File: eu.po
# $Id: eu.po 16040 2007-03-16 23:04:36Z mindless $ # # Gallery - a web based photo album viewer and editor # Copyright (C) 2000-2007 Bharat Mediratta # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at # your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Gallery: Migration 1.0.7\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2005-11-09 09:53+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2006-05-24 11:44+0200\n" "Last-Translator: \n" "Language-Team: <eu@li.org>\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" "X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.2\n" msgid "Importing Users" msgstr "Erabiltzaileak Inportatzen" msgid "Importing Photos" msgstr "Argazkiak Inportatzen" msgid "Creating thumbnails" msgstr "Argazkitxoak sortzen" #, c-format msgid "%sTitle%s was truncated for %sitem %d%s." msgstr "%sTitulua%s moztua izan da %selementu %d%s-rentzat" #, c-format msgid "%sSummary%s was truncated for %sitem %d%s." msgstr "%sLaburpena%s moztua izan da %selementu %d%s-rentzat" msgid "Set:" msgstr "Ezarri:" msgid "Truncated:" msgstr "Mozturik:" #, c-format msgid "Thumbnail %d of %d" msgstr "%d argazkitxoa %d-tatik" msgid "Migration" msgstr "Migrazioa" msgid "Migrate your Gallery 1 albums to Gallery 2" msgstr "Zure Gallery 1 albumak Gallery 2-ra migratu" msgid "Import" msgstr "Inportatu" msgid "Gallery 1" msgstr "Gallery 1" msgid "G1->G2 Mapping" msgstr "G1->G2 Mapatzea" msgid "G1 path" msgstr "G1 bidea" #, c-format msgid "" "G1 URL redirect. Use only if G2 is installed where G1 used to be and you have run a G1 " "import with the URL redirect option selected. Otherwise follow instructions in %sMigrate " "Site Admin%s." msgstr "" msgid "Select Albums and Users" msgstr "Album eta Erabiltzaileak hautatu" msgid "You must choose something to import!" msgstr "Inportatzeko zerbait aukeratu behar duzu!" msgid "You must specify a custom field name" msgstr "Eremu pertsonalizatu izen bat ezarri behar duzu" msgid "Import Users" msgstr "Erabiltzaileak Inportatu" msgid "Select the users to migrate" msgstr "Hautatu migratuko diren erabiltzaileak" msgid "Check All" msgstr "Denak markatu" msgid "Clear All" msgstr "Denak garbitu" msgid "Invert Selection" msgstr "Hautapena alderantzizkatu" msgid "Select" msgstr "Hautatu" msgid "Username" msgstr "Erabiltzaile-izena" msgid "No available users" msgstr "Ez dago erabiltzaile erabilgarririk" msgid "These users are already in your gallery, and will not be imported:" msgstr "Erabiltzaile hauek badaude dagoeneko zure galerian eta ez dira inportatuko" msgid "Import Albums" msgstr "Albumak Inportatu" msgid "Select the albums to migrate" msgstr "Albuma migratzeko hautatu" msgid "Source:" msgstr "Jatorria:" #, c-format msgid "%s (%s)" msgstr "%s (%s)" msgid "Destination:" msgstr "Helburua:" msgid "Character Encoding of Source Text:" msgstr "Iturburu Testuaren Karaktere Kodeketa:" msgid "URL Redirection" msgstr "URL berbideraketa" msgid "Record G1->G2 mappings during import" msgstr "G1->G2 mapatzea gorde inportatzerakoan" msgid "Thumbnail generation" msgstr "Argazkitxo sortzea" msgid "" "Normally Gallery will generate thumbnails the first time you look at them, then save them " "for subsequent views. If you check this box, we'll create the thumbnails at migration " "time. Migration will take longer but the first time you view an album will go much faster." msgstr "" "Normalean galeriak argazkitxoak bistarazi behar dituen lehenengo aldian sortu eta hurrengo " "bistaratzeentzat gordeegiten ditu. Aukera hau markatu ezkero argazkitxoak migrazio garaian " "egingo dira. Migrazioak asti gehiago tardatuko du baina albuma