File: GalleryRepository.class
<?php /* * Gallery - a web based photo album viewer and editor * Copyright (C) 2000-2007 Bharat Mediratta * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ GalleryCoreApi::requireOnce('modules/core/classes/GalleryRepositoryIndex.class'); GalleryCoreApi::requireOnce('modules/core/classes/GalleryRepositoryUtilities.class'); /** * Provides all repository-related functionality. * @package GalleryCore * @subpackage Classes * @author Jozef Selesi <selesi at gmail dot com> * @version $Revision: 16127 $ */ class GalleryRepository { /** * Repository utilities. * @var object GalleryRepositoryUtilities * @access private */ var $_utilities; /** * Local repository index. * @var object RepositoryIndex * @access private */ var $_index; /** * The source of this index (released, experimental, community) * @var string * @access private */ var $_source; /** * Return a set of all the repositories that are currently active. The error count indicates * the number of repositories that failed to initialize for some reason (perhaps from a * malformed local copy of the index). The fix for this is to download a new version of the * repository. * * @param array $sources (optional) an array of source names, eg 'official', 'community' * If this is left empty, use the value stored in core.repositories. * @param string $repositoryClassName (optional) the name of the repository class to use. * should be GalleryRepository, except for test code. * @return array object GalleryStatus a status code * array repository name => object GalleryRepository the repository * int error count (repositories that failed to load for some reason) * @static */ function getRepositories($sources=array(), $repositoryClassName='GalleryRepository') { if (empty($sources)) { list ($ret, $sources) = GalleryCoreApi::getPluginParameter('module', 'core', 'core.repositories'); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null, null); } $sources = array_keys(unserialize($sources)); } $repositories = array(); $errorCount = 0; foreach ($sources as $source) { $repositories[$source] = new $repositoryClassName; $ret = $repositories[$source]->init($source); if ($ret) { if ($ret->getErrorCode() & ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER) { unset($repositories[$source]); $errorCount++; } else { return array($ret, null, null); } } } return array(null, $repositories, $errorCount); } /** * Initializes the repository index and utilities. * * @return GalleryStatus a status code */ function init($source) { $this->_source = $source; $this->_index = new GalleryRepositoryIndex($source); $this->_utilities = new GalleryRepositoryUtilities(); if ($this->_index->existsInCache()) { $ret = $this->_index->load(); if ($ret) { return $ret; } } return null; } /** * Determines whether a core module upgrade is available. * * @return array object GalleryStatus a status code * boolean availability * array repository core and plugin api versions */ function isCoreUpgradeAvailable() { list ($ret, $core) = GalleryCoreApi::loadPlugin('module', 'core'); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null, null); } list ($ret, $header) = $this->_index->getPluginHeader('module', 'core'); if ($ret) { if ($ret->getErrorCode() & ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER) { /* * No header for the core module. Maybe the core package isn't available in any * this repository. */ return array(null, false, array()); } return array($ret, null, null); } $repositoryVersion = $header['version']; /* * We only compare versions, not builds, because upgrading the core module isn't something * that's done very often, at least until it's done manually. */ list ($ret, $relation) = $this->_utilities->compareVersions($repositoryVersion, $core->getVersion()); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null, null); } $apiVersions = array(); if ($relation == 'newer') { $apiVersions['core'] = implode('.', $header['coreApiVersion']); $apiVersions['module'] = implode('.', $header['moduleApiVersion']); $apiVersions['theme'] = implode('.', $header['themeApiVersion']); $isAvailable = true; } else { $apiVersions = array(); $isAvailable = false; } return array(null, $isAvailable, $apiVersions); } /** * Determines which packages of the specified packages are newer in the repository. * * @return array object GalleryStatus a status code * array package list */ function getPluginUpgradeInfo($pluginType, $pluginId) { global $gallery; $upgradeInfo = array('upgradeable' => false); /* Get installed packages meta data. */ list ($ret, $installedPackages) = $this->_utilities->getPluginPackages($pluginType, $pluginId); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } /* Get version info from repository index for base files. */ list ($ret, $header) = $this->_index->getPluginHeader($pluginType, $pluginId); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } $repositoryDataVersion = $header['version']; $repositoryDataBuild = $header['buildTimestamp']; $upgradeInfo['base']['newVersion'] = $repositoryDataVersion; $upgradeInfo['base']['newBuild'] = $repositoryDataBuild; $upgradeInfo['base']['isCompatible'] = $this->_utilities->isPluginCompatible( $pluginType, $header['requiredCoreApi'], $header['requiredPluginApi']); /* Check if this plugin's base files are installed. */ if (isset($installedPackages['base'])) { $dataVersion = $installedPackages['base']['version']; $dataBuild = $installedPackages['base']['build']; $locked = $installedPackages['base']['locked']; } else { $dataVersion = null; $dataBuild = null; $locked = 0; } /* Compare local base version with the one in the repository. */ list ($ret, $upgradeInfo['base']['relation']) = $this->_utilities->compareVersions( $dataVersion, $repositoryDataVersion, $dataBuild, $repositoryDataBuild); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } if ($upgradeInfo['base']['relation'] == 'older') { $upgradeInfo['upgradeable'] = $upgradeInfo['base']['isCompatible']; } $upgradeInfo['base']['currentVersion'] = $dataVersion; $upgradeInfo['base']['currentBuild'] = $dataBuild; $upgradeInfo['base']['locked'] = $locked; /* Check if any languages have been updated. */ list ($ret, $languages) = $this->_index->getAvailableLanguagesInPlugin($pluginType, $pluginId); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } $upgradeInfo['languages'] = array(); $upgradeInfo['complete'] = isset($upgradeInfo['base']['currentVersion']); foreach ($languages as $language => $revision) { list ($ret, $languageDescription) = $this->_utilities->getLanguageDescription($language); if ($ret) { if ($ret->getErrorCode() & ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER) { /* Unsupported language .. ignore it. */ continue; } return array($ret, null); } if (isset($installedPackages['lang-' . $language])) { $currentBuild = $installedPackages['lang-' . $language]['build']; $locked = $installedPackages['lang-' . $language]['locked']; } else { $currentBuild = null; $locked = 0; } $relation = $this->_utilities->compareRevisions($currentBuild, $revision); $upgradeInfo['languages'][$language] = array( 'name' => $languageDescription, 'currentBuild' => $currentBuild, 'newBuild' => $revision, 'relation' => $relation, 'locked' => $locked); if ($relation == 'older' && $currentBuild) { $upgradeInfo['upgradeable'] = $upgradeInfo['base']['isCompatible']; } $upgradeInfo['complete'] &= !empty($currentBuild); } return array(null, $upgradeInfo); } /** * Returns a list of plugins of the specified type. * * It can return a list of compatible plugins with specific core APIs. By default, compatibility * is determined by comparing the repository plugin requirements with the currently installed * APIs, but API versions can be specified, so it is possible to, for example, get a * compatibility list based on future API versions. * * @param string $pluginType * @param boolean $showAllPlugins show incompatible plugins * @param array $coreApis core APIs to base compatibility check on * 'core'/'module'/'theme' => array(versionMajor, versionMinor) * @return array object GalleryStatus a status code * array plugin list */ function getRepositoryPluginList($pluginType, $showAllPlugins=false, $coreApis=null) { global $gallery; list ($ret, $repositoryPluginList) = $this->_index->getPlugins($pluginType, $showAllPlugins, $coreApis); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } $pluginList = array(); foreach ($repositoryPluginList[$pluginType] as $pluginId => $plugin) { $localVersion = ''; /* Get active language. */ list ($ret, $language) = $gallery->getActiveLanguageCode(); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } /* Load the core module for translation */ list ($ret, $core) = GalleryCoreApi::loadPlugin('module', 'core'); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } /* Fall back to en_US if there are no descriptions in the active language. */ if (!isset($plugin['descriptions'][$language])) { $language = 'en_US'; } $isAvailable = isset($plugin['localVersion']); $locked = 0; if ($isAvailable) { /* * For locally available plugins we check if they can be upgraded and present * an 'upgrade' action. Maybe we can show some additional info, such as * '3 languages updated' or 'base data upgrade available'. */ list ($ret, $upgradeInfo) = $this->getPluginUpgradeInfo($pluginType, $pluginId); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } $localVersion = $plugin['localVersion']; $locked = $upgradeInfo['base']['locked']; $isUpgradeable = $upgradeInfo['upgradeable']; } else { $isUpgradeable = false; } if (isset($plugin['descriptions'][$language]['groupLabel'])) { $groupLabel = $plugin['descriptions'][$language]['groupLabel']; } else if ($pluginType == 'theme') { $groupLabel = $core->translate('Themes'); } else { $groupLabel = $core->translate('General'); } list ($providedCoreApiVersion, $providedPluginApiVersion) = $this->_utilities->getProvidedApis($pluginType, $coreApis); $pluginList[$pluginId] = array( 'type' => $pluginType, 'name' => $plugin['descriptions'][$language]['name'], 'description' => $plugin['descriptions'][$language]['description'], 'groupLabel' => $groupLabel, 'repositoryVersion' => $plugin['header']['version'], 'localVersion' => $localVersion, 'isCompatible' => $plugin['isCompatible'], 'api' => array( 'required' => array( 'core' => implode('.', $plugin['header']['requiredCoreApi']), 'plugin' => implode('.', $plugin['header']['requiredPluginApi'])), 'provided' => array( 'core' => implode('.', $providedCoreApiVersion), 'plugin' => implode('.', $providedPluginApiVersion))), 'locked' => $locked, 'isUpgradeable' => $isUpgradeable); } /* Sort plugins by name. */ if (!uasort($pluginList, array('GalleryRepository', 'comparePluginListEntries'))) { return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER, __FILE__, __LINE__, 'Error sorting plugin list.'), null); } return array(null, $pluginList); } /** * Compares two plugin list entries. * * A plugin list entry is an element of the array returned by getRepositoryPluginList. This * is a callback for sorting the plugin list by (group label, plugin name). * * @param array $plugin1 first plugin list entry * @param array $plugin2 second plugin list entry * @return boolean see strcmp() */ function comparePluginListEntries($plugin1, $plugin2) { global $gallery; if (isset($plugin1['groupLabel'])) { $group1 = $plugin1['groupLabel']; $group2 = $plugin2['groupLabel']; if ($group1 != $group2) { return strcmp($group1, $group2); } } $name1 = $plugin1['name']; $name2 = $plugin2['name']; return strcmp($name1, $name2); } /** * Creates a list of all upgradeable packages. * * It goes through all installed plugins and checks if an update is available to any of their * packages and adds it to a list if it is. * * @return array object GalleryStatus a status code * array package list */ function getAllUpgradeablePackages() { $packages = array(); foreach (array('module', 'theme') as $pluginType) { list ($ret, $plugins) = GalleryCoreApi::getAllPluginIds($pluginType); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } foreach ($plugins as $pluginId) { if ($pluginId == 'core' && $pluginType == 'module') { continue; } list ($ret, $upgradeInfo) = $this->getPluginUpgradeInfo($pluginType, $pluginId); if ($ret) { if ($ret->getErrorCode() & ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER) { continue; } return array($ret, null); } if ($upgradeInfo['base']['locked'] || !$upgradeInfo['base']['isCompatible']) { continue; } if ($upgradeInfo['base']['relation'] == 'older' && $upgradeInfo['base']['currentVersion']) { $packages[$pluginType][$pluginId]['base'] = 1; } if (isset($upgradeInfo['languages'])) { foreach ($upgradeInfo['languages'] as $code => $pack) { if ($pack['relation'] == 'older' && $pack['currentBuild']) { $packages[$pluginType][$pluginId]['lang-' . $code] = 1; } } } } } return array(null, $packages); } /** * Saves the specified package meta data into the database. * * @param string $pluginType * @param string $pluginId * @param string $packageName * @param string $packageVersion * @param string $packageBuild * @return object GalleryStatus a status code */ function updatePackageMetaData( $pluginType, $pluginId, $packageName, $packageVersion, $packageBuild, $locked) { /* Check if specified package exists in the database. */ list ($ret, $searchResults) = GalleryCoreApi::getMapEntry('GalleryPluginPackageMap', array('packageVersion', 'packageBuild'), array('pluginType' => $pluginType, 'pluginId' => $pluginId, 'packageName' => $packageName)); if ($ret) { return $ret; } if ($searchResults->resultCount() > 1) { return GalleryCoreApi::error( ERROR_STORAGE_FAILURE, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Multiple records found [$pluginType] [$pluginId] [$package]"); } $existsInDatabase = $searchResults->resultCount() > 0; /* Add or update package data. */ if ($existsInDatabase) { $ret = GalleryCoreApi::updateMapEntry( 'GalleryPluginPackageMap', array('pluginType' => $pluginType, 'pluginId' => $pluginId, 'packageName' => $packageName), array('packageVersion' => $packageVersion, 'packageBuild' => $packageBuild, 'locked' => $locked)); } else { $ret = GalleryCoreApi::addMapEntry( 'GalleryPluginPackageMap', array('pluginType' => $pluginType, 'pluginId' => $pluginId, 'packageName' => $packageName, 'packageVersion' => $packageVersion, 'packageBuild' => $packageBuild, 'locked' => $locked)); } if ($ret) { return $ret; } return null; } /** * Checks if the plugins directory exists and creates a subdirectory for each plugin type. * * @return boolean indicates whether the plugins directory is correctly set up * string user-friendly error message */ function createPluginsDirectory() { global $gallery; /* Create repository cache directory if it doesn't exist. */ $repositoryCachePath = $gallery->getConfig('repository.cache'); $platform =& $gallery->getPlatform(); list ($success, $created) = GalleryUtilities::guaranteeDirExists($repositoryCachePath); if (!$success) { return array(false, $gallery->i18n('Couldn\'t create repository cache path.')); } /* Create repository cache subdirectories. */ foreach (array('modules', 'themes') as $cacheDir) { $cacheDirectory = $repositoryCachePath . $cacheDir; if (!@$platform->is_dir($cacheDirectory) && !@$platform->mkdir($cacheDirectory)) { return array(false, $gallery->i18n('Couldn\'t create cache subdirectory. ' . 'Make sure the web server has write permissions in it.')); } } return array(true, ''); } /** * Creates a list of URLs that * * @param array $pluginData array(pluginType => array(pluginId => array(packages))) * @return array object GalleryStatus a status code * array list of packages with corresponding URLs */ function getDownloadFileList($pluginData) { $files = array(); foreach ($pluginData as $pluginType => $plugin) { foreach ($plugin as $pluginId => $packages) { list ($ret, $pluginName) = $this->_index->getPluginName($pluginType, $pluginId); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } list ($ret, $descriptorUrl) = $this->_index->getDescriptorUrl($pluginType, $pluginId); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } $files[$pluginType][$pluginId]['name'] = $pluginName; $files[$pluginType][$pluginId]['files']['descriptor'] = $descriptorUrl; foreach ($packages as $package => $value) { list ($ret, $packageUrl) = $this->_index->getPackageUrl($pluginType, $pluginId, $package); if ($ret) { print($ret->getAsHtml()); return array($ret, null); } $files[$pluginType][$pluginId]['files'][$package] = $packageUrl; } } } return array(null, $files); } /** * Downloads a file from the repository. * * If the file is a package, it will be put in the local cache and unpacked in the plugins/ * directory. If it is a descriptor, it will be deserialized and returned to the calling * function. * * @todo Split this into two separate functions, one that downloads the file, the other that * returns the descriptor. The function that downloads the file should take the * descriptor so that it can verify that the file that got downloaded is the right * length. * * @param string $pluginType * @param string $pluginId * @param string $packageName * @param string $relativePackageUrl URL of the package to download relative to repository URL * @return array object GalleryStatus a status code * array descriptor */ function downloadAndUnpack($pluginType, $pluginId, $packageName, $relativePackageUrl) { global $gallery; $platform =& $gallery->getPlatform(); $phpVm = $gallery->getPhpVm(); /* Download package from the Gallery server. */ $packageUrl = $gallery->getConfig('repository.url') . $this->_source . '/' . $relativePackageUrl; list ($wasDownloaded, $packageContents) = $this->_utilities->downloadFile($packageUrl); if (!