File: ItemAddWebDav.inc
<?php /* * Gallery - a web based photo album viewer and editor * Copyright (C) 2000-2007 Bharat Mediratta * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ GalleryCoreApi::requireOnce('modules/webdav/classes/WebDavHelper.class'); /** * Add items with WebDAV. Handle WebDAV PUT requests and describe to users how to add items with * WebDAV. * @package WebDav * @subpackage UserInterface * @author Jack Bates <ms419@freezone.co.uk> * @version $Revision: 16508 $ */ class ItemAddWebDav extends ItemAddPlugin { /** * @see ItemAddPlugin::handleRequest */ function handleRequest($form, &$item) { $requestMethod = strtolower(GalleryUtilities::getServerVar('REQUEST_METHOD')); if ($requestMethod != 'put') { return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_REQUEST_FORGED), null, null); } $path = GalleryUtilities::getRequestVariables('path'); /* Check resource is not locked */ $ret = WebDavHelper::checkLocks($path); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null, null); } /* Prepare data-structure from PUT request */ list ($ret, $webDavOptions, $stream, $mimeType) = WebDavHelper::putRequestHelper(); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null, null); } /* If the mime type is unknown try to get a mime type from the file name */ list ($ret, $mimeExtensions) = GalleryCoreApi::convertMimeToExtensions($mimeType); if ($mimeType == 'application/octet-stream' || $mimeType == 'application/unknown' || empty($mimeExtensions)) { $extension = GalleryUtilities::getFileExtension(basename($path)); list ($ret, $mimeType) = GalleryCoreApi::convertExtensionToMime($extension); if ($ret) { $mimeType = 'application/unknown'; } } list ($ret, $itemId) = GalleryCoreApi::fetchItemIdByPath($path); if ($ret) { if ($ret->getErrorCode() & ERROR_MISSING_OBJECT) { /* Item doesn't already exist at this path. Create it. */ list ($ret, $error, $status) = $this->_addItem( $item, $webDavOptions, $stream, $mimeType, $path); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null, null); } return array(null, $error, $status); } return array($ret, null, null); } list ($ret, $error, $status) = $this->_replaceItem( $item, $webDavOptions, $stream, $mimeType, $path, $itemId); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null, null); } return array(null, $error, $status); } /** * Add new item. * @param object GalleryItem $parentItem The parent item of the item to be added * @param array $webDavOptions WebDAV library options * @param resource $stream request body file handle * @param string $mimeType request content type * @param string $path the path to the destination in the Gallery hierarchy * @see ItemAddPlugin::handleRequest for the returned data * @access private */ function _addItem($parentItem, $webDavOptions, $stream, $mimeType, $path) { global $gallery; $platform =& $gallery->getPlatform(); /* Following pattern from ItemAddWebCam */ $tmpDir = $gallery->getConfig('data.gallery.tmp'); $tmpFile = $platform->tempnam($tmpDir, 'webdav'); $handle = $platform->fopen($tmpFile, 'wb'); if (!$handle) { return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_PLATFORM_FAILURE), null, null); } while (!$platform->feof($stream)) { $buf = $platform->fread($stream, 4096); if ($platform->fwrite($handle, $buf) != 4096) { break; } } $platform->fclose($handle); $originalPath = GalleryUtilities::getRequestVariables('originalPath'); $title = empty($originalPath) ? basename($path) : basename($originalPath); list ($ret, $newItem) = GalleryCoreApi::addItemToAlbum($tmpFile, basename($path), $title, '', '', $mimeType, $parentItem->getId()); @$platform->unlink($tmpFile); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null, null); } WebDavServer::setResponseStatus('201 Created'); return array(null, array(), array('addedFiles' => array(array( 'fileName' => basename($path), 'id' => $newItem->getId())))); } /** * Replace existing item. * @param object GalleryItem $parentItem The parent item of the item to be added * @param array $webDavOptions WebDAV library options * @param resource $stream request body file handle * @param string $mimeType request content type * @param string $path the path to the destination in the Gallery hierarchy * @param int $itemId The id of the item to be replaced * @see ItemAddPlugin::handleRequest for the returned data * @access private */ function _replaceItem($parentItem, $webDavOptions, $stream, $mimeType, $path, $itemId) { global $gallery; $platform =& $gallery->getPlatform(); /* * The parent is already read-locked by the ItemAddController. Read-lock the whole ancestor * sequence to ensure that filesystem path stays the same. */ list ($ret, $lockIds[]) = GalleryCoreApi::acquireReadLockParents($parentItem->getId()); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null, null); } /* Write