begiratzen duzun lehen " "aldian askoz azkarrago funtzionatuko du." msgid "Item captions" msgstr "Elementu epigrafeak" msgid "" "Gallery 2 has the following fields for all items and albums: title, summary text shown with " "thumbnails and description text shown in item or album view. G1 albums already have these " "three items (though the names of summary and description are reversed). G1 items have only a " "filename and caption. For items imported into G2:" msgstr "" "Gallery 2-k hurrengo eremu hauek ditu elementu eta albumentzako: izenburua, laburpen testua " "argazkitxoekin bistaraziko da eta deskribapen testua elementu eta album bistaratzean " "bistaraziko da. G1-ek dagoeneko elementu horiek ditu (nahiz laburpen eta deskribapen izenak " "nahasirik egon). G1 elementuek fitxategi izena eta izenburua bakarrik dute. G2-ra " "inportaturiko elementuentzat:" msgid "Set title from:" msgstr "Ezarri titulua hemendik:" msgid "Base filename" msgstr "Oinarri fitxategi-izena" msgid "Caption" msgstr "Epigrafea" msgid "Custom Field:" msgstr "Eremu Pertsonalizatua:" msgid "Enter a custom field name" msgstr "Eremu pertsonalizatu izen bat idatzi" msgid "Blank" msgstr "Zurian" msgid "Set summary from:" msgstr "Ezarri laburpena hemendik:" msgid "Set description from:" msgstr "Ezarri deskribapena hemendik:" msgid "Default to same as summary if custom field not set" msgstr "Lehenespen bezala laburpenaren berdina eremu pertsonalizaturik ezarririk ez badago" msgid "Custom fields" msgstr "Eremu pertsonalizatuak" msgid "" "Custom fields will not be imported. Activate Custom Fields module to enable this option." msgstr "" "Eremu pertsonalizatuak ez dira inportatuko. Eremu pertsonalizatu modulua gaitu ezazu aukera " "hau gaitzeko." msgid "Import custom fields" msgstr "Eremu pertsonalizatuak inportatu" msgid "" "Do not create Gallery 2 custom fields for fields selected above for title, summary or " "description" msgstr "" "Ez sortu titulua, laburpena eta deskribapenaz gain ez sortu Gallery 2 eremu pertsonalizaturik" msgid "Prepare Import" msgstr "Inportatzeko prestatu" msgid "Confirm Migration" msgstr "Migrazioa berretsi" msgid "Users to import:" msgstr "Inportatzeko erabiltzaileak:" msgid "Albums to import:" msgstr "Inportatzeko albumak:" msgid "Album Name" msgstr "Album Izena" msgid "Album Title" msgstr "Album Titulua" msgid "Album Notes" msgstr "Album Oharrak" msgid "An album already exists with this name. This album will be renamed." msgstr "Izen honetako album bat badago dagoeneko. Album hau berrizendatu egingo da" #, c-format msgid "This album has an illegal name and will be renamed to <i>%s</i>" msgstr "Album honek legezkanpoko izen bat du eta <i>%s</i> bezala berrizendatua izango da" #, c-format msgid "This album's owner (%s) hasn't been imported." msgstr "Album honen jabea (%s) ez da inportatu" #, c-format msgid "Import %s now." msgstr "%s orain inportatu" msgid "" "Top level albums and albums whose parents are not selected will be imported into this album:" msgstr "Gurasoak aukeraturik ez diren maila nagusiko albumak album honetara inportatuko dira" #, c-format msgid "Title: %s" msgstr "Titulua: %s" #, c-format msgid "Description: %s" msgstr "Deskribapena: %s" msgid "Your Gallery 1 will be converted from this character encoding into UTF-8:" msgstr "Zure Gallery 1 fitxategia karaktere kodeketa UTF-8-ra bihurtuko da:" #, c-format msgid "Encoding: %s" msgstr "Kodeketa: %s" msgid "G1->G2 mappings will be recorded for use in URL Redirection" msgstr "G1->G2 mapatzea gorde egingo da URL berbidalketarako" msgid "Thumbnails will be generated during migration" msgstr "Argazkitxoak migratzerakoan