$wasDownloaded) { return array(GalleryCoreApi::error( ERROR_STORAGE_FAILURE, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Error downloading package from '$packageUrl'."), null); } /* Make sure output directory exists. */ $pluginOutputDir = sprintf( '%s/%ss/%s/', dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))), $pluginType, $pluginId); if (!$platform->file_exists($pluginOutputDir) && !$platform->mkdir($pluginOutputDir)) { $ret = GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_PLATFORM_FAILURE, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Couldn't create directory [$pluginOutputDir]"); return array($ret, null); } /* Write package to the local repository cache directory. */ $absolutePackagePath = $gallery->getConfig('repository.cache') . $this->_source . '/' . $relativePackageUrl; if (false === $platform->file_put_contents($absolutePackagePath, $packageContents)) { return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_PLATFORM_FAILURE, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Error writing package [$absolutePackagePath]"), null); } $descriptor = array(); if (preg_match('/^.*package$/', $relativePackageUrl)) { /* Unpack files from package. */ include($absolutePackagePath); call_user_func($unpackFunction, $pluginOutputDir); } else { /* Unserialize descriptor. */ $descriptor = array('pluginId' => $pluginId, 'pluginType' => $pluginType, 'contents' => unserialize($packageContents)); } return array(null, $descriptor); } /** * Verify that a package will install cleanly by examining all of its paths and making sure * that any file operations that we intend to make will be successful. * * @param string $packageName name of the package to check * @param array $descriptor descriptor of the plugin the package belongs to * @return array of files that can't be overwritten (empty array if everything is ok) */ function preVerifyPackage($packageName, $descriptor) { global $gallery; $platform =& $gallery->getPlatform(); $errorMessages = array(); $pluginType = $descriptor['pluginType']; $pluginId = $descriptor['pluginId']; $pluginOutputDir = sprintf( '%s/%ss/%s/', dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))), $pluginType, $pluginId); if ($platform->file_exists($pluginOutputDir)) { if (!$platform->is_writeable($pluginOutputDir) || !$platform->is_dir($pluginOutputDir)) { return array($pluginOutputDir); } } else { return array(); } foreach ($descriptor['contents']['files'] as $relativePath => $metaData) { foreach ($metaData['packages'] as $descriptorPackage) { $gallery->guaranteeTimeLimit(10); if ($descriptorPackage == $packageName) { $filePath = $pluginOutputDir . $relativePath; if ($platform->file_exists($filePath)) { if (!$platform->is_writeable($filePath)) { $errorMessages[$filePath] = 1; } } else { $checkPath = dirname($filePath) . '/'; while ($checkPath != $pluginOutputDir && $checkPath != '.') { if ($platform->file_exists($checkPath) && (!$platform->is_writeable($checkPath) || !$platform->is_dir($checkPath))) { $errorMessages[$filePath] = 1; break; } $checkPath = dirname($checkPath) . '/'; } } } } } return array_keys($errorMessages); } /** * Verifies the integrity of the specified packages' unpacked files. * * @param string $packageName name of the package to check * @param array $descriptor descriptor of the plugin the package belongs to * @return object GalleryStatus a status code */ function verifyPackageIntegrity($packageName, $descriptor) { global $gallery; $errorMessages = array(); $pluginType = $descriptor['pluginType']; $pluginId = $descriptor['pluginId']; $pluginOutputDir = sprintf( '%s/%ss/%s/', dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))), $pluginType, $pluginId); $platform =& $gallery->getPlatform(); foreach ($descriptor['contents']['files'] as $filePath => $metaData) { foreach ($metaData['packages'] as $descriptorPackage) { if ($descriptorPackage == $packageName) { $filePath = $pluginOutputDir . $filePath; if (!