File: ItemMove.tpl
{* * $Revision: 15949 $ * If you want to customize this file, do not edit it directly since future upgrades * may overwrite it. Instead, copy it into a new directory called "local" and edit that * version. Gallery will look for that file first and use it if it exists. *} <div class="gbBlock gcBackground1"> <h2> {g->text text="Move an Item"} </h2> </div> {if isset($status.moved)} <div class="gbBlock"><h2 class="giSuccess"> {g->text one="Successfully moved %d item" many="Successfully moved %d items" count=$status.moved.count arg1=$status.moved.count} </h2></div> {/if} {if !empty($form.error)} <div class="gbBlock"><h2 class="giError"> {g->text text="There was a problem processing your request."} </h2></div> {/if} <div class="gbBlock"> {if empty($ItemMove.peers)} <p class="giDescription"> {g->text text="This album contains no items to move."} </p> {else} <h3> {g->text text="Source"} </h3> <p class="giDescription"> {g->text text="Choose the items you want to move"} {if ($ItemMove.numPages > 1) } {g->text text="(page %d of %d)" arg1=$ItemMove.page arg2=$ItemMove.numPages} <br/> {g->text text="Items selected here will remain selected when moving between pages."} {if !empty($ItemMove.selectedIds)} <br/> {g->text one="One item selected on other pages." many="%d items selected on other pages." count=$ItemMove.selectedIdCount arg1=$ItemMove.selectedIdCount} {/if} {/if} </p> <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ // Validation code. This Javascript snippet validates the source and destination information // to make sure that you don't attempt to do something that you shouldn't, ie, it will help // you to avoid the situation where you try to move an item into an album where you don't have // the right permissions. This is only a hint to the UI -- we perform the same permission // checks on the server side (so circumventing or disabling this javascript won't allow you to // do something that you don't have permission to do anyway). // The user can add data items to these albums permission = new Array(); permission['addDataItem'] = new Array(); {foreach from=$ItemMove.albumIds.addDataItem item=id} permission['addDataItem'][{$id}] = 1; {/foreach} // The user can add album items to these albums permission['addAlbumItem'] = new Array(); {foreach from=$ItemMove.albumIds.addAlbumItem item=id} permission['addAlbumItem'][{$id}] = 1; {/foreach} // Check what the destination album accepts. If it can handle data items and // album items then we're done. Else, scan the selected items and make sure that // we haven't selected something that we can't handle. If we have, then remove // the selection and alert the user. function checkPermissions(form, quiet) {ldelim} destinationId = form.elements['{g->formVar var="form[destination]"}'].value; if (permission['addDataItem'][destinationId] && permission['addAlbumItem'][destinationId]) {ldelim} {foreach from=$ItemMove.peerTypes.album key=id item=unused} form.elements['{g->formVar var="form[selectedIds][$id]"}'].disabled = 0; {/foreach} {foreach from=$ItemMove.peerTypes.data key=id item=unused} form.elements['{g->formVar var="form[selectedIds][$id]"}'].disabled = 0; {/foreach} return; {rdelim} changed = 0; if (permission['addDataItem'][destinationId]) {ldelim} {foreach from=$ItemMove.peerTypes.album key=id item=unused} if (form.elements['{g->formVar var="form[selectedIds][$id]"}'].checked) {ldelim} form.elements['{g->formVar var="form[selectedIds][$id]"}'].checked = 0; changed = 1; {rdelim} form.elements['{g->formVar var="form[selectedIds][$id]"}'].disabled = 1; {/foreach} {foreach from=$ItemMove.peerTypes.data key=id item=unused} form.elements['{g->formVar var="form[selectedIds][$id]"}'].disabled = 0; {/foreach} if (changed && !quiet) {ldelim} alert("{g->text text="The destination you chose does not accept sub-albums, so all sub-albums have been deselected."}"); {rdelim} {rdelim} else {ldelim} {foreach from=$ItemMove.peerTypes.data key=id item=unused} if (form.elements['{g->formVar var="form[selectedIds][$id]"}'].checked) {ldelim} form.elements['{g->formVar var="form[selectedIds][$id]"}'].checked = 0; changed = 1; {rdelim} form.elements['{g->formVar var="form[selectedIds][$id]"}'].disabled = 1; {/foreach} {foreach from=$ItemMove.peerTypes.album key=id item=unused} form.elements['{g->formVar var="form[selectedIds][$id]"}'].disabled = 0; {/foreach} if (changed && !quiet) {ldelim} alert("{g->text text="The destination you chose only accepts sub-albums, so all non-albums have been deselected."