File: GalleryDataCache.class
<?php /* * Gallery - a web based photo album viewer and editor * Copyright (C) 2000-2007 Bharat Mediratta * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ /** * Utility class for caching data * * Very useful in the case where retrieving or building data sets is expensive, and the data * doesn't change during the lifetime of the request. This class serves as a hash table where * any data class can store and retrieve cached data. * * @package GalleryCore * @subpackage Classes * @author Bharat Mediratta <bharat@menalto.com> * @version $Revision: 16011 $ * @static */ class GalleryDataCache { /** * Get the static cache * * @return array the cache * @staticvar cache the singleton cache * @access private */ function &_getCache() { static $cache; if (!isset($cache)) { $cache['maxKeys'] = 300; $cache['positions'] = array(); $cache['latestPosition'] = 0; $cache['keys'] = array(); $cache['protected'] = array(); $cache['memoryCacheEnabled'] = 1; $cache['fileCacheEnabled'] = 1; } return $cache; } /** * Is in-memory caching enabled? * @return boolean true if it's enabled */ function isMemoryCachingEnabled() { $cache =& GalleryDataCache::_getCache(); return $cache['memoryCacheEnabled']; } /** * Turn in-memory caching on or off * @param boolean $bool */ function setMemoryCachingEnabled($bool) { $cache =& GalleryDataCache::_getCache(); $cache['memoryCacheEnabled'] = $bool; } /** * Store data in the cache * You must provide a unique key. Existing keys are overwritten. * * @param string $key * @param mixed $data * @param boolean $protected should this key survive a reset call? */ function put($key, $data, $protected=false) { $cache =& GalleryDataCache::_getCache(); if (!$cache['memoryCacheEnabled']) { return; } $cache['keys'][$key] = $data; if ($protected) { $cache['protected'][$key] = 1; } else { $cache['positions'][$key] = $cache['latestPosition']++; } if ($cache['latestPosition'] % 150 == 0) { GalleryDataCache::_performMaintenance(); } } /** * Remove data from the cache * @param string $key */ function remove($key) { $cache =& GalleryDataCache::_getCache(); if (!$cache['memoryCacheEnabled']) { return; } unset($cache['positions'][$key]); unset($cache['keys'][$key]); unset($cache['protected'][$key]); } /** * Remove data from the cache * @param string $pattern regexp */ function removeByPattern($pattern) { $cache =& GalleryDataCache::_getCache(); if (!$cache['memoryCacheEnabled']) { return; } foreach (preg_grep("/$pattern/", array_keys($cache['keys'])) as $key) { unset($cache['positions'][$key]); unset($cache['keys'][$key]); unset($cache['protected'][$key]); } } /** * Store a reference to the data in the cache * * You must provide a unique key. Existing keys are overwritten. * * @param string $key * @param mixed $data * @param boolean $protected (optional) should this key survive a reset call? */ function putByReference($key, &$data, $protected=false) { $cache =& GalleryDataCache::_getCache(); if (!$cache['memoryCacheEnabled']) { return; } $cache['keys'][$key] =& $data; if ($protected) { $cache['protected'][$key] = 1; } else { $cache['positions'][$key] = $cache['latestPosition']++; } if ($cache['latestPosition'] % 150 == 0) { GalleryDataCache::_performMaintenance(); } } /** * Perform some pruning of our cache to prevent it from growing too large when we're doing * exceptionally long operations like adding many items in one request. * * @access private */ function _performMaintenance() { $cache =& GalleryDataCache::_getCache(); $numToExpire = sizeof($cache['positions']) - $cache['maxKeys']; if ($numToExpire > 0) { asort($cache['positions']); foreach ($cache['positions'] as $key => $position) { unset($cache['keys'][$key]); unset($cache['positions'][$key]); if ($numToExpire-- == 0) { break; } } } } /** * Retrieve data from the cache * @param string $key * @return mixed the cached data */ function get($key) { $cache =& GalleryDataCache::_getCache(); if (!$cache['memoryCacheEnabled']) { return null; } if (!isset($cache['protected'][$key])) { $cache['positions'][$key] = $cache['latestPosition']++; } return $cache['keys'][$key]; } /** * Does the cache contain the key specified? * @param string $key * @return boolean true if the cache contains the key given */ function containsKey($key) { $cache =& GalleryDataCache::_getCache(); if (!