lock the item we're replacing */ list ($ret, $lockIds[]) = GalleryCoreApi::acquireWriteLock($itemId); if ($ret) { GalleryCoreApi::releaseLocks($lockIds); return array($ret, null, null); } list ($ret, $item) = GalleryCoreApi::loadEntitiesById($itemId); if ($ret) { GalleryCoreApi::releaseLocks($lockIds); return array($ret, null, null); } /* Replace the file content */ list ($ret, $filePath) = $item->fetchPath(); if ($ret) { GalleryCoreApi::releaseLocks($lockIds); return array($ret, null, null); } if (($handle = $platform->fopen($filePath, 'wb')) === false) { GalleryCoreApi::releaseLocks($lockIds); return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_PLATFORM_FAILURE), null, null); } /* Format PUT response */ $ret = WebDavHelper::putResponseHelper($webDavOptions, $handle); if ($ret) { GalleryCoreApi::releaseLocks($lockIds); return array($ret, null, null); } /* Get a new item by mime type */ list ($ret, $newItem) = GalleryCoreApi::newItemByMimeType($mimeType); if ($ret) { GalleryCoreApi::releaseLocks($lockIds); return array($ret, null, null); } if (!isset($newItem)) { GalleryCoreApi::releaseLocks($lockIds); return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_MISSING_OBJECT, __FILE__, __LINE__, 'Failed to get new item by mime type: ' . $mimeType), null, null); } $ret = $newItem->create($parentItem->getId(), $filePath, $mimeType); if ($ret) { GalleryCoreApi::releaseLocks($lockIds); return array($ret, null, null); } /* Make the new item as close a copy of the original item as possible */ list ($ret, $newItem) = WebDavHelper::mirrorEntity($item, $newItem); if ($ret) { GalleryCoreApi::releaseLocks($lockIds); return array($ret, null, null); } /* Fall back on an unknown item if the new class doesn't support the file content */ $ret = $newItem->rescan(); if ($ret) { if (!($ret->getErrorCode() & ERROR_BAD_DATA_TYPE)) { GalleryCoreApi::releaseLocks($lockIds); return array($ret, null, null); } $gallery->debug('Error in ItemEditWebDav::handleRequest: ' . $newItem->getClassName() . ' doesn\'t support the file content. Falling back on an unknown item.'); list ($ret, $newItem) = GalleryCoreApi::newFactoryInstanceById('GalleryEntity', 'GalleryUnknownItem'); if ($ret) { GalleryCoreApi::releaseLocks($lockIds); return array($ret, null, null); } if (!isset($newItem)) { GalleryCoreApi::releaseLocks($lockIds); return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_MISSING_OBJECT, __FILE__, __LINE__, 'Failed to get GalleryUnknownItem instance'), null, null); } $ret = $newItem->create($parentItem->getId(), $filePath, $mimeType); if ($ret) { GalleryCoreApi::releaseLocks($lockIds); return array($ret, null, null); } /* Make the new item as close a copy of the original item as possible */ list ($ret, $newItem) = WebDavHelper::mirrorEntity($item, $newItem); if ($ret) { GalleryCoreApi::releaseLocks($lockIds); return array($ret, null, null); } $ret = $newItem->rescan(); if ($ret) { GalleryCoreApi::releaseLocks($lockIds); return array($ret, null, null); } } /* Follow pattern from ItemAddWebCam */ $tmpDir = $gallery->getConfig('data.gallery.tmp'); $tmpFile = $platform->tempnam($tmpDir, 'webdav'); /* Backup the file content */ if (!$platform->copy($filePath, $tmpFile)) { GalleryCoreApi::releaseLocks($lockIds); return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_PLATFORM_FAILURE), null, null); } $ret = $item->delete(); if ($ret) { @$platform->unlink($tmpFile); GalleryCoreApi::releaseLocks($lockIds); return array($ret, null, null); } /* * Restore the file content. If this fails, we rollback the database transaction but the * file content is missing. */ if (!$platform->copy($tmpFile, $filePath)) { @$platform->unlink($tmpFile); GalleryCoreApi::releaseLocks($lockIds); return array(GalleryCoreApi::error(ERROR_PLATFORM_FAILURE), null, null); } @$platform->unlink($tmpFile); $newItem->setPersistentFlag(STORAGE_FLAG_NEWLY_CREATED); $ret = $newItem->save(); if ($ret) { GalleryCoreApi::releaseLocks($lockIds); return array($ret, null, null); } $ret = GalleryCoreApi::addExistingItemToAlbum($newItem, $parentItem->getId(), true); if ($ret) { GalleryCoreApi::releaseLocks($lockIds); return array($ret, null, null); } $ret = GalleryCoreApi::releaseLocks($lockIds); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null, null); } return array(null, array(), array( 'addedFiles' => array(array('fileName' => basename($path), 'id' => $newItem->getId())))); } /** * @see ItemAddPlugin::loadTemplate */ function loadTemplate(&$template, &$form, $item) { return array(null, 'modules/webdav/templates/ItemAddWebDav.tpl', null); } /** * @see ItemAddPlugin::getTitle */ function getTitle() { list ($ret, $module) = GalleryCoreApi::loadPlugin('module', 'webdav'); if ($ret) { return array($ret, null); } return array(null, $module->translate('WebDAV')); } } ?>