File: Cropper.js
/* * Gallery - a web based photo album viewer and editor * Copyright (C) 2000-2007 Bharat Mediratta * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ /** * $Revision: 15513 $ */ /** * ================================================================================ * CropHandle * ================================================================================ */ CropHandle = function(image_id, frame_id, handle_id) { this.init(frame_id); this.setHandleElId(handle_id); this.image_region = YAHOO.util.Dom.getRegion(image_id); this.image_region.width = this.image_region.right - this.image_region.left; this.image_region.height = this.image_region.bottom - this.image_region.top; this.handle_region = YAHOO.util.Dom.getRegion(handle_id); this.handle_region.width = this.handle_region.right - this.handle_region.left; this.handle_region.height = this.handle_region.bottom - this.handle_region.top; } CropHandle.prototype = new YAHOO.util.DragDrop(); CropHandle.prototype.setFrame = function(frame) { this.frame = frame; } CropHandle.prototype.onMouseDown = function(e) { var panel = this.getEl(); this.startWidth = panel.offsetWidth; this.startHeight = panel.offsetHeight; this.startPos = [YAHOO.util.Event.getPageX(e), YAHOO.util.Event.getPageY(e)]; } CropHandle.prototype.onDrag = function(e) { var dragTo = [YAHOO.util.Event.getPageX(e), YAHOO.util.Event.getPageY(e)]; var deltaX = dragTo[0] - this.startPos[0]; var deltaY = dragTo[1] - this.startPos[1]; dims = this.frame.getDimensions(); this.frame.reshapeTo(dims.top, dims.left + this.startWidth + deltaX, dims.top + this.startHeight + deltaY, dims.left); this.frame.constrainLocation(true); this.frame.constrainShape(Math.abs(deltaX) > Math.abs(deltaY)); }; /** * ================================================================================ * CropFrame * ================================================================================ */ CropFrame = function(image_id, frame_id) { this.base = YAHOO.util.DD; this.base(frame_id); // Don't make the browser scroll if we drag off of the image to avoid flicker. this.scroll = false; this.frame_id = frame_id; this.aspectRatio = []; border = 0; raw_border = YAHOO.util.Dom.getStyle(frame_id, "border"); if (raw_border) { if (result = raw_border.match(/(\d+)/)) { border = result[0]; } } this.border = border; YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(this.frame_id, "dblclick", this.maximize, this); } CropFrame.prototype = new YAHOO.util.DD(); CropFrame.prototype.reshapeTo = function(top, right, bottom, left) { YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(this.frame_id, "width", (right - left) + "px"); YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(this.frame_id, "height", (bottom - top) + "px"); YAHOO.util.Dom.setXY(this.frame_id, [left, top]); } CropFrame.prototype.maximize = function(e, frame) { var image = frame.image.getDimensions(); var orig_dims = frame.getDimensions(); // Start by taking up the whole frame frame.reshapeTo(image.top, image.right, image.bottom, image.left); frame.constrainShape(true); // Try to stay close to the original location var new_dims = frame.getDimensions(); frame.reshapeTo(orig_dims.top, orig_dims.left + new_dims.width, orig_dims.top + new_dims.height, orig_dims.left); frame.constrainLocation(false); } CropFrame.prototype.constrainLocation = function(adjustSize) { var dims = this.getDimensions(); var image = this.image.getDimensions(); if (dims.top < image.top) { var delta = image.top - dims.top; dims.top = dims.top + delta; dims.bottom = dims.bottom + delta; } if (dims.right > image.right) { if (adjustSize) { dims.right = image.right; } else { var delta = image.right - dims.right; dims.left = dims.left + delta; dims.right = dims.right + delta; } } if (dims.bottom > image.bottom) { if (adjustSize) { dims.bottom = image.bottom; } else { var delta = image.bottom - dims.bottom; dims.top = dims.top + delta; dims.bottom = dims.bottom + delta; } } if (dims.left < image.left) { var delta = image.left - dims.left; dims.left = dims.left + delta; dims.right = dims.right + delta; } this.reshapeTo(dims.top, dims.right, dims.bottom, dims.left); } CropFrame.prototype.constrainShape = function(adjustHeight) { var dims = this.getDimensions(); var image = this.image.getDimensions(); var currentAspect = dims.width / top; if (currentAspect != this.aspectRatio) { if (adjustHeight) { dims.bottom = dims.top + dims.width / this.aspectRatio; } else { dims.right = dims.left + dims.height * this.aspectRatio; } } if (dims.bottom + this.border * 2 > image.bottom) { dims.bottom = image.bottom - this.border * 2; dims.height = dims.bottom - dims.top; dims.right = dims.left + dims.height * this.aspectRatio; } if (dims.right + this.border * 2 > image.right) { dims.right = image.right - this.border * 2; dims.width = dims.right - dims.left; dims.bottom = dims.top + dims.width / this.aspectRatio; } this.reshapeTo(dims.top, dims.right, dims.bottom, dims.left); } CropFrame.prototype.setAspectRatio = function(width, height) { this.aspectWidth = width; this.aspectHeight = height; this.aspectRatio = width / height; this.constrainShape(true); this.constrainLocation(true); this.constrainShape(false); this.constrainLocation(false); } CropFrame.prototype.setOrientation = function(orientation) { if (orientation != this.orientation) { if (this.orientation) { var dims = this.getDimensions(); this.reshapeTo(dims.top, dims.left + dims.height, dims.top + dims.width, dims.left); this.setAspectRatio(this.aspectHeight, this.aspectWidth); } this.orientation = orientation; } } CropFrame.prototype.setImage = function(image) { this.image = image; } CropFrame.prototype.getDimensions = function() { var dims = YAHOO.util.Dom.getRegion(this.frame_id); /* Account for the border */ dims.right = dims.right - this.border * 2; dims.bottom = dims.bottom - this.border * 2; dims.width = dims.right - dims.left; dims.height = dims.bottom - dims.top; return dims; } CropFrame.prototype.onDrag = function(e) { this.constrainLocation(false); } /** * ================================================================================ * CropImage * ================================================================================ */ CropImage = function(canvas_id, image_id, image_url, image_width, image_height) { this.image_id = image_id; var canvas_dims = YAHOO.util.Dom.getRegion(canvas_id); canvas_dims.width = canvas_dims.right - canvas_dims.left; canvas_dims.height = canvas_dims.bottom - canvas_dims.top; var aspect = image_width / image_height; var frame = {'width': image_width, 'height': image_height}; if (image_width > image_height) { if (image_width > canvas_dims.width) { frame.width = canvas_dims.width; frame.height = canvas_dims.width / aspect; } } else { if (image_height > canvas_dims.height) { frame.height = canvas_dims.height; frame.width = canvas_dims.height * aspect; } } frame.left = Math.round(canvas_dims.left + ((canvas_dims.width - frame.width) / 2)); frame.top = Math.round(canvas_dims.top + ((canvas_dims.height - frame.height) / 2)); this.scale = frame.width / image_width; var image_el = document.getElementById(image_id); YAHOO.util.Dom.setXY(image_id, [frame.left, frame.top]); YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(image_id, "width", frame.width + "px"); YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(image_id, "height", frame.height + "px"); image_el.src = image_url; } CropImage.prototype.getDimensions = function() { var dims = YAHOO.util.Dom.getRegion(this.image_id); dims.width = dims.right - dims.left; dims.height = dims.bottom - dims.top; return dims; } CropImage.prototype.getScale = function() { return this.scale; } /** * ================================================================================ * Cropper * ================================================================================ */ Cropper = function(image, frame, handle) { this.image = image; this.frame = frame; this.handle = handle; this.frame.setImage(image); this.handle.setFrame(this.frame); this.frame.addInvalidHandleId(this.handle.handleElId); } Cropper.prototype.getFrameDimensions = function() { var frame_dims = this.frame.getDimensions(); var image_dims = this.image.getDimensions(); var scale = this.image.getScale(); dims = { 'top': Math.round((frame_dims.top - image_dims.top) / scale), 'right': Math.round((frame_dims.right - image_dims.left) / scale), 'bottom': Math.round((frame_dims.bottom - image_dims.top) / scale), 'left': Math.round((frame_dims.left - image_dims.left) / scale), 'width': Math.round(frame_dims.width / scale), 'height': Math.round(frame_dims.height / scale) }; return dims; } Cropper.prototype.resetFrame = function() { this.setFrameDimensions(this.origDimensions[0], this.origDimensions[1], this.origDimensions[2], this.origDimensions[3]); } Cropper.prototype.setFrameDimensions = function(top, right, bottom, left) { this.origDimensions = [top, right, bottom, left]; var scale = this.image.getScale(); var image_dims = this.image.getDimensions(); var top = image_dims.top + top * scale; var right = image_dims.left + right * scale; var bottom = image_dims.top + bottom * scale; var left = image_dims.left + left * scale; this.frame.reshapeTo(top, right, bottom, left); this.frame.setAspectRatio(right - left, bottom - top); } Cropper.prototype.setAspectRatio = function(width, height) { this.frame.setAspectRatio(width, height); } Cropper.prototype.setOrientation = function(orientation) { this.frame.setOrientation(orientation); }