$cache['memoryCacheEnabled']) { return false; } return isset($cache['keys'][$key]); } /** * Return all the keys in the cache * @return array string keys */ function getAllKeys() { $cache =& GalleryDataCache::_getCache(); if (!$cache['memoryCacheEnabled']) { return array(); } return array_keys($cache['keys']); } /** * Empty the cache of all but protected entries * @param boolean $purgeProtected (optional) purge protected also? */ function reset($purgeProtected=false) { $cache =& GalleryDataCache::_getCache(); if (!$cache['memoryCacheEnabled']) { return; } if ($purgeProtected) { $cache['positions'] = array(); $cache['keys'] = array(); } else { foreach (array_keys($cache['keys']) as $key) { if (!isset($cache['protected'][$key])) { unset($cache['positions'][$key]); unset($cache['keys'][$key]); } } } } /** * Is caching to disk enabled? * @return boolean */ function &isFileCachingEnabled() { $cache =& GalleryDataCache::_getCache(); return $cache['fileCacheEnabled']; } /** * Turn caching to disk on or off * @param boolean $bool */ function setFileCachingEnabled($bool) { $cache =& GalleryDataCache::_getCache(); $cache['fileCacheEnabled'] = $bool; } /** * Get the file from disk. PathInfo is of the form that can be passed to getCachePath * @see GalleryDataCache::getCachePath * @param array $pathInfo the path info * @return mixed object data */ function &getFromDisk($pathInfo) { $null = null; $cache =& GalleryDataCache::_getCache(); if (!$cache['fileCacheEnabled']) { return $null; } global $gallery; $platform =& $gallery->getPlatform(); $cacheFile = GalleryDataCache::getCachePath($pathInfo); if ($platform->file_exists($cacheFile) && $buf = $platform->file_get_contents($cacheFile)) { /* Parse the cache file */ $marker = strcspn($buf, '|'); foreach (explode(',', substr($buf, 0, $marker)) as $classFile) { if ($classFile) { GalleryCoreApi::requireOnce($classFile); } } $data = unserialize(substr($buf, $marker+1)); return $data; } return $null; } /** * Remove the cache file from disk. PathInfo is of the form that can be passed to getCachePath * @see GalleryDataCache::getCachePath * @param array $pathInfo the path info */ function removeFromDisk($pathInfo) { $cache =& GalleryDataCache::_getCache(); if (!$cache['fileCacheEnabled']) { return null; } global $gallery; $platform =& $gallery->getPlatform(); if ($pathInfo['type'] == 'entity' || $pathInfo['type'] == 'derivative-meta' || $pathInfo['type'] == 'module-data' || isset($pathInfo['id'])) { $cacheFile = GalleryDataCache::getCachePath($pathInfo); if ($platform->file_exists($cacheFile)) { if ($platform->is_dir($cacheFile)) { $platform->recursiveRmDir($cacheFile); } else { $platform->unlink($cacheFile); } } } else { if ($pathInfo['type'] == 'module' || $pathInfo['type'] == 'theme') { list ($ret, $pluginStatus) = GalleryCoreApi::fetchPluginStatus($pathInfo['type']); if ($ret) { return $ret; } foreach (array_keys($pluginStatus) as $pluginId) { GalleryDataCache::removeFromDisk(array('type' => $pathInfo['type'], 'id' => $pluginId, 'itemId' => $pathInfo['itemId'])); } } } } /** * Put the specified data into a cache file from disk. PathInfo is of the form that can * be passed to getCachePath. * * @param array $pathInfo the path info * @param mixed $data the object data * @param array $requiredClasses classes that must be loaded in order to retrieve this data * @see GalleryDataCache::getCachePath */ function putToDisk($pathInfo, &$data, $requiredClasses=array()) { $cache =& GalleryDataCache::_getCache(); if (!$cache['fileCacheEnabled']) { return; } global $gallery; $cacheFile = GalleryDataCache::getCachePath($pathInfo); $platform =& $gallery->getPlatform(); GalleryUtilities::guaranteeDirExists(dirname($cacheFile)); /* This will either succeed, or leave no trace of its attempt. */ $platform->atomicWrite( $cacheFile, implode(',', $requiredClasses) . "|" . serialize($data)); } /** * For a given id, return a tuple with the breakdown of the id. The caching mechanism uses * this to determine where in the cache tree to place the file. The breakdown happens * according to the digits of the id. The first element returned is the hundreds digit, * the second element is the tens digit. * * 0..9 => 0, 0 * 10..19 => 0, 1 * 20..29 => 0, 2 * ... * 100..109 => 1, 0 * 