File: module.inc
<?php /* * Gallery - a web based photo album viewer and editor * Copyright (C) 2000-2007 Bharat Mediratta * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ /** * The implementation of the core-module * @package GalleryCore * @author Bharat Mediratta <bharat@menalto.com> * @version $Revision: 16630 $ */ class CoreModule extends GalleryModule { function CoreModule() { global $gallery; $this->setId('core'); $this->setName($gallery->i18n('Core')); $this->setGalleryVersion('2.2.2'); /* Don't forget to update CoreModuleExtras::upgrade and _prepareConfigUpgrade too! */ $this->setVersion(''); $this->setDescription($gallery->i18n('Gallery 2 Core Module')); $this->setGroup('gallery', $gallery->i18n('Gallery')); $this->setCallbacks('registerEventListeners' . '|getItemLinks|getSystemLinks' . '|getSiteAdminViews|getUserAdminViews|getItemAdminViews'); $this->setRequiredCoreApi(array(7, 18)); $this->setRequiredModuleApi(array(3, 4)); } /** * @see GalleryModule::registerEventListeners */ function registerEventListeners() { GalleryCoreApi::requireOnce('modules/core/classes/helpers/GalleryItemHelper_medium.class'); $handler = new GalleryItemHelper_medium(); GalleryCoreApi::registerEventListener('Gallery::ViewableTreeChange', $handler); GalleryCoreApi::registerEventListener('Gallery::RemovePermission', $handler); GalleryCoreApi::registerEventListener('GalleryEntity::save', $handler); GalleryCoreApi::registerEventListener('GalleryEntity::delete', $handler); GalleryCoreApi::requireOnce('modules/core/classes/helpers/GalleryUserHelper_medium.class'); $handler2 = new GalleryUserHelper_medium(); GalleryCoreApi::registerEventListener('Gallery::FailedLogin', $handler2, true); GalleryCoreApi::registerEventListener('Gallery::Login', $handler2, true); } /** * @see GalleryModule::getItemLinks */ function getItemLinks($items, $wantsDetailedLinks, $permissions, $userId) { global $gallery; list ($ret, $rootId) = GalleryCoreApi::getPluginParameter('module', 'core', 'id.rootAlbum'); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } /* Fetch child counts */ $itemIds = array(); foreach ($items as $item) { $itemIds[] = $item->getId(); } /* * We're not doing this as the acting user id, but that's OK because we're not displaying * the result; we're only using it as a gating factor for whether or not we show a link, and * that'll also be gated by the permissions we receive which *will* be for the acting user. */ list ($ret, $childCounts) = GalleryCoreApi::fetchChildCounts($itemIds); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } /* Fetch thumbnail ids */ list ($ret, $thumbTable) = GalleryCoreApi::fetchThumbnailsByItemIds($itemIds); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } $links = array(); foreach ($items as $item) { $itemId = $item->getId(); $isRoot = ($itemId == $rootId); $isAlbum = $item->getCanContainChildren(); /* Permissions for its parent */ list ($ret, $parentPermissions) = GalleryCoreApi::getPermissions($item->getParentId(), $userId); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } if (isset($wantsDetailedLinks[$itemId]) && $isAlbum && isset($permissions[$itemId]['core.addDataItem'])) { $links[$itemId][] = array('text' => $this->_translate('Add Items'), 'params' => array('view' => 'core.ItemAdmin', 'subView' => 'core.ItemAdd', 'itemId' => $itemId, 'return' => 1)); } $itemTypeNames = array_merge($item->itemTypeName(), $item->itemTypeName(false)); if (isset($permissions[$itemId]['core.edit'])) { /* Specific translations: _('Edit Album') _('Edit Photo') _('Edit Movie') */ $links[$itemId][] = array('text' => $this->_translate( array('text' => 'Edit %s', 'arg1' => $itemTypeNames[0]), $itemTypeNames[2]), 'params' => array('view' => 'core.ItemAdmin', 'subView' => 'core.ItemEdit', 'itemId' => $itemId, 'return' => 1)); } if (isset($wantsDetailedLinks[$itemId]) && $isAlbum && isset($permissions[$itemId]['core.addAlbumItem'])) { $links[$itemId][] = array('text' => $this->_translate('Add Album'), 'params' => array('view' => 'core.ItemAdmin', 'subView' => 'core.ItemAddAlbum', 'itemId' => $itemId, 'return' => 1)); } if (isset($permissions[$itemId]['core.edit'])) { $links[$itemId][] = array('text' => isset($permissions[$itemId]['core.changePermissions']) ? $this->_translate('Edit Permissions') : $this->_translate('View Permissions'), 'params' => array('view' => 'core.ItemAdmin', 'subView' => 'core.ItemPermissions', 'itemId' => $itemId, 'return' => 1)); } if (!