File: BlockSelectWidget.js
/* * Gallery - a web based photo album viewer and editor * Copyright (C) 2000-2007 Bharat Mediratta * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ /* * Author: Ariel Garza (primary development) * Author: Bharat Mediratta (minor adjustments for namespacing, bugfixes) * NOTE: If the blocks data format changes, bump the "version" number in URLs * referencing this file to ensure old/cached code is not used. */ var bsw_WIDGET_BLOCKS = new Array(); var bsw_FORM_TARGETS = new Array(); var bsw_HEADER_TEXT = new Array(); var bsw_UPDATE_LEVEL = 0; function bsw_Block(key, id, description) { if (!bsw_WIDGET_BLOCKS[key]) { bsw_WIDGET_BLOCKS[key] = new Array(); } bsw_WIDGET_BLOCKS[key][id] = this; this.key = key; this.id = id; this.description = description; this.parameters = new Array(); this.addVariable = function(varName, varDefaultValue, varDescription, varType, varExtra) { this.parameters[varName] = new Array(); this.parameters[varName]['description'] = varDescription; this.parameters[varName]['defaultValue'] = varDefaultValue; this.parameters[varName]['type'] = varType; this.parameters[varName]['extra'] = varExtra; this.parameters[varName]['varOverrides'] = new Array(); }; this.addVariableOverride = function(varName, varToOverride) { this.parameters[varName]['varOverrides'][varToOverride] = 1; } } /** * Add a definition for a block that is available for user selection. * @param id The id of the block. * @param description A short description of the block. */ function bsw_addAvailableBlock(key, id, description) { var availableEl = document.getElementById("blocksAvailableList_" + key); var block = new bsw_Block(key, id, description); var blockOptionEl = document.createElement("option"); blockOptionEl.appendChild(document.createTextNode(block.description)); blockOptionEl.value = block.id; availableEl.appendChild(blockOptionEl); return block; } var bsw_PREF_ID = 1; var bsw_USER_BLOCKS = new Array(); var bsw_USER_BLOCK_POSITIONS = new Array(); function bsw_BlockPreference(key, blockId, values) { this.id = bsw_PREF_ID++; if (!bsw_USER_BLOCKS[key]) { bsw_USER_BLOCKS[key] = new Array(); } if (!bsw_USER_BLOCK_POSITIONS[key]) { bsw_USER_BLOCK_POSITIONS[key] = new Array(); } bsw_USER_BLOCKS[key][this.id] = this; bsw_USER_BLOCK_POSITIONS[key].push(this.id); this.blockKey = key; this.blockId = blockId; this.parameters = new Array(); this.setParameterValue = function(paramName, value) { this.parameters[paramName] = value; }; this.toString = function() { var result = '["' + this.blockId + '",{'; var count = 0; for (var paramName in this.parameters) { var paramValue = this.parameters[paramName]; var defaultValue = bsw_WIDGET_BLOCKS[key][blockId]['parameters'][paramName]['defaultValue']; var paramType = bsw_WIDGET_BLOCKS[key][blockId]['parameters'][paramName]['type']; if (paramValue != defaultValue) { if (count++) { result += ','; } result += '"' + paramName + '":'; if (paramType == 'text' || paramType == 'choice') { result += '"' + paramValue.replace(/\"/g,'\\"') + '"'; } else { result += paramValue; } } } result += '}]'; return result; }; /* Set the defaults */ if (bsw_WIDGET_BLOCKS[key][blockId]) { for (var value in bsw_WIDGET_BLOCKS[key][blockId]['parameters']) { this.setParameterValue( value, bsw_WIDGET_BLOCKS[key][blockId]['parameters'][value]['defaultValue']); } } else { /* * Unknown block. Uncomment this for debugging purposes. * alert('undefined block type: ' + blockId); */ } /* Override whatever we're specifically changing */ for (var value in values) { this.setParameterValue(value, values[value]); } } /** * Add a block to the list of blocks that are used by the album. * @param blockId The id of the block. This must match a previously defined block id. * @param values The values that are assigned for the block. */ function bsw_addUserBlockPreference(key, blockId, values) { var usedEl = document.getElementById("blocksUsedList_" + key); var blockPref = new bsw_BlockPreference(key, blockId, values); var block = bsw_WIDGET_BLOCKS[key][blockPref.blockId]; if (block != undefined) { var blockOptionEl = document.createElement("option"); blockOptionEl.appendChild(document.createTextNode(block.description)); blockOptionEl.value = blockPref.id; usedEl.appendChild(blockOptionEl); } else { /* * Uncomment this for debugging purposes. * alert('undefined block type: ' + blockId); */ } } function bsw_initAdminForm(key, parameterText, valueText) { var availableEl = document.getElementById("blocksAvailableList_" + key); var usedEl = document.getElementById("blocksUsedList_" + key); /* * Undo the " -> " coercion that we had to do in order to embed the * serialized value into a string value in HTML. */ var valueEl = document.getElementById("albumBlockValue_" + key); valueEl.value = valueEl.value.replace('"', '"'); var usedBlockString = valueEl.value; bsw_createBlockPrefsFromString(key, usedBlockString); bsw_resizeBlocksUsedList(key); bsw_selectNone(key); bsw_HEADER_TEXT[key] = new Array(); bsw_HEADER_TEXT[key]['parameter'] = parameterText; bsw_HEADER_TEXT[key]['value'] = valueText; } function bsw_reInitAdminForm(key) { /* * Don't reinitialize if we're already inside an update. This can happen * if the albumBlockValue element calls us in its onchange() handler */ if (bsw_UPDATE_LEVEL == 0) { var usedBlockString = document.getElementById("albumBlockValue_" + key).value; bsw_USER_BLOCK_POSITIONS[key] = new Array(); bsw_createBlockPrefsFromString(key, unescape(usedBlockString)); bsw_selectNone(key); } } /** * Disable a button */ function bsw_disableButton(key, tag) { document.getElementById("bsw_" + tag + "_" + key).className = "bsw_ButtonDisabled"; } /** * Enable a button */ function bsw_enableButton(key, tag) { document.getElementById("bsw_" + tag + "_" + key).className = "bsw_ButtonEnabled"; } /** * Set all selected indexes to -1 and disable all buttons */ function bsw_selectNone(key) { document.getElementById("blocksAvailableList_" + key).selectedIndex = 0; document.getElementById("blocksUsedList_" + key).selectedIndex = -1; bsw_disableButton(key, "AddButton"); bsw_disableButton(key, "RemoveButton"); bsw_disableButton(key, "MoveUpButton"); bsw_disableButton(key, "MoveDownButton"); } /** * Once a selection has been made in the list of available blocks, the button to * add it to the list of used blocks should be enabled and all other buttons should * be disabled. */ function bsw_selectToUse(key) { if (document.getElementById("blocksAvailableList_" + key).selectedIndex <= 0) { bsw_disableButton(key, "AddButton"); return; } bsw_enableButton(key, "AddButton"); bsw_disableButton(key, "RemoveButton"); bsw_disableButton(key, "MoveUpButton"); bsw_disableButton(key, "MoveDownButton"); document.getElementById("blocksUsedList_" + key).selectedIndex = -1; } /** * Once a selection has been made in the list of used blocks, the applicable buttons should be * enabled and all other buttons should be disabled. */ function bsw_selectToChange(key) { bsw_disableButton(key, "AddButton"); bsw_enableButton(key, "RemoveButton"); var usedEl = document.getElementById("blocksUsedList_" + key); if (usedEl.selectedIndex > 0) { bsw_enableButton(key, "MoveUpButton"); } else { bsw_disableButton(key, "MoveUpButton"); } if (usedEl.selectedIndex < usedEl.options.length - 1) { bsw_enableButton(key, "MoveDownButton"); } else { bsw_disableButton(key, "MoveDownButton"); } document.getElementById("blocksAvailableList_" + key).selectedIndex = 0; bsw_showBlockOptions(key); } /** * Move a block from the available list to the used list. */ function bsw_addBlock(key) { var availableEl = document.getElementById("blocksAvailableList_" + key); var block = bsw_WIDGET_BLOCKS[key][availableEl.options[availableEl.selectedIndex].value]; bsw_addUserBlockPreference(key, block.id, new Array()); bsw_updateAlbumBlockValue(key); bsw_selectNone(key); bsw_resizeBlocksUsedList(key); } /** * Move a block from the used list back to the availabe list. */ function bsw_removeBlock(key) { var usedEl = document.getElementById("blocksUsedList_" + key); var selectedIndex = usedEl.selectedIndex; if (selectedIndex < 0) { return; } var optionEl = usedEl.options[selectedIndex]; bsw_USER_BLOCKS[key][optionEl.value] == null; bsw_USER_BLOCK_POSITIONS[key].splice(selectedIndex, 1); usedEl.removeChild(optionEl); /* Select the next block */ if (usedEl.length > 0) { usedEl.selectedIndex = Math.max(selectedIndex - 1, 0); } else { usedEl.selectedIndex = -1; bsw_selectNone(key); } bsw_showBlockOptions(key); bsw_updateAlbumBlockValue(key); bsw_resizeBlocksUsedList(key); } function bsw_resizeBlocksUsedList(key) { var usedEl = document.getElementById("blocksUsedList_" + key); if (bsw_USER_BLOCK_POSITIONS[key]) { usedEl.size = Math.max(bsw_USER_BLOCK_POSITIONS[key].length, 4); } else { usedEl.size = 4; } } /** * This function actually moves a block in the used list. * @param isUp true if the block preference is being moved up. */ function bsw_moveBlock(key, isUp) { var usedEl = document.getElementById("blocksUsedList_" + key); var index = usedEl.selectedIndex; var