110..119 => 1, 1 * * @param int $id * @return array the tuple */ function getCacheTuple($id) { $id = "$id"; if ($id > 100) { return array($id[0], $id[1]); } else if ($id > 10) { return array('0', $id[0]); } else { return array('0', '0'); } } /** * Given a path info descriptor, return the path to the appropriate cache file. * * Path info contains the following variables: * type: entity, derivative, derivative-meta, module, theme * itemId: the item id * id: (module, theme only) a refinement of the type * * @return string the path */ function getCachePath($pathInfo) { global $gallery; $base = $gallery->getConfig('data.gallery.cache'); $cacheFile = null; switch ($pathInfo['type']) { case 'entity': list ($first, $second) = GalleryDataCache::getCacheTuple($pathInfo['itemId']); $cacheFile = sprintf('%sentity/%s/%s/%d.inc', $base, $first, $second, $pathInfo['itemId']); break; case 'derivative': list ($first, $second) = GalleryDataCache::getCacheTuple($pathInfo['itemId']); $cacheFile = sprintf('%sderivative/%s/%s/%d.dat', $base, $first, $second, $pathInfo['itemId']); break; case 'derivative-relative': list ($first, $second) = GalleryDataCache::getCacheTuple($pathInfo['itemId']); $cacheFile = sprintf('derivative/%s/%s/%d.dat', $first, $second, $pathInfo['itemId']); break; case 'derivative-meta': list ($first, $second) = GalleryDataCache::getCacheTuple($pathInfo['itemId']); $cacheFile = sprintf('%sderivative/%s/%s/%d-meta.inc', $base, $first, $second, $pathInfo['itemId']); break; case 'fast-download': list ($first, $second) = GalleryDataCache::getCacheTuple($pathInfo['itemId']); $cacheFile = sprintf('%sentity/%s/%s/%d-fast.inc', $base, $first, $second, $pathInfo['itemId']); break; case 'module': case 'theme': if (isset($pathInfo['id'])) { if (strstr($pathInfo['id'], '..') !== false) { $pathInfo['id'] = '0'; } if (isset($pathInfo['itemId'])) { if (strstr($pathInfo['itemId'], '..') !== false) { $pathInfo['itemId'] = '0'; } list ($first, $second) = GalleryDataCache::getCacheTuple($pathInfo['itemId']); $cacheFile = sprintf('%s%s/%s/%s/%s/%s.inc', $base, $pathInfo['type'], $pathInfo['id'], $first, $second, $pathInfo['itemId']); } else { $cacheFile = sprintf('%s%s/%s', $base, $pathInfo['type'], $pathInfo['id']); } } break; case 'module-data': if (strstr($pathInfo['module'], '..') !== false) { $pathInfo['module'] = '0'; } if (isset($pathInfo['itemId'])) { list ($first, $second) = GalleryDataCache::getCacheTuple($pathInfo['itemId']); /* $itemId is overloaded here; sanitize it so that it only accepts [0-9A-Za-z_]+ */ $itemId = preg_replace('/[^0-9A-Za-z_]/', '_', $pathInfo['itemId']); $cacheFile = sprintf('%s%s/%s/%s/%s/%s.dat', $base, 'module', $pathInfo['module'], $first, $second, $itemId); } else { $cacheFile = sprintf('%s%s/%s/', $base, 'module', $pathInfo['module']); } break; } return $cacheFile; } /** * Store the given permission => ids mapping in the session cache * @param mixed $ids item ids (can be an array of ids or a single id) * @param string $permission */ function cachePermissions($ids, $permission) { global $gallery; $session =& $gallery->getSession(); if (!isset($session)) { /* No session means we've got no cache */ return; } if (!is_array($ids)) { $ids = array($ids); } $permissions = $session->get('permissionCache'); /* * We want to put all the permissions that we cache in this request into one entry in * the session. However we're going to get several separate requests. So start by * pruning down the total number of cached permission sets, then create a new set * and add all cached values to that. */ static $initialized; if (!isset($initialized)) { if (!isset($permissions)) { $permissions = array(); } array_unshift($permissions, array()); /* Trim down the cache */ $max = 6; if (sizeof($permissions) > $max) { array_splice($permissions, -1, sizeof($permissions) - $max); } $initialized = 1; } $cacheKey = 'GalleryDataCache::cachePermissions::newEntries'; if (GalleryDataCache::containsKey($cacheKey)) { $newEntries = GalleryDataCache::get($cacheKey); } else { $newEntries = 0; } /* Make sure the session permission cache is not too large */ $maxEntries = 40; /* Add our new data to the head of the list */ while (($id = array_shift($ids)) && $maxEntries > $newEntries++) { $permissions[0][$permission][$id] = 