$Id: README 15342 2006-12-01 21:14:46Z andy_st $ IMPLEMENTATION OF NOKIA IMAGE UPLOADER SERVER API V1.1 Author: Jerome Rannikko <jeromer@hotpop.com> This module implements the Nokia Image Uploader Server API. The API specification can be found from the following address: http://forum.nokia.com/documents Currently only the minimum functinality of the interface is implemented, namely sections 5.2, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5 and 5.6 of the specification. When you install and configure this module it will create an album for uploads and a new user group for 'Mobile Users'. Only users of this group can add albums and other items to the mobile upload album. When user first logs in using her Image Uploader enabled mobile phone (e.g. Nokia 3650 and 6600) she will be added to the mobile users group. The login address is visible in the description of the album (make sure your layout shows album descriptions). If you don't have a mobile phone that supports the protocol you can still play with the module. For example to login using the Image uploader module type http://your.gallery/main.php?g2_controller=nokiaupload.Login&Username=<username>&Password=<password> in your browser's address field. If you have trouble using the module you can enable logging to see what's going on. Set logged debug mode in config.php and set the log file location. HOW TO USE YOUR MOBILE PHONE'S IMAGE UPLOADER 1. First you need an Image Uploader enabled mobile phone. These include Nokia 3650 and 6600. You also need an Internet connection (GPRS) on your phone. 2. Go to the Gallery application on your phone and open the image folder (default name is 'Images'). 3. Before you can use the uploader you need to set up a new image server for Gallery 2. Select Options > Image uploader > Settings > Image Servers > Options > New image server. To add a new image server you need to define the following settings: Image server name: Give a name for the new server, for example Gallery 2. Access point in use: Select the Internet Access point you use User name: This is your Gallery 2 user name. If not given here, it will be asked every time you upload an image. Password: This is your Gallery 2 password. If not given here, it will be asked every time you upload an image. Web address: Enter here the address given in the description of you mobile uploads album in your Gallery 2. The address will of the form http://your.gallery/gallery2/main.php?g2_controller=nokiaupload.Login Auto folder naming: Leave this at 'off'. Save the setting by selecting 'Back'. 4. Next you will choose the active server. Select Back > Image server in use. From the list of existing servers select the server your just created in the previous step. After you have chosen the server select 'Back'. 5. Now you are ready to upload images to your Gallery 2! In the image folder on your phone browse to the image you want to upload. Select Options > Image uploader > Upload. Now the phone connects to your Gallery 2 account and retrieves a list of folders where you can upload images. You can select a folder from a list or create a new one. After you have selected the folder (or the new folder is created) the image will be uploaded to your Gallery 2. Hint: To upload more than one image at a time, first mark (select Options > Mark) the images you want to upload and then do as instructed in step 5. All images will be uploaded in the same folder.
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