File: StorageSetupStep.class
<?php /* * Gallery - a web based photo album viewer and editor * Copyright (C) 2000-2007 Bharat Mediratta * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ /** * Setup filesytem storage directory * @package Install */ class StorageSetupStep extends InstallStep { function stepName() { return _('Storage Setup'); } function loadTemplateData(&$templateData) { global $galleryStub; if (empty($this->_dir)) { $this->_dir = $galleryStub->getConfig('data.gallery.base'); if (empty($this->_dir)) { $this->_dir = $_SESSION['configPath'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'g2data'; } } /* * An example for a slightly obfuscated g2data folder name such that the location * of the storage folder can't be guessed too easily. */ $templateData['suggested_obfuscated_g2data_name'] = 'g2data_' . substr(md5(rand()),0 , 10); $templateData['isMultisite'] = $galleryStub->getConfig('isMultisite'); if (!empty($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == 'save') { if (empty($_POST['dir'])) { $templateData['error']['missing_value'] = 1; } else { $dir = rtrim($this->sanitize($_POST['dir'])); /* Normalize the path, add a traling slash if necessary */ if (substr($dir, -1) != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) { $dir .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } /* * Make the path absolute since relative to the install/ folder isn't the same as * relative to the main.php entry file. And also check if it exists. */ $realPath = @realpath($dir); if (empty($realPath)) { /* * The folder does not exist yet. If we have already write permission on the * parent folder, create the storage folder. */ $parentDir = realpath(dirname($dir)); if (!empty($parentDir) && is_dir($parentDir) && is_readable($parentDir) && is_writeable($parentDir)) { $dir = $parentDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . basename($dir) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; /* Create the storage folder with restrictive permissions */ if (@mkdir($dir)) { chmod($dir, 0700); } } } /* Check if the (newly created) dir exists, is writeable etc. */ if (!is_dir($dir)) { $templateData['error']['missing_dir'] = 1; } else if (!is_readable($dir)) { $templateData['error']['inaccessible_dir'] = 1; } else if (!is_writeable($dir)) { $templateData['error']['readonly_dir'] = 1; } else { /* * Security check: * If the user ticks the checkbox and thereby acknowledges that the storage * folder might be accessible from the web, we proceed with the installation. */ list ($checkExecuted, $webAccessible) = $this->_isStoragePathWebAccessible($dir); if (empty($_POST['i_acknowledge_the_risk']) && (!$checkExecuted || $webAccessible)) { if (!$checkExecuted) { /* Show a warning suggesting an obfuscated path. */ $templateData['error']['possibly_web_accessible_dir'] = 1; } else if ($webAccessible) { $templateData['error']['web_accessible_dir'] = 1; } } else { /* * Populate the dir. */ if (!populateDataDirectory($dir)) { $templateData['error']['creation_error'] = 1; } else { $this->_dir = $dir; $this->setComplete(true); } } } } $templateData['dir'] = $dir; } else { $templateData['dir'] = $this->_dir; } if ($this->isComplete()) { $galleryStub->setConfig('data.gallery.base', $this->_dir); $templateData['bodyFile'] = 'StorageSetupSuccess.html'; } else { $templateData['bodyFile'] = 'StorageSetupRequest.html'; } if (!strncasecmp(PHP_OS, 'win', 3)) { $templateData['OS'] = 'winnt'; } else { $templateData['OS'] = 'unix'; } } function processRequest() { if (!empty($_GET['doAutoComplete'])) { processAutoCompleteRequest(); return false; } return true; } function isRedoable() { return true; } /** * Try to protect the given folder with a .htaccess file from direct web-access. * And then check if the given folder is web-accessible either way. * Precondition: gallery and g2data folders exist. * * @return array(boolean false if check procedure failed due to platform issues, * boolean true if the folder is accessible from the web (=insecure)) */ function _isStoragePathWebAccessible($dir) { /* Check if we can use fsockopen. Else we can't test it at all. */ if (!function_exists('fsockopen') || in_array('fsockopen', split(',\s*', ini_get('disable_functions')))) { return array(false, false); } /* Add a .htaccess file. */ if (!secureStorageFolder($dir)) { return array(false, false); } /* Add a probe file. */ $probeFileName = 'probe_' . substr(md5(uniqid(rand())), 0, 10) . '.html'; $probeFilePath = $dir . $probeFileName; $checkString = md5(rand()); $fh = @fopen($probeFilePath, 'w'); if ($fh) { $contents = "<html><head><title>Probe</title><body>$checkString</body></html>"; fwrite($fh, $contents); fclose($fh); } if (!file_exists($probeFilePath)) { return array(false, false); } /* Try to guess the URL to the g2data folder. */ $storageUrlCandidates = array(); /* Get the URL of the G2 folder. */ $galleryUrl = getGalleryDirUrl(); /* Get the relative path of the g2data folder to the gallery dir. */ $storagePath = realpath($dir); $galleryPath = realpath(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))); if (strpos($storagePath, $galleryPath) === 0) { /* The g2data folder is within the gallery folder. */ $relativeStoragePath = substr($storagePath, strlen($galleryPath) + 1); $relativeStoragePath = str_replace("\\", '/', $relativeStoragePath); $storageUrlCandidates[] = $galleryUrl . $relativeStoragePath . '/'; } else { /* * The g2data folder is in another directory tree. * Try to remove the common part of the paths and then construct a URL. */ $galleryPathElements = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $galleryPath); $storagePathElements = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $storagePath); $max = 30; /* Before: e.g. /foo/bar/gallery2/ and /foo/bar/g2data/. */ while (!empty($galleryPathElements) && !empty($storagePathElements) && $max-- > 0 && $galleryPathElements[0] == $storagePathElements[0]) { array_shift($storagePathElements); array_shift($galleryPathElements); } /* After, e.g. /g2data/ (common part removed). */ $relativeStoragePath = implode('/', $storagePathElements); $storageUrlCandidates[] = getBaseUrl() . '/' . $relativeStoragePath . '/'; if (preg_match('!^.*?://.*?/[^/]+!', $galleryUrl, $matches)) { $storageUrlCandidates[] = $matches[0] . '/' . $relativeStoragePath . '/'; } } /* Also try the default path and other common paths. */ $storageUrlCandidates[] = $galleryUrl . basename($dir) . '/'; $storageUrlCandidates[] = getBaseUrl() . '/' . basename($dir) . '/'; /* Try to fetch the probe file. */ $isAccessible = false; foreach ($storageUrlCandidates as $storageFolderUrl) { $url = $storageFolderUrl . $probeFileName; list ($urlFetched, $isAccessible) = $this->_isUrlAccessible($url, $checkString); if ($urlFetched && $isAccessible) { $isAccessible = true; break; } } /* Cleanup: Delete the probe file. */ unlink($probeFilePath); return array(true, $isAccessible); } /** * Try to fetch a a probe file from the storage folder and check if the returned page contains * the probe string. If so, the storage folder is web-accessible (read: not secure). * * @param string $url the URL that should be fetched * @param string $probeString expected string from the fetched file * @return array(boolean false if check procedure failed due to platform issues, * boolean true if the folder is accessible from the web (=insecure)) */ function _isUrlAccessible($url, $probeString) { $components = @parse_url($url); if (!$components) { return array(false, false); } $port = empty($components['port']) ? 80 : $components['port']; if (empty($components['path'])) { $components['path'] = '/'; } $fd = @fsockopen($components['host'], $port, $errno, $errstr, 1); if (empty($fd)) { return array(false, false); } $get = $components['path']; /* Read the web page into a buffer */ $ok = fwrite($fd, sprintf("GET %s HTTP/1.0\r\n" . "Host: %s\r\n" . "\r\n", $get, $components['host'])); if (!$ok) { /* Zero bytes written or false was returned */ return array(false, false); } fflush($fd); /* * Read the response code. fgets stops after newlines. * The first line contains only the status code (200, 404, etc.). */ $headers = array(); $response = trim(fgets($fd, 4096)); /* * Ignore the status code. * We expect either a 2xx code which would mean that the file has been fetched successfully * (or there's a 404 -> redirect that suppresses the 404) and we check that later * with the probe text. * Or we expect an internal server 500 because mod_access is not installed. * Or a 403 Forbidden since the .htaccess rule works correctly. * Or a 404 because the URL is just plain wrong. * * Let's interpret everything but a successfully detected probe page as "secure". */ /* Ignore the headers. */ while (!feof($fd)) { $line = trim(fgets($fd, 4096)); if (empty($line)) { break; } } /* Read the body */ $fetchedPage = ''; while (!feof($fd)) { $fetchedPage .= fread($fd, 4096); } fclose($fd); /* Check if the expected string is present. */ return array(true, strpos($fetchedPage, $probeString) !== false); } } ?>