1; } GalleryDataCache::put($cacheKey, $newEntries); $session->put('permissionCache', $permissions); } /** * Look up the given permission in the cache. Return true if the permission * exists in the cache, false if it doesn't. A return of false doesn't mean * that the user doesn't have the permission -- just that it's not in the * cache. * * @param int $id the item id * @param string $permission * @return boolean */ function hasPermission($id, $permission) { global $gallery; $session =& $gallery->getSession(); if (!isset($session)) { return; } $permissions = $session->get('permissionCache'); /* * Since we add all new data to the head of the list, the odds are good * that we should find our answer in the first iteration of this loop. */ for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($permissions); $i++) { if (isset($permissions[$i][$permission][$id])) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Clear permission cache for active user. */ function clearPermissionCache() { global $gallery; $session =& $gallery->getSession(); if (isset($session)) { $session->remove('permissionCache'); } } /** * Get page data from the cache. * * @param string $type the page type * @param mixed $keyData data to use to generate the unique key for this cache entry * @return array object GalleryStatus a status code * string the page data */ function getPageData($type, $keyData) { global $gallery; list ($ret, $acceleration) = GalleryCoreApi::getPluginParameter('module', 'core', 'acceleration'); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } $acceleration = unserialize($acceleration); list ($ret, $isAnonymous) = GalleryCoreApi::isAnonymousUser(); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } $expiration = $acceleration[$isAnonymous ? 'guest' : 'user']['expiration']; $phpVm = $gallery->getPhpVm(); $cutoff = $phpVm->time() - $expiration; list ($ret, $aclIds) = GalleryCoreApi::fetchAccessListIds('core.view', $gallery->getActiveUserId()); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } list ($ret, $extraKey) = GalleryDataCache::_getExtraPageCacheKey(); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } $key = md5(serialize($keyData) . '|' . $extraKey . '|' . implode(",", $aclIds)); $userId = $gallery->getActiveUserId(); /* * Note: there is no complete index for this WHERE clause because the MySQL query optimizer * would still use the PK for this query. This should not lead to a performance decrease as * PK is a unique index thus returning only 0/1 rows that need to be compared with isEmpty * and timestamp. */ list ($ret, $results) = GalleryCoreApi::getMapEntry('GalleryCacheMap', array('value'), array('key' => $key, 'type' => $type, 'userId' => $userId, 'timestamp' => new GallerySqlFragment('>?', $cutoff), 'isEmpty' => 0)); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } if ($results->resultCount() > 0) { $result = $results->nextResult(); $value = $result[0]; if (function_exists('gzinflate')) { $storage =& $gallery->getStorage(); $value = $storage->decodeBlob($value); $value = gzinflate($value); } } else { $value = null; } return array(null, $value); } /** * Store page data from the cache. * * @param string $type the page type * @param int $itemId the itemId of the item this page is rendering * @param mixed $keyData data to use to generate the unique key for this cache entry * @param string $value the page data * @return object GalleryStatus a status code */ function putPageData($type, $itemId, $keyData, $value) { global $gallery; $userId = $gallery->getActiveUserId(); list ($ret, $aclIds) = GalleryCoreApi::fetchAccessListIds('core.view', $userId); if ($ret) { return $ret; } list ($ret, $extraKey) = GalleryDataCache::_getExtraPageCacheKey(); if ($ret) { return $ret; } $key = md5(serialize($keyData) . '|' . $extraKey . '|' . implode(",", $aclIds)); if (function_exists('gzdeflate')) { $value = gzdeflate($value); $storage =& $gallery->getStorage(); $value = $storage->encodeBlob($value); } $phpVm = $gallery->getPhpVm(); $now = $phpVm->time(); $ret = GalleryCoreApi::updateMapEntry( 'GalleryCacheMap', array('key' => $key, 'userId' => $userId, 'itemId' => $itemId, 'type' => $type), array('value' => $value, 'timestamp' => $now, 'isEmpty' => 0)); $storage =& $gallery->getStorage(); list ($ret, $affectedRows) = $storage->getAffectedRows(); if ($ret) { return $ret; } if (!