File: adodb-error.inc.php
<?php /** * @version V4.93 10 Oct 2006 (c) 2000-2006 John Lim (jlim#natsoft.com.my). All rights reserved. * Released under both BSD license and Lesser GPL library license. * Whenever there is any discrepancy between the two licenses, * the BSD license will take precedence. * * Set tabs to 4 for best viewing. * * The following code is adapted from the PEAR DB error handling code. * Portions (c)1997-2002 The PHP Group. */ if (!defined("DB_ERROR")) define("DB_ERROR",-1); if (!defined("DB_ERROR_SYNTAX")) { define("DB_ERROR_SYNTAX", -2); define("DB_ERROR_CONSTRAINT", -3); define("DB_ERROR_NOT_FOUND", -4); define("DB_ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS", -5); define("DB_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED", -6); define("DB_ERROR_MISMATCH", -7); define("DB_ERROR_INVALID", -8); define("DB_ERROR_NOT_CAPABLE", -9); define("DB_ERROR_TRUNCATED", -10); define("DB_ERROR_INVALID_NUMBER", -11); define("DB_ERROR_INVALID_DATE", -12); define("DB_ERROR_DIVZERO", -13); define("DB_ERROR_NODBSELECTED", -14); define("DB_ERROR_CANNOT_CREATE", -15); define("DB_ERROR_CANNOT_DELETE", -16); define("DB_ERROR_CANNOT_DROP", -17); define("DB_ERROR_NOSUCHTABLE", -18); define("DB_ERROR_NOSUCHFIELD", -19); define("DB_ERROR_NEED_MORE_DATA", -20); define("DB_ERROR_NOT_LOCKED", -21); define("DB_ERROR_VALUE_COUNT_ON_ROW", -22); define("DB_ERROR_INVALID_DSN", -23); define("DB_ERROR_CONNECT_FAILED", -24); define("DB_ERROR_EXTENSION_NOT_FOUND",-25); define("DB_ERROR_NOSUCHDB", -25); define("DB_ERROR_ACCESS_VIOLATION", -26); } function adodb_errormsg($value) { global $ADODB_LANG,$ADODB_LANG_ARRAY; if (empty($ADODB_LANG)) $ADODB_LANG = 'en'; if (isset($ADODB_LANG_ARRAY['LANG']) && $ADODB_LANG_ARRAY['LANG'] == $ADODB_LANG) ; else { include_once(ADODB_DIR."/lang/adodb-$ADODB_LANG.inc.php"); } return isset($ADODB_LANG_ARRAY[$value]) ? $ADODB_LANG_ARRAY[$value] : $ADODB_LANG_ARRAY[DB_ERROR]; } function adodb_error($provider,$dbType,$errno) { //var_dump($errno); if (is_numeric($errno) && $errno == 0) return 0; switch($provider) { case 'mysql': $map = adodb_error_mysql(); break; case 'oracle': case 'oci8': $map = adodb_error_oci8(); break; case 'ibase': $map = adodb_error_ibase(); break; case 'odbc': $map = adodb_error_odbc(); break; case 'mssql': case 'sybase': $map = adodb_error_mssql(); break; case 'informix': $map = adodb_error_ifx(); break; case 'postgres': return adodb_error_pg($errno); break; case 'sqlite': return $map = adodb_error_sqlite(); break; default: return DB_ERROR; } //print_r($map); //var_dump($errno); if (isset($map[$errno])) return $map[$errno]; return DB_ERROR; } //************************************************************************************** function adodb_error_pg($errormsg) { if (is_numeric($errormsg)) return (integer) $errormsg; static $error_regexps = array( '/(Table does not exist\.|Relation [\"\'].*[\"\'] does not exist|sequence does not exist|class ".+" not found)$/' => DB_ERROR_NOSUCHTABLE, '/Relation [\"\'].*[\"\'] already exists|Cannot insert a duplicate key into (a )?unique index.*/' => DB_ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS, '/divide by zero$/' => DB_ERROR_DIVZERO, '/pg_atoi: error in .*: can\'t parse /' => DB_ERROR_INVALID_NUMBER, '/ttribute [\"\'].*[\"\'] not found|Relation [\"\'].*[\"\'] does not have attribute [\"\'].*[\"\']/' => DB_ERROR_NOSUCHFIELD, '/parser: parse error at or near \"/' => DB_ERROR_SYNTAX, '/referential integrity violation/' => DB_ERROR_CONSTRAINT, '/Relation [\"\'].*[\"\'] already exists|Cannot insert a duplicate key into (a )?unique index.*|duplicate key violates unique constraint/' => DB_ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS ); reset($error_regexps); while (list($regexp,$code) = each($error_regexps)) { if (preg_match($regexp, $errormsg)) { return $code; } } // Fall back to DB_ERROR if there was no mapping. return DB_ERROR; } function adodb_error_odbc() { static $MAP = array( '01004' => DB_ERROR_TRUNCATED, '07001' => DB_ERROR_MISMATCH, '21S01' => DB_ERROR_MISMATCH, '21S02' => DB_ERROR_MISMATCH, '22003' => DB_ERROR_INVALID_NUMBER, '22008' => DB_ERROR_INVALID_DATE, '22012' => DB_ERROR_DIVZERO, '23000' => DB_ERROR_CONSTRAINT, '24000' => DB_ERROR_INVALID, '34000' => DB_ERROR_INVALID, '37000' => DB_ERROR_SYNTAX, '42000' => DB_ERROR_SYNTAX, 'IM001' => DB_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED, 'S0000' => DB_ERROR_NOSUCHTABLE, 'S0001' => DB_ERROR_NOT_FOUND, 'S0002' => DB_ERROR_NOSUCHTABLE, 'S0011' => DB_ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS, 'S0012' => DB_ERROR_NOT_FOUND, 'S0021' => DB_ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS, 'S0022' => DB_ERROR_NOT_FOUND, 'S1000' => DB_ERROR_NOSUCHTABLE, 'S1009' => DB_ERROR_INVALID, 'S1090' => DB_ERROR_INVALID, 'S1C00' => DB_ERROR_NOT_CAPABLE ); return $MAP; } function adodb_error_ibase() { static $MAP = array( -104 => DB_ERROR_SYNTAX, -150 => DB_ERROR_ACCESS_VIOLATION, -151 => DB_ERROR_ACCESS_VIOLATION, -155 => DB_ERROR_NOSUCHTABLE, -157 => DB_ERROR_NOSUCHFIELD, -158 => DB_ERROR_VALUE_COUNT_ON_ROW, -170 => DB_ERROR_MISMATCH, -171 => DB_ERROR_MISMATCH, -172 => DB_ERROR_INVALID, -204 => DB_ERROR_INVALID, -205 => DB_ERROR_NOSUCHFIELD, -206 => DB_ERROR_NOSUCHFIELD, -208 => DB_ERROR_INVALID, -219 => DB_ERROR_NOSUCHTABLE, -297 => DB_ERROR_CONSTRAINT, -530 => DB_ERROR_CONSTRAINT, -803 => DB_ERROR_CONSTRAINT, -551 => DB_ERROR_ACCESS_VIOLATION, -552 => DB_ERROR_ACCESS_VIOLATION, -922 => DB_ERROR_NOSUCHDB, -923 => DB_ERROR_CONNECT_FAILED, -924 => DB_ERROR_CONNECT_FAILED ); return $MAP; } function adodb_error_ifx() { static $MAP = array( '-201' => DB_ERROR_SYNTAX, '-206' => DB_ERROR_NOSUCHTABLE, '-217' => DB_ERROR_NOSUCHFIELD, '-329' => DB_ERROR_NODBSELECTED, '-1204' => DB_ERROR_INVALID_DATE, '-1205' => DB_ERROR_INVALID_DATE, '-1206' => DB_ERROR_INVALID_DATE, '-1209' => DB_ERROR_INVALID_DATE, '-1210' => DB_ERROR_INVALID_DATE, '-1212' => DB_ERROR_INVALID_DATE ); return $MAP; } function adodb_error_oci8() { static $MAP = array( 1 => DB_ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS, 900 => DB_ERROR_SYNTAX, 904 => DB_ERROR_NOSUCHFIELD, 923 => DB_ERROR_SYNTAX, 942 => DB_ERROR_NOSUCHTABLE, 955 => DB_ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS, 1476 => DB_ERROR_DIVZERO, 1722 => DB_ERROR_INVALID_NUMBER, 2289 => DB_ERROR_NOSUCHTABLE, 2291 => DB_ERROR_CONSTRAINT, 2449 => DB_ERROR_CONSTRAINT ); return $MAP; } function adodb_error_mssql() { static $MAP = array( 208 => DB_ERROR_NOSUCHTABLE, 2601 => DB_ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS ); return $MAP; } function adodb_error_sqlite() { static $MAP = array( 1 => DB_ERROR_SYNTAX ); return $MAP; } function adodb_error_mysql() { static $MAP = array( 1004 => DB_ERROR_CANNOT_CREATE, 1005 => DB_ERROR_CANNOT_CREATE, 1006 => DB_ERROR_CANNOT_CREATE, 1007 => DB_ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS, 1008 => DB_ERROR_CANNOT_DROP, 1045 => DB_ERROR_ACCESS_VIOLATION, 1046 => DB_ERROR_NODBSELECTED, 1049 => DB_ERROR_NOSUCHDB, 1050 => DB_ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS, 1051 => DB_ERROR_NOSUCHTABLE, 1054 => DB_ERROR_NOSUCHFIELD, 1062 => DB_ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS, 1064 => DB_ERROR_SYNTAX, 1100 => DB_ERROR_NOT_LOCKED, 1136 => DB_ERROR_VALUE_COUNT_ON_ROW, 1146 => DB_ERROR_NOSUCHTABLE, 1048 => DB_ERROR_CONSTRAINT, 2002 => DB_ERROR_CONNECT_FAILED, 2005 => DB_ERROR_CONNECT_FAILED ); return $MAP; } ?>