unix' : 'winnt'; if (file_exists($configFilePath) && !is_writeable($configFilePath)) { /* The file exists but we can't write to it */ $templateData['error'] = sprintf( _('Unable to write to the <b>config.php</b> configuration file in your %s ' . 'directory. Please change its permissions. If you\'re on ' . 'Unix you can do <i>chmod 666 config.php</i> to fix this.'), '<tt>' . basename($configDir) . '</tt>'); $this->setInError(true); $templateData['bodyFile'] = 'CreateConfigFileInstructions.html'; $templateData['galleryDir'] = basename($configDir); } else { /* Don't (overwrite) the config file, if we recommend an upgrade */ $writeConfigFile = false; $freshInstall = $galleryStub->getConfig('freshInstall'); $versionStatus = $upgradeRecommended = false; $versions = array('installed' => '', 'codebase' => false); if (!$freshInstall) { /* We are reusing database tables, it's not a fresh install */ list ($versionStatus, $upgradeRecommended, $versions) = $this->_versionCheck(); if (!$versionStatus && file_exists($configFilePath)) { if ($upgradeRecommended) { /* * Only write config.php, if it's empty. Else, the upgrader would * assume a wrong state of config.php when it tries to update it. */ $configContents = implode('', file($configFilePath)); if (empty($configContents) || strlen($configContents) < 100) { $writeConfigFile = true; } } } else { $writeConfigFile = true; } } else { $writeConfigFile = true; } /* Before writing, check if the file is writable and give instructions if it isn't */ if ($writeConfigFile && !$out = @fopen($configFilePath, 'w')) { /* Give the user instructions */ $templateData['bodyFile'] = 'CreateConfigFileInstructions.html'; $templateData['galleryDir'] = basename($configDir); if (!$this->_firstTime) { if (!file_exists($configFilePath)) { $templateData['error'] = sprintf( _('The config.php file does not exist in your %s directory'), $configDir); } else { $templateData['error'] = sprintf( _('The config.php file exists but is not writeable. If your server ' . 'is Windows, you may have to disable file sharing for config.php ' . 'and set its permissions manually.'), $configDir); } } } else { if (!$freshInstall && !$versionStatus) { $this->setComplete(false); $templateData['recommendUpgrade'] = $upgradeRecommended; $templateData['versions'] = $versions; $templateData['isMultisite'] = $galleryStub->getConfig('isMultisite'); $templateData['galleryDir'] = basename($_SESSION['configPath']); $templateData['configFileWritten'] = $writeConfigFile; $templateData['bodyFile'] = 'VersionCheckFailed.html'; } else { /* It's a fresh install or the installed version matches the codebase version */ $this->setComplete(true); $templateData['bodyFile'] = 'CreateConfigFileSuccess.html'; } /* Finally write the config file */ if ($writeConfigFile) { $this->_writeConfig($out, $configDir); fclose($out); } } } $this->_firstTime = false; } function _writeConfig(&$out, $configDir) { global $galleryStub; $baseDir = dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))); require_once($baseDir . '/modules/core/classes/GalleryUrlGenerator.class'); $baseUrl = getBaseUrl() . preg_replace('{install/' . INDEX_PHP . '\?.*}', '', GalleryUrlGenerator::getCurrentRequestUri()); $addslashes = array('\\' => '\\\\', "'" => "\\'"); $newStoreConfig = $galleryStub->getConfig('storage.config'); $in = @fopen($baseDir . '/install/config.php-template', 'r'); while ($line = fgets($in, 2000)) { if (trim($line) == '$gallery->setConfig(\'setup.password\', \'\');') { $tmp = strtr($galleryStub->getConfig('setup.password'), $addslashes); $line = sprintf("\$gallery->setConfig('setup.password', '%s');\n", $tmp); } if (trim($line) == '$gallery->setConfig(\'data.gallery.base\', \'\');') { $tmp = strtr($galleryStub->getConfig('data.gallery.base'), $addslashes); $line = sprintf("\$gallery->setConfig('data.gallery.base', '%s');\n", $tmp); } foreach (array('type', 'hostname', 'database', 'username', 'password', 'tablePrefix', 'columnPrefix') as $key) { if (preg_match("/^.storeConfig\['$key'\] = '.*';/", $line)) { $newStoreConfig[$key] = strtr($newStoreConfig[$key], $addslashes); $line = "\$storeConfig['$key'] = '$newStoreConfig[$key]';\n"; } } if (trim($line) == '$gallery->setConfig(\'galleryBaseUrl\', \'\');' && $configDir != $baseDir) { /* galleryBaseUrl not required for config.php in codebase dir */ $tmp = strtr($baseUrl, $addslashes); $line = sprintf("\$gallery->setConfig('galleryBaseUrl', '%s');\n", $tmp); } fwrite($out, $line); } fclose($in); } /** * Check installed version vs. codebase version * * If G2 isn't installed at the moment or the installed version is the same as the codebase * version, advance to the next step. Else, give a warning and instruct to run the upgrader if * codebase version > installed version. * Note: database = g2data version, checked in db step * * @return array (boolean versionsOk, boolean upgradeRecommended, * array ('codebase' => string version, 'installed' => string version)) */ function _versionCheck() { global $galleryStub; $freshInstall = $galleryStub->getConfig('freshInstall'); $versions = array(); $versionsOk = false; $recommendUpgrade = false; if ($freshInstall) { /* It's a fresh install */ $versionsOk = true; } else { /* Get the installed version from the DatabaseSetup Step */ $tmp = $galleryStub->getConfig('installed.version'); $versions['installed'] = empty($tmp) ? ' ' : $tmp; /* ^Avoid http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=17433 */ /* Get the codebase version, also from the DB setup step */ $versions['codebase'] = $galleryStub->getConfig('codebase.version'); /* Compare the versions */ if (($cmp = version_compare($versions['installed'], $versions['codebase'])) == 0) { /* Installed version and codebase version are the same. Good. */ $versionsOk = true; } else if ($cmp < 0) { /* * G2 is installed, but its version doesn't match the codebase version. * Recommend an upgrade (redirect to the upgrader) */ $recommendUpgrade = true; } else { /* * G2 is installed, but its version doesn't match the codebase version. * And no upgrade is recommended because the codebase version is not newer than * the installed version. Something's wrong. */ } } return array($versionsOk, $recommendUpgrade, $versions); } } ?>