File: ErrorPage.inc
<?php /* * Gallery - a web based photo album viewer and editor * Copyright (C) 2000-2007 Bharat Mediratta * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ /** * This view prepares all the information the theme requires to render an error page. * @package GalleryCore * @subpackage UserInterface * @author Bharat Mediratta <bharat@menalto.com> * @version $Revision: 15706 $ */ class ErrorPageView extends GalleryView { function setError($error) { $this->_error = $error; } /** * @see GalleryView::getViewType */ function getViewType() { return VIEW_TYPE_ERROR; } /** * @see GalleryView::loadTemplate */ function loadTemplate(&$template, &$form) { global $gallery; list ($ret, $isAdmin) = GalleryCoreApi::isUserInSiteAdminGroup(); $ErrorPage = array('isAdmin' => !$ret && $isAdmin); $showDetails = $ErrorPage['isAdmin'] || $gallery->getDebug(); if (empty($this->_error)) { $session =& $gallery->getSession(); $errorCode = $session->get('core.error.code'); $errorTrace = $session->get('core.error.trace'); } else { $errorCode = $this->_error->getErrorCode(); $errorTrace = $this->_error->getAsHtml($showDetails); } if ($showDetails) { $ErrorPage['stackTrace'] = $errorTrace; } /* Landing page for errors */ if ($errorCode & ERROR_OBSOLETE_DATA) { $ErrorPage['code']['obsoleteData'] = true; } if ($errorCode & (ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED | ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER)) { $ErrorPage['code']['securityViolation'] = true; } if ($errorCode & ERROR_STORAGE_FAILURE) { $ErrorPage['code']['storageFailure'] = true; } if ($errorCode & ERROR_PLATFORM_FAILURE) { $ErrorPage['code']['platformFailure'] = true; } if ($errorCode & ERROR_MISSING_OBJECT) { $ErrorPage['code']['missingObject'] = true; } if ($errorCode & ERROR_REQUEST_FORGED) { $ErrorPage['code']['requestAuthenticationFailure'] = true; } if ($ErrorPage['isAdmin']) { $ErrorPage['phpversion'] = phpversion(); $ErrorPage['php_uname'] = php_uname(); $ErrorPage['php_sapi_name'] = php_sapi_name(); $ErrorPage['webserver'] = GalleryUtilities::getServerVar('SERVER_SOFTWARE'); $ErrorPage['browser'] = GalleryUtilities::getServerVar('HTTP_USER_AGENT'); if ($gallery->isStorageInitialized()) { $storage =& $gallery->getStorage(); $ErrorPage['dbType'] = $storage->getAdoDbType(); $ErrorPage['dbVersion'] = @$storage->getVersion(); list ($ret, $list) = GalleryCoreApi::getToolkitOperationMimeTypes('thumbnail'); if (!$ret) { $toolkitList = array(); foreach ($list as $tmp) { $toolkitList = array_merge($toolkitList, $tmp); } $ErrorPage['toolkits'] = implode(', ', array_unique($toolkitList)); } } GalleryCoreApi::requireOnce('modules/core/module.inc'); $installedVersions = CoreModule::getInstalledVersions(); $ErrorPage['version'] = $installedVersions['gallery']; } $template->javascript('lib/javascript/BlockToggle.js'); $template->setVariable('ErrorPage', $ErrorPage); return array(null, array('body' => 'modules/core/templates/ErrorPage.tpl')); } /** * Entry point from main.php * * @param object GalleryStatus $error * @param mixed $g2Data GalleryMain result, if available * @param boolean $initOk false if Gallery has not initialized (can't use theme system) * @static */ function errorHandler($error, $g2Data=null, $initOk=true) { global $gallery; $failsafe = false; if (!$initOk) { $failsafe = true; } /* Post Gallery::Error event */ $event = GalleryCoreApi::newEvent('Gallery::Error'); $event->setData(array('error' => $error)); list ($ret, $eventResults) = GalleryCoreApi::postEvent($event); if ($ret) { $failsafe = true; } /* Return HTTP 404 status for ERROR_MISSING_OBJECT */ if ($error->getErrorCode() & ERROR_MISSING_OBJECT) { GalleryUtilities::setResponseHeader('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found', false); } else { GalleryUtilities::setResponseHeader('HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error', false); } foreach ($eventResults as $eventResult) { if (!empty($eventResult['suppressBody'])) { /* One of our error handlers has dealt with the output */ return; } } if (!$failsafe) { list ($ret, $themeId) = GalleryCoreApi::getPluginParameter('module', 'core', 'default.theme'); if ($ret) { $failsafe = true; } } if (!$failsafe) { list ($ret, $theme) = GalleryCoreApi::loadPlugin('theme', $themeId); if ($ret) { $failsafe = true; } $templateAdapter =& $gallery->getTemplateAdapter(); $templateAdapter->setTheme($theme); } if (!$failsafe) { list ($ret, $view) = GalleryView::loadView('core.ErrorPage'); if ($ret) { $failsafe = true; } } if (!$failsafe) { $dummyForm = array(); GalleryCoreApi::requireOnce('modules/core/classes/GalleryTemplate.class'); $template = new GalleryTemplate(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))); $view->setError($error); list ($ret, $results) = $view->loadTemplate($template, $dummyForm); if ($ret) { $failsafe = true; } $t =& $template->getVariableByReference('theme'); $t['errorTemplate'] = $results['body']; } if (!$failsafe) { $template->setVariable('l10Domain', 'modules_core'); list ($ret, $templatePath) = $theme->showErrorPage($template); if ($ret) { $failsafe = true; } } if (!$failsafe) { $template->setVariable('l10Domain', 'themes_' . $themeId); $ret = $template->display("themes/$themeId/templates/$templatePath"); if ($ret) { $failsafe = true; } } if ($failsafe) { /* A catastrophic failure has occurred so just dump the error out to the browser */ print '<h2>Error</h2>' . $error->getAsHtml($gallery->getDebug()); if ($gallery->getDebug() == 'buffered') { print '<h3>Debug Output</h3><pre>' . $gallery->getDebugBuffer() . '</pre>'; } } } } ?>