$platform->file_exists($filePath)) { $errorMessage = "'$filePath' doesn't exist."; } if ($platform->filesize($filePath) != $metaData['bytes']) { $errorMessage = "Size of '$filePath' not {$metaData['bytes']}."; } if (false === ($contents = $platform->file_get_contents($filePath))) { $errorMessage = "Couldn't read '$filePath'."; } $checksum = strlen($metaData['hash']) == 32 ? md5($contents) : sprintf("%u", crc32($contents)); if ($checksum != $metaData['hash']) { $errorMessage = "Integrity check failed for '$filePath'."; } if (!empty($errorMessage)) { return GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_PLATFORM_FAILURE, __FILE__, __LINE__, $errorMessage); } } } } return null; } /** * Scan one plugin and update its entries in the GalleryPluginPackageMap. * * @param $pluginType the plugin type ('module' or 'theme') * @param $pluginId the plugin id (eg 'albumselect' or 'cart') * @return object GalleryStatus a status code */ function scanPlugin($pluginType, $pluginId) { global $gallery; /* Erase all data for this plugin */ $ret = GalleryCoreApi::removeMapEntry( 'GalleryPluginPackageMap', array('pluginType' => $pluginType, 'pluginId' => $pluginId)); if ($ret) { return $ret; } $platform =& $gallery->getPlatform(); $g2base = dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))); $pluginDir = sprintf('%s/%ss/%s', $g2base, $pluginType, $pluginId); $manifestPath = "$pluginDir/MANIFEST"; if (!$platform->file_exists($manifestPath)) { /* * We won't know the revision of this module, so ignore it. TODO: perhaps we should * fall back on the revision of the module.inc file? But if this is a user-written or * a contrib module, then it is probably not in svn which means that isn't valid * anyway. Ignoring it is probably safest. */ return null; } list($ret, $plugin) = GalleryCoreApi::loadPlugin($pluginType, $pluginId, true); if ($ret) { return $ret; } list ($ret, $tag) = $this->_utilities->getFirstBytesFromFile($manifestPath, 128); if ($ret) { return $ret; } list ($ret, $revision) = $this->_utilities->extractRevision($tag); if ($ret) { return $ret; } $locked = $platform->is_writeable($manifestPath) ? 0 : 1; $ret = GalleryCoreApi::addMapEntry( 'GalleryPluginPackageMap', array('pluginType' => $pluginType, 'pluginId' => $pluginId, 'packageName' => 'base', 'packageVersion' => $plugin->getVersion(), 'packageBuild' => $revision, 'locked' => $locked)); if ($ret) { return $ret; } $stringsRawFile = "$pluginDir/po/strings.raw"; if ($platform->file_exists($stringsRawFile)) { list ($ret, $tag) = $this->_utilities->getFirstBytesFromFile($stringsRawFile, 128); if ($ret) { return $ret; } list ($ret, $stringsRevision) = $this->_utilities->extractRevision($tag); if ($ret) { return $ret; } $poFiles = $platform->glob("$pluginDir/po/*.po"); if ($poFiles) { foreach ($poFiles as $file) { list ($ret, $tag) = $this->_utilities->getFirstBytesFromFile($file, 128); if ($ret) { return $ret; } list ($ret, $revision) = $this->_utilities->extractRevision($tag); if ($ret) { return $ret; } $ret = GalleryCoreApi::addMapEntry( 'GalleryPluginPackageMap', array('pluginType' => $pluginType, 'pluginId' => $pluginId, 'packageName' => ( 'lang-' . GalleryUtilities::getFileBase(basename($file))), 'packageVersion' => $stringsRevision, 'packageBuild' => $revision, 'locked' => $platform->is_writeable($file) ? 0 : 1)); if ($ret) { return $ret; } } } } return null; } /** * Translate the repository tag to its localized name * * @param $source string the name (released, experimental, community) * @return array object GalleryStatus a status code * string the localized name * @static * @public */ function translateRepositoryName($source) { list ($ret, $module) = GalleryCoreApi::loadPlugin('module', 'core'); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } switch($source) { case 'released': return array(null, $module->translate('Official Release Repository')); case 'experimental': return array(null, $module->translate('Experimental Repository')); case 'community': return array(null, $module->translate('Community Repository')); default: return array(null, ''); } } /** * @see GalleryRepositoryIndex::existsInCache */ function localIndexExists() { return $this->_index->existsInCache(); } /** * @see GalleryRepositoryIndex::update */ function downloadIndex() { return $this->_index->update(); } /** * @see GalleryRepositoryIndex::containsPlugin */ function pluginExistsInIndex($pluginType, $pluginId) { return $this->_index->containsPlugin($pluginType, $pluginId); } /** * @see GalleryRepositoryIndex::getMetaData */ function getIndexMetaData() { return $this->_index->getMetaData(); } /** * @see GalleryRepositoryIndex::getPackageVersionAndBuild */ function getPackageVersionAndBuild($pluginType, $pluginId, $packageName) { return $this->_index->getPackageVersionAndBuild($pluginType, $pluginId, $packageName); } /** * @see GalleryRepositoryIndex::getPluginName */ function getPluginName($pluginType, $pluginId) { return $this->_index->getPluginName($pluginType, $pluginId); } } ?>