File: InstallCoreModuleStep.class
<?php /* * Gallery - a web based photo album viewer and editor * Copyright (C) 2000-2007 Bharat Mediratta * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ /** * Install core module * @package Install */ class InstallCoreModuleStep extends InstallStep { function stepName() { return _('Install Gallery Core'); } function processRequest() { global $galleryStub; define('GALLERY_CONFIG_DIR', $_SESSION['configPath']); require(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../bootstrap.inc'); require(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../init.inc'); $template = new StatusTemplate(); $template->renderHeader(true); $template->renderStatusMessage(_('Installing the core module'), null, 0); /* We want to log all debug output in our install log */ global $gallery; $gallery->setDebug('logged'); $tag = substr(md5(microtime() . rand(1, 32767)), 0, 10); $dataBase = $gallery->getConfig('data.gallery.base'); $installLogPath = sprintf('%s/install_%s.log', $dataBase, $tag); $gallery->setDebugLogFile($installLogPath); $templateData['installLogPath'] = $installLogPath; $this->_createDebugLogHeader(); $gallery->guaranteeTimeLimit(120); $gallery->debug('Init first pass'); $ret = GalleryInitFirstPass(array('noDatabase' => true, 'activeLanguage' => $_SESSION['language'])); if ($ret) { $gallery->debug(sprintf('Error: Unable to initialize our Gallery data, this is the ' . 'error stack trace: %s', $ret->getAsText())); $templateData['errors'][] = _('Unable to initialize our Gallery data'); $templateData['stackTrace'] = $ret->getAsHtml(); } $this->_addSystemInformationToDebugLog(); /* We want to avoid using the cache */ GalleryDataCache::setFileCachingEnabled(false); /* * Delete anything in the cache, which can be left around if we're * installing on top of an older install. */ $platform =& $gallery->getPlatform(); $gallery->debug('Clear the cache directory'); $cacheDirs = array('entity', 'theme', 'module', 'derivative'); foreach ($cacheDirs as $dir) { $dir = sprintf('%s/cache/%s', $dataBase, $dir); if ($platform->file_exists($dir)) { if (!$platform->recursiveRmDir($dir)) { return false; } } } $template->renderStatusMessage(_('Installing the core module'), null, 0.05); $gallery->guaranteeTimeLimit(180); if (empty($templateData['errors'])) { $gallery->debug('Check if the persistent storage is installed'); /* * Check to see if the database tables already exist. If they do then * we should assume that they said that it was ok to reuse existing tables * in the Database setup step, which means we don't have to perform an * install now. */ $storage =& $gallery->getStorage(); list ($ret, $isInstalled) = $storage->isInstalled(); if ($ret) { $gallery->debug(sprintf('Error: Unable to communicate with the database, this ' . 'is the error stack trace; %s', $ret->getAsText())); $templateData['errors'][] = _('Unable to communicate with the database'); $templateData['stackTrace'] = $ret->getAsHtml(); } } if (empty($templateData['errors'])) { $gallery->debug('Load core module'); list ($ret, $core) = GalleryCoreApi::loadPlugin('module', 'core', true); $this->resetL10Domain(); if ($ret) { $gallery->debug(sprintf('Error: Unable to load the core module, this ' . 'is the error stack trace; %s', $ret->getAsText())); $templateData['errors'][] = _('Unable to load the core module'); $templateData['stackTrace'] = $ret->getAsHtml(); } } $template->renderStatusMessage(_('Installing the core module'), null, 0.1); $gallery->guaranteeTimeLimit(180); $freshInstall = $galleryStub->getConfig('freshInstall'); if ($freshInstall) { $gallery->debug('Hand over admin user parameters'); /* It's a fresh install. Hand over install config parameters */ $gallery->setConfig('setup.admin.userName', $galleryStub->getConfig('setup.admin.userName')); $gallery->setConfig('setup.admin.email', $galleryStub->getConfig('setup.admin.email')); $gallery->setConfig('setup.admin.fullName', $galleryStub->getConfig('setup.admin.fullName')); } if (empty($templateData['errors'])) { if (!