$affectedRows) { $ret = GalleryCoreApi::addMapEntry( 'GalleryCacheMap', array('key' => $key, 'value' => $value, 'userId' => $userId, 'itemId' => $itemId, 'type' => $type, 'timestamp' => $now, 'isEmpty' => 0)); if ($ret) { return $ret; } } /* Clear expired data only 5% of the time. */ $dieRoll = $phpVm->rand(1,100); if($dieRoll <= 5){ $ret = GalleryDataCache::_cleanPageDataCache(); if ($ret) { return $ret; } } return null; } /** * Remove all cached page data for the given item ids * * @param mixed $itemIds one item id, or an array of item ids * @return object GalleryStatus a status code */ function removePageData($itemIds) { $ret = GalleryCoreApi::removeMapEntry('GalleryCacheMap', array('itemId' => $itemIds)); if ($ret) { return $ret; } return null; } /** * Should we use the cache for this page or not? Right now we cache a page if it's a GET * request, the browser hasn't specified that it wants uncached data, and the caching policy * for the given user class is appropriate. * * @param string $action * @param string $type the page type * @return object GalleryStatus a status code */ function shouldCache($action, $type) { global $gallery; if (GalleryUtilities::getServerVar('REQUEST_METHOD') != 'GET') { return array(null, false); } $phpVm = $gallery->getPhpVm(); if ($action == 'read') { $noCache = (GalleryUtilities::getServerVar('HTTP_PRAGMA') == 'no-cache' || GalleryUtilities::getServerVar('HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL') == 'no-cache'); if ($noCache) { return array(null, false); } } /* * Don't cache guest preview pages since we want a realtime preview * and they are infrequently visited */ $session =& $gallery->getSession(); if ($session->get('theme.guestPreviewMode')) { return array(null, false); } list ($ret, $acceleration) = GalleryCoreApi::getPluginParameter('module', 'core', 'acceleration'); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } $acceleration = unserialize($acceleration); list ($ret, $isAnonymous) = GalleryCoreApi::isAnonymousUser(); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } return array(null, $acceleration[$isAnonymous ? 'guest' : 'user']['type'] == $type); } /** * Returns session related page cache key, eg. to make the page cache language sensitive * @todo The extra key for exif module is a quick fix, not a permanent fix; it should be * cached on the block level not on page level. * * @return array object GalleryStatus a status code * string extra cache key */ function _getExtraPageCacheKey() { global $gallery; $session =& $gallery->getSession(); /* Add session specific flags & values to the cache key */ list ($ret, $languageCode) = $gallery->getActiveLanguageCode(); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } $isEmbedded = (int)$gallery->isEmbedded(); $extraKey = (int)($session->isUsingCookies()) . '-' . $languageCode . '-' . $isEmbedded; $mode = $session->get('exif.module.LoadExifInfo.mode'); if (!empty($mode) && $mode != 'summary') { $extraKey .= '-exif' . $mode; } return array(null, $extraKey); } /** * Delete value of obsolete cache data. * * @return object GalleryStatus a status code */ function _cleanPageDataCache() { global $gallery; list ($ret, $anonymousUserId) = GalleryCoreApi::getPluginParameter('module', 'core', 'id.anonymousUser'); if ($ret) { return $ret; } list ($ret, $acceleration) = GalleryCoreApi::getPluginParameter('module', 'core', 'acceleration'); if ($ret) { return $ret; } $acceleration = unserialize($acceleration); list ($ret, $isAnonymous) = GalleryCoreApi::isAnonymousUser(); if ($ret) { return $ret; } $expiration = $acceleration[$isAnonymous ? 'guest' : 'user']['expiration']; $phpVm = $gallery->getPhpVm(); $cutoff = $phpVm->time() - $expiration; /* Use UPDATE instead of DELETE since UPDATE is faster and we reuse the rows. */ $storage =& $gallery->getStorage(); if ($isAnonymous) { $userIdForSql = (int)$anonymousUserId; } else { $userIdForSql = new GallerySqlFragment('<> ?', (int)$anonymousUserId); } list ($ret, $results) = GalleryCoreApi::updateMapEntry('GalleryCacheMap', array('userId' => $userIdForSql, 'timestamp' => new GallerySqlFragment('< ?', (int)$cutoff), 'isEmpty' => 0), array('value' => null, 'isEmpty' => 1)); if ($ret) { return $ret; } return null; } } ?>