$isRoot && isset($permissions[$itemId]['core.delete'])) { /* Specific translations: _('Delete Album') _('Delete Photo') _('Delete Movie') */ $links[$itemId][] = array('text' => $this->_translate( array('text' => 'Delete %s', 'arg1' => $itemTypeNames[0]), $itemTypeNames[2]), 'params' => array('view' => 'core.ItemAdmin', 'subView' => 'core.ItemDelete', 'itemId' => $item->getParentId(), 'selectedId' => $itemId, 'return' => 1)); } if (!$isRoot && isset($permissions[$itemId]['core.delete'])) { /* Specific translations: _('Move Album') _('Move Photo') _('Move Movie') */ $links[$itemId][] = array('text' => $this->_translate( array('text' => 'Move %s', 'arg1' => $itemTypeNames[0]), $itemTypeNames[2]), 'params' => array('view' => 'core.ItemAdmin', 'subView' => 'core.ItemMove', 'itemId' => $item->getParentId(), 'selectedId' => $itemId, 'return' => 1)); } if (isset($wantsDetailedLinks[$itemId]) && $isAlbum && isset($permissions[$itemId]['core.edit']) && !empty($childCounts[$itemId]) && $childCounts[$itemId] > 0) { $link = array('text' => $this->_translate('Edit Captions'), 'params' => array('view' => 'core.ItemAdmin', 'subView' => 'core.ItemEditCaptions', 'itemId' => $itemId, 'return' => 1)); list ($thisItemId, $thisPage) = GalleryUtilities::getRequestVariables('itemId', 'page'); if (!empty($thisItemId) && !empty($thisPage) && $thisItemId == $item->getId()) { $link['params']['albumPage'] = $thisPage; } $links[$itemId][] = $link; } if (!$isRoot && isset($thumbTable[$itemId]) && isset($parentPermissions['core.edit'])) { $links[$itemId][] = array('text' => $this->_translate('Make Highlight'), 'params' => array('view' => 'core.ItemAdmin', 'subView' => 'core.ItemMakeHighlight', 'itemId' => $itemId, 'return' => 1)); } if ($isAlbum && isset($permissions[$itemId]['core.edit']) && !empty($childCounts[$itemId]) && $childCounts[$itemId] > 1) { $links[$itemId][] = array('text' => $this->_translate('Reorder Items'), 'params' => array('view' => 'core.ItemAdmin', 'subView' => 'core.ItemReorder', 'itemId' => $itemId, 'return' => 1)); } } return array(null, $links); } /** * @see GalleryModule::getSystemLinks */ function getSystemLinks() { global $gallery; list ($ret, $param) = GalleryCoreApi::fetchAllPluginParameters('module', 'core'); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } $links = array(); list ($ret, $isAdmin) = GalleryCoreApi::isUserInSiteAdminGroup(); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } if ($isAdmin) { $links['SiteAdmin'] = array('text' => $this->translate('Site Admin'), 'params' => array('view' => 'core.SiteAdmin', 'return' => 1)); } if ($gallery->getConfig('login')) { list ($ret, $isAnonymous) = GalleryCoreApi::isAnonymousUser(); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } if ($isAnonymous) { $links['Login'] = array('text' => $this->translate('Login'), 'params' => array('view' => 'core.UserAdmin', 'subView' => 'core.UserLogin', 'return' => 1)); } else { $user = $gallery->getActiveUser(); $links['YourAccount'] = array('text' => $this->translate('Your Account'), 'params' => array('view' => 'core.UserAdmin', 'subView' => 'core.UserPreferences', 'return' => 1)); $links['Logout'] = array('text' => $this->translate('Logout'), 'params' => array('controller' => 'core.Logout', 'return' => 1)); } } return array(null, $links); } /** * @see GalleryModule::getSiteAdminViews */ function getSiteAdminViews() { $data = array(array('name' => $this->translate('General'), 'view' => 'core.AdminCore'), array('name' => $this->translate('Plugins'), 'view' => 'core.AdminPlugins'), array('name' => $this->translate('Users'), 'view' => 'core.AdminUsers'), array('name' => $this->translate('Groups'), 'view' => 'core.AdminGroups'), array('name' => $this->translate('Maintenance'), 'view' => 'core.AdminMaintenance'), array('name' => $this->translate('Themes'), 'view' => 'core.AdminThemes'), array('name' => $this->translate('Performance'), 'view' => 'core.AdminPerformance'), ); list ($ret, $list) = GalleryCoreApi::getRedundantToolkitPriorities(); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } if (!empty($list)) { $data[] = array('name' => $this->translate('Toolkit Priority'), 'view' => 'core.AdminToolkitPriority', 'group' => 'toolkits', 'groupLabel' => $this->translate('Graphics Toolkits')); } return array(null, $data); } /** * @see GalleryModule::getUserAdminViews */ function getUserAdminViews($user) { global $gallery; $views = array(); if ($gallery->getConfig('login')) { list ($ret, $isAnonymous) = GalleryCoreApi::isAnonymousUser($user->getId()); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } if (!$isAnonymous) { if (!