File: ItemAdd.inc
<?php /* * Gallery - a web based photo album viewer and editor * Copyright (C) 2000-2007 Bharat Mediratta * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ /** * This controller will handle the addition of new items in the gallery * @package GalleryCore * @subpackage UserInterface * @author Bharat Mediratta <bharat@menalto.com> * @version $Revision: 15513 $ */ class ItemAddController extends GalleryController { /** * ItemAddOption instances to use when handling this request. Only used by test code. * * @var array (optionId => object ItemAddOption) $_optionInstances * @access private */ var $_optionInstances; /** * Tests can use this method to hardwire a specific set of option instances to use. * This avoids situations where some of the option instances will do unpredictable * things and derail the tests. * * @param array $optionInstances (optionId => ItemAddOption, ...) */ function setOptionInstances($optionInstances) { $this->_optionInstances = $optionInstances; } /** * @see GalleryController::handleRequest */ function handleRequest($form) { global $gallery; list ($itemId, $addPlugin) = GalleryUtilities::getRequestVariables('itemId', 'addPlugin'); /* Make sure we have permission to add to this item */ $ret = GalleryCoreApi::assertHasItemPermission($itemId, 'core.addDataItem'); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } list ($ret, $item) = GalleryCoreApi::loadEntitiesById($itemId); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } list ($ret, $lockId) = GalleryCoreApi::acquireReadLock($item->getId()); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } /* Load the correct add plugin */ list ($ret, $plugin) = GalleryCoreApi::newFactoryInstanceById('ItemAddPlugin', $addPlugin); if ($ret) { GalleryCoreApi::releaseLocks($lockId); return array($ret, null); } if (!isset($plugin)) { GalleryCoreApi::releaseLocks($lockId); return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER), null); } list ($ret, $error, $status) = $plugin->handleRequest($form, $item); if ($ret) { GalleryCoreApi::releaseLocks($lockId); return array($ret, null); } if (empty($error) && isset($status['addedFiles'])) { if (isset($this->_optionInstances)) { $optionInstances = $this->_optionInstances; } else { list ($ret, $optionInstances) = ItemAddOption::getAllAddOptions(); if ($ret) { GalleryCoreApi::releaseLocks($lockId); return array($ret, null); } } $addedItems = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($status['addedFiles']); $i++) { $file =& $status['addedFiles'][$i]; if (empty($file['id'])) { /* we couldn't add this file for whatever reason. move on */ continue; } list ($ret, $addedItem) = GalleryCoreApi::loadEntitiesById($file['id']); if ($ret) { GalleryCoreApi::releaseLocks($lockId); return array($ret, null); } /* Check if we should extract individual files out of an archive */ $toolkit = null; if (GalleryUtilities::isA($addedItem, 'GalleryDataItem')) { list ($ret, $toolkit) = GalleryCoreApi::getToolkitByOperation($addedItem->getMimeType(), 'extract'); if ($ret) { GalleryCoreApi::releaseLocks($lockId); return array($ret, null); } } if (isset($toolkit)) { list ($ret, $addedFiles) = $this->_extractAndAddFiles($addedItem, $toolkit); if ($ret) { GalleryCoreApi::releaseLocks($lockId); return array($ret, null); } $ret = GalleryCoreApi::deleteEntityById($addedItem->getId()); if ($ret) { GalleryCoreApi::releaseLocks($lockId); return array($ret, null); } unset($status['addedFiles'][$i--]); $status['addedFiles'] = array_merge($status['addedFiles'], $addedFiles); } else { /* This is not an archive, add it to our array of item objects */ $addedItems[$i] = $addedItem; } } /* Allow ItemAddOptions to process added item(s) */ foreach ($optionInstances as $option) { list ($ret, $optionErrors, $optionWarnings) = $option->handleRequestAfterAdd($form, $addedItems); if ($ret) { GalleryCoreApi::releaseLocks($lockId); return array($ret, null); } $error = array_merge($error, $optionErrors); /* for each item, put the items warnings into our status array */ foreach ($optionWarnings as $j => $messages) { if (!isset($status['addedFiles'][$j]['warnings'])) { $status['addedFiles'][$j]['warnings'] = array(); } $status['addedFiles'][$j]['warnings'] = array_merge($status['addedFiles'][$j]['warnings'], $messages); } } $results['redirect'] = array('view' => 'core.ItemAdmin', 'subView' => 'core.ItemAddConfirmation', 'itemId' => $item->getId()); } else { $results['delegate']['view'] = 'core.ItemAdmin'; $results['delegate']['subView'] = 'core.ItemAdd'; $results['delegate']['addPlugin'] = $addPlugin; } $ret = GalleryCoreApi::releaseLocks($lockId); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } $results['status'] = $status; $results['error'] = $error; return array(null, $results); } /** * Extract files from an archive item and add new items to the same album. * @param object GalleryDataItem $archiveItem archive * @param object GalleryToolkit $toolkit toolkit that supports extract operation * @return array object GalleryStatus a status code * array of array('fileName' => '..', 'id' => ##, 'warnings' => array of string) * @access private */ function _extractAndAddFiles($archiveItem, $toolkit) { global $gallery; $this->_platform =& $gallery->getPlatform(); list ($ret, $file) = $archiveItem->fetchPath(); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } $base = $this->_platform->tempnam($gallery->getConfig('data.gallery.tmp'), 'tmp_'); $tmpDir = $base . '.dir'; if (!