$isInstalled) { $gallery->debug('Install core module now!'); $ret = $core->installOrUpgrade(true, $template); if ($ret) { $this->resetL10Domain(); $gallery->debug(sprintf('Error: Unable to install the core module, this ' . 'is the error stack trace; %s', $ret->getAsText())); $templateData['errors'][] = _('Unable to install the core module'); $templateData['stackTrace'] = $ret->getAsHtml(); } else { $gallery->debug('Core module installed successfully'); } $template->renderStatusMessage(_('Installing the core module'), '', 0.8); $gallery->guaranteeTimeLimit(180); $gallery->debug('Activate core module'); list ($ret, $ignored) = $core->activate(false); $this->resetL10Domain(); if ($ret) { $gallery->debug(sprintf('Error: Unable to activate the core module, this ' . 'is the error stack trace; %s', $ret->getAsText())); $templateData['errors'][] = _('Unable to activate the core module'); $templateData['stackTrace'] = $ret->getAsHtml(); } else { $gallery->debug('Core module activated successfully'); } $template->renderStatusMessage(_('Installing the core module'), '', 0.9); $gallery->guaranteeTimeLimit(180); $gallery->debug('Commit transaction'); $ret = $storage->commitTransaction(); if ($ret) { $gallery->debug(sprintf('Error: Unable to commit database transaction, this ' . 'is the error stack trace; %s', $ret->getAsText())); $templateData['errors'][] = _('Unable to commit database transaction'); $templateData['stackTrace'] = $ret->getAsHtml(); } else { $gallery->debug('Committed transaction successfully'); } } else { $gallery->debug('NOT installing, rollback!'); $storage->rollbackTransaction(); /* Ignore any errors from this */ /* * Don't allow this step to complete when only partially installed. * Verify that versions.dat is up to date. */ $versions = $core->getInstalledVersions(); if (empty($versions['core']) || $versions['core'] != $core->getVersion()) { $gallery->debug('Error: Core module is only partially installed'); $templateData['errors'][] = _('Core module is only partially installed.'); $templateData['stackTrace'] = ''; } else { $gallery->debug('Core module version is ok'); } } } $this->resetL10Domain(); $template->renderStatusMessage(_('Installing the core module'), '', 1.0); $gallery->guaranteeTimeLimit(120); $gallery->debug('Finish install core module step'); if (empty($templateData['errors'])) { $gallery->debug('Install core module step completed successfully'); $this->setComplete(true); $templateData['bodyFile'] = 'InstallCoreModuleSuccess.html'; } else { $gallery->debug('Error: Failure during install core module step'); $templateData['bodyFile'] = 'InstallCoreModuleError.html'; } $template->hideStatusBlock(); $template->renderBodyAndFooter($templateData); return false; } /* Adds a header to the debug log */ function _createDebugLogHeader() { global $gallery; $gallery->debug("\n\n -------------------------------------------------------- Prepare installation of the core module --------------------------------------------------------\n\n"); } /* Adds some system information to the log */ function _addSystemInformationToDebugLog() { global $gallery; global $galleryStub; $storage =& $gallery->getStorage(); $isSvnInstall = $galleryStub->getConfig('systemchecks.issvninstall'); $isSvnInstall = empty($isSvnInstall) ? "No" : "Yes"; $gallery->debug("\n -------------------------------------------------------- System and Gallery information: -------------------------------------------------------- Gallery version:\t" . $galleryStub->getConfig('codebase.version') . " File integrity:\t" . $galleryStub->getConfig('systemchecks.fileintegrity') . " SVN install:\t" . $isSvnInstall . " PHP version:\t" . phpversion() . " " . php_sapi_name() . " PHP memory limit:\t" . ini_get('memory_limit') . " PHP disable_functions:\t" . ini_get('disable_functions') . " PHP zend.ze1_compatibility_mode:\t" . ini_get('zend.ze1_compatibility_mode') . " Webserver:\t" . GalleryUtilities::getServerVar('SERVER_SOFTWARE') . " Database:\t" . $storage->getAdoDbType() . " " . @$storage->getVersion() . " Operating system:\t" . php_uname() . " Browser:\t " . GalleryUtilities::getServerVar('HTTP_USER_AGENT') . " --------------------------------------------------------\n\n "); } } ?>