File: ShowItemError.tpl
{* * $Revision: 15425 $ * If you want to customize this file, do not edit it directly since future upgrades * may overwrite it. Instead, copy it into a new directory called "local" and edit that * version. Gallery will look for that file first and use it if it exists. *} <div class="gbBlock gcBackground1"> <h2> {g->text text="Configuration Error: Missing Theme"} </h2> </div> <div class="gbBlock"> <h3> {g->text text="Missing Theme"} </h3> <p class="giDescription"> {capture name="themeId"} <b>{$ShowItemError.themeId}</b> {/capture} {if empty($ShowItemError.itemId)} {g->text text="This page is configured to use the %s theme, but it is either inactive, not installed, or incompatible." arg1=$smarty.capture.themeId} {else} {g->text text="This album is configured to use the %s theme, but it is either inactive, not installed, or incompatible." arg1=$smarty.capture.themeId} {capture name="editLink"} <a href="{g->url arg1="view=core.ItemAdmin" arg2="subView=core.ItemEdit" arg3="editPlugin=ItemEditAlbum" arg4="itemId=`$ShowItemError.itemId`" arg5="return=1"}"> {/capture} {/if} {capture name="loginLink"} <a href="{g->url arg1="view=core.UserAdmin" arg2="subView=core.UserLogin" arg3="return=1"}"> {/capture} {capture name="adminLink"} <a href="{g->url arg1="view=core.SiteAdmin" arg2="subView=core.AdminPlugins" arg3="mode=config" arg4="return=1"}"> {/capture} {if isset($theme.isFallback) && empty($ShowItemError.itemId)} {if $ShowItemError.isAdmin} {g->text text="To fix this problem you can %sinstall or activate this theme%s or select another default theme." arg1=$smarty.capture.adminLink arg2="</a>"} {else} {g->text text="To fix this problem you can %slogin as a site administrator%s and then %sinstall or activate this theme%s or select another default theme." arg1=$smarty.capture.loginLink arg2="</a>" arg3=$smarty.capture.adminLink arg4="</a>"} {/if} {else} {if $ShowItemError.isAdmin} {g->text text="To fix this problem you can either %schoose a new theme for this album%s or %sinstall or activate this theme%s." arg1=$smarty.capture.editLink arg2="</a>" arg3=$smarty.capture.adminLink arg4="</a>"} {elseif $ShowItemError.canEdit} {g->text text="To fix this problem you can either %schoose a new theme for this album%s or %slogin as a site administrator%s and then %sinstall or activate this theme%s." arg1=$smarty.capture.editLink arg2="</a>" arg3=$smarty.capture.loginLink arg4="</a>" arg5=$smarty.capture.adminLink arg6="</a>"} {else} {g->text text="To fix this problem you can either %slogin%s and then %schoose a new theme for this album%s or %slogin as a site administrator%s and then %sinstall or activate this theme%s." arg1=$smarty.capture.loginLink arg2="</a>" arg3=$smarty.capture.editLink arg4="</a>" arg5=$smarty.capture.loginLink arg6="</a>" arg7=$smarty.capture.adminLink arg8="</a>"} {/if} {/if} </p> </div>