File: Slideshow.tpl
{* * $Revision: 15945 $ * If you want to customize this file, do not edit it directly since future upgrades * may overwrite it. Instead, copy it into a new directory called "local" and edit that * version. Gallery will look for that file first and use it if it exists. *} {if empty($SlideShow.itemList)} <div id="gsContent"> {g->text text="This album has no photos to show in a slideshow."} <a href="{g->url arg1="view=core.ShowItem" arg2="itemId=`$SlideShow.item.id`"}"> {g->text text="Back to Album View"} </a> </div> {else} {foreach from=$SlideShow.itemList key=i item=it} <div style="display:none"> {foreach from=$it.sources key=j item=source} <a id="item_{$i}_{$j}" href="{g->url arg1="view=core.DownloadItem" arg2="itemId=`$source.id`" arg3="serialNumber=`$source.serialNumber`"}"></a> {/foreach} <a id="href_{$i}" href="{g->url arg1="view=core.ShowItem" arg2="itemId=`$it.id`"}"></a> <span id="title_{$i}">{$it.data.title|markup}</span> <span id="summary_{$i}">{$it.data.summary|markup}</span> <span id="date_{$i}"> {capture name="date"}{g->date timestamp=$it.data.originationTimestamp}{/capture} {g->text text="Date: %s" arg1=$smarty.capture.date} </span> <span id="description_{$i}">{$it.data.description|markup}</span> </div> {/foreach} <script type="text/JavaScript"> // <![CDATA[ var image = new Image(), timer, iDelay = 15000, iDir = 1, iSize = 0; var bPause = 0, bShowText = 0, bShowTools = 1; var linkStop, spanPause, spanText, toolText; var toolBar, textBanner, spanTitle, spanSummary, spanDate, spanDescription; var index = {$SlideShow.start}, count = {$SlideShow.count}; var is_cached = new Array(count), item_map = new Array(count); for (i=0; i < count; i++) is_cached[i] = new Array(0,0,0,0,0,0); {foreach from=$SlideShow.itemList key=i item=it} item_map[{$i}] = new Array({foreach from=$it.sizeClassMap key=j item=idx}{if $j>0},{/if}{$idx}{/foreach}); {/foreach} {literal} function random_int(i) { return Math.floor(i*(Math.random()%1)); } var random_order = new Array(count); for (i=0; i < count; i++) random_order[i] = i; for (i=count-1; i > 0; i--) { j = random_int(i+1); k = random_order[i]; random_order[i] = random_order[j]; random_order[j] = k; } function move_index(by) { if (iDir==0/*random*/) { random_index = 0; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) if (random_order[i] == index) { random_index = i; break; } return random_order[(random_index+by+count)%count]; } else return (index+(by*iDir)+count)%count; } function preload(i) { if (!is_cached[i][iSize]) { is_cached[i][iSize] = 1; image.src = document.getElementById('item_'+i+'_'+item_map[i][iSize]).href; } } function slide_view_start() { if (bShowText) show_text(); preload(move_index(1)); if (timer) { clearInterval(timer); clearTimeout(timer); } // Avoid extra timers in opera if (!bPause) timer = setTimeout('goto_next_photo()', iDelay); } function goto_next_photo() { index = move_index(1); if (bCanBlend) apply_filter(); document.images.slide.src = document.getElementById('item_'+index+'_'+item_map[index][iSize]).href; linkStop.href = document.getElementById('href_'+index).href; if (bCanBlend) document.images.slide.filters[0].Play(); } function show_text() { spanTitle.innerHTML = document.getElementById('title_'+index).innerHTML; spanSummary.innerHTML = document.getElementById('summary_'+index).innerHTML; spanDate.innerHTML = document.getElementById('date_'+index).innerHTML; spanDescription.innerHTML = document.getElementById('description_'+index).innerHTML; } function text_onoff() { bShowText = bShowText ? 0 : 1; if (bShowText) show_text(); else { spanTitle.innerHTML = spanSummary.innerHTML = spanDate.innerHTML = spanDescription.innerHTML = ''; } textBanner.style.display = bShowText ? 'block' : 'none'; spanText.innerHTML = bShowText ? {/literal}'{g->text text="Hide More Info" forJavascript="1"}' : '{g->text text="Show More Info" forJavascript="1"}'; {literal} } function start_stop() { bPause = bPause ? 