$user->isLocked()) { $views[] = array('name' => $this->translate('Account Settings'), 'view' => 'core.UserPreferences'); $views[] = array('name' => $this->translate('Change Password'), 'view' => 'core.UserChangePassword'); } } else { $views[] = array('name' => $this->translate('Login'), 'view' => 'core.UserLogin'); } } return array(null, $views); } /** * @see GalleryModule::getItemAdminViews */ function getItemAdminViews($item) { global $gallery; $views = array(); list ($ret, $permissions) = GalleryCoreApi::getPermissions($item->getId()); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } $childCount = 0; $isAlbum = $item->getCanContainChildren(); if ($isAlbum) { list ($ret, $childCounts) = GalleryCoreApi::fetchChildCounts(array($item->getId())); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } $childCount = empty($childCounts[$item->getId()]) ? 0 : $childCounts[$item->getId()]; } /* Fetch thumbnail ids */ list ($ret, $thumbTable) = GalleryCoreApi::fetchThumbnailsByItemIds(array($item->getId())); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } $hasThumb = !empty($thumbTable[$item->getId()]); $parentId = $item->getParentId(); list ($ret, $parentPermissions) = GalleryCoreApi::getPermissions($parentId); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } list ($ret, $rootId) = GalleryCoreApi::getPluginParameter('module', 'core', 'id.rootAlbum'); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } $itemTypeNames = array_merge($item->itemTypeName(), $item->itemTypeName(false)); if (isset($permissions['core.edit'])) { if ($isAlbum && $childCount > 1) { $views[] = array('name' => $this->_translate('Reorder Items'), 'view' => 'core.ItemReorder'); } if ($isAlbum && $childCount > 0) { $views[] = array('name' => $this->_translate('Edit Captions'), 'view' => 'core.ItemEditCaptions'); } /* Edit view for all item types */ $views[] = array('name' => $this->_translate( array('text' => 'Edit %s', 'arg1' => $itemTypeNames[0]), $itemTypeNames[2]), 'view' => 'core.ItemEdit'); $views[] = array('name' => isset($permissions['core.changePermissions']) ? $this->_translate('Edit Permissions') : $this->_translate('View Permissions'), 'view' => 'core.ItemPermissions'); } if (!empty($parentId) && $hasThumb && isset($parentPermissions['core.edit'])) { $views[] = array('name' => $this->_translate('Make Highlight'), 'view' => 'core.ItemMakeHighlight'); } if (isset($permissions['core.delete'])) { if ($item->getId() != $rootId) { $views[] = array('name' => $this->_translate( array('text' => 'Delete %s', 'arg1' => $itemTypeNames[0]), $itemTypeNames[2]), 'view' => 'core.ItemDeleteSingle'); $views[] = array('name' => $this->_translate( array('text' => 'Move %s', 'arg1' => $itemTypeNames[0]), $itemTypeNames[2]), 'view' => 'core.ItemMoveSingle'); } } if (isset($permissions['core.addDataItem']) && $isAlbum) { $views[] = array('name' => $this->_translate('Add Items'), 'view' => 'core.ItemAdd'); } if (isset($permissions['core.addAlbumItem']) && $isAlbum) { $views[] = array('name' => $this->_translate('Add Album'), 'view' => 'core.ItemAddAlbum'); } return array(null, $views); } /** * We pushed all this code into its own file since we need it very rarely so it doesn't make * sense to load it every single time. * * @see GalleryModule::install */ function upgrade($currentVersion, $statusMonitor) { GalleryCoreApi::requireOnce('modules/core/CoreModuleExtras.inc'); $ret = CoreModuleExtras::upgrade($this, $currentVersion, $statusMonitor); if ($ret) { return $ret; } return null; } /** * Set the current version of Gallery. */ function setGalleryVersion($version) { $this->_galleryVersion = $version; } /** * Get the current version of Gallery. */ function getGalleryVersion() { return $this->_galleryVersion; } /** * Get the version of the core module and of Gallery itself. We store this on disk to avoid * having to load up the database (which can be problematic if we're doing an upgrade and don't * want to count a specific database schema. * * @return array 'core' => core module version, 'gallery' => gallery version * @static */ function getInstalledVersions() { global $gallery; static $versions; if (!isset($versions)) { $platform =& $gallery->getPlatform(); $versionFile = $gallery->getConfig('data.gallery.base') . 'versions.dat'; $moduleVersion = null; $galleryVersion = null; if ($platform->file_exists($versionFile)) { $versionArray = $platform->file($versionFile); if (count($versionArray) >= 2) { $versions['core'] = rtrim($versionArray[0]); $versions['gallery'] = rtrim($versionArray[1]); } } } return $versions; } /** * @see GalleryModule::performFactoryRegistrations */ function performFactoryRegistrations() { GalleryCoreApi::requireOnce('modules/core/CoreModuleExtras.inc'); $ret = CoreModuleExtras::performFactoryRegistrations($this); if ($ret) { return $ret; } return null; } } ?>