File: RearrangeItems.tpl
{* * $Revision: 15342 $ * If you want to customize this file, do not edit it directly since future upgrades * may overwrite it. Instead, copy it into a new directory called "local" and edit that * version. Gallery will look for that file first and use it if it exists. *} {* * Precalculate the HTML that will go inside every cell in the * table so that we can render it twice (once in the Javascript, * once in the HTML itself. We do this to avoid using the innerHTML * element when we swap the cells because the behavior of innerHTML * varies from platform to platform and on Firefox it turns ~ into %7E * which breaks our cookie paths. *} <div class="gbBlock gcBackground1"> <h2> {g->text text="Rearrange Album"} </h2> </div> {if isset($RearrangeItems.automaticOrderMessage)} <div class="gbBlock"> <p class="giDescription"> {g->text text="This album has an automatic sort order specified, so you cannot change the order of items manually. You must remove the automatic sort order to continue."} <a href="{g->url arg1="view=core.ItemAdmin" arg2="subView=core.ItemEdit" arg3="editPlugin=ItemEditAlbum" arg4="itemId=`$ItemAdmin.item.id`"}"> {g->text text="change"} </a> </p> </div> {else} <script type="text/javascript"> // <![CDATA[ var sel = -1, list = new Array(); var html = new Array(); {foreach from=$RearrangeItems.children key=idx item=child} {capture name="html"} {include file="gallery:modules/rearrange/templates/RearrangeItemsCell.tpl" child=$child} {/capture} html[{$idx}] = '{$smarty.capture.html|escape:javascript}'; {/foreach} for (var i = 0; i < {$RearrangeItems.count}; i++) {literal} { list[i] = i; } function save() { var s = ''; for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { if (i > 0) s += ','; s += list[i]; } document.getElementById('riList').value = s; } function doclick(idx) { if (sel < 0) { sel = idx; document.getElementById('item_'+sel).getElementsByTagName('*')[0].style.borderColor = '#ff3333'; document.getElementById('item_'+sel).parentNode.style.backgroundColor = '#ff3333'; } else { var a = document.getElementById('item_'+sel); a.getElementsByTagName('*')[0].style.borderColor = 'black'; a.parentNode.style.backgroundColor = 'transparent'; if (idx != sel) { var dir = (sel < idx) ? 1 : -1, tt, ti, i, b; ti = list[sel]; tt = html[sel]; for (i = sel; i != idx; a = b, i += dir) { b = document.getElementById('item_' + (i+dir)); a.innerHTML = html[i] = html[i+dir]; list[i] = list[i+dir]; } a.innerHTML = html[i] = tt; list[idx] = ti; } sel = -1; } } // ]]> {/literal}</script> {if isset($status.saved)} <div class="gbBlock"><h2 class="giSuccess"> {g->text text="Order saved successfully"} </h2></div> {/if} <div class="gbBlock"> <p class="giDescription"> {g->text text="Change the order of the items in this album.%s Click an item to move, then click the new location." arg1="<br/>"} </p> {if $RearrangeItems.columns > 0} <table class="rearrangeTable"> {else} <div class="rearrangeTable"> {/if} {assign var="row" value=0} {assign var="column" value=0} {foreach name=childList from=$RearrangeItems.children key=idx item=child} {if $RearrangeItems.columns > 0} {if $column == 0} <tr> {/if} <td> {else} <div class="riFloat" style="width:{$RearrangeItems.maxWidth}px;height:{$RearrangeItems.maxHeight}px"> {/if} <a href="#" id="item_{$idx}" onclick="doclick({$idx});return false"> {include file="gallery:modules/rearrange/templates/RearrangeItemsCell.tpl" child=$child l10Domain="modules_rearrange"} </a> {if $RearrangeItems.columns > 0} </td> {assign var="column" value=$column+1} {if $column == $RearrangeItems.columns || $smarty.foreach.childList.last} </tr> {assign var="column" value=0} {assign var="row" value=$row+1} {if $row == $RearrangeItems.rows} <tr><td colspan="{$RearrangeItems.columns}"><hr/></td></tr> {assign var="row" value=0} {/if} {/if} {else} </div> {/if} {/foreach} {if $RearrangeItems.columns > 0} </table> {else} </div> {/if} </div> <div class="gbBlock gcBackground1"> <input type="hidden" id="riList" name="{g->formVar var="form[list]"}" value=""/> <input type="submit" class="inputTypeSubmit" onclick="save()" name="{g->formVar var="form[action][save]"}" value="{g->text text="Save"}"/> <input type="submit" class="inputTypeSubmit" name="{g->formVar var="form[action][reset]"}" value="{g->text text="Reset"}"/> </div> {/if}