$this->_platform->mkdir($tmpDir)) { return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_PLATFORM_FAILURE), null); } list ($ret) = $toolkit->performOperation($archiveItem->getMimeType(), 'extract', $file, $tmpDir, array()); if ($ret) { @$this->_platform->recursiveRmdir($tmpDir); @$this->_platform->unlink($base); return array($ret, null); } /* * If archive title matches the filename or base filename then name new items * with the same strategy; otherwise just use the archive title. */ $archiveTitle = $archiveItem->getTitle(); $archiveName = $archiveItem->getPathComponent(); list ($archiveBase) = GalleryUtilities::getFileNameComponents($archiveName); if ($archiveTitle == $archiveName) { $titleMode = 'file'; } else if ($archiveTitle == $archiveBase) { $titleMode = 'base'; } else { $titleMode = 'archive'; } $addedFiles = array(); $ret = $this->_recursiveAddDir( $tmpDir, $archiveItem->getParentId(), $addedFiles, $archiveItem, $titleMode); @$this->_platform->recursiveRmdir($tmpDir); @$this->_platform->unlink($base); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } return array(null, $addedFiles); } /** * Recursively add files from extracted archive. * @return object GalleryStatus a status code * @access private */ function _recursiveAddDir($dir, $parentId, &$addedFiles, &$archiveItem, $titleMode) { $list = array(); $dh = $this->_platform->opendir($dir); while (($file = $this->_platform->readdir($dh)) !== false) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') { $list[] = $file; } } $this->_platform->closedir($dh); foreach ($list as $filename) { $path = "$dir/$filename"; if ($this->_platform->is_dir($path)) { list ($ret, $album) = GalleryCoreApi::createAlbum($parentId, $filename, $filename, '', '', ''); if ($ret) { return $ret; } $ret = GalleryCoreApi::addUserPermission($album->getId(), $album->getOwnerId(), 'core.all', false); if ($ret) { return $ret; } list ($ret, $lockId) = GalleryCoreApi::acquireReadLock($album->getId()); if ($ret) { return $ret; } $ret = $this->_recursiveAddDir($path, $album->getId(), $addedFiles, $archiveItem, $titleMode); if ($ret) { GalleryCoreApi::releaseLocks($lockId); return $ret; } $ret = GalleryCoreApi::releaseLocks($lockId); if ($ret) { return $ret; } continue; } $extension = GalleryUtilities::getFileExtension($filename); list ($ret, $mimeType) = GalleryCoreApi::convertExtensionToMime($extension); if ($ret) { $mimeType = 'application/unknown'; } if ($titleMode == 'file') { $title = $filename; } else if ($titleMode == 'base') { list ($title) = GalleryUtilities::getFileNameComponents($filename); } else { $title = $archiveItem->getTitle(); } list ($ret, $newItem) = GalleryCoreApi::addItemToAlbum( $path, $filename, $title, $archiveItem->getSummary(), $archiveItem->getDescription(), $mimeType, $parentId); if ($ret) { return $ret; } $addedFiles[] = array('fileName' => $filename, 'id' => $newItem->getId(), 'warnings' => array()); } return null; } } /** * This view will show the selected plugin for adding items to the gallery */ class ItemAddView extends GalleryView { /** * @see GalleryView::loadTemplate */ function loadTemplate(&$template, &$form) { global $gallery; list ($itemId, $addPlugin) = GalleryUtilities::getRequestVariables('itemId', 'addPlugin'); /* Make sure we have permission to add to this item */ $ret = GalleryCoreApi::assertHasItemPermission($itemId, 'core.addDataItem'); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } list ($ret, $isAdmin) = GalleryCoreApi::isUserInSiteAdminGroup(); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } list ($ret, $item) = GalleryCoreApi::loadEntitiesById($itemId); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } /* Get all the add plugins */ list ($ret, $allPluginIds) = GalleryCoreApi::getAllFactoryImplementationIds('ItemAddPlugin'); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } $pluginInstances = array(); foreach (array_keys($allPluginIds) as $pluginId) { list ($ret, $plugin) = GalleryCoreApi::newFactoryInstanceById('ItemAddPlugin', $pluginId); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } list ($ret, $isAppropriate) = $plugin->isAppropriate(); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } if ($isAppropriate) { $pluginInstances[$pluginId] = $plugin; } } /* Get all the add options */ list ($ret, $optionInstances) = ItemAddOption::getAllAddOptions(); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } /* * If the plugin is empty get it from the session. If it's empty there, * default to the first plugin we find. Either way, save the user's * preference in the session. */ $session =& $gallery->getSession(); $addPluginSessionKey = 'core.view.ItemAdd.addPlugin.' . get_class($item); if (empty($addPlugin) || !isset($pluginInstances[$addPlugin])) { $addPlugin = $session->get($addPluginSessionKey); if (empty($addPlugin) || !isset($pluginInstances[$addPlugin])) { $ids = array_keys($pluginInstances); $addPlugin = $ids[0]; } } $session->put($addPluginSessionKey, $addPlugin); /* Get display data for all plugins */ $plugins = array(); foreach ($pluginInstances as $pluginId => $plugin) { list ($ret, $title) = $plugin->getTitle(); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } $plugins[] = array('title' => $title, 'id' => $pluginId, 'isSelected' => ($pluginId == $addPlugin)); } $ItemAdd = array(); $ItemAdd['addPlugin'] = $addPlugin; $ItemAdd['plugins'] = $plugins; $ItemAdd['isAdmin'] = $isAdmin; /* Let the plugin load its template data */ list ($ret, $ItemAdd['pluginFile'], $ItemAdd['pluginL10Domain']) = $pluginInstances[$addPlugin]->loadTemplate($template, $form, $item); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } /* Now let all options load their template data */ $ItemAdd['options'] = array(); foreach ($optionInstances as $option) { list ($ret, $entry['file'], $entry['l10Domain']) = $option->loadTemplate($template, $form, $item); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } if (!empty($entry['file'])) { $ItemAdd['options'][] = $entry; } } /* Make sure that we've got some toolkits */ list ($ret, $operations) = GalleryCoreApi::getToolkitOperations('image/jpeg'); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } $ItemAdd['hasToolkit'] = false; for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($operations); $i++) { if ($operations[$i]['name'] == 'thumbnail') { $ItemAdd['hasToolkit'] = true; break; } } $template->setVariable('ItemAdd', $ItemAdd); $template->setVariable('controller', 'core.ItemAdd'); return array(null, array('body' => 'modules/core/templates/ItemAdd.tpl')); } /** * @see GalleryView::getViewDescription */ function getViewDescription() { list ($ret, $core) = GalleryCoreApi::loadPlugin('module', 'core'); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } return array(null, $core->translate('add items')); } } /** * Interface for plugins to the ItemAdd view and controller. * Plugins provide alternate ways to add items into Gallery. * @abstract */ class ItemAddPlugin { /** * Load the template with data from this plugin * @see GalleryView::loadTemplate * * @param object GalleryTemplate $template * @param array $form the form values * @param object GalleryItem $item * @return array object GalleryStatus a status code * string the path to a template file to include * string localization domain for the template file */ function loadTemplate(&$template, &$form, $item) { return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_UNIMPLEMENTED), null, null); } /** * Let the plugin handle the incoming request * @see GalleryController::handleRequest * * @param array $form the form values * @param object GalleryItem $item * @return array object GalleryStatus a status code * array error messages * array status data, 'addedFiles' entry should contain: * array(array('fileName' => '...', 'id' => ##, * 'warnings' => array of strings), ...) */ function handleRequest($form, &$item) { return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_UNIMPLEMENTED), null, null); } /** * Return a localized title for this plugin, suitable for display to the user * * @return array object GalleryStatus a status code * return-array (same as GalleryController::handleRequest) */ function getTitle() { return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_UNIMPLEMENTED), null); } /** * Is this plugin appropriate at this time? Default is true. * * @return array object GalleryStatus a status code * boolean true or false */ function isAppropriate() { return array(null, true); } } /** * Interface for options to the ItemAdd view and controller. * Options allow us to provide extra UI in the views and extra processing in the controller so * that we can add new functionality like watermarking, quotas, etc to every ItemAddPlugin * @abstract */ class ItemAddOption { /** * Return all the available option plugins * * @return array object GalleryStatus a status code * array object ItemAddOption instances * @static */ function getAllAddOptions() { /* Get all the option plugins */ list ($ret, $allOptionIds) = GalleryCoreApi::getAllFactoryImplementationIds('ItemAddOption'); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } $optionInstances = array(); foreach (array_keys($allOptionIds) as $optionId) { list ($ret, $option) = GalleryCoreApi::newFactoryInstanceById('ItemAddOption', $optionId); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } list ($ret, $isAppropriate) = $option->isAppropriate(); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } if ($isAppropriate) { $optionInstances[$optionId] = $option; } } return array(null, $optionInstances); } /** * Load the template with data from this plugin * @see GalleryView::loadTemplate * * @param object GalleryTemplate $template * @param array $form the form values * @param object GalleryItem $item * @return array object GalleryStatus a status code * string the path to a template file to include * string localization domain for the template file */ function loadTemplate(&$template, &$form, $item) { return array(null, null, null); } /** * Let the plugin handle the incoming request. We expect the $items to be locked. * @see GalleryController::handleRequest * * @param array $form the form values * @param array $items GalleryDataItems * @return array object GalleryStatus a status code * array localized error messages * array localized warning messages */ function handleRequestAfterAdd($form, $items) { return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_UNIMPLEMENTED), null, null); } /** * Is this option appropriate at this time? * * @return array object GalleryStatus a status code * boolean true or false */ function isAppropriate() { return array(null, false); } } ?>