sortuko dira" msgid "Item fields will be imported from:" msgstr "Elementu eremuak hemendik inportatu:" msgid "Title" msgstr "Titulua" msgid "Custom field:" msgstr "Eremu pertsonalizatua:" msgid "Summary" msgstr "Laburpena" msgid "Description" msgstr "Deskribapena" msgid "(Default to summary value if not set)" msgstr "(Laburpen balio lehenetsia ezarririk ez badago)" msgid "Custom fields will be imported" msgstr "Eremu pertsonalizatuak inportatuko dira" msgid "Custom fields imported into item fields above will not be duplicated as custom fields" msgstr "" "Elementu eremuetan inportaturiko eremu pertsonalizatuak ez dira eremu pertsonalizatuak " "bezala bikoiztuko" msgid "Hidden Items" msgstr "Ezkutatuko Elementuak" msgid "" "Any hidden albums or items will be imported with restricted view permissions. Activate the " "Hidden Items module before migration to import these as \"hidden\" which means they are " "invisible to guest users until accessed by the direct URL for those items." msgstr "" "Edozein ezkutatutako elementu edo album ikuste baimen murriztuekin inportatua izango da. " "Ezkutatutako elementuak modulua gaitu ezazu migrazioa aurretik \"ezkutatutako\" elementu " "horiek inportatzeko." msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Utzi" msgid "Import Complete" msgstr "Inportatzea osatu da" #, c-format msgid "Successfully imported %d user." msgid_plural "Successfully imported %d users." msgstr[0] "Erabiltzaile %d behar bezala inportatu da" msgstr[1] "%d erabiltzaile behar bezala inportatu dira" msgid "No users imported." msgstr "Ez da erabiltzailerik inportatu" #, c-format msgid "Imported %s" msgstr "%s inportaturik" #, c-format msgid "Error while importing %d user." msgid_plural "Errors while importing %d users." msgstr[0] "Errorea erabiltzaile %d inportatzerakoan" msgstr[1] "Erroreak %d erabiltzaile inportatzerakoan" #, c-format msgid "Error importing %s" msgstr "Errorea %s inportatzerakoan" #, c-format msgid "Successfully imported %d album." msgid_plural "Successfully imported %d albums." msgstr[0] "Album %d behar bezala inportatu da" msgstr[1] "%d album behar bezala inportatu dira" msgid "No albums imported." msgstr "Ez da albumik inportatu" #, c-format msgid "Error while importing %d album." msgid_plural "Errors while importing %d albums." msgstr[0] "Errore bat gertatu da album %d inportatzerakoan" msgstr[1] "Erroreak gertatu dira %d album inportatzerakoan" msgid "Import more data" msgstr "Datu gehiago inportatu" msgid "To enable URL Redirection under Apache webserver:" msgstr "Apache Web zerbitzarian URL birbidalketa gaitzeko:" #, c-format msgid "Ensure the %s Apache module is enabled." msgstr "Ziurtatu Apache %s modulua instalaturik dagoela" msgid "" "Edit or create a file called <tt>.htaccess</tt> in your Gallery1 directory and add the text " "shown below to the file. Remove G1 rewrite rules from an existing file. Redirects will also " "work in your Gallery2 directory if G2 is installed in the path where G1 used to be. However, " "if you also use the G2 URL Rewrite module then activate the G1 redirect rule in that module " "instead of using the block shown below." msgstr "" "Zure Gallery1 direktorioan <tt>.htaccess</tt> fitxategia sortu edo editatu eta ipini " "fitxategi horretan behean agertzen den testua. Ezabatu G1 berridazketa arauk fitxategi " "horretatik. Berbideraketak funtzionatzen jarraituko du zure Gallery2 direktorioan G2 " "instalaturiko bidea G1-ek erabilitako berdina bada. Hala re G2 berbideraketa modulua erabili " "ezkero G1 berbideraketa arau gaitu ezazu behean agertzen den blokearen ordez." msgid "" "Add the same <tt>.htaccess</tt> block in the Gallery1 albums directory if you also wish to " "redirect links to image files and album directories. Note that these redirects are not " "active until the G1 images are actually removed or moved. Omit the !