0 : 1; if (bPause) clearTimeout(timer); else goto_next_photo(); spanPause.innerHTML = bPause ? {/literal}'{g->text text="Resume" forJavascript="1"}' : '{g->text text="Pause" forJavascript="1"}'; {literal} } function jump(by) { index = move_index(by); clearTimeout(timer); goto_next_photo(); } function apply_filter() { f = filters[document.getElementById('filter').selectedIndex]; if (f == 'RANDOM') f = filters[random_int(filters.length-1)]; document.images.slide.style.filter = f; document.images.slide.filters[0].Apply(); } function new_size(size) { iSize = size; jump(-1); } function new_order(direct) { iDir = direct; } function new_delay(delay) { iDelay = delay*1000; jump(-1); } function tools_onoff() { bShowTools = bShowTools ? 0 : 1; toolBar.style.display = bShowTools ? 'block' : 'none'; toolText.innerHTML = bShowTools ? {/literal}'{g->text text="[-]" forJavascript="1"}' : '{g->text text="[+]" forJavascript="1"}'; {literal} } {/literal} // ]]> </script> <div style="float:left"> <a onclick="tools_onoff();return false"> <span id="tools" style="margin:0;padding:0"> {g->text text="[-]"} </span> </a> </div> <div id="gsContent" class="gcBorder1"> <div id="toolbar" class="gbBlock gcBackground1"> <a id="stop" href="{g->url arg1="view=core.ShowItem" arg2="itemId=`$SlideShow.itemList[$SlideShow.start].id`"}"> {g->text text="Stop"} </a> <a href="#" onclick="start_stop();return false"> <span id="pause">{g->text text="Pause"}</span> </a> <a href="#" onclick="jump(-2);return false"> {g->text text="Back One Image"} </a> <a href="#" onclick="text_onoff();return false"> <span id="moreInfo">{g->text text="Show More Info"}</span> </a> {g->text text="delay: "} <select onchange="new_delay(this.value)"> <option value="1">{g->text text="1 second"}</option> <option value="3">{g->text text="3 seconds"}</option> <option value="5">{g->text text="5 seconds"}</option> <option value="10">{g->text text="10 seconds"}</option> <option selected="selected" value="15">{g->text text="15 seconds"}</option> <option value="20">{g->text text="20 seconds"}</option> </select> {g->text text="direction: "} <select onchange="new_order(this.value)"> <option value="1">{g->text text="forward"}</option> <option value="-1">{g->text text="reverse"}</option> <option value="0">{g->text text="random"}</option> </select> {g->text text="max size: "} <select onchange="new_size(this.value)"> <option value="0">{g->text text="320x320"}</option> <option value="1">{g->text text="640x640"}</option> <option value="2">{g->text text="800x800"}</option> <option value="3">{g->text text="1024x1024"}</option> <option value="4">{g->text text="1280x1280"}</option> <option value="5">{g->text text="no limit"}</option> </select> <script type="text/JavaScript">{literal} // <![CDATA[ if (bCanBlend) { document.write(' {/literal}{g->text text="fade: " forJavascript="1"}{literal}<select id="filter">'); for (i = 0; i < filterNames.length; i++) { document.write('<option>'+filterNames[i]); } document.write('</select>'); } {/literal} // ]]> </script> </div> <div class="gbItemImage"> <img id="slide" alt="" src=""/> </div> <div id="textBanner" class="gbBlock gcBackground1" style="display:none"> <div class="giTitle" id="title"></div> <div class="giDescription" id="summary"></div> <div class="giInfo summary" id="date"></div> <div class="giInfo summary" id="description"></div> </div> </div> {include file="gallery:modules/core/templates/JavaScriptWarning.tpl" l10Domain="modules_core"} <script type="text/JavaScript"> // <![CDATA[ linkStop = document.getElementById('stop'); spanPause = document.getElementById('pause'); spanText = document.getElementById('moreInfo'); toolText = document.getElementById('tools'); toolBar = document.getElementById('toolbar'); textBanner = document.getElementById('textBanner'); spanTitle = document.getElementById('title'); spanSummary = document.getElementById('summary'); spanDate = document.getElementById('date'); spanDescription = document.getElementById('description'); document.images.slide.onload = slide_view_start; document.images.slide.onerror = goto_next_photo; document.images.slide.src = document.getElementById('item_{$SlideShow.start}_'+item_map[{$SlideShow.start}][iSize]).href; // ]]> </script> {/if}