}"); {rdelim} {rdelim} {rdelim} function setCheck(val) {ldelim} var frm = document.getElementById('itemAdminForm'); {foreach from=$ItemMove.peers item=peer} frm.elements['g2_form[selectedIds][{$peer.id}]'].checked = val; {/foreach} {rdelim} function invertCheck(val) {ldelim} var frm = document.getElementById('itemAdminForm'); {foreach from=$ItemMove.peers item=peer} frm.elements['g2_form[selectedIds][{$peer.id}]'].checked = !frm.elements['g2_form[selectedIds][{$peer.id}]'].checked; {/foreach} {rdelim} //]]> </script> <table> <colgroup width="60"/> {foreach from=$ItemMove.peers item=peer} {assign var="peerItemId" value=$peer.id} <tr> <td align="center"> {if isset($peer.thumbnail)} <a id="thumb_{$peerItemId}" href="{g->url arg1="view=core.ShowItem" arg2="itemId=`$peerItemId`"}"> {g->image item=$peer image=$peer.thumbnail maxSize=50 class="giThumbnail"} </a> {else} {/if} </td><td> <input type="checkbox" id="cb_{$peerItemId}"{if $peer.selected} checked="checked"{/if} name="{g->formVar var="form[selectedIds][$peerItemId]"}"/> </td><td> <label for="cb_{$peerItemId}"> {$peer.title|default:$peer.pathComponent} </label> <i> {if isset($ItemMove.peerTypes.data.$peerItemId)} {g->text text="(data)"} {/if} {if isset($ItemMove.peerTypes.album.$peerItemId)} {if isset($ItemMove.peerDescendentCounts.$peerItemId)} {g->text one="(album containing %d item)" many="(album containing %d items)" count=$ItemMove.peerDescendentCounts.$peerItemId arg1=$ItemMove.peerDescendentCounts.$peerItemId} {else} {g->text text="(empty album)"} {/if} {/if} </i> {if !empty($form.error.source.$peerItemId.permission.delete)} <div class="giError"> {g->text text="You are not allowed to move this item away from here."}<br/> </div> {/if} {if !empty($form.error.source.$peerItemId.permission.addAlbumItem)} <div class="giError"> {g->text text="You are not allowed to move an album to the chosen destination."}<br/> </div> {/if} {if !empty($form.error.source.$peerItemId.permission.addDataItem)} <div class="giError"> {g->text text="You are not allowed to move an item to the chosen destination."}<br/> </div> {/if} {if !empty($form.error.source.$peerItemId.selfMove)} <div class="giError"> {g->text text="You cannot move an album into its own subtree."}<br/> </div> {/if} </td> </tr> {/foreach} <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ {foreach from=$ItemMove.peers item=peer} {if isset($peer.resize)} {* force and alt/longdesc parameter here so that we avoid issues with single quotes in the title/description *} new YAHOO.widget.Tooltip("gTooltip", {ldelim} context: "thumb_{$peer.id}", text: '{g->image item=$peer image=$peer.resize class="giThumbnail" maxSize=500 alt="" longdesc=""}', showDelay: 250 {rdelim}); {elseif isset($peer.thumbnail)} new YAHOO.widget.Tooltip("gTooltip", {ldelim} context: "thumb_{$peer.id}", text: '{g->image item=$peer image=$peer.thumbnail class="giThumbnail" alt="" longdesc=""}', showDelay: 250 {rdelim}); {/if} {/foreach} //]]> </script> </table> <input type="hidden" name="{g->formVar var="page"}" value="{$ItemMove.page}"/> <input type="hidden" name="{g->formVar var="form[numPerPage]"}" value="{$ItemMove.numPerPage}"/> {foreach from=$ItemMove.selectedIds item=selectedId} <input type="hidden" name="{g->formVar var="form[selectedIds][$selectedId]"}" value="on"/> {/foreach} <input type="button" class="inputTypeButton" onclick="setCheck(1)" name="{g->formVar var="form[action][checkall]"}" value="{g->text text="Check All"}"/> <input type="button" class="inputTypeButton" onclick="setCheck(0)" name="{g->formVar var="form[action][checknone]"}" value="{g->text text="Check None"}"/> <input type="button" class="inputTypeButton" onclick="invertCheck()" name="{g->formVar var="form[action][invert]"}" value="{g->text text="Invert"}"/> {if ($ItemMove.page > 1)} <input type="submit" class="inputTypeSubmit" name="{g->formVar var="form[action][previous]"}" value="{g->text text="Previous Page"}"/> {/if} {if ($ItemMove.page < $ItemMove.numPages)} <input type="submit" class="inputTypeSubmit" name="{g->formVar var="form[action][next]"}" value="{g->text text="Next Page"}"/> {/if} </div> <div class="gbBlock"> <h3> {g->text text="Destination"} </h3> <p class="giDescription"> {g->text text="Choose a new album for them"} </p> <select name="{g->formVar var="form[destination]"}" onchange="checkPermissions(this.form)"> {foreach from=$ItemMove.albumTree item=album} <option value="{$album.data.id}" {if ($album.data.id == $form.destination)}selected="selected"{/if}> {" "|repeat:$album.depth}-- {$album.data.title|default:$album.data.pathComponent} </option> {/foreach} </select> {if !empty($form.error.destination.permission)} <div class="giError"> {g->text text="You don't have the permission to add items in this album"} </div> {/if} {if !empty($form.error.destination.empty)} <div class="giError"> {g->text text="No destination chosen"} </div> {/if} </div> <div class="gbBlock gcBackground1"> <input type="submit" class="inputTypeSubmit" name="{g->formVar var="form[action][move]"}" value="{g->text text="Move"}"/> {if $ItemMove.canCancel} <input type="submit" class="inputTypeSubmit" name="{g->formVar var="form[action][cancel]"}" value="{g->text text="Cancel"}"/> {/if} {/if} </div>