-f line shown below to " "redirect anyway." msgstr "" "<tt>.htaccess</tt> fitxategi berdina gehitu Gallery1 Album direktorioan loturak irudi " "fitxategi eta albumetara birbidaltzeko. Kontutan izan berbideraketa hori ez dela gaiturik " "egongo G1 irudiak ezabatu edo mugitu arte. Ez ipini beheko !-f lerroa ala eta guztiz ere " "berdbideratzeko." msgid "" "If G2 is installed in the path where G1 used to exist, you will need to remove the G1 file " "\"gallery_remote2.php\" file before you can use Gallery Remote to upload images to G2." msgstr "" "G2 instalaturik dagoen bidea G1 dagoen berdina izan ezkero, G1 \"gallery_remote2.php\" " "fitxategia ezabatu behar duzu G2-ra fitxategiak igotzeko Urruneko Galeria erabili ahal " "izateko." msgid "Download .htaccess file" msgstr ".htaccess fitxategia deskargatu" msgid "Import from Gallery 1" msgstr "Datuak Gallery 1-etik inportatu" msgid "" "Copy all or part of an existing Gallery 1 installation into your Gallery 2. It won't modify " "your Gallery 1 data in any way." msgstr "" "Dagoen Gallery 1 instalazioaren zati bat edo dena Gallery 2-ra kopiatu. Honek ez du zure " "Gallery 1-eko daturik inola eraldatuko." #, c-format msgid "" "You don't have any Graphics Toolkit activated to handle JPEG images. If you import now, you " "will not have any thumbnails. Visit the <a href=\"%s\">Modules</a> page to activate a " "Graphics Toolkit." msgstr "" "Ez duzu JPEG irudiak kudea ditzaken tresna-jokorik instalaturik. Orain inportatu ezkero, ez " "duzu argazkitxorik edukiko. Begiratu <a href=\"%s\">Moduluak</a> orrialdea tresna-joko " "grafiko bat gaitzeko." msgid "Path to Gallery 1 albums directory" msgstr "Gallery 1 albums direktoriora bidea" msgid "Example: /var/www/albums" msgstr "Adibidea: /var/www/albums" msgid "You did not enter a path." msgstr "Ez duzu bidea idatzi" msgid "The path that you entered is invalid." msgstr "Emandako bidea ez da baliozkoa." msgid "" "<b>Note:</b> Before you import any data you should make sure your Gallery 1 is installed " "correctly by adding a photo through the Gallery 1 web interface. Make sure you resolve any " "errors you see there first." msgstr "" "<b>Oharra:</b> Daturik inportatu aurretik zure Gallery 1 behar bezala instalaturik dagoela " "ziurtatu beharko zenuke, honetarako Gallery 1 web interfazearen bidez irudi bat igoaz. Hasi " "aurretik proba honetan ager daitekeen edozein errore konpondu beharko zenuke." msgid "Recently Used Paths" msgstr "Azkenez erabiliko bidea" msgid "Gallery can redirect old Gallery1 URLs to the new Gallery2 pages." msgstr "Galeriak Gallery1 zaharreko URL-ak Gallery2 berrira berbidera ditzake" #, c-format msgid "There is one G1->G2 map entry" msgid_plural "There are %d G1->G2 map entries" msgstr[0] "Hemen G1->G2 mapatze sarrera bat dago" msgstr[1] "Hemen G1->G2 %d mapatze sarrera daude" msgid "" "Deleting map entries will cause old G1 URLs to produce HTTP Not Found errors instead of " "redirecting to G2 pages. Delete all entries?" msgstr "" "Mapa sarrerak ezabatzeak G1 URL-ak HTTP ez da aurkitu erroreak gertatzea eragingo du, G2-ra " "berbideratu beharrean. Sarrera guztiak ezabatu?" msgid "Delete All" msgstr "Dena Ezabatu" msgid "Map entries deleted successfully" msgstr "Mapa sarrera behar bezala ezabatu dira" #~ msgid "G1 URL redirect. Use only if G2 is installed where G1 used" #~ msgstr "G1 URL berbideraketa. G2 G1 zegoen toki berdinean badago bakarrik erabili"