amount = isUp ? -1 : 1; /* First swap the preference in our positions array */ var tmpId = bsw_USER_BLOCK_POSITIONS[key][index + amount]; bsw_USER_BLOCK_POSITIONS[key][index + amount] = bsw_USER_BLOCK_POSITIONS[key][index]; bsw_USER_BLOCK_POSITIONS[key][index] = tmpId; /* Now swap the select options */ var tmpVal = usedEl.options[index + amount].value; var tmpDesc = usedEl.options[index + amount].innerHTML; usedEl.options[index + amount].value = usedEl.options[index].value; usedEl.options[index + amount].innerHTML = usedEl.options[index].innerHTML; usedEl.options[index].value = tmpVal; usedEl.options[index].innerHTML = tmpDesc; usedEl.selectedIndex += amount; bsw_updateAlbumBlockValue(key); bsw_selectToChange(key); } /** * Move the selected block up. */ function bsw_moveUp(key) { var usedEl = document.getElementById("blocksUsedList_" + key); var index = usedEl.selectedIndex; if (index <= 0) { return; } bsw_moveBlock(key, true); } /** * Move the selected block down. */ function bsw_moveDown(key) { var usedEl = document.getElementById("blocksUsedList_" + key); var index = usedEl.selectedIndex; if (index < 0 || index >= usedEl.options.length - 1) { return; } bsw_moveBlock(key, false); } /** * Show the options for the currently selected block in the used list. */ function bsw_showBlockOptions(key) { var usedEl = document.getElementById("blocksUsedList_" + key); var blockOptionsEl = document.getElementById("bsw_BlockOptions_" + key); blockOptionsEl.innerHTML = ""; if (usedEl.selectedIndex < 0) { return; } /* Get the block and block preference we are dealing with */ var blockPref = bsw_USER_BLOCKS[key][usedEl.options[usedEl.selectedIndex].value]; var block = bsw_WIDGET_BLOCKS[key][blockPref.blockId]; /* For some reason, "block.parameters.length == 0" doesn't work here. wtf? */ var i = 0; for (var paramName in block.parameters) { i++; } if (i == 0) { return; } /* First create the table for the parameters */ var optionTableEl = document.createElement("table"); var optionTbodyEl = document.createElement("tbody"); optionTableEl.id = "bsw_ParamTable_" + key; optionTableEl.className = "bsw_ParamTable"; var headerRowEl = document.createElement("tr"); headerRowEl.id = "bsw_ParamHeaderRow_" + key; headerRowEl.className = "bsw_ParamHeaderRow"; var paramHeaderEl = document.createElement("td"); paramHeaderEl.appendChild(document.createTextNode(bsw_HEADER_TEXT[key]['parameter'])); var paramValueHeaderEl = document.createElement("td"); paramValueHeaderEl.appendChild(document.createTextNode(bsw_HEADER_TEXT[key]['value'])); optionTbodyEl.appendChild(headerRowEl); headerRowEl.appendChild(paramHeaderEl); headerRowEl.appendChild(paramValueHeaderEl); /* Now add the parameter value rows */ callbacks = new Array(); for (var paramName in block.parameters) { var paramRowEl = document.createElement("tr"); var paramNameEl = document.createElement("td"); paramNameEl.appendChild(document.createTextNode(block.parameters[paramName]['description'])); paramRowEl.appendChild(paramNameEl); var paramValueEl = document.createElement("td"); var result = bsw_getValueElement(paramName, blockPref, block); paramValueEl.appendChild(result[0]); paramRowEl.appendChild(paramValueEl); optionTbodyEl.appendChild(paramRowEl); if (result[1]) { callbacks.push(result[1]); } } optionTableEl.appendChild(optionTbodyEl); blockOptionsEl.appendChild(optionTableEl); /* * If you set the state of a form widget before adding it to its outer container, IE * drops the state. So run callbacks at the end to set the state. */ for (var i in callbacks) { callbacks[i](); } bsw_updateVarOverrides(key, blockPref); } /** * Get the form element that is used to represent a specific block parameter * in the state that matches the album settings. * @param paramName The name of the parameter. * @param blockPref The block preference. * @param block The block definition. * @returns The form element for the parameter. */ function bsw_getValueElement(paramName, blockPref, block) { var prefValue = blockPref.parameters[paramName]; var useDefault = (prefValue == null); var defaultValue = block.parameters[paramName]['defaultValue']; var elementType = block.parameters[paramName]['type']; var callback; var returnElement; var id = block.key + "_prefValue_" + paramName; if (elementType == 'boolean') { returnElement = document.createElement("input"); returnElement.type = 'checkbox'; returnElement.checked = undefined; /* * The value is 'true' if it came from the original string, or true if * it's because the box was checked via the UI. */ if (prefValue == 'true' || prefValue == true) { callback = new Function('document.getElementById("' + id + '").checked = "checked";'); } returnElement.onchange = function() { bsw_updatePrefValue(block.key, elementType, this); }; } else if (elementType == 'choice') { returnElement = document.createElement("select"); var option; i = 0; for (var choice in block.parameters[paramName]['extra']) { option = document.createElement("option"); option.appendChild(document.createTextNode(choice)); option.value = choice; option.innerHTML = block.parameters[paramName]['extra'][choice]; returnElement.appendChild(option); if (choice == prefValue) { callback = new Function('document.getElementById("' + id + '").selectedIndex = ' + i + ';'); } i++; } returnElement.selectedIndex = -1; returnElement.onchange = function() { bsw_updatePrefValue(block.key, elementType, this); }; } else if (elementType == 'text') { returnElement = document.createElement("input"); returnElement.type = 'text'; callback = new Function('document.getElementById("' + id + '").value = "' + prefValue.replace(/\"/g, '\\"') + '";'); returnElement.value = prefValue; returnElement.onchange = function() { bsw_updatePrefValue(block.key, elementType, this); }; } returnElement.id = id; returnElement.blockPref = blockPref; return new Array(returnElement, callback); } /** * Update a value in a block preference to match what the user has done. * @param element The element that was updated. */ function bsw_updatePrefValue(key, varType, element) { var blockPref = element.blockPref; var paramName = element.id; /* * paramName is of the form <key>_prefValue_<paramName> but we just want the <paramName> part * so skip the first two underscores. */ paramName = paramName.substr(paramName.indexOf('_') + 1); paramName = paramName.substr(paramName.indexOf('_') + 1); var paramValue; if (varType == 'boolean') { paramValue = element.checked; } else if (varType == 'choice') { paramValue = element.options[element.selectedIndex].value; } else { /* text */ paramValue = element.value; } blockPref.setParameterValue(paramName, paramValue); bsw_updateAlbumBlockValue(key); bsw_updateVarOverrides(key, blockPref); } /** * Disable or enable any overridden parameters for a given blockpref. */ function bsw_updateVarOverrides(key, blockPref) { var block = bsw_WIDGET_BLOCKS[key][blockPref.blockId]; for (var paramName in block.parameters) { if (block.parameters[paramName]['type'] == 'boolean') { var currentValue = document.getElementById(key + "_prefValue_" + paramName).checked; for (var overrideName in block.parameters[paramName]['varOverrides']) { document.getElementById(key + "_prefValue_" + overrideName).disabled = currentValue; } } } } /** * Given a string value as stored in the gallery database, create block * preference objects with the supplied values. * @param stringValue The string representation of a block preference */ function bsw_createBlockPrefsFromString(key, stringValue) { /* First we need to remove any options in used block list */ var usedEl = document.getElementById("blocksUsedList_" + key); for (var i = usedEl.options.length - 1; i >= 0 ; i--) { usedEl.removeChild(usedEl.options[i]); } /* Now clear out the block array */ bsw_USER_BLOCKS[key] = new Array(); eval('var blockData = ' + stringValue); for (var i = 0; i < blockData.length; i++) { bsw_addUserBlockPreference(key, blockData[i][0], blockData[i][1]); } } /** * Look at the user blocks that have been selected and update the form element that * stores the string representation of them. */ function bsw_updateAlbumBlockValue(key) { var albumValueEl = document.getElementById("albumBlockValue_" + key); var newValue = '['; var count = 0; for (var i = 0; i < bsw_USER_BLOCK_POSITIONS[key].length; i++) { var blockPrefId = bsw_USER_BLOCK_POSITIONS[key][i]; var blockPref = bsw_USER_BLOCKS[key][blockPrefId]; /* * Write out blocks, but skip any that are undefined at this time. This can happen * when the old block string contained blocks that are no longer in the master list. */ if (bsw_WIDGET_BLOCKS[key][blockPref.blockId]) { if (count++) { newValue += ','; } newValue += blockPref.toString(); } } newValue += ']'; /* * Don't change it unless we really need to, to avoid unnecessarily * propagating onchange events which can lead to recursive calls back * to bsw_updateAlbumBlockValue() */ if (albumValueEl.value != newValue) { albumValueEl.value = newValue; if (albumValueEl.onchange) { bsw_UPDATE_LEVEL++; albumValueEl.onchange(); bsw